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coexisted in the farming practice with agents in which one or more active. Nonpesticide ...... tally exposed to ethanol were further analyzed with regard to circulation status of the embryos (Figure ..... glutathione reductase (GSR), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and super ...... The current assignment of structure 22 assumes ...


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JAMES C. FISHBEIN Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of Maryland, Baltimore County Baltimore, Maryland, USA Co-editor

JACQUELINE M. HEILMAN Exponent, Inc. Washington, District of Columbia, USA

Elsevier Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX51GB, UK

First edition 2012 Copyright # 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone (þ44) (0) 1865 843830; fax (þ44) (0) 1865 853333; email: permissions@ Alternatively you can submit your request online by visiting the Elsevier web site at, and selecting Obtaining permission to use Elsevier material Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN: 978-0-444-59389-4 ISSN: 1872-0854

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Contributors Preface

ix xi

1. Insights into the Role of Bioactivation Mechanisms in the Toxic Events Elicited by Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors


Sofia A. Pereira, Riccardo Wanke, M. Matilde Marques, Emı´lia C. Monteiro, and Alexandra M. M. Antunes 1. Introduction 2. The Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors 3. Conclusions Acknowledgments References

2. Pesticides Used in South American GMO-Based Agriculture: A Review of Their Effects on Humans and Animal Models

2 3 26 26 27


Silvia L. Lo´pez, Delia Aiassa, Stella Benı´tez-Leite, Rafael Lajmanovich, Fernando Man˜as, Gisela Poletta, Norma Sa´nchez, Marı´a Fernanda Simoniello, and Andre´s E. Carrasco 1. Introduction 2. Cellular and Biochemical Effects of GBHs 3. Agrochemicals, Biomarkers, Genotoxicity, and Congenital Malformations in Humans 4. Agrochemicals, Biomarkers, Genotoxicity, and Teratogenesis in Animal Models 5. Is an Integrated Pest Management for Soybean Compatible with Glyphosate? 6. Concluding Remarks and Forthcoming Implications References

42 43 44 51 59 62 65




3. Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder


Mona H. Haron, Doris Powe, Ikhlas A. Khan, and Asok K. Dasmahapatra 1. Introduction 2. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder 3. Probable Mechanisms of FASD 4. Use of Japanese Medaka in FASD Research 5. Future Directions Acknowledgments References

4. Environmental Toxicant Exposure and the Epigenome

78 79 80 83 114 117 117


Kathryn A. Bailey and Rebecca C. Fry 1. Introduction 2. Components of the Epigenome 3. Toxicant-Associated Epigenetic Alterations 4. Conclusions and Future Directions Acknowledgment References

5. Recent Insights in Acrylamide as Carcinogen in Foodstuffs

130 133 138 152 153 153


Gema Arribas-Lorenzo and Francisco J. Morales 1. Introduction 2. Toxicology of Acrylamide Acknowledgments References

6. Pharmacology of Olive Biophenols

164 170 184 184


Hassan K. Obied, Paul D. Prenzler, Syed H. Omar, Rania Ismael, Maurizio Servili, Sonia Esposto, Agnese Taticchi, Roberto Selvaggini, and Stefania Urbani 1. Introduction 2. Olive Biophenols 3. Pharmacodynamics: Mechanisms of Action 4. Pharmacological Properties 5. Pharmacokinetics 6. Posology 7. Adverse Effects 8. Drug Interactions 9. Conclusion References

196 197 202 203 216 220 221 222 223 223


7. The Molecular Toxicology of Mitomycin C



Manuel M. Paz and Chris A. Pritsos 1. Introduction 2. Mechanisms of Activation of Mitomycin C 3. Enzymology of Mitomycin C Reductive Activation 4. Mitomycin C–DNA Adducts 5. Cellular Responses to Mitomycin C–DNA Adducts 6. Alternative Biological Targets for Mitomycin C 7. Conclusion References Subject Index

244 245 248 251 271 282 285 286 301

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Delia Aiassa Alexandra M. M. Antunes Gema Arribas-Lorenzo Kathryn A. Bailey Stella Benı´tez-Leite Andre´s E. Carrasco Asok K. Dasmahapatra Sonia Esposto Rebecca C. Fry Mona H. Haron Rania Ismael Ikhlas A. Khan Silvia L. Lo´pez Rafael Lajmanovich Fernando Man˜as M. Matilde Marques Emı´lia C. Monteiro Francisco J. Morales Hassan K. Obied Syed H. Omar Manuel M. Paz Sofia A. Pereira Gisela Poletta Doris Powe Paul D. Prenzler Chris A. Pritsos Norma Sa´nchez Roberto Selvaggini Maurizio Servili Marı´a Fernanda Simoniello Agnese Taticchi Stefania Urbani Riccardo Wanke

41 1 163 129 41 41 77 195 129 77 195 77 41 41 41 1 1 163 195 195 243 1 41 77 195 243 41 195 195 41 195 195 1


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This sixth volume continues in the tradition established by the first five in which contributions emphasize the diversity of subjects, views, techniques, and perspectives within this large discipline. It is hoped that the readers’ own unique perspective is challenged and enlightened by the stimulating chapters within. The editor is pleased to welcome Jacqueline M. Heilman, Ph.D. as co-editor. She brings a novel expertise as a toxicology consultant from Exponent, Inc. in the areas of food and chemical regulation and risk assessment. Chapter 1 surveys the nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) that are key components of current combined antiretroviral therapies used in the treatment of HIV AIDS across the globe. The toxicities and bioactivation pathways of the major NNRTIs—Nevirapine, Efavirenz, Etravirine, and Rilpivirine—are the focus of the review. Biotransformation gives rise to numerous reactive metabolites that might contribute to toxicity, and elaboration of these bioactivation pathways can contribute to development of more effective therapeutic agents. As in many parts of the world, in South America, genetically modified strains of plants that are resistant to herbicides and pesticides are now widely cultivated in an effort to improve crop yields to sate an ever increasing human population. Glyphosate-based herbicides are very widely and extensively employed. Andre´s E. Carrasco and coauthors review in Chapter 2 the toxic effects on humans and in animal models. An emphasis is on the identification and development of biomarkers for exposure and safety assessment. Chapter 3 contains a thorough discussion of fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol syndrome spectrum disorder with particular emphasis on the utility of the Medaka fish (Oryzias lapites) as a model organism for studying this disease. Haron et al. detail the importance of developmental timing with respect to the various effects of ethanol exposure on this model system resulting from exposure during very specific developmental windows. In the course of describing the developmental effects of ethanol on Medaka, comparison to other model systems, especially zebrafish (Danio rerio), and relevance to the human disease are discussed. Epigenetic factors—DNA methylation, histone modifications, and micro RNAs—are significant factors modulating gene expression. Epigenetic changes across the genome are known to occur in cancers and developmental defects. A number of well-known toxins have been demonstrated to manifest epigenetic changes that may contribute to their xi



subsequent toxicities. Kathryn A. Bailey and Rebecca C. Fry review epigenetics and the epigenetic changes wrought by three distinct toxins: various metals, bisphenol A, and benzo(a)pyrene in Chapter 4. In Chapter 5, Gema Arribas-Lorenzo and Francisco J. Morales present the current status of acrylamide toxicity. Once thought to be chiefly a workplace toxin with additional human exposure from polyacrylamides used in many applications, food is now known to be the chief source of human exposure with cooking of starchy foods now identified as a prime generator. Neurotoxicity, reproductive toxicity, and carcinogenesis are major manifestations of exposure, but linkages between normal long-term human exposure and these manifestations are weak. The need for better, more sensitive exposure assessments and consequences in human populations is emphasized. Hassan K. Obied et al. review the pharmacology of olive oil biophenols in Chapter 6. The authors describe olive oil as a complex mixture containing a variety of molecules with possible biological functions including antioxidant activity as well as potential interactions with targets such as lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids. The major biophenols found in olive oil include hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, secoiridoid derivatives of tyrosols, verbascoside, lignans, and flavonoids. Mitomycin C is a potent cytotoxin that was discovered in the 1950s and whose mechanism of action began to be elucidated in the following decade. It is still employed in the clinic as a useful anticancer agent. The reductive activation and DNA cross-linking activities have been well documented, and much is known about sequence specificity, polymerase interactions, and the repair process engaged. Manuel M. Paz and Chris A. Pritsos lay all this out in rich detail in Chapter 7. Importantly, they identify remaining unknowns and make the case for alternative biological targets for mitomycin C.



Insights into the Role of Bioactivation Mechanisms in the Toxic Events Elicited by Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors Sofia A. Pereira,1 Riccardo Wanke,2 M. Matilde Marques,2 Emı´lia C. Monteiro,1 and Alexandra M. M. Antunes2,* Contents 2 3 5 16 21 23 26 26 27

1. Introduction 2. The Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors 2.1. Nevirapine 2.2. Efavirenz 2.3. Etravirine 2.4. Rilpivirine 3. Conclusions Acknowledgments References

Abstract The indisputable benefits of combined antiretroviral therapies (cARTs) have lead to a dramatic change in the prognosis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection; a life-threatening disease a few decades ago is now perceived as a chronic illness in developed countries. However, as the eradication of HIV seems unlikely in the near future, chronic treatment with cART is unavoidable and increased concerns regarding the long-term adverse effects of these therapies are emerging. According to the World Health Organization, the most globally prescribed initial cART includes a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI). The currently approved NNRTIs are a class of chemically distinct compounds that share the possibility of undergoing biotransformation into electrophilic metabolites capable of reacting with biomacromolecules to 1

Centro de Estudos de Doenc¸as Cro´nicas (CEDOC), Departamento de Farmacologia, Faculdade de Cieˆncias Me´dicas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal Centro de Quı´mica Estrutural, Instituto Superior Te´cnico, Universidade Te´cnica de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal *Corresponding author: Tel.: þ 351-21-8417627; Fax: þ 351-21-8464455 E-mail address: [email protected] 2

Advances in Molecular Toxicology, Volume 6 ISSN 1872-0854,


2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



Sofia A. Pereira et al.

afford covalent DNA and protein adducts that could be at the genesis of toxicity. Insights into the bioactivation mechanisms of the NNRTIs nevirapine, efavirenz, etravirine, and rilpivirine are presented in this review.

1. Introduction The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the causative agent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), an epidemiological global crisis with over 33 millions of infected individuals worldwide. HIV/AIDSrelated morbidity and mortality have been largely reduced by the use of combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) [1]. As a result, this disease has become perceived as a chronic illness in developed countries. However, as the eradication of HIV seems unlikely in the near future, chronic treatment with cART is unavoidable and new concerns regarding the toxicity of these long-term treatments are emerging. The premature onset of conditions that resemble aging and aging-related comorbidities such as cancer, cardiovascular, neurocognitive, and bone diseases in HIV-infected people [2] is becoming increasingly prevalent. Moreover, as the infection prevails among persons of reproductive age, infertility is also a growing concern in the cART era [3]. The increased incidence of these conditions, which have been credited to the chronic use of antiretrovirals, leads both to concerns regarding the long-term adverse effects of cART in children and to larger needs for suitable enduring treatment options for an aging patient population. Therefore, understanding the molecular basis underlying the toxicities induced by antiretrovirals is a pressing issue, not only to develop safer and more effective drugs but also to achieve accurate risk/benefit estimations that can guide decisions on the currently available therapeutic choices. Drugs, as any other xenobiotics, undergo biotransformation to more hydrophilic derivatives so that excretion can occur. However, metabolic pathways can also be responsible for the formation of reactive (primarily electrophilic) species capable of reacting with biomacromolecules to afford covalent protein and DNA adducts that may elicit direct cell toxicity, trigger an immune response, and/or initiate mutagenicity/carcinogenicity. Drug bioactivation is, therefore, a frequent event at the onset of druginduced toxicity [4,5]. For instance, in drug-induced hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs), which are immune-mediated processes, drug–protein adducts, unlike the parent drugs or their metabolites, interact directly with immune receptors acting as antigens [6–8]. Likewise, DNA modification by toxic electrophiles can be an early event in mutagenic/carcinogenic processes, should the DNA lesions remain unrepaired or undergo erroneous repair [9].

Bioactivation in Toxic Events Elicited by NNRTIs


Whereas the chemical structure of a drug (or its Phase I metabolites) is the primary factor ruling its propensity to be converted into a reactive/toxic metabolite [5], other concurrent risk factors and patient characteristics, such as genetic polymorphisms in metabolizing enzymes and disease status, can exacerbate drug toxicity. HIV/AIDS disease has been shown to play a significant role in drug bioactivation and detoxification [10]; being associated with a glutathione (GSH)-depleted state [11], the presence of HIV can be seen as a predisposing condition for drug-induced toxic outcomes. Indeed, whereas GSH conjugation is a typical detoxification pathway for reactive electrophiles, its depletion may hamper an efficient scavenging of reactive metabolites, which will conceivably become available to react with DNA and proteins, eliciting toxic responses.

2. The Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors The non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) are a group of structurally diverse compounds that noncompetitively prevent the conversion of viral RNA into DNA. According to the World Health Organization, the most globally prescribed initial cART includes an NNRTI [12] (Scheme 1); as such, the worldwide exposure to this class of antiretrovirals is very significant. In 1996, nevirapine (11-cyclopropyl-5,11-dihydro-4-methyl-6Hdipyrido[3,2-b:20 ,30 -e][1,4]diazepin-6-one, NVP, 1), a dipyridodiazepinone, was the first drug of this class to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in combination therapy for HIV-1 infection. The benzoxazinone efavirenz [(S)-6-chloro-4-(cyclopropylethynyl)-1,4dihydro-4-(trifluoromethyl)-2H-3,1-benzoxazin-2-one, EFV, 2] was approved 2 years later. NVP and EFV are known as the first-generation NNRTIs and are still keystones of first-line cART. However, despite their efficacy and although individual susceptibilities to adverse effects differ among patients, administration of these two NNRTIs is associated with a variety of toxic responses. Both EFV and NVP may cause skin rash, hepatotoxicity, and neuropsychiatric events, albeit they differ in individual propensities to induce each of these adverse effects [13]. NVP shows a higher risk of cutaneous and hepatic reactions, and EFV a higher risk of central nervous system (CNS) effects [13]. Whereas NVP and EFV toxicities have been advocated as idiosyncratic in nature, increasing evidence supports the involvement of bioactivation mechanisms. Although the toxic effects associated with prolonged treatment with these antiretrovirals remain mostly unaddressed, recent epidemiological


Sofia A. Pereira et al.


Cl N




NVP, 1


EFV, 2





N Br





ETV, 3


RPV, 4

Scheme 1 Structures of the NNRTIs currently available for use in combined antiretroviral therapy. NVP, nevirapine; EFV, efavirenz; ETV, etravirine; RPV, rilpivirine.

studies of the occurrence and incidence of non-AIDS-defining cancers (NADCs) in HIV-positive individuals suggested that, among typical cART components, only the first-generation NNRTIs are associated with an increased risk of NADCs [14]. This implies that these drugs may themselves be carcinogenic, which adds a further concern about their chronic use. More recently, two second-generation NNRTIs were added to the set of treatment possibilities with the aim to overcome the most common adverse effects of first-generation NNRTIs, as well as their viral crossresistance [15]. Etravirine (4-[[6-amino-5-bromo-2-[(4-cyanophenyl) amino]4-pyrimidinyl]oxy]-3,5-dimethylbenzonitrile, ETV, 3) and rilpivirine (4-[[4-[[4-[(E)-2-cyanoethenyl]-2,6-dimethylphenyl]amino]-2-pyrimidinyl]amino]benzonitrile, RPV, 4) were approved in 2008 and 2011, respectively. These pyrimidine derivatives are active against both wild-type and first-generation NNRTI-resistant HIV strains, most likely because their conformational flexibility allows different binding modes to the NNRTI binding site of the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT) when RT mutations are present [16]. However, postmarketing reports of severe skin rash and HSRs to ETV [17] and of RPV-associated depressive disorders [18] are a cause for concern when contemplating chronic administration regimens. It should be emphasized that patients who start second-generation NNRTI-based cART have a history of virus resistance and typically

Bioactivation in Toxic Events Elicited by NNRTIs


experienced several drug-induced side effects. Hence, the administration of a potentially (geno)toxic drug to these already debilitated patients must be considered carefully, and the development of reliable prognostic tools for early risk/benefit estimations is urgent. As recently approved drugs, limited information is available about the involvement of bioactivation in the initiation of toxic outcomes associated with second-generation NNRTIs. Nevertheless, a critical discussion of their structural features and/or metabolites potentially prone to react with bionucleophiles is included in this review. Additionally, we present a detailed appraisal of recent evidence for the contribution of NVP and EFV bioactivation to the onset of drug-induced toxicity.

2.1. Nevirapine NVP is one of the most prescribed antiretroviral drugs in low-resource countries, both as a single drug, to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission, and as a component of cART [19,20]. The low cost of the drug and its availability as a generic prescription are plausible explanations for the widespread use of this NNRTI in developing countries, where HIV is more prevalent. Moreover, in developed countries, NVP is still a first-line choice of initial therapy regimens for children younger than 3 years of age, who have not been exposed to NVP as part of maternal–infant prophylaxis [21]. Indeed, the high-efficacy levels of the drug, favorable lipid profile [22], and suitability for use during pregnancy [23], as well as in contexts of neuropsychiatric abnormalities or drug dependence [24], have granted NVP-based regimens a significant role in HIV-1 treatment strategies. The cART NVP schedules are recommended to be initiated with a 200mg dose for the first 14 days, to minimize toxicity risks, and then are followed by a 400 mg daily dose [25]. Until 2011, NVP was only available on the market in an immediate-release formulation approved for twicedaily dosing, which had the disadvantage of poor adherence, particularly in low-resource settings. However, the worldwide use of NVP is expected to be heightened as a result of the recent approval of an extended-release once-daily formulation. Nonetheless, the prospective increase in NVP use worldwide should be regarded with caution, partly on account of toxicity considerations. 2.1.1. Nevirapine toxicity Despite unequivocal benefits, a pitfall of NVP regimens is their association with serious and clinically restrictive idiosyncratic side effects. Severe, lifethreatening, and in some cases, fatal liver and skin toxicity have been reported in patients treated with NVP [26–30]. The most likely dangerous toxic events in the skin are a morbilliform eruption (13–28% of patients) and a systemic HSR or severe rash (with an incidence of 8%) that is the major


Sofia A. Pereira et al.

cause of drug discontinuation [26–28,31]. Due to the potentially fatal toxic reactions, the FDA issued a black box label warning on NVP [32], and a similar recommendation was issued by the European Agency for Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) [33]. These adverse events occur most frequently during the first 6 weeks of therapy, and women, including those who are pregnant or of Asian ethnicity, seem to have an increased risk of developing NVP-induced toxicity [29,31,34–36]. A high CD4þ lymphocyte count and a detectable viral load are additional risk factors [30,36]. Therefore, NVP therapy should be initiated only in cART-naive men and women with CD4þ lymphocyte counts below 400 and 250 cells/mm3, respectively [25]. Moreover, due to immunocompetence-linked toxicity, NVP is not recommended as part of postexposure prophylaxis [37]. This association with higher CD4 cell counts suggests a role for an immune response at the onset of NVP adverse reactions, and two different allergenic pathways have been proposed [38]: cutaneous adverse events are thought to be most likely major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-mediated (CD8 T cells) while NVP-induced hepatotoxicity is probably MHC class II-mediated (CD4 T cells). Since susceptibilities to NVP-induced toxicity differ among patients, it has been postulated that idiosyncratic events can be genetically conditioned [39,40]. Several reports have described a correlation between HLA variants and NVP adverse reactions [39–42]. Moreover, a recent toxicogenomics study has indicated that, besides immune response pathways, polymorphisms in drug metabolism should also be considered as risk factors in NVP-related adverse events [38]. A recent study with male Wistar rats showed that NVP-induced testicular toxicity was detected with both biochemical and histopathology parameters [43]. Genetic toxicology tests, including microbial and mammalian cell gene mutation assays and cytogenetic assays, have provided no evidence that NVP is either mutagenic or clastogenic in vitro [44]. However, while conclusive evidence for NVP carcinogenicity in humans has yet to be presented, long-term administration to mice and rats showed increased incidences of hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas in NVP-treated animals [44]. 2.1.2. Nevirapine pharmacokinetics As a highly lipophilic molecule, NVP is readily (greater than 90%) absorbed after oral administration. The extent of NVP absorption is not affected by food intake or pH. It has a long elimination half-life (t1/2 ¼  45 h) and its peak plasma concentration is attained within 4 h, following a single 200-mg oral dose [45]. NVP is about 60% bound to plasma proteins, crosses the placenta and blood–brain barrier, and is found in breast milk [46]. Despite the lack of data on NVP transporters [47,48], it was recently shown that


Bioactivation in Toxic Events Elicited by NNRTIs

ABCC10 (MRP7), an efflux transporter highly expressed in liver, intestine, and peripheral blood cells, influences NVP pharmacokinetics [49]. NVP interacts with cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes both as a substrate and as an inducer. It is extensively metabolized by CYP into oxidized metabolites that undergo subsequent glucuronidation. Urinary excretion of glucuronide conjugates represents the primary route of NVP biotransformation and elimination in humans [50]. In all species investigated, CYP-mediated oxidation of NVP consistently involves the formation of 2-, 3-, and 8-hydroxy-NVP(2-, 3-, and 8-OH-NVP), 12-hydroxy-NVP (12-OH-NVP), and 4-carboxy-NVP [50–54] (5–9, Scheme 2). Different human CYP isoforms are involved in NVP biotransformation into its hydroxylated metabolites [52]. Whereas the formation of 2-OH-NVP (5) and 3-OH-NVP (6) is exclusively mediated by CYP3A and CYP2B6, respectively, the conversion to 8-OH-NVP (7) is attributed to a group of subfamilies: CYP3A4, CYP2B6, and CYP2D6. The formation








Oxidation Glucuronide

















Glucuronide N








NVP, 1













Glucuronide UGT


Scheme 2 Phase I NVP metabolites and their subsequent Phase II glucuronidation. CYP, cytochrome P450; UGT, uridine-50 -diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase.


Sofia A. Pereira et al.

of 12-OH-NVP (8) is credited to CYP3A4, with the possible involvement of CYP2D6 and CYP2C9 [52]. Secondary oxidation of 12-OH-NVP (8) yields 4-carboxy-NVP (9) [50], but the enzymes involved remain to be elucidated. NVP induces CYP3A4 and CYP2B6 by approximately 20–25% [45]; this autoinduction results in a 1.5- to 2-fold increase in the apparent systemic clearance upon chronic treatment, with concurrent decrease in the terminal phase half-life in plasma. The induction is complete within 28 days [45,50], at which point a steady-state NVP plasma concentration is attained [55]. Different studies have addressed the impact of CYP2B6 variation on NVP pharmacokinetics [56–58]. Recently, a pharmacometric analysis quantified this impact, and a new hypothesis, regarding the contribution of CYP2C19 to NVP biotransformation, was proposed [59]. Skin rash has been related to a CYP2B6 516TT polymorphism [38], consistent with loss of CYP2B6 function, and shunting of NVP metabolism to alternative pathways. In addition, a decreased risk of NVP-induced hepatotoxicity has been associated with the MDR1 3435C!T allele [47,48], a polymorphism linked to an altered expression of the multidrug efflux pump, P-glycoprotein. 2.1.3. Nevirapine bioactivation Among the four NNRTIs currently on the market, NVP is the most extensively studied regarding the molecular mechanisms underlying its idiosyncratic toxicity [60]. Although the reasons for the adverse effects of NVP are still unclear, increasing evidence suggests that NVP bioactivation is required to initiate the toxic events induced by the parent drug. The reported fast recovery of a patient suffering from NVP-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis and toxic hepatitis, upon treatment with a continuous infusion of human immunoglobulins and a high dose (300 mg/day) of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) [61], provided relevant clinical support for both the involvement of metabolic activation in the NVP toxic response and the importance of adequate GSH levels in the detoxification of reactive NVP metabolites. Although circumstantial, this fast recovery may have stemmed from GSH replenishment in the HIV-infected patient [62], leading to decreased oxidative stress and/or induced detoxification of reactive metabolites. Additionally, it is also plausible that the administered NAC, an excellent nucleophile, reacted with electrophilic NVP metabolites to form readily excreted mercapturate conjugates. Takakusa et al. [63] have provided evidence for covalent binding of [14C]NVP to rat and human liver microsomal proteins in vitro and to rat liver tissue and plasma proteins in vivo, in male rats administered 20 mg NVP/kg bw as a single oral dose. Although the reactive metabolites were not identified, these data represent unequivocal evidence of the capacity of


Bioactivation in Toxic Events Elicited by NNRTIs

NVP to undergo protein haptenation upon metabolic activation. Indeed, the generation of reactive metabolites with the potential to bind to proteins and DNA and initiate toxic events can be attributed to different NVP metabolic pathways (Scheme 3). Phase II conjugations, involving














+H+, -H2SO4


























• •










18 1















N 10



Michael addition Schiff base formation H N








O Adducts

N N 15

Scheme 3 Hypothetic pathways for in vivo generation of covalent adducts from 12-OH-NVP (8) [involving 12-sulfoxy-NVP (11) and/or NVP quinone-methide (13)] and phenolic NVP metabolites [involving arene oxide (16) ring opening and/or quinone (10) formation]. CYP, cytochrome P450; GSH, glutathione; SULT, sulfotransferase; NAC, N-acetylcysteine.


Sofia A. Pereira et al.

acetylation or sulfonation, or further oxidation of the phenolic metabolites to quinone/semiquinone species (e.g., 10, Scheme 3), are possible routes to NVP-induced toxicity [5]. It has been proposed that 12-OH-NVP (8) is the primary metabolite responsible for an idiosyncratic NVP-induced skin rash in Brown Norway rats that resembles the rash occurring in man [64–67]. In particular, the identification of the Phase II metabolite, 12-sulfoxy-NVP (11), in this rat strain [64] suggested that sulfotransferase (SULT) activity may have a role at the onset of immune-mediated NVP-induced skin rash. The presence of SULTs in the skin is consistent with this hypothesis, since protein haptenation could stem from direct reaction of this electrophilic Phase II metabolite with proteins [68,69]. This mechanism is consistent with the mass spectrometric (MS) detection of a putative 12-(glutathion-S-yl)-NVP conjugate (12, Scheme 3) following incubation of NVP with human liver microsomes in the presence of GSH [70], although NVP activation to an electrophilic quinone-methide (13, Scheme 3) could also occur without Phase II conjugation, either by dehydration of 12-OH-NVP (8) or by CYP-induced dehydrogenation of NVP. Contrasting with skin rash, NVP-induced hepatotoxicity suffers from lack of a suitable animal model. Nevertheless, a potential role of NVP metabolic activation in liver injury has also been suggested by Walubo et al. [71], who observed that increased hepatotoxicity is closely associated with enzyme induction. The first unequivocal evidence for the binding capacity of NVP metabolites to proteins in vivo was provided by Srivastava et al. [72], who identified two NVP mercapturates, the minor one through NVP-C12 and the major one through NVP-C3 (14 and 15, respectively, Scheme 3), in the urine of HIV-positive individuals administered NVP as part of cART. The minor mercapturate was suggested to be formed upon SULT-mediated bioactivation of 12-OH-NVP (8) and subsequent nucleophilic attack by GSH to yield 12, which then underwent catabolic degradation to 14. The involvement of Phase II electrophiles in NVP mutagenicity/carcinogenicity may be a possible explanation for the negative results of NVP in mutagenicity assays in vitro compared to the positive carcinogenicity in vivo [44]. Indeed, standard mutagenicity assays use externally added liver-derived metabolic systems to mimic biotransformation absent from the majority of the mutagenicity-indicator cell lines. Such systems generate reactive sulfate conjugates externally, with limited capacity to penetrate the target cells. Thus, SULT-mediated bioactivation is not detected in standard mutagenicity tests [73]. Identification of the mercapturate through NVP-C3 (15) represented the first evidence that reactive metabolites other than 12-OH-NVP (8) could have a role in the onset of NVP-induced toxic effects. Adduct 15 was proposed to be formed by nucleophilic attack of GSH on an arene oxide


Bioactivation in Toxic Events Elicited by NNRTIs

intermediate (16, Scheme 3), followed by dehydration to yield 17, which then underwent catabolism to 15. In addition, it cannot be excluded that phenolic NVP metabolites [e.g., 2-OH-NVP (5)], either generated from CYP-mediated oxidation to an arene oxide (e.g., 16, Scheme 3) and/or a diradical (e.g., 18) precursor, may undergo metabolic activation to quinone/semiquinone electrophiles (e.g., 10) capable of reacting with bionucleophiles through Michael-type addition and/or Schiff base formation [74,75], leading to covalent adducts (Scheme 3). To gain insight into the potential significance of phenolic metabolites to NVP toxicity, we have recently investigated the chemical and enzymatic (lactoperoxidase) oxidation of 2-OH-NVP (5) in vitro [76]. The product profile obtained in aqueous media (e.g., the spiro derivative 19 and the nicotinamide 20, Scheme 4) suggests the formation of a quinone-imine (21) as an electrophilic intermediate. Since the toxicological significance of quinone-imines has long been recognized [77], these results support the hypothesis that an activation pathway from phenolic NVP metabolites, in particular 2-OH-NVP, may be involved in NVP-induced toxicities. Even though evidence for such mechanisms in vivo or in metabolically competent systems in vitro has yet to be reported, the formation of a quinone-imine electrophile under lactoperoxidase catalysis, together with the presence of NVP in breast milk [46] and the frequent administration of the drug concurrently with breastfeeding, suggests that it could have a role in the perinatal setting. Moreover, given the presence of lactoperoxidase in tears and saliva [78], an activation pathway involving a quinone-imine appears as a plausible explanation for NVP-induced oral and ocular toxicity [79,80]. Despite the evidence for the role of NVP metabolism in the onset of NVP-induced clinically restrictive effects, no consistent correlations have been observed between the plasma concentration of any individual NVP metabolite and the occurrence of rash and liver function abnormalities in patients exhibiting these adverse effects within the first 6 weeks of treatment [81]. Likewise, when the plasma concentration of NVP was























2-OH-NVP (5)

Quinone-imine (21)



Scheme 4 Oxidation of the phenolic NVP metabolite 2-OH-NVP (5) in aqueous solution to the spiro derivative 19 and the nicotinamide 20, involving the transient generation of a quinone-imine (21) [76].


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correlated with NVP-induced toxic effects, the results were not conclusive [55,82,83]. These conflicting observations may stem from a variety of confounding factors that can conceivably affect the systemic exposure to NVP, and probably its metabolite profile [84,85]; sex [55,86], genetics [56–58,87], hepatitis coinfection, and pre-existing altered hepatic function [55,88] are some of these variables. Nevertheless, these data suggest that more suitable biomarkers of toxicity than the parent drug and its primary metabolites should be used to assess unequivocally the role of bioactivation in NVP-induced toxic outcomes and ultimately achieve better risk–benefit estimations. Ideally, we should monitor the electrophiles generated from primary NVP metabolites (e.g., 12-sulfoxy-NVP, quinone-methide, quinone-imine, quinones), since these are the reactive intermediates capable of binding to biomacromolecules; however, they are very difficult to detect in humans or experimental animals, due to their short lifetimes. Nonetheless, the products from their reaction with bionucleophiles, such as GSH, protein, and DNA adducts, can be readily detected and quantified in body fluids and tissues [89], giving an indirect measure of the biologically effective dose of the reactive intermediate that has reached the tissue or biofluid under study [90]. Our group has conducted a considerable amount of work toward the establishment of reliable and fully characterized potential biomarkers of NVP toxicity, and the development of analytical tools to assess these biomarkers at levels expected in vivo. As part of this program, and with the aim of mimicking in vitro the putative NVP metabolic pathways to reactive electrophiles, we have conducted several studies, using 12-mesyloxy-NVP (22, Scheme 5) as a synthetic surrogate for 12-sulfoxy-NVP [91, 92]. The choice of this model electrophile for our in vitro studies was based on its higher stability and easy synthesis, combined with an expected similar reactivity toward bionucleophiles. Indeed, adducts 12 and 14 were obtained in high yields upon reaction with GSH and NAC, respectively [91]. As indicated above, adduct 12 was detected in NVP incubations with human liver microsomes supplemented with GSH [70], and adduct 14 was reported to be present in the urine of HIV-positive patients undergoing NVP therapy [72]. This identity between our synthetic adducts and those reported to be formed in vivo or under biologically plausible conditions supports the validity of our model for mimicking NVP bioactivation and adduct formation with bionucleophiles. Moreover, given that mercapturate conjugates are useful biomarkers to probe human exposure to electrophiles [93], we used this methodology to prepare adduct 14 in proper amounts to be used as standard, enabling a quantitative measure of exposure to electrophiles derived from the 12-OH-NVP pathway in HIV-infected patients. Human serum albumin (HSA) is frequently used as a model to investigate protein haptenation by skin allergens, given that approximately 40% of


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N 12

NAC 12-Mesyloxy-NVP (22)









Scheme 5 In vitro reaction of the model electrophile 12-mesyloxy-NVP (22) with glutathione (GSH) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) yielding adducts 12 and 14, respectively [91]. Adduct 12 was detected in incubations of NVP with human liver microsomes supplemented with GSH [70] and adduct 14 was detected in the urine of HIV-positive patients [72].

extravascular HSA is located in the skin [94]. Therefore, the association of NVP with skin rash reactions prompted us to investigate the capacity of 12-mesyloxy-NVP to modify this blood protein. Different MS-based strategies were followed toward this goal, so that complementary information about modified binding sites could be obtained [95]: (i) enzymatic hydrolysis of the modified protein to amino acids, followed by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) analysis (by comparison with fully characterized adduct standards prepared in vitro from reaction of 12-mesyloxy-NVP with the individual amino acids [91]); (ii) determination of the intact protein mass by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS); and (iii) specific digestion of the modified HSA with trypsin, followed by MALDI-TOF-TOF-MS analysis of the obtained peptides.


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Our model electrophile efficiently modified multiple amino acid residues (e.g., cysteine, lysine, histidine, tryptophan) in HSA. The consistent detection of an NVP-tryptophan adduct (23, Scheme 6) by LC-ESI-MS and MALDI-TOF-MS is noteworthy. Indeed, tryptophan is not a common site of protein adduction and HSA has only one tryptophan residue, which suggests a remarkable affinity of the indole ring toward 12-OH-NVPderived electrophiles. This was further confirmed by the detection of tryptophan modification when the same methodology was applied to human hemoglobin (Hb) [95]. Therefore, the usefulness of monitoring this modification in vivo is anticipated, given its potential as specific biomarker of NVP activation and/or toxicity. DNA adducts are considered suitable biomarkers of exposure to carcinogens and are typically detected upon enzymatic or thermal hydrolysis of the DNA, followed by LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis, through comparison with fully characterized synthetic standards [92]. Using either a biomimetic strategy (with 12-mesyloxy-NVP as a model electrophile) or a palladium-based catalysis method, we prepared a library of eight fully characterized adducts with 20 -deoxynucleosides [deoxyguanosine (dG), deoxyadenosine (dA), and deoxycytidine (dC)]. These adducts were subsequently used as standards to investigate adduct formation by LC-ESI-MS upon reaction in vitro of the same model electrophile with DNA, followed by either enzymatic or thermal hydrolysis. This strategy enabled the identification of a depurinating guanine adduct, N7-NVP-Gua (25, Scheme 7), in thermal DNA hydrolysates, and of the deoxynucleoside adducts N1-NVP-dA (26), N3-NVPdC (27), O6-NVP-dG (28), and N6-NVP-dA (29) in enzymatic DNA hydrolysates. Although the formation of NVP-DNA adducts in vivo remains to be demonstrated, some of these adducts could have considerable mutagenic potential should they be present in human patients. O O HO NH2

















Scheme 6 Structures of the NVP-tryptophan adduct 23 (identified by both LC-ESIMS/MS and MALDI-TOF-TOF-MS in human serum albumin and hemoglobin reacted in vitro with 12-mesyloxy-NVP) and of the N-terminal valine adduct 24 (identified in human hemoglobin following reaction in vitro with 12-mesyloxy-NVP and subsequent N-alkyl Edman degradation) [95].


Bioactivation in Toxic Events Elicited by NNRTIs

A major limitation when monitoring DNA adducts by LC-MS is their low concentration in vivo, requiring highly sensitive analytical tools and consequently high-cost instruments. By contrast, the easily accessible (by noninvasive methods) and stable Hb adducts are not prone to repair and, therefore, accumulate over the prolonged life span of this abundant blood protein. Moreover, given that reactive intermediates have to cross cell membranes to reach this protein, Hb adducts are considered as surrogates for DNA adducts of chemical carcinogens [96]. Using combined MS methodologies, similar to the ones described for HSA adduct analyses, we detected multiple sites of NVP adduction in Hb. Among these, the LC-ESI-MS/MS identification of an N-terminal NVP-valine adduct, characterized as the thiohydantoin 24 (Scheme 6) following reaction with 12-mesyloxy-NVP and N-alkyl Edman degradation [95], is noteworthy. Hb valine adducts are widely used as biomarkers of exposure to electrophilic metabolites [97,98], mainly due to the availability of the N-alkyl Edman method [96], a mild, simple, wide-ranging, and sensitive postmodification















dR N













N7-NVP-Gua (25)

N1-NVP-dA (26)

N3-NVP-dC (27)














N dR


N dR

O 6-NVP-dG (28)

N 6-NVP-dA (29)

Scheme 7 Structures of the NVP adducts identified by LC-ESI-MS upon DNA modification in vitro with the model electrophile 12-mesyloxy-NVP (22). N7-NVP-Gua (25) was identified in thermal DNA hydrolysates; N1-NVP-dA (26), N3-NVP-dC (27), O6-NVPdG (28), and N6-NVP-dA (29) were identified in enzymatic hydrolysates [92]. dR, 20 -deoxyribosyl.


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procedure that selectively detaches adducts to the N-terminal residues. Therefore, the usefulness of this NVP adduct as prospective biomarker of NVP toxicity is also anticipated. The synthetic standards and analytical tools developed in our group are now available to take the current knowledge one step further, monitoring NVP-treated patients for the presence of 12-OH-NVP-derived adducts. By providing clues to the molecular mechanisms underlying adverse events, the information thus gathered should be valuable to search for potential correlations between adduct levels and biochemical markers of disease. Indeed, the availability of well-characterized synthetic standards is a major asset when considering the potential usefulness of these adducts as markers of toxicity for biomonitoring purposes [96,99].

2.2. Efavirenz The NNRTI efavirenz (EFV, 2, Scheme 1) is a drug of choice in developed countries, both for adults and children, as first-line cART [25]. In addition, EFV is used with other antiretroviral drugs as part of an expanded postexposure prophylaxis regimen to prevent HIV transmission in healthcare workers and other individuals with non-occupational exposure to HIV. The recommended EFV dosage in adults is 600 mg once daily. The introduction of the AtriplaÒ once-daily formulation in 2006, which combined EFV and two nucleoside RT inhibitors into a single pill, resulted in improved adherence, that together with its clinical efficacy and safety data have granted EFV-based cART a keystone role in HIV treatment [100]. Hence, considering the increasing access to cART, the potential worldwide exposure to EFV is very significant. Its major limitations are a low genetic barrier to resistance development, the toxicity profile, disputed safety in pregnancy, and high cost. 2.2.1. Efavirenz toxicity EFV is linked to several clinically restrictive toxic events. While neurotoxicity (NT) is the most shortcoming occurrence in patients receiving EFVbased cART, skin rash, hepatotoxicity, and lipodystrophy can also arise [88,101,102]. Additionally, a correlation between EFV-induced vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency and bone disease was recently suggested [103]. The chronic administration of potentially neurotoxic antiretroviral drugs is a growing reasonable explanation for the sustained prevalence of HIV-associated dementia in the cART era [102,104]. Indeed, the association of EFV with neurocognitive impairment is amply recognized, raising concerns about its continual administration, particularly to children. Neuropsychiatric side effects associated with EFV, including dizziness, depression, anxiety, irritability, headache, and sleep disturbance, have been reported to occur in 25–70% of patients [101,102,104–107]. Psychotic symptoms such as mania, depression, suicidal thoughts, psychosis, and

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hallucinations can also occur [102,104,106,107]. Moreover, EFV-associated neurocognitive disorders were described very recently in otherwise asymptomatic HIV-infected patients [108]. Although these effects commonly occur in the first weeks of therapy, they can arise several months later in a small number of patients and can be prolonged throughout the treatment [109,110]. Whereas neuropsychiatric side effects account for the majority of discontinuation causes, up to 10% of patients receiving EFV have to discontinue treatment due to liver toxicity [111]. It should be outlined that drug discontinuation and low drug adherence restrict further therapeutic options and have serious repercussions on therapeutic success and on the already strained hospital budgets [102,104,106,107]. Although the molecular mechanisms responsible for these effects remain largely unknown, there is in vitro evidence that EFV reduces cellular proliferation and triggers apoptosis via a mitochondrial pathway [112–115]. Additionally, at therapeutic concentrations, EFV induced a concentrationdependent mitotoxicity in hepatic cells, consistent with a direct hepatotoxic mechanism [113,114]. A conceivable involvement of EFV and NVP in brain energy metabolism dysfunction has been suggested by Streck and coworkers [116]. Long-term administration of EFV to mice and rats showed increased incidences of hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas, as well as pulmonary alveolar/bronchiolar adenomas in female mice [117]. 2.2.2. Efavirenz pharmacokinetics EFV undergoes rapid absorption upon oral administration and its maximum plasma concentration is reached in 3–6 h. It has a long half-life of 40–55 h after multiple dosing [107,117] and a high affinity (>99.5%) to human plasma proteins, predominantly HSA. Since food intake enhances exposure to EFV, it is recommended to be taken on an empty stomach [117]. EFV is extensively distributed, including to the cerebrospinal fluid and testicles [118,119]. EFV is an inducer of P-glycoprotein, CYP3A4, and CYP2B6. It is biotransformated mainly via CYP2B6, with CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and CYP2A6 being minor contributors [120–123]. Although several other CYP isoforms may also be involved, their roles are still not clearly defined [121,124]. Reports of high interindividual variability in EFV plasma concentrations [125,126] have been credited to several factors, such as genetic polymorphisms, weight, sex, ethnicity, HIV/AIDS disease, and hepatic impairment [125,127–129]. Based upon this variability, therapeutic drug monitoring of EFV has been proposed, by our [126] and other groups [130,131], to minimize EFV-induced toxicity; however, the ensuing benefits are not consensual [132–135]. Interindividual variability in EFV metabolite profile or CNS penetration of EFV and/or EFV metabolites is a reasonable explanation for the observed discrepancies. Thus, the development of reliable


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biomarkers of EFV NT is crucial for a comprehensive knowledge of the mechanisms involved. EFV is intensely metabolized by the CYP enzymatic system, undergoing primary aromatic oxidation to the phenols 7-hydroxy-efavirenz (minor, 7-OH-EFV, 30, Scheme 8) and 8-hydroxy-efavirenz (major, 8-OH-EFV, 31) and secondary oxidation on the cyclopropane ring (at C14) to 8,14-dihydroxy-efavirenz (8,14-diOH-EFV, 32) [136–138]. These three metabolites (mainly 8-OH-EFV) are excreted predominantly in the urine as glucuronide conjugates and, to some extent, sulfate conjugates. Although the dihydroxylated metabolite 32 has been already obtained in vitro upon 8-OH-EFV (31) human liver microsomal (HLM) incubations [137] (as represented in Scheme 8), in a more recent work its presence in plasma was suggested to













F 3C







F 3C










F 3C Cl



F 3C

O Cl




















F3C Cl


EFV (2)






























F3C Cl












Scheme 8 Metabolic pathways of EFV. Bold arrows indicate human metabolic transformations and dashed arrows rat-specific GSH conjugation.

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stem from C14-hydroxylation of the glucuronide or sulfate derivatives of 8-OH-EFV (33 and 34, respectively) [139]. Furthermore, a new, not completely characterized, dihydroxylated metabolite was detected by LCESI-MS/MS analysis of 8-OH-EFV and 7-OH-EFV HLM incubations [139]. It has been shown that CYP2B6 is primarily responsible for the hydroxylation of EFV to 8-OH-EFV (31) and 8,14-diOH-EFV (32) [137], while CYP2A6 mediates metabolism to 7-OH-EFV (30) [139]. Therefore, CYP2A6 and CYP2B6 genetic variations can influence EFV exposure and metabolism in HIV-infected patients [56,140–145]. Although almost all uridine-50 -diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) enzyme isoforms were reported to be involved in the O-glucuronidation of Phase I EFV metabolites (to 33 and 36), their relative contribution remains to be established [146]. In contrast, N-glucuronidation of EFV (to 35) was reported to be catalyzed by UGT2B7 only [146]. Given that contribution of the N-glucuronidation pathway to the overall clearance of EFV was found to be minimal [147], these results are consistent with a report that UGT2B7 genotypes had no influence on the plasma levels of EFV [148]. However, the role of UGT2B7 on EFV pharmacokinetics is still controversial, since previous studies have credited a major role of UGT2B7 in EFV glucuronidation [149]. Phase II EFV conjugation pathways are highly dependent on the species investigated (e.g., rats, guinea pigs, hamsters, cynomolgus monkeys, and humans). For instance, the formation and subsequent renal processing of the GSH adduct 37 into 38 was proposed to account for a species-specific renal nephrotoxicity observed in rats (Scheme 8, dashed arrows) [150]. The absence of a specific glutathione-S-transferase able to catalyze the conjugation of the alkynyl substituent with GSH in humans and monkeys is a plausible explanation for the absence of the GSH and cysteinylglycine conjugates (37 and 38, respectively), in these species. EFV metabolite screening and profiling was used to evaluate the importance of primary and secondary pathways on drug detoxification [139]. This strategy enabled the assessment of the relevance of alternative/minor biotransformation pathways when the primary pathways are decreased. The influence of CYP2B6, CYP2A6 and CYP3A4/CYP3A5, UGT2B7, ABCB1 transporter, and constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) variants on EFV exposure and side effects (liver and CNS) has been extensively studied [48,56,87,120–125,141,142,148,151]. These factors were correlated with increased and earlier symptoms of toxicity, consequent treatment discontinuation, and virological failure [141–143]. Recently, patient variability in systemic EFV exposure and pharmacogenetic variations in NAT2, CYP2B6, and ABCB1 genes were found to be determinant for susceptibility to EFV-induced liver injury in tuberculosis–HIV coinfected patients [152]. Despite these consistent associations, further studies are required to define their clinical utility and their linkage with metabolite profile and toxicity mechanisms.


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2.2.3. Efavirenz bioactivation The formation of a GSH conjugate with 8,14-diOH-EFV 37 (Scheme 8), through the ethynyl side chain [150], supports the likelihood of this moiety undergoing reaction with other bionucleophiles (e.g., proteins and DNA) in vivo, thus eliciting the initiation of (geno)toxic events. Moreover, similarly to what is observed with other xenobiotics, the formation of adducts by the phenolic EFV metabolites cannot be excluded, due to the possibility of further oxidation into electrophilic ortho-quinone or semiquinone species, which may bind covalently to bionucleophiles [74]. Indeed, the report that 8-OH-EFV induced irreversible CYP2B6 inactivation is consistent with the occurrence of covalent binding to the enzyme [153]. The molecular mechanisms of EFV NT remain unknown; however, increasing evidence from a series of structurally distinct neurotoxicants (e.g., acrylamide, 2-methylmercury, acrolein, and diethyl dithiocarbamate) supports a role for adduct formation with cysteine thiolate groups of NO receptors within catalytic triads of synaptic proteins as a common cause underlying the disruption of chemical synapses in the peripheral and CNSs [154]. The resulting losses in fine gain control impair neurotransmission, thus forming the basis of NT induced by these electrophilic species. Very recently, an in vitro study using primary human hepatocytes suggested that 8-OH-EFV (31), a more potent modulator of hepatic cell death than the parent compound, could potentially contribute to EFV-mediated hepatotoxicity [155]. The activation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling pathway, an important regulatory pathway of cellular stress response including cell death modulation, was proven to be required for 8-OH-EFV- and EFV-mediated hepatocyte death [155]. Given that radical formation from phenolic compounds is a likely event [156], the hydroxyl group in 8-OH-EFV is anticipated to be determinant to induced cell death, caspase-3 activation, and increased production of reactive oxygen species by the metabolite when compared to EFV [155]. The correlation between 8OH-EFV and toxicity may be very significant, due to the potentially high systemic exposure to this metabolite in vivo [157]. Given that EFV increases the mRNA and protein expression of CYP2B6 [158–160], chronic EFV use results in increased formation of 8-OH-EFV. Indeed, the EFV/8-OHEFV ratio reaches approximately 0.98 and 0.74 after 4 and 16 weeks of treatment, respectively, in patients with the CYP2B6*1/1 genotype [157]. Thus, over a sufficient period of time, the metabolite concentration can exceed that of the parent compound. To our knowledge, there is no literature information on the ability of EFV metabolites to cross the blood–brain barrier; nonetheless, EFV is known to pass this barrier [118,119]. Moreover, given that CYP2B6 is expressed in the human brain [161], EFV biotransformation to its main metabolites is achievable in situ. Recent reports provide strong evidence

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supporting the occurrence of drug metabolism in the brain [162]; thus, the impact of brain CYPs may be an important determinant of EFV NT. Furthermore, as mentioned before, at least 8,14-diOH-EFV has the ability to react with the sulfhydryl group of GSH [150], which anticipates a similar reaction with cysteine residues in proteins.

2.3. Etravirine Etravirine (ETV, 3, Scheme 1) is an NNRTI approved for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in antiretroviral treatment-experienced adult patients who have evidence of viral replication and HIV-1 strains resistant to an NNRTI [163] and other antiretroviral agents; it is dosed at 200 mg twice daily as part of cART [164]. The safety and efficacy of ETV during pregnancy and in pediatric patients have not been established; therefore, it is not recommended for use in these settings. 2.3.1. Etravirine toxicity The adverse events posed by ETV administration include severe, potentially life-threatening, and fatal cases of Stevens–Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, and erythema multiforme. In addition, HSR characterized by rash, constitutional findings, and occasional organ dysfunction, including hepatic failure, were reported [17]. These serious clinically restrictive ETV side effects have compelled the U.S. FDA to issue a safety alert [17]. Skin events in patients receiving ETV are generally mild to moderate and are normally resolved after continued treatment. No association between ETV dose, exposure or baseline CD4 cell count, and skin reactions was observed [165,166]. Nonetheless, further information on ETV skin effects will become available only as experience with this new drug increases. ETV is not mutagenic or clastogenic in a variety of assays, including microbial and mammalian cell gene mutation tests and cytogenetic assays; in addition, its administration to rats of either sex did not result in increased tumor incidences [164]. However, significant increases in the incidences of hepatocellular carcinoma and of combined hepatocellular adenoma or carcinoma were observed in female mice administered up to 200 mg ETV/kg bw/day [164]. 2.3.2. Etravirine pharmacokinetics ETV is highly bound to plasma proteins (99.9%), primarily to HSA and alpha 1-acid glycoprotein [167]. Whereas the absolute ETV bioavailability remains to be determined, the maximum plasma concentration is generally attained within 4–5 h after administration [167,168]. ETV has a terminal elimination half-life in plasma of approximately 30–40 h. Its bioavailability is enhanced upon food intake [167] but is not affected by the gastric pH [167].


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ETV is an inducer of CYP3A4, a weak inhibitor of CYP2C9, and a moderate inhibitor of CYP2C19 [169]. It is metabolized by HLM in vitro, primarily via the cytochrome P450 3A4, 2C9, and 2C19 isoforms. In vivo, methyl hydroxylation is the most important metabolic pathway. ETV undergoes primary oxidation catalyzed by the CYP3A4 and 3A5 isoforms, leading to monohydroxy-ETV (40), which undergoes secondary oxidation to dihydroxy-ETV (41), catalyzed by CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 (Scheme 9) [167,170]. The hydroxymethyl metabolites undergo glucuronidation and subsequent urinary excretion [167]. Hydroxylation at a site on the dimethylbenzonitrile moiety distinct from the methyl groups, also occurs via CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 catalysis yielding a minor, not completely characterized, metabolite (42) [167,170].




CYP3A4 and 3A5













ETV, 3




CYP3A4 and 3A5






CYP2C9 and 2C19















Scheme 9

Metabolic pathways of ETV.

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A study on ETV metabolism conducted in primary human hepatocytes suggested that this antiretroviral is an autoinducer of its metabolism and that distinct metabolite profiles should be obtained following chronic versus acute treatment [171]. Moreover, a preliminary study concerning correlations between host genetic variability in ETV-metabolizing enzymes and the observed large intersubject differences in ETV exposure suggested that patients with CYP2C9*3 and CYP2C19*2 had lower ETV clearance. Indeed, co-medication and genetic factors explained 10% of the variation in ETV clearance observed in this study [170]. ETV is reported to induce ABCB1, ABCC3, CYP3A5, and SLCO2B1 in vitro [172,173], and there is evidence for in vivo CYP 3A4 induction [173–175]. 2.3.3. Etravirine bioactivation Although little is known about conjugation pathways other than glucuronidation, acetylation and/or sulfonation of the hydroxylated ETV metabolites (yielding electrophilic species) is conceivable, similar to what occurs with aromatic hydroxymethyl metabolites from a variety of other xenobiotics [176]. Indeed, despite being chemically distinct, NVP (to 8, Scheme 2) and ETV (to 40 and 41, Scheme 9) share a common metabolism to aromatic hydroxymethyl derivatives [51,167]. As already mentioned, the role of 8 in an idiosyncratic NVP-induced skin rash resembling the rash seen in humans treated with NVP was shown in a rat model [66]. These observations support a similar activation of the hydroxymethyl ETV metabolites to electrophiles. Given the formation of covalent NVP adducts via this pathway, reported by our group in vitro [91,92,95] and by Srivastava et al. [72] in vivo, a similar reactivity for the hydroxymethyl ETV metabolites is plausible. Additionally, the dihydroxylated ETV metabolite 41 has the potential to become a bis-electrophile upon further activation by Phase II enzymes. The resulting bifunctional species could form DNA–DNA, DNA–protein, and/or protein–protein cross-links; such structures are considered key players in the onset of toxicological events related with exposure to a number of metabolically activated xenobiotics [177,178].

