Advances in Self-Concept Research

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Self-Effi- cacy and Self-Concept Beliefs: Jointly Contributing to the Quality of Human Life, Frank Pajares and Dale H. Schunk. Self-Esteem Success/. Pretensions: ...
Buy Direct and Save! Advances in Self-Concept Research: Theory, Measurement, Research and Application Series Editors: Herbert W. Marsh, Rhonda G. Craven and Dennis M. McInerney, Self-concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre, University of Western Sydney

Volume 2: The New Frontiers for Self Research Edited by Herbert W. Marsh, Rhonda G. Craven and Dennis M. McInerney, Self-concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre, University of Western Sydney This Volume comprises contributions in relation to extending theory, examining cross-cultural issues, and applying self-concept theory and research to settings of immense practical significance. Maximising self-concept is recognised as a critical goal in itself and a means to facilitate other desirable outcomes in a diversity of settings. The desire to feel positively about oneself and the benefits of this feeling for choice, planning, persistence, and subsequent accomplishments, transcend traditional disciplinary barriers and are central to goals in many social policy areas. International Advances in Self Research publishes scholarly works that primarily focus on self-concept research and that pertain to a broad array of self-related constructs and processes including self-esteem, self-efficacy, identity, motivation, anxiety, self-attributions, self-regulated learning, and meta-cognition. The research focus of the monograph series includes theory underlying these constructs, their measurement, their relation to each other and to other constructs, their enhancement and their application in research and practice. Chapters address a wide cross-section of settings, participants, and research areas. This series has a special interest in self-concept theory and research in settings characterised by diversity, such as special education, linguistic diversity, socioeconomic and cultural diversity. CONTENTS: Preface. About the Monograph Series. PART I: OVERVIEW. The New Frontier for Self Research, Herbert W. Marsh, Rhonda G. Craven, and Dennis M. McInerney. PART II: THEORETICAL ISSUES. A Reciprocal Effects Model of the Causal Ordering of Self-Concept and Achievement: New Support for the Benefits of Enhancing Self-Concept. Herbert W. Marsh and Rhonda G. Craven. Effects of Self-Beliefs on Academic Achievement and Vice-Versa: Separating the Chicken from the Egg, Jeffrey C. Valentine and David L. Dubois. On the Relationships Between Explicit and Implicit Global Self-Esteem and Personality, Jerry Suls and Zlatan Krizan. Self-Efficacy and Self-Concept Beliefs: Jointly Contributing to the Quality of Human Life, Frank Pajares and Dale H. Schunk. Self-Esteem Success/ Pretensions: Assessing Pretensions/Importance In Self-Esteem, John Hattie and Richard Fletcher. PART III: CULTURAL STUDIES. Generality of Self-Perception Models in Arab Culture: Results from Ten Years of Research, Maher M. Abu Hilal. Self-Concepts of Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australian Students, Nola Purdie. Dreaming Futures: An Empirical Analysis of Indigenous Australian Students’ Aspirations, Self-Concepts, and Realities, Rhonda G. Craven and Herbert W. Marsh. Reconsidering The Measurement of Student Self-Concept: Use and Misuse in a Chinese Context, Alexander Seeshing Yeung. Factorial Structure and Comparison Between Obese and Non-Obese Chinese Children’s Physical Self-Concept, K. T. Hau, R. Y. T. Sung, C. W. Yu, Herbert W. Marsh, and P. W. C. Lau. PART IV: APPLIED STUDIES. Achievement-Related Self-Perceptions and Reading Development: Can Reading Recovery Recover Self-Concept? James W. Chapman and William E. Tunmer. Student Tracking and the Powerful Effects of Opt-In Courses On Self-Concept: Reflected-Glory Effects Do Exist After All , Ulrich Trautwein, Olaf Köller, Oliver Lüdtke, and Jürgen Baumert. Navigating the Transition to Adolescence and Secondary School: A Critical Evaluation of the Impact of Peer Support, Louise A. Ellis, Herbert W. Marsh, and Rhonda G. Craven. Fear Of Failure In Students' Academic Lives: Exploring the Roles of Self-Handicapping and Defensive Pessimism from Longitudinal, Multidimensional, and Qualitative Perspectives, Andrew J. Martin, Herbert W. Marsh, Alan Williamson, and Raymond L. Debus. In Prep 2005

Paperback ISBN: 1-59311-155-X $39.95

Hardcover ISBN: 1-59311-156-8 $73.25

Also Available:

Volume 1: International Advances in Self Research Edited by Herbert W. Marsh, Rhonda G. Craven and Dennis M. McInerney , Self-concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre, University of Western Sydney 2003, 426 pp.

Paperback ISBN: 1-59311-004-9 $39.95 Hardcover ISBN: 1-59311-005-7 $73.25

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