2.4. Rilpivirine The recent FDA approval of rilpivirine (RPV, 4, Scheme 1) was based on studies comparing its safety and efficacy with those of EFV (2). Whereas a slightly increased incidence of virological failure was observed when compared with EFV, its favorable safety profile and non-inferior efficacy granted RPV approval as a new treatment option for treatment-naive patients infected with HIV-1 [179]. RPV is commercially available as the hydrochloride salt in pill co-formulation with emtricitabine and tenofovir; the recommended dose for adults is equivalent to 25 mg RPV once daily [180].


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2.4.1. Rilpivirine toxicity Depressive disorders manifested in the form of depressed mood, major depression, and suicide attempt have been reported during RPV therapy. The incidence of RPV-induced depressive disorders was comparable to that observed with EFV therapies [18]. When tested for carcinogenic potential upon long-term administration to animal models, increased incidences of hepatocellular neoplasms were observed in both male and female mice. RPV was neither mutagenic nor clastogenic in vitro, in the absence and presence of a metabolic activation system. Negative results were also obtained for RPV mutagenicity in vivo in the micronucleus test in mice [18]. 2.4.2. Rilpivirine pharmacokinetics RPV is highly protein bound (97%), primarily to albumin (99%) [181]; it has high oral bioavailability and a long elimination half-life (t1/2  45 h) [18,182]. RPV caused a moderate induction of CYP3A activity in vitro [183] and is primarily metabolized by this CYP isoform into several oxidation products (Scheme 10) [184]. Oxidation at the 5-position of the pyrimidinyl moiety and the dimethylphenyl moiety yields the metabolites 43 and 44, respectively, that can undergo subsequent glucuronidation. Oxidation of the a,b-unsaturated double bond results in the formation of the cyanohydrin 45, that upon HCN elimination transiently affords the aldehyde 46, subsequently oxidized to the carboxylic acid 47. Dehydration of the hydroxymethyl derivative can also occur, affording 48, that can be subsequently oxidized to the phenolic metabolite 49 and the carboxylic acid 50, through an aldehyde intermediate. 1,4-Michael addition of GSH to the conjugated double bond results in the formation of the GSH conjugate 51 and its catabolic derivatives 52 and 53. N-glucuronidation of the pyrimidinyl nitrogens is also a Phase II pathway of RPV. Following a single 150-mg oral dose of RPV, the mean recovery in the feces (after a period of 336 h) accounted for ca. 85% of the administered dose. Oxidized metabolites were major excretion products, and only ca. 25% of the dose was excreted in the feces as the parent compound [184]. Although oxidation at the 5-position of the pyrimidinyl moiety to 43 (16%) and subsequent fecal excretion represent the primary route of RPV biotransformation and elimination in humans, 44 and 47, along with an unidentified metabolite, were also detected in the feces. Whereas renal clearance of RPV can be considered negligible (ca. 6% of administered dose), the carboxylic acid metabolite, Phase II glucuronides, and GSHderived conjugates were recovered in urine. 2.4.3. Rilpivirine bioactivation As a Michael acceptor, the a,b-unsaturated nitrile is a structural feature allowing RPV reactivity toward bionucleophiles without prior bioactivation. Indeed, the identification of the urinary Phase II conjugates stemming


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R=GS, 51 R=NAC, 52 R=Cysteinylglycine 53

















Oxidation N







N H 43











Oxidation N H N










48 Oxidation




O-Glucuronide OH




Scheme 10 Metabolic pathways of rilpivirine [184].

from initial 1,4-Michael addition of GSH to the a,b-unsaturated system supports the likelihood of reaction with other bionucleophiles in vivo. Nevertheless, RPV bioactivation affords several other potentially electrophilic derivatives conceivably capable of reacting with bionucleophiles. As common haptens, aldehydes are frequently implicated in toxic responses [185];


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therefore, the transient aldehydes generated upon RPV metabolism to the carboxylic acids 47 and 50 may be toxicologically relevant. Also noteworthy is the hydroxymethyl metabolite 44. Indeed, dehydration of this RPV metabolite, with or without Phase II conjugation, appears possible, due to the plausible formation of a quinone-methide, similar to what has been proposed for NVP bioactivation [64,72]. The formation of the cyclized metabolite 48, conceivably stemming from electrophilic aromatic substitution with the quinone-methyde on the activated 2-amino-pyrimidinyl ring, corroborates this hypothesis and suggests the possibility of competitive reaction of this electrophilic intermediate with ubiquitous bionucleophiles. Quinone formation from the phenolic metabolite 49 should also be considered as a possible metabolic pathway [75]. Taken together, these structural considerations imply that a potential contribution of products from reaction of bionucleophiles with RPV and/or its reactive metabolites to toxic responses elicited by the parent drug should not be excluded.

3. Conclusions The toxic outcomes associated with cART are of increasing concern, both regarding long-term adverse effects of the therapy in children and greater needs of suitable long-term treatment options for an aging patient population. The extent to which new antiretrovirals will contribute to globally improve the management of HIV infection will be greatly dependent on the availability of safer drugs and/or on the ability to predict toxic events in individual patients. In both contexts, knowledge of the mechanisms underlying the toxic effects is crucial. The current evidence compiled and discussed herein is consistent with a role of NNRTI bioactivation as a major factor underlying the toxic outcomes of this class of drugs. The precise knowledge of these metabolic pathways should guide the development of new safer drugs and the establishment of suitable biomarkers of exposure, thus enabling the correlation of basic discoveries at the molecular level with clinical data and ultimately contributing to achieve accurate risk–benefit estimations.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Our work was supported in part by Fundac¸a˜o para a Cieˆncia e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal), through funds to Centro de Quı´mica Estrutural (PEstOE/QUI/UI0100/2011), research grants PTDC/QUI-QUI/113910/2009 and PTDC/SAU-TOX/111663/2009, and a postdoctoral fellowship to R. W. (SFRH/BPD/70953/2010).

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Pesticides Used in South American GMO-Based Agriculture: A Review of Their Effects on Humans and Animal Models Silvia L. Lo´pez,1 Delia Aiassa,2 Stella Benı´tez-Leite,3 Rafael Lajmanovich,4 Fernando Man˜as,2 Gisela Poletta,5,6,7 Norma Sa´nchez,8 Marı´a Fernanda Simoniello,5 and Andre´s E. Carrasco1,* Contents 1. Introduction 2. Cellular and Biochemical Effects of GBHs 3. Agrochemicals, Biomarkers, Genotoxicity, and Congenital Malformations in Humans 3.1. Genotoxicity in agricultural regions in the province of Co´rdoba, Argentina 3.2. A survey of biomarkers in agricultural regions in the province of Santa Fe, Argentina 3.3. Congenital malformations and genotoxicity in populations exposed to pesticides in Paraguay

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Laboratorio de Embriologı´a Molecular, Instituto de Biologı´a Celular y Neurociencias, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Paraguay 2155, 3 piso (1121), Ciudad Auto´noma de Buenos Aires, Argentina 2 GeMA -Gene´tica y Mutage´nesis Ambiental- Departamento de Ciencias Naturales, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional de Rı´o Cuarto, Ruta Nac. 36 - Km. 601. (X5804BYA), Rı´o Cuarto, Co´rdoba, Argentina 3 Ca´tedra de Pediatrı´a, Centro Materno Infantil (CMI), Facultad de Ciencias Me´dicas, Universidad Nacional de Asuncio´n-Paraguay 4 Ca´tedra de Ecotoxicologı´a, CONICET, Facultad de Bioquı´mica y Ciencias Biolo´gicas, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Paraje “El Pozo” s/n (3000), Santa Fe, Argentina 5 Ca´tedra de Toxicologı´a, Farmacologı´a y Bioquı´mica Legal, Facultad de Bioquı´mica y Ciencias Biolo´gicas, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Ciudad Universitaria, Pje. El Pozo (3000), Santa Fe, Argentina 6 Laboratorio de Zoologı´a Aplicada, Anexo Vertebrados (FHUC-UNL/MASPyMA), Aristo´bulo del Valle 8700 (3000), Santa Fe, Argentina 7 IEGEBA (CONICET-UBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina 8 Centro de Estudios Parasitolo´gicos y de Vectores (CEPAVE) (CCT La Plata CONICET - UNLP), Calle 2 No 584 (1900), La Plata, Argentina *Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 5411-5950-9500; ext 2216; Fax +5411-5950-9626 E-mail address: [email protected] Advances in Molecular Toxicology, Volume 6 ISSN 1872-0854,


2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



Silvia L. Lo´pez et al.

4. Agrochemicals, Biomarkers, Genotoxicity, and Teratogenesis in Animal Models 4.1. Amphibian ecotoxicology in mid-east Argentina 4.2. Teratogenesis by GBH and other pesticides. Relationship with the retinoic acid pathway 4.3. Pesticide-induced genotoxicity in caimans in Argentina 5. Is an Integrated Pest Management for Soybean Compatible with Glyphosate? 6. Concluding Remarks and Forthcoming Implications 6.1. Importance of biomarkers and biosensors 6.2. Is food containing GMO derivatives safe? 6.3. The precautionary principle 6.4. A need for critical and independent science References

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Abstract In South America, the incorporation of genetically modified organisms (GMO) engineered to be resistant to pesticides changed the agricultural model into one dependent on the massive use of agrochemicals. Different pesticides are used in response to the demands of the global consuming market to control weeds, herbivorous arthropods, and crop diseases. Here, we review their effects on humans and animal models, in terms of genotoxicity, teratogenicity, and cell damage. We also stress the importance of biomarkers for medical surveillance of populations at risk and propose the use of biosensors as sensitive resources to detect undesirable effects of new molecules and environmental pollutants. The compatibility of glyphosate, the most intensively used herbicide associated to GMO crops, with an integrated pest management for soybean crops, is also discussed.

1. Introduction The horticultural productivity in the subtropical regions of the world is severely limited by the pests and diseases affecting crops, and therefore, the quality of the products, which has become a priority worldwide in response to the demands of the consuming market. The use of agrochemicals is the most common strategy for fertilizing soils, control weeds, herbivorous arthropods, and crop diseases, but it also constitutes a major factor affecting natural resources as well as the health of the rural workers and potential consumers. In South America, different agrochemicals are massively used, with a preponderance of the broad-spectrum glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs), which utterly depend on genetically modified organisms (GMO) engineered to be glyphosate-resistant, such as soy crops.

Pesticides Used in South American GMO-Based Agriculture


In Argentina, the extension of soil devoted to transgenic soy reached 20 millions of hectares. 200 millions of liters of GBH are used for a production of 50 millions tons of soy beans per year [1,2]. Paraguay currently presents a great soybean culture expansion, with GMO seeds introduced illegally in the country and the infrastructure mounted and controlled by big corporations [3–5]. In the 2006/2007 harvest, the acreage reached 2,426,000 ha, almost 400,000 ha more than the preceding harvest (2005/2006). Of the herbicides imported in 2002, 75% was destined to soybean culture; of the imported pesticides, 68% was used in the same area; and of the fungicides, 65% had a similar destination [6]. The extensive agricultural model based in the GMO technological package is currently applied in South America (mainly in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay) without critical evaluation, rigorous regulations and adequate information about the impact of sublethal doses on human health and environment, leading to a conflictive situation. Studies of the possible impacts are absolutely necessary, since there is a paucity of data regarding chronic exposure to agrochemicals.

2. Cellular and Biochemical Effects of GBHs GBHs are considered endocrine disruptors because of their ability to impair the synthesis of steroid hormones [7]. The GBH Roundup disrupts the activity of aromatase, a member of the cytochrome P450 family crucial for sex steroid hormone synthesis. In cultures of JEG3 placental cells, the GBH decreases the mRNA levels of the enzyme CYP19 (an essential component of cytochrome p450 aromatase, which is responsible for the irreversible conversion of androgens into estrogens). Importantly, the active principle glyphosate interacts with the active site of the purified enzyme. The effects of glyphosate on cell cultures and microsomes are facilitated by other components in the Roundup formulation that presumably increase the bioavailability of the active principle [8]. Glyphosate penetration through the cell membrane and its subsequent intracellular action is greatly facilitated by adjuvants such as surfactants [9,10]. Moreover, results from cell cultures indicate that the adjuvants per se may pose adverse effects [11]. In addition, both glyphosate and the commercial herbicide severely affect embryonic and placental cells, producing mitochondrial damage, necrosis and programmed cell death by activation of caspases 3/7 in cell culture within 24 h, with doses far below those used in the agricultural practice. Other effects observed include cytotoxicity and genotoxicity, endocrine disruption of the androgen and estrogen receptors, and DNA damage in cell lines [11,12]. Another line of evidence supporting adverse effects of glyphosate was provided by the sea urchin embryo, suggesting that glyphosate and its


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principal metabolite, AMPA (amino-methylphosphonic acid), alter cellcycle checkpoints by interfering with the physiological DNA repair machinery. Several GBHs were assayed and they induced cell-cycle dysfunction from the first cell division in these embryos [13,14]. The threshold concentration for this effect is 500–4000-fold lower than that sprayed on crops in the field. At a concentration of 8 mM, glyphosate induces a delay in the kinetics of the first cell cleavage of sea urchin embryos, altering the entry into S-phase by interfering with the activation of the CDK1/cyclin B complex [10,15]. Failure of cell-cycle checkpoints is known to lead to genomic instability and the potential development of cancer.

3. Agrochemicals, Biomarkers, Genotoxicity, and Congenital Malformations in Humans Human biomonitoring is a useful tool to estimate risk posed by an integrated exposure to complex mixtures of chemicals. It depends on the use of biomarkers, defined as quantitative indicators of molecular and cellular events in biological systems, relevant to human health, development, and aging. Biomarkers are measured in biological material collected from volunteer subjects in observational or intervention studies [16]. Genotoxicity is the process by which an agent produces a deleterious effect on DNA and other cellular targets that control the integrity of genetic material [17]. Genotoxic agents are those that cause structural alterations in DNA, causing changes or rearrangements in the genes, and therefore inducing mutations. Once produced, these changes are permanent and therefore heritable to other cells during mitosis in the case of somatic mutations, or from parent to offspring when mutations involve germ cells (gametes). The relationship between the appearance of neoplastic processes and the accumulation of these mutations in mammalian cells was already shown [18]. Many methods have been developed to assess genotoxicity. These tests can be developed using in vitro or in vivo models and were designed to detect substances that might cause genetic damage directly or indirectly by a number of mechanisms. The sensitive assay of chromosomal aberrations (CA) is widely used for detection of genotoxic agents. It provides information related to the possible deleterious effects produced at the chromosomal level, both in structure (damage to chromosomes or chromatids) and in number (aneugenesis). Another useful assay for the detection of potentially genotoxic substances is the micronuclei test (MN). The latter is used to detect damage at the level of the chromosomes or the mitotic apparatus (clastogenesis and aneugenesis, respectively) in immature erythrocytes from bone marrow or

Pesticides Used in South American GMO-Based Agriculture


peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures [19]. Micronuclei are small particles formed by fragments or whole chromosomes after cell division which are not included in the nucleus of the daughter cells [20]. The comet assay or gel electrophoresis of individual cells has been introduced in recent years to identify genotoxic chemicals for regulatory purposes. This assay can be performed both in vivo and in vitro. Increased migration in the comet assay can be attributed to strand breaks, alkali-labile sites, and incomplete excision repair sites, while decreased DNA migration could be attributed to cross-links, DNA–DNA, or DNA–protein interactions. When the core is subjected to electrophoresis, DNA fragments migrate giving the appearance of a comet [21,22]. It has the advantage over other methods that it can be performed on all tissues regardless of their mitotic activity [23]. The comet assay has been used to determine the extent of DNA damage in leukocytes from rural workers occupationally exposed to a variety of pesticides [24–26]. The toxicity and genotoxicity evaluation carried out more than 10 years ago classified glyphosate as a low-risk herbicide for animal and human health [27–29]. Williams et al. conclude their review by stating that “under the conditions of present and expected use, there is no possibility that glyphosate poses a risk to human health” [29]. This review devotes many pages to dismiss genotoxicity and other toxicology data on glyphosate published by other researchers. Although up to 13.29% of the research discussed by Williams are unpublished reports of research conducted by or for Monsanto, this review has become one of the most cited papers of glyphosate toxicology by the scientific community worldwide. The comet assay provided evidence that glyphosate produces DNA damage both in vitro and in vivo. A series of tests was conducted to determine the genotoxic potential of glyphosate and its main degradation product, AMPA. A statistically significant increase in levels of chromosome aberrations with a concentration of 200 mg/ml of AMPA was found by the CA test in human peripheral blood cells [30]. Only two previous and contradictory works assessing CA in human peripheral blood exposed to glyphosate were reported. Van de Waart obtained negative results from lymphocyte cultures exposed to concentrations between 0.33 and 0.56 mg/ml of glyphosate [31]. Although this research was not published in a peer reviewed scientific journal, it is cited by Williams et al. in the review [29] as an unpublished report. On the other hand, Lioi et al. obtained positive results even after working with a much lower concentration of glyphosate (0.0014 mg/ml) [32]. Moreover, the comet assay showed evidence of DNA damage in different human cell lines for glyphosate and AMPA [30,33,34] and in liver and kidney of mice intraperitoneally injected with 300 mg/kg of glyphosate [35]. A statistically significant increase in the index of DNA damage was obtained in peripheral blood from Balb C mice exposed to 400 mg/kg of


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glyphosate in the same way [36]. Similarly, there was a rise in the number of micronucleated cells in bone marrow of animals exposed to glyphosate and AMPA [30,34,36]. Therefore, genotoxic effects of glyphosate and AMPA in mice are found both as DNA damage and in more complex structures such as chromosomes or the mitotic apparatus. Genotoxicity studies in populations exposed to an agent suspected of producing effects on the hereditary material complement epidemiological studies with the aim of disease prevention by identifying the environmental agent that causes the disease. Experimental data reveal that several components of chemicals produce genetic damage and induce mutations [37,38]. Chemicals used in agriculture could be responsible for the high incidence of cancer in farm workers such as cancers of the lip, stomach, brain, prostate, connective tissue, lymphatic, and hematopoietic system. In the few studies about exposure of women to pesticides, ovarian and breast cancer, multiple myeloma, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma were associated with exposure to triazine-based herbicides, insecticides, and various chemical compounds [39,40]. Studies of populations exposed to pesticides, mostly in European applicators, reported a positive association between exposure to a complex mixture of chemicals and increased genetic damage, as quantified by CA, sister chromatid exchange (SCE), MN and comet assay [35,41,42]. In the past 10 years, several countries in Latin America have initiated studies about the environmental consequences of the use of herbicides and pesticides. In Me´xico, a study involving 30 workers found significantly higher genotoxicity in the exposed group in relation to the unexposed group, when evaluated by SCE and MN tests [43]. In Bolivia, agricultural workers exposed to mixtures of chemicals without protection or security measures have experienced genotoxic risk, as revealed by a high frequency of SCE, MN, CA, and parameters of the comet assay [44]. In Ecuador, a highly significant increase in the DNA damage values measured by comet assay and CA was observed in 45 applicators in the Colombia-Ecuador border [45].

3.1. Genotoxicity in agricultural regions in the province of Co´rdoba, Argentina A high percentage of the population of the province of Co´rdoba, Argentina, lives in rural areas devoted to agriculture, where large amounts of chemicals are used. Genetic studies in humans exposed to pesticides were conducted in this province. The first report presented a cytogenetic monitoring of rural workers (sprayers). The CA test revealed that the number of CA in peripheral blood was significantly higher in the exposed group in comparison to the reference group [46]. In a more recent study in the same province, genotoxicity was monitored by the CA, MN, and comet assay in a group of 80 exposed people in


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Micronucleus test


5.0 2.5 0.0 Reference Groups


Comet assay


4000 ** ** *

10 5 0 Reference Exposed Groups

Arbitrary units


Chromosomal aberrations test

Cells with micronuclei/ 1000 binucleted cells

CA/100 metaphases

relation to a reference group. Ninety-five percent applicators used more than one pesticide and the rest used only one. The pesticides used were glyphosate, cypermethrin (CY), 2–4D, endosulfan, atrazine, and chlorpyrifos. The analysis of health status showed that 50% of the participants of the exposed group reported persistent symptomatology associated with respiratory (sneezing, coughing, bronchospasm, etc.), dermatological and/or mucocutaneous (skin and eye itching, tearing, pigmentation, etc.), digestive (vomiting), and neurological problems (headache and dizziness). The indicators of genetic damage observed in the exposed group were all significantly increased in comparison to the reference group in the three tests used (Man˜as, F. et al., unpublished results; see Figure 1). The results indicate that genetic damage could be attributed to exposure to various agrochemicals. It is important to remark that the comet assay detects ruptures at the level of DNA strands (single and double) with a high sensitivity. Therefore, high levels of DNA damage quantified by this assay without an increase in the values of CA and/or micronuclei may be an early indicator of a recent molecular insult that have not yet affected more complex structures such as chromosomes and/or the mitotic apparatus. The CA test is probably the most important in terms of information, since chromatid or chromosome breaks, duplications in the number of chromosomes, recombination, and other chromosomal rearrangements are characteristic of certain neoplastic diseases. This means that at the time of the study, individuals exposed to pesticides have a higher probability of irreversible genetic damage that could result in the development of cancer due to the saturation of DNA repair systems. The MN test detects damage at the level of the chromosome and/or the mitotic apparatus. An increase in the number of micronucleated cells is suggestive of genomic instability, increased susceptibility to breakage, and alterations in chromosomes, including risks of aneuploidy (loss of the normal number of

3000 2000 1000 0 Reference Exposed Groups

Figure 1 Genetic damage quantified by chromosomal aberrations, micronuclei, and comet assay. The indicators of genetic damage observed in the reference group and the group exposed to pesticides were, respectively, 2.36  1.74 and 4.68  3.55 AC per 100 metaphases analyzed; 7.25  1.48 and 10.81  5.21 MN per 1000 binucleated cells analyzed; and 115.1  71.11 and 3037  3731 arbitrary units of DNA damage (tail moment of the comet). * p < 0.05, **** p < 0.0001, Mann–Whitney test.


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chromosomes), suggesting a relationship between the increase in the number of micronucleated cells and an increased risk of cancer.

3.2. A survey of biomarkers in agricultural regions in the province of Santa Fe, Argentina Genotoxic and oxidative damage was studied in a group of horticultural workers in Santa Fe, Argentina [47,48]. DNA damage (evaluated through comet assay), modifications in oxidative balance (catalase (CAT) activity and lipid peroxidation), and exposure biomarkers (cholinesterase enzymes) were evaluated in groups of individuals occupationally exposed to mixtures of agrochemicals. The study involved 105 farm workers (nonpesticide applicators or indirectly exposed) and pesticide applicators (or directly exposed) from the horticultural belt of Santa Fe, and 112 donors from the same area, without current or previous exposure to pesticides in their workplace, as a control group. In the exposed group, the great majority of the subjects were in contact with many pesticides, including captan, copper, mancozeb, chlorpyrifos, carbofuran, CY, dimethoate, endosulfan, imidacloprid, malathion, methamidophos, parathion, permethrin, and glyphosate. Blood samples were assayed for butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and CAT activity. Malondialdehyde (MDA) was used as a marker for lipid peroxidation in erythrocytes and was determined by measuring the production of the color generated during the reaction of thiobarbituric acid (TBA) with MDA (TBARS assay). Damage Index Comet Assay (DICA) was calculated for each sample. The results of this study are shown in detail in Figure 2 and clearly indicate that, under the conditions of their work, subjects directly and indirectly exposed to pesticides have enzymatic alterations, modifications in oxidative balance, and genotoxic damage when compared to controls. The influence of confounding factors, such as age, gender, smoking, and alcohol consumption, on all biomarkers used was investigated and no significant differences were observed (p > 0.05). The invaluable role of AChE monitoring in rural workers at high risk of exposure to organophosphorus and methyl carbamate pesticides has been previously recognized in different investigations [49]. The results obtained from the horticultural workers in Santa Fe are in agreement with other reports [50,51]. AChE showed a significant decrease in workers directly and indirectly exposed to pesticides. Oxidative damage is thought to be an important mechanism of action of several pesticides [52,53]. Different pesticides have been reported to induce oxidative stress as shown by enhancement of MDA production [53–59]. The results of the Santa Fe’s study indicate that CAT activity decreased significantly in both pesticide applicators and nonpesticide applicator workers, and TBARS was significantly increased in pesticide applicators. Also,


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B 12,000



6600 6400 6200








BChE (U I )



6000 4000





Nonpesticide applicator workers







Pesticide Nonpesticide applicator workers applicator workers






TBARS (nmol g Hb)

Comet assay (DICA)


Pesticide applicator workers

200 150 100 50

150 100 50 0


Controls Controls

Pesticide applicator Nonpesticide workers applicator workers

Pesticide applicator workers

Nonpesticide applicator workers


CAT (kU g Hb)

E 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0

* **


Pesticide applicator Nonpesticide workers applicator workers

Figure 2 Statistical evaluations of the two exposed groups (pesticide applicator, n ¼ 59, and nonpesticide applicator workers, n ¼ 53) were contrasted in all cases with the control population (n ¼ 112). (A) Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), (B) acetylcholinesterase (AChE), (C) comet assay (DICA), (D) assay of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), and (E) catalase (CAT) activity. Values are presented as mean  SD. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 (Mann–Whitney test).

the correlation between TBARS and AChE activity found in the Santa Fe study is similar to that obtained by other authors [50,51,60]. Several different pathways by which oxidative DNA damage occurs have been proposed. These include chemical modification of nucleotides [61], direct action of reactive oxygen species on DNA, or indirect lipid peroxidation degradation products [62]. The comet assay results from the Santa Fe study showed that pesticide-spraying workers and farmers presented a significant increase in DICA when compared to controls. New, more selective and efficient pesticides, possibly “safer” for nontarget organisms, have been produced in the past few years. So far, they have coexisted in the farming practice with agents in which one or more active


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principles have been found to be genotoxic and cytotoxic to various systems [63]. The agricultural workers included in the Santa Fe study were also exposed to a great number of pesticides (all of the subjects were exposed to more than two different pesticides), some of which are classified as being carcinogenic by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA) and hazardous by the World Health Organization (WHO), although not yet listed by the IARC. Considering the chemicals used, it is important to note that some of these, such as methamidophos, have been banned in other countries because of their high toxicity, while in developing countries such a prohibition is limited [64].

3.3. Congenital malformations and genotoxicity in populations exposed to pesticides in Paraguay During the 2005/2006 harvest, the Itapu´a department in Paraguay occupied the second place in the estimation of the soybean acreage with the consequent mass and intensive use of pesticides. From March 2006 to February 2007, a case–control study was carried out regarding congenital malformations associated with pesticides in the Regional Hospital of Encarnacio´n (Itapu´a Department). This research identified living near pesticide-fumigated soy fields, in dwellings located less than 1 km from pesticide-fumigated fields, as significantly associated risk factors for congenital malformations (OR ¼ 2.46 (IC 1.09–5.57) p < 0.02; OR ¼ 2.66 (IC 1.19–5.97) p < 0.008, respectively). It was also striking that during the research period, besides the registered cases, there were 32 stillborns with no obvious malformations and that did not enter into the research protocol, as it was only included as cases when stillbirth was accompanied with obvious malformations. In this research, only two stillborns with multiple malformations were included [65]. This research did not discriminate against what pesticide the studied population was exposed to. However, the zone is mainly agricultural, its main resource is the soybean culture and it currently occupies the second place in the 2010/2011 harvest compared to other departments. Several studies from other regions found an increased risk of congenital malformations associated with occupational exposure, especially when this took place in the first months of gestation [66–69]. In particular, the epidemiological study of Winchester and Huskins [69] related the amount of agrochemicals measured in the water surface with the congenital malformations rates during 1996 and 2002. The births were grouped according to the months of conception, considering the last menstruation period (LMP) as reference. The increase in the levels of pesticides in the water in the spring season coincided with a higher rate of congenital malformations in children whose mothers had their LMP in the last spring months. The correlation was statistically significant.

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In June 2003, a factory dedicated to the chemical formulation and synthesis of pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, and other agricultural pro˜ emby, Central ducts was installed in “Los Naranjos” neighborhood of N department, Paraguay. This situation was defined as a potential risk factor for the health according to the conclusions of the technical inspection report made by the Ministry of Public Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Environment and the PAHO/WHO. This technical team concluded: “The existence of emissions and the eventual exposure to the community, pose a risk to the population and the workers’ health” [70]. The fact of going to a school located 50 m from the factory was considered as a potential risk of pesticide exposure for school children. Therefore, damage in the genetic material was investigated in a child population through the measurement of the micronucleus frequency in epithelial cells of the oral mucosa. Two groups of school children were compared. One group attended the school located 50 m from the agrochemicals’ factory (exposed group). The control group included children that attended another school located 5.5 km from the factory. In the exposed group, a higher frequency of micronucleus and binucleated cells was found with a highly significantly difference (t-test, p < 0.0001). The frequency of karyorrhexis and pyknosis also showed a significant increase in the exposed group [71].

4. Agrochemicals, Biomarkers, Genotoxicity, and Teratogenesis in Animal Models Toxicological studies of pesticides have focused on the evaluation of exposures to single compounds, but animals and humans are often exposed to different pesticides or pesticide mixtures, either simultaneously or in series. Assessment of the associations with individual pesticide exposure is very difficult because most of the agricultural practice involves the regular use of a large number of different pesticides, together with other chemicals such as coformulants, which vary greatly in their potential toxicities and potencies. Furthermore, measurements of systemic exposure to pesticides were not taken and therefore correlations between increased genotoxicity and biomarker variations with the degree of exposure were not possible to obtain [72]. When considering risks from a health perspective, it is necessary to assess whether the chemicals in a mixture interact to cause either an increased or a different overall response as compared with the sum of the responses of the individual chemicals present in the mixture, or whether the overall effect is simply a summation of the expected effect of each chemical [73]. In this context, controlled experiments in the laboratory with different in vitro and in vivo models regarding genotoxicity, teratogenicity, biochemical, physiological, reproductive, and behavioral changes are certainly


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necessary to evaluate potential harms of individual pesticides or of their mixtures on human health and biodiversity. In this section, we review the effects of pesticides on different vertebrate models.

4.1. Amphibian ecotoxicology in mid-east Argentina The main application period of agrochemicals in this region extends from November to March [74], generally coinciding with the reproductive period of amphibians [75]. In these months, short but heavy rainfalls are very common and can cause intensive pesticide runoff to nontarget compartments such as aquatic ecosystems. Indeed, CY, endosulfan, chlorpyrifos, and glyphosate were detected in sediments, suspended particles, and water of some intensively cultivated land in Argentina [76,77]. Field studies demonstrated that agricultural runoff has serious consequences on amphibian’s survival and health [78]. Indeed, agricultural activities not only deprive some species from healthy environments but also produce biochemical negative responses, hematological disturbances, testicular damage, and morphological abnormalities [79–86]. Investigating how pesticides affect the survival and different biology traits of anuran amphibians is especially important when one considers the meaning of amphibians in the food webs of diverse ecosystem communities and as biological indicators of environmental health. Here, we review the existing ecotoxicological data from the mid-eastern region of Argentina about the influence of the most common pesticides on anuran tadpoles. 4.1.1. Cypermethrin CY [(RS)-alpha-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl (1RS)-cis,trans-3-(2,2,- dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane carboxylate] is a highly active synthetic pyrethroid insecticide. It was demonstrated that treatments with CY caused apoptotic cell death in the telencephalon of Physalaemus biligonigerus larvae and in immature cells of the central nervous system in Rhinella arenarum tadpoles [87–89]. These contributions postulated a new neurotoxic mechanism by which CY induces apoptosis in cells of the central nervous system in vertebrates. Although CY is not mutagenic in in vitro assays [90], in vivo assays showed that the commercial formulation of CY significantly increased the frequency of MN in anuran larvae of Odontophrynus americanus, demonstrating genotoxic effects [91]. Although the presence of aquatic plants such as the fern Salvinia herzogii reduced the mortality of amphibian tadpoles of P. biligonigerus exposed to CY, these experiments corroborated that the sublethal doses of this pyrethroid induced signs equivalent to the toxic phases I and II (intents of escape, swimming to top of bowls, spiral while swimming, laying on the side or back, and lateral curve in tail) [92]. In addition, morphological analysis in P. biligonigerus and R. arenarum tadpoles revealed that exposure

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to CY affected the development of the body axis, reducing the head and body size and significantly altering other morphometric parameters in relation to control tadpoles [89]. 4.1.2. Endosulfan Endosulfan (6,7,8,9,10,10-hexachloro-1,5,5a,6,9,9a-hexahydro-6,9-methano2,4,3 benzodiox-athiepine 3-oxide) is a broad-spectrum nonsystemic contact and stomach insecticide, effective for control of sucking, chewing, and boring insects and mites on a very wide range of crops. An international treaty signed in 2001 by the Stockholm Convention agreed to gradually eliminate or restrict the production and use of 12 persistent organic pollutants, including endosulfan [93]. Several studies from Argentina found endosulfan in milk and derivatives produced in Santa Fe and Entre Rı´os provinces [94,95]. Endosulfan residues were also found in amphibian fauna in an average of 12.5 ng/g tissue in Leptodactylus latrans, L. chaquensis, Hypsiboas pulchellus, and Rhinella schneider [96,97]. Moreover, in raptor birds (Parabuteo unicintus), endosulfan residues were found at higher levels than those found in their potential preys, revealing a biomagnification phenomenon [97]. In the same region, another carnivorous at the top of the food web, Caiman latirostris, also has the potential to accumulate high concentrations of endosulfan residues [98]. During the seeding period of soybean in Entre Rı´os province, endosulfan sulfate and endosulfan II were detected in agricultural ponds in higher concentrations (25.9 ng of total endosulfan/L) [78] than the value recommended by the National Guide of Quality of Environmental Water in Argentina to preserve aquatic fauna (0.8 ng/L) in Argentinean water bodies [99]. Moreover, a commercial formulation of endosulfan produced genetic damage in erythrocytes of H. pulchellus tadpoles, as revealed by the MN test [100]. 4.1.3. Glyphosate Glyphosate (N-[phosphonomethyl] glycine) is a weak organic acid that inhibits the shikimic acid biosynthesis pathway in plants. Numerous studies have shown that amphibians are one of the most sensitive vertebrate groups to the toxicological effects of GBH [101]. A commercial GBH produced malformations in 75% of treated tadpoles of the South American amphibian Scinax nasicus. Malformations appeared even at low concentrations of GBH (1.47 mg a.e./L after 96 h of exposure) and included craniofacial and mouth deformities, eye abnormalities, and bent or curved tails [102]. The toxicity of GBH formulations varied according to the type of exposure. Specifically, exposed tadpoles did not die after 24 h when exposure to GBH was not continuous [103]. In another study with R. arenarum tadpoles, four different GBH commercial formulations were evaluated for their toxicity during the first 6 h of exposure. AChE, BChE, carboxylesterase, and glutathione-S-transferase


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activities were evaluated as bioindicators of GBH toxicity. The results showed the difficulty of formulating environmental regulations to legislate the CF-GLY, taking into account that different commercial formulations can produce widely different toxicities, considering both lethality and variation of the biomarkers [104]. The disparities likely occur because of the inclusion of unspecified surfactants, which are often referred to as “inert” or which remain proprietary information (i.e., trade secrets). For example, it has been documented how a derivative of polyoxyethyleneamine (POEA) used as a surfactant component of GBHs, is the major contributor of acute tadpole toxicity [105]. Therefore, it would be highly recommendable that those “trade secrets” should be made of public domain to properly evaluate their toxic effects to the wild fauna.

4.2. Teratogenesis by GBH and other pesticides. Relationship with the retinoic acid pathway A recent study using a commercial formulation of GBH showed that treatments with a 1/5000 dilution (equivalent to 430 mM of glyphosate) were sufficient to induce reproducible malformations in embryos of the South African clawed frog Xenopus laevis, a widely used vertebrate model for embryological studies [106]. The phenotypes observed include shortening of the trunk, cephalic reduction, microphthalmy, cyclopia, reduction of the neural crest territory at neurula stages and craniofacial malformations at tadpole stages. GBH inhibits the anterior expression domain of the morphogen sonic hedgehog (shh), reduces the domain of the cephalic marker otx2, prevents the subdivision of the eye field, and impairs craniofacial development. Moreover, in recent experiments with another commercial formulation of GBH, the malformations observed before were reproduced in a dose-dependent manner, even at dilutions of 1/500,000, which produced developmental abnormalities in 17% of the embryos, without lethality (unpublished results). It is known that glyphosate penetration through the cell membrane and subsequent intracellular action is greatly facilitated by adjuvants such as surfactants [9,10]. For this reason, the active principle was also tested by injecting frog embryos with glyphosate alone (between 8 and 12 mM per injected cell). The calculated intracellular concentration for glyphosate injected into embryos was 60 times lower than the glyphosate concentration present in the 1/5000 dilution of the GBH which was used to culture whole embryos. Notwithstanding this, both produced similar phenotypes and changes in gene expression, suggesting that the effects are attributable to the active principle of the herbicide. It is very well known that acute or chronic increase of retinoic acid (RA) levels leads to teratogenic effects during human pregnancy and in experimental models. The characteristic features displayed by RA embryopathy in

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humans include brain abnormalities such as microcephaly, microphtalmia, and impairment of hindbrain development; abnormal external and middle ears (microtia or anotia), mandibular and midfacial underdevelopment, and cleft palate. Many craniofacial malformations can be attributed to defects in cranial neural crest cells. An excessive cell death in regions where apoptosis normally takes place may underlie a general mechanism for craniofacial malformations associated to teratogens [107,108]. In fact, an excess of RA signaling is able to downregulate the expression of shh in the embryonic dorsal midline in Xenopus [109,110]. Shh deficiency is associated to the holoprosencephaly syndrome (HPE), a CNS malformation with a frequency of 1/250 of pregnancies and 1/10,000 of live births. The HPE is a defect generated by the deficiency of the embryonic dorsal midline which results in a failure in the division of the brain hemispheres, leading to different grades of craniofacial malformations that range from unilobar brain and cyclopia in the most severe cases to hypotelorism (abnormally decreased distance between the eyes). Other defects include failure in the closure of the dorsal neural tube, microcephaly, and proboscis [111,112]. Moreover, Shh signaling is also necessary for the development of the cranial neural crest derivatives. In mouse, specific removal of the Shh responsiveness in the neural crest cells that give rise to skeleton and connective tissue in the head, increases apoptosis and decreases proliferation in the branchial arches, leading to facial truncations [113]. Shh signaling from the ventral midline is necessary, as an antiapoptotic agent, for the survival of the neural epithelium, and it is also essential for the rapid and extensive expansion of the early vesicles of the developing midbrain and forebrain [114–116]. An excess of RA signaling also downregulates otx2 expression in Xenopus, chicken, and mouse embryos [108]. Knockout mice for otx2 lack all the brain structures anterior to rhombomere 3. Interestingly, heterozygous mutants showed craniofacial malformations including loss of the eyes and lower jaw (agnathia). These phenotypes are reminiscent of otocephaly reported in humans and other animals and suggest that otx2 plays an essential role in the development of cranial skeletons of mesencephalic neural crest origin [117–119]. All this evidence indicates that RA, otx2, and shh are part of a genetic cascade critical for the development of the brain and craniofacial skeleton of neural crest origin. Glyphosate inhibits the anterior expression of shh, reduces the domain of otx2, prevents the subdivision of the eye field, and impairs craniofacial development, resembling aspects of the holoprensecephalic and otocephalic syndromes [120,121]. Indeed, assays using a RA-dependent gene reporter revealed that GBH treatment increases the endogenous RA activity in Xenopus embryos. Moreover, an antagonist of RA rescued the morphological phenotype produced by GBH. This leads to the conclusion that at least some of the teratogenic effects of GBH were mediated by increased endogenous RA activity in the embryos [106]. This


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is consistent with the very well-known syndrome produced by excess of RA, as described by the epidemiological study of Lammer et al. in humans [122] and in vertebrate embryos [107,108,123–127]. In Xenopus embryos, the endogenous activity of retinoids gradually increases during early embryogenesis and is finely regulated in space. At late gastrula, a rostral–caudal gradient from 0.01 to 0.16 mM RA is established, with highest levels at the posterior end of the embryo. The gradient persists at the early neurula stage. Synthesis and degradation of RA seem to be the mechanisms that lead to this uneven distribution [128]. This gradient explains why low doses of applied RA affect primarily the cephalic region and increasing the doses begins to affect the trunk [123,124]. Moreover, maintaining a normal endogenous distribution of RA is important for axial patterning and organogenesis in vertebrates [125,128–136]. The spatial distribution of retinoid activity is regulated by degradation of RA by the CYP26 enzymes, which are members of the cytochrome P450 family and are present in all vertebrates from early stages of embryogenesis. Transcription of CYP26 is developmentally and spatially regulated. Deficiencies of this enzyme produce serious malformations in different vertebrate models consistent with an important increase in RA signaling. These phenotypes include cephalic defects, abnormalities of the eye and the forebrain, agnathia, and caudal truncations [137–144]. In this context, it will be interesting to elucidate in the future whether the increase of RA signaling induced by GBH could be a consequence of inhibiting the activity of CYP26 enzymes. Other authors observed craniofacial ossification defects and loss of caudal vertebrae in rats orally treated with sublethal doses of GBH. These alterations were statistically significant in comparison with the control group, and importantly, they were dose-dependent, indicating a specific effect [145]. Although these authors did not address the molecular basis of the teratogenic effects, an altered retinoid signaling pathway is a major candidate to be considered. Normal craniofacial morphology is the result of complex interactions between embryonic tissues and requires precise regulation of cell movements, growth, patterning, and differentiation. Mutations or missregulation of genes that influence any of these processes would cause craniofacial abnormalities, such as facial clefting and craniosynostosis. Among the critical genes involved in craniofacial development is the Msx family of homeodomain transcription factors [146]. Msx genes contribute to maintaining the balance between proliferation and differentiation during pre- and postnatal skull morphogenesis. Mutant mice for msx2 show incomplete or delayed ossification of the calvarial bones (i.e., those that constitute the upper part of the cranium and surround the cranial cavity), while the double mutants for msx1 and msx2 are deficient in calvarial ossification, thus resembling in the “skull, general incomplete ossification” observed in GBH-exposed embryos by

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Dallegrave et al. [145]. Regulation of the msx genes by retinoids is supported by (a) the identification of a RA-responsive element in the 50 flanking region of human MSX1 gene and (b) functional in vivo evidence that indicates endogenous retinoid signaling controls the spatial expression of this gene by inhibition [146]. Therefore, it is conceivable that an increase in retinoid signaling upon exposure to GBH might inhibit msx expression, thus impairing the ossification of the cranial bones. The other significant, dose-dependent effect of GBH exposure in rodent embryos described by Dallegrave et al. is “caudal vertebrae: absent” [145]. It is known that exposure of mouse embryos to RA at a similar period of development produces agenesis of caudal vertebrae, which is caused by the downregulation of posterior hox genes [147]. A recent report showed that limb and craniofacial malformations were found more frequently in different wild amphibian species living in agricultural sites in the mid-eastern region of Argentina [86]. These results suggest that pesticides used extensively may underlie developmental disturbancies in contaminated fields. Noteworthy, those malformations are similar to the ones resulting from an increase of endogenous RA activity. The epidemiological study carried out by Benitez-Leite et al. in Paraguay identified 52 cases of malformations in the offspring of women exposed during pregnancy to agrochemicals. The congenital malformations observed include anencephaly, microcephaly, facial defects, myelomeningocele, cleft palate, ear malformations, polydactily, syndactily [65]. These defects are indeed consistent with the well-known and expected syndrome caused by misregulation of the RA pathway. In addition, a prevalence study in seven geographic regions of Argentina encompassing births between 1994 and 2007 showed that out of the 27 congenital anomalies analyzed, 14 showed a frequency significatively higher in one or more regions [148]. It is worthwiling to note that the province of Co´rdoba, which represents the geographic region with the most intensive practice of GMO crops-based agriculture in Argentina, revealed one of the largest spectrums of birth defects with a frequency significatively higher than in the other regions. This spectrum consisted of spina bifida, microtia, cleft lip with cleft palate, polycystic kidney, postaxial polydactyly, and Down syndrome. Most of these defects are consistent with an RA excess syndrome and/or with genotoxicity effects. These conclusions should be taken into account together with the incidence of malformations and cancer in Chaco, an Argentine province with soybean harvest and massive use of glyphosate. Official records reveal a threefold increase in developmental malformations in the province and a fourfold increase of cancer in the locality of La Leonesa in the past decade [149]. GBHs are also used for the eradication of coca plantations in Colombia. Suggestively, an epidemiological surveillance conducted between December 2004 and April 2008 in Cali and Valle del Cauca revealed that cyclopia is an


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endemic event with a 14–43-fold higher prevalence than that reported in the literature [150]. All this information is extremely worrying because the risk of environmental-induced disruptions in human development is highest during the critical period of gestation (2–8 weeks) [151]. Moreover, the mature human placenta has been shown to be permeable to glyphosate. After 2.5 h of perfusion, 15% of administered glyphosate is transferred to the fetal compartment [152]. Indeed, a two-compartment model study suggested that a considerable diffusion of glyphosate into the tissue is reached after intravenous administration in rats. These authors conclude that direct blood concentration is only an average indicator of the presence of the chemical and does not provide evidence about its tissue distribution [153]. It is necessary to consider the possibility that very low concentrations (pg/cell and not necessarily evenly distributed to all cells) may be sufficient to cause embryonic lethality (which is consistent with increased frequency of embryonic death and spontaneous abortions) or to modify normal embryonic pattern formation.

4.3. Pesticide-induced genotoxicity in caimans in Argentina In Argentina, one of the main problems affecting natural populations of Broad-snouted caiman (C. latirostris) is habitat loss and exposure to massive amounts of pesticides used due to agriculture expansion [154]. Caimans embryos and hatchlings are particularly vulnerable to pesticides because the incubation period and hatching take place during the same months of maximal pesticide application (from December to April) [155]. An in vivo toxicological evaluation of pesticides was carried out on embryos and hatchlings, through different ways of exposure. This evaluation included laboratory controlled conditions and field-like studies. Genotoxicity was evaluated through the MN test and the comet assay in erythrocytes of the hatchlings after in ovo exposure of C. latirostris embryos to pesticides. Both the formulation Roundup and its active principle glyphosate significantly induced genotoxicity in C. latirostris embryos and hatchlings under laboratory controlled conditions and field-like experiments that take into account the degradation curve for glyphosate in water. Genotoxicity occurred even at concentrations commonly applied in the field and through different types of exposure [155–157]. In order to simulate the exposure that a caiman nest may receive in habitats surrounded by croplands, the genotoxic effects of Roundup were analyzed under field-like exposure conditions in combination with endosulfan and cypermethrin formulations. Three experimental groups of three artificial caiman nests each in a field-like area were constructed. A total of 81 eggs were distributed into the three experimental groups and treated with 3% of Roundup (3 l/100 l water/ha) alone or in combination with 0.85% of








Damage index (DI)

Micronucleus frequency (MNF)

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3 2 1




200 150 100 50









Figure 3 Micronucleus frequency MNF (A) and damage index (DI) from comet assay (B) observed in C. latirostris hatchlings after exposure to pesticides under field-like conditions. NC, negative control; RU, Roundup; ES, endosulfan; CPT, cypermethrin. All values are expressed as mean  SE. **p < 0.001 compared to control.

endosulfan formulation (0.85 l/100 l water/ha) and 0.12% of cypermethrin formulation (0.12 l/100 l water/ha). The results obtained from genotoxic endpoints demonstrated that both Roundup alone and the mixture of the three formulations induced a significant and similar increase in DNA damage when compared to the control group (Figure 3) [158]. The final fate of these alterations is uncertain, but they could affect the normal function of physiological processes, with consequences at cellular, individual, and population levels. In relation to this, alterations in the activity of different enzymatic and biochemical parameters were observed, as well as lower growth during the first month of life in caimans exposed to pesticides in ovo or in vivo (hatchlings) [155,158].

5. Is an Integrated Pest Management for Soybean Compatible with Glyphosate? The occurrence of pests and weeds is an ecological process intimately related to the disturbance of ecosystems by man. Pickett and White describe disturbance as “any relatively discrete event in time that disrupts ecosystem, community, or population structure and changes resources, substrate availability, or the physical environment” [159]. From an ecological point of view, one of the greatest disturbances is caused by the widespread use of pesticides. Since the decade of 1970, researchers began to pay more attention to the harmful effects of human activities on ecosystem processes and nontarget organisms. Some of the pioneers to identify pests as an ecological problem and to warn about the dangers of pesticides were De Bach and Rosen [160]. The traditional reliance on chemicals to control injurious organisms started to be considered a very reductionist approach to the problem. From the second half of the twentieth century to the present, the ecological theory has made a


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great contribution to the management of agricultural systems, shifting the focus to a holistic mode of viewing the world, integrating the different components and processes of the ecosystem that affect their sustainability. A new paradigm has emerged, the Integrated Pest Management (IPM). This is an effective strategy of pest control based on the biological and ecological knowledge of pests, an appropriate monitoring, and the combination of different control methods (biological, cultural, chemical), using selective chemicals only when absolutely necessary, to avoid risks to man and environment. According to Levins, this ecological model of pest management represents “an intermediate step along a path from a highintervention, single-goal, industrial model of agriculture toward a gentle, ecologically and humanly rational production system” [161]. The great expansion of transgenic soybean (Roundup Ready, RR) since 1996 led Argentina to become the third world’s major soybean producer and the first exporter of oil and meal soybean. This resulted in the intensive use of glyphosate, along with several pesticides such as cypermethrin, chlorpyrifos, endosulfan, and spinosad. Despite the great spatial and temporal simplification of landscape due to monoculture, soybean crop is inhabited by a number of arthropods (parasitoids and predators) that play a relevant role in reducing populations of many herbivore pests, giving place to a fairly complex food web. Field results from an ecological research program conducted on soybean pests in the Buenos Aires province (Argentina) indicated that a number of species usually considered pests in the 1970s and 1980s only reached levels of economic damage in certain local areas in some years of the 1990s. A complex of 30 species of larval parasitoids and generalist predators caused significant mortality of these pests [162–164]. Moreover, it was found that the population of the green bug Nezara viridula was regulated by predation of young nymphal instars and the parasitism by Trichopoda giacomelli (Diptera: Tachinidae) and Trissolcus basalis (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), and has persisted at low population densities for the past 10–15 years [165,166]. This knowledge made it possible to think of the potential to develop successful alternatives capitalizing on natural pest mortality, such as biological control, which alone or in combination with an integrated management, could help to replace and/or reduce the use of pesticides. One of the cornerstones of IPM is the biological control of pests through the use of natural enemies. Pest control in soybean agroecosystem is strongly based on chemical pesticides, which also affects natural enemies of pests, mainly pest predators, since they are more exposed to pesticides because of their behavior. If the herbicide glyphosate, in addition to killing weeds, affects the survival and/or behavior of nontarget arthropods, the food web could be seriously altered in an unintentional way. Currently, there is debate about the toxicological effect of glyphosate on nontarget organisms. While there are studies that report the lack of toxicity

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of this herbicide for other organisms that are not weeds, several studies have shown the contrary. This has created many uncertainties when planning an integrated management of soybean pests, since the compatibility of agrochemicals (pesticides and herbicides) with natural enemies is a crucial purpose in IPM. Usually, the impact of pesticides on nontarget organisms such as natural enemies of pests and pollinators has been determined in the short term, by assessing the toxicity through the median lethal dose (LD50). Though sublethal effects have been less investigated, they are equally important since they may affect fertility, behavior, and the duration of the life cycle, among other important traits affecting population performance. The results of laboratory tests in the same research program showed sublethal effects on two abundant predators of soybean pests, Chrysoperla externa (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) and Alpaida veniliae (Araneae, Araneidae). In both cases, commercial Glyfoglex 48 (48% glyphosate, Gleba S.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina) was used in toxicity tests in a 192 mg/l a.i. solution (maximum field registered nominal concentration). The exposure route was by ingestion through the treated prey and short- and long-term toxicity was analyzed. Individuals of C. externa in third larval instar were fed daily with freshly glyphosate-treated prey during 48 h and adult females of A. veniliae during 4 days, subject to previous starvation of 1 week. The commercial GBH formulation had no negative direct lethal effects in either of the two species. Nevertheless, several long-term harmful effects were observed [167,168]. In C. externa, the herbicide shortened development time of immature stages as well as adult longevity, while it increased the prereproductive period. Both fecundity and fertility were negatively affected. The intrinsic rate of increase (r) and the net reproductive rate (Ro) of the population were significantly reduced. Moreover, several malformations and abnormalities were observed in most eggs laid by treated females. Adults, mainly females, developed tumors in the abdominal region at 20 days after emergence. Side effects were also registered in the spider A. veniliae. GBH decreased prey consumption, increased the length of developmental time of the progeny, and interfered with the web building, which was started by the females 17 days later than in controls. Moreover, only 20% of the exposed females wove a normal web. Since this spider uses its web to capture prey for feeding, the negative effect on web building would adversely affect the efficiency of females to intercept and capture prey under field conditions, impacting negatively on their feeding capacity. Moreover, GBH induced abnormal ovaries with scarce development of oocytes and fatty granules around them. Like C. externa, fecundity and fertility were negatively affected. The reported data provide insights on the side effects of GBH on two species of arthropod predators that are natural enemies of soybean pests. Our


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findings contribute to the growing body of work demonstrating that glyphosate affects development and demography of nontarget arthropods in laboratory. Although it is difficult to predict its effect on the field, it seems reasonable to expect that populations under continuous use of GBH would be exposed at greater detrimental effects, decreasing their performance and threatening their persistence in the long term, negatively affecting the local biodiversity. If man seeks a more rational and sustainable management of agroecosystems, with regard to pest management, IPM seems to be a promising and viable strategy. However, it is essential to address new approaches in agricultural research that take into account relevant ecological processes such as crop–pest–natural enemy interactions. The search for an alternative agriculture model requires more creativity and research efforts than the simple application of a pesticide protocol. For example, the agroecosystem design can be manipulated to provide necessary resources (alternative food and refugee) to preserve natural enemies [169]. In spite of the fact that the potential of biological control of pests is recognized worldwide, there are not enough research efforts in relation to chemical control. In a similar way, the many studies that report negative sublethal effects of glyphosate on nontarget organisms, including humans, should alert us about its use and the need of encouraging more research on this topic. The available data so far allow us to infer that glyphosate is not compatible with the implementation of an IPM that includes the use of natural enemies. Conservation of biodiversity seems to be a sound alternative to the sustainability of agricultural systems. However, the intensive and continuous use of glyphosate over large areas threatens the maintenance of species diversity in natural and agricultural landscapes.

6. Concluding Remarks and Forthcoming Implications 6.1. Importance of biomarkers and biosensors The findings so far in areas exposed to agrochemicals are indicative of the importance of the tests used for early detection of an increased risk of developing various diseases such as cancers, reproductive problems, and birth defects. The early detection of genetic damage would allow us to take steps to reduce or eliminate exposure to deleterious agents when damage is still reversible, thus decreasing the risk of developing diseases. Genotoxicity screening should be considered as an indispensable tool in the implementation of a comprehensive medical surveillance in people potentially exposed to various environmental pollutants. It has been reported that triadimefon, a systemic fungicide with teratogenic effects in rodent models, produces craniofacial malformations in

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X. laevis by altering endogenous RA signaling [170]. Arsenic, another endocrine disruptor, also increases RA signaling at low, noncytotoxic doses, in human embryonic NT2 cells [171]. In addition, atrazine produces teratogenic effects and decreases the levels of cyp26 transcripts in Xenopus tadpoles, suggesting that this herbicide also disrupts the RA signaling pathway [172,173]. RA signaling is one of the finest pathways to tune gene regulation during development, and all this evidence raises the possibility that disturbances in RA distribution may be a more general mechanism underlying the teratogenic effects of xenobiotics in vertebrates. Since mechanisms of development are highly conserved in evolution among vertebrates [174], we would like to stress that they could be useful as very sensitive biosensors to detect undesirable effects of new molecules. The evidence that links GBH (and potentially other chemicals) to increased activity of the RA signaling pathway might explain the higher incidence of embryonic malformations and spontaneous abortions observed in populations exposed to pesticides.

6.2. Is food containing GMO derivatives safe? Given the harmful effects that pesticides produce on human health and animal models, a new concern arises about the safety of our food. A very recent study evaluated the presence of pesticides (and its metabolites) associated with genetically modified foods in blood from pregnant and nonpregnant women living in an urban area of Quebec, Canada. The subjects had a typical diet of a middle class population of Western industrialized countries and were not in direct or indirect contact with pesticides. The pesticides considered were the herbicides glyphosate and gluphosinate and its metabolites, and the bacterial insecticide CryAb1 toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). Serum glyphosate and gluphosinate were detected in nonpregnant women. The CryAb1 toxin and gluphosinate’s metabolite 3-methylphosphinicopropionic acid were both detected in pregnant women, their fetuses, and nonpregnant women. These results raise concerns about the exposure to environmental pollutants from nutritional sources [175]. In this sense, it is worrying that rats fed with glyphosate-resistant genetically modified corn showed functional alterations in heart, the hematopoietic system, and in two detoxifying organs: kidney and liver [176].

6.3. The precautionary principle The reports in South America based on direct observations from physicians and health workers about the effects of agrochemicals on human health (including findings of teratogenesis and neoplasia) were an important warning about the environmental consequences of the intensive use of pesticides. This led to a vigorous debate about the safety of agrochemicals,


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resulting in a push to initiate epidemiological studies and to apply the precautionary principle. For this principle, the 1992 Earth Summit of the Rı´o Conference states the following definition: “In order to protect the environment, the precautionary approach shall be widely applied by States according to their capabilities. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation.” So far, all the evidence reported in the scientific literature and the clinical observations in the field were not sufficient to activate in Latin America the precautionary principle contemplated by the international environmental agreements.

6.4. A need for critical and independent science Multinational corporations handle virtually most of the seed and chemical products market in the world. It cannot be inferred that research performed or supported by such companies is completely objective. Dismissal of research from independent groups harkens back to the ongoing debate about bisphenol A, where no single industry funded study has ever found adverse consequences linked with bisphenol A exposure, whereas 90% (n > 100) of non-industry funded studies show significant adverse consequences of bisphenol A exposure [177,178]. Several malformations were found in rabbits and rats according to the industry’s own teratogenicity studies submitted for the 2002 EU approval of the active ingredient glyphosate. The original industry studies are claimed to be commercially confidential. However, the said industry data were compiled from the 1998 draft assessment report (DAR) by the German government, since Germany has been the rapporteur member state for glyphosate and will remain in this role for the next review of glyphosate in 2015. Malformations include extra ribs, distortions affecting thoracic ribs, heart malformations, kidney agenesia, unossified sternebrae, reduced ossification of cranial centers and sacrocaudal vertebral arches, and also skeletal variations and major visceral malformations, which were unspecified in the DAR [179]. It is indispensable to change the direction of scientific research, leaving behind the reductionism and pragmatism that dominated agriculture in the past decades. It will not be possible to devise a sustainable agriculture that satisfies social needs if man does not begin to prioritize policies that enhance environmental and food security over the interests of private agrochemical industries and markets. The authors of this chapter appeal to the scientific community to be aware of the hazards involved on a local and a global scale, anticipating the problems before they surprise us.

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Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Mona H. Haron,1,2 Doris Powe,1,3,† Ikhlas A. Khan,1 and Asok K. Dasmahapatra1,2,3,* Contents 1. Introduction 2. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder 3. Probable Mechanisms of FASD 3.1. Oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species 3.2. Interference with retinoid metabolism 3.3. Cholesterol deficiency and sonic hedgehog signaling 3.4. Interference with neural cell adhesion molecules 3.5. Interference in insulin signaling 3.6. Disrupting epigenetic mechanisms 3.7. Altering placental metabolism 4. Use of Japanese Medaka in FASD Research 4.1. Ethanol is toxic to medaka morphogenesis and increasing amounts of waterborne ethanol are required to induce FASD phenotypes in medaka 4.2. Changes in skeletal structure 4.3. Changes in cardiovascular structure 4.4. Biochemical parameters 5. Future Directions Acknowledgments References

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National Center for Natural Product Research, University of Mississippi, Mississippi, USA Department of Pharmacology, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi, USA Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi, USA *Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 1-662-9157077; Fax: þ1-662-9155148 E-mail address: [email protected] { Present address: P.O. Box 101, Tougaloo, Mississippi, USA 2 3

Advances in Molecular Toxicology, Volume 6 ISSN 1872-0854,


2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



Mona H. Haron et al.

Abstract Alcohol is recognized as a classic teratogen capable of inducing a wide range of developmental abnormalities. Alcohol abuse during pregnancy produces permanent brain damage in the fetus and is associated with the development of a life-long behavioral, social, and cognitive disorder now known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). The most clinically recognizable form of FASD is fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) which is characterized by a set of characteristics including facial dysmorphogenesis, mental dysfunction, growth retardation, and cardiovascular and limb defects. Due to ethical constraints, human studies of FASD are very limited; however, our current understanding of FASD is mainly based on studies on several model vertebrate and invertebrate organisms. The fish embryo, especially zebrafish (Danio rerio) and Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes), have proven utility for studying ethanol’s damaging effects during morphogenesis. These two fish are long-established models for research in developmental biology and have been used to explore ethanol’s effect on neurogenesis, cardiogenesis, intracellular signaling, neurobehavioral aspects, and apoptosis. Zebrafish are the center of attraction as a fish model of FASD; however, we have demonstrated that medaka embryos exposed to ethanol during development have several phenotypic features in craniofacial, cardiovascular structures and many biochemical parameters which are comparable to FASD phenotypes observed in human. In this chapter, we reviewed our findings and propose that medaka embryogenesis, like zebrafish, may be a very useful model for investigating the molecular endpoints of FASD.

1. Introduction The history of maternal alcoholism and its effect on the development of the offspring dates back to the Biblical period and to early Greek mythology. However, the first scientific indication of prenatal alcohol damage was recorded by Sullivan [1], a Liverpool prison doctor, who reported an increase in the rate of abortions and stillbirth as well as increased frequency of epilepsy among live-born infants of chronic alcohol-abusing women. The teratogenic effects of ethanol on human fetuses were first reported in France by Lemoine et al. [2] who described a common pattern of birth defects in 127 children born to alcoholic mothers. This includes growth deficiency, psychomotor retardation, low IQ, and atypical EEG [3]. As the chapter was published in French, the attention to the problem was very limited. The public awareness of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) was brought by Jones and Smith [4] who described 11 children born to alcoholabusing mothers [4,5] with prenatal growth deficiency, developmental delay, and craniofacial abnormality [6–8]. Although the adverse/harmful effects of alcohol use during pregnancy have been suggested for some time, it has been difficult to formally

Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study FASD


document or to diagnose the constellation of problems observed in affected children until the guidelines for FAS were established [9]. The diagnosis of FAS can primarily be based on physical features; however, the majority of children affected by prenatal ethanol exposure do not show these physical markers significantly [6,10]. Deficits related to the central nervous system (CNS) remain as a part of the diagnostic criteria of FAS and can be structural, neurological, or functional even though the specific nature of these deficits is not well defined and can range from severe mental retardation to more subtle CNS dysfunction (e.g., attention difficulties). Moreover, the precise prevalence of the effects of ethanol affected children is not known [11,12] perhaps because identification of children along the continuum of FAS is complicated by several factors [6]. First, relying on external markers is not sufficient, because the majority of alcohol-affected children do not meet the physical criteria for FAS. In addition, the full range of effects of ethanol is not known, thus children with less striking features may go unnoticed or be misdiagnosed. Finally, individual neurobehavioral features, including decreases in IQ, seen in children exposed to ethanol prenatally, may overlap with other clinical conditions or disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which further decrease the ability to accurately identify alcohol-affected individuals. Hence, research aimed at improving sensitivity and specificity of alcohol-related diagnosis is needed [13]. To describe all these variations accurately, several terms such as partial fetal alcohol syndrome (PFAS), alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND), alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD), fetal alcohol effects, and static encephalopathy have been used. The Institute of Medicine guidelines [7,8] provides criteria for the diagnosis of PFAS, ARND, and ARBD to facilitate identification of individuals along the spectrum of effects. Considering the continuum of deleterious physical, mental, and behavioral effects caused by prenatal alcohol exposure, the National Task Force on FAS/FAE adopted the nondiagnostic term fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) [14] and the diagnosis of FAS is included under this umbrella term and falls at the severe end of the spectrum.

2. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder As mentioned, FASD, like FAS, can affect a child’s growth, development, cognition, physical appearance, and neurological dysfunction that affect the entire lifetime of an individual [7,15–23]. Moreover, studies have also shown that FASD depends on several other variables including the timing, frequency, the quantity of alcohol consumed by the mother during pregnancy, the health status of the mother, and the genetic make-up


Mona H. Haron et al.

of the mother and fetus [24–27]. In the USA, FASD affects as many as 1 of 100 children, while FAS affects 1 in 1000 live births [11,12]. Moreover, FASD is recognized as the most common nonhereditary cause of mental retardation. It currently represents the leading cause of mental retardation in North America ahead of Down syndrome and cerebral palsy [28]. Recently, it has also been suggested that the probabilities of breast cancer incidence in daughters of alcohol-abusing mothers who consumed alcohol during pregnancy is increased [29]. However, FASD is 100% preventable by not drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Awareness of the risk of alcohol use during pregnancy has increased substantially since 1989 when warning labels began to appear on alcohol beverage containers. Moreover, attempts have been made to educate women about the dangers of alcohol intake during pregnancy; however, more than one half of women of childbearing age in the USA and in other European countries still continue to drink alcohol at high levels, and over 11% are reported to continue drinking during pregnancy [8,30]. The rates of certain patterns of consumption put fetuses at greater risk for FASD, especially self-reported binge drinking (defined as five or more drinks per occasion) [31,32]. Therefore, the incidence of FASD in the Western world remains unchanged [33,34].

3. Probable Mechanisms of FASD The influence of ethanol on embryonic or fetal development can be classified as (1) direct, by passing across the placenta and interacting with fetal cells, or (2) indirect, by causing biochemical or physiological changes in the mother which can be detrimental to the fetus. However, to explain the FASD mechanisms at the molecular level, a growing number of hypotheses have been proposed [35–37]. In this section, we have briefly summarized all the probable mechanisms related to FASD.

3.1. Oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species The neurodegeneration observed in FASD which includes reduction of neurogenesis, inhibition of differentiation, disturbance of neuron migration, alteration of cell–cell interaction, and induction of apoptosis, can at least in part be contributed to by oxidative stress [38]. Ethanol generates oxidative stress including reactive oxygen species (ROS) when it is metabolized to acetaldehyde, and from acetaldehyde to acetate. The break down of ethanol occurs in two steps. First, ethanol is converted to acetaldehyde by three independent pathways: catalyzed by (1) alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), (2) cytochrome P4502E1 (CYP2E1), and (3) catalase. Acetaldehyde is then converted to acetate by the mitochondrial form of aldehyde

Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study FASD


dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) [39]. Each of these reactions lead to the formation of one molecule of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), reduced form (NADH) (in the case of CYP2E1, it is NADP to NADPH) [40]. As a consequence, the ratio of NADH/NADþ is significantly increased, which alters the cellular redox state and initiates a number of adverse effects [41]. Most of the cellular sources of ROS are associated with the generation of a superoxide anion radical (O2) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) which are the precursors of the highly reactive hydroxyl radical (OH). Once formed, hydroxyl radicals interact with carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids to form peroxyl radicals (ROO) as intermediates that can propagate damage to biomolecules to produce cell damage and death. At present most of the cited evidences for the involvement of ROS in FASD are indirect; because only a few studies have analyzed the production of ROS in animals exposed to ethanol during the perinatal period [42–45]. In addition, antioxidants play a significant role in recovering ROS-mediated damage subsequent to prenatal ethanol exposure. This can also indirectly support that oxidative stress is one of the potential mechanisms of FASD [46–49].

3.2. Interference with retinoid metabolism Retinoic acid (RA) is a metabolite of vitamin A (retinol) and a morphogen, governing cell differentiation and embryonic patterning in early developmental stages [50,51]. RA along with some other molecules is responsible for proper development of the craniofacial region and skeleton in vertebrates. In experimental animals, RA deficiency produces phenotypes which strongly resemble FAS [52,53]. Retinol, an isoprenoid, converts to RA in a two-step oxidative reaction. First, retinol is oxidized by ADH (class IV), producing the intermediate retinal (retinaldehyde). Second, retinaldehyde dehydrogenase (RALDH) catalyzes the conversion of retinaldehyde to RA [54]. Evidence is available which shows that ethanol competitively inhibits both ADH and RALDH, resulting in impaired RA biosynthesis. This leads to developmental malformations which mimick FAS [52,53]. RA supplements have also been found to prevent developmental defects in ethanoltreated embryos of zebrafish, frog, and mouse [55–57].

3.3. Cholesterol deficiency and sonic hedgehog signaling Cholesterol is an end product of the mevalonate pathway [58] and is required for normal development. Ethanol has been shown to inhibit the mevalonate pathway and thus cholesterol biosynthesis [59,60]. In mice, the lack of availability of cholesterol results in a drastic decline in sonic hedgehog (shh) signals transduction [58]. Moreover, chicken and mouse embryos exposed to ethanol displayed reduced shh signaling [61].


Mona H. Haron et al.

Therefore, alcohol-dependent inhibition of the cholesterol modification of shh produces morphologic defects which are similar to FASD phenotypes. In zebrafish embryos, ethanol treatment causes a dose-dependent reduction in cholesterol content, decreased cholesterol modification of shh, and a loss of shh signal transduction resulting in cyclopia, craniofacial hypoplasia, and holoprosencephaly [60]. Further, supplementation of cholesterol is able to rescue the zebrafish embryos from these phenotypic defects.

3.4. Interference with neural cell adhesion molecules During CNS development in embryos, neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAMs) play a significant role in neuron–glia interaction, synaptogenesis, neuronal migration, growth, and morphogenesis [62]. NCAMs, for proper neuronal cell migration in utero, require posttranslational glycosylation, that is, the addition of multiple polysialic (PSA) residues, which is mediated by sialyltransferase (ST) enzymes in the Golgi apparatus (GA). Prenatal alcohol exposure inhibits ST activity and leads to cytoplasmic retention of PSANCAMs. The resultant reduction in cell surface expression and functionality of PSA-NCAMs is believed to underlie the migration-related errors, heterotopias, and other morphological brain defects as observed in FAS [62]. Another important cell adhesion molecule in the developing brain is L1 (L1CAM), a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, which regulates cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions, neural migration, neurite outgrowth, and axon guidance and fasciculation [63]. Ethanol induces FASD in part by disrupting L1CAM-mediated process [64,65]. Drugs that block ethanol inhibition of L1 adhesion also prevent ethanol teratogenesis in mouse embryos [66,67].

3.5. Interference in insulin signaling Insulin signaling, which is mediated by insulin receptor (IR), is required for viability, metabolism, synapse formation, and acetylcholine production. Ethanol exposure inhibits insulin signaling at the IR level and thus impairs neurodevelopmental abnormalities as observed in FASD [36].

3.6. Disrupting epigenetic mechanisms A mechanism that could underlie the actions of ethanol on FASD is disruption of epigenetic mechanisms mediated by DNA methylation, histone modification, and noncoding RNAs [68]. Epigenetics is the field of research that examines alterations in gene expression caused by mechanisms other than changes in DNA sequences [69]. Studies suggest that DNA methylation, posttranslational histone modification, and noncoding RNAs are altered in animal models of FASD [27,70–75]. The administration of

Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study FASD


ethanol to pregnant mice, from day 9 through day 11 of gestation inhibits fetal DNA methylation [76]. Disturbance of miRNA functions may contribute to the alcohol-induced developmental deficiencies [77]. Several miRNAs, such as miR10a, miR-10b, miR-9, miR-145, miR30a-3p, and miR-152, were upregulated in fetal mouse brains with prenatal ethanol exposure, whereas miR-200a, miR-496, miR-296, miR-30e-5p, miR362, miR-339, miR-29c, and miR-154 were downregulated [78]. Both miR10a and mir-10b are embedded in the Hox cluster during evolution, and miR10a, miR-10b, and Hox genes are expressed in early embryo development [78]. Ethanol exposure decreased expression of miR-21, miR-335, miR-9, and miR-153 in cultured neurospheres from fetal mouse cerebral cortex which lead to cell cycle induction and stem cell maturation [79]. Most importantly, a probable link between alcohol consumption by men with increased demethylation of normally hypermethylated imprinted regions in sperm DNA and FASD is under investigation [80]. During development, there are essentially three main stages of generalized global epigenetic remodeling which can be targeted by ethanol exposure: (1) during gametogenesis, when there is a wave of demethylation followed by sexspecific genetic imprinting and generalized methylation; (2) during preimplantation, which is characterized by generalized DNA demethylation in the zygote (with the exception of imprinted loci); and (3) during gastrulation, when another wave of de novo methylation is observed [81,82].

3.7. Altering placental metabolism Good placental function is crucial for fetal development and many pathways have been discovered where maternal ethanol consumption affects placental function, thus fetal development. Ethanol induces acute placental vasoconstriction that affects placental transport of essential nutrients such as biotin, amino acids, and vitamins (vitamin B6) [83] and thus affects fetal growth. Microarray analysis of placental genes in rat identified that the expression of 22 genes related to CNS development, organ morphogenesis, immune response, skeletal, vascular, and cartilage development altered significantly after moderate chronic ethanol consumption [84]. Moreover, acetaldehyde can also be generated in the placenta where the expression of CYP2E1 protein is related to ethanol consumption [85] and thus cellular injury.

4. Use of Japanese Medaka in FASD Research Although FASD is a human developmental neurobehavioral disorder, due to ethical, technical, and practical limitations, human studies of FASD are very limited. Embryos and fetuses of nonhuman primates and other


Mona H. Haron et al.

vertebrates and invertebrates exposed to ethanol also develop many FASD phenotypic features which are analogous to human [86]. Research in animal models is used to gain new mechanistic insight into the fundamental consequences of embryonic ethanol exposure. Therefore, animal models from round worms to nonhuman primates, including mouse, rat, chicken, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila, zebrafish, and Xenopus have been developed and our major understanding of FASD is mainly based on the studies in these animal models. It was first demonstrated by Sulik et al. [24] that the best recapitulation of FASD morphology occurred if a short-term exposure was made during gastrulating stages. However, every model system has unique features; therefore, the choice of animal model for the study FASD is very important, as prenatal alcohol exposure causes damage to the embryo by multiple mechanisms, depending on dose, pattern, and time of exposure [87]. In mammalian models (placental mammals), ethanol affects simultaneously both the mother and developing embryo/fetus. However, in most egg-laying vertebrates including fish the embryonic development is external; therefore, the effect of ethanol during morphogenesis cannot be assessed simultaneously both in mother and embryo. It is indeed very difficult to find a single animal model that accurately mimics the human conditions. Therefore, to understand the molecular mechanism of FASD, studies in multiple models are necessary. Although mammalian models are extremely useful for FASD research, fish models, due to their external fertilization and development, permit more tightly controlled exposure regimens (ethanol and drug treatments). Moreover, the presence of a transparent egg chorion is helpful for noninvasive direct observation of the highly conserved vertebrate early developmental stages (gastrulation and somitogenesis). In this review, we focus on fish models, especially Japanese medaka which we have used in our laboratory for many years. Currently, two fish species, zebrafish and Japanese medaka, are used, and due to some additional advantages, they have proven to be important model organisms to study fetal effects of ethanol. They are small in size, easily available, maintained in the laboratory conditions at minimum cost and have a short life cycle (attained reproductive maturity 3 months). The embryos of these fish develop ex vivo and thus can be manipulated, injected, and imaged as they develop. Embryos can be easily bathed in compounds, providing an easy and even automatable means of identifying the toxicity, teratogenic, and therapeutic potential of water soluble molecules like alcohol. These two fish species (zebrafish and medaka) were separated from each other about 140 million years ago [88] and have developed several distinct features that are species specific. Large-scale mutagenic screens in both zebrafish and medaka have identified several ortholog genes which are closely related to those involved in human genetic diseases [88,89]. The response of zebrafish embryos to ethanol has been studied by a number of investigators [90–96]. Most of the observed effects are very

Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study FASD


similar to the effects observed in humans. Ethanol causes cyclopia, affects visual functions, inhibits photoreceptor development and causes hypoplasia of the optic nerves, induces pericardial edema and otolith defects, lowers heart rate, disrupts the formation of hypochord and dorsal aorta, reduces eye diameter, induces axial malformations, delays development, and produces axial blistering in the zebrafish embryo [90,91,94,96–102]. In addition, ethanol exposure alters gene expression in the ventral aspects of the foreand mid-brain, inhibits acetylcholinesterase activity, and reduces nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolases (NDTPases) 1 and 2 mRNA levels in brain [103–105]. Furthermore, ethanol induces heat shock proteins [106,107], produces developmental abnormalities of the notochord and spinal cord, and malformations of the body trunk [108]. The effects of ethanol found to be strain-dependent in zebrafish and characterized by modulated aggression and other social behavior [92,93,109–113]. Microarray analysis using whole brain RNA samples of ethanol-treated zebrafish identify a number of genes that are implicated in drug dependency [114]. A proteomic analysis identified several novel proteins which are either up- or downregulated in the brain of adult zebrafish chronically exposed to ethanol [114,115]. Japanese medaka is the tiny, small egg-laying fresh water fish (secondary), native to East Asian countries, primarily in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and China and belongs to the family of beloniformes of the class Osteichthyes. In Japan, scientists have used medaka as a model animal, especially since the work of Aida [116]. The approximate divergence time of the medaka from mammals is estimated to be 485 million years ago [117]. Although there are differences, Japanese medaka like zebrafish have generated increasing interest with regard to developmental biology and toxicology [88,118]. The normal embryonic development period in medaka (7–10 days) is significantly slower than zebrafish (3–4 days), but reproductive maturity occurs in both fish within three months of age. Some medaka mutations are unique, ensuring that the medaka and zebrafish are complementary model systems [119]. The whole genome sequence of medaka is known, and the spectrum and phenotypes of induced mutations in medaka are often different from those found in zebrafish [89,120,121]. Moreover, some of the phenotypic features of medaka are more closely related to mammals than zebrafish. During neurogenesis, the overall pattern of the longitudinal fiber systems in medaka brain is more like that of mouse than that of zebrafish [122]. Moreover, the cardiovascular morphology of zebrafish embryo differs from mammals during development, but medaka embryos follow the common vertebrate embryonic circulatory patterns [123]. The structural anatomy of the head skeleton of these two fish species is also different. The trabecular cartilages (TC) in the neurocranium of zebrafish hatchlings are fused caudally with polar cartilages (PC), while in medaka the caudal end of TC remain separate from PC [124]. Although activity of the ethanol metabolizing enzyme ADH in medaka embryogenesis has been reported


Mona H. Haron et al.

by Frankel [125], the effects of ethanol on medaka development were first reported by our laboratory [126]. Later, another group showed that several other phenotypic features including body length, head width, and caspase 3/7 activity are affected by ethanol during medaka embryogenesis [127]. Our studies indicate that medaka embryos exposed to ethanol for the first 48 hours post fertilization (hpf) produce morphological deformities in the craniofacial region (Figure 1) which are analogous to the FAS phenotypic features observed in human [126,128,129].

4.1. Ethanol is toxic to medaka morphogenesis and increasing amounts of waterborne ethanol are required to induce FASD phenotypes in medaka Medaka embryos, like zebrafish, absorb alcohol though the chorion when exposed in an alcohol containing medium [94,126,127,130]. Therefore, to obtain measurable effects of alcohol on medaka development, we determined the lethal concentration of ethanol that is required to induce 50% mortality (LC50). Fertilized medaka eggs (Iwamatsu stage 10) with intact chorion were exposed to ethanol for 48 h then maintained in clean hatching solution until hatching [126]. The calculated LC50 on 10 day post fertilization (dpf) was 568 mM which is equivalent to 3.2% of ethanol (Figure 2). In a later study, Oxendine et al. [127] observed that medaka embryos maintained in 2% (344 mM) or more ethanol for 8 dpf unable to complete normal morphogenesis. We also observed that medaka embryos in late developmental stages (specifically after the onset of circulation; Iwamatsu stage 25 and above) comparatively more resistant to ethanol than the embryos of early developmental stages (Iwamatsu stage  10). With regard to rat and mouse [74,131,132], the LC50 of ethanol in medaka embryos seems to be very high. It is likely that due to the presence of chorion, fish embryos require a higher concentration of waterborne ethanol than analogous mammalian models to induce an observable effect. We therefore determined the embryonic ethanol concentration in medaka embryos at different times points of ethanol exposure during first 48 h of development (Figure 3) [126]. Fertilized medaka eggs (Iwamatsu stage 10) were exposed to 100 and 400 mM of ethanol and harvested at 3, 8, 24, 30, and 48 h after treatment. After removal from the culture the embryos were washed twice in 1 ml cold 3.5% perchloric acid to remove any residual alcohol from the outside of the chorion [126]. Using an enzyme based assay [94], it was observed that embryos exposed to 400 mM of ethanol had a significantly higher amount of embryonic ethanol than the embryos exposed to 100 mM. Moreover, throughout the exposure period embryos maintained a steady-state level of ethanol and the embryonic ethanol concentration in both groups (100 and 400 mM) was only 15–20% of the waterborne ethanol concentration

A (Control)

B (100 mM)

C (300 mM)


(300 mM)






(100 mM)

(300 mM)

(300 mM)

Figure 1 Effect of ethanol on morphological features of medaka. Fertilized medaka embryos were exposed to ethanol (0–300 mM) for 48 h post fertilization (hpf) and then transferred to clean hatching solution. The photographs were taken in hatchlings (within 24 h of hatching) A, control; B, 100 mM; C and D, 300 mM; E, control (head region); F, 100 mM (head region); G and H, 300 mM (head region). It was observed that ethanol exposure induced dose-dependent deformities in head (craniofacial) region.


Mona H. Haron et al.


Mortality (%)




0 100


316 562 ETOH (mM)


Figure 2 Ethanol-mediated mortality in medaka embryos. Fertilized eggs of medaka within 1 hpf were exposed to ethanol (0–1000 mM) for the first 48 h of development and the effect on mortality recorded at 10 dpf. Each group consisted of 8–16 embryos. The experiment was repeated three times. The LC50 was calculated to be 568 mM with an r2 of 0.92 by log transformed data using a nonlinear regression (curve-fit) program (GraphPad Prism). Each point represents the mean mortality percentage  SEM (n ¼ 3).

Embryonic ethanol (mM)




400 mM


100 mM 0 0


20 30 40 Hours post fertilization



Figure 3 Embryonic ethanol concentration determination of Japanese medaka embryos. The embryonic concentration after 100 or 400 mM waterborne ethanol exposure was estimated using an ADH-dependent kinetic assay following Reimers et al. [94] at several developmental stages. Each experimental group consisted of 24 embryos. At each time point, four to five embryos for the 100 mM group and three embryos from 400 mM group were pooled for extraction of embryonic ethanol. The volume of the embryo was calculated on the basis of an average embryonic diameter 1200 mm. The results are expressed as the mean  SEM of three independent experiments.

Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study FASD


(Figure 3) [126]. Studies by Oxendine et al. [127] showed that medaka embryos exposed to ethanol for 3 days at different stages of development (0– 3, 3–6, 6–9 dpf) absorbed 60–70% of the waterborne ethanol. Compared to medaka, zebrafish following a 45 h ethanol exposure required 340 mM of waterborne ethanol (1.98%) to cause 50% mortality [94]. However, after 4 h exposure, embryonic ethanol concentration was only 30% of waterborne ethanol [94]. Dechorinated zebrafish embryos (4 hpf) exposed to 50 and 500 mM of ethanol achieved 70% of the concentration of the exposure medium within 3 h as determined by gas chromatography and radiometry [130]. In a later study, zebrafish embryos (24 hpf) exposed to 0.25–1% ethanol for 2 h achieved only 1/25–1/30 of the external concentration [133]. Zebrafish embryos with intact chorion exposed to 10% ethanol for 1 h absorbed only 0.86% of the waterbourne ethanol to induce teratogenesis [134]. Taken together, it may be concluded that due to the presence of chorion and yolk, fish embryos require more ethanol than mammals to induce FASD phenotypes.

4.2. Changes in skeletal structure The craniofacial morphology appears to be the most significant phenotypic defect observed in FASD. FAS phenotypes are physically identified in human by examining the facial features, such as the smooth philtrum, thin vermilion border of the upper lip, and short palpebral fissures. In addition, facial dysmorphology can be observed in facial bones in FASD with a small head circumference (microcephaly), apparent flattening of the nasal bridge and midface, micrognathia (small jaw), facial asymmetry, and cleft palate [135]. In animal models, such as rat, chicken, and zebrafish, prenatal ethanol exposure also produces a pattern of abnormal craniofacial defects [92,136– 138]. The molecular mechanism of these defects has been proposed to be due to the induction of apoptosis in the neural crest (NC) cells (the precursors of many craniofacial cartilages and bones) by ethanol during development. We, therefore, examined the neurocranial cartilage morphology of medaka hatchlings treated with ethanol during embryogenesis. Fertilized medaka eggs, at five different time points of development (group A ¼ 0–48 hpf, group B ¼ 24–72 hpf, group C ¼ 48–96 hpf, group D ¼ 72–120 hpf, and group E ¼ 96–144 hpf), were exposed to 0 (control), and 100–400 mM of ethanol in hatching solution (17 mM NaCl, 0.4 mM KCl, 0.36 mM CaCl2, and 0.6 mM MgSO4) for 48 h, then transferred to fresh hatching solution with no ethanol. The embryos were allowed to hatch, and the neurocranial cartilages and skeleton were examined in hatchlings (10 dpf) after fixing in 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) and staining in Alcian Blue (Figure 4) [92]. Some of the control and group A embryos exposed to 400 mM of ethanol were used for calcein staining [126]. With Alcian Blue staining, in the neurocranium, the ethmoid plate (EP) with


Mona H. Haron et al.

lamina orbitonasalis, paired trabeculae, anterior orbital cartilage, posterior orbital cartilage, epiphyseal bar, basilar plate (BP) with anterior basicranial commissures and posterior basicranial commissures, hypophyseal plate (HYP) with paired PC, and auditory capsules are clearly visible. In the splanchnocranium, Meckel’s cartilage and lower jaw, pterygoid processes, quadrate, hyosymplectic, hyoid, basihyal, ceratohyal, four basibranchials, three pair hypobranchials (HBR), five pair ceratobranchial, fourth epibranchial (EBR), and fourth HBR are also identifiable (Figure 4A–D). It was observed that total length of the head skeleton and several other skeletal elements in the neurocranium and splanchnocranium were affected by



Meckel’s cartilage Ethmoid plate

Meckel’s cartilage


Trabeculae Neurocranium

Ethmoid plate




Polar cartilage ABC



Basilar plate


Meckel’s cartilage

Meckel’s cartilage


Anterior orbital

Basihyal Quadrate

Posterior orbital

Ceratohyal Basibranchial

Epiphyseal bar

Hyoid Ceratobranchials


Basilar plate




TC *


* PC

Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study FASD

Neurocranium 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0


# #

# ## ## # # #



A-100 A-200 A-300 B-100 B-200 B-300 C-100 C-200 C-300 C-400 D-100 D-200 D-300 D-400 E-100 E-200 E-300 E-400



Length (m m)



Treatment groups I

Ur Ph





Figure 4 Effects of developmental ethanol exposure on neurocranium morphology, linear length of neurocranium, and tailfin cartilage calcification of medaka hatchlings. (A–G) Representative figures of normal neurocranium morphology (A–D) and their


Mona H. Haron et al.

ethanol in a dose- and developmental stage-specific manner. Moreover, the chondrification of the neurocranial cartilages, specifically the EP, TC, and PC, were disrupted by ethanol (Figure 4E–G). In some of the hatchlings, TC and PC are very tiny or absent (Figure 4E–G). The average length of the neurocranium compared to control was reduced in ethanol-treated embryos (100–400 mM) in a dose- and developmental-stage-specific manner (Figure 4H). In the tail, only the developing hypural (HP), epural (EPR), and perhypural (PH) cartilages were positive to Alcian Blue staining (Figure 4I) as well as with calcein staining (Figure 4J). The calcification of the tail cartilages including HP, PH, and EPR was inhibited by ethanol as shown with calcein staining (Figure 6K). From these observations, we predict that ethanol induces inhibition in normal growth of the embryos and ethanol-induced abnormalities in neurocranial cartilages are the result of discrepancies in normal patterning and migration of NC cells from the developing CNS. NC cells of medaka, as in

disruption by ethanol (E–G). Fertilized medaka eggs were exposed either to no ethanol (control, A–D) or 300 mM of ethanol (E and F) for first 48 h of development and transferred to clean hatching solution. The hatchlings were stained with Alcian Blue on 10 day post fertilization (dpf). A ¼ neurocranium (dorsal view), B ¼ neurocranium (lateral view), C ¼ splanchnocranium (dorsal view), D ¼ neurocranium dorsal view focusing orbital cartilages, E–G ¼ dorsal views of the hatchlings exposed to 300 mM ethanol developmentally. It was observed that the chondrification of the ethmoid plate (EP), trabecular cartilages (TC), and polar cartilages (PC) was disrupted by ethanol (E–G). H ¼ histograms showing the effects of ethanol on linear length of neurocranium in medaka hatchlings. The embryos were exposed to ethanol (100–400 mM) during development and transferred to fresh hatching solution (X-axis indicates the developmental time points), A ¼ 0–48 hpf; B ¼ 24–72 hpf; C ¼ 48–96 hpf; D ¼ 72–120 hpf; E ¼ 96–144 hpf, and the respective ethanol concentrations, 100–400 mM in which the embryos were exposed: control ¼ no ethanol, A-100, B-100, C-100, D-100, and E-100 ¼ the embryos of the respective age groups were exposed to 100 mM of ethanol; A-200, B-200, C-200, D-200, and E-200 ¼ the embryos of the respective age groups were exposed to 200 mM ethanol; A-300, B-300, C-300, D-300, and E-300 ¼ the embryos of the respective age groups were exposed to 300 mM ethanol; C-400, D-400, and E-400 ¼ the embryos of the respective groups were exposed to 400 mM ethanol; the embryos of A and B groups exposed to 400 mM ethanol did not hatch on 10 dpf in these experiments). The hatchlings were stained in Alcian Blue on 10 dpf and measured using Optimus 6 image analysis software (Media Cybernetics, Silver Springs, MD). The data were statistically analyzed by ANOVA followed by post hoc Tukey’s multiple comparison test. Each bar is the mean  SEM of 10 observations and p < 0.05 is considered as significant. A bar head with pound symbol (#) indicates that the mean data is significantly different from controls. (I–K) Representative figures showing the effect of ethanol on tail fin cartilage calcification of medaka hatchlings developmentally exposed to ethanol (400 mM for the first 48 h of development). The hatchlings were stained with Alcian Blue (I) or calcein (J–K): I and J ¼ no ethanol; K ¼ 400 mM ethanol. It was observed that calcification in tail cartilages was disrupted by developmental ethanol exposure (detected only in calcein stain, K).

Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study FASD


other vertebrates, form most of the cartilages and bones in the skull. Reports are available that describe ethanol exposure of embryos during prenatal development that resulted in disrupted craniofacial and neurocranial cartilage development in other species including human, mouse, rat, chick, xenopus, and zebrafish [138–144]. The primary cause of this defect as mentioned above is the induction of apoptosis in NC cells which are destined to give rise to facial structure [142]. In our model, we also observed a phenomenon of microcephaly due to the reduction of linear length of many chondrocranial cartilages (Figure 5). Moreover, TC and PC are the major cartilages where the disruptions are very prominent, and in many ethanol-treated (200-400 mM) embryos of groups A–D, complete absence of TC and PC in the neurocranium have been observed (Figure 4E–G). During embryogenesis, TC in medaka arises as two C-shaped rods at the anterolateral border of the head that curve backward and inward to lie adjacent to each other along the midline [123]. Later, they fuse at the anterior to form EP and remain separated posteriorly. The PC arises as paired rods, flanking the hypophyseal fenestrae, fusing with the BP at the posterior and separating from each other at the anterior. In medaka, unlike zebrafish the anterior ends of PC do not fuse with the caudal ends of TC (Figure 4A). There is another diamond shaped membrane bone, the parasphenoid (remained unstained by Alcian Blue), which remains within TC and PC and underlies the hypophyseal fenestrae with its flattened portion and the top and bottom corners elongated into thin rods. The anterior rod lies between the TC but does not reach the rostrum, and the posterior rod extends below the BP, ending before the notochord [123]. Although we are unable to examine parasphenoid bone in medaka, we believe the length of the parasphenoid proportionately reduces corresponding to total neurocranial length. The majority of the chondrocranial cartilages of medaka examined are formed after the migration of NC cells from the developing CNS [124]. Neural crestectomies in mesencephalon and preotic rhombencephalon are able to disrupt EP and TC formation; however, formation of PC is not affected by NC extirpations [124]. Therefore, it is evident from our data that the neurocranial cartilages, which are not affected by neural crestectomy (specifically, PC), are also disrupted by embryonic ethanol exposure. Ethanol metabolism generates oxidative stress which is cytotoxic as well as apoptotic. Complete or partial loss of TC or PC in ethanol-treated embryos further indicates that oxidative stress may induce abnormalities in the migration pattern of NC cells or target the expression of a gene which is specifically expressed only in TC and PC precursor cells. Alternatively, oxidative stress induces apoptosis which may disrupt gene expression in the precursor cells of TC and PC due to some unknown specificity. As a result, mediolateral polarity in the neurocranium of medaka embryo is also affected after ethanol exposure. Studies in other models indicate that the


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members of common signaling pathways such as shh, fibroblast growth factor (fgf), wingless (wnt), and bone morphogenic protein (bmp) have a significant impact in NC survival, proliferation, and differentiation and thus impact craniofacial development [145]. Therefore, in medaka, as in other vertebrates, ethanol may be able to alter the functions of these signaling molecules and induce dysmorphogenesis in neurocranial and splanchnocranial cartilage development. B




E Embryos with circulation (48 h EtOH)


# 50




Treatment groups






m 10 0

on tro





Circulation (%)


Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study FASD



Embryos with circulation (24 h EtOH)

Circulation (%)






75 50 25 0 Control


Treatment groups

Figure 5 Effects of ethanol on cardiovascular development and circulation status in the Japanese medaka. (Panel A–D) Representative figures showings embryolethal effects of ethanol on cardiovascular morphology of medaka. Fertilized medaka eggs (Iwamatsu stages 4–10) were exposed to 400 mM ethanol for 48 h. Photographs were taken at 96 hpf. Controls (no ethanol) ( A) with normal heart and three prominent cardinal veins. Ethanol-treated embryos developed tube heart ( B), thrombus in the body ( C), and the blood cells aggregated in cardinal veins ( D). (E and F) Effect of ethanol on the circulation status of medaka embryos during development. Embryos were exposed to 100 or 400 mM ethanol for 48 h in groups A (exposed to ethanol 0–48 h), B (exposed to ethanol 24–72 hpf), C (exposed to ethanol 48–96 hpf), D (exposed to ethanol 72–120 hpf), and E (96–144 hpf) and 400 mM of ethanol for 24 h, group F (exposed to ethanol 0–24 hpf), G (exposed to ethanol 24–48 hpf), and H (exposed to ethanol 48–72 hpf). Parallel groups with no ethanol served as controls. Circulation status of the embryos was examined and analyzed on 6 dpf. Each group contained 6–8 embryos per treatment. Each bar is the mean  SEM of 15–20 separate treatment repetitions. Bar head with pound symbol (#) indicates that the data are significantly different (p < 0.05) from corresponding controls and asterisks (*) indicates the difference (p < 0.05) with group A. Panel E ¼ embryos were exposed to ethanol (100 or 400 mM) for 48 h and panel F ¼ embryos exposed to ethanol (400 mM) for 24 h. The values of A, B, and C in E are significantly different from the corresponding values of F, G, and H in F.

4.3. Changes in cardiovascular structure Fetal alcohol exposure during development results in a host of cardiac abnormalities including atrial and ventricular defects, teratology of fallot, d-transposition of the great arteries, truncus arteriosus communis, and aorticopulmonary window [146]. One estimate suggests that 54% of children with FAS have some kind of heart defect [147]. Embryonic ethanol


Mona H. Haron et al.

exposures also elicit similar cardiovascular defects in animal models like those observed in humans. When ethanol was administered intravenously to pregnant monkeys, an interruption of fetoplacental circulation was observed which lead to severe hypoxia and acidosis in the fetus and probably induced mental retardation [148]. However, in fetal sheep, an acute or chronic ethanol exposure during all or the last week of the third trimester did not result in hypoxemia [149–151]. Repeated exposure to moderate doses of ethanol during the third trimester altered fetal cerebral vascular functions and increased blood flow in the brain regions of sheep that are vulnerable to ethanol in the presence of acidaemia and hypercapnia but in the absence of hypoxia [152]. In C57BI/6J mice, two intraperitoneal doses of ethanol caused abnormal heart and great vessel formation [153]. Atrial septal defects were also observed in ethanol-exposed rats [154]. In mice, ethanol reduced cardiac contractility and output, disrupted myofibril organization and altered mitochondrial protein profiles [155–159]. In chicken embryos ethanol-induced valvuloseptal anomalies were found to be dosedependent [160]. In zebrafish, the embryos exposed to ethanol during development exhibited structural and functional changes in the heart [90,91,146]. We, therefore, focused on cardiovasculature of medaka embryos exposed to ethanol developmentally. Due to the transparency of the chorion, cardiovascular development in medaka can be observed noninvasively under a microscope. The development of the cardiovascular system in medaka embryogenesis has been studied by several investigators [122,161]. The heart becomes visible under a microscope 38 hpf (Iwamatsu stage 22). The blood vessels (Cuvierian ducts and vitello-caudal vein or marginal vein) and the intermediate cell mass (ICM) or blood island are pronounced in Iwamatsu stage 23 ( 41 hpf). The heart starts beating at 44 hpf (Iwamatsu stage 24) with a very low heart rate (32-64 beats/min); the embryonic erythrocytes and hemangioblasts are aggregated in ICM during this period. At 50 hpf (Iwamatsu stage 25) the heart rate increases (70-80 beats/min) and the globular blood cells develop from the ICM (onset of vessel circulation). At 64 hpf (Iwamatsu stage 28), the blood cells appear to be flattening (Iwamatsu, 2004). The differentiation of embryonic heart into atrium, ventricle, sinus venosus, and bulbous aorta begins  74 hpf (Iwamatsu stage 29). The branching of arteries to supply blood to the trunk muscles, gills, and brain starts at 82 hpf (Iwamatsu stage 30) and circulation to the pectoral fins occurs at 121 hpf (Iwamatsu stage 34). Looping of the heart is complete at 144 hpf (Iwamatsu stage 36). We followed the same experimental protocol and groupings as we did in cartilage development studies. However, we treated the embryos with only two doses of ethanol (100 and 400 mM) for two consecutive days (group A: 0–48 hpf, group B: 24–72 hpf, group C: 48–96 hpf, group D:72–120 hpf, and group E: 96–144 hpf) with a single change of ethanol after 24 h. Some

Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study FASD


of the groups were exposed to only 400 mM ethanol for 24 h (group F: 0–24 hpf, group G: 24–48 hpf, and group H: 48–72 hpf). Ethanol was added to the media before (groups A, B, C, F, G, H; Iwamatsu stages 4–24) and after (groups D and E; Iwamatsu stage 25–30) the vessel circulation started and the circulation status was examined on 6 dpf (because in our culture conditions the control embryos start to hatch 175 hpf). It was observed that control embryos were able to maintain normal circulation in 6 dpf without any cardiovascular developmental deformities. Moreover, the embryos exposed to 100 mM ethanol (groups A–E) also exhibited normal vessel circulation status just as the controls. In contrast, a significant number of embryos from groups A, B, and C treated with 400 mM of ethanol were unable to initiate vessel circulation on 6 dpf (compared to control and 100 mM) and the majority of them developed blood clots (one to many) in different parts of the circulating vessels or in the body. The heart either remained straight (tube heart) or failed to loop completely after ethanol exposure (Figure 5A–D; the photographs were taken 96 hpf). Further analysis of the data showed that the number of embryos with disrupted circulation was significantly higher in group A than in group C (Figure 5E). The embryos of groups D and E treated with equal ethanol concentration (400 mM) were able to maintain their normal vessel circulation status similar to controls and 100 mM ethanol-treated embryos (Figure 5E). In order to determine the critical period of ethanol effect in cardiovascular development of medaka, fertilized embryos at three different stages of development were exposed to 400 mM ethanol for 24 h (group F ¼ 0–24 hpf embryos, Iwamatsu stages 10; group G ¼ 24–48 hpf embryos, Iwamatsu stages 15–20; group H ¼ 48–72 hpf, Iwamatsu stages 23–24). All of these embryos were in a non-circulating stage (no initiation of vessel circulation) when they were exposed to ethanol (Iwamatsu stages 4–24). These embryos were examined on 6 dpf. It was observed that the number of embryos with vessel circulation in groups F and G (Figure 5F) were significantly increased in comparison with the embryos treated with ethanol for two consecutive days (group A, B, or C). However, those with disrupted circulation developed blood clots (thrombus) and cardiac deformities. All embryos of group H (Iwamatsu stage 23–24; no circulation) treated with 400 mM ethanol (2–3 dpf) displayed vessel circulation on 6 dpf as in controls (Figure 5F). The experimental design and ethanol treatment of the embryos was based on the period of cardiovascular development in medaka. The embryos in group A were exposed to ethanol from very early stages of development (early to late blastula) to the stage prior to the onset of vessel circulation (0–48 hpf). In group B, ethanol treatment started at early neurula stage and continued to the stage of heart chamber formation (24–72 hpf); in group C, embryos were exposed to ethanol prior to the onset of vessel circulation and treatment was continued until the beginning of blood supply to the organs (48–96 hpf). In groups D (72–120 hpf) and E (96–144 hpf), embryos were


Mona H. Haron et al.

exposed to ethanol after vessel circulation had started. With these treatment conditions, we observed that embryos exposed to 100 mM of ethanol were able to initiate vessel circulation similar to controls; however, significant numbers of embryos exposed to 400 mM of ethanol in groups A, B, and C were unable to initiate vessel circulation on 6 dpf. If the embryos were exposed to ethanol after the onset of vessel circulation, no alteration in the circulation status of the embryos was observed on 6 dpf (groups D and E) (Figure 5E). We, therefore, concluded that the onset of vessel circulation can be used as a hallmark of ethanol toxicity in medaka embryogenesis. We also observed that some of the ethanol-treated embryos were able to establish vessel circulation in later stages of development and survived with FAS features such as craniofacial disorders [126] after hatching. However, of the embryos that were unable to establish vessel circulation due to ethanol treatment, the majority (specifically group A) died prior to or after hatching. To find the critical phase of ethanol toxicity, we reduced the alcohol exposure window to 24 h and observed that more embryos were able to initiate circulation on 6 dpf in groups F, G, and H (24 h exposure) compared to the corresponding A, B, and C groups (48 h exposure) (Figure 5E and F). Moreover, in group H, all embryos were able to recover from ethanol stress (considering all the stresses were located within the circulatory system). It is therefore further concluded that the effects of ethanol on cardiovascular development of medaka are specific to the dose, duration, and developmental status of the embryos. Ethanol exposure at 100 mM concentration for 48 h did not alter the vessel circulation status of the embryos. However, those exposed to 400 mM ethanol either for 48 h (groups A, B, and C) or for 24 h (groups F and G) had a significantly disrupted circulation status depending upon the developmental stages of the embryos when ethanol treatment occurred. Embryos of groups D and E were nonresponsive to ethanol with regard to their circulation status. In medaka, the yolk is the only source of nutrients during embryo development and the supply of nutrients from the yolk to the embryo occurs through circulation. Therefore, disruption in circulation or the circulatory system by ethanol inhibited nutrient delivery and thus normal growth of the embryo. In sheep, binge fetal alcohol exposure is associated with attenuation of cerebral blood flow responses to hypoxia in both fetuses [162] and newborns [163]. In our model, disruption of vessel circulation may affect the blood and nutrient supply to the developing brain leading to an alteration in CNS development. Moreover, from our data, it may also be concluded that medaka embryos are more sensitive to ethanol in early stages of development before the onset of circulation (Iwamatsu stages 4–24) than the embryos in late developmental stages where circulation is already occurring (stages 25–30). One potential target of ethanol within the developing heart is the NC. These cells originate from the dorsal neuroectoderm to produce different

Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study FASD


embryonic regions: the cranial NC becomes facial bone and connective tissue: cardiac NC becomes the smooth muscle of the distal pulmonary artery and aorta, and trunk NC becomes parasympathetic and sympathetic ganglia, among other tissues [164]. Ablation of premigratory cardiac NC cells gives rise to valvuloseptal defects which resemble those seen following ethanol exposure [165]. Their striking similarity has prompted suggestions that the mechanisms which underlie ethanol-induced cardiac defects may be the same as those that affect the face [153,166]. Indeed, prenatal alcohol exposure in animal models produces deficiencies in cranial and cardiac structures of NC origin [153,167], extensive cell death within NC-postulated regions [25,140], and reductions in cranial NC cell populations themselves [168]. Therefore, it is possible that such losses within the cardiac NC lead to alcohol-induced outflow tract deficits.

4.4. Biochemical parameters Although the fetotoxic effects of maternal ethanol consumption have been documented for several decades [2,4], the ways by which ethanol affects biochemical processes and cellular structures have been the focus of extensive research and they are still far from being completely understood [26,169]. Therefore, in our model, to find a suitable biochemical marker that reflects the normal developmental pattern of medaka during embryogenesis that is altered by ethanol, we measured several biochemical parameters including the macromolecular (DNA, RNA, and protein) contents, alcohol metabolizing enzymes, oxidative stress, and lipid peroxidation in medaka embryos. In these experiments, various ethanol treatment regimes were adopted. 4.4.1. Macromolecules To find a significant effect of ethanol in macromolecular constituents (protein and nucleic acids) of medaka embryos during development, we followed a different strategy from the strategies done previously for cardiovasculature or skeletal studies. Group A embryos (Iwamatsu stages 4–10) were exposed to ethanol (100 and 400 mM for the first 48 h of development, then transferred to clean hatching solution) and analyzed at 0, 2, 4, and 6 dpf. The nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) concentrations of the embryos were determined from the embryos with intact chorion and yolk materials [170]. However, for protein, embryos were fixed in 4% PFA containing 0.1% Tween 20 (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) for 4 h at room temperature, and then separated from the chorion and yolk. The yolk and embryos were processed separately for protein estimation [170]. The DNA and protein contents of the embryos considered as day 0 were prepared from embryos at early blastula stage (Iwamatsu stage 10), but for total RNA, the embryos of earlier developmental stages (Iwamatsu stages 3–4) were used.


Mona H. Haron et al.

As cleavage continued, the amount of DNA in embryos of 2 dpf was found to be increased in all groups (0, 100, and 400 mM) compared to the embryos of 0 dpf; however, the values were not significantly different. Also, the increase in 2 dpf was statistically equal in all three groups (Figure 6A). On day 4, when ethanol was no longer present in the medium, DNA content of the embryos was further increased, and the enhancement in control (no ethanol) and 100 mM group were statistically significant from the corresponding control and 100 mM groups of 2 dpf embryos, but not in 400 mM group (where the values were not significantly different from 400 mM group of 2 dpf). Moreover, the DNA contents of control embryos at 4 dpf also showed a significantly higher amount of DNA than the embryos exposed to 400 mM ethanol. On day 6, no further increase of



# b

# b

# b

# a a


# b

Total RNA (ng/egg)

a a

1500 1250 1000

# b

# a







0d 2d 2d -C -1 0 2d 0 -4 00 4d 4d -C -1 0 4d 0 -4 00 6d 6d -C -1 0 6d 0 -4 00


Embryo protein # c


# c

30 25

# b


# b

# b







0d 2d 2d -C -1 0 2d 0 -4 00 4d 4d C -1 00 4d -4 00 6d 6d C -1 00 6d -4 00


Protein (μg/egg)

Protein (μg/embryo)

# b




# b

# b

# b

Yolk protein 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


a a




# a

# a


0d 2d 2d -C -1 0 2d 0 -4 00 4d 4d -C -1 0 4d 0 -4 00 6d 6d C -1 0 6d 0 -4 00

900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

# b

0d 2d 2d C -1 0 2d 0 -4 00 4d -C 4d -1 0 4d 0 -4 0 6d 0 -C 6d -1 0 6d 0 -4 00

DNA (ng/egg)


Figure 6 Effect of ethanol on the macromolecular constituents (DNA, RNA, and protein) of medaka embryos during development. Each bar represents the mean  SEM of four to six separate experiments. Bar head with pound symbol (#) indicates that the results are significantly different (p < 0.05) from 0 dpf; different lower case letters (a, b, and c) represent the data are significantly different from the corresponding control, 100 or 400 mM groups at 2 dpf. A ¼ DNA, B ¼ RNA, C ¼ embryo protein, and D ¼ yolk protein.

Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study FASD


embryonic DNA was observed in the control, 100 and 400 mM groups with regards to the corresponding embryos of 4 dpf; however, the DNA content of the 400 mM group was found to be significantly different from the 400 mM group of 2 dpf (Figure 6A). The concentration of RNA, just as DNA, also increased in embryos with the advancement of embryogenesis. However, RNA contents of 2 dpf embryos (control, 100, and 400 mM) remained at the same level as in the 0 dpf group (Figure 6B). In 4 dpf, the RNA concentrations of the control embryos and 100 mM group were significantly increased in comparison with the embryos of 0 and 2 dpf. However, in the 400 mM group, the enhancement was significantly different only from the embryos at 0 dpf, but not compared to those at 2 dpf. Further analysis of the data indicated that, in 4 dpf embryos, the RNA content of the control and 100 mM ethanoltreated groups is greater than that of embryos exposed to 400 mM ethanol. In the 6 dpf group, no further enhancement of RNA was observed in control, 100, and 400 mM groups compared to the corresponding embryos of 4 dpf; however, in the 400 mM group, the increase was significantly higher than the embryos of 2 dpf exposed to similar ethanol concentrations (Figure 6B). Further comparison of RNA data in 6 dpf samples indicated that both the control and 100 mM ethanol-treated groups have more RNA than the embryos exposed to 400 mM ethanol. Embryonic protein levels showed the most significant differences during the advancement of development (Figure 6C). Both in control and treated embryos, protein levels rose sharply over time. By day 6, the increase was more than 20-fold in control and 100 mM groups compared to the embryos of 0 dpf. As with DNA and RNA, the enhancement of embryonic protein in 2 dpf embryos was not significantly different from 0 dpf (stage 10) samples. The embryos of 4 dpf showed a significant rise in protein levels over 0 dpf and corresponding 2 dpf groups in both the control and 100 mM ethanol-treated embryos, but in the 400 mM group, the enhancement remained at the same level as in the 0 or 2 dpf groups. The embryonic protein amount increased further in all groups in 6 dpf embryos. In control and 100 mM groups, the values were significantly higher than the corresponding embryos of 4 dpf. The embryos treated with 400 mM ethanol also had higher amounts of protein, and the increase was significantly different from the corresponding 2 dpf embryos but was not different from 4 dpf. Also the values were significantly lower than the values observed in the control and 100 mM groups on 6 dpf. The total embryonic yolk proteins remained almost unaltered during development but was significantly reduced in the control and 100 mM group on 6 dpf compared to the embryos at 0 dpf (Figure 6D). Total protein and RNA content of the medaka embryos developmentally exposed to ethanol were further analyzed with regard to circulation status of the embryos (Figure 7). In these experiments, we used all groups


Mona H. Haron et al.


A Embryonic protein (48 h EtoH)



Embryonic protein (24 h EtOH)


Embryo protein (μg/egg)

Embryonic protein (μg/egg)

35 25 20


# #

15 10 5






* #


* #

10 5

0 Control A




100 mM








400 mM

Control F+





Treatment groups


RNA (48 h EtOH)

D 1750

RNA (ng/embryo)

1250 1000 #

# #

500 250


on tr A- ol 10 B- 0 1 C 00 -1 D 00 -1 E- 00 1 A- 00 4 B- 00 4 C 00 -4 D 00 -4 E- 00 40 0


RNA (ng/embryo)



RNA (24 h EtOH) 1500 1250 1000


* #

750 500 250 0 Control F+





Treatment groups

Figure 7 Effect of ethanol on protein and RNA content of medaka embryos during development. Embryos were exposed to 100 or 400 mM ethanol for 48 h in groups A, B, C, D, and E, and in 400 mM ethanol for 24 h in groups F, G, and H. Parallel groups with no ethanol served as control. Viable embryos were sacrificed 6 dpf and used for protein (A and B) and RNA (C and D) analysis. The circulating embryos were separated from the non-circulating ones before protein and RNA assay in groups F and G. Each group consisted of 6–8 embryos per experiment. Each bar is the mean  SEM of 4–6 separate experiments. Bar head with pound symbol (#) indicates the data are significantly different (p < 0.05) from the corresponding control and with asterisk (*) indicates that the data are different from the circulating embryos. A and B ¼ Protein; C and D ¼ RNA. In (B) and (D), the groups (F, G, and H) marked “þ” indicate that the embryos were in circulation on 6 dpf and marked “” indicate that the embryos were unable to initiate circulation.

(groups A–E received 48 h exposure of 100 or 400 mM ethanol and were then maintained in clean hatching solution until 6 dpf; groups F–H were exposed to 400 mM ethanol only for 24 h and were then maintained in clean hatching solution until 6 dpf). The macromolecular constituents (protein and RNA) taken from fish embryos exposed to ethanol for two consecutive days (groups A–E) were pooled irrespective of their circulation status. Those exposed for 1 day (groups F, G, and H) were separated into

Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study FASD


non-circulating embryos (F and G ) and circulating embryos (Fþ, Gþ, Hþ) prior to be being pooled. It was observed that ethanol at the 400 mM concentration significantly reduced the total protein and RNA contents of the embryos from groups A, B, and C at 6 dpf in comparison with the controls and the 100 mM groups. However, no significant differences in these macromolecular components (total protein and RNA) were observed in groups D and E embryos (Figure 7A and C) exposed to 0 dpf (control), 100 or 400 mM ethanol. In groups F, G, and H, embryonic protein content was significantly lower in the ethanol-treated embryos. Furthermore, embryos without circulation (F and G ) had significantly less protein than the embryos with circulation (F þ and G þ) (Figure 7B). In the case of RNA, the results were slightly different. Those embryos which had failed to initiate circulation on 6 dpf (F  and G) due to ethanol treatment (400 mM for 24 h) had significantly less RNA than the embryos with circulation (controls and Fþ, Gþ, or H þ groups). No significant difference on 6 dpf embryos was observed in the RNA contents of the control and the ethanol-treated embryos with circulation (Fþ, Gþ, and Hþ) (Figure 7D). 4.4.2. Alcohol metabolizing enzymes, lipid peroxidation, and oxidative stress Alcohol is metabolized by the enzyme ADH and ALDH. By applying semiquantitative (rRT-PCR) and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR), we observed that medaka embryos express both adh (adh5 and adh8) and aldh (aldh1a2 and aldh9a) enzyme mRNAs during development [126,171–173]. The nucleotide sequence was obtained either from GenBank or Ensemble ( and gene-specific primers were designed (Table 1). The amplified PCR products were further verified for specific target genes by nucleotide sequence analysis. We observed that the expression of adh5 mRNA is constitutive; however, expression of adh8, aldh1a2, and aldh9a mRNA is developmentally regulated [126,171–173]. To determine if ethanol exposure of medaka embryos during development is able to modulate adh and aldh mRNA expression, we exposed medaka embryos (0 dpf, Iwamatsu stages 4–10) to ethanol (100 and 400 mM) 48 hpf and measured adh5, adh8, and aldh9a mRNAs on 2, 4, and 6 dpf. Ethanol was unable to alter the adh5 and adh8 mRNA content with regard to control embryos (Figure 8A and B); however, the expression of aldh9a mRNA was attenuated by ethanol only in 4 dpf (Figure 8C). To investigate the influence of circulation status, both adh and aldh mRNAs (adh5, adh8, aldh9A, and aldh1A2) were measured separately in circulating (groups Fþ, Gþ, and H) and non-circulating (F, G) embryos. We used rRT-PCR for adh5, adh8, and aldh9A mRNAs (Figure 9) and qPCR for adh5, adh8, aldh9A, and aldh1A2 mRNAs (Figure 10) for analysis. The data obtained by rRT-PCR showed the embryos treated with ethanol that have circulation (group Fþ, Gþ, and

Table 1 study

List of primers used in semi-quantitative (rRT-PCR) and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) amplification of different genes used in this


Sense (50 –30 )


Antisense (50 –30 )

Product (bp) GenBank accession




542 300

ENSORLT00000017152 NM_001104662

198 337 221 201 241 338 283 276 171 241 165 204 550

AJ132403 AF112141 AB098317 AJ000939 AB007129 AJ243208 BJ013948 ENSORLG000000019434 ENSORLT00000002176 GenBank: X95200 ENSORLT00000000771 GenBank: DQ660323 DQ897366







b-Actin (1), b-actin (2), and Eif1a primers are used as internal control depending on the length (bp) of the target genes.


Adh5 Control

400 mM

100 mM

Relative band intensity (Adh5/beta actin)

0.100 0.075 0.050 0.025 0.000

Day 2

Day 4

Day 6

Age of the embryo B

Adh8 Control

400 mM

100 mM

Relative band intensity (Adh8/beta actin)





* 0.05




Day 2

Day 4

Day 6

Age of the embryo C Aldh9 mRNA (relative band intensity)









0.00 Day 2

Day 4

Day 6

Age of the embryo Control

100 mM

400 mM

Figure 8 Effect of ethanol on alcohol metabolizing enzyme mRNAs of Japanese medaka embryo. A ¼ Adh5, B ¼ Adh8, and C ¼ Aldh 9A. mRNA was isolated from eight pooled embryos and analyzed by semi-quantitative rRT-PCR. Each bar represents the mean  SEM of 4–6 separate experiments. Asterisks (*) on bar head represent the values were significantly different from the corresponding embryos at 2 dpf.


Mona H. Haron et al.


A Adh5

Adh8 0.35



Relative band intensity (Adh8:β-actin)

Relative band intensity (Adh5:β-actin)


0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00

Control F+




0.30 0.25


0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00


Control F+

Treatment groups C

Relative band intensity (Aldh9A:β-actin)





Treatment groups

Aldh9A 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00


Control F+





Treatment groups

Figure 9 Effect of ethanol on Adh5, Adh8, and Aldh9A mRNA expression in medaka embryos developmentally exposed to ethanol corresponding to circulation status; rRTPCR analysis. Total RNA was prepared from 6 to 8 pooled medaka embryos 6 dpf, and reverse transcribed and analyzed by rRT-PCR using b-actin primers (1 or 2) as internal control. The internal control primers are b-actin (1) for Adh5 and b-actin (2) for Adh8 and Aldh9A. The results were expressed as the ratio of relative band intensity of target gene: b-actin. The data obtained were log transformed and used for one way ANOVA followed by post hoc Tukey’s multiple comparison test. Each data are the mean  SEM of 4–6 separate experiments and p < 0.05 considered as significant. F, G, and H represent the groups of medaka embryos exposed to ethanol for a specific development period (F ¼ 0–24 hpf, G ¼ 24–48 hpf, H ¼ 48–72 hpf); “þ” indicates that the embryos were in circulation and “” indicates the embryos were unable to initiate circulation on 6 dpf. A ¼ Adh5; B ¼ Adh8; C ¼ Aldh9A.

Hþ) were able to maintain equal amounts of adh and aldh mRNAs on 6 dpf analogous to controls. However, embryos without circulation (F and G) showed a developmental stage-specific response (reduction). Embryos of group F  (embryos at Iwamatsu stages 4–10 exposed to 400 mM of ethanol for 24 h without circulation on 6 dpf) showed a significant reduction in these mRNA (adh5, adh8, and aldh9) levels with respect to controls; however, embryos of the G group (Iwamatsu stages 17–20, exposed to


Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study FASD




Adh5 1.5

Adh Ct-EFα Ct

Adh5 Ct -EFα Ct


1.0 # 0.5

0.0 Control F+




1.0 # 0.5




Treatment groups






D Aldh9a





Aldh1A2 Ct-EFα Ct

Aldh9A Ct-EFα Ct


Treatment groups

1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Control





Treatments groups


1.50 1.25 1.00 0.75 #

0.50 0.25 0.00 Control






Treatment groups

Figure 10 Effect of ethanol on Adh5, Adh8, Aldh9A, and Aldh 1A2 mRNA expression in medaka embryos developmentally exposed to ethanol corresponding to circulation status: qPCR analysis. Total RNA was prepared from 6 to 8 pooled medaka embryos 6 dpf, reverse transcribed and analyzed by qRT-PCR. For each sample, the threshold cycle for internal standard (eif1a) amplification (Ct, eif1a) was subtracted from the threshold cycle of the corresponding enzyme mRNA amplification (Ct, enzyme) to yield DCt. For each treatment group, the data are the mean of DCt of control samples was subtracted from each individual samples to yield individual DDCt. Fold induction relative to control samples was calculated with 2 DDCt. The data obtained were log transformed and used for one way ANOVA followed by post hoc Tukey’s multiple comparison test; p < 0.05 was considered as significant. The data are the mean  SEM of 3–4 separate experiments. F, G, and H represent the groups of medaka embryos exposed to ethanol for a specific development period (F ¼ 0–24 hpf, G ¼ 24–48 hpf, H ¼ 48–72 hpf). Group with “þ” indicates that the embryos were in circulation and “” indicates the embryos were unable to initiate circulation on 6 dpf. A ¼ Adh5, B ¼ Adh8, C ¼ Aldh9A, and D ¼ Aldh1A2. Bar head with pound symbol (#) indicates that the mean data is significantly different from the controls.

400 mM ethanol 24 h without circulation on 6 dpf) had the same level of the mRNAs mentioned above as controls (Figure 9A–C). In qPCR analysis, adh5, adh8, and aldh1A2 mRNA expression (Figure 10A, B, and D) showed similar changes (decreased in F  and unchanged in Fþ, Gþ, G, and Hþ)


Mona H. Haron et al.

as in the rRT-PCR experiment; however, aldh9A (Figure 10C) mRNA level in F, G, and H groups remained unchanged compared to controls regardless of the circulation status of the embryo. As mentioned above, metabolism of ethanol through ADH requires NADþ and generates acetaldehyde. Further oxidation of acetaldehyde, which is mediated predominantly by the mitochondrial ALDH, also requires NADþ. Therefore, the rate-limiting factor in ethanol metabolism in a tissue is the amount of initial NADþ reserve. We have analyzed the NADþ and NADH status of medaka embryos with or without ethanol exposure (group A embryos exposed to 200 and 400 mM ethanol for 48 h) and used the ratio (NADþ:NADH) as an index of oxidative stress (Figure 11) [128]. We used a fluorescent NAD/NADH detection kit (Cell Technology, Mountain View, CA, USA) and followed the manufacturer’s protocol for determination of NADþ:NADH. In this procedure, separate samples were used for the extraction of NADþ and NADH and the extracted NADþ was converted to NADH before the assay. Our studies indicate that medaka embryos have significant amounts of both NADþ and NADH in the yolk prior to or during the initiation of morphogenesis (Figure 11), and these coenzyme reserves are derived from the parental resources during oogenesis and/or during fertilization. Our studies further indicate that both NADþ and NADH contents of the embryos are increased during the advancement of morphogenesis (Figure 11A and B). NADþ content tended to decrease in ethanol-treated embryos compared to the corresponding controls, both in 2 and 6 dpf embryos (Figure 11A), and NADH concentration in the 400 mM ethanol-treated groups of 6 dpf embryos displayed a trend toward decreased levels (Figure 11B). These studies indicate that medaka embryos are able to metabolize ethanol during embryogenesis through the ADH/ALDH pathway. Although our data (NADþ:NADH) are not significantly different from the corresponding controls (Figure 11C), there is an indication that alcohol is able to reduce the coenzyme concentration compared to controls and thus affect the NADþ content. We were unable to measure the coenzyme activity separately in yolk and embryo, and differences in activity between the two may exist. Evidence indicates that ethanol metabolism is restricted to the embryonic body and does not occur in the yolk. Therefore, assay of the NADþ: NADH separately in embryo and yolk may be able to reveal an alteration in the coenzyme status during medaka development. It is now well established that prenatal ethanol exposure causes an increase in fetal levels of lipid peroxidation both in the liver and brain [174–179]. Therefore, we have determined the lipid peroxidation status of medaka embryos during normal embryogenesis and after ethanol exposure (Figure 12). The thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS) assay was used as an index of lipid peroxidation in embryo homogenates based on the formation of lipid peroxidation products as previously described by

Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study FASD

B NADH (nM/mg protein)


nM/mg protein

15,000 12,500 10,000 7500 5000 2500

7500 5000 2500 0

2d -C 2d -2 00 2d -4 00 6d -C 6d -2 00 6d -4 00


0 0d



2d -C


2d -2 00 2d -4 00 6d -C 6d -2 00 6d -4 00



Treatment groups

Treatment groups




2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5

00 -4




-C 6d




00 2d


-2 2d




Treatment groups

Figure 11 Effect of ethanol on NAD þ and NADH status of medaka embryo during development. Embryos were exposed to 200 and 400 mM ethanol 48 hpf and either used for coenzyme assay or maintained in hatching solution 6 dpf and used for the coenzyme assay. The corresponding controls were maintained in hatching solution only. To determine the basal value, the fertilized eggs  1 hpf were used. Each bar is the mean  SD of 4–6 observations. The data were analyzed by one way ANOVA followed by post hoc Tukey’s multiple comparison test; p < 0.05 was considered as significant. Bar head with pound symbol (#) indicates that the results are significantly different from the samples of day 0. A ¼ NADþ, B ¼ NADH, and C ¼ NADþ:NADH.

Oakes and Van Der Kraak [180]. As a result of the peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), malondialdehyde (MDA) is formed [181] and MDA reacts with 2-thiobarbituric acid to produce TBARS [182]. We observed that the lipid peroxidation status of medaka embryos was normally increased during development [127]. However, unexpectedly, ethanol (both 100 and 400 mM) treatment was unable to significantly alter the TBARS content of the embryos at any stage of development compared to the corresponding controls (Figure 12). Quantification of oxidative stress is very difficult due to the short half-lives of free radicals and many products initially produced from PUFA [183]. For this reason, the detection of


Mona H. Haron et al.

LPO 900


800 700





600 500 400 300 200 100 C-3 h 100-3 h 400-3 h C-6 h 100-6 h 400-6 h C-24 h 100-24 h 400-24 h C-48 h 100-48 h 400-48 h C-96 h 100-96 h 400-96 h C-144 h 100-144 h 400-144 h


Treatment groups

Figure 12 Effect of ethanol on lipid peroxidation status of medaka embryo during development. Embryos were exposed to 100 and 400 mM of ethanol for various time points and used for lipid per oxidation (LPO) assay. Embryos exposed to ethanol for 3, 6, 24, and 48 h and were used for LPO assay immediately after alcohol removal. Embryos used in 96 and 144 hpf were exposed to 100 and 400 mM of ethanol for 48 hpf then maintained in hatching solution. Parallel groups with no ethanol served as control. Each group consists of 6–8 embryos. Each bar is the mean  SEM of 4–6 separate experiments. Bar head with pound symbol (#) indicates that the control data are significantly different (p < 0.05) from the 3 h control groups.

oxidative stress is mainly based on the quantification of MDA which is formed as a result of the peroxidation of PUFA [181]. The reaction of MDA with 2-thiobarbituric acid produced 2-TBARS which is widely used in assays of oxidative stress [182]. However, this assay is not very specific; many other substances can participate in TBARS formation. Our data (Figure 12) documented an increase in LPO in medaka embryos with the advancement of morphogenesis; however, embryos (Iwamatsu stages 4–10) exposed to ethanol (100 or 400 mM) at 3, 6, 24, and 48 hpf did not display any significant differences compared to controls. Moreover, group A embryos exposed to ethanol for 48 hpf, then maintained in hatching solution were analyzed at 96 and 144 hpf and also showed no change after ethanol treatment. Enhancement of LPO during development has also been reported in other species [184]. However, ethanol has been shown to induce LPO in fetal rat hepatocytes [177], and this is not congruent with the results obtained here. More studies with different LPO analysis techniques are needed before accepting the view that ethanol is unable to induce LPO in medaka embryogenesis. We next analyzed the status of oxidative stress in medaka embryogenesis as a function of the amount hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) generated during

Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study FASD


development. The method has been previously described by Ozawa et al. [185]. We observed that a measurable amount of H2O2 was detected when the embryos were in late blastula and early gastrula stages (Iwamatsu stage 10). The activity was gradually increased with the advancement of development and reached a maximum level in hatchlings (Figure 13A). To determine the effect of ethanol on the oxidative stress status of the embryos, fertilized medaka eggs (0 dpf, Iwamatsu stages 4-10), organisms in the neurula stages (1 dpf, Iwamatsu stages 17–20), and circulating embryos (4 dpf, Iwamatsu stages  30–32) were exposed to ethanol (100 and 300 mM) for 48 h and then analyzed indications of oxidative stress (Figure 13B). It was observed that oxidative stress was increased in embryos with the advancement of morphogenesis and that an ethanol concentration of 300 mM was able to reduce the status of oxidative stress in embryos at 3 and 6 dpf. This difference was significant in 3 dpf embryos exposed to 300 mM ethanol compared to controls. Oxidative stress was not significantly different in embryos exposed to 100 mM ethanol compared to controls. It is now known that prenatal ethanol exposure causes a decrease in the content of antioxidant glutathione (GSH) [45,179,186,187] which may affect the activities of antioxidant enzymes. Therefore, we have investigated the expression of four antioxidant enzyme mRNAs including catalase, glutathione reductase (GSR), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and super oxide dismutase (SOD) during medaka embryogenesis (Figures 14 and 16) and after exposing the embryos to ethanol (100 and 300 mM) for 48 h at three stages of development (0, 1, and 4 dpf) (Figures 15 and 17). We used both rRT-PCR (Figures 14 and 16) and qPCR (Figures 15 and 17) techniques to measure these mRNAs. Among these four enzymes, SOD converts O2 to H2O2 and molecular oxygen, catalase converts H2O2 to water, and GSR regenerates GSH (reduced form) from GSSG (the oxidized form) [188–191]. Our data indicate that embryos maintained a distinct developmental regulatory pattern of antioxidant enzyme mRNAs (Figures 14 and 15) and ethanol was unable to alter the levels of enzyme mRNA of the developmental stages (Figures 16 and 17). Our studies in medaka indicate that oxidative stress is necessary in medaka embryogenesis and deregulation of this process by ethanol can induce developmental abnormalities and thus FASD. Medaka embryos generate oxidative stress and thus ROS during embryogenesis and ethanol is able to attenuate oxidative stress during specific phases of development. Moreover, the antioxidant enzyme mRNAs maintained a definite expression pattern, but no alteration to these patterns was observed in the embryos exposed to ethanol during development. Furthermore, lipid peroxidation, a potential marker of oxidative stress, also remained unaltered after ethanol exposure in this model. Finally, the NADþ:NADH status is not significantly altered after ethanol exposure during medaka embryogenesis. Therefore, in regard with oxidative stress, our data are not congruent with the


Mona H. Haron et al.


Oxidative stress: normal development

FU/h/mg protein



6000 4000


2000 #









0 0



9 9-h 10 10-h

Age of the embryo (dpf)


Oxidative stress

FU/h/mg protein






on t 10 rol2 0 m dp 30 M- f 2 0 m dp C M-2 f on dp t 10 rol- f 3 0 m dp 30 M- f 3 0 m dp C M-3 f on tr dp 10 ol-6 f 0 m dp 30 M- f 6 0 m dp M f -6 dp f


Treatment groups

Figure 13 Developmental regulation (A) and effect of ethanol (B) on the oxidative stress status of Japanese medaka embryos during development. The embryos were collected within 2 hpf and maintained in the laboratory in hatching solution with 16L:8D light cycle and 26  1  C. Some of the embryos were exposed to ethanol (0, 100, and 300 mM) in the respective days (0, 1, and 4 dpf) for 48 h and analyzed on 2, 3, and 6 dpf, respectively (B). Six to eight embryos were used for oxidative stress analysis. Each bar is the mean  SEM of 4–8 observations. The data (FU ¼ fluorescent unit) were log transformed and analyzed by one way ANOVA followed by post hoc Tukey’s multiple comparison test; p < 0.05 was considered as significant. Bar head with pound (#) symbol indicates that the data are significantly different from 0 dpf embryos (A) or from the corresponding control group (B). The lower case letter “h” used in 9-h and 10-h data points in x-axis (A) indicates that the measured oxidative stress is on hatched embryos either at 9 dpf (9-h) or in 10 dpf (10-h).

observations made by others [45,192] who observed that ethanol is able to increase H2O2 level and thus oxidative stress in a mouse model [45], in vivo, and in NC cells, in vitro [192]. Furthermore, many studies suggest that oxidative stress may not be the principal mechanism of ethanol neurotoxicity, and antioxidants are not effective in blunting ethanol-induced damage to the CNS. In cerebellar granule neurons of the rat, ethanol does not


Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study FASD



GR: normal development 0.15

0.5 #

0.4 #



# #


0.2 0.1

Relative band intensity (GR:β-actin)

Relative band intensity (catalase:β-actin)

Catalase: normal dev

0.0 0







0.00 0

6 10 (H)

Age of the embryos (dpf)


GST: normal development 0.6







a #

a #

a #


6 10 (H)


0.0 0


Age of the embryo (dpf)

Relative band intensity (SOD:β-actin)

Relative band intensity (GST:β-actin)






6 10 (H)

Age of the embryo (dpf) SOD: normal development #

0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0


a #

a #



a #


a #

a #

6 10(H)

Age of the embryo (dpf)

Figure 14 Developmental regulation of antioxidant enzymes of Japanese medaka embryos analyzed by rRT-PCR. A ¼ catalase, B ¼ glutathione reductase (GSR), C ¼ glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and D ¼ super oxide dismutase (SOD). The embryos were collected within  2 hpf and maintained in the laboratory in hatching solution with 16L:8D light cycle and 26  1  C. Each bar is the mean  SEM of four observations. The data were log transformed and analyzed by one way ANOVA followed by post hoc Tukey’s multiple comparison test; p < 0.05 was considered as significant. Bar head with pound (#) symbol or lower case letter “a” indicate that the data are significantly different from 0 dpf (#) or 1 dpf (a) embryos.

induce ROS production [44]. Certain antioxidants, such as N-acetyl cysteine (NAC, a precursor of GSH), lazaroid (U83836E), and melatonin when administered simultaneously with alcohol, have failed to prevent Purkinje cell loss in the cerebellum of developing rats [193–195]. Therefore, due to the diversity of results observed in various models, it is almost impossible to ascertain whether oxidative stress is the major contributor or whether an imbalance in the intracellular redox state is the result of a secondary effect in the development of FASD phenotypes. From our data, it is evident that the generation of oxidative stress by ethanol in medaka embryogenesis is not exactly identical with mammalian models; therefore, probabilities of the involvement of other mechanisms cannot be ruled out.


Mona H. Haron et al.


Catalase: normal development

GR mRNA (copy number/ng RNA)

Catalase mRNA (copy number/ng RNA)

A 200 150 100 50 0







GR: normal development 500 400 300 200 100 0 0


Age of the embryo (dpf)


GST: normal development

SOD mRNA (copy number/ng RNA)

GST mRNA (copy number/ng RNA)

C 800 600 400 200 0








Age of the embryo (dpf)







Age of the embryo (dpf)

SOD: normal development 4000 #

3000 2000 1000


a a



0 0







Age of the embryo (dpf)

Figure 15 Developmental regulation of antioxidant enzymes of Japanese medaka embryos analyzed by qPCR. A ¼ catalase, B ¼ glutathione reductase (GSR), C ¼ glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and D ¼ super oxide dismutase (SOD). The embryos were collected within  2 hpf and maintained in the laboratory in hatching solution with 16L:8D light cycle and 26  1  C. Each bar is the mean  SEM of four observations. The data were analyzed by one way ANOVA followed by post hoc Tukey’s multiple comparison test; p < 0.05 was considered as significant. Bar head with pound (#) symbol or lower case letter “a” indicates that the data are significantly different from 0 dpf (#) or 1 dpf (a) embryos.

5. Future Directions Although the prenatal effects of ethanol on the development of the CNS in medaka have not been studied as extensively as effects on behavior, our studies on neurocranial and cardiovascular effects, as well as several biochemical features establish that medaka, like zebrafish, is a unique fish model for the study of molecular end points in FASD. However, additional studies of the CNS and behavior are necessary. The morphogenesis of the CNS of medaka has been studied by several investigators [122,196–203]. Kitagawa et al. [199] analyzed 25 genes affecting the morphological development of the forebrain of medaka and grouped them into two classes:

Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study FASD


GR: alcohol 0.06

Relative band intensity (GR:β-actin)



0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00




C on 10 trol 0 -2 30 mM dpf 0 -2 m d C M- pf on 2 d 10 trol pf 0 -3 m dp 30 M 0 -3 f m d C M- pf on 3 10 tro dpf 0 l-6 m 30 M- dpf 6 0 m dp M -6 f dp f

C on 10 trol 0 -2 30 mM dpf 0 -2 m d C M- pf on 2 d 10 trol pf 0 -3 m dp 30 M 0 -3 f m d C M- pf on 3 10 tro dpf 0 l-6 m 30 M- dpf 6 0 m dp M -6 f dp f

Relative band intensity (catalase:β-actin)

Catalase: alcohol

Treatment groups


Treatment groups


SOD: alcohol


Treatment groups




10 trol 0 -2 30 mM dpf 0 -2 m d C M- pf on 2 10 trol dpf 0 -3 m 30 M dpf 0 -3 m d C M- pf on 3 10 trol dpf 0 -6 m 30 M dpf 0 -6 m dp M -6 f dp f

Relative band intensity (SOD:β-actin)

10 trol 0 -2 30 mM dpf 0 -2 m d C M- pf on 2 10 trol dpf 0 -3 30 mM dpf 0 -3 m d C M- pf on 3 10 trol dpf 0 -6 30 mM dpf 0 -6 m d M pf -6 dp f








Relative band intensity (GST:β-actin)

GST: alcohol 0.3


Treatment groups

Figure 16 Effect of developmental ethanol exposure on the antioxidant enzyme mRNA content of medaka embryo analyzed by rRT-PCR. Fertilized medaka eggs at specific days of development (0, 1, and 4 dpf) were exposed to ethanol (0, 100, and 300 mM) for 48 h and analyzed 2, 3, and 6 dpf, respectively. After the removal of ethanol from the medium, the embryos were used for analysis. Each bar is the mean  SEM of four observations. The data were log transformed and analyzed by one way ANOVA followed by post hoc Tukey’s multiple comparison test. No significant difference between the control and different ethanol-treated groups was noticed.

class 1 affects the size and class 2 affects the other morphological features. Kage et al. [200] analyzed the expression of 14 genes including emx2, en2, otx2, iro3, shh, wnt1, zic5 in the embryonic medaka brain and showed that all maintained a distinct developmental regulation during medaka morphogenesis. We also analyzed the mRNA expression of seven of these genes (emx2, en2, otx2, iro3, shh, wnt1, zic5) during normal development and after ethanol exposure by rRT-PCR and by qPCR [170]. We able to establish developmental stage-specific expression of some of these genes; however, modifications resulting from developmental ethanol exposure have yet to be


Mona H. Haron et al.



GR 500

GR mRNA (copy number/ng RNA)





400 300 200 100 0

C on tr 10 ol2 0 m dp 30 M- f 2 0 m dp C M- f on 2 tr dp 10 ol- f 3 0 m dp 30 M- f 3 0 m dp C M- f on 3 tr dp 10 ol- f 6 0 m dp 30 M- f 6 0 m dp M f -6 dp f

C on t 10 rol2 0 m d 30 M pf 2 0 m d C M- pf on 2 d t 10 rol- pf 3 0 m dp f 30 M 0 -3 m dp M f C on -3 tro dp 10 f l 0 -6 d m 30 M pf 0 -6 m dp M -6 f dp f

Catalase mRNA (copy number/ng RNA)


Treatment groups

SOD SOD mRNA (copy number/ng RNA)






Treatment groups

2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

C on 10 trol2 0 m d 30 M pf 0 -2 m d C M- pf on 2 10 trol- dpf 3 0 m d 30 M pf 0 -3 m d C M- pf on 3 10 trol- dpf 6 0 m d 30 M pf 0 6 m dp M -6 f dp f


C on 10 trol2 0 m d 30 M pf 0 -2 m d C M- pf on 2 10 trol- dpf 3 0 m d 30 M pf 0 -3 m d C M- pf on 3 10 trol- dpf 6 0 m d 30 M pf 0 6 m dp M -6 f dp f

GST mRNA (copy number/ng RNA)


Treatment groups

Treatment groups

Figure 17 Effect of developmental ethanol exposure on the antioxidant enzyme mRNA content of Japanese medaka embryo analyzed by qPCR. Fertilized medaka eggs at specific days of development (0, 1, and 4 dpf) were exposed to ethanol (0, 100, and 300 mM) for 48 h. After the removal of ethanol from the medium (2, 3, and 6 dpf), the embryos were used for analysis. Each bar is the mean  SEM of four observations. The data were analyzed by one way ANOVA followed by post hoc Tukey’s multiple comparison test. No significant difference between the control and different ethanol-treated groups were noticed.

observed. We believe that both rRT-PCR and qPCR are able to quantitate the message from the entire embryo; brain-specific expression by in situ hybridization analysis [200,201,204] may be able to reveal the existence of a gene specifically targeted and modulated by ethanol during medaka embryogenesis. Similarly, analysis of genes during cardiovascular and skeletal development in medaka and their modulation by ethanol may also be able to establish a gene-specific action of ethanol in FASD. Although our studies on biochemical parameters were focused toward oxidative stress, this model has the potential to be applied to other hypotheses mentioned in this chapter. The most significant finding we observe

Feasibility of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) as an Animal Model to Study FASD


from our studies with medaka is that induction of FASD is specific to the development of cardiovascular status of the embryos: embryos were more sensitive to ethanol if the treatment was initiated before the onset of cardiovascular development, specifically the vessel circulation. This therefore indicates that the problem is more complex than originally envisioned. It is unclear whether ethanol disrupted the gene expression associated with cardiovascular development and FASD phenotypes in hatchlings or whether malfunctions of an FASD-specific genes resulted in a phenotype of cardiovascular disruption. It is difficult at this point to say whether medaka represents a unique fish model for the study of FASD; however, our studies indicate that this species has the potential to be used as a model to solve this enigma.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are thankful to Elsevier for giving us permission to include some of the data previously published in Refs. [128,129,170] and C 159–167, 2011). We are also thankful to Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York for their kind permission to include some of the figures and materials published by us as book chapters. We are also thankful to Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York for their kind permission to include some of the data we have published in Ref. [126]. This study was supported partially by the National Center for Natural Product Research and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (Grant number RO3AA016915). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism or the National Institute of Health. This publication was made possible by NIH Grant number RR016476 from the MFGN INBRE Program of the National Center for Research Resources. We are also thankful to Xueqing Wang, Erin Williams, Minghui Wu, Mengmeng Wu, former and the present graduate students of the Department of Pharmacology of the University of Mississippi, MS, USA, and Yuhui Hu, a former graduate student of the Environmental Toxicology Program of the University of Mississippi, MS, USA, who conducted significant work for this project. Finally, we are thankful to Mary L. Hassch, former project coordinator of the Environmental Toxicology Program of the University of Mississippi, MS, USA, and Kristine Willet, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology of the University of Mississippi for their keen interest in the work.

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Environmental Toxicant Exposure and the Epigenome Kathryn A. Bailey and Rebecca C. Fry* Contents 1. Introduction 2. Components of the Epigenome 2.1. DNA methylation 2.2. Histone PTMs 2.3. MicroRNAs 3. Toxicant-Associated Epigenetic Alterations 3.1. Toxicant class 1: Carcinogenic metals arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and nickel 3.2. Toxicant class 2: Endocrine disruptor BPA 3.3. Toxicant class 3: PAH B(a)P 4. Conclusions and Future Directions Acknowledgment References

130 133 133 136 137 138 138 148 150 152 153 153

Abstract Epigenetic modifications (e.g., DNA methylation, histone post-translational modifications, and microRNAs) play a vital role in embryonic development, tissue differentiation, and disease development through control of gene expression. There is increasing evidence that such alterations can greatly impact human health and may be particularly relevant for environmental toxicant-associated diseases. In this chapter, we discuss several high-priority toxicants and their relationship to epigenetic modifications. For each of these toxicants, epigenetic alterations are believed to play an important role in their associated detrimental effects. Specifically, we focus on representative toxicants from three different chemical classes: carcinogenic metals, endocrine disruptors, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. We detail the current understanding of epigenetic alterations associated with exposure to each of these toxicants as well as how these alterations may contribute to deleterious health effects. Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA *Corresponding author. Tel.: 919-843-6864; Fax: 919-966-7911 E-mail address: [email protected] Advances in Molecular Toxicology, Volume 6 ISSN 1872-0854,


2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



Kathryn A. Bailey and Rebecca C. Fry

1. Introduction According to the World Health Organization’s Report from 2004, environmental factors are accountable for 24% of the global disease burden and 23% of all deaths [1]. Moreover, when considering children under the ages of 14, environmental factors account for  36% of all deaths worldwide [1]. In developed countries in particular, the impact of environmental toxicant exposure on human health is a major cause of concern. The President’s 2010 Cancer Panel’s findings [2] estimated that nearly 80,000 chemicals are on the market in the United States. The vast majority of these chemicals are understudied and unregulated. Of concern, many Americans are exposed to these chemicals on a daily basis. Some of these chemicals include known or suspected human carcinogens, and The President’s Report states that environmentally-induced cancers have been “grossly underestimated.” In addition, other health effects such as diabetes, autism, and obesity are likely linked to environmental toxicant exposure. With increasing concern for environmental effects on human health, investigators have sought to define the mechanisms by which toxicants cause human disease. Historically, potential health risks associated with toxicant exposure have been defined and categorized based on toxicant capacity to damage DNA and/or alter DNA sequence [3,4]. However, genetic mutations such as these are believed to be relevant to the etiology of only a small number of environmentally-related diseases [5]. In recent years, the increased understanding of the importance of the epigenome in the maintenance of cellular homeostasis has indicated that epigenetic alterations likely play a major role in the development of environmentallyinduced diseases. The term epigenome, meaning “above the genome,” refers to potentially heritable, stable biological information contained outside the DNA sequence [6]. Components of the epigenome identified to date and studied the most intensely include DNA methylation, covalent post-translational histone modifications, and microRNAs (miRNAs) [7]. Although they may act in different ways, these epigenetic components play crucial roles in the regulation of gene expression, acting at either the transcriptional level (DNA methylation/histone modifications) or the post-transcriptional level (miRNAs) [8] (Figure 1). Some epigenetic alterations are flexible and dynamic; in this regard, the epigenome plays a vital role in normal cellular development and differentiation by influencing which genes are expressed in developmental stage- and cell-specific manners [9]. Epigenetic modifications therefore play important roles in determining phenotypic variation in cells containing the same genotype. Other epigenetic signals are inherited and stable throughout


Environmental Toxicant Exposure and the Epigenome

Mammalian cell


Nucleosome Trancriptionally silenced promoter

Methyl group

Histone tail

Histone octamer

Transcription-repressive histone modification



Acetyl group

Transcriptionally competent promoter Promoter Transcription





Ribosome translation




Translational repression









mRNA cleavage

Mature miRNA

Figure 1 Diagram illustrating gene expression control by promoter DNA methylation, histone post-translational modifications (PTMs), and miRNA expression and processing. Expression of protein-encoding genes and miRNA genes can be influenced by epigenetic modifications within their promoter regions. This epigenetic control is determined by DNA methylation status and the sum of histone PTMs. (A) Gene transcription is prohibited under conditions where promoter CpG islands are methylated, chromatin is condensed, and transcription-repressive histone PTMs are present. (B) Transcription is favored under conditions where promoter CpG islands are unmethylated, chromatin is in an open state, and transcription-permissive histone PTMs such as lysine acetylation are present. (C) After transcription, mRNAs and miRNA precursors (pre-miRNAs) are transported to the cytoplasm. Pre-miRNAs are processed to form mature miRNAs, which then become a part of a multiprotein RNAinduced silencing complex (RISC) (D). At the post-transcriptional level, the RISC complex can regulate gene expression by interfering with mRNA translation or targeting mRNAs for degradation (E).

development and are required for maintenance of normal cellular function and genetic stability. The ability of environmental influences to alter the epigenome is perhaps best illustrated in monozygotic (MZ) twins. In MZ twins, DNA methylation and histone acetylation patterns are identical in early life, but in later life, they differ considerably and are associated with different gene expression profiles [10]. These epigenetic alterations can have a profound impact on human health. Two of the best-studied associations between environmental influences, epigenetic alterations, and disease include (i) environmentallyinduced cancers and (ii) the effects of gestational environment on fetal


Kathryn A. Bailey and Rebecca C. Fry

development and disease susceptibility later in life. Genome-wide disruptions in multiple components of the epigenome are observed in many cancers. Research interests into whether epigenetic alterations are major contributing factors to cancer development are increasing areas of interest, particularly for nongenotoxic carcinogens. Epigenetic alterations during crucial times of fetal development are implicated as important mechanisms by which developmental defects arise. Importantly, epigenetic alterations associated with early-life toxicant exposure may be inherited transgenerationally and are associated with increased susceptibility to diseases later in life such as cancers, diabetes, and obesity [11]. In this chapter, we highlight components of the epigenetic machinery, namely, DNA methylation, histone post-translational modifications (PTMs), and miRNAs. We also discuss epigenetic alterations associated with cancers as well as how toxicant exposure during development may contribute to deleterious health effects by inducing epigenetic alterations. Epigenetic alterations associated with representative toxicants from three different chemical classes are highlighted, including (1) carcinogenic metals, namely, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and nickel, (2) the endocrine disruptor bisphenol A (BPA), and (3) the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) benzo(a)pyrene [B(a)P]. Importantly, epigenetic alterations are implicated as important mechanisms by which these toxicants exert their toxic effects. These chemicals are also notable for their known or suspected toxicities, potential for widespread human exposure, and considerable public concern. Arsenic, cadmium, chromium, nickel, and B(a)P are among the top 25% of the 275 ranked substances on the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) 2011 Substance Priority List [12]. Substances are ranked on this list based on their toxicities and potential for human exposure at locations on the National Priorities List. Our chapter also focuses on BPA, as it is associated with considerable developmental effects in animals. As such, recent concerns that BPA may pose a threat as a developmental/reproductive toxicant in humans has prompted a reassessment of its impact on human health by the Department of Health and Human Services [13]. In the following sections, we included studies that represent primary areas of research examining epigenetic alterations associated with each toxicant. We focused on studies that provide insight into how toxicant-associated epigenetic alterations may facilitate disease development. These studies demonstrate the state of knowledge regarding epigenetic alterations associated with these toxicants is often quite different. In general, DNA methylation is the beststudied component of the epigenome, followed by histone PTMs and then miRNAs. Therefore, DNA methylation alterations often represent the major thrust of epigenetic research associated with toxicant exposure, and studies that examine histone PTM and miRNA alterations may be lacking. However, as described below, the thrust of research for each toxicant is generally driven by

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suspected modes of action. For instance, the effects of early-life exposure on DNA methylation patterns have been a focus of developmental toxicants such as arsenic, cadmium, and especially BPA. Similarly, since nickel is viewed as an efficient DNA-compacting agent and histone modifier, the effects of nickelmediated gene silencing by heterochromatization, histone PTMs, and histone cleavage have been a major focus. Together, the research highlighted here reveals the complexity and diversity of toxicant–epigenome interactions.

2. Components of the Epigenome 2.1. DNA methylation 2.1.1. Biological significance of DNA methylation In mammals, DNA methylation occurs almost exclusively at the cytosine of CpG dinucleotides (CpGs) in which a single methyl group is enzymatically transferred from S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) to generate 5-methyl cytosine (5-MeCpG). CpGs are rare in mammalian genomes (representing 1% of all dinucleotides) and tend to cluster in GC-rich regions [14]. Two types of CpG-rich regions have been identified. One CpG-rich region (15% of CpGs) is known as a CpG island. CpG islands are defined as regions of DNA that are >2 kb in length (often 0.5–5 kb), have a G þ C content >50%, and have a higher occurrence of CpGs than the rest of the genome (i.e., CpGs comprise > 3% of dinucleotides in the island) [15,16]. The other type of CpG-rich region comprises the vast majority (85%) of CpGs found in the genome. These CpGs are present in repetitive, interspersed heterochromatic (i.e., transcriptionally silenced) regions of the genome such as transposons. For both types of CpG-rich regions, the best understood consequence of CpG methylation is transcriptional silencing. CpG islands are found in the promoters and coding regions of genes. Placed in the proper context of promoters, methylated CpG islands are generally associated with transcriptional silencing. Approximately 40–60% of human promoters are associated with CpG islands, and most are unmethylated in normal (i.e., nonmalignant) cells [17,18]. In contrast, CpGs in repetitive regions tend to be highly methylated in normal cells [19]. This extensive methylation prevents the transcriptional reactivation of these regions and therefore prevents aberrant gene expression that may promote genomic rearrangements (i.e., translocations and gene disruptions) that lead to genomic instability [8,20]. DNA methylation affects transcriptional competency by directly affecting the affinity of transcription factors for DNA or by recruiting methyl-CpG-binding domain (MBD) proteins. MBD proteins influence gene expression by altering transcription factor binding and by causing protein–DNA rearrangements through their recruitment of histone-modifying and chromatin-remodeling complexes [21].


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DNA methylation patterns are determined by active DNA methylation and demethylation. DNA methylation is mediated by the DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) family of enzymes [22]. In mammals, three DNMTs with DNMT activity have been identified: DNMT1, DNMT3A, and DNMT3B. They are classified as either “de novo” or “maintenance” DNMTs, although some functional overlap exists between them [23]. De novo DNMTs (DNMT3A, DNMT3B) establish DNA methylation patterns during embryonic development, whereas DNMT1 is classified as a maintenance DNMT in that it primarily copies existing methylation patterns during DNA replication [24,25]. Several enzymes have been proposed to carry out active DNA demethylation, such as DNA glycosylases involved in the base excision repair pathway [26]. However, no single enzyme has been identified with an exclusive function of DNA demethylation, and therefore active DNA demethylation likely occurs by several mechanisms [9]. 2.1.2. DNA methylation alterations associated with cancer Changes in DNA methylation patterns are among the most commonly recognized alterations in cancers [27]. A widespread, but not universal, theme observed in malignant cells is a large loss of global methylation to 20–60% of the 5-MeC observed in normal cells [15,28,29]. When it occurs, the majority of 5-MeC reduction occurs in the highly methylated CpGs found in repeat sequences of heterochromatin [30]. This reduction is believed to be an early event in carcinogenesis as it eliminates the transcriptional silencing of transposons which can lead to the increased mobility of transposable elements and therefore contribute to genomic instability [30,31]. This reactivation of transposable element promoters may also cause aberrant expression of neighboring genes in the genome [32]. Differences in DNA methylation patterns are also observed in CpG islands; some exhibit hypermethylation and some exhibit hypomethylation relative to normal cells of the same type. Numerous examples of genespecific DNA methylation alterations (including oncogene promoter hypomethylation and tumor suppressor promoter hypermethylation) have been reported in a variety of cancers [18,33]. Altered CpG island methylation patterns tend to be tumor-specific and therefore can be used as diagnostic indicators [34]. The mechanisms that lead to global and site-specific changes in DNA methylation patterns during carcinogenesis are unknown. Both passive and active processes are likely involved. Alterations in DNMT activity/expression, alterations in SAM metabolism, and active DNA methyl group removal have all been implicated as important mechanisms [29,31]. It is intuitive that global DNA methylation patterns may be affected by changes in SAM levels or DNMT activity, but site-specific methylation alterations are more difficult to explain mechanistically. Reductions in DNMT1 activity have been linked to genomic DNA hypomethylation,

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whereas increased expression of DNMT3A or DNMT3B may contribute to site-specific DNA hypermethylation [35]. Site-specific alterations in methylation patterns may be influenced by other epigenetic factors and likely arise in tumors due to their ability to convey a selective growth advantage [36]. 2.1.3. DNA methylation and mammalian development Major changes in DNA methylation patterns occur during specific stages in the life cycle, including during development in which cell- and tissuespecific DNA methylation patterns are established [27,37]. DNA methylation patterns are most susceptible to environmental influences during these stages of readjustment. Early embryogenesis is a particularly critical period of time as the DNA synthetic rate is high, and many methylation patterns are erased and reset [37]. The methyl groups required for DNA methylation are dependent on dietary sources of cofactors involved in methionine metabolism, for example, choline, folate, and vitamin B12, so maternal nutrition is an important determinant of the correct establishment of DNA methylation patterns [38]. These developmental periods of genome-wide change in the epigenetic landscape are also particularly susceptible to the effects of toxicants. Methylation patterns in transcriptional control regions of two types of genes may be particularly susceptible to environmental effects. These include cis-acting transcriptional control regions of (i) imprinted genes and (ii) metastable epialleles [6,27]. Imprinted genes are functionally haploid as one allele is transcriptionally silenced through epigenetic mechanisms in a parent-of-origin manner [39]. Maintenance of correct allele-specific expression is crucial for normal in utero development [40]. Imprinted genes are often clustered, and their expression is coordinately regulated by imprinting control regions, so epigenetic disruptions can influence the expression of many imprinted genes [38]. These epigenetic disruptions can lead to loss of imprinting (LOI) at some genes, resulting in their biallelic expression, whereas transcriptional silencing of a normally expressed allele leads to loss of heterozygosity (LOH) [27]. Importantly, aberrant imprinting patterns are heritable during cell division and may be transmitted transgenerationally [38,40]. Metastable epialleles refer to alleles that do not differ in their DNA sequence but can exist in one or more epigenetic states that determine transcriptional competency [41]. In early development, the epigenetic state of the alleles is labile and stochastic and influenced by environmental factors. However, once established, the epigenetic state then becomes stable and can be inherited transgenerationally [41]. One example of a metastable epiallele is the murine agouti viable yellow (Avy) mutation, in which the retrotransposon intracisternal-A particle (IAP) was inserted upstream of the agouti gene. This insertion results in ectopic expression of agouti signaling protein (ASP)


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driven by a promoter contained within the 50 long terminal repeat of the IAP [42]. Ectopic ASP expression is dependent on the labile DNA methylation state of the IAP promoter. This variable ASP expression leads to differences in coat color and disease susceptibility among isogenic Avy/a mice. Silencing of the IAP promoter by DNA methylation is correlated wild-type coat colors in mice (brown; termed pseudoagouti in mice carrying the Avy mutation). However, differences in the methylation state of the IAP promoter can lead to a wide range of coat colors in Avy/a mice, from pseudoagouti through mottled agouti/yellow to fully yellow. Other effects are observed in mice carrying the Avy allele as wild-type mice with brown coats are typically lean, mice with mottled coats have an intermediate body mass, and yellow animals are obese and have an increased risk for developing diabetes and tumors [42,43]. Shifts in coat color of Avy mice have been related to maternal nutrition. Pregnant dams that have diets supplemented with methyl donors have offspring (F1) that have a shift in coat color from favoring yellow coats to favor epigenetically-silenced pseudoagouti coats [44]. This effect of maternal (F0) methyl donor supplementation is observed not only in the phenotype of the F1 generation but the phenotype of the F2 generation [45].

2.2. Histone PTMs 2.2.1. Biological significance of histone modifications The nucleosome is the fundamental repeating unit of chromatin, in which 146-bp DNA is wrapped around a protein octomer containing two copies each of four core histones (H2A, H2B, H3, H4) [46]. On average, 50 bp of linker DNA separates nucleosomes, and another histone (H1) interacts with the linker DNA entering and leaving the nucleosome [47]. Each of the four core histones contain unstructured N- and C-terminal tails that protrude from the nucleosome, and covalent modifications of amino acids in these tails are the main sources of epigenetic information stored in histones [48]. Histone acetylation, methylation, phosphorylation, and ubiquitination are the most common PTMs studied in the context of epigenetic control of gene expression [49]. Nucleosomes are generally seen as transcriptional barriers (at both the initiation and the elongation stages) as they interfere with the ability of transcriptional machinery to access DNA [50]. However, nucleosomes are dynamic structures. The sum of histone PTMs influence nucleosome conformation and positioning and therefore impact the transcriptional competency of a particular region of the genome [51]. Some histone modifications are predictive of transcriptional competency. While lysine acetylation is generally associated with transcriptional activation, the effects of lysine and arginine methylation on transcription are dependent on the amino acid residue and its position in the histone tail.

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Certain hallmarks of transcriptionally active and inactive regions of the genome have been identified and illustrate how multiple components of the epigenome interact to control gene expression [52]. For instance, transcriptionally active euchromatin is characterized by promoter regions with an open chromatin structure consisting of unmethylated DNA, acetylated histones and other permissive histone marks. Transcriptionally inactive promoters such as those found in heterochromatin generally have compact nucleosomes, repressive histone marks such as deacetylated histones, and hypermethylated DNA [53] (Figure 1). Multiple histone-modifying enzymes have been identified and characterized, especially those that are involved in modifications that influence transcriptional competency. Histone acetylation involves the addition of a single acetyl (Ac) group from acetyl coenzyme A to lysine residues. Histone acetylases (HATs) and histone deacetylases (HDACs) carry out acetyl group addition and removal, respectively [54]. Up to three methyl groups can be added to lysine or arginine residues using SAM as a methyl donor [55]. Several classes of enzymes have been identified that catalyze histone tail methylation and demethylation [56,57]. 2.2.2. Histone PTMs associated with cancer The acquisition of repressive or permissive histone marks at particular promoters may contribute to aberrant gene expression that favors carcinogenesis. Some common histone modifications have been identified, although compared to DNA methylation patterns, relatively little is known about histone PTMs in human tumors [58]. Some common features, such as a global loss of acetylated H4 (H4Ac), have been reported. In particular, the global loss of H4K16Ac is the most prevalent histone modification alteration observed in cancers [59]. Changes in histone methylation/acetylation levels are often attributable to alterations in the activity of enzymes responsible for histone PTMs. Alterations in the activity of methylases and demethylases have been observed. In particular, increased or altered HDAC activity have been observed as opposed to changes in HAT activity [60].

2.3. MicroRNAs 2.3.1. Biological significance of miRNAs miRNAs are noncoding RNAs 21–23 nucleotides (nt) in length that regulate gene expression through their interactions with mRNAs [61]. miRNAs are partially complementary (usually to the 30 untranslated region) of one or more mRNAs. Through binding to mRNAs, miRNAs interfere with translation and/or target mRNAs for degradation [62] (Figure 1). miRNAs may be regulated at the transcriptional level by their own promoters, but some miRNA genes lie in the introns of protein-encoding


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genes and may be transcriptionally coregulated with these host genes [63]. miRNAs must be processed after transcription to become fully functional. They are initially transcribed from genomic DNA in the form of a long, polyadenylated, capped precursor (pri-mRNA) by RNA polymerase II and, less often, RNA polymerase III. This pri-mRNA is then processed in the nucleus to form a 70–100 hairpin structure (pre-miRNA) that is then transported to the cytoplasm and further processed to form the mature miRNA species [64,65] (Figure 1C). The mature miRNA is part of a multiprotein RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) that inhibits translation or targets mRNAs for degradation [66]. miRNA levels are controlled in cell-, tissue-, and species-specific manners at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. Over 17,000 distinct mature miRNAs have been identified in >140 species, including >1400 miRNAs in humans [67]. It is believed that miRNAs regulate the expression of 30% of all expressed human genes [68,69] and impact virtually every cellular process [8]. Importantly, a certain class of miRNAs known as epi-miRNAs has been identified that indirectly or directly regulates various components of the epigenetic machinery [70]. 2.3.2. miRNA alterations associated with cancer miRNA dysregulation in cancers is well established, and miRNA genes are frequently found in regions of the human genome that are altered, e.g., amplified or deleted, in various cancers [68,71]. Therefore, levels of individual miRNAs may be increased or decreased in cancers, and some have been identified as oncogenes or tumor suppressors [72,73]. However, a global decrease in the levels of mature miRNAs is often observed in human tumors, which is attributed to defects in miRNA processing [74,75]. Alterations in promoter histone PTMs or DNA methylation status (especially hypermethylation of CpG islands of tumor suppressor miRNA genes) have also been associated with aberrant miRNA expression in cancers [65,74].

3. Toxicant-Associated Epigenetic Alterations 3.1. Toxicant class 1: Carcinogenic metals arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and nickel Metals are of particular importance to human health as they are associated with the development of several adverse health effects, often have a long biological half-life, and are persistent in the environment [76]. Along with inducing oxidative stress, epigenetic alterations have been proposed to be important contributors to the carcinogenic effects associated with several metals including arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and nickel. Each of these metals is capable of causing oxidative stress and causing oxidative damage to

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DNA [77]. But with the exception of the stable DNA adducts formed by chromium, these metals have low DNA mutagenicity capacities and do not produce stable adducts with DNA, suggesting epigenetic alterations may have particularly important role in their cancer-causing effects [58,77]. The plausibility of metals influencing the epigenetic landscape is strengthened by the observation that 8-hydroxyl-20 -deoxyguanosine [8-OH-dG], a major DNA adduct generated by metal-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS), can alter protein interactions that influence chromatin structure and the affinity of DNA methylation enzymes [78,79]. 3.1.1. Arsenic Arsenic (As) is the highest priority contaminant on the ATSDR 2011 Substance Priority List. Arsenic exposure is associated with the development of cancers of the urinary bladder, skin, lung, liver, and kidney [80]. Drinking water contaminated with inorganic forms of arsenic (iAs) is the major source of arsenic exposure worldwide, and >100 million people are currently exposed to iAs levels in their drinking water that exceed the WHO’s recommended limit [81]. IAs can exist as either a trivalent (þ3) or a pentavalent (þ5) oxidation state and is biotransformed in humans and rodents to yield a series of trivalent and pentavalent monomethylated and dimethylated metabolites (MMAs and DMAs, respectively) [82]. These metabolites vary in their toxicities, and trivalent MMAs and DMAs are generally the most toxic arsenicals and, along with iAs(III), are considered likely carcinogenic species [83,84]. Considerable interest in epigenetic mechanisms as potential mechanisms of arsenic-induced carcinogenesis began with the recognition that iAs exposure, efflux, and biotransformation can lead to SAM depletion [85–88]. The effects of arsenic on the epigenome (particularly DNA methylation) have since been studied extensively. Arsenic and DNA methylation There are several reports that investigated the global DNA methylation status during iAs(III)-mediated transformation of rat liver epithelial and human prostate cell lines [86,89,90]. In both cell lines, this malignant transformation was associated with DNA hypomethylation, reduction in SAM levels, and reduced DNMT activity. These results suggest iAs-mediated SAM depletion and/ or DNMT activity may contribute to DNA hypomethylation, considered a predisposing event in carcinogenesis, but no causal relationships between these events have been established. However, the potential importance of DNA hypomethylation as an early, stable event in arsenic-mediated carcinogenesis is strengthened by the loss of global DNA methylation in Chinese hamster cells after a single, acute exposure to iAs(III) that was correlated with increased genomic stability and aneuploidy after long-term culture without iAs(III) [91]. In contrast to what is generally observed in vitro, As-exposed individuals in Bangladesh and India tend to have


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hypermethylated peripheral blood leukocyte (PBL) genomes [92–94]. However, among some As-exposed individuals, there was a positive association between hypomethylated PBLs and risk of As-mediated skin lesions, suggesting global DNA hypomethylation may be an indicator and/or predisposing factor of As-related disease [93]. Some in vitro studies have identified areas of DNA hyper- and hypomethylation throughout the genome of As-exposed human and rodent cells [95,96] and in iAs(III)- and MMAs(III)-transformed human urothelial cell lines [97]. DNA methylation patterns at particular loci were determined to be time-dependent [97], and some changes were observed exclusively after short exposures or chronic exposures [96]. Different DNA methylation patterns were observed in iAs(III)- versus MMAs(III)-transformed human urothelial cells, although there was enough overlap between the DNA methylation patterns associated with these two arsenicals to suggest that nonrandom processes likely facilitated their development [97]. As observed with the global DNA hypomethylation status, site-specific changes in DNA methylation patterns in arsenic-transformed cells were stable as they were maintained in the absence of continuous arsenic exposure [97]. In some cases, arsenic-associated focal changes in DNA methylation status occurred in the promoters of oncogenes or tumor suppressors. There are several examples of tumor suppressor promoter hypermethylation and/or oncogene promoter hypomethylation associated with arsenic exposure in vitro, in vivo, and in human populations. For instance, promoter hypermethylation of the tumor suppressor tumor protein 53 (TP53) in human lung carcinoma cells [85] and ras association domain family 1 isoform A (Rassf1A) and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (Cdkn2A/ P16) in the mouse lung [98] were associated with iAs exposure. Recently, we identified 183 differentially methylated promoters among individuals with iAs-associated skin lesions versus individuals without skin lesions in an exposed Mexican population, including an interactome of 17 tumor suppressors with hypermethylated promoters [99]. However, the significance of promoter DNA methylation changes associated with arsenic exposure must be viewed with caution as in many studies corresponding mRNA or protein levels of the gene were not reported. One study highlights that DNA methylation levels are not necessarily completely predictive of gene expression trends associated with arsenic exposure. Among genes in iAs(V)exposed female mouse lung that exhibited changes in transcription start site DNA methylation levels and changes in mRNA levels, 57% had an inverse correlation between promoter methylation status and mRNA levels [100]. Arsenic exposure in early life and DNA methylation Epigenetic alterations have been observed in mice after brief in utero exposure to carcinogenic doses of iAs(III). Importantly, these doses of As(III) administered to pregnant dams during gestational days 8–18 caused an increase in

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hepatocellular carcinomas in adult male offspring once they reach adulthood [101]. Newborn males exposed gestationally to a carcinogenic dose of iAs(III) had DNA hypomethylation in GC-rich regions of the liver genome [102]. Normal-appearing liver tissue from gestationally-exposed adult male mice that developed liver tumors had reduced estrogen receptor alpha (Er-a) promoter DNA methylation levels and increased Er-a mRNA levels compared to controls [103]. Importantly, ER-a is often upregulated in cancers and has been implicated in the development of liver cancers in particular [104,105]. Therefore, these results suggest epigenetic alterations and resultant aberrant expression of key genes may be an important mechanism by which in utero arsenic exposure causes disease development later in life. Arsenic and histone PTMs Global changes in the status of known permissive or repressive histone PTMs have been observed after As exposure in mammalian cell lines. For instance, the loss of permissive histone modification H4K16Ac, which is commonly observed in cancers, was observed in a human urothelial cell line after exposure to iAs(III) or MMAs(III) [106]. Interestingly, the gain of certain histone modifications has been observed in particular regions of the genome after iAs(III) exposure in lung carcinoma cells, where increased levels of transcription-permissive H3K4me2 and H3K4me3 were found in heterochromatic and euchromatic areas, respectively [107]. Arsenic exposure has also been associated with the increased genome-wide motility of proteins involved in higher-order chromatin structure, namely high-mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 1 and 2 proteins (HMGN1 and HMGN2, respectively), in iAs (III)-exposed hepatocellular carcinoma cells [108]. Together, these studies suggest that genome-wide alterations in histone PTMs and proteins involved in higher chromatin structure may be an important mechanism by which arsenic alters the expression of a large number of genes. Several studies have also identified histone PTM alterations in the promoter regions of genes. Multiple promoters with hyper- and hypoacetylated H3 were identified in iAs(III)- and MMAs(III)-transformed urothelial cells compared to untransformed parental cells [109]. Importantly, for all of the genes selected for further analysis, there was a positive correlation between H3Ac and mRNA levels as well as a correlation between hypoacetylated H3 and hypermethylated DNA in these promoters [97,109]. Together, these data reveal the alteration of several epigenetic components is associated with aberrant gene expression in arsenic-transformed cells. One study of note established that histone PTMs play a crucial role in the aberrant expression of a gene implicated in arsenic-mediated carcinogenesis. The transcriptional activation of wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 5A WNT5A during iAs(III)- and MMAs(III)-mediated transformation of human urothelial cells was correlated with the gain and loss, respectively, of permissive and repressive histone modifications at the WNT5A locus [110].


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Drug-induced increase of the repressive H3K27me3 modification reduced WNT5A expression and the malignant phenotype of these transformed cells. Further characterization of the MMAs(III)-transformed cells revealed that maintenance of a permissive modification (H3Ac) and high WNT5A expression were maintained without continuous exposure to MMAs(III). Arsenic and miRNAs Relatively few studies have addressed the effects of arsenic exposure on miRNA levels. The levels of five miRNAs (miR-210, miR-22, miR-34a, miR-221, miR-222) were identified as significantly modulated after iAs(III) exposure (6 days) in human lymphoblasts [111]. These five miRNAs were also modulated in fibroblasts in the same direction under folate-limiting conditions, which is interesting in light of theories that suggest arsenic may perturb DNA methylation patterns and exert toxic effects through alterations in folate/methionine metabolism. Another study established a crucial role of a particular miRNA in arsenic-mediated carcinogenesis. The significant reduction of miR200b was required for the iAs(III)-mediated malignant transformation of TP53deficient human bronchial epithelial cells [112]. Interestingly, this miR200b reduction was accompanied by increased methylation of the miR-200 promoter, suggesting arsenic-mediated altered DNA methylation patterns may play a role in the modulation of miR200b expression.

3.1.2. Cadmium Cadmium is ranked 7th on the ATSDR 2011 Substance Priority List. Cadmium exists primarily in þ2 oxidation state [Cd(II)] and is alternatively classified as a heavy metal [77] or a transition metal [113]. Human exposure to cadmium occurs through its widespread presence in the environment (e.g., plastics, tobacco, nickel–cadmium batteries) and in smelting-related occupations [77]. Cadmium exposure is particularly significant as it has a long biological half-life (15–20 years) in humans [114]. Exposure to cadmium generally occurs via inhalation and is primarily associated with cancers of the lung but also targets the prostate, urinary bladder, pancreas, and kidney [77,113]. Cadmium has also been classified as an endocrine disruptor [115] and can produce teratogenic effects in animals [116,117]. Much of the epigenetic research on cadmium has focused on DNA methylation. To our knowledge, a single study to date has examined cadmium-associated histone PTMs. Cadmium exposure has been correlated with altered miRNA profiles in plants but miRNA alterations associated with cadmium exposure in mammals remain unknown [118,119]. Cadmium and DNA methylation Similar to arsenic-transformed cells, there was considerable interest in determining if global DNA methylation status is associated with cadmium-mediated carcinogenesis. Several studies suggest these effects may be time-dependent. Whereas short-term

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exposure has been associated with global DNA hypomethylation, cells that are malignantly transformed by cadmium have hypermethylated genomes. For instance, during the cadmium-induced malignant transformation of a rat liver cell line, global hypomethylation and a reduction in DNMT activity were observed early in the exposure regimen [120]. However, when these cells exhibited characteristics consistent with malignant transformation after 10 weeks, there was an increase in DNA methylation levels and DNMT activity. At both time points, the effects of cadmium exposure on DNA methylation status and DNMT activity occurred in a dose-dependent manner. Another study indicated that short-term (24 h) exposure to cadmium may cause global DNA hypomethylation in human leukemia cells [121]. This short-term cadmium exposure was also associated with an increase in ROS production, DNA strand breaks, and cellular proliferation [121]. Methyl donor supplementation inhibited the cadmium-associated cellular proliferation and DNA hypomethylation, suggesting a causal relationship between DNA hypomethylation and increased proliferation may exist [121], perhaps through the transcriptional activation of epigenetically controlled growth-promoting oncogenes [122]. Another study indicated that global DNA hypermethylation was associated with cadmium-mediated malignant transformation [35]. Human prostate epithelial cells were malignantly transformed after 10 weeks of cadmium exposure. After 3 weeks of exposure, these cells had hypermethylated genomes overall and had a progressive increase in DNMT activity and promoter methylation levels of tumor suppressors RASSF1A and CDKN2A/P16 and a decrease in the protein levels of these genes. Treatment with the demethylating agent 5-aza-20 -deoxycytidine restored the RASSF1A and p16 protein levels, suggesting DNA methylation was responsible for cadmium-induced gene silencing. Increased levels of unmethylated DNA were observed after treatment with the DNMT1 inhibitor procainamide, suggesting DNMT1 may play a major role in global DNA hypermethylation observed during cadmium-induced malignant transformation. Although procainamide treatment increased global unmethylated DNA levels, it resulted in modest increases in the protein levels of RASSF1A (23%) and p16 (28%), suggesting altered DNMT1 activity is not the only mechanism of cadmium-induced gene silencing. The authors suggest transcriptional silencing of tumor suppressors via promoter hypermethylation as a potential mechanism of cadmium-induced carcinogenesis. Interestingly, as discussed earlier, these results are in direct contrast to those observed in arsenic-transformed cell lines that tend to have hypomethylated genomes. Cadmium exposure in early life and DNA methylation Cadmium has been shown to have several teratogenic effects in animals, and several studies have indicated that these effects are associated with changes in DNA


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methylation patterns. The neonatal period is a crucial time for testes development in rats. Rats exposed to cadmium [days 3–7 postpartum (pp)] had reduced sperm count and increased apoptosis in the testes at day 70 pp [123]. Immediately after exposure (day 8), there was a transient reduction in DNMT activity that was restored by day 70. Although there was no change in the methylation status in the murine long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE-1) retrotransposon, disruptions were observed in the normal stepwise methylation pattern changes that occur in the coding regions of the FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog (Cfos) gene [123]. Global DNA hypomethylation and the transcriptional downregulation of DNMT3A and DNMT3B were observed in cadmium-associated ventral body wall defects in chick embryos [124]. As DNMT3A and DNMT3B establish embryonic DNA methylation patterns, their transcriptional downregulation may be a mechanism by which cadmium induces developmental defects. Together, these results suggest changes in DNA methylation patterns are a plausible mechanism by which cadmium induces developmental defects, but no causal relationships have been described. Cadmium exposure and histone PTMs Histone PTMs, and not DNA hypermethylation, have been implicated in the transcriptional downregulation of the metallothionein 3 (MT-3) gene in cadmium- and iAs(III)transformed human urothelial cells as well as the untransformed parental cells [125]. Both the iAs(III)- and cadmium-transformed cells obtained transcription-permissive and transcription-repressive histone marks at the MT-3 promoter that were different from the untransformed parental cells. Interestingly, the histone marks in iAs(III)- and cadmium-transformed cells were nearly identical to each other.

3.1.3. Chromium Chromium is an environmental and occupational carcinogen. Occupational exposure can occur through chromate manufacturing, which also contributes to environmental exposures along with cigarette smoke and airborne particles from automobile catalytic converters [77]. Chromium can exist in several oxidation states (þ6, þ3, 0). Cumulative exposure to hexavalent (þ 6) chromium [Cr(VI)] has been epidemiologically linked to the development of respiratory system (especially lung) cancers [76,126], and Cr(VI) is ranked 17th on the ATSDR 2011 Substance Priority List. It is believed that the toxic effects of Cr(VI) require its reduction through intermediate oxidation states to form stable Cr(III) [127]. Therefore, intracellular reductants are required for generation of the genotoxic events associated with Cr(VI) exposure. These effects include the production of oxidative stress, DNA stand breaks, protein–DNA cross-links, and stable chromium–DNA adducts that are mutagenic and interfere with DNA replication [77,128,129]. In addition to these genotoxic effects, epigenetic alterations

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are also believed to contribute to Cr(VI)-mediated carcinogenesis. To our knowledge, epigenetic alterations associated with chromium exposure identified to date include DNA methylation and histone PTMs. Chromium and DNA methylation The ability of chromium to cause alterations in DNA methylation was established in vitro when chromium was shown to cause transcriptional silencing of the bacterial transgene xanthene guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (gpt) in Chinese hamster cell lines via promoter hypermethylation [130]. Interestingly, epigenetic silencing of gpt was only induced by exposure to soluble forms of chromium (K2CrO4) and not insoluble forms of chromium (BaCrO4), which caused some gpt deletions. Studies of chromate-exposed human populations suggest silencing of tumor suppressors via promoter methylation may be an important mechanism of chromate-induced carcinogenesis. Several studies of chromate-associated and non-chromate-associated lung cancers in Japanese populations have indicated these two groups are distinguishable by the DNA methylation profiles of these promoters. An overall increase in methylation level of the CDKN2A/P16 promoter was observed in chromate- (33%) versus non-chromate-associated (26%) lung cancers. Greater than 85% of the chromate-associated lung cancers with CDKN2A/P16 promoter methylation also showed reduction in p16 protein levels. At least 15 years of exposure to chromate was required to see the chromate-mediated effects on CDKN2A/P16 [131]. Approximately 62.5% of chromate-induced lung cancers associated with >15 years of chromate exposure had hypermethylation of the mutL homolog 1, colon cancer, and nonpolyposis type 2 (E. coli) (MLH1) mismatch repair gene promoter, and 80% of these also had reduced MLH1 protein levels [132]. In addition, a high correlation was observed between microsatellite instability and the reduction of MLH1 protein levels in chromate-associated cancers. In a follow-up study, this group also analyzed chromate-associated and non-chromate-associated lung cancers for promoter methylation levels of three genes known to be epigenetically silenced in lung cancers: MLT1, adenomatosis polyposis coli (APC), and O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (MGMT). Considering cancers associated with >15 years chromate exposure, a significantly higher frequency of tumor suppressor gene promoter methylation was observed in chromate- versus non-chromate-associated lung cancers (95% vs. 52%). In addition, chromate-associated cancers also had a higher frequency of hypermethylation of more than one promoter than non-chromate-associated cancers (48% vs. 12%, respectively) [133].


Kathryn A. Bailey and Rebecca C. Fry Chromium and histone PTMs It is believed that chromium may target inducible gene expression as opposed to constitutive gene expression through interactions with promoter complex proteins at an early step of gene induction [134,135]. In mouse hepatoma cells, chromium was found to repress B(a)P-inducible aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR)-mediated cytochrome P450, family 1, subfamily A, polypeptide 1 (Cyp1a1) expression when chromium is added first to cells but not vice versa, suggesting chromium-mediated Cyp1a1 silencing occurred at the stage of transcriptional activation [127]. Cyp1a1 silencing was correlated with the formation of a cross-linked complex at the Cyp1a1 promoter that contained HDAC1, DNMT1, and chromatin. Chromium also inhibited several AHR-associated histone marks at this promoter region, which prevented recruitment of basal transcription complexes. Importantly, this study reveals how the cross-linking effects of chromium could impact gene expression through the simultaneous inhibition of multiple components of the epigenetic machinery [127]. Another study has indicated that the intracellular reduction of Cr(VI) may influence histone PTMs by inhibiting histone-modifying enzymes. Exposure to Cr(VI) (K2CrO4) resulted in the transcriptional silencing of the MLH1 gene and increased levels of the transcription-repressive histone mark H3K9me2 (and slight decrease of H3K9me3) at the MLH1 promoter in human lung cells [136]. The increase in H3K9me2 levels was abolished by pretreatment of the cells with ascorbic acid, one of the principal cellular reductants utilized in Cr(VI) reduction. Importantly, ascorbic acid is also required for activity of JHDM2A, a major demethylase involved in H3K9me2 demethylation [137], suggesting Cr(VI)-mediated ascorbic acid depletion may indirectly contribute to increased levels of H3K9me2 via JHDM2A inhibition [136].

3.1.4. Nickel Nickel is ranked 57th on the ATSDR 2011 Substance Priority List. Nickel exists primarily in the þ2 oxidation state [Ni(II)]. Nickel exposure is of great environmental concern due to its widespread use in batteries, coins, and jewelry. Combustion of nickel-containing waste and fossil fuels is related to its release into the environment. Nickel exposure can occur via ingestion, skin absorption, or inhalation [77]. In humans, nickel exposure is associated with respiratory system cancers (especially nasal and lung) among nickel mining, smelting, and refinery workers. In animal models, nickel can produce cancers in a wide variety of tissues, although the carcinogenic and acute toxic effects of nickel can be strain-, species-, tissue-, and redox statusdependent [138,139]. The carcinogenicity of nickel is believed to depend on its solubility state. Insoluble forms of nickel are more carcinogenic than soluble forms, which are poorly absorbed. Insoluble forms of nickel enter cells through phagocytosis and eventually enter the nucleus to interact with

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chromatin to cause damage to DNA and chromatin-associated proteins [138,140]. This direct interaction of nickel with chromatin suggested nickel may cause adverse epigenetic effects as well. In particular, there has been considerable emphasis on the effects of nickel on chromatin, histones, and histone PTMs. Nickel and DNA methylation Several studies suggest that transcriptional silencing of tumor suppressors is a potential important mechanism of nickel-induced malignant transformation. For instance, 100% of the nickel-induced cancers in the hind limbs of rats were characterized by Cdkn2A/P16 promoter hypermethylation, a reduction in p16 protein levels, and activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling [141]. In another study with nickel-induced muscle tumors in rats, the transcriptional downregulation of several tumor suppressors, retinoic acid receptor B2 (Rar-b2), Rassf1A, and Cdkn2a/P16 was observed in primary muscle tumors and lung metastases. However, transcriptional downregulation was only associated with increased methylation in promoter regions of primary muscle tumors but not in the lung metastases, indicating the relationship between promoter methylation and transcriptional silencing requires additional investigation [142]. One study illustrated that transcriptional silencing of tumor suppressor MGMT was dependent on both DNA methylation and histone PTMs in nickel-transformed human bronchial cells [143]. These transformed cells were characterized by increased DNMT1 expression and increased DNA methylation and transcription-repressive histone PTMs at the MGMT promoter. Epigenetic alterations and MGMT silencing were observed early during the transformation process, suggesting they may be important, early events in nickel-mediated carcinogenesis. The specific depletion of DNMT1 led to a reversal of the nickel-induced epigenetic marks, a restoration of MGMT expression, and a reduction in cellular proliferation. Treatment with the HDAC inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) also resulted in the transcriptional reactivation of MGMT, confirming that both DNA methylation and histone deacetylation contributed to the silencing of this gene [143]. Nickel, chromatin, and histone PTMs Nickel has been shown to exert several different effects on chromatin. For instance, silencing of the gpt transgene in Chinese hamster cell lines has been associated with DNA hypermethylation, the acquisition of repressive histone marks (i.e., decreased acetylation of all four core histones and increased H3K9me2), and heterochromatization at the gpt promoter [144–146]. Interestingly, nickel was found to be a greater DNA-compacting agent than Mg(II), the cation normally bound to DNA in the cell, so heterochromatization is believed to be an important mechanism of nickel-induced aberrant gene silencing [147,148].


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Nickel has also been shown to directly interact with the tail regions of histones. Studies using peptides and intact histones suggest that nickel binding to these regions can cause large structural alterations in histone structure [149]. In addition, nickel binding to H2A and H2B has been shown to cause truncation of the C-terminal tail of H2A and the N- and C-terminal tails of H2B [150,151]. In H2B, amino acids surrounding the nickel-binding sites have modifications including oxidized methionine and deaminated glutamine. These truncated versions of histones have been shown to lead to the elimination of histone PTM sites, cause structural alterations in histones, and influence gene expression [152,153]. One study in particular illustrated the importance of histone PTM alterations in nickel-mediated carcinogenesis. Pretreatment of mouse and human cells with the HDAC inhibitor TSA significantly inhibited the ability of nickel to induce widespread gene silencing and cause the malignant transformation of these cells [154]. Importantly, TSA treatment was also able to reverse the malignant characteristics of all nickel-transformed mouse isolates and some transformed human isolates [154].

3.2. Toxicant class 2: Endocrine disruptor BPA BPA is a synthetic estrogen that acts as an endocrine disruptor on the androgen, estrogen, and thyroid hormone systems [155]. BPA has been used extensively as an industrial plasticizer. As a component of polycarbonate containers and epoxy resins, it has the potential for widespread human exposure as it is found in plastic food and beverage containers, food cans, and baby bottles [156]. BPA was detected in > 95% of urine samples tested in a reference U.S. population [157]. BPA readily crosses the placenta and is especially concerning as a developmental toxicant as it has been shown to cause some adverse transgenerational effects in rodents [158,159]. Some deleterious effects associated with pre- or perinatal BPA exposure in rodents include increased susceptibility to cancers [160], developmental alterations [161], and alterations in maternal behavior [162]. These effects in rodents have prompted a reevaluation of the potential consequences to human health due to BPA exposure, especially due to its widespread commercial use [13]. Due to its deleterious developmental effects in rodents, the effects of early-life BPA exposure on DNA methylation patterns have been of considerable interest, particularly for epigenetically labile genes such as imprinted genes and metastable epialleles. 3.2.1. BPA exposure in early life and DNA methylation Several studies have indicated that BPA exposure is associated with both hyper- and hypomethylation of DNA at various sites throughout the genome. For instance, maternal BPA exposure was associated with genome-wide changes in methylation status of 48 CpG islands in the

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developing forebrain of offspring in mice [163]. Some of these BPAinduced changes were developmental stage-specific and both hyper- and hypomethylation changes were observed. Transcriptional control regions of metastable epialleles are also targets of BPA-associated DNA methylation. Several promoters were found to have decreased DNA methylation in developing mice offspring after in utero BPA exposure, including IAP promoters that control the expression of metastable loci Avy and CDK5 activator-binding protein (CabpIAP) [164]. The reduced CpG methylation in the IAP upstream of the Avy allele was associated with a shift in the coat color/body mass of genetically identical Avy/a offspring from agouti/lean to yellow/obese [164]. Supplementation of maternal diet with methyl donors restored IAP CpG methylation levels and reversed this shift in offspring coat color and body mass to favor that of wild-type animals, suggesting dietary alterations may provide protective effects against the adverse effects of BPA. The maintenance of imprinted gene expression patterns was examined in mouse embryos after in utero exposure to BPA. Although BPA exposure was associated with significant allele-specific expression level changes (> 5% change in expression, p < 0.05) in eight imprinted genes in various tissues, a “substantial,” significant (p < 0.05) relaxation of allele-specific expression was noted for two genes, Ras-specific guanine nucleotide-releasing factor 2 (Rasgrf ) in the lung (11%) and placenta (16%) and solute carrier family 22, member 18 (Slc22a18) (10%) in embryos [165]. The authors of this work concluded that BPA exposure was not associated with a large effect on the monoallelic expression of imprinted genes in the mouse, at least at the developmental stage assayed. Along with the BPA-induced changes in Avy expression, another study has indicated that BPA-associated DNA methylation changes may produce adverse effects in rodents. Promoter DNA hypomethylation and increased transcript levels were observed for the phosphodiesterase type 4 variant 4 (Pde4d4) gene in the rat prostate after in utero BPA exposure [166]. Expression of Pde4d4 normally decreases with age in the prostate but is elevated in prostate cancers and remained elevated in adult rats after transient in utero BPA exposure. Importantly, in utero BPA exposure in these rats increased their risk for developing precancerous prostate lesions and potentially mediates these effects through altered expression of the Pde4d4 gene [160,166]. As in the case of developmental exposure to arsenic, these results indicate that epigenetic alterations associated with brief BPA exposure at a crucial developmental period may contribute to adverse health effects later in life. 3.2.2. BPA and miRNAs BPA has also been shown to alter miRNA profiles. A total of 85 different miRNAs were identified as differentially modulated in two placental cell lines after BPA exposure, and 21 of these miRNAs had similar profiles between the two cell lines [167]. One BPA-induced miRNA (miR-146a) is


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of particular interest; its stable overexpression was correlated with slower proliferation rates and increased sensitivity to the DNA-damaging effects of bleomycin in these cells.

3.3. Toxicant class 3: PAH B(a)P PAHs are a class of organic compounds that are widely dispersed in the environment. They are a by-product of the incomplete combustion of carbon-containing materials such as fossil fuels and cigarettes. They are also present in a variety of foods such as grains, vegetables, oils, and cooked meats [168]. PAHs are of particular concern as they are biotransformed to electrophilic metabolites that are capable of interacting with cellular macromolecules such as DNA [169]. B(a)P is a component of cigarette smoke that has been studied extensively as a representative PAH. B(a)P is ranked 8th on the ATSDR 2011 Substance Priority List. It is metabolically activated to produce several metabolites, of which (þ)anti-benzo[a]pyrene-trans-7,8dihydriol-9,10-epoxide (anti-BPDE) is believed to be the most biologically relevant by inducing carcinogenic effects in smoking-associated lung cancers [170–172]. Anti-BPDE exerts the toxic effects of B(a)P by forming BPDE– DNA adducts [172,173]. Although anti-BPDE–DNA adducts may be formed on C or A residues, they are preferentially formed on G residues, especially if there is a 50 methylated C adjacent to the G residue, i.e. 5-MeCpG [173–175]. Considering this preferential binding for methylated DNA, it was postulated that anti-BPDE was likely to have considerable effects on the epigenome. As described below, anti-BPDE has been found to impact the status of DNA methylation, histone PTMs, and miRNAs. 3.3.1. B(a)P and DNA methylation Early studies reported a global loss of DNA methylation after B(a)P exposure in murine embryonic fibroblast cells but not in murine multipotent cells, suggesting some cell-specific effects may exist [176]. Other groups have reported no change in global DNA methylation profiles after exposure to B (a)P in human breast cancer cell lines [177] or to anti-BPDE in human lung bronchial epithelial cells [178]. In the latter study, although biologically relevant anti-BPDE concentrations were used, the exposure regimen was not designed to produce malignantly transformed cells. Thus, it is unknown if DNA hypomethylation occurs prior to or coinciding with anti-BPDEinduced transformation [178]. Using a restriction enzyme-based, PCRdependent microarray analysis of B(a)P-exposed breast cancer cell lines, areas of DNA hypo- and hypermethylation were identified throughout the genome in both cell-line- and time-specific manners [177]. However, subsequent DNA sequencing analysis revealed that these regions did not exhibit changes in DNA methylation status but instead were locations of BPDE–DNA adducts that affected PCR amplification during sample preparation [179]. Thus,

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this study highlights an important observation that not all technologies are appropriate for analyzing DNA that may contain toxicant-induced adducts. Several groups have indicated that the preferential binding of anti-BPDE to guanines in 5-MeCpGs is associated with mutations at these locations. Importantly, a positive correlation has been observed between hotspots of anti-BPDE adduct formation at 5-MeCpGs sites and hotspots of G-to-T transversions, including those found in the TP53 gene in smokingassociated lung cancers [174,180,181]. Adducts formed on 5-MeCpGs have dramatically different conformations than those formed on unmethylated CpGs, which may have a large impact regarding the efficiency of adduct removal, transcriptional competency, and DNA replication [182]. 3.3.2. B(a)P, nucleosomes, and histone PTMs Studies have indicated that anti-BPDE can influence both histone structure and positioning as well as induce changes in histone PTMs. Many proteins that do not exhibit sequence-specific DNA binding such as histones instead recognize and preferentially bind to specific DNA structures. Nucleosome formation, for instance, preferentially occurs on DNA structures that are intrinsically bent or exhibit flexibility and therefore are more easily wrapped around the histone core [183]. One such preferred binding sequence is found within the Xenopus borealis 5S rRNA gene which directs the formation of a precisely positioned nucleosome [184]. Anti-BPDE binding to this sequence in vitro dramatically enhanced subsequent nucleosome formation compared to unmodified DNA, presumably because the large DNA distortions caused by the anti-BPDE adduct dramatically increased histone affinity for the sequence [185]. High-mobility group 1 and 2 proteins also preferentially bound DNA containing anti-BPDE adducts [186]. Importantly, nucleosomes formed on anti-BPDE-adducted DNA form more stable nucleosomes than unmodified DNA [187]. By contrast, an existing nucleosome positioned on the 5S rRNA reduced the rate of DNA adducts formed by anti-BPDE in vitro [188]. Together, these results suggest the interactions between anti-BPDE-adducted DNA and chromatin-associated proteins could greatly influence how these adducts are repaired and where they may form. In addition, these adducts may affect transcriptional competency by influencing the structure of nucleosomes and higher-order chromatin. B(a)P exposure is also associated with histone PTM alterations. Global changes in the acetylation levels of H3K9 were observed in promoter regions of genes in a human breast cancer cell line after exposure to B(a)P (4 days) [189]. Both hyper- and hypoacetylation changes were observed in gene promoters. While a positive association between hyperacetylated promoters and transcriptional activation were observed in most cases, there was not as strong of a correlation between hypoacetylated promoters and transcriptional repression [189].


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3.3.3. B(a)P and miRNAs Several studies have indicated that miRNAs may play crucial roles in anti-BPDE-mediated carcinogenesis. Fifty-four miRNAs were found to be differentially expressed between human bronchial cells malignantly transformed by anti-BPDE and the untransformed parental cell line [190]. The altered levels of several of these miRNAs were found to be important in the maintenance of malignant characteristics. These alterations included reduced levels of miR-506 that has a predicted target of neuroblastoma RAS viral (v-ras) oncogene homolog (NRAS) [190]; increased levels of miR-106a, which has a target of tumor suppressor retinoblastoma 1 (RB1) [191]; and increased levels of miR-494, which has a target of tumor suppressor phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) [192]. A potential mechanism by which BPDE may alter miRNA levels was also identified. BPDE was among 25 carcinogens tested that formed stable complexes with the catalytic domain of Dicer, a ribonuclease type III enzyme involved in RISC formation and miRNA processing [193]. Importantly, a more stable complex was formed between Dicer and BPDE than between Dicer and dsRNA, suggesting interference with miRNA processing via Dicer binding may be a mechanism by which BPDE elicits carcinogenic effects [75,193].

4. Conclusions and Future Directions The studies highlighted here have clearly indicated that epigenetic alterations are associated with exposure to each of these toxicants. In several cases, there is convincing evidence that these epigenetic alterations may contribute to disease development by inducing the aberrant expression of key genes. However, in many cases, a causal relationship between toxicantinduced epigenetic alterations and a biological event, that is, altered gene expression or disease development, has not been established. In particular, some epigenetic alterations may be transient and not play a role in disease development. Indeed, much remains to be learned about normal epigenetic variation as well as adaptive versus adverse alterations [194]. In many cases, it is unknown if epigenetic alterations observed in rodents are relevant for the effects of these toxicants in humans. Likewise, cancer cell lines may not accurately reflect the toxicant-induced epigenetic alterations in a normal target cell, and PBL assessment in exposed human populations may also not be relevant indicators of adverse effects in target organs. Last, many of the current studies do not examine changes to the epigenetic machinery using genome-wide approaches, nor do they simultaneously examine alterations in DNA methylation, histone PTMs, and miRNAs. Importantly, emerging

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technologies, which allow for rapid and increasingly comprehensive and affordable analyses, will likely greatly increase our knowledge of toxicant-induced epigenetic alterations and their impact on human disease development.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by the NIEHS (T32 ES7012 and R01ES019315).

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Recent Insights in Acrylamide as Carcinogen in Foodstuffs Gema Arribas-Lorenzo and Francisco J. Morales* Contents 164 170 170 174 178 183 184 184

1. Introduction 2. Toxicology of Acrylamide 2.1. Absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion 2.2. Acrylamide toxicity 2.3. Acrylamide exposure assessment 2.4. Acrylamide risk characterization and management Acknowledgments References

Abstract Acrylamide is a heat-induced contaminant naturally formed during home cooking and industrial processing of many foods consumed daily around the world. French fries, potato crisps, bread, cookies, and coffee exert the highest contribution to dietary exposure of acrylamide to humans. Furthermore, food safety international bodies and industrial sectors are very active for implementing strategies to minimize its formation during roasting, baking, frying, toasting, etc. Given the prevalence of acrylamide in the human diet and its toxicological effects, it is a general public health concern to determine the risk of dietary intake of acrylamide. However, associations between dietary acrylamide exposure and increase risk of different cancers are somewhat controversial and do not have a direct extrapolation to the global population. Accordingly, further long-term studies with a general view are ongoing to clarify the risk scenario and to improve the methodology to detect small increases in cancer incidence.

Institute of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN-CSIC), Madrid, Spain *Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 34-91-549-2300; Fax: þ 34-91-549-3627 E-mail address: [email protected] Advances in Molecular Toxicology, Volume 6 ISSN 1872-0854,


2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



Gema Arribas-Lorenzo and Francisco J. Morales

1. Introduction Acrylamide (CH2¼¼CHCO NH2; 2-propenamide; CAS RN 79-06-1) is a colorless and odorless white crystalline solid with a molecular weight of 71.08, a melting point of 84.5  C, low vapor pressure of 0.007 mmHg at 25  C, and a boiling point at 136  C of 3.3 kPa/25 mmHg. Acrylamide is soluble in water, acetone, and ethanol; however, it is not soluble in nonpolar solvents. These properties provide a high mobility in soil and groundwater to acrylamide [1–3]. Acrylamide has been used as an industrial chemical since the 1950s and is produced from the hydration of acrylonitrile. Acrylamide is also known as acrylic amide, ethylene carboxamide, vinyl amide, or 2-propenamide. The main use of acrylamide is as chemical intermediate for the production of polyacrylamides. Monomeric acrylamide readily participates in radicalinitiated polymerization reactions, whose products, polyacrylamides, form the basis of most of its industrial applications [4]. Acrylamide improves the aqueous solubility, adhesion, and cross-linking of polymers which are well known by population due to myriad types of uses in our society. The primary use of polyacrylamide is to strengthen paper, but polyacrylamides are also utilized in the synthesis of dyes; in copolymers for contact lenses; in construction of dam foundations, tunnels, and sewers. Polymers are used as additives for water treatment, enhancers of oil recovery, flocculants, papermaking aids, thickeners, soil conditioning agents, sewage and waste treatment, ore processing, and permanent-press fabrics. Polyacrylamides are also applied in formulations of several types of personal care and grooming products, such as lotions, cosmetics, deodorants, soaps, and shampoos. Further uses are in oil well drilling fluids, for soil stabilization, as dye acceptors, as polymers for promoting adhesion, for increasing the softening point and solvent resistance of resins, as components of photopolymerizable systems, and as cross-linking agents in vinyl polymers. However, other applications of polyacrylamide are in the biomedical, genetic engineering, and research fields, like the separation of proteins by gel-electrophoresis [5]. Besides its industrial applications, acrylamide is also present in tobacco smoke, in amounts of 1–2 mg per cigarette [4,6,7]. Although the most likely sources of contamination of acrylamide to population are via skin absorption or inhalation during manufacture of polyacrylamide in workers, a small amount of acrylamide monomer may, however, be present in the final product because of incomplete polymerization [8]. Polyacrylamide contains up to 0.1% free acrylamide monomer. Then, low amounts of acrylamide might also migrate from food packaging material into the packed foodstuff [9]. The specific migration limit for acrylamide from materials which come into contact with foodstuffs was defined to be not detectable, with a limit of detection of 10 mg/kg [10,11].

Recent Insights in Acrylamide as Carcinogen in Foodstuffs


However, acrylamide has not been known to be produced from the degradation of polyacrylamide gels in biomedical research applications [12]. The major exposure to the population from polyacrylamide comes from cosmetics, which might contain up to 2% of the gel. However, polyacrylamide is not considered to be harmful to humans. Acrylamide monomer is described as having damaging effects in several aspects which might become apparent after a delay of months or even years. Toxicological studies suggested that acrylamide vapors irritate the eyes and skin and cause paralysis of the cerebrospinal system, and its occupational exposure limit is set to 0.3 mg/m3 [5,13,14]. For the general public, a potential source of exposure had only been seen by drinking water that had been treated with polyacrylamide in a refining process [15]. In order to minimize the risk for the general population, a maximum tolerable level of 0.1 mg acrylamide/L water has been established within the European Union (EU) [16]. The so-called acrylamide crisis has a very recent history and started with the Hallandsa˚s incident in September 1997 during the construction of a railway tunnel sited in the Southwest part of Sweden, one of the major areas for Swedish food production. A chemical grout containing the monomers acrylamide and N-methylol-acrylamide was used to repair water leaks that had developed in the tunnel. But large quantities of this sealant came out, leading to contamination of the local lake and groundwater. The immediate result was dead fish, and several cows became paralyzed. The water in the brook was shown to contain very high levels of acrylamide, in comparison with regulatory limits in drinking water. Simultaneously, acrylamide and N-methylol-acrylamide were also detected in the affected animals [17–19]. From a chemical point of view, acrylamide is a reactive electrophile and due to its a,b-unsaturated structure can react with nucleophiles such as amines, carboxylates, and thiols that are commonly found on biological molecules like DNA [20,21]. Acrylamide is biotransformed in vivo to its epoxide, glycidamide (C3H5NO2; CAS RN 5694-00-8), which is genotoxic in a variety of in vitro and in vivo test systems [22] as discussed later. Glycidamide is also named as glycidic acid amide, oxirane-2-carboxamide, or 2,3-epoxypropionamide. However, acrylamide is much less reactive than glycidamide toward DNA [23]. This fact, together with the genotoxicity of glycidamide, has led to the assumption that glycidamide is the genotoxic agent and probably also the cancer risk increasing factor in acrylamide exposure [24]. The biotransformation process by which acrylamide is converted to glycidamide is not only plausible in animals but can readily be demonstrated to occur efficiently in both human and rodent tissues. It was noted in passing by the IARC working group that “acrylamide is not known to occur as a natural product” [25]. Long-term exposure to acrylamide may cause damage to the nervous system in both humans and animals to a certain extent. Meanwhile, acrylamide is also regarded as a potentially


Gema Arribas-Lorenzo and Francisco J. Morales

genetic and reproductive toxin with mutagenic and carcinogenic properties in both in vitro and in vivo studies [26,27]. The risk of acrylamide estimated by the Scientific Committee on Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment (CSTEE) in the EU demonstrated that the exposure of acrylamide to humans should be controlled as low as possible with regard to its inherently toxic properties, including neurotoxicity, genotoxicity to both somatic and germ cells, carcinogenicity, and reproductive toxicity [28]. Acrylamide has been shown to be neurotoxicant in humans [29–31]. Evidence is presented that the nerve terminal is a primary site of acrylamide action and that inhibition of neurotransmission mediates the development of neurological deficits. At the mechanistic level, recent proteomic, neurochemical, and kinetic data suggest that acrylamide inhibits neurotransmission by disrupting presynaptic nitric oxide signaling. Nerve-terminal damage likely mediates the neurological complications that accompany the occupational exposure of humans to acrylamide and has been shown to induce tumors in laboratory rats [14,23]. In that basis, acrylamide has also been classified as a probable human carcinogen [25], and as such, several international bodies have concluded that dietary exposure should be as low as reasonably achievable [25,32–36]. In this sense, the presence of acrylamide in foods may pose a public health concern. Regardless the toxicological effects of acrylamide already known, concern about the health of the tunnel workers motivated a group of scientists at Stockholm University to develop a test that measured the presence of an acrylamide-protein adduct in blood from workers exposed to the leakage water. As mentioned, acrylamide and glycidamide are reactive toward nucleophilic sites in macromolecules, such as the blood protein hemoglobin, and thus able to form stable reaction products (adducts) [6,37,38]. N-terminal valine adducts of hemoglobin with acrylamide and glycidamide can be quantified and used to monitor occupational exposure to acrylamide in humans. Elevated levels of acrylamide bound to the hemoglobin were found in workers exposed to the chemical grout. Through measurement of reaction products with protein hemoglobin in blood, it was shown that several of the tunnel workers had developed peripheral nerve symptoms similar to those reported for acrylamide poisoning [3,39]. But unexpected amounts of acrylamide–hemoglobin adducts could be found in the unexposed people, living outside the contaminated area and used as controls. The observation of a regularly occurring high background level (about 0.03 nmol/ g globin) of adducts from acrylamide to N-terminal valine in hemoglobin in non-smoking and occupationally unexposed control persons outside the leakage water indicated the existence of another general exposure source [40]. In order to identify the origin of acrylamide adducts in these nonexposed persons, researchers investigated a number of suspected sources, like food. The importance of acrylamide in food was mentioned for the first time by Tareke [41] who showed that rats feeding fried feed led to a large increase

Recent Insights in Acrylamide as Carcinogen in Foodstuffs


in the level of the hemoglobin adduct, which was concluded to be N-(2carbamoyl-methyl)-valine. This finding showed that almost the entire population is exposed to acrylamide on a daily basis and that the major cause for the observed background adducts was the ingestion of heated starchy food. Background hemoglobin adduct levels in adult humans range from 12 to 50 fmol/mg of globin [39,42]. In April 2002, the Swedish National Food Authority and the University of Stockholm jointly announced the determination of findings of considerable levels of acrylamide in heat-treated carbohydrate-rich foods [43]. The announcement followed an earlier feeding study which had reported the formation of acrylamide in animal feed [41]. Acrylamide was formed by heating certain starch-based food, for example, potato products such as chips and French fries. Results were corroborated, finding high levels of acrylamide in many food commodities around the world, such as in the United Kingdom [44], Japan [45], Sweden [46], Australia [47], Canada [48], The Netherlands [49], Austria [50], Spain [51], Germany, Ireland [52], Switzerland [53], among many other countries, being then a global problem. After the confirmation of the formation of acrylamide in starchy foods, a variety of many other food products containing acrylamide have been identified [48,54]. For some foods, the measured amounts exceeded amply the maximum allowable concentration in drinking water of 0.1 mg acrylamide/L in EU countries [16] as well as the WHO guideline value for the maximum safe level concentration of acrylamide at 0.5 mg/L [55] and, of course, the existing EU on chemical migration from plastic packaging of 10 mg acrylamide/kg [10]. Based on these observations, certain food products were suspected of being a potential source of exposure to acrylamide. These findings attracted worldwide interest, because of toxicological relevance of acrylamide. Thus, the discovery that the compound is found extensively throughout the food supply caused alarm that dietary acrylamide could be an important human cancer risk factor [41]. This finding showed that almost the entire population is exposed to acrylamide on a daily basis and that the major cause for the observed background adducts was the ingestion of heated starchy food. After rapid confirmation, numerous research activities concerning the extent of exposure, origin of acrylamide in food, health risk to humans, and mitigation of acrylamide in food were initiated. Acrylamide has been shown to be neurotoxic in humans [56] and has been shown to induce tumors in laboratory rats [14,23]. On the basis of tests in animals, a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) concluded that current acrylamide levels in foods may indicate a human health concern and that cancer could be the most important adverse effect of acrylamide [33]. As a consequence, a huge number of multidisciplinary studies with a great mobilization of human and economic resources were started around the world. There is some confusion with the denomination “contaminant” to acrylamide, as it is a compound


Gema Arribas-Lorenzo and Francisco J. Morales

naturally formed in food during cooking. Acrylamide is named as a processing contaminant or neoformed contaminant. Recently, after the discovery of the chemical mechanism governing this food-related contaminant, acrylamide production has been described through a series of reactions known as Maillard reaction, between an amino acid, primarily asparagine, and a reducing sugar such as fructose or glucose [57–61] (Figure 1). The amino acid asparagine was firstly suspected and later confirmed to be necessary for the formation of acrylamide, as it furnishes the backbone of the acrylamide molecule. Later, additional formation mechanisms, for example, from peptides, proteins, lipids, and biogenic amines, were identified [62–65]. Briefly, acrylamide formation begins at temperatures around 120  C and peaks between 160 and 180  C [57]. Thus, acrylamide is formed during frying, roasting, and baking and is not typically found in boiled or microwaved food. The highest levels appear in fried and roasted potato products and in cereal products such as breads, crackers, and breakfast cereals. Kinetic studies in model systems and foods clearly demonstrated the strong relationship between processing conditions (time and temperature), moisture and pH, and acrylamide. The formation of acrylamide becomes relevant at temperatures higher than 120  C, and at prolonged heating conditions above 170  C, there is a balance between the rates of formation and of loss. Acrylamide losses are due to evaporation, polymerization, or reaction with other foods components. Acrylamide is able to react via Michael addition with nucleophilic sites such as amino or thiol groups present in proteins. The almost exclusive formation of acrylamide from asparagine could explain the selective occurrence of acrylamide in certain food products that are rich in concentration of the dominant free amino acid asparagine such as potatoes and cereals. This is the case of potato processing, asparagine comprise nearly 39% (59–143 mmol/kg) of the total free amino acids, and reducing sugar content can vary up to 5.0% of fresh weight. In the case of cereals, the content of free asparagine in wheat flour ranged from 0.15 to 0.4 g/kg, being up to 1.48 g/kg higher in the wheat bran [66]. In a short period of time after discovering, it was established that the major pathway for acrylamide formation in foods is the Maillard reaction with free asparagine as the key amino precursor [57,58]. Other minor reaction routes for acrylamide formation in foods have been postulated, from acrolein and acrylic acid [67], from wheat gluten [65], and by deamination of 3-aminopropionamide [62]. This rapid identification of the main route of acrylamide formation during thermal processing of food was critical to launch the different mitigation strategies as offered today to industry. The Maillard reaction has also been known for producing other mutagenic compounds such as some dicarbonyl compounds (e.g., acrolein and glyoxal), furans (e.g., furfural and 5-sulfooxylmethylfurfural), heterocyclic amines, pyrroles (e.g., 1-nitro-2-acetylpyrrole), dithianes (e.g., 1,3-dithiane), thiazoles, and thiazolidines (e.g., 2-(1,2,3,4,5-pentahydroxy)-pentylthiazolidine).


Recent Insights in Acrylamide as Carcinogen in Foodstuffs














N-Glycosylconjugate – H2O NH2





Schiff base OH





+ Carbonyl compounds




– CO2




Oxazolidin-5-one OH

– CO2



– CO2



Azomethine ylide










+ H2O





– NH3


Imine 2

b –Elimination

+ H2O



Decarboxylated Amadori compound

Imine 1





Peptides Proteins Lipids





3-Oxopropanamide (Strecker aldehyde)

Figure 1 Reaction scheme for acrylamide formation in the Maillard reaction. Adapted from Stadler et al. [58], Zyzak et al. [61], Granvogl et al. [62], Yaylayan et al. [63].

This background of knowledge from the scientific community was determinant in the rapid identification of the predominant pathway of formation in foodstuffs and later for searching for ways of mitigation. Any information from the variables affecting the formation of acrylamide in foods could be of great interest, as it may open new opportunities for its mitigation. Because the precursors of acrylamide formation are common sugars and amino acids, it is impossible to eliminate them from our foods to avoid the formation of acrylamide and alternatives should be studied. Accordingly, the structure-specific health effects of the harmful and beneficial compounds formed from the Maillard reaction can be determined, and the food processing technologies can be optimized toward a more selective formation of the health-beneficial ones. Upon lowering the formation of acrylamide in foodstuffs, the concomitant loss of valuable Maillard components, such as flavor or colored compounds, should thus also be taken into account. Compilations of activities have been published on the Internet by both the European Commission’s Directorate General Health and


Gema Arribas-Lorenzo and Francisco J. Morales

Consumer Protection [68] and the World Health Organization [33]. A part of the projects that aim to evaluate the health risk to humans comprises the collection of data on acrylamide levels in different kinds of foods. National as well as supranational organizations such as the WHO [69] or the European Commission’s Directorate General Joint Research Centre (JRC) [70] have subsequently set up databases on acrylamide levels in food, and the JRC collects, evaluates and publishes data on a regular basis.

2. Toxicology of Acrylamide As described above, the discovery of acrylamide in foodstuffs provoked a deep debate among scientists, international bodies, national food safety agencies, and industrial and consumer associations; because of the relative lack of toxicological data for humans on the one hand and because of the knowledge that acrylamide in high doses is genotoxic in cell and animal studies on the other [71]. The following part of this chapter will describe the metabolic pathways of acrylamide; the evidence for carcinogenicity, neurotoxicity, and reproductive toxicity; the latest findings from epidemiological studies of occupational and dietary exposures; and the possible risk associated with the presence of acrylamide in foodstuffs.

2.1. Absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion 2.1.1. Absorption and distribution It is known from toxicokinetic studies with 13C- and 14C-labeled acrylamide that its absorption can occur through different routes: oral and dermal exposure or through inhalation. Because of its polarity, water solubility, and low molecular weight, acrylamide is readily absorbed [8,72]. Due to its application in cosmetics, several studies were already carried out on the dermal absorption of acrylamide, both in vivo and in vitro [8,73,74]. Dermal absorption of acrylamide in human is about 25–30% of the initial amount applied [74]. Similar percentages were found in in vivo animal studies and in vitro [8]. However, compared to dermal exposure, the absorption of acrylamide via the gastrointestinal tract is much more efficient [74,75]. Additionally, the mode of oral administration will affect the rates of absorption. When acrylamide was administered via drinking water to, for example, rats, absorption was 60–90% whereas via acrylamide-fortified food was 28–47% [72,76]. Interaction of acrylamide with food proteins might be the main factor responsible for the reduced absorption in the presence of a food matrix [77]. However, the relative absorption of acrylamide from feed and water was the same [78]. Boettcher et al. [79] confirmed that the diet is the main source of acrylamide exposure in humans, apart from smoking. Other possible acrylamide sources could be of minor quantitative importance only.

Recent Insights in Acrylamide as Carcinogen in Foodstuffs


After absorption, acrylamide is rapidly and widely distributed via the blood to various tissues, such as muscle tissue, testes, skin, liver, kidneys, brain, heart, lung, and thymus. The distribution of acrylamide and its metabolites depends, however, upon the route of exposure and is species dependent [8,73,80]. Acrylamide and glycidamide had been shown to distribute equally and to have a half-life of about 5 h. Furthermore, the extent of formation of glycidamide is dependent on administered dose, dose rate, and rate of administration. It is important to highlight that acrylamide also readily crosses the placenta and has been detected in human breast milk [81]. 2.1.2. Metabolism Once absorbed, the primary pathway of acrylamide metabolism involves (i) rapid conversion to the reactive genotoxic epoxide, glycidamide, and (ii) conjugation with glutathione (GSH). The epoxidation of acrylamide is mediated by the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase 2E1 (CYP2E1) in the liver through oxygenation of the double bound. This enzyme is also expressed in lung, kidney, bone marrow, and white blood cells. Later, glycidamide and acrylamide can also be metabolized by conjugation with GSH by glutathioneS-transferases (GST) following the classical detoxification scheme [82] (Figure 2). This process occurs with liver, kidney, brain, or erythrocyte GSH [85]. Cytochrome P450 is an enzyme responsible for the metabolic activation of many carcinogens, besides acrylamide; the major most inducible CYP isoform is mainly expressed in the liver but is also found at significant levels in other human tissues. The polymorphisms in the promoter CYP2E1 gene would contribute to interindividual variations in the enzyme activity resulting in differences in ratios of acrylamide to glycidamide. GSH conjugates of acrylamide and glycidamide are further converted to mercapturic acid conjugates (Figure 2), S-(3-amino-3-oxopropyl)-cysteine, N-acetyl-S-(3-amino-3-oxopropyl)-cysteine (AAMA), N-acetyl-S-(3amino-3-oxopropyl)-cysteine-S-oxide (AAMA-S-oxide), N-(R,S)-acetylS-(3-amino-2-hydroxyethyl-3-oxopropyl)-cysteine (iso-GAMA), and N-acetyl-S-(1-carbamoyl-2-hydroxyethyl)-cysteine (GAMA), respectively, which are excreted with urine [82,84,86,87]. Glycidamide is considerably more reactive than acrylamide with DNA in vitro, and several adducts have been characterized. Furthermore, two adducts have been detected in mice and rats, N7-(2-carbamoyl-2-hydroxyethyl)guanine (N7-GA-Gua) and N3-(2carbamoyl-2-hydroxyethyl)adenine (N3-GA-Ade) [26,88,89]. The formation of DNA adducts from acrylamide in humans has not been reported, although recent physiologically based pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling suggests that the dietary exposure to acrylamide should result in N7-GA-Gua levels of 0.06–0.5 adducts per 108 nucleotides [90,91]. Furthermore, the epoxide group of glycidamide can be cleaved by an epoxide hydrolase (EPHX1) to form glyceramide (2,3-dihydroxypropionamide), which is also excreted in urine [92]. The microsomal epoxide


Gema Arribas-Lorenzo and Francisco J. Morales



Goblin-Val-N O

Hb adducts H2N





O Blood

















Epoxide Hydrolase




DNA adducts in vivo


Exposure Environment Cigarrete smoke Cosmetics Foods





O Hb
















Glutathione NH2 O


Urinary excretion OH NH2








S-CysAc-N NH2 O iso-GAMA

Mercapturic acid metabolites detected in humans

O AAMA-S-oxide

Figure 2 Metabolic scheme for acrylamide. Adapted from Sumner et al. [73,82,83]; Doerge et al. 2007 [72]; Kopp and Dekant [84].

hydrolase is involved in the metabolism of highly reactive epoxide intermediates, to the less reactive and water-soluble glyceramide. It has been shown that the activity of the enzyme EPHX1 is affected by two polymorphisms: a substitution of 113Tyr to 113His in exon 3 corresponds to a 40% decrease in the enzyme activity, whereas a substitution of 139His to 139Arg in exon 4 corresponds to a 25% increase in the enzyme activity [93,94]. Additionally, the resulting activity of EPHX1 depends on its expression level, measured with benzo[a]pyrene-4,5-oxide and cis-stilbene oxide as substrates [95]. However, it is known that the conversion to glycidamide in rats occurs more effectively at lower doses than at higher [37]. Moreover, the percentage of acrylamide conjugated with GSH or oxidized to glycidamide is species dependent, due to the different expression of metabolizing enzymes being higher in mice and lower in humans [8,42,73,74]. The metabolic fate of acrylamide in rats, mice, and humans has been well established [8]. Studies of low dietary exposures of rodents and humans suggest efficient conversion to glycidamide by humans [72,76]. In mice and rats, approximately 60% and 40% of acrylamide, respectively, is converted to glycidamide [96], while humans convert approximately 15% to

Recent Insights in Acrylamide as Carcinogen in Foodstuffs


glycidamide [97]. However, other authors suggested equal rates of metabolism in both species and acrylamide, and its metabolites are rapidly eliminated in urine, primarily as mercapturic acid conjugates [98]. In summary, enzymes involved in acrylamide biotransformation are the phase I enzyme P450 which catalyzes epoxidation of acrylamide to glycidamide, the microsomal epoxide hydrolase which is involved in the conversion of highly reactive glycidamide, to the less reactive and water-soluble glyceramide and GST enzymes (GSTM1, GSTT1, and GSTP1) which are responsible for the conjugation of acrylamide and glycidamide to GSH. Genes coding for enzymes involved in the biotransformation of carcinogens can be used as markers of individual susceptibility to cancer because different activity of these enzymes may increase or decrease the conversion of a xenobiotic into its reactive metabolite. 2.1.3. Excretion Toxicokinetic studies have shown that about 90% of acrylamide is excreted in the urine after 7 days. Other studies indicate that the majority (40–70%) of the absorbed radiolabeled acrylamide in rats is eliminated via the urine after conversion of the GSH conjugates of acrylamide and glycidamide to mercapturic acids [8,92]. Different authors concluded that about 50% of acrylamide was recovered over 24 h as urinary metabolites when rats were supplied with labeled acrylamide [82]. The main urinary metabolite is a mercapturic acid acrylamide derivative, AAMA (N-acetyl-S-(3-amino3-oxopropyl)-cysteine) [82]. The excretion of acrylamide as urinary metabolites begins shortly after exposure and about 50% is excreted within 24 h [86,99]. Metabolites formed from the conjugation of acrylamide with GSH were the major metabolites for rats and mice. However, a larger fraction of urinary metabolites was derived from glycidamide in mice than in rats. Specific mercapturic acid metabolites of acrylamide (AAMA) and glycidamide (GAMA) can be determined and quantified in human urine on a routine basis [79]. During the administration of an aqueous solution of 13 C3-acrylamide to male volunteers, approximately 86% of the urinary metabolites were derived from conjugation with GSH and excreted as the metabolite AAMA in a 72% and its respective S-oxide in a 14%. Both acrylamide and glycidamide form adducts with thiol and amino groups on hemoglobin and other proteins by the Michael addition [8,100,101]. Adducts with the a-amino group of N-terminal valine residue or with the thiol group of cysteine residues in hemoglobin have been reported [6,73,75,97]. Such adducts represent the amount of acrylamide present in the blood circulation over the lifetime of the erythrocytes ( 125 days). Since 1993, the determination of hemoglobin adducts of acrylamide is being used to assess the internal effective doses of acrylamide and its metabolic oxidation product glycidamide [6,39,100,102]. The hemoglobin adducts represent long-term parameters for acrylamide


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exposure, as erythrocytes possess an average lifetime of 120 days. Quantification of these biomarkers may therefore give a good estimate of the longterm acrylamide exposure [6,39,78,100]. In contrast to hemoglobin adducts, the urinary mercapturic acid metabolites may also give insight into the short-term exposure to acrylamide, as was recently reported [103].

2.2. Acrylamide toxicity The toxicological effects of acrylamide have been researched since the 1950s. The first toxicological studies at high levels of acrylamide exposure where performed on workers exposed to industrial production of polyacrylamides. Many authorities classify acrylamide as a probable human carcinogen [25,104,105] based on its carcinogenicity in rats and its genetic toxicity. Additional studies performed by the National Toxicology Program suggest that acrylamide is “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in experimental animals” [106]. As stated before, glycidamide and the a,b-unsaturated amide system of acrylamide may bind with biological nucleophilic groups of proteins and DNA. This reaction plays a significant role in the underlying biological events resulting in toxicity [8]. Material Safety Data Sheets describe acrylamide as toxic, a possible human carcinogen, tetarogenic or mutagenic, and also neurotoxic to the central nervous system. Myers et al. [107] reported acrylamide-related abnormalities such as decreased motor strength, abnormal gait, and skin abnormalities for highly exposed workers in South-Africa. It appears likely that the mode of action for acrylamide may be a combination of DNA damage, interference with mitosis and meiosis, and oxidative stress. Next, different aspects of acrylamide toxicity are described. 2.2.1. Neurotoxicity The neurotoxicity of acrylamide in humans is well known from occupational and accidental exposures [108]. For instance, Calleman et al. [109] reported peripheral neuropathy symptoms to highly exposed workers in China. It is characterized by skeletal muscle weakness, numbness of hands and feet, and ataxia. Acrylamide has been shown to be toxic to both the central and the peripheral nervous system [110], although the nerve terminal is now considered to be the primary site of acrylamide action [111,112]. Acrylamide induces nerve terminal degeneration and has effects on the cerebral cortex, thalamus, and hippocampus [112]. In double-blind studies of factory workers, no neurotoxicity was found in workers exposed to less than 3.0 mg/kg/day as determined by biomonitoring [110]. A very recent study demonstrates structural and ultrastructural evidence of neurotoxic effects of fried potato chips on rat postnatal development. The authors

Recent Insights in Acrylamide as Carcinogen in Foodstuffs


reveal for the first time that rat fetal exposure to acrylamide, as a pure compound or from a maternal diet of fried potato chips, causes cerebellar cortical defects and myodegeneration of the gastrocnemius muscle during the postnatal development of pups. These results warrant a systematic study of the health effects of the consumption of fried potatoes in the general population [113]. Several competing theories have been proposed to explain its mechanism of action to decrease the release of the neurotransmitter, including biochemical changes, such as the alteration in ion levels or the inhibition of glycolytic enzymes by acrylamide adduct formation. It is known that the interference of acrylamide and its metabolite glycidamide with kinesin motor proteins in neurofilaments causes failure of the transport of nerve signals between axons, and this may be one of the mechanisms involved in its neurotoxicity [114]. Acrylamide, and not glycidamide, is primarily responsible for induction of neurotoxicity. Also morphological changes were demonstrated, such as changes in nerve structures or their degeneration, which could be visualized with microscopic examinations. However, the no observable effect level (NOEL) for morphological changes is stated at 500 mg/kg body weight (bw)/day, which is far above the known exposure levels due to food intake. Consequently, the risk of neurotoxic effects caused by dietary acrylamide could be considered to be very low [115]. Recently, it has been postulated that neurotoxicity of acrylamide might be cumulative as the same neurotoxic effects can be seen at low and high doses of acrylamide with the low doses just requiring longer exposure, thus that dietary exposure might not be negligible [112]. This aspect is greatly relevant and should be clarified in the near future. 2.2.2. Reproductive toxicity Acrylamide administered to drinking water of rodents at doses 5 mg/ kg bw/day resulted in significant decreases in number of live fetuses per litter [8]. At doses of 155 mg/kg bw/day or greater, signs of neurotoxicity and copulatory behavior were noted, as well as effects on sperm motility and morphology. The toxicities in male animals include degeneration of the epithelial cells of the seminiferous tubules, decreased number of sperm, and abnormal sperm and result in decreased fertility rates and retarded development of pups [116,117]. These toxic effects may be attributed to the interfering effect of acrylamide on the kinesin motor proteins, which also exist in the flagella of sperm, resulting in the reduction in sperm motility and fertilization events [117,118]. The exposure levels are, however, far above the dietary acrylamide intake in order to pose such a risk. Furthermore, there is no evidence for adverse reproductive or developmental effects from exposure to acrylamide in the general population [119].


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2.2.3. Carcinogenicity Already in 1994, acrylamide was classified as probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer [25]. This conclusion was mainly based on positive bioassay results in rodents and supported by the evidence that acrylamide is transformed in mammalian tissues to its more reactive genotoxic metabolite, glycidamide. Several evidences were considered to reach this decision: (i) formation of covalent adducts with DNA in mice and rats, (ii) formation of covalent adducts with hemoglobin in humans and rats, (iii) induction of gene mutations and chromosomal aberrations in germ cells of mice and chromosomal aberrations in germ cells of rats, (iv) induction of chromosomal aberrations in somatic cells of rodents in vivo, (v) induction of gene mutations and chromosomal aberrations in cultured cells in vitro, and (vi) induction of cell transformation in mouse cell lines. Moreover, acrylamide is currently classified as “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen” by the National Toxicology Program [106]. Clear evidence of carcinogenic activity in laboratory animals is demonstrated by studies that are interpreted as showing a dose-related (i) increase of malignant neoplasms, (ii) increase of a combination of malignant and benign neoplasms, or (iii) marked increase of benign neoplasms if there is an indication from this or other studies of the ability of such tumors to progress to malignancy. Acrylamide has not been found to induce mutations in bacteria, but it induced sex-linked recessive lethal and somatic mutations in Drosophila. Substantial laboratory evidence on experimental rodents shows that acrylamide is carcinogenic, causing tumors at multiple sites such as lungs, skin, brain, mammary gland, thyroid gland, and uterus [120,121]. Acrylamide is clastogenic and mutagenic in mammalian cells [15]. It has been stated that oxidation of acrylamide to glycidamide appeared to be a prerequisite for genotoxicity of acrylamide, due to the higher reactivity of glycidamide to form adducts with DNA [120,122]. Although acrylamide and glycidamide reacted directly with hemoglobin, only glycidamide reacted largely with DNA to produce the N7guanine adduct and to a much lesser extent the N3-adenine adduct [26,42,76,121]. Hence, acrylamide is not mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium assays; in contrast, glycidamide is mutagenic in this assay. The important role of CYP2E1 in epoxidation of acrylamide to glycidamide and formation of glycidamide-DNA adducts has been demonstrated by using CYP2E1-null mice, and when such mice were exposed to acrylamide, higher levels of acrylamide adducts were observed compared with wild-type mice [83,123]. Additionally, DNA adducts can be regarded as biomarkers of biologically active internal dose of acrylamide. Before use of such DNA adducts, analytical methods with improved sensitivity would be required but also complete information on the stability over longer periods of time. Acrylamide itself does not show direct reactivity toward DNA,

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although under forced chemical conditions and after extended reaction time, adducts with DNA bases (guanine) could be synthesized and characterized [124]. Treatment of rodents with glycidamide produces higher levels of DNA adducts than treatment of rodents with acrylamide [72]. In a 2-year carcinogenicity studies in rats [14,23], acrylamide induced tumors at multiple organ sites, including thyroid follicular cell tumors (males and females), testicular mesotheliomas (males), and mammary tumors (females). Acrylamide also produces oxidative stress in rodents. After administration of acrylamide in drinking water at doses as low as 0.025 mg/kg/day or 10 weeks, increases in oxidative stress were observed in male rat liver, lung, and testes [125] and in cultured HepG2 cells [126]. Very recently, new findings seem to indicate that chronic ingestion of acrylamide-containing products contribute to the creation of oxidative stress and induce a proinflammatory state, a risk factor for progression of atherosclerosis [127]. The major mode of carcinogenic action of acrylamide is genotoxic as it induces gene mutations and chromosomal aberrations and breaks in germ and somatic cells of mice in vivo and in cultured cells in vitro [9,25,27,120], although nongenotoxic modes such as depletion of cellular GSH stores and disruption in hormone secretion have been postulated with limited evidence [120,128]. Acrylamide produces chromosome damage in mouse, but not rat, somatic cells. It does not appear to induce gene mutations in vitro as measured in bacterial or mammalian cell mutagenicity assays [8,129]. The oxidative biotransformation of acrylamide to glycidamide can be considered therefore as the crucial step for the genotoxicity of acrylamide, whereas the hydrolysis of glycidamide to glyceramide as well as the Michael-type addition of acrylamide and glyceramide to GSH is regarded as detoxification pathways as described formerly. In another mechanism that can produce genetic effects, acrylamide binds to the kinesin proteins, krp2 and KIFC5A, to modify chromosome segregation and spindle polarization at extremely low doses [114,130]. In contrast to acrylamide, glycidamide induces mutations in bacteria [116]. However, extrapolation of the above-mentioned results to humans is not obvious and direct, since the much higher exposure levels used in animal and cell culture studies, differences in the routes of exposure, and differences in metabolism between species [42,131]. Fuhr et al. [75] has suggested that the data for internal exposure to glycidamide from dietary acrylamide in humans should be reduced two- to fourfold compared to the internal exposure in mice and rats. Differences in the metabolism between humans and mice and rats were also reported by Fennell et al. [74]. The genotoxicity of acrylamide and glycidamide is manifested as both clastogenic and mutagenic events, and acrylamide has proven to be genotoxic in vivo to the somatic and germ cells as well as to cell cultures [106]. Dearfield et al. [27] reviewed the in vivo and in vitro genotoxicity data and concluded that acrylamide was clastogenic. In addition, acrylamide may


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impair DNA repair [132] and cause unscheduled DNA synthesis in human mammary cells [9] and in target tissues of rats [133]. Acrylamide has been shown to be genotoxic to sperm. Positive results were reported with acrylamide in the dominant lethal test, and heritable translocation assay and acrylamide produced unscheduled DNA synthesis in the germ cells of male mice [134,135].

2.3. Acrylamide exposure assessment Taking the smoking habit already into account, exposure due to polyacrylamide use in cosmetics, food packaging, and water treatment appears to be well below the intake via food [12,33]. Thus, governmental and industrial concern in most parts of the world prompted several research groups to undertake studies on acrylamide and its formation as well as occurrence in foods. Since 2003, occurrence of acrylamide in foods has been compiled by the JRC of the European Commission by member states both from national authorities and from food industry [70]. In April 2009, the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) reported the results of the monitoring of acrylamide levels in foods in response to a request of the European Commission (Commission Recommendation 2007/331/EC) [136,137]. In the last report, the European Commission concluded that reference values for each food commodity are only intended to indicate the need for an investigation [138]. They are not safety thresholds. Therefore, enforcement action and/or the issuing of a rapid alert should only be undertaken on the basis of a sound risk assessment carried out on a case by case basis, but not merely because an indicative value is exceeded. The European Commission will reevaluate the situation by December 31, 2012. In addition, the European Commission aims to further investigate the production and processing methods used by food producers in cases where the level of acrylamide in a foodstuff, tested in the monitoring exercise pursuant to Recommendation 2010/307/EU, exceeds the acrylamide indicative value set for the respective food category. As values of reference for acrylamide monitoring, EFSA reported values for French fries ready-to-eat (600 mg/kg), potato crisps (1000 mg/kg), soft bread (150 mg/kg), breakfast cereals (400 mg/kg), biscuits and crackers (500 mg/kg), roast coffee (450 mg/kg), instant coffee (900 mg/ kg), and baby foods (80 mg/kg). Knowing the toxicological properties of acrylamide as chemical, many countries have estimated the dietary intake of acrylamide in order to evaluate the possible risks to human health. Depending on the availability of contamination data at the time of calculation, different databases were used for these simulations. Particular attention was paid to carbohydraterich food products such as potato and cereal products, as these showed the highest concentrations of acrylamide [139]. Animal-derived heat-treated

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foods such as meat and fish generally exhibit low or negligible levels of acrylamide. It is important to take into consideration that acrylamide is ubiquitous in the human diet, and more than one-third of the calories we take in each day come from foods with detectable levels of acrylamide [140]. It was estimated that the major contributing foods to total human exposure to acrylamide are potato chips (French fries, 16–30%), potato crisps (chips, 6–46%), coffee (13–39%), pastry and sweet biscuits (cookies, 10–20%), bread, rolls, and toast (10–30%), and others (0.30 mg/m3-year)). These occupational studies investigated acrylamide exposure through inhalation or dermal absorption. Granath et al. [145] proposed a reanalysis of all data in consideration of potential confounders such as smoking status, the so-called healthy worker effect and the duration of exposure. But occupational exposure to acrylamide mostly involves male subjects, and these studies did not provide information on breast cancer and other female hormone-related neoplasms [146]. The WHO concluded that the use of cosmetics, drinking of water, and migration of polyacrylamides from food packages were negligible factors for human beings, compared to the alimentary intake for the internal burden with acrylamide [33]. Since then, new studies considering diet as the main exposure source for acrylamide to the global population were a focus. For instance, a cohort study of 43,404 women and two population-based case– control studies from Sweden found no direct association between acrylamide intake and risk of selected cancers. However, relative risks for the highest versus the lowest level of intake were 1.2 for breast cancer in the prospective study and 0.6 for large bowel, 0.8 for bladder and kidney, and 1.1 for renal cell cancer in the case–control studies [147,148]. Pelucchi et al. [149] could not detect any statistically significant correlation between consumption of fried and baked potatoes and cancer risk. The cancer sites considered were the oral cavity and pharynx, esophagus, larger bowel, breast, and ovary. But Schulz et al. [150] detected a direct correlation between alimentary acrylamide consumption and mortality of pancreatic cancer. In one epidemiological study in the Netherlands, the association between acrylamide intake and endometrial, ovarian, and breast cancer risk was investigated in never-smoking women [151]. After 11.3 years of follow-up, increased risks were noted by multivariable-adjusted hazard rate ratios for postmenopausal endometrial and ovarian cancer with increasing dietary acrylamide intake, particularly among never-smokers. However, the risk of breast cancer was not associated with acrylamide intake [106]. In the same cohort, there was also a suggestion of an increased risk of renal cell cancer among men and women in association with dietary acrylamide exposure [152]. These data suggest that there are associations between dietary acrylamide exposure and the risk of cancer. Given the widespread and continuous exposure to acrylamide, even small increases in relative risks may be important from a public health viewpoint. Most former studies had severe limitations, either in the exposure assesment, confounders such as coexposures or limited power to detect small increases in tumor incidence [9,120,149]. In addition, the statistical evaluation


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of some of the former case–control studies was based on data of preexisting population-based studies. This fact presents a number of limitations, as all information concerning consumption of acrylamide-containing food and the selection of the study population were related to data raised to assess completely different questions in the FFQs. The intake of acrylamide via food may vary markedly between individuals as indicated by FFQs [153]. Reliability of epidemiological risk assessment strongly depends on the validity of acquiring all data related to exposure. It could be possible that databases are incomplete and do not compile information from all acrylamide-containing foods. Another possibility is that new types of foods or industrial/domestic process of food preparation are discovered at a regional level, for instance, the presence of acrylamide in table olives or in roasted seeds. Preliminary epidemiological studies have been criticized because of lack of inclusion of other foods important to total dietary intake of acrylamide, such as coffee [154]. Then, it is not easy to achieve this goal, as it is estimated that a cohort of more than two million people would be needed to detect the additional risk for dietary acrylamide exposure [131]. There are a number of chemical biomarkers considered for monitoring of exposure to acrylamide, such as free acrylamide and glycidamide in fluids, and its reaction products with DNA and hemoglobin. Biomarkers such as hemoglobin adducts and excreted urinary metabolites could in some cases be applied to estimate the acrylamide intake levels [87,103]. In addition, two monoclonal antibodies specific to acrylamide–hemoglobin adducts suitable for use in a high-throughput biomarker immunoassay to determine individual acrylamide exposure have been developed which could help in the exposure estimation [155]. However, a clear correlation between biomarkers and acrylamide intake was not always found. This may be attributed to the species and interindividual difference in metabolic rates for acrylamide and glycidamide [42,156], to the uncertainty of dietary exposure assessments, to the inherent variability of acrylamide contamination, and to the possibility of other acrylamide sources [139]. The molar ratio between glycidamide-derived and acrylamide-derived hemoglobin adducts varied considerably (ninefold) between the individuals [103] and between subpopulations in Europe [157]. Thus, the varying ratio of glycidamide-derived adducts/acrylamide-derived hemoglobin adducts among individuals could not be explained by the acrylamide intake alone. Another potential source of variability is the individual differences in metabolizing capacity. The specific mercapturic acid metabolites of acrylamide (AAMA) and of glycidamide (GAMA) [79] can be determined and quantified in human urine. These represent biomarkers of short-term exposure as their half-live is estimated to range from hours up to a few days. Therefore, mercapturic acids are suited to determining a possible influence of fasting on the internal acrylamide exposure better compared to hemoglobin adducts. Although the already performed epidemiological studies do not give convincing evidence

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for the carcinogenic potential of acrylamide in human beings, it would still be too early to give the all-clear sign. Daily intake of acrylamide estimated from hemoglobin adduct levels was higher than daily intake estimated from dietary questionnaires, possibly indicating other sources of exposures. Recently, it has been proposed that acrylamide–hemoglobin adduct levels are increased in mice treated with compounds known to induce free radicals, thus suggesting the endogenous production of acrylamide [158]. This endogenous formation of acrylamide was investigated by treating mice with FeSO4, 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6tetrahydropyridine-hydrochloric acid or methamphetamine. Pelucchi et al. [147] clearly identified two main reasons to explain the discordant findings of animal and epidemiologic studies. First is the limitation of directly extrapolating animal data to humans. Here, there are many assumptions that are not correct. For instance, (i) the uncertain bioavailability of acrylamide depending on the manner of administration and the effect of various food matrices in humans, (ii) differences in the metabolism of acrylamide among animal species, and (iii) the different level of exposure between laboratory data and human diet. The second and most difficult to overcome are the low levels and limited range of acrylamide exposure from foods which makes the cancer risk too small to be detectable by observational studies.

2.4. Acrylamide risk characterization and management The potential risk of consumption of acrylamide-containing foodstuffs is solely based in its carcinogenicity, where neurotoxicity and reproductive toxicity are unimportant at the level of exposure. Comparing the estimated dietary exposure of acrylamide with the NOEL for neurotoxicity in human (10–40 mg/kg bw/day) gave a safety margin between 2.5 and 40. Genotoxic carcinogens are considered to be without a threshold for their reactivity toward DNA and hence subsequent adverse effects [9,159]. In this sense, different recommendations of precaution have been established by international bodies, and based in the “ALARA” principle, “levels should be as low as reasonably achievable.” This ALARA principle is often criticized because it provides advice based solely on hazard identification and not on the toxicological effect and does not take into account either potency or human exposure. However, the presence of carcinogens in foods should be always regarded as undesirable, so that the ALARA principle still appears to be valid. The margin of exposure (MOE) approach is proposed for risk assessment [108,159]. EFSA recommended the use of this method for assessing the risk of genotoxic carcinogens, as it requires little or no extrapolation outside the observed experimental data range. The MOE is defined as the ratio between a dose leading to tumors in experimental animals (BMDL10) and the human


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intake. BMD10 (benchmark dose) is defined as the daily dose at which 10% of the (animal) population develops a tumor above the control. BMDL10 corresponds to the lower limits of a one-sided 95% confidence interval on the BMD10. Thus, a smaller MOE represents a higher risk than a larger one. Consequently, risk management can use this information for priority setting. However, it does not provide a quantitative estimate of risk [160]. The MOE for acrylamide was calculated between 75 and 300, and a MOE equal or higher than 10,000 was identified for low concern [108,159]. Then, the margin for acrylamide is considered to be low for a compound being both carcinogenic and genotoxic, and they indicate a human health concern. Other carcinogenic compounds apart from acrylamide have been known to be formed during food processing at high temperatures since the early 1960s, like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) [161]. In the late 1970s, it was the turn of the heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAAs), being 100 to 100,000 times more mutagenic than PAHs [162]. It is recognized from decades that high-temperature cooking of meat and fish like grilling could lead to the formation of highly mutagenic HAAs. In comparison, the margin of benzo(a)pyrene, a polyaromatic hydrocarbon and well-known carcinogen formed in broiled food, was determined between 10,000 and 25,000. This clearly indicates the human health concern of acrylamide. Because a level with a negligible risk of carcinogenicity does not exist for acrylamide, there should be a requirement for the acrylamide content in food to be decreased as far as reasonably feasible. In parallel, any mitigation approach should maintain the desirable sensorial properties of food while minimizing the level of acrylamide, without affecting formation of other processing contaminants.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research work was partly funded by Project ANALYSIC-II (S2009/AGR-1464) and Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (AGL2010-17779).

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Recent Insights in Acrylamide as Carcinogen in Foodstuffs


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Pharmacology of Olive Biophenols Hassan K. Obied,1,* Paul D. Prenzler,2 Syed H. Omar,1 Rania Ismael,1 Maurizio Servili,3 Sonia Esposto,3 Agnese Taticchi,3 Roberto Selvaggini,3 and Stefania Urbani3 Contents 196 197 197 198 200 200 201 202 203 203 204 206 207 208 209 210 210 211 212 215 216 217 218

1. Introduction 2. Olive Biophenols 2.1. Terminology 2.2. Occurrence and chemical classes 2.3. Scope 2.4. Chemistry 2.5. Structure-activity relationships 3. Pharmacodynamics: Mechanisms of Action 4. Pharmacological Properties 4.1. Antioxidant and prooxidant effects 4.2. Anti-inflammatory effects 4.3. Cardiovascular effects 4.4. Immunomodulatory effects 4.5. Gastrointestinal effects 4.6. Endocrine effects 4.7. Respiratory effects 4.8. Autonomic effects 4.9. Central nervous system effects 4.10. Antimicrobial and chemotherapeutic effects 4.11. Anticancer and chemopreventive effects 5. Pharmacokinetics 5.1. Absorption 5.2. Metabolism


E.H. Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation and School of Biomedical Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Locked Bag 588, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia 2 School of Agricultural and Wine Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Locked Bag 588, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia 3 Dipartimento di Scienze Economico-estimative e degli Alimenti, Sezione di Tecnologie e Biotecnologie degli Alimenti, Universita` degli Studi di Perugia, Via S. Costanzo, Perugia, Italy *Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 61-2-6933-2161; Fax: þ 61-2-6933-2587 E-mail address: [email protected] Advances in Molecular Toxicology, Volume 6 ISSN 1872-0854,


2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



Hassan K. Obied et al.

5.3. Distribution 5.4. Excretion 6. Posology 7. Adverse Effects 8. Drug Interactions 9. Conclusion References

219 219 220 221 222 223 223

Abstract There are more than 100 different biophenols reported in olive samples. This chapter covers the chemistry, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, posology, adverse effects, and potential drug interactions of olives and major olive biophenols (OBP). Major biophenols detected in olive samples include hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol and their secoiridoid derivatives (oleuropein, oleuropein aglycone, and elenolic acid dialdehydes), verbascoside, lignans, and flavonoids. By far the majority of reports on the chemistry of OBP pertain to their ability to function as antioxidants, but other bioactivities include binding to lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids. The majority of pharmacological studies have focused on just four compounds hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, oleuropein, and verbascoside. Reported pharmacological properties include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular, immunomodulatory, gastrointestinal, respiratory, autonomic, central nervous system, antimicrobial, anticancer and chemopreventive. While OBP are generally regarded as safe, further studies on potential adverse reactions may be required to demonstrate the safety of supplements with elevated levels of compounds.

1. Introduction The relationship between humans and plants is as old as human existence. Plants offered food, beverages, shelter, timber, paper, fragrance, recreation, and medicine as civilizations were established. Hitherto plants fascinated and intrigued humans for their magical power of healing and their alleged ability to provide wellbeing and longevity. The elixir of immortality has always been the ultimate dream of human beings. According to Abrahamic religions, human life on Earth had started when Adam ate from the forbidden tree in his quest for wisdom and immortality. Plant concoctions and extracts have been examined by shamans, medicine men, and physicians in the continual pursuit of eternity. During the past three decades, plant antioxidant constituents have captured the attention of scientists due to their potential to combat oxidative stress, a pivotal culprit in cell aging and death. Plant phenols, commonly referred to as polyphenols or biophenols, are gradually gaining interest from manufacturers and consumers as vital micronutrients to promote health, fight disease, and delay the aging process. The number of

Pharmacology of Olive Biophenols


polyphenol-rich labeled foods, food supplements, and fortified foods on shelves in pharmacies and supermarkets is increasing day by day. Biophenols constitute the largest group of secondary plant metabolites with universal existence in plants and recognized health attributes. Epidemiological studies report a relatively low incidence of coronary heart diseases and several types of cancer in Mediterranean people, though they are consuming high levels of saturated fat. This paradox is believed to be due to the particular nature of the Mediterranean diet. The common component among the integral parts of the Mediterranean diet—red wine and virgin olive oil (VOO)—is biophenols. Health scientists have embarked on investigating the chemical and biological properties of biophenols, and their bioavailability and mode(s) of action. Experimental and clinical evidence is accumulating suggesting that biophenols can prevent disease or maintain health but “how do they work?” is still an unanswered question. Though antioxidant activity has always been the central dogma, it has never been able to solely account for the myriad of pharmacological activities observed for biophenols in biological systems at the submicromole concentration levels! The olive tree (Olea europaea L.) is one of the oldest known cultivated plants. Table olives and olive oil are the most representative foods of the traditional Mediterranean diet. Olive fruit is a rich source of biophenols, with high concentrations ranging between 1% and 3% of the fresh pulp weight [1]. VOO is oil directly extracted from olive fruits by purely mechanical means. During the extraction of olive oil, large amounts of water are used. Olive biophenols (OBP), according to their polarity, partition between olive oil and olive mill wastewater. Since OBP are generally quite hydrophilic, only 2% of fruit phenolic end up in VOO (giving a biophenol content  0.05% w/w) while most biophenols (98%) are lost in the OMW. Olive leaves can have up to 2% of fresh weight total phenol content. Intensive in vitro, in vivo, epidemiological, and clinical studies on olive oil, fruits, leaves, and olive mill waste have suggested these products may possess potential health attributes. This chapter cover our current understanding of OBP chemistry, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, toxicity, and posology to guide future research into this rapidly growing area.

2. Olive Biophenols 2.1. Terminology The terms “phenol” or “ biophenols” refer to any chemical species bearing an aromatic ring substituted with one or more hydroxyl groups. This includes “priority phenols” that are important synthetic chemicals, but also major pollutants. In order to distinguish between these and phenolic


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compounds of plant origin, a variety of terms have been adopted. The term “polyphenol” has been the subject of ongoing controversy [2,3]. A four-point definition proposed by Haslam [4], known as the White–Bate-Smith–Swain– Haslam definition is almost completely ignored in much of the literature to the extent that compounds with one aromatic ring and one hydroxyl group (e.g., p-coumaric acid) are erroneously referred to as polyphenols. The recent definition provided by Quideau et al. [2] is most appropriate: “The term “polyphenol” should be used to define plant secondary metabolites derived exclusively from the shikimate derived phenylpropanoid and/or the polyketide pathway(s), featuring more than one phenolic ring and being devoid of any nitrogen-based functional group in their most basic structural expression.” In the olive literature, the term “biophenol” has gained widespread usage. This term is sufficient to distinguish between industrial phenols and those of plant origin, without placing restrictions on the number of aromatic rings and/ or hydroxyl groups. As discussed below, the term covers those phenolic compounds that have been of interest in the chemistry of olive oil as well as those of more recent pharmaceutical interest. It also covers compounds that have been traditionally known as polyphenols, such as the flavonoids, whose presence in olives may be important. Ironically, “olive polyphenols” returns more hits (by a factor of 4) in online search engines than “olive biophenols,” despite the fact that the latter is chemically more accurate. In this chapter, we refer to phenolic compounds derived from olives as biophenols.

2.2. Occurrence and chemical classes There are more than 100 different biophenols reported in olive products (fruit, oil, leaves, and waste) [5]. OBP are very diverse in nature and contain representative examples from several chemical classes of biophenols. The biophenol composition of olives differs among different products (fruit, oil, leaves, and waste) and different tissues (pulp and stone). Further, physiological, seasonal, geographic, environmental, varietal, agronomic, and pathological factors have shown a significant impact on the biophenol composition of olive samples. Moreover, the olive oil extraction conditions affect both the type and amount of biophenols in both olive oil and olive mill waste (OMW). Major biophenols detected in olive products include hydroxytyrosol (HT), tyrosol (TY) and their secoiridoid derivatives (oleuropein (OL), oleuropein aglycone (OLA) and elenolic acid dialdehydes), verbascoside (VB), lignans (acetoxypinoresinol), and flavonoids (rutin and glycosides of luteolin and apigenin). Whereas the main biophenols in olive fruits, oil, and waste showed a variation amongst different cultivars and different countries, OL is considered universally the most abundant biophenol in olive leaves constituting up to 9% of the dry matter weight [6]. In VOO, secoiridoid derivatives of HT and TY in addition to lignans are the most abundant components [7–9].


Pharmacology of Olive Biophenols

In olive fruits and OMW where cultivar and maturation stage dictate the phenolic profile, distribution of biophenol content is more complex [10]. Geography also plays an important factor. In Australian olive fruits and waste, we found that HT secoiridoid levels were higher than VB, which were higher than HT, and that together with its glucoside, comprise the most abundant phenols [11,12]. In Tuscan olives, VB, OL, OLA, HT, and TY appeared as the major components [13]. In Spanish olives, HT-glucoside was the major phenol along with HT, OL, and VB [14]. There is not a widely accepted classification system for biophenols but OBP can be classified as follows (Figure 1): Simple phenols: This class includes the quantitatively important HT and TY, which are phenyl alcohols. These may be conjugated as glucosides or acetates. Other reported simple phenols in olives include cornoside and catechol among others. Phenolic acids: Phenolic acids with the basic chemical structure of C6–C1 (benzoic acids) and C6–C3 (cinnamic acids) have been found in the fruit by different authors [3]. Caffeic, vanillic, syringic, p-coumaric, o-coumaric, protocatechuic, sinapic, p-hydroxybenzoic, and gallic acids are present in the VOO [1] as well, but they can be considered minor components in comparison to secoiridoids and lignans. Phenyl acetic acids, such as homogentisic acid have also been reported [15]. R3¢ OR1











Simple phenols




Phenolic acids

R1 = H, CH3, Glucose R2 = H, OH, CH3, OCH3 R3 = CHO, (CH2)n Z Z = H, OH n = 0–2



C0 = Benzoic acid CH2 = Phenyl acetic acid CHCH2 = Cinnamic acid










Figure 1


Different classes of olive biophenols.



Hassan K. Obied et al.

Flavonoids: Characterized by a C6–C3–C6 skeleton, with an enormous variety of hydroxylated, methoxylated, and glycosylated derivatives. Flavonoids can be further subdivided as flavones, flavonols, anthocyanins, etc. Apigenin and luteolin derivatives appear to be the most widely reported flavones in olives, whereas quercetin is representative of the flavonols and delphinidin and cyanidin are typical anthocyanins [5]. Isochromans: Two compounds from this class have been reported in olive oil only—1-phenyl-6,7-dihydroxy-isochroman and 1-(30 -methoxy-40 hydroxy)phenyl-6,7-dihydroxy-isochroman. Work by Guiso et al. [16] indicates that these compounds are likely formed during the extraction of VOO from the fruit. Lignans: First reported by Owen et al. [17] in VOO. Subsequently they have been detected in olive stones Lopez et al. [18] at levels that suggest this is their origin in oils. So far as we are aware no other explanation for the presence in oil has been put forward. (þ)-1-acetoxypinoresinol and (þ)-1-pinoresinol are the major lignans found in olive oil, while (þ)-1-hydroxypinoresinol has been reported in the stone. Secoiridoids: Secoiridoids are characteristic substances of Olearaceae, the botanic family of Olea europaea L species. VOO and tables olives are the main products consumed by humans containing secoiridoids [1]. OL, demethyloleuropein, ligstroside, and nu¨zhenide are the most abundant secoiridoid glucosides in olive fruit [19]. Elenolic acid or elenolic acid derivatives can be found in the molecular structure of all the secoiridoids. High molecular weight compounds: OMW contains OBP with a molecular weight in the range of 600–5000 Da [20] and polymerin, a humic acid derivative which is a dark and complex metal polymeric organic mixture was characterized [21]. Some of these compounds display in vitro antioxidant activities comparable to HT [20].

2.3. Scope There are some 3000 references in the literature on OBP published since 2000. The majority of these studies have focused on just four compounds: HT, TY, OL, and VB. Consistently, these compounds are reported as those of the highest concentration in olive products. Thus this review discusses the chemistry, pharmacology, and related areas for these four compounds.

2.4. Chemistry By far the majority of reports on the chemistry of TY, HT, OL, and VB pertain to their ability to function as antioxidants. This chemistry has been reviewed extensively elsewhere [2]. The term antioxidant covers a number of functions such as free-radical scavenger, hydrogen atom donator, metal chelator, etc., but in terms of chemical reactivity, it is the ability of OBP to scavenge reactive oxygen species that features most prominently in reports

Pharmacology of Olive Biophenols


on their pharmacology/medicinal chemistry. However, we offer a cautionary note on the myriad of in vitro antioxidant assays that have proliferated in recent times. These assays can only be used to establish relative reactivity and this relative reactivity is highly dependent on the chemistry of the system. This was highlighted by McDonald et al. [22] who found that in a lipid system, TY was effective as an antioxidant, but that it had very low activity in aqueous-based assays. In terms of the potential health benefits of olive oil consumption, there is important chemistry of OL that evolves during the extraction of the oil. Failure to recognize this chemistry leads researchers to erroneously assert that OL is the major biophenol in olive oil, whereas it is almost never present in the oil, being converted into a myriad of compounds as summarized below. OL, ligstroside, and their dialdehydic forms were also detected as minor hydrophilic phenols of VOO [23]; the latter can be considered intermediate structures of the biochemical transformation of secoiridoids glycosides of olives (OL, demethyloleuropein, and ligstroside) to the final aglycon derivatives such as the dialdehydic form of decarboxymethyl elenolic acid linked to HT (3,4-DHPEA-EDA) from OL and demethyloleuropein, and the dialdehydic form of decarboxymethyl elenolic acid linked to TY (p-HPEA-EDA), from ligstroside [23]. The main VOO secoiridoids are in fact, the final derivatives of OL, demethyloleuropein, and ligstroside: 3,4-DHPEA-EDA and p-HPEA-EDA, and an isomer of the OL aglycone (3,4-DHPEA-EA) (Figure 2) [24]. Three glucosidic forms of HT, in VOO and olive fruit, differentiated according to the hydroxyl group to which the glucose was bound were characterized by Bianco et al. [25]. The occurrence of glucosidic forms of HT, such as (4-b-D-glucosyl-3-hydroxyphenyl)ethanol was also confirmed in fruits, VOO, and OMW [5]. OMW contains in particular, high amounts of secoiridoids such as 3,4-DHPEA-EDA and 3,4-DHPEA and VB is not secoiridoid. Furthermore, Obied et al., [12] discovered two new secoiridoids in OMW extracts: the HT acyclodihydroelenolate and the p-coumaroyl-6-secologanoside (comselogoside).

2.5. Structure-activity relationships Various studies have shown that the ortho-diphenol moiety is a key feature of antioxidant activity, particularly H-donation and free-radical scavenging. Conjugation with the aromatic ring also increases activity making cinnamic acids and various flavonoids (e.g., flavonols) highly active. Replacing a hydroxyl group with a methoxy group in diphenols lowers the antioxidant activity, but because of the electron donating properties of the methoxy group, methoxy-substituted phenols are better antioxidants than monophenolic analogues [26]. Moreover, the improved lipid solubility imparted by the methoxy group opens the possibility that they can be more effective antioxidants in lipid systems.


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2¢ 2¢ 3¢


7¢ 1¢

7¢ 1¢


O 5¢



7 3

95 1



3¢ 6¢







7¢ 1¢



4 6 10




4¢ 5¢




Ligstroside aglycon (p-HPEA-EA)

1¢ 6¢



HO 8¢



Dialdialdehydic form of decarboxymethyl elenolic acid linked to p-HPEA (p-HPEA-EDA) = Oleochantal









4 9


5 1



(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl) ethanol (3,4-DHPEA)


Oleuropein aglycon (3,4-DHPEA-EA)

Figure 2

7 6 10

7¢ 1¢





HO 8¢


5 9

(p-Hydroxyphenyl) ethanol (p-HPEA)

Dialdialdehydic form of decarboxymethyl enolic acid linked to 3,4-HPEA (3,4 DHPEA-EDA)

Chemical structures of major olive secoiridoids and phenylalcohols.

Computational studies have been performed on various phenolic classes [27] and, of more relevance to this study, various olive-derived biophenols [28]. Interestingly, the phenolic O H bond in HT had a bond dissociation enthalpy (BDE) of 78.4 kcal/mol, comparable to that of caffeic acid, which was 77.7 kcal/mol despite the fact that caffeic acid is more highly conjugated than HT. Nenadis et al. [28] combined a lipid oxidation/antioxidant study with their computational results, revealing differences between computed values and performance of biophenols in a “real life” test. In the oxidation of triolein, OL was clearly the least active antioxidant, despite its BDE (79.9 kcal/mol) being similar to HT and caffeic acid. In this study, VB was also mentioned for its anomalous behavior—low BDE, but poor radical scavenging ability in the DPPH assay.

3. Pharmacodynamics: Mechanisms of Action The antioxidant properties of biophenols captured the attention of scientists long before it was clear that antioxidant activity alone could not account for the diverse range of pharmacological activities reported for biophenols. The unique physicochemical properties of biophenols allow


Pharmacology of Olive Biophenols

Biophenols Mechanism of action

Nonspecific mechanism (Chemical)

Anti-oxidant activity

Specific mechanism (Pharmacological)

Modulation of gene expression Epigenetic regulation

Scavenging of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species

Enzyme modulation Metal chelation Interfering with cell division Working as reducing agent

Modulation of signal transduction

Reaction with receptors

Figure 3

Mechanisms of action of biophenols.

them to bind to various molecular targets including lipids [29], proteins [30,31], carbohydrates [32] and nucleic acids [33]. At cellular and subcellular level, it has been established that biophenols can act through nonspecific and specific mechanisms of action. Figure 3 summaries literature findings on potential mechanisms of action of biophenol.

4. Pharmacological Properties OBP have many reported pharmacological activities based on preclinical (in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo) studies in addition to few clinical studies. These activities suggest high potential for the prevention and treatment of diseases and the promotion of human health. Although many review articles and book chapters have been dedicated for appraising the biological activities of OBP, we have noticed that a systematic pharmacological review of those activities has not yet been attempted. Herein, we attempt to delineate the state-of-the-art of OBP pharmacology.

4.1. Antioxidant and prooxidant effects During normal cellular function and mitochondrial respiration, significant concentrations of chemically reactive free radicals and nonradical species are formed. These chemical species are commonly referred to as reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) include


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oxygen radicals: superoxide anion (O2 ), hydroxyl (HO), peroxyl (ROO), alkoxyl (RO), and hydroperoxyl (HO2) as well as some nonradicals: hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), hypochlorous acid (HOCl), ozone (O3), singlet oxygen (1O2), and peroxynitrite ion (ONOO). Reactive nitrogen species RNS include nitric oxide radical (NO), nitrogen dioxide radical (NO2), (ONOO), and some nitrogen oxides [34–36]. Under conditions of excessive stress or physiological disorders, the production of RONS can overcome the capacity of endogenous antioxidant system, causing oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can disrupt the structure and/or function of biological macromolecules such as lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. The oxidation of cellular macromolecules is considered to be a critical step in the pathophysiology of many degenerative and age related diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, and neurodegenerative diseases. Hence, it has been proposed that dietary antioxidants such as OBP can significantly decrease the deleterious effects of RONS on normal physiological functions in humans [37]. It has been proved beyond doubt that biophenols possess beneficial antioxidant properties in vitro, on cell lines, and in isolated organs and animal models. However, these findings are not supported by adequate clinical evidence. Thus, commercially available biophenols preparations are only approved as food supplements or nutraceuticals and not as official drugs. In healthy subjects, acute (single dose) and subacute (3 weeks) consumption of VOO reduced oxidative markers in urine and plasma [38–40]. Meanwhile dietary supplementation with olive leaf extract (OFX) did not alter oxidative status in young healthy volunteers [41]. Biophenols not only exert their antioxidant activity through chemical mechanisms (RONS scavenging, reducing power, and metal chelating activities) [42] but also via induction of endogenous antioxidant enzymes such as catalase, superoxide dismutase, quinone reductase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, glutathione S-transferase, and g-glutamylcysteine synthetase [43–45]. The antioxidant enzyme upregulation by biophenols is proposed to take place through activation of certain elements of promoter regions of antioxidant enzyme genes known as antioxidant responsive elements [43]. OBP have frequently shown prooxidant behavior in vitro and in cell line assays [42]. Though prooxidant effect, like antioxidant effect, has not been categorically established in controlled clinical trials, biophenols exerted prooxidant activity only at high concentrations which are most likely not achievable in humans [42,46].

4.2. Anti-inflammatory effects The correlation between inflammatory process and many chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and some types of cancer has been observed [47,48]. Excessive production and accumulation of RONS and

Pharmacology of Olive Biophenols


arachidonic acid (AA) metabolites play a key role in the pathogenesis of CVD and cancer [49,50]. In the process of inflammation, AA is converted by cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipooxygenase (LOX) to prostaglandins, thromboxanes, prostacyclin, and leukotrienes. These compounds are responsible for pain and other inflammatory symptoms. Plasma thromboxane B2 (TXB2) increases platelet aggregation and leukotrienes B4 (LTB4) promotes migration of neutrophils to inflamed tissue [38]. C-reactive protein (CRP) concentration rises during inflammation [51]. Oxidative stress enhances inflammation by activating nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) and activator protein-1 (AP-1) transcription factors, and affecting cellular signaling processes [52]. NF-kB activation is linked to cancer progression. Thus, NF-kB inhibitors have a potential anticancer effect [53]. The anti-inflammatory mechanisms of OBP are suggested to include: inhibition of proinflammatory enzymes, such as COX-2, LOX, and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS); inhibition of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), tyrosine kinases, NF-kB, and AP-1; and downregulation of various proinflammatory cytokines such as chemokines, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), interleukins including (IL-1b, IL-6, IL-8), and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1). In vitro and animal studies have demonstrated the ability of different OBP to control inflammation. OBP markedly reduced carrageenan-induced inflammation in rats [54] and suppressed the level of vascular inflammation markers postprandially in healthy and hypertriacylglycerolaemic subjects [55]. VOO extract prevented NF-kB activation in human monocyte and monocyte-derived macrophages isolated from healthy volunteers [56]. TY inhibited AA release, COX-2 expression, and PGE2 and leukotriene B4 synthesis [50]. HT blocked the activation of NF-kB, signal transducer and activator of transcription-1 (STAT-1), interferon regulatory factor-1 (IRF-1) and thus downregulated iNOS and COX-2 gene expression [57–59]. HT decreased serum TXB2 in diabetic patients [60]. OL and HT reversed the chronic inflammation and oxidative stress in rat model of diet-induced obesity and diabetes [61]. OL displayed wound healing activity externally as an emollient on inflamed wounds in animals [62]. Ex vivo, OL and caffeic acid could inhibited IL-1b but not IL-6, PGE2, or TNF-a [63]. OLA inhibited NF-kB induced matrix metalloproteinase 9 in monocytes [64]. Oleocanthal inhibited both COX-1 and COX-2 inflammatory enzymes in a dose-dependent manner [65]. VB demonstrated anti-inflammatory activities in cell lines through scavenging of superoxide radical and subsequent inhibition of iNOS [66]. Other possible anti-inflammatory mechanisms of VB include modulation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha; inhibition of COX-2 activity; inhibition of NF-kB and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway, and suppression of chemokine expression [67–69]. In humans, a significant decrease in TXB2, LTB4, IL-6, and CRP were observed with VOO consumption [38,51].


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4.3. Cardiovascular effects 4.3.1. Blood pressure Hypertension is an important risk factor for both CVD and renal diseases; including coronary heart disease, stroke, heart failure and kidney failure. Oxidative stress is a significant factor leading to accelerated structural and functional damage in hypertension. OBP may control hypertension through their antihypertensive and potent antioxidant activities. The exact molecular mechanisms behind the antihypertensive action of OBP are not fully understood, however, dilatations of the blood vessels due to endothelial and nitric oxide (NO) contributions are the most plausible mechanisms [70]. Inhibition of calcium channels has also been suggested [71]. Furthermore, VB showed inhibitory activity towards angiotensin converting enzyme [72]. Hypertension was found to be inversely proportional to consumption of a Mediterranean diet and particularly to consumption of VOO [73]. Fourweek consumption of VOO lowered systolic blood pressure in elderly diabetics [74,75] and a VOO-rich diet allowed a reduction of the daily prescribed dosage of antihypertensive medication [70]. Preclinical studies on rats demonstrated antihypertensive ability of olive fruit [71] and OFX [76,77]. Until now, no studies have investigated HT, OL, TY, or VB antihypertensive activities as single agents. 4.3.2. Platelet and endothelial function HT, HT acetate, TY, OL, and OLA have been claimed to prevent platelet aggregation [78–81]. HT and its acetate ester exerted anti-platelet effects similar to acetyl salicylic acid (aspirin) both in vitro and in rats [79,81]. Inhibition of TNF-a, cAMP-phosphodiesterase, and thromboxane synthesis in platelets and stimulation of NO production in leucocytes were implicated. In a small clinical study, HT-rich OMW extract administered to five diabetes type 1 patients for 4 days reduced TX-B2 production [60]. Hypercholesterolemia increases the level of RONS [82]. Free radicals degrade NO which plays an important role in artery endothelium relaxation. Diminished NO level leads to platelet aggregation, thrombosis, and vascular inflammation [83]. OBP can reverse vascular dysfunction by scavenging RONS [84]. In vitro, OL and HT inhibited endothelial adhesion molecule expression [85,86]. In a randomized single-blind clinical trial, 180 patients were asked to maintain a Mediterranean-style diet by increasing the consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and olive oil. Endothelial function and vascular inflammatory markers improved in the intervention group [87]. 4.3.3. Atherosclerosis In 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) permitted a qualified health claim on VOO labels [88]. Eating about two tablespoons (23 g) daily of VOO can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Though

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the FDA suggests that these beneficial effects are due to monounsaturated fats in VOO, the level of low density lipoprotein (LDL) in humans is inversely proportional to the biophenols content in VOO [89]. RONS can oxidize LDL to produce a more hazardous form, the oxidized LDL (ox-LDL), which is implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. OBP are able to reduce LDL, ox-LDL, total cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, increase the high density lipoprotein levels, and increase the resistance of LDL to oxidation [90–92]. Antiatherogenic activity of TY, HT, and OL has been extensively studied in vitro and in vivo [90,93,94]. VB is reported to suppress LDL oxidation in vitro [95]. 4.3.4. Other cardioprotective properties VOO consumption offered significant protection against the development of left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with a previous acute coronary syndrome [96]. While OL suppressed the cardiotoxic activities of doxorubicin through attenuation of oxidative stress [97], TY demonstrated antiarrhythmic and cardioprotective activities in rats [98]. VB showed substantial cardioprotective activities [99–101]. It has positive inotropic and chronotropic activities. In addition, it can increase the coronary perfusion rate [99], reduce blood pressure [101] and relax the aortic ring [102]. Potential mechanisms involved include increased intracellular levels of cAMP and prostacyclin and reduced NO release [99,100,102].

4.4. Immunomodulatory effects Immune cells are particularly susceptible to oxidation due the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in their membranes and their extensive utilization of RONS [103,104]. Hence, there is a need to strictly maintain a redox balance. Both innate and adaptive components of the immune system are influenced by the redox state. T-cell activation and proliferation require reducing extracellular conditions [105]. Also, T-cell function and proteome are affected by the level of RONS during chronic inflammation [106]. Redox state can regulate immune response indirectly through manipulating glutathione levels [107] and cytochrome-P450 enzymes [108]. Oxidized DNA, proteins, and phospholipids are highly immunogenic and contribute to the initiation and pathology of autoimmune disorders [109–111]. RONS can promote autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus due to accumulation of antigenic oxidized biomolecules [112]. Paradoxically, there is accumulating evidence that RONS can alleviate inflammation and autoimmune reactions [113]. Biophenol rich diet enhanced immune cell function in mice [114]. OBP have been shown to modulate immune function, particularly inflammatory processes associated with the immune system. HT and TY can increase levels of cytosolic calcium in lymphomonocytes, an important signal in


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nonexcitable immune cells [115]. In vitro, HT protected human neutrophils by scavenging H2O2 [116]. OMW extracts improved mobility, and decreased pain and serum homocysteine blood levels in rheumatoid arthritis patients [117]. OLA reduced blood levels of the proinflammatory cytokines and ameliorated tissue damage associated with collagen-induced arthritis in mice [118]. OFX ameliorated experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in animal models through inhibition of IFN-g and IL-17 production [119]. Concurrently, OFX interfered with development of autoimmune diabetes by downregulating the production of proinflammatory and cytotoxic mediators [120]. VOO consumption induced production of the protective ox-LDL autoantibodies dose dependently in healthy humans [121]. VB showed protective effects against immunological liver and intestine injury [122,123]. Possible modes of action of VB include inhibition of calcineurin both in the presence and absence of calmodulin [124], suppression of neutrophil intracellular killing activity [125], and downregulation of IFN-g secretion [123].

4.5. Gastrointestinal effects 4.5.1. Gastroprotective effects OBP may have the potential to act as chemopreventive agents for peptic ulcers and gastric cancer. Olive oil and leaf biophenols were found to be active against different strains of Helicobacter pylori [126,127]. OL and HT are effective against H. pylori [126,128], while dialdehydic form of decarboxymethyl ligstroside aglycone demonstrated potent bactericidal activity at concentrations as low as 1.3 mg/mL [126]. VOO reduced nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory druginduced gastric damage in rats mainly by increasing glutathione peroxidase activity and total glutathione content and by decreasing apoptosis [129,130]. Consistently, OFX displayed significant gastroprotective activity in gastric mucosal injury induced by a corrosive concentration of alcohol [131]. OBP inhibited NF-kB activity in human gastric adenocarcinoma cells as demonstrated by the measured IC50 of 4.5–13 mM [132]. VOO-rich diet repressed colorectal cancer development in ulcerative colitis mouse model which can be ascribed to reduction of proinflammatory cytokines, COX-2, and iNOS [133]. Remarkably, VB elicited antiulcerative potential via inhibition of the proton pump (Hþ Kþ-ATPase) in rats [134]. 4.5.2. Modulation of digestive enzymes VOO extracts modified pancreatic cell function and increased amylase secretion in rat pancreatic acinar cells [135]. Furthermore, VOO may inhibit a-amylase and a-glucosidase enzymes involved in blood glucose regulation [136]. HT was the main inhibitor of a-amylase activity in OMW extracts [20]. In one study, OL was found to activate pepsin and inhibit trypsin, lipase, glycerol dehydrogenase, glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and glycerokinase [137].

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4.6. Endocrine effects 4.6.1. Antidiabetic effects Oxidative stress plays a crucial role in diabetes pathogenesis and complications by causing injury to pancreatic b-cells and enzymes, and by potentiating lipid peroxidation and the development of cellular insulin resistance [119]. As discussed earlier, OBP can inhibit carbohydrate digestive enzymes which play a major role in the control of postprandial glucose levels, namely a-amylase and a-glucosidase, [136]. Furthermore, OBP can exert euglycemic effects via stimulation of insulin secretion (secretagogue activity), sensitization of cells to insulin action, and/or protection of b-cells against oxidative stress-induced injury, dysfunction, and apoptosis [138,139]. Very little is known about the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved. In vitro, OFX and OL attenuated necrotic and apoptotic death in b-cells, inhibited RONS generation and improved insulin secretion in H2O2exposed cells [140]. Furthermore, OFX reduced glucose levels and increased blood insulin levels in diabetic but not in normoglycemic rats [141]. OMW extracts also decreased blood glucose levels in diabetic rats [139]. OL and HT demonstrated hypoglycaemic activity in various diabetic animal models [139,142–144]. OL demonstrated TGR5 agonist activity. TGR5 is a G-protein coupled receptor in adipose tissue that increases energy expenditure, glucose metabolism and hence can combat obesity [144]. No data on TY and VB antidiabetic activity were found. It worth mentioning that almost all available animal studies use chemical-induced diabetes models which results in the development of type 1, not type 2 diabetes. Although a few studies have examined the antidiabetic potential of the Mediterranean diet in humans, no controlled clinical trials investigated olive and OBP in patients. 4.6.2. Osteoprotective effects Hormonal changes during the menopausal transition ultimately result in a decline in estrogen levels which lead to the development of osteoporosis. Considerable evidence has demonstrated that proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1, TNFa, and IL-6 are involved in the regulation of bone turnover, by increasing bone resorption [145,146]. Lower incidence of osteoporosis in the Mediterranean area has been attributed mainly to Mediterranean diet [147]. OBP (OL, HT, and TY) may suppress bone loss and maintain bone in vitro and in vivo [147–151]. In ovariectomized rats, OL and VOO consumption did not affect bone formation or resorption yet OL and VOO were able to prevent osteopenia most probably via antagonizing inflammatory mediators [148,149]. In vitro, OL increased osteoblast differentiation and decreased adipocyte differentiation at the gene expression level [151].


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4.6.3. Other endocrine effects In general, research on the endocrine activities of biophenols is very scarce. We could find only one article examining the effects of OFX on the thyroid gland in rats [152]. Findings suggested a thyroid stimulatory activity which was not mediated via the pituitary gland. Meanwhile, OL seems to be devoid of any modulatory action on estrogenic receptors as it did not display any uterotrophic activity in ovariectomized rats [148,149].

4.7. Respiratory effects Inflammatory lung diseases like pulmonary fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are linked to oxidative stress [153,154]. Rahman et al. discussed the role of dietary biophenols in lung diseases based on their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties [155], suggesting the importance of therapeutic administration of antioxidants in COPD. In animal studies, the turmeric biophenol, curcumin, demonstrated effects similar to hydrocortisone in preventing bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis [156]. The role of OBP in lung inflammatory diseases has not yet been revealed. Interestingly, OMW extract (rich in HT) prevented consequences of passive smoke–induced oxidative stress in rats [157].

4.8. Autonomic effects 4.8.1. Cholinergic effects OBP lack the essential structural features (ammonium or sulphonium group) required for binding to cholinergic receptors (muscarinic and nicotinic). In one study, atropine failed to antagonize the hypotensive action of olive fruit extract on isolated cardiovascular preparation, suggesting no effect at the muscarinic receptors. There is no other literature found on OBP manipulation of cholinergic activity. In vitro, some biophenols have shown abilities to inhibit cholinesterase enzyme [158] for example VB possessed moderate acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity in vitro [159]. 4.8.2. Adrenergic effects Despite the structural similarity between phenylethanoids (HT and TY) and the catecholamine adrenergic neurotransmitters, the absence of the essential amino group abolishes their affinity for adrenergic receptors. Hence, these compounds cannot directly modulate adrenergic receptors. Consistently, the effect of VB on Langendorff rat heart were not adrenergically mediated [160]. VOO and OL but not HT increased the secretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline in rats [161,162]. Further, HT enhanced noradrenaline transporter activity in pheochromocytoma PC12 cells [163]. On the other hand, TY alleviated adrenaline-induced arrhythmia in rat heart [98]. At the gene

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level, the VOO effects were controversial. While a single dose of VOO upregulated the expression of beta-adrenergic receptor gene in humans postprandially [164], subacute to subchronic consumption of VOO (3 weeks or 3 months) produced a downregulation of beta-adrenergic receptor genes [165,166]. It is important to note that HT is one of dopamine metabolites naturally produced in the human body [167].

4.9. Central nervous system effects 4.9.1. Neuroprotective effects Neurodegenerative disorders encompass a large number of chronic diseases characterized by progressive and irreversible injury of the neurons that results in loss of function and/or structure and ultimately cellular death. Currently, only symptomatic and palliative medications are available to treat neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s (AD) disease and Parkinson’s disease (PD). A number of theories have been proposed to explain the neurodegenerative process. Overstimulation of glutamate (NMDA) receptors produces excitotoxic effects on neurons that can lead to neurodegeneration or apoptosis and oxidative stress has been linked to neurodegenerative disorders. The largest consumer of oxygen in human body is the brain. Abundance of readily oxidizable polyunsaturated fatty acids and catalytic metal ions, along with inefficient antioxidant defense make the brain as a major site for developing oxidative stress [168]. Oxidative stress is an early event in AD pathology [168,169]. Excess formation of RONS has been repeatedly demonstrated in the AD brain in humans and in transgenic animal models [170]. The major hallmarks in AD are amyloid beta (Ab) peptide and tau protein deposits. Ab induces oxidative stress that is manifested by lipid peroxidation, protein and DNA oxidation, freeradical formation and neurotoxicity [168]. Inflammatory processes are also involved: in the pathology of AD. Inflammation may be secondary to some of the oxidation products of different biomolecules in the brain [171]. Impaired cholesterol and glucose metabolism have been also connected to AD and with cholesterol lowering drugs, and inhaled insulin and insulin sensitizers are used to treat AD [172,173]. As discussed earlier, OBP have antiatherogenic, antioxidant, and antiinflammatory properties which give them the potential to prevent or halt neurodegenerative processes. In vitro, OL and oleocanthal showed antiamyloidogenic role by binding to Ab [174,175]. Further, OL, OLA, oleocanthal, and HT effectively inhibited the aggregation of tau protein in vitro [176,177]. It is possible that OMW and OFX may protect brain cells from oxidative stress [178–180]. OFX prevented neural damage induced by high glucose levels in diabetic rats due to reduction of neuronal apoptosis [181]. Consistently, HT, TY, and HT acetate alleviated signs of oxidative stress in brain cells [182–184]. In a mouse model of AD, VOO enhanced learning


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skills and memory and reduced oxidative stress markers [185]. OFX may inhibit catechol orthomethyl transferase COMT enzyme, an important target for treatment of PD [186]. 4.9.2. Analgesic and antinociceptive effects Phenol per se has oral anesthetic and analgesic properties when used to treat sore throat. In rodents, OFX has significant analgesic properties. It might potentiate morphine analgesia and reduce tolerance to morphine, an activity that has been attributed to OL [187,188]. Furthermore, OFX could attenuate diabetic neuropathic pain [189]. HT displayed analgesic effects in carrageenan-induced hyperalgesia in rats [190]. Oleocanthal is claimed to have ibuprofen like activity [65]. In different models of neuropathic pain, VB was an effective analgesic [191,192]. In a clinical double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study, OMW extract supplement administered for 8 weeks reduced the pain and improved daily activities without affecting liver and kidney function in adults with osteoarthritis [117]. Diet supplementation with VOO and fish oil improved pain control in patients with rheumatoid arthritis [193]. 4.9.3. Behavioral effects There is a considerable evidence from biochemical, proteomic, genetic, pharmacological, and preclinical studies that oxidative stress contributes, at least in part, to the pathophysiology of many psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, autism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [182,194–196]. Biophenols have been reported to possess anxiolytic and antidepressant activities [197,198]. Recently, a sedative potential of VOO has been suggested [199,200]. A healthy diet rich in VOO during pregnancy was linked to reduced incidence of postpartum depression in women [201]. TY [202] and caffeic acid [203] were also claimed to possess antidepressant activities. HT inhibited monoamine oxidase enzyme [204]. In an early report, Blum et al. described a synergistic effect of HT to the sedative and hypnotic action of ethyl alcohol [205].

4.10. Antimicrobial and chemotherapeutic effects The first pharmacological activity to attract scientific attention to OBP was antimicrobial activity [3]. OBP have a wide spectrum of antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antiprotozoal activities. A large number of studies have demonstrated the antimicrobial properties of olive products, their extracts and OBP in vitro, in vivo, and in clinical trials. Antimicrobial activities of OBP have been reviewed elsewhere [206,207]. Herein, we try to highlight the spectrum of activity of OBP against human pathogens and their possible mechanisms of action.

Pharmacology of Olive Biophenols


4.10.1. Antibacterial properties VOO has shown broad spectrum bactericidal activity against a large number of Gram positive and Gram negative, aerobic and anaerobic, and intracellular and extracellular bacteria (Table 1) [126,208,209]. Bactericidal activity was correlated with VOO biophenol content. Refined olive oil, stripped from biophenols, showed no antibacterial activity. VOO was more potent bactericidal than any of its individual biophenols [208]. The antibacterial activity of VOO depends on its biophenol composition. Synergistic actions have been also noticed. Hence, not all VOO’s are expected to have similar antibacterial effects. The major contributors to antibacterial activity of VOO were found to be the dialdehydic form of decarboxymethyl ligstroside aglycone and cinnamic acid [208,209]. The antibacterial activity of VOO depends not only on biophenol composition but also on the pH and time of exposure [221]. In atopic dermatitis, VOO eliminated Staphylococcus aureus infection in 6 of 12 patients (50%) [210]. OFX, OMW, and table olives extracts possess broad spectrum in vitro antibacterial activity (Table 1). HT and OL have been extensively investigated for their antibacterial activities (Table 1). HT shows potent broad spectrum antibacterial activities (minimum inhibitory concentration MIC ¼ 0.03–31 mg/mL). OL is less potent than HT and shows a narrower spectrum of antibacterial activity and TY and VB demonstrated intermediate in vitro antibacterial activity in few studies [217,222–224]. Generally, olive extracts were more effective antibacterial than individual biophenols. Synergistic activities have been reported for biophenol combinations and with other antibiotics [208,213,222]. No clinical or in vivo reports were found on OBP antibacterial activity. The antibacterial mechanism of action of OBP has not been thoroughly investigated though they are known to penetrate cell membranes of both Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria causing damage to the peptidoglycans and cell membrane structure [217,225]. 4.10.2. Antifungal properties Overall, few studies have investigated the antifungal activities of olive products and OBP. A significant number of these studies have demonstrated a lack of antifungal activity [214,226,227], however, VOO showed promising results as systemic antifungal in rodents against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis [228]. Further, OFX and table olive extract displayed substantial in vitro antifungal activities [211,212,215]. At least in part, this controversy can be attributed to bioavailability of OBP from diffusion and dilution-based bioassays. 4.10.3. Antiviral properties The mechanism of action of the antiviral activity of OBP is suggested to include interference with viral amino acid production, prevention of virus shedding, inhibition of viral replication, neutralization of reverse transcriptase and protease in retroviruses, prevention of virus entry to cells,

Table 1

Antibacterial activity of olive products and OBP

Intervention Method Bacteria


In vitro (GN): Escherichia coli; Salmonella enteritidis; Yersinia spp.; Shigella sonnei; Helicobacter pylori (GP): Staphylococcus aureus; Listeria monocytogenes; Clostridium perfringens Clinical (GP): S. aureus Olive leaf In vitro (GN): Escherichia coli; Helicobacter pylori; Campylobacter jejuni; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Klebsiella pneumoniae (GP): S. aureus; methicillin-resistant S. aureus; Bacillus subtilis; B. cereus; OMW In vitro (GN): E. coli; Ps. aeruginosa; K. pneumoniae (GP): S. aureus, B. subtilis, Streptococcus pyogenes Table olives In vitro (GN): Ps. aeruginosa; E. coli; K. pneumoniae (GP): B. cereus; B. subtilis; S. aureus HT In vitro (GN): Ps. Aeruginosa; E. coli; K. pneumoniae; Haemophilus influenza; Moraxella catarrhalis; Salmonella typhi; Vibrio parahaemolyticus; V. alginolyticus; V. cholera; Mycoplasma hominis; M. fermentans; M. pneumoniae; Bacteroides vulgatus (GP): S. aureus; B. subtilis; Streptococcus pyogenes; Listeria monocytogenes; Clostridium perfringens; Bifidobacterium adolescentis OL In vitro (GN): Ps. Aeruginosa; E. coli; Salmonella typhi; Vibrio parahaemolyticus; V. alginolyticus; V. cholera; Mycoplasma hominis; M. fermentans; M. pneumoniae (GP): S. aureus; Streptococcus pyogenes



[210] [127,211,212]

[3,213,214] [215,216] [209,213,214,217–219]


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disruption of virus structure, and stimulation of phagocytosis. OFX dose-dependently inhibited human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) infection, replication, and cell-to-cell transmission [229]. Also, OFX was virucidal against herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) and hemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) [230,231]. OL has in vitro antiviral activities against VHSV, duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) and HIV-1 [231–234]. Moreover, OL prevented the replication of DHBV in vivo. Concomitantly, antiviral activities of HT against HIV-1 and influenza virus have been reported [233–235]. VB had antiviral activities against (HSV-1), HSV-2, vesicular stomatitis virus, HIV-1, and hepatitis A virus [236–239]. 4.10.4. Antiprotozoal and antiparasitic activities Historically, OFX was prescribed for treatment of malaria [240]. OFX demonstrated mild in vitro scolicidal effects [241]. OMW extracts showed molluscicidal properties with potential in controlling parasitic transmission [214]. Anthelmintic activities have also been reported for VB [242].

4.11. Anticancer and chemopreventive effects Redox balance plays an imperative role in cell growth, activation, and death. Cellular responses to oxidative stress involve changes in mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum and lead to a number of cell death modes, which cover a spectrum from apoptosis to necrosis and include autophagy [243]. Biophenols can directly control cell growth at different stages of carcinogenesis via inducing apoptosis or inhibiting proliferation by diverse mechanisms [243–247]. Consumption of a VOO-rich diet has been repeatedly correlated with a reduced risk of several neoplasms including respiratory tract, upper gastrointestinal, breast, and colorectal cancers [248,249]. Topical application of VOO after UV-B exposure effectively reduced murine skin tumors [250]. This effect may be due to a reduction of oxidative damage of DNA in the epidermis [251]. VOO biophenols were capable of inhibiting several stages of colon carcinogenesis (initiation, propagation, and metastasis) in vitro [252]. Human gingival malignant cell line HSG1 was also sensitive to VOO biophenols [253]. In HER2-overexpressing breast carcinoma cells, VOO biophenols inhibited HER2 gene activity by promoting the proteasomal degradation of the HER2 protein and by downregulating the expression of the fatty acid synthase enzyme FASN, a key enzyme involved in the conversion of dietary carbohydrates to fat [254,255]. VOO suppressed spontaneous tumorigenesis in murine liver [256] and a pinoresinol-rich VOO extract, but not an oleocanthal-rich extract, upregulated the ATM–p53 tumor supressor pathway at much lower concentration than the purified pinoresinol [257]. OFX inhibited in vitro proliferation of human urinary bladder carcinoma (T-24), leukemia HL-60 and various types of breast cancer cell lines [258–260]. OFX showed


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antiproliferative activity on B16 mouse melanoma cell line in vitro [261] and in the same study, OFX potentiated the anticancer effects of cisplatin and paclitaxel and antagonized the action of doxorubicin and temozolomide [261]. OFX and OL significantly inhibited UV-B induced skin carcinogenesis and tumor growth in hairless mice via downregulation of matrix metalloproteinases, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and COX-2 in the skin [262]. OMW extracts potently inhibited H2O2-induced DNA damage and proliferation in gastric and colon cancer cell lines [42]. HT and OL are the major focus of anticancer activity research on OBP. Antiproliferative activities of HT and OL were reported in multiple cell lines [42,245,246,263,264]. HT induced apoptosis and arrested cells in G0/G1 phase in promyelocytic leukemia cells and colon adenocarcinoma cells but not in normal human lymphocytes or polymorphonuclear cells [245]. Fabiani et al. demonstrated that HT chemopreventive potential may be due to stimulating apoptosis via reduction of the level of cyclin-dependent kinase and increases in some of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor proteins at both protein and mRNA levels [245,246,265]. HT and OL inhibit estrogen-dependent rapid signals in breast cancer cells [263]. In vitro, HT strongly inhibited extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 phosphorylation and reduced CD1 cyclin-dependent kinase expression but it did not inhibit p38 activity or COX-2 expression [266]. In animal models of colon cancer, HT downregulated hypoxia inducible factor-1a, and the VEGF axis which results in anti-inflammatory and antiangiogenic activities [267], while in murine models of breast cancer, HT stimulated expression of genes related to apoptosis such as Sfrp4 [268]. OL inhibited vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation in vitro [269] and OL completely regressed tumors when administered orally to mice that developed spontaneous tumors [270]. A mixture of HT/caffeic acid and OMW extracts was more effective in protecting DNA from oxidative damage than individual biophenols HT, OL, VB, and caffeic acid [42]. TY, pinoresinol, and caffeic acid were reported to have antiproliferative effects in human colon carcinoma [264]. TY, elenolic acid, pinoresinol, acetoxypinoresinol, deacetoxy OLA, ligstroside aglycone and OLA induced high levels of apoptosis in human breast cancer cell lines within a micromolar range [254]. Not only can VB bind to DNA and protect it from oxidative damage [42], it can promote DNA repair [271]. Moreover, VB can inhibit telomerase activity, upregulate cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, reduce the levels of cyclin-dependent protein kinase and suppress NF-kB activation [272–274].

5. Pharmacokinetics The pharmacokinetics of OBP is complicated by the diversity of the chemical structures and bioactivities of biophenols in vivo. As highlighted earlier, OL can be found in a myriad of forms in olive oil due to the action

Pharmacology of Olive Biophenols


of b-glucosidases during oil processing and subsequent reactions of the aglycon forms. Similar considerations apply to ligstroside. Thus, the understanding of the pharmacokinetics of OBP would benefit greatly from studies involving pure compounds. While there has been a reasonable amount of research on HT [275], and some early reports on OL [276,277], much remains to be learned. It also must be emphasized that while many OBP in oil are derived from OL, there are important differences in reactivity of the different forms. In particular, OL is reported to be stable to acid hydrolysis under conditions modeling the stomach environment [278]. On the other hand, aglycone forms of OL are readily hydrolysed by acid [278]. Thus, results on the pharmacokinetics of OL cannot be extrapolated to its aglycone forms. What is known of the pharmacokinetics of OBP has been extensively reviewed by us [279] and others [278]. This section present a brief overview of the known literature, focussing mainly on studies published since these reviews.

5.1. Absorption After some initial controversy surrounding the extent to which OBP are absorbed in the small intestine [280,281], the current consensus is that they are well absorbed. Meanwhile, the oral bioavailability of most OBP is generally perceived to be poor and erratic [282] (i.e., the oral bioavailability of VB is less than 2%). The maximum concentration in blood maximal concentration (Cmax) is usually achieved within 120 min after oral ingestion. HT reaches its Cmax within 5–10 min and up to 90% of the dose can be absorbed depending on the vehicle [275]. For glycosylated biophenols such as OL, there is some evidence that glucose transporters are involved in absorption. Other biophenols such as HT appear to be absorbed by passive diffusion [275]. Recent studies have investigated the stability of olive phenols in the upper gastrointestinal tract [283]. Meanwhile, OL was degraded in aspirates collected from a fasted small intestine with a half-life of 3.14  0.08 h at 37  C. In contrast, the half-life was at least 12 h in aspirates collected from the small intestine in a fed state. The authors concluded that “OL should not have substantial intraluminal stability problems when administered in the fed state” [283]. Soler et al. [284] used models of gastric and duodenal systems to look at the stability of a variety of OBP including HT, TY, derivatives of OL, lignans, and flavonoids. They found that all characterized biophenols showed “good stability” in the gastric model. This is in contrast to an earlier study by Corona et al. [285] where OL derivatives (presumably similar to those of Soler et al. [284]) were hydrolysed at pH 2 and 37  C. The difference between the two studies is likely to be the fact that Soler et al. [284] used olive oil in their hydrolysis reactions, whereas Corona et al. [285] used an aqueous


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methanol extract of olive oil. This highlights how important the vehicle of administration is—results from oil biophenols may not be transferable to biophenols derived from other olive sources, for example, leaves. Soler et al. [284] also investigated duodenal stability in a model system at pH 6.5. Under these conditions, very few biophenols were stable (e.g., only 10% of the secoiridoids were recovered in the aqueous phase). The effect of pH on the stability of phenolic compounds is well known, with higher pH leading to faster degradation [286,287]. The transport of OBP across epithelial cell monolayers was investigated by Soler et al. [284] using a Caco-2/TC7 cell model. They reported basolateral transport for HT, TY, p-coumaric acid, pinoresinol and luteolin and their methyl and glucuronide conjugates. Significantly, OL and other secoiridoid derivatives were not included in this study, and details of their transport at the level provided by Soler et al. [284] are not yet available.

5.2. Metabolism OBP are metabolized through first-pass effect and phase I and phase II reactions. Studies have reported possible biotransformation of OBP in the intestinal lumen, intestinal cells, blood, and liver. Phase II conjugation reactions are a predominant pathway for the metabolism of simple phenols where 98% of OBP are found as conjugates in plasma and urine [167]. Previous reviews have reported that OBP are primarily glucuronidated as evidenced by detection of their O-glucuronides in plasma [285]. Methyl, sulfate, and glutathionyl conjugates have also been detected in plasma and urine samples following administration of VOO or purified biophenols [167,275,280]. Recently, the metabolism of olive oil phenols by intestinal epithelial cells was investigated by Soler et al. [284]. The major metabolites detected were methylated conjugates, which is in contrast to in vivo studies where the major metabolites are glucuronide conjugates. Soler et al. [284] concluded that this would tend to indicate limited intestinal metabolism in vivo, with the major metabolism occurring in the liver. Gonzalez-Santiago et al. [288] in a study using purified HT found that the only major metabolite detected in plasma was homovanillic alcohol. The Cmax of this metabolite was reached after 16.7  2.4 min, whereas HT reached a Cmax of 13.0  1.5 min. At 1 h postadministration neither species was detectable. There is one issue regarding the metabolism of OBP that seems to have not yet been resolved and this is whether or not conjugated phenols (i.e., secoiridoid phenols and VB)are hydrolysed subsequent to absorption? In case of OL, work by Kendall et al. [277] suggested limited hydrolysis may occur. The metabolism of VB has so far not been investigated.

Pharmacology of Olive Biophenols


5.3. Distribution As far as we are aware, there are no reports on the localization of OBP in human tissues or organs. Studies in rats demonstrated that HT is rapidly and uniformly distributed in all tissues [289]. Exceptionally, the renal uptake was 10 times higher than that of other organs. This seems to be consistent with studies in humans that show that OBP are rapidly excreted. While no data appear to exist for humans in terms of distribution in organs, there is some suggestion that OBP may associate with LDL [288]. In this study, more than 50% of the HT detectable in plasma was found in the LDL-purified fractions. The authors concluded that “The association of HT with LDL, although brief, may be relevant in the context of the physiopathology of atherosclerosis, as oxidized/modified LDL trapped in the arterial intima seem to trigger early events of the process.” The authors also describe “controversial” results on the localization of olive phenols in LDL found in previous studies [90,290,291]. The plasma protein binding of OBP is of paramount importance not only from pharmacokinetic view but also due to its implications in drug–drug interactions; nevertheless the plasma protein binding of OBP has not been thoroughly investigated. While VB demonstrated approximately 75% plasma protein binding, TY plasma protein binding was less than 30% in rats [292,293]. HT is capable of crossing the blood–brain barrier (BBB), although lower concentrations were detected in the cerebrospinal fluid CSF compared with other tissues [289,294]. After 60 min of oral administration, HT and TY could be detected in the CSF [295]. Although the neuroprotective potential of OL has been frequently studied [296,297], its ability to cross the BBB has not been determined. On the other hand, VB, albeit poorly ( C > f 5C. They also found that only the cytosine forming a base pair with the target guanine affected its reactivity. They hypothesized that the nucleophilic reactivity is affected by the transmission of the electron-donating effect (for m5C) or the electron-withdrawing effect (for f 5C) to the 2-amino group of guanine through the hydrogen bonds of the base pair. Using a computational study, Dannenberg and Tomasz proposed a hydrogen-bond acid base catalysis mechanism to explain the N-2 reactions of guanine as a nucleophile with duplex DNA [107]. According to the proposed model, the mechanism involves the temporary transfer of a hydrogen atom from N-2 of guanine to O-2 of the base paired cytosine. The extent of this transfer depends on the basicity of O-2 of cytosine, that is, in turn modulated by the substituent at the 5-position of cytosine, with electron-withdrawing substituents (such as F) decreasing the basicity of O-2 and electron-donating substituents (such as CH3) increasing its basicity. However, recent results on the influence of the C-5 substituent of cytosine of in the alkylation of N2 of guanine by benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide indicate that electronic effects alone cannot explain the effects of C-5 cytosine methylation on reactivity of CpG base pairs toward electrophiles [108]. A recent theoretical study proposed that, in addition to the electronic effects on nucleophilic reactivity of guanine, the alteration of the electronic environment caused by cytosine methylation will likely influence the precovalent binding of alkylating agents to DNA [109].

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4.2.5. Sequence selectivity in the alkylation of DNA by 2,7-DAM The sequence selectivity for the alkylation of DNA by 2,7-DAM to form the N7-dG adduct 27 was analyzed using long DNA restriction fragments [76] and short oligonucleotides [77]. Both studies tested the influence of the 50 base, demonstrating that the preferred alkylation site is the second dG residue at GpG sequences. The influence of the 30 base was studied using ODNs containing the four possible 50 -GGN triplets [110]. Three sequences (50 -GGA, 50 -GGG, and 50 -GGT) showed enhanced alkylation of the 30 dG residue, about sixfold greater than the 50 terminal dG residue. In the 50 -GGC sequence both dG residues were alkylated at the same extent. The sequence selectivity, if any, for the formation of the N2-2,7-DAM adduct 28 is unknown. The study of the formation of this adduct is hampered by the lack of adequate biomimetic conditions to produce it from the direct reaction of MMC or 2,7-DAM with DNA or ODNs.

4.3. Detection and mapping of mitomycin C–DNA adducts The detection and identification of the adduct profile resulting from the alkylation of DNA is considered a key factor to elucidate the chemistry and biology of DNA-alkylating small molecules [111]. In this section, we review the different approaches that have been employed to identify and quantify the formation of DNA adducts by MMC in a number of systems, ranging from cell-free DNA to tissues of human patients treated with MMC. 4.3.1. Alkaline elution The first method employed to detect MMC adducts in DNA was alkaline elution. This technique allows for the detection of alkylated DNA by an increase in the rate of elution from a PVC filter when the cell lysates are held at alkaline pH for a period of time before elution [112]. In the case of MMC, this method has been used to detect single- and double-strand breaks, interstrand cross-links, and DNA–protein cross-links in leukemia and human myeloma cells [113]. In a time-course analysis, the covalent DNA adducts detected in this study formed quickly and persisted for a long period. The formation of MMC-induced single- or double-strand breaks was not detected, concluding that the cytotoxic effects of MMC cannot be attributed to the generation of oxygen free radicals by redox cycling of the quinone. 4.3.2. Modified Comet assay The alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis assay (Comet assay) is a method used to detect and quantify the formation of DNA strand breaks in cells [114]. A modification of the Comet assay has been developed to detect the formation of DNA cross-links in cells [115]. In this modified protocol, cells


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are treated with a cross-linking agent and with agents that induce doublestrand breaks, and the formation of cross-links is then detected by a reduced mobility of the DNA from cells treated with the cross-linking agent. Merk and Speit used this modified Comet assay to study the formation of MMC cross-links [116] but they found that while the protocol was valid for the detection of DNA–protein cross-links, it was not well suited to detect DNA–DNA cross-links. Another modification of the Comet assay includes the application of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to investigate the localization of specific gene domains within a cell [117]. The Comet-FISH assay was used to investigate DNA damage and repair in cancer cells exposed to UV or g-radiation [118]. A combination of the two modifications of the Comet assay described above has been used to analyze the formation of MMC cross-links in human bladder cancer cells and their subsequent repair in a specific gene region [119]. This method was used subsequently to detect the formation of MMC cross-links in corneal endothelial cells [120], in telomeric DNA [121], and in cells overexpressing the oxidoreductase NRH:quinone oxidoreductase 2 [40]. The applications of the Comet assay for the detection of DNA interstrand cross-links have been reviewed in detail recently [122]. 4.3.3. Radiolabeled MMC A sensitive technique to analyze the formation of DNA adducts in cells made use of tritium-labeled MMC [79,123]. In this method, cells were treated with labeled MMC and, after exposure, the DNA was isolated, digested to nucleosides, and analyzed by reverse-phase HPLC. This study revealed that MMC forms six covalent adducts in tumor cells, although only four of them (19a, 20a, 21a, and 22) could be originally identified [123]. The other two were identified later as the 2,7-DAM adducts 27 and 28 [79]. A severe limitation of this method is the limited availability of tritium-labeled MMC, which is prepared from MMC in a multistep synthetic sequence that involves removal of the 6-methyl group and its reintroduction in the labeled form [124]. 4.3.4. 32P postlabeling One of the methods more widely employed to identify and quantify the formation covalent adducts in DNA by alkylating agents is 32P-postlabeling [125]. The standard 32P-postlabeling protocol to detect MMC adducts involves the isolation of DNA from cells exposed to MMC and its digestion to nucleosides with nuclease P1 and prostatic acid phosphatase. The resulting 20 -deoxynucleoside 30 -monophosphates are then converted to 32P-labeled nucleotides with 32P-ATP and T4 polynucleotide kinase. Excess ATP is hydrolyzed with apyrase and the labeled adducts are then separated using reverse-phase TLC or HPLC [50]. The first studies on the detection of MMC–DNA adducts using this method analyzed the formation of adducts

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in rat tissues [126] and in cancer patients [127]. The identification of the specific adducts observed in these studies was restricted at the time by the lack of authentic standards and by incomplete digestion to the nucleoside level. Later on, Pan et al. used 32P postlabeling to study the formation of covalent DNA adducts by MMC in a human colon cancer cell line and a MMCresistant subline, and they identified the monoadducts 19a and 20a and their C1 isomers 19b and 20b [128]. The formation of interstrand cross-links was evaluated separately by the alkaline elution method. The Hamilton group used the postlabeling method to examine the formation and loss of MMC–DNA adducts in the tissues of a simple in chick embryo as an in vivo model test system [63]. They detected and quantified the interstrand cross-link 21a and monoadducts 19a, 20a, and 19b. A subsequent study from the same group reported the detection of MMC–DNA adducts in human breast cancer cells originating from three sources: grown in culture, grown as xenografted tumors in nude mice, and from biopsies of human breast cancer patient tumors. Adducts 19a, 20a, 21a, and 19b were detected in most samples [129]. The authors found considerable differences in the adduct distribution profile, the kinetics of adduct formation and the kinetics of adduct removal between the cultured cells and the in vivo tumors. The 2,7-DAM adducts were not identified in these assays, as authentic standards of the adducts were not available. The 32Ppostlabeling assay also permitted the identification of an unknown enzyme that was responsible for the cytosolic activation of MMC leading to the formation of DNA cross-links [39]. This enzyme was indentified latter as glucose regulatory protein 58 (GRP58) [45,46]. 4.3.5. Liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy Major developments in liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy (LC/MS) for analyte detection have converted this technique into a compelling alternative to other sensitive methods, such as 32P-postlabeling, for the detection of DNA adducts [130]. The detection limits for DNA adducts are as low as 0.2–2.0 adducts per 108 unmodified DNA bases, and the amounts of DNA required to perform the assay are rather low, in the order of 10–100 mg. The use of LC/MS for the identification and quantification of adducts formed in cell lines treated with MMC and DMC has been recently reported [62]. Authentic standards for six adducts formed in cells by MMC and DMC were used in this work: 19a, 20a, 21a, 27, 28, and 20b. A standard for the isomeric cross-link 21b was not available, but this adduct could be detected and quantified by selecting for the same MS/MS fragmentations as those for 21a. No standard was available for the intrastrand cross-link adduct 22, and the formation of this adduct was not analyzed in this work. The LC/MS analysis method showed a similar sensitivity to the previously discussed method using tritium-labeled MMC, with an estimated lower limit of 0.25 pmol of adduct. This method also allowed the detection for the first time of 1,2-cis adducts 20b and 21b in some MMC-treated cell


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lines. Two different aspects of mitomycin toxicology were studied in cell cultures using this assay. The first study analyzed the differential kinetics of adduct repair in EMT6 cells, finding that three adducts (the 1,2-cis interstrand cross-link 21b and monoadducts 20a and 20b) were removed at considerable rates while other three (the 1,2-trans interstrand cross-link 21a and 2,7-DAM monoadducts 27 and 28) were removed at very slow rates. A second application compared the formation of adducts by MMC and DMC in two cell cultures: Fanconi anemia (FA) cells and MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. The cross-link adduct 21a was formed to a similar extent by both MMC and DMC in FA cells, but in human breast cancer cells the yield of 21 with DMC was fivefold lower than with MC. This study also found that the extent of formation of the stereoisomeric cross-link 21b with DMC was 10-fold greater than that of 21a. Furthermore, DMC generated approximately 20-fold more total adducts overall than MMC. Taken together, these results help to explain the higher cytotoxicity of DMC compared to MMC in various cancer cell lines. 4.3.6. Mapping the position of MMC adducts in DNA Mapping methods aimed at determining the position of lesion sites induced by MMC along a stretch of DNA have been developed using chemical and enzymatic tools. An assay employing iron(II)-EDTA fragmentation of DNA has been used in several studies to determine the position of MMC adducts and to quantify the extent of alkylation at those positions [87,101,131]. This method was employed to locate the sites of MMC interstrand cross-links in DNA fragments at single nucleotide resolution [87,101], to quantify isomeric crosslinked products differing in nucleotide connectivity not resolved by DPAGE [131], and to quantify the influence of CpG methylation in the formation of DNA cross-links by MMC [101]. The enzyme l-exonuclease, an enzyme that catalyzes the progressive removal of 50 mononucleotides from duplex DNA in the 50 –30 direction, has been used in an enzymatic assay that permitted to determine the position of MMC adducts in DNA restriction fragments. It was found that lexonuclease activity was blocked three bases 50 to a MMC-guanine adduct, and this assay has been used in several studies on the sequence selectivity of MMC monoalkylation [103,132]. A more widely used enzymatic mapping method utilizes the UvrABC system, a constituent of the bacterial nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway of damaged DNA [133]. The three subunits of Escherichia coli UvrABC participate at different stages in the recognition and cleavage of modified DNA, starting with the recognition of the lesion by UvrA. The DNA–UvrA complex then recruits UvrB to form a ternary complex from which UvrA dissociates leading to a stable UvrB–DNA preincision complex. UvrC then binds this complex and executes both the 30 and 50 incision

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reactions. The first incision is made at the fourth or fifth phosphodiester bond 30 to the damage and the second incision, eight phosphodiester bonds 50 to the damage. Rupp and coworkers pioneered the research on the UvrABC-induced incision of DNA modified by mitomycins using N-methylmitomycin A as the alkylating agent [134]. They observed that the cleaving pattern of MMC adducts by UvrABC is similar to the one observed for other DNA lesions: the seventh or eighth phosphodiester bond 50 to the lesion and the fourth or fifth phosphodiester bond 30 to the lesion. Kohn and Tang showed that MMC adducts were cleaved by UvrABC in a similar fashion, typically seven bases 50 and four bases 30 to the drug lesion [135]. This mapping method was used extensively by the group of Kohn in several studies to determine the pattern of alkylation of DNA restriction fragments by MMC and analogues [96,97,103,104,136,137].

4.4. Synthesis of oligonucleotides modified with site-specific MMC adducts The determination of the structural impact of the different DNA lesions caused by a DNA-alkylating agent and the biological responses that each of them elicit requires a methodology to place one specific lesion at a time into one specific location of synthetic DNA [138,139]. This aspect is especially relevant to clarify the toxicological mechanisms of MMC, due to the array of DNA adducts formed by the drug. Presently, protocols are available for the synthesis of ODNs bearing five different MMC–DNA adducts at a predetermined position. Short ODNs containing the 1,2-trans monoadduct 19a were synthesized by reacting the ODN with MMC using substoichiometric sodium dithionite for the activation of the drug [95]. This reduction conditions preclude the bifunctional activation of MMC taking place, and the only formed adduct is the result of monofunctional activation. CpG-containing ODNs are favored as they provide the modified ODN in yields of greater than 30%, while ODNs containing dG residues in other sequences produce yields in the single digits. The yield can be increased up to 50% by pairing the target dG residue with a methylated cytosine [102]. ODNs containing the decarbamoyl monoadduct 20a can easily be prepared in one step from ODNs modified with 19a by a thermal decarbamoylation reaction [95]. The synthesis of ODNs containing the 1,2-trans cross-link adduct 21a was first performed by reacting self-complementary short ODNs containing the target CpG sequence with MMC using stoichiometric sodium dithionite as reducing agent [140]. The highest yields, in the range 20–50%, were obtained by adding incremental doses at time intervals. A longer DNA duplex containing 23 base pairs could also be cross-linked by MMC using this method [141].


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Considering the asymmetric nature of the bis-electrophile derived from MMC, it is predictable that two isomeric cross-links should occur when the cross-link is formed at non-self-complementary strands of DNA. This was verified by the isolation and characterization of a pair of two isomeric crosslinks from the reaction of short (8 bp) non-self-complementary ODNs with MMC [142]. The two isomers were formed in similar proportions, and they could be separated by reverse-phase HPLC. The orientation isomers can be expected to present different structural and biological properties, thus a method is needed for the synthesis of ODNs containing a single orientation isomer of the cross-link adduct. The selective preparation of the two orientation isomers of the interstrand cross-link 21a in non-selfcomplementary ODNs was achieved in a two-step protocol (Figure 16) [142]. In the first step, a duplex ODN containing a CpG target sequence is reacted with monofunctionally activated MMC to form two different monoadducts, one at each strand. Ideally, the two strands should differ in length to facilitate the separation of the monoadducts. The desired monoadduct is then separated from the reaction mixture, annealed to a complementary strand, and cross-linked by activating C10 position by adding sodium dithionite under anaerobic conditions. Oligonucleotides prepared in this manner were used in structural elucidation studies by NMR [143], in studies of the lesion-induced DNA bending of DNA [144], and to analyze

Figure 16 Preparation of the two orientation isomers of oligonucleotides containing a MMC ICL.

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Figure 17 Synthesis of oligonucleotides containing the N2 2,7-DAM adduct 28.

the differential rate of cleavage of ODNs containing the orientation isomers by a restriction enzyme [142]. The synthesis of oligonucleotides containing the adduct of 2,7-DAM at N7 of guanine has been achieved by the reaction of GpG-containing ODNs with 2,7-DAM activated by catalytic hydrogenation [110]. Depurination of the modified oligonucleotide showed that the lesion was located at the 30 dG residue in the GpG sequence. ODNs modified with this lesion were used for NMR structural determination and in cytotoxicity and mutagenicity studies. The synthesis of oligonucleotides containing the 2,7-DAM adduct 28 at N2 of dG was accomplished by a postoligomerization approach, analogous to that shown in Figure 12 for the synthesis of 28 at the nucleoside level (Figure 17) [82]. The synthesis of 28 at the ODN level required the use of a different protecting group at N2 of the mitosene, as the originally used phenylacetyl group could not be removed from the modified ODN. A triaminomitosene derivative protected at N2 with a (trimethylsilyl)ethoxycarbonyl group (Teoc) was used, and it was removed after coupling together with the (trimethylsilyl)ethyl group in the modified guanosine using ZnBr2.

4.5. Structure of MMC–DNA adducts at the oligonucleotide level Some DNA lesions modify individual bases without significantly changing the double-helix structure, while others impart dramatic alterations on the original structure such as bending, unwinding, or loss of base pairing [145,146]. The structural impact induced by DNA lesions influence the biochemical mechanisms they elicit. For example, lesions that do not significantly distort the DNA helix tend to be repaired by base excision repair while bulky or distorting lesions are often repaired by the NER pathway [147]. Therefore, the structural elucidation of DNA adducts at the oligonucleotide level is a key factor in understanding of the biochemical mechanisms underlying the role that these adducts play in cytotoxicity, mutagenesis, and carcinogenesis. X-ray crystallography is the dominant method for studying the structure of biological


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molecules, accounting for 90% of the structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), but in the specific area of nucleic acid structure, NMR spectroscopy has a more significant contribution, with almost 42% of the PDB entries [148]. Several factors contribute to the relative advantage of NMR for studying nucleic acid molecules, including the difficulty of obtaining good diffracting crystals and the potential to perform dynamic studies [149]. The structure of ODNs modified by the interstrand cross-link 21a and the monoadducts 19a and 27 has been elucidated by NMR. The first structure of MMC adducts at the oligonucleotide level was elucidated for the interstrand cross-link lesion 21a in the self-complementary hexamer 50 -TACGTA [143]. The structure showed that the presence of the cross-link lesion in the modified oligonucleotide does not create significant deviations from the original B-DNA helix, does not cause disruptions of the Watson-Crick hydrogen bonds in the two CG base pairs at the cross-link site, and maintains base stacking. Minor distortions induced by the lesion include a widening of the minor groove region that accommodates the mitosene chromophore. The solution structure for the carbamoyl monoadduct 19a at the oligonucleotide level was resolved in a 9-mer with the adduct embedded in a 50 -ACGT sequence [150]. The ODN used in this study was not selfcomplementary, and only one strand of the duplex contained the mitosene molecule. The refined structure shows that the modified duplex retained the Watson-Crick base pairing both at the CG sequence and at the flanking sequences. As in the cross-linked duplex discussed above, the formation of the monoadduct causes a slight widening of the minor groove to accommodate the lesion, with the base pairs are displaced by 3.0 A˚ toward the major groove. This displacement affects the base pair stacking of the base pairs flanking the adduct site that show helical twists characteristic of an A-DNA helix. Other conformational perturbations were observed, as monitored by sugar pucker pseudorotation and glycosidic torsion angles. The solution structure of the monoadducted oligonucleotide helps to explain the CpG sequence specificity of the interstrand cross-link, considering the orientation of the MMC monoadduct with respect to DNA strand direction. The indoloquinone aromatic ring is directed toward the 30 -end of the unmodified strand, so that the monoadduct is poised to form the crosslink with the dG residue in the opposite strand without any significant structural reorganization of the B-DNA helix, providing support for the hypothesis shown in Figure 14. The solution structure of the N7 2,7-DAM adduct 27 at the duplex level was solved for the self-complementary oligonucleotide 50 GTGGTATACCAC with the lesion located at the second dG residue at the GG sequence [110]. In contrast to the duplex containing monoadduct 19a, both strands were modified in the duplex ODN containing the

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2,7-DAM adduct 27, resulting in a twofold symmetrical complex. This symmetry reduced the number of interchangeable proton signals, thus providing a well-resolved NMR spectrum that facilitated the structural elucidation. The refined structures show that the 2,7-DAM molecule is aligned along the major groove of DNA oriented 30 to the adducted guanine and that the presence of 2,7-DAM does not alter the overall B-DNA helical structure. The observed alignment of the chromophore in the major groove is a novel feature of 2,7-DAM when compared to other major groove alkylators, such as aflatoxin, that form intercalated complexes instead. Additional structural information on DNA modified by mitomycin adducts was obtained in a study of the DNA bending using electrophoretic mobility method [144]. The lesions studied were the monoadduct 19a, the interstrand cross-link 21a, and the intrastrand cross-link 22. No DNA bending was detected for 19a and 21a, while the intrastrand cross-link 22 induced a 15 bend per lesion. The recently developed postoligomerization approach for the synthesis of oligonucleotides containing the N2 2,7-DAM adduct 28 [82] should permit to elucidate the structure of this lesion at the oligonucleotide level in the near future. Also the recently reported chemical synthesis of monoadducts 19a and 19b [151] raises the possibility that oligonucleotides containing 19b, 20b, and the intrastrand cross-link 22 may be synthesized by a similar postoligomerization approach, providing substrates for the structural determination of these adducts at the duplex level.

5. Cellular Responses to Mitomycin C–DNA Adducts The modification of DNA by electrophilic reagents produces cytotoxic and mutagenic events in cells [152,153]. In many cases, the alkylation of DNA by a single agent results in the formation of various lesions, and scientists have sought to determine which of the different DNA adducts are the biologically important ones. Ascertaining what is the relationship between the structure of each lesion in DNA and the biological effects that the alkylating agent elicits may help to improve therapies and facilitate the development of new drugs. Several strategies have been employed to establish the relationships between DNA adducts and their biological effects. In cell-free approaches, studying the interaction of oligonucleotides containing single adducts at specific sites with DNA polymerases and repair proteins can help to predict the biological relevance of a lesion and define the cellular repair mechanisms that might protect against it. The effects of individual adducts in cells can be studied using plasmids containing sitespecific DNA lesions that can be prepared starting from short modified


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oligonucleotides and then inserted into bacterial or mammalian cells. The lesion will then be processed inside the host cell by the repair and replication systems much in the same way that the lesion would be processed if it had formed endogenously, and the biological effects of each single adduct can be determined. In this section, we review the present knowledge on the biological effects of the different DNA adducts of MMC, their differential interaction with DNA processing enzymes and the cellular responses they elicit.

5.1. Cytotoxicity of MMC–DNA adducts Once it was established that MMC generates an array of DNA lesions, research was initiated to learn which of those adducts are responsible for the cytotoxic effects of the drug. Evidence for the interstrand cross-link adduct as the critical cytotoxic lesion was obtained from parallel studies comparing the cytotoxicity of MMC and its derivatives 2,7-DAM and DMC in cell lines and correlating the cytotoxicity with the adduct profile of the different drugs [62,70]. DMC was reported to be slightly more cytotoxic than MMC to hypoxic tumor cells [154].The treatment of cells with DMC results in the formation of the same DNA adducts as MMC, but in higher amounts and with a different distribution pattern, while 2,7-DAM forms two monoadducts. The adduct profile formed by MMC or DMC was studied in EMT6 mouse mammary tumor cells, Fanconi anemia-A cells, normal human fibroblasts, and MCF-7 human breast cancer cells [62,70]. It was found that although the adduct frequencies with DMC were much higher (20- to 30-fold) than with MMC, the DNA cross-link adducts (21a and 21b) were formed by the two drugs with almost equal frequency. The correlation observed between the cytotoxicities of MMC and DMC with their ICL adduct frequencies was regarded as evidence that ICLs, rather than monoadducts, are the critical factors in cell death induced by MMC [155]. The results from these experiments seem to indicate that monoadducts do not contribute significantly to the cytotoxicity of MMC. However, experiments using transfection of site-specifically modified DNA in bacteria indicate that monoadduct 19a is a cytotoxic lesion [156]. In these studies, a bacteriophage M13 genome containing a single monoadduct was constructed and then transfected in E. coli, finding that the presence of monoadduct 19a in the single-stranded DNA viral genome was highly inhibitory to phage replication. Similar experiments were performed using a viral genome modified with the 2,7-DAM monoadduct 27. The results showed clearly that the 2,7-DAM-dG-N7 adduct 27 inhibits the replication of the M13 phage genome in E. coli only weakly [157], suggesting that the conversion of MMC to 2,7-DAM constitutes a detoxification pathway in bacteria, in addition to other detoxification mechanisms [158].

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5.2. Mutagenicity of MMC–DNA adducts Like most anticancer drugs, MMC has mutagenic effects [159,160]. Considering that MMC forms six different DNA adducts, the mutagenic effects of the drug could, in principle, arise from a limited number of these adducts. The mutagenic effects of monoadducts 19a and 27 were analyzed using DNA site-specifically modified with each of the monoadducts [156,157]. The mutagenicity studies were performed in the phage replication reviewed above using differential oligonucleotide hybridization techniques. Monoadduct 19a was shown to be nonmutagenic in E. coli [156], and the 2,7-DAM adduct 27 was nonmutagenic in E. coli and simian kidney cells [157]. The interstrand cross-link lesion is likely to induce mutations during its repair by translesion synthesis (TLS) polymerases [161]. These enzymes are error-prone polymerases that are able to copy DNA past lesions with low fidelity, therefore generating mutations at high frequency. Evidence for the involvement of several TLS polymerases in the repair of MMC ICLs is reviewed further in this chapter.

5.3. Interaction of MMC–DNA adducts with DNA polymerases The study of the processing of DNA adducts by polymerases is an important area of research that seeks to help elucidate the mechanisms of carcinogenesis and anticancer activity of DNA-alkylating agents [162]. The interaction of three individual MMC adducts, 19a, 20a, and 27, located at well-defined positions within DNA with several polymerases has been investigated [157,163]. These studies analyzed the in vitro DNA synthesis on templates containing monoadducts 19 and 20 with Sequenase, AMV reverse transcriptase, and two different varieties of the Klenow fragment of E. coli DNA polymerase I. The replication template consisted of a 24-mer oligonucleotide containing either 19 or 20 at the fifth 50 base annealed with a 15-mer primer radiolabeled at the 50 end. Both adducts blocked nearly quantitatively the DNA synthesis at the nucleotide located 30 to the modified base [163]. The use of high concentrations of deoxynucleotide triphosphates and Mn2 þ resulted in the incorporation of nucleotide opposite the lesion site, but DNA synthesis did not proceed past the lesion site. Similar results were obtained in a later study using a 24-mer ODN containing adduct 19a [156]. The Klenow (exo-) fragment of DNA polymerase, T7 (exo-) DNA polymerase, and polymerase Z were studied, and in all cases, the elongation of primers stopped one nucleotide before the lesion site [157]. A different outcome was observed in the elongation of templates containing the 2,7-DAM adduct 27 by these same three polymerases [157]. It was found that the DNA polymerases Klenow (exo-) and T7 (exo-) were able to extend the primer strands past the position of the 2,7-DAM adduct 27 in synthetic templates, although at


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slower rates than in the control experiments. With polymerase Z, the primer strand was extended two nucleotides past the 2,7-DAM adduct with high efficiency, although low levels of fully extended primer were observed. The fidelity on the incorporation of nucleotide opposite the lesion was studied using the Klenow (exo-) DNA polymerase, and it was found that dC was fully incorporated, dG was partially incorporated and dT and dA were not incorporated, indicating that the 2,7-DAM adduct 27 is not a mutagenic lesion.

5.4. Interactions of MMC–DNA adducts with DNA repair enzymes All organisms have developed a sophisticated system to respond to DNA damage caused by endogenous and exogenous sources [164]. A large number of proteins involved in repair pathways have been identified at the genetic level and, while the mechanisms by which DNA interstrand cross-links are repaired are still unclear, research in this area is currently very active [165]. The DNA repair systems are usually classified into five major pathways: direct damage reversal, base excision repair, NER, mismatch repair, and double-strand break repair. Each of these pathways is specialized in repairing specific types of lesions. Monoadducts and intrastrand DNA cross-links are usually repaired by the NER pathway by a relatively straightforward mechanism: lesions are excised by endonucleases from DNA as an oligonucleotide with a length of 24–32 nucleotides, and the resulting gap is filled by polymerases and sealed by ligases. However, the repair of interstrand cross-links poses an enormous challenge to the cellular repair machinery because the usual template for repair, the strand opposing the lesion, is also damaged. Interstrand cross-link repair pathways involve the interplay of various cellular pathways, including NER, homologous recombination, mismatch repair, TLS, Rad3-related pathways, and FA pathways [165]. The first part of this section focuses on the mechanism for the processing of the different MMC–DNA adducts by bacterial repair enzymes. In the second part, we review the current knowledge about the processing of MMC–DNA adducts in eukaryotic organisms. 5.4.1. Repair in prokaryotes Prokaryotes use the NER pathway to reverse a broad range of structural DNA damage by using the UvrABC system, a multiprotein complex that recognizes and repairs damaged DNA in a multistep ATP-dependent reaction [133]. The mechanism for the repair of monoadducts by UvrABC starts with the recognition of the DNA lesion by dimerized UvrA that then attracts UvrB, releasing UvrA and forming a stable UvrB:DNA complex [133]. An alternative model proposes that the lesion is recognized by a (UvrA)2UvrB complex [166]. The preincision complex is then cleaved by

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dual incisions in the damaged strand by UvrC, one of them at the fourth or fifth phosphodiester bond 30 to the damage, and a second incision eight phosphodiester bonds 50 to the damage. The resulting gap is then filled by DNA polymerase I and subsequently DNA ligase seals the newly synthesized end, completing the NER pathway. The classical model for the repair of cross-link adducts in E. coli involves dual incisions at both sides of the lesion in one strand, and the resulting gap is then filled by strand exchange or TLS (Figure 18). A second cycle of dual incisions at the remaining modified strand completely excises the lesion and the resulting gap is filled by DNA synthesis and ligation [167]. The processing of mitomycin–DNA adducts by purified UvrABC endonuclease was first reported for adducts formed by N-methylmitomycin A [134], and it was found that the enzyme follows the typical incision pattern observed with other lesions, four bases to the 30 side and seven bases to the 50 side of the drug modification. The supercoiled form of the N-methylmitomycin A cross-linked plasmid DNA was found to be incised by UvrABC 200 times faster than the relaxed form. In contrast, the rate of incision on supercoiled plasmid DNA that contained N-methylmitomycin A monoadducts was only twice that of the relaxed form of the plasmid. The incision patterns observed later in restriction fragments modified by MMC were in most instances identical to those observed with N-methylmitomycin A, with some less frequent incision sites located three and six bases from the MMC-dG lesion [135]. The UvrABC system was latter applied by the group of Kohn in a number of studies on the sequence selectivity of adduct formation by MMC in DNA restriction fragments, discussed earlier in this chapter [96,97,103,104,132,136,137]. The interaction of UvrABC with the a 61-bp DNA fragment containing a monoadduct 19a at a well-defined position was recently reported [168], confirming the cleaving pattern at the modified strand observed in earlier studies. The use of an oligonucleotide substrate containing a site-specific monoadduct permitted an analysis that was not possible in early studies: that the monoadduct 19a may induce UvrABC incisions on the DNA strand opposite to the lesion. The authors found that the complementary strands that did not contain the lesion were not cleaved even after long incubation periods, demonstrating that UvrABC only incises the adducted strand when processing monoadduct 19a.

Figure 18 Model for the repair of ICLs in E. coli.


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Figure 19 Schematic representation of the incisions made by UvrABC endonuclease in oligonucleotides containing a MMC ICL.

The interaction of the UvrABC nuclease with a 61-bp DNA fragment containing a site-specific interstrand cross-link adduct 21a was recently reported [168]. The use of this well-defined substrate permitted the determination of the precise UvrABC cleavage sites induced by the cross-link lesion. It was found that UvrABC makes three types of incisions on the cross-linked DNA: type 1, a single incision at 8–10 nucleotides 50 to the cross-link on one strand and four nucleotides 30 to the other strand; type 2, dual incisions in one strand and a single incision 30 to the lesion site; and type 3, dual incisions at 8–10 nucleotides 50 and 4–5 nucleotides 30 to the crosslinked sites on both strands (Figure 19). The type 1 and type 3 incisions were the most predominant. A model for the observed cleavage pattern in the processing of MMC cross-links by UvrABC was proposed, different from the classic model involving sequential excision of cross-links. According to this model, the cross-linked DNA is recognized by two sets of dimerized UvrA proteins and each of the dimers binds one strand of DNA. This complex then attracts two sets of UvrB and UvrC, triggering three types of incisions, all of them resulting in the generation of doublestranded DNA breaks. Support for this model came from electrophoretic mobility shift assays, comparing the complexes formed by UvrA with ODNs containing either the monoadduct 19a or the cross-link 21a. The authors conclude that the generation of double-strand breaks in human cancer cells could contribute to the antitumor activity of MMC, assuming that the NER mechanism in human cells for the repair of MMC interstrand cross-links is similar to the mechanism observed in E. coli cells. Lage et al. proposed the existence of an additional pathway for the repair of mitomycin interstrand cross-links after finding that MMC cross-links are lethal in E. coli mutants that lack UvrB but not in UvrA UvrC double mutants [169]. The authors of this work suggest that UvrB plays a role in recognizing one specific MMC adduct, independent of its previously described role in the Uvr(A)BC complex. A further study by the same group confirmed that E. coli UvrB mutants were much more sensitive to MMC than UvrA or UvrB mutants [170]. UvrB mutants were unable to repair strand breaks induced by MMC, and the authors propose that UvrB might play a role in a NER-uncoupled pathway in the repair of lesions induced by MMC in vivo. They hypothesize that the UvrB-dependent

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mechanism could be induced by a MMC monoadduct, while the repair of cross-links would require the complete NER pathway. 5.4.2. Repair in eukaryotes Molecular biologists have identified a number of proteins implicated in the repair of MMC cross-links in eukaryotes, both in yeast and in vertebrate cells. The repair of interstrand cross-links in yeast involves genes from three DNA repair pathways: NER, postreplication/TLS, and homologous recombination (HR) pathways [171]. Additionally, PSO2/SNM1, a gene that does not participate in any of these pathways, has been shown to be essential for the repair of MMC and cisplatin cross-links, as deletion of this gene turned the yeast exquisitely sensitive to these cross-linking agents [172]. The repair mechanisms of ICLs in mammals are more complex than in yeast and other pathways, such as the FA pathway, operate together in order to remove or bypass an ICL [173,174]. In most cases, the initial stage in the repair of ICLs appears to involve the formation of DSBs. TLS also allows the cells to bypass the lesion without actually repairing the lesion. Extensive work in recent years has permitted the identification of proteins from different repair pathways involved in the repair of DNA interstrand cross-links in eukaryotes. Some of this work is reviewed below. Several studies suggest that XPA, one of the core factors in the NER incision complex, is involved in the repair of interstrand cross-links formed by MMC. Ahn et al. used a host-cell reactivation assay to study the repair of MMC interstrand cross-link adducts in XPA- and XPC-deficient cells [175]. They found that the MMC cross-links in XPA cells were repaired less efficiently, suggesting a role for the XPA protein in the initial recognition of the MMC cross-links. The XPA protein was later shown to bind selectively to a MMC cross-linked substrate and undergo a conformational change upon binding the lesion [176,177]. Ercc1-Xpf, an endonuclease required for NER, was shown to have a role in processing DSBs induced by MMC cross-links in mammalian cells. The authors propose that Ercc1-Xpf is needed to create a nick near the ICL to make the DNA amenable to double-strand break repair. In the absence of Ercc1-Xpf, the double-strand break cannot be repaired by homologous recombination and thus becomes extremely detrimental to the cell [178]. The initial steps in the homologous recombination repair pathway are dependent on Rad51, the central protein in HR, and several other factors including the Rad51 paralogs. The Rad51C protein, one of the five Rad51 paralogs implicated in homologous recombination in vertebrates, has been shown to be involved in the repair of MMC interstrand cross-links [179]. Cells containing low levels of Rad51C protein showed increased sensitivity to MMC, presented MMC-induced chromosomal aberrations, impaired sister chromatid cohesion, and reduced cloning efficiency.


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The TLS repair pathway uses error-prone polymerases that may replicate DNA past the ICL lesion. TLS polymerases intervene in replicationdependent and replication-independent ICL repair pathways, the latter of which requires the FA pathway. Seven polymerases involved in TLS repair of interstrand cross-links in vertebrates have been identified so far (Pol z, Rev1, Pol Z, Pol k, Pol i, Pol y, and Pol n), while in yeast only the first three have been shown to operate [180]. Polymerase z is a dimeric enzyme formed by the catalytic subunit Rev3 and the accessory subunit Rev7. Both yeast and vertebrate cells deficient in Pol z are extremely sensitive to crosslinking agents, including MMC [181,182]. Host-cell reactivation assays using plasmids containing a single mitomycin ICL revealed the involvement of Pol z in a HR-independent ICL repair pathway of MMC cross-links [183]. The activity of Pol z is closely coupled with Rev1, a Y-family polymerase that does not have canonical polymerase activity, but it can insert dC opposite dG and various lesions. Rev1 is associated with protection against cisplatin and MMC-induced chromosomal aberrations and is necessary for the repair of DNA double-strand breaks induced by DNA interstrand cross-links [184]. Polymerase Z, a protein deficient in Xeroderma pigmentosum variant cells, was shown to have a potential role in the TLS pathway during the processing of a MMC interstrand cross-link in human and Chinese hamster cells [185]. This work used a host-cell reactivation assay that was performed by transfecting cells with a plasmid DNA that contained a single 50 -CG-30 MMC interstrand cross-link, and the results suggested the existence of a recombination-independent repair pathway for the removal of MMC cross-links. This pathway appears to be error-prone because repaired plasmids recovered from the transfected cells contained point mutations at the site of the MMC interstrand cross-link. The implication of Pol k in the repair of minor groove ICLs, such as those formed by MMC, has been recently demonstrated [186]. Knockdown of Pol k led to hypersensitivity of cells toward treatment with MMC, suggesting a role for Pol k for the bypass of minor groove ICLs in cells. This study showed that polymerase k catalyzed accurate incorporation opposite the cross-linked guanine and also replicated beyond the lesion in model oligonucleotides that contained cross-links adducts linking the N2 of dG residues in opposite strands of DNA, analogous to those formed by MMC. DNA polymerase n, an enzyme belonging to the A family of DNA polymerases, shows high mutagenicity and possesses lesion bypass activity. An important role for Pol y in tolerance to DNA interstrand cross-links was shown by a study in which mammalian lymphocytes mutant cells lacking Pol y activity showed elevated sensitivity to MMC [187]. Polymerase n has been recently shown to be involved in repair of MMC–DNA cross-links by homologous recombination pathways and that also interacts with factors belonging to the FA pathway [188].

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Fanconi anemia (FA) is a rare disease characterized by genomic instability and high susceptibility to cancer. FA cells are exquisitely sensitive to ICL forming agents such as MMC, and this sensitivity is caused by mutations in genes controlling DNA interstrand cross-link repair [189]. At least 15 proteins have been identified that interact in a common DNA repair network, termed the FA pathway. In this pathway, eight FA proteins form a nuclear protein complex that is thought to monoubiquitylate the dimer formed by FancD2 and FancI, an event that is crucial for cellular resistance to ICL agents [190]. The structure of this dimer reveals that it has binding sites for both single- and double-stranded DNA, and it is probably implicated in the recognition of DNA structures that result from the encounter of replication forks with an ICL [191]. FancD2 then recruits Fanc1 to the site of DNA damage, where it facilitates excision of the ICL, resulting in its unhooking. The TLS, NER, and HR pathways complete the repair process [192]. A number of proteins involved in the FA pathway have been shown to participate in the repair of MMC adducts, including FancD2, FancG, RAD18, and Fan1 [193,194]. Depletion of the ubiquitin ligase RAD18, a component of the FA pathway that regulates ubiquitylation of FancD2 and FancI, results in increased sensitivity to MMC [195]. The nuclease Fan1, a protein that exhibits endonuclease activity toward 50 flaps and has 50 exonuclease activity [196], is also required for the repair of DNA damage caused by MMC [197–199]. The yeast SNM1 gene and its mammalian homolog have been shown to provide resistance to ICL agents, including MMC [200]. The protein SNM1 (also known as Pso2) possesses both endonuclease and exonuclease activities, and its involvement in cross-link repair seems to be independent of other DNA repair pathways, such as HR, TLS, or FA. Two roles are proposed for the involvement of SNM1 in the repair of cross-linked DNA: as an exonuclease that trims the single-stranded DNA sequences flanking the postincised cross-link lesion [201], and as an endonuclease that processes hairpin-like intermediates formed during ICL repair [202]. A number of studies have evidenced that the repair of MMC damage involves interplay of various pathways [203,204]. A study on the repair of a single MMC interstrand cross-link using a variety of mammalian mutants with distinct DNA repair deficiencies showed that three different mechanisms for the MMC ICL processing in mammalian cells take place depending on the sequence context of the cross-linked site: a NER- and lesion bypass-based mutagenic repair pathway; a NER-independent single-strand annealing pathway for ICLs positioned between tandem repeats; and a MutSb-dependent pathway that perhaps leads to conservative homologous recombination [203]. Nojima et al. showed that several repair pathways are involved in the repair of MMC adducts by using chicken cells with different impaired repair pathways: translesion DNA synthesis (TLS), FA


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complementation groups (FANC), or homologous recombination [204]. The three types of mutant cells were more sensitive to MMC and other cross-linking drugs such as cisplatin and melphalan, indicating that all three repair pathways are involved in cellular resistance to MMC. As opposed to what happens in yeast, the NER pathway seemed to play only a minor role in the repair of DNA damage caused by cross-linking agents. 5.4.3. Mechanistic studies on the repair DNA interstrand cross-links in eukaryote As reviewed above, studies using cellular sensitivity to MMC have provided a significant amount of information on the proteins involved in the complex pathways for the cellular repair of DNA damage inflicted by MMC in eukaryotic cells. However, information on the precise biochemical mechanisms of interaction of eukaryotic repair enzymes with specific DNA adducts of MMC is presently unavailable. On the other hand, mechanistic studies on the interaction of eukaryotic repair enzymes with DNA templates that contain other cross-links adducts at well-defined positions as the only lesion have been very recently reported [205–208]. The ability of TLS polymerases Z, k, z, and i to bypass interstrand cross-links derived from cisplatin or nitrogen mustard was studied by the Scha¨rer group [205]. This work analyzed the extension of 14-mer or 15-mer primers using ODNs modified site-specifically with an ICL as templates. They found that TLS depends on two structural factors: it is facilitated when the DNA is truncated close to the ICL lesion and the bypass efficiency is proportional to the base-span length of the cross-link. The Walker group developed a cell-free system based on Xenopus egg extracts to study the mechanism of repair of single, site-specific ICL lesions [206,207]. The replication-coupled repair of ICLs by this cell-free amphibian system was studied using plasmids modified site-specifically by cisplatin or containing a nitrogen mustard-like ICL [206]. The mechanism elucidated in this work involves initial stalling of two replication forks when they converge on the cross-link. The lesion is then bypassed within one nucleotide of the ICL, followed by incisions, translesion DNA synthesis, and extension of the nascent strand beyond the lesion. The same amphibian egg-based cell-free system was used later to study the involvement of proteins from the FA pathway in the repair of a site-specific cisplatin cross-link [207]. It was found that depletion of FANCI-FANCD2 impaired multiple steps of cross-link repair and that repair efficiency could be restored upon addition of recombinant protein. These proteins are involved with the insertion and incision steps that occur when the replication forks stall one nucleotide away from the cross-link lesion. The RAD51-dependent repair of a plasmid containing a single, sitespecific, cisplatin ICL was also studied by the Walker group using the same cell-free system as in the two previously reviewed studies [208]. This repair pathway starts when two replication forks converge on the cross-link

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involves. The proposed mechanism for the repair involves dual incisions that create a DNA double-strand break in one sister chromatid strand, while lesion bypass restores the other strand. The broken strand is then repaired via RAD51-dependent strand invasion into the regenerated sister chromatid. The precise mechanisms of interaction of eukaryotic repair enzymes with DNA adducts of MMC are presently unknown, but it is foreseeable, from the work described above, that this situation may change in the near future. The recently developed methodologies to synthesize ODNs containing MMC interstrand cross-links and monoadducts at specific positions [82,151] pave the way for the preparation of the DNA substrates required to study the interactions of the different MMC adducts with the eukaryotic repair machinery.

5.5. Cellular signaling induced by MMC adducts The modification of DNA activates a complex cellular damage response pathway that propagates the DNA damage signal to produce multiple cellular responses that can promote either cellular survival or cell death [209]. MMC induces apoptosis, and several proteins have been identified in the induction of this cellular response [210–214]. How do the different DNA–MMC adducts contribute to these cellular responses? Some information has been gained by studying the signals induced by MMC and its derivatives DMC and 2,7-DAM and then comparing the cellular effects with the different DNA adduct profiles of the three drugs. The p53 protein plays a key role in the mammalian cellular response to DNA damage, promoting both cell survival and cell death depending on the extent of DNA damage [215]. After the cell is impacted by genotoxic stress, the p53 tumor suppressor gene product is activated leading to the induction of several downstream cellular processes including pro-survival events such as cell cycle arrest, DNA repair or autophagy, and pro-elimination events such as differentiation, senescence, and apoptosis. The induction of the p53 gene has been correlated with the cytotoxic activity of chemotherapeutic drugs [216]. The treatment of mammalian cells that are p53-proficient with MMC results in increased p53 protein, the transcriptional activation of p53pathway genes, and apoptotic cell death, while the noncytotoxic mitomycin derivative DAM does not activate the p53 protein or the p53 pathway, demonstrating that 2,7-DAM monoadducts do not activate this pathway, while other MMC adducts are able to do so [217]. Some information about how MMC adducts contribute to apoptosis was obtained in a study of MMC- and DMC-induced apoptosis in several human cancer cell lines. The Bargonetti group found that both MMC and DMC activate procaspases, but that they do so by different mechanisms [218]. It was shown later that DMC kills p53-deficient cells by facilitating transduction to a pathway


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targeting cellular proteins for proteolysis [219]. This pathway does not occur with MMC, and it was proposed that the different configuration at C1 of the mitosene DNA adducts formed by DMC elicit cellular signals for this p53-independent mode of cell death.

6. Alternative Biological Targets for Mitomycin C Nuclear DNA has long been considered the primary molecular target for bioreductive anticancer drugs like MMC. MMC has served as the prototype bioreductive alkylating anticancer drug whose mechanism of action as previously described elsewhere in this review involves intracellular activation, binding of G/C rich regions of nuclear DNA with subsequent cell death [10,11,86]. Many aspects of this hypothesis, however, remain problematic and unsubstantiated.

6.1. The case for alternative molecular targets In the early 1960s, evidence of an MMC interaction with DNA showed cross-linking of purified bacterial DNA in the presence of cell lysates after in vitro exposure to MMC [10,11,220,221]. Labeled MMC or porfiromycin studies in cell-free or in situ conditions further described the metabolic activation, chemical intermediates, and drug–DNA adducts formed from these exposures [73,220,222]. MMC–DNA adducts have also been detected in various studies using cultured cell lines but these DNA–drug interactions have only been demonstrated following exposure to extremely high concentrations of MMC [121,223]. Other studies using very high concentrations of MMC have also shown MMC–DNA adducts when tested in cultured cell lines transfected with MMC activating enzymes modified to be targeted to the nucleus [224–226]. Thus, all direct evidence for a MMC–DNA adduct comes from in vitro or in situ studies or under nonbiologically relevant conditions.

6.2. Subcellular localization MMC needs to be biologically reduced in order to be activated and exert its toxicity. Many of the enzymes capable of this biological reduction which have been identified thus far are cytosolic, as previously discussed. This would suggest that much of MMC activation occurs in the cytosol. Reactive species would therefore need to translocate to the nucleus in order to bind to the nuclear DNA. This translocation process is highly speculative in that the existence of translocator proteins to facilitate this translocation is undocumented and the feasibility of a redox active MMC binding transiently to such a protein or

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diffusing across the nuclear membrane is improbable. Thus, it appears that any molecular target of activated MMC should be located in the same cellular compartment as the activation. This would thus require that the enzymes capable of MMC bioreductive activation be located in the nucleus. Studies thus far, however, have suggested that the levels of nuclear enzymes in the nucleus capable of reductive activation of MMC are prohibitively low [227]. The importance of enzymatic subcellular localization was addressed in an elegant series of studies with three important MMC activation enzymes: NQO1 [224], cytochrome b5 reductase [225], and NADPH cytochrome P450 reductase [226]. In each of these studies, plasmid constructs were generated for each of these enzymes which allowed for overexpression of the native enzyme or with added sequences which targeted the overexpressed enzyme to the nucleus. Thus, the authors were able to not only overexpress the enzymes of interest but target them to the subcellular compartment of interest (nucleus). The toxicity studies were conducted under both aerobically and hypoxic conditions. Overexpression of the cytochrome b5 reductase [225], whether wild-type or nuclear targeted enzyme, showed no differences in toxicity aerobically but the nuclear targeted enzyme increased toxicity under hypoxic conditions. Overexpression of the NQO1 and NADPH cytochrome P450 reductase enzymes increased MMC-induced toxicity both aerobically and hypoxically and further increased MMC toxicity when the enzymes were targeted to the nucleus. MMC–DNA adducts were also determined in these studies for each condition but with mixed results when attempting to correlate DNA adduct formation and cytotoxicity. Overall, these results show that DNA is a target for MMC activity and is correlated to toxicity under various conditions but also suggests that this may not be the only or even perhaps the major target of MMC toxicity under normal biological conditions. Other macromolecules such as RNA, proteins, or even mitochondrial DNA might also serve as MMC targets with resultant cytotoxicity.

6.3. RNA RNA is a nucleic acid which is abundant in the cytosol and whose similarity in chemical structure to DNA would allow for many of the same reactions with MMC. For several reasons, ribosomal RNA (rRNA) appears to be a potential target of activated MMC whose inactivation could lead to cytotoxicity. rRNA is the most abundant RNA species in eukaryotes and is required for the formation of the ribosomal complex, which synthesizes all cellular proteins [228]. It contains G/C rich regions [229] which are preferred binding sites for activated MMC. It also lacks much of the protection afforded to nuclear DNA by membranes and extensive repair systems, thus making it more accessible to MMC alkylation and more susceptible to damage. It has also been observed that tumor cells appear to have more ribosomes than their normal counterparts, thus increasing the probability for an interaction with MMC [230].


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A recent series of studies was recently published which tested the MMC interaction with nuclear and mitochondrial RNA in MCF-7 tumor cells [231]. Using real-time PCR, the study showed that while mitochondrial RNA gene expression was not significantly or consistently affected by MMC, 18S rRNA levels were reduced by 75%. The study also showed using a cell-free system that MMC could dose-dependently inhibit protein translation. An interaction between MMC and 18S rRNA was also described but not characterized. The results of these studies suggest that RNA and in particular rRNA may be an important cellular target for MMC. This is consistent with a number of observations including: RNA is abundant in the cytosol and rRNA makes up about 71% of total cellular RNA; both rRNA and MMC activating enzymes are cytosolic; 18S rRNA is G/C rich and MMC preferentially binds to G/C rich regions. It was hypothesized that the large decrease in 18S rRNA would prevent the formation of ribosomal complexes resulting in cell death through genome-wide translational silencing. It is also likely that this mechanism of cell death would be consistent with many of the observations described during MMC-induced cytotoxicity and ascribed to MMC–DNA interactions. Further investigations of these MMC–RNA interactions are warranted to further characterize the interactions and assess the toxicity of these interactions.

6.4. MMC–protein interactions Reduction of MMC leads to the generation of reactive intermediates capable of alkylating cellular nucleophiles including proteins and tripeptides. Studies have shown that activated MMC is capable of directly interacting with the tripeptide, glutathione (GSH) to form various adducts [69,232]. Similarly, studies have shown that GSH, GSH-dependent enzymes, as well as other thiol compounds can modulate MMC toxicity either directly or indirectly [233–236]. Together these studies strongly suggest that GSH or other thiol containing compounds can interact with MMC directly or indirectly to affect its toxicity. Activated MMC has also been shown to interact directly with various bioreductive activating enzymes as a suicide inhibitor. Several groups studying the mechanism and kinetics of MMC activation by NQO1 subsequently reported on the inhibition of NQO1 by activated MMC [52,237]. It was reported that the inhibition required NADH, approached a 1:1 stoichiometry between substrate and enzyme and was pH dependent with increasing inhibition from pH 5.8 to 7.8 [52]. Thus, it appears that the cellular microenvironment may have a significant impact on the interaction between the enzyme and this substrate. Studies have also more recently shown that NQO2 is also inhibited by activated MMC [40]. It appears that in the case of NQO1 and NQO2 that the activated MMC alkylates the

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active site of the enzyme thus irreversibly inhibiting the enzyme. Most recently, MMC has been proposed to act as a suicide inhibitor of thioredoxin reductase [238]. It is proposed that activated MMC alkylates the thioredoxin reductase selenolthiol active site. The inactivation of TrxR correlated with MMC cytotoxicity in cancer cell lines. Activated MMC is a reactive alkylating specie capable of reacting with a great many macromolecules including DNA, RNA, and proteins. Its molecular target appears to depend upon proximity to potential targets. Proteins which activate MMC are particularly susceptible to alkylation due to the proximity of the protein to the MMC during activation. Other macromolecules such as GSH or rRNA are also potentially important targets due to the fact that they are localized in the same compartment as most of the drug activating enzymes and they are found in high concentrations. Inhibition of protein molecules or rRNA could very well result in cellular toxicity. Thus, a strong case can be made that these molecular targets are at least as important as DNA in MMC-induced toxicity and warrant further study.

7. Conclusion Basic research on the molecular toxicology of MMC carried out over the past 40 years has afforded a vast amount of information on the mode of action of the anticancer drug. A significant amount of this research has been dedicated to investigate the modification of DNA by the activated drug and structural research in DNA–MMC adducts has reached a high degree of completion. At the nucleoside level, the structure of most DNA adducts formed by MMC has been rigorously established, pending a minor ambiguity regarding the precise regiochemistry of the intrastrand cross-link adduct 22, and the full characterization of isomeric cross-link 21a. At the DNA duplex level, the structure of the interstrand cross-link 21a and two monoadducts, 19a and 27, has been solved. The development of postoligomerization strategies for the chemical synthesis of other adducts, such as the 2,7-DAM adduct 28 or the isomeric adducts 19b, 20b, and 21b, should permit the number of solved structures to expand in the near future. After identifying the different DNA adducts formed by the drug, the next big question is how these different DNA adducts contribute to the biological effects of the drug and what cellular signals they elicit. In this regard, current understanding of the different biological effects produced by the various MMC–DNA adducts is only partial. The cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of the interstrand cross-link 21a and two monoadducts (19a and 27) have been determined, and some information has been gained in the mechanisms of DNA repair and in cellular signaling induced by some MMC–DNA adducts. Presently, protocols are available to synthesize


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DNA containing five MMC adducts at defined positions, and methods to synthesize the remaining four adducts are under development. This should facilitate future research on the cellular signals elicited by the different adducts. Also, new methods have emerged to study in detail the biochemical mechanisms for DNA repair of damaged DNA that could be applied to the study of the repair mechanisms for MMC–DNA adducts. Two biological modes of action have been classically considered for MMC: DNA alkylation and redox cycling. Additional modes of action for MMC include alkylation of other biomolecules (rRNA, GSH) and inactivation of reductase enzymes, but it is currently unclear how each of these pathways contributes to the effectiveness of the drug. A recent trend in drug development favors that multi-target drugs are better than drugs selective for a single target at fighting complex diseases, such as cancer [239–242]. The therapeutic value of classic anticancer drugs is commonly linked to the “dirty” or “promiscuous” nature of their targeting [239,243], and it is quite possible that the effectiveness of MMC as a chemotherapeutic agent is a consequence of a promiscuous mode of action, impacting several cellular targets by redox cycling and alkylation. Understanding how the effect of MMC on multiple targets accounts for the biological effects of the drug will provide valuable information that may assist in cancer therapy and the development of novel antitumor drugs.

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Subject Index

Note: Page numbers followed by “f ” indicate figures, and “t ” indicate tables. A Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), 2 Acrylamide biotransformation process, 165–166 contamination, 164–165 CSTEE, 166 damaging effects, 165 description, 164 food products, 167 heat-treated foods, 167 hemoglobin adducts, 166–167 neoformed contaminant, 167–168 polyacrylamides, 164 structure-specific health effects, 169–170 Swedish food production, 165 toxicology. See Toxicology, acrylamide ADH. See Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) Agrochemicals, humans. See Biomarkers, humans AIDS. See Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) adh5, adh8 and aldh9a mRNA, 103, 105f circulation status, 103–108, 106f, 107f NAD+ and NADH status, 108, 109f nucleotide sequence, 103, 104t retinol, oxidization, 81 Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) and ADH, 103 mitochondrial, 108 ALDH. See Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) Alkaline elution method, 264–265 Amphibian ecotoxicology, mid-east Argentina application, 52 cypermethrin, 52–53 endosulfan, 53 field studies, 52 glyphosate, 53–54 Anti-inflammatory effects, OBP chronic diseases, 204–205 in vitro and animal studies, 205 inhibition, proinflammatory enzymes, 205 Antioxidant and prooxidant effects, OBP, 203–204 Antitumor drugs, 259–260, 259f, 286 Argentina agricultural regions biomarkers, 48–50

genotoxicity, 46–48 amphibian ecotoxicology. See Amphibian ecotoxicology, mid-east Argentina pesticide-induced genotoxicity, caimans, 58–59 Arsenic (As) description, 139 DNA methylation hyper and hypo-methylation, 140 in utero exposure, 140–141 malignant transformation, 139–140 tumor suppressors, 140 histone PTMs, 141–142 miRNAs, 142 Autonomic effects, OBP adrenergic, 210–211 cholinergic, 210 B Benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P) description, 150 DNA methylation, 150–151 miRNAs, 152 nucleosomes and histone PTMs, 151 Bioactivation mechanisms, toxic events. See Combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) Biochemical parameters, Japanese medaka alcohol metabolizing enzymes. See Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) description, 99 LPO, 108–110, 110f macromolecules amount, DNA, 100–101, 100f chorion and yolk, 99 concentration, RNA, 100f, 101 embryonic protein levels, 100f, 101 protein and RNA, 101–103, 102f oxidative stress antioxidant enzyme mRNAs, 111–113 cerebellar granule neurons, rat, 111–113 development, embryos, 110–111, 112f qPCR, 111, 114f, 116f rRT-PCR, 111, 113f, 115f Biomarkers, humans AMPA, 45 in Argentina, 48–50 biomonitoring, 44 cancer, farm workers, 46



Subject Index

Biomarkers, humans (cont.) chromosome aberrations and concentration, AMPA, 45 comet assay/gel electrophoresis, 45 congenital malformations and genotoxicity, 50–51 genotoxicity, 46–48 glyphosate and AMPA in mice, DNA damage, 45–46 MN test, 44–45 SCE, 46 sensitive assay, chromosomal aberrations, 44 toxicity and genotoxicity evaluation, 45 Bisphenol A (BPA) description, 148 DNA methylation adverse effects, rodents, 149 imprinted gene expression, 149 promoters, 148–149 miRNAs, 149–150 B(a)P. See Benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P) BPA. See Bisphenol A (BPA) C CA. See Chromosomal aberrations (CA) Cadmium description, 142 DNA methylation DNMT3A and DNMT3B, 144 malignant transformation, 142–143 teratogenic effects, 143–144 histone PTMs, 144 Caiman latirostris broad-snouted caiman, 58 genotoxicity, 58 Cardiovascular effects, OBP atherosclerosis, 206–207 blood pressure, 206 description, 207 platelet and endothelial function, 206 Cardiovasculature, Japanese medaka blood vessels and ICM, 96 circulation status, 96–97 development stages, 97 experiment design and ethanol treatment, 95f, 97–98 FAS and animal models, 95–96 NC cells, 98–99 cART. See Combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) Cell-free approaches, 271–272 Central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction, 79 effects, OBP analgesic and antinociceptive, 212 antibacterial properties, 213 anticancer and chemopreventive, 215–216

antifungal, 213 antimicrobial and chemotherapeutic, 212–215 antiprotozoal and antiparasitic activities, 215 antiviral, 213–215 behavioral effects, 212 neuroprotective, 211–212 interindividual variability, 17–18 risk, 3 Chromium description, 144–145 DNA methylation, 145 histone PTMs, 146 Chromosomal aberrations (CA) genetic damage quantification, 47f human peripheral blood, 45 SCE, 46 sensitive assay, 44 CNS. See Central nervous system (CNS) Combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) aging-related comorbidities, conditions, 2 drugs, 2 GSH conjugation, 3 HIV/AIDS, 2 NNRTIs. See Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) patient characteristics, 3 Phase I metabolites, 3 toxic outcomes, 26 Comet assay, 263–264 CSTEE. See Scientific Committee on Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment (CSTEE) CY. See Cypermethrin (CY) CYP2E1. See Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase 2E1 (CYP2E1) Cypermethrin (CY), 52–53 Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase 2E1 (CYP2E1), 171, 176–177 D Damage Index Comet Assay (DICA), 48 DICA. See Damage Index Comet Assay (DICA) DNA adducts. See MMC-DNA adducts DNA damage glyphosate, 45 human cell lines, 45–46 leukocytes, 45 oxidative, 49 quantification, 47–48 DNA methylation alterations, cancers, 134–135 arsenic, 139–141 biological significance, 133–134 B(a)P, 150–151 BPA, 148–149 cadmium, 142–144 chromium, 145


Subject Index

mammalian development imprinted genes, 135 metastable epialleles, 135–136 methionine metabolism, cofactors, 135 nickel, 147 DNA repair enzymes classification, 274 eukaryotes FA, 279 host-cell reactivation assays, 278 interstrand cross-links, 280–281 MMC damage, 279–280 molecular biologists, 277 Rad51, 277 SNM1 gene, 279 TLS, 278 XPA, 277 prokaryotes ICLs, E. coli, 274–275, 275f incisions, UvrABC endonuclease, 275, 276, 276f mitomycin, 276–277 NER pathway, 274–275 N-methylmitomycin A, 275 E Efavirenz (EFV), NNRTIs adults and children, 16 bioactivation, 20–21 pharmacokinetics, 17–19 structures, 4 toxicity, 16–17 Electrophoretic mobility method, 271 Endocrine effects, OBP antidiabetic, 209 description, 210 osteoprotective, 209 Endosulfan, 53 Enzymatic mapping method, 266–267 Epigenome components description, 130, 131f DNA methylation, 133–136 histone PTMs, 136–137 microRNAs, 137–138 description, 132–133 environmental factors, WHO, 130 monozygotic (MZ) twins, 131–132 toxicants alterations arsenic (As), 139–142 BPA, 148–150 cadmium, 142–144 chromium, 144–146 description, 138–139 nickel, 146–148 PAH B(a)P, 150–152 Etravirine(ETV), NNRTIs

adult patients, 21 bioactivation, 23 pharmacokinetics, 21–23 toxicity, 21 European Agency for Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) F Fanconi anemia (FA) defined, 279 MMC and DMC, 265–266 proteins involvement, 280–281 TLS polymerases, 278 FAS. See Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) cholesterol and shh signaling, 81–82 description, 79–80 epigenetic mechanisms, disruption, 82–83 FAS. See Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) insulin signaling, 82 Japanese medaka. See Japanese medaka, FASD NCAMs, 82 oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species, 80–81 placental function, 83 retinoic acid (RA), 81 Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) adverse/harmful effects, alcohol, 78–79 craniofacial disorders, 97–98 diagnosis, 79 facial features, 89 NCAMs, 82 retinoic acid (RA), 81 G Gastrointestinal effects, OBP, 208 GBHs. See Glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs) Genetically modified organisms (GMO). See Pesticides, South American GMO-based agriculture Genotoxicity, humans. See Biomarkers, humans Glutathione (GSH) antioxidant, 111 conjugation, 171 Glyphosate amphibian ecotoxicology, mid-east Argentina, 53–54 C. latirostris embryos, 58 effects, 43–44 herbicides, 63 serum, 63 soybean compatible, IPM Buenos Aires province (Argentina), 60 commercial GBH formulation, 61 cornerstones, 60 effective strategy, pest control, 60


Subject Index

Glyphosate (cont.) fecundity and fertility, 61 field effects, 62 harmful effects, human activities, 59–60 laboratory tests, 61 natural pest mortality, 60 pesticides, nontarget organisms, 61 pests and weeds, 59 rational and sustainable management, agroecosystems, 62 side effects, spider A. veniliae, 61 spatial and temporal, 60 toxicological effect, 60–61 Glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs) cellular and biochemical effects, 43–44 teratogenesis, 54–58 GSH. See Glutathione (GSH) H Histone PTMs arsenic, 141–142 biological significance enzymes, 137 lysine acetylation, 136–137 nucleosomes, 136 B(a)P, 151 cadmium, 144 cancer, 137 chromium, 146 nickel and chromatin, 147–148 HIV. See Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) HSA. See Human serum albumin (HSA) HSRs. See Hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs) Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and AIDS, 2, 3, 17–18 EFV-induced liver injury, tuberculosis, 19 HIV-1 infection, ETV and RPV, 21, 23 NADCs, 3–4 NNRTI-resistant strains, 4–5 positive patient, NVP, 10, 12 prevention, transmission, 4–5 Human serum albumin (HSA) and protein adduction, 14 skin allergens, 12–13 Hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs) characterization, 21 drug-induced, 2 I ICM. See Intermediate cell mass (ICM) Immunomodulatory effects, OBP, 207–208 Integrated Pest Management (IPM). See Glyphosate Intermediate cell mass (ICM), 96

J Japanese medaka, FASD biochemical parameters. See Biochemical parameters, Japanese medaka cardiovascular structure, ethanol effects. See Cardiovasculature, Japanese medaka description, animal models, 83–84 differences, 85–86 ethanol’s damaging effects, morphogenesis developmental stages, 86, 88f lethal concentration, 86 mortality, 86, 88f waterborne, concentration, 86–89, 88f morphological development, classes, 114–116 skeletal structure. See Neurocranium, Japanese medaka zebrafish advantages, 84–85 differences, 85–86 effects, ethanol, 85–86, 87f large-scale mutagenic screens, 84–85 L LC. See Liquid chromatography (LC) Lipid peroxidation (LPO), 108–110, 110f Liquid chromatography (LC), 265–266 LPO. See Lipid peroxidation (LPO) M Maillard reaction, 168, 169f Major histocompatibility complex (MHC), 6 Malondialdehyde (MDA) production, 48–49 quantification, 108–110 uses, 48 Margin of exposure (MOE) approach, 183–184 Mass spectroscopy (MS), 265–266 MDA. See Malondialdehyde (MDA) Micronuclei (MN) test anuran larvae, 52 damage, chromosome levels, 47–48 SCE, 46 use, 44–45 Micronucleus frequency (MNF), 58–59, 59f MicroRNAs arsenic, 142 biological significance, 137–138 B(a)P, 152 BPA, 149–150 cancer, 138 Mitomycin C (MMC) activation mechanisms bifunctional alkylating agent, 245, 246f 10-decarbamoyl-1-hydroxymitosenes, 247–248, 248f


Subject Index

description, 248 2,7-diaminomitosene (2,7-DAM), 247, 247f mitosene, structure, 245, 246f monofunctional alkylating agent, 246, 247, 247f antitumor antibiotics, structure, 244–245, 244f biological targets MMC-protein interactions, 284–285 molecular, 282 nuclear DNA, 282 RNA, 283–284 subcellular localization, 282–283 description, 245 DNA adducts. See MMC-DNA adducts nucleoside and DNA duplex levels, 285 redox cycling and DNA alkylation, 286 reductive activation, enzymology bioreductive alkylating agents, 248 description, 249–250 enzyme-directed tumor targeting, 250–251 microenvironment impact, 250 Mitomycin C (MMC) - adducts alkylation CpG methylation, 261–262 CpG sequence specificity, 258–260 purine, 2-amino group, 258 sequence selectivity, 2,7-DAM, 263 sequence selectivity, monoadducts, 260–261 cellular responses cell-free approaches, 271–272 cytotoxicity, 272 DNA repair enzymes, interaction, 274–281 interaction, DNA polymerases, 273–274 mutagenicity, 273 signaling, 281–282 detection and mapping alkaline elution, 263 LC/MS, 265–266 mapping, position, 266–267 modification, Comet assay, 263–264 32 P-postlabeling, 264–265 radiolabeled, 264 tritium-labeled MMC, 264 isolation and characterization cell cultures, 252f, 256–257 2,7-DAM, 255–256, 257f 10-decarbamoyl mitomycin C (DMC) and ent-MMC, 253–254, 254f deoxyadenosine, 257, 257f interstrand cross-link, 254 intrastrand cross-link, 255, 255f mechanism, alkylation, 251, 253f monoadducts and cross-links, structure, 251, 252f monofunctional activation, 253 nuclease P1 and alkaline phosphatase, 254 nucleophiles, C1, 253–254 reactions, Micrococcus luteus, 255

oligonucleotides synthesis, site-specific depurination, 269 N2 2,7-DAM, 269, 269f ODNs, 267 orientation isomers preparation, 268–269, 268f structure, oligonucleotide level carbamoyl monoadduct, 270 cross-link lesion, 270 electrophoretic mobility method, 271 N7 2,7-DAM, 270–271 postoligomerization approach, 271 X-ray crystallography and NMR, 269–270 MNF. See Micronucleus frequency (MNF) MN test. See Micronuclei (MN) test MOE approach. See Margin of exposure (MOE) approach MS. See Mass spectroscopy (MS) N NCAMs. See Neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAMs) NC cells. See Neural crest (NC) cells NER. See Nucleotide excision repair (NER) Neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAMs), 82 Neural crest (NC) cells apoptosis induction, 89 medaka, 92–93 migration, 93–94 Neurocranium, Japanese medaka Alcian Blue staining, 89–92, 91f facial dysmorphology, 89 hatching solution, 89–92 NC cells, 92–94 parasphenoid, 92–93 splanchnocranium, 89–92, 91f tail cartilages, calcification, 89–92 Nevirapine (NVP), NNRTIs bioactivation, 20–21 HIV transmission, prevention, 5 pharmacokinetics, 6–8 toxicity, 5–6 Nickel chromatin and histone PTMs, 147–148 description, 146–147 DNA methylation, 147 Non-AIDS-defining cancers (NADCs), 3–4 Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) efavirenz. See Efavirenz, NNRTIs etravirine. See Etravirine, NNRTIs NADCs, 3–4 nevirapine. See Nevirapine, NNRTIs NVP and EFV, 3 pyrimidine derivatives activation, 4–5 rilpivirine. See Rilpivirine, NNRTIs structures, 3, 4


Subject Index

Nucleotide excision repair (NER) bacterial, 266–267 incision complex, 277 interstrand cross-link pathways, 274 prokaryotes, 274–275 NVP-tryptophan adduct, 14 O OBP. See Olive biophenols (OBP) Olive biophenols (OBP) adverse effects, 221–222 chemistry, 200–201 description, biophenols, 197 drug interactions, 222 humans and plants, 196–197 occurrence and chemical classes description, 199, 199f flavonoids, 200 isochromans, 200 lignans, 200 molecular weight compounds, 200 olive products, 198–199 phenolic acids, 199 secoiridoids, 200 simple phenols, 199 olive tree, 197 pharmacodynamics, 202–203 pharmacokinetics. See Pharmacokinetics, OBP pharmacological properties. See Pharmacological properties, OBP posology, 220–221 structure-activity relationships, 201–202 studies, compounds, 200 terminology, 197–198 P PAH. See Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) Pesticides, South American GMO-based agriculture agrochemicals, use, 42 animal models amphibian ecotoxicology, 52–54 health perspective, risks, 51 in vitro and in vivo models, 51–52 pesticide-induced genotoxicity, 58–59 teratogenesis, 54–58 toxicological studies, 51 application, 43 biomarkers and biosensors, importance, 62–63 cellular and biochemical effects, GBHs, 43–44 foods, 63 horticultural productivity, 42 human AMPA, 45 biomarkers, 48–50

biomonitoring, 44 cancer, farm workers, 46 comet assay/gel electrophoresis, 45 congenital malformations and genotoxicity, 50–51 deleterious effect, DNA, 44 DNA damage, cell lines, 45–46 genotoxicity, 46–48 glyphosate produces DNA damage, 45 micronuclei test, 44–45 sensitive assay, chromosomal aberrations, 44 sister chromatid exchange, 46 toxicity and genotoxicity evaluation, 45 IPM, 59–62 malformations, rabbits and rats, 64 multinational corporations, 64 precautionary principle, 63–64 transgenic soybean, Argentina, 43 Pharmacokinetics, OBP absorption, 217–218 description, 216–217 distribution, 219 excretion, 219–220 metabolism, 218 Pharmacological properties, OBP anti-inflammatory effects, 204–205 antioxidant and prooxidant effects, 203–204 autonomic effects, 210–211 cardiovascular effects, 206–207 central nervous system effects, 211–212 description, 203 endocrine effects, 209–210 gastrointestinal effects, 208 immunomodulatory effects, 207–208 respiratory effects, 210 Physalaemus biligonigerus amphibian tadpoles, 52–53 morphological analysis, 52–53 Point estimate approach, 179–180 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), 150 Polyphenols, 198 Postoligomerization approach, 269, 271 Posttranslational modifications (PTMs). See Histone PTMs Q qPCR. See Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) alcohol metabolizing enzymes. See Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) developmental regulation, antioxidant enzymes, 111, 114f, 116f R Respiratory effects, OBP, 210 Rhinella arenarum


Subject Index

central nervous system, 52 morphological analysis, 52–53 tadpoles, 53–54 Rilpivirine(RPV), NNRTIs bioactivation, 24–26 pharmacokinetics, 24, 25 safety and efficacy, 23 toxicity, 24 S SCE. See Sister chromatid exchange (SCE) Scientific Committee on Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment (CSTEE), 166 Sister chromatid exchange (SCE), 46 Soybean crops. See Glyphosate Sulfotransferase (SULT), 10 SULT. See Sulfotransferase (SULT) T TLS. See Translesion synthesis (TLS) Toxicology, acrylamide absorption and distribution, 170–171 carcinogenicity classification, 176 CYP2E1 and DNA adducts, 176–177 genotoxicity, 177–178 mammalian tissues, transformation, 176 metabolism, 177 tumors, 176 description, 170 excretion, 173–174 exposure assessment biomarkers, 182–183

calculations, 179 cancer, 180–181 daily intake, 183 dietary intake, 178–179 estimation, 179 European Commission, 178 food products, 180 identification, 183 limitations, 181–182 procedures, 179–180 smoking habit, 178 WHO, 181 metabolism CYP2E1, 171 enzymes, 173 epoxide hydrolase (EPHX1), 171–172 GSH, 171, 172f rodents and humans, 172–173 neurotoxicity, 174–175 reproductive toxicity, 175 risk characterization and management ALARA principle, 183 MOE approach, 183–184 toxicity, description, 174 Translesion synthesis (TLS) polymerases, 273, 280–281 repair pathway, 278 structural factors, 280–281 W WHO. See World Health Organization (WHO) World Health Organization (WHO), 130, 167, 169–170, 181

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