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though Hershey's is the leading chocolate producer and seller in North America, the company faces threats of these competitors succeeding to their lead.
“Mr. Goodbar- The Ultimate Man!”

Bryan Andrews, Cassandra Douglas, John Carerra, Kathryn McCumber, and Ryan Sager

Introduction Executive Summary……………………3 Overview………………………………4 Situational Knowledge Situation Analysis…………………….5 Historical Context…………………….6 SWOT Analysis……………………….7 Competitor Analysis………………….9 Objectives………………………………10 Budget Summary………………………11 Research Objectives…………………………..13 Primary Research…………………...14 Secondary Research…………………15 Target Market Primary …………………………… 16 Brand Value Proposition………….. 17 Campaign Strategy………………….19

Creative Campaign Strategy…………………21 The Big Idea…………………………22 Media…………………………………23 Brand Activation………………………30 Marketing Recommendations…….…..31 Evaluation……………………………32 Appendix Team Biographies………………….33

Hershey has done a great job advertising and promoting their candy, considering they are the leading chocolate company in North America. They need to, and have the ability to expand their market share by advertising products such as Mr. Goodbar. To do this, Koios Advertising has created a campaign to bring Mr. Goodbar back to life. The key strategies and objectives laid out in this plan to get the "Mr. Goodbar-The ultimate Man” campaign out to the public and reach our market and advertising objectives since our target market is women between the ages of 18 - 34. Our specific and targeting ads were created to appeal to their emotions and daily experiences, therefore, the next time they are in a similar situation as the women in the advertisements, they will reference the ads and in return buy Mr. Goodbar more frequently.

Overview: Currently the slogan that is tied to Mr. Goodbar is, “Will your P.M. snack be salty or sweet? With MR. GOODBAR's combination of crunchy peanuts and chocolate candy, you don't have to decide.” Koios Advertising is looking to put a focus on the simplicity and taste of Mr. Goodbar. Since the target audience for Mr. Goodbar is women we have taken on the approach of Mr. Goodbar being the ultimate man, the only man a woman can count on. In this plan, we are going to cover our marketing and advertising objectives, how we are going to balance the budget we have been given to work with, our campaign strategy, brand activation and also our marketing recommendations to Hershey’s for future marketing of the Mr. Goodbar candy bar. 3

Koios Agency Koios Agency is named after the greek Titan god of intellect. Here at Koios agency we have the brightest minds working to create advertising masterpieces. Started in 2000 by five forward thinking colleagues, Koios Agency has since gone on to create some of the most innovated advertising plans out there. Koios strives to continuously raise the bar in advertising, and is always fully committed to the client.


There are a number of forces impacting Hershey on a daily basis that effect their advertising, marketing and so much more of their products. The main three are: Competitive Forces: Hershey’s main competitors are Cadbury, Mars Incorporated, and Nestle. Even though Hershey’s is the leading chocolate producer and seller in North America, the company faces threats of these competitors succeeding to their lead. For this campaign, Koios Advertising’s main goal is to reintroduce the Mr. Goodbar and ensure that the public can distinguish Hershey’s Mr. Goodbar from other similar products as simple, yet satisfying.

Sociocultural Forces: Since chocolate is the main gift among various cultures on special holidays and occasions, we as a company are going to present to the public that Mr. Goodbar is the ultimate candy bar and is for everyday indulgence. It is relatively inexpensive, simple and can satisfy your sweet and salty needs all in one wrapper.

Economic Forces: Since the country is currently in an economic recession, there is no better time to display the significance of the inexpensive Mr. Goodbar. Mr. Goodbar is just as satisfying as the luxury candy bars such as Godiva and Ghirardelli, however it is sold at a reasonable price that is affordable to any class of people. Mr. Goodbar is delicious and inexpensive enough to make it a daily treat to reward yourself for a hard days work, or if your man is just not cutting it enough for you, Mr. Goodbar is always there for you.


Today’s leading chocolate company in North America originated in Lancaster Pennsylvania by the decision of one man. The introduction of the Hershey company was in 1894, when Milton Hershey decided to use chocolate to coat his caramels. It was not until six years after the establishment of his new enterprise, Hershey Chocolate Company that they produced milk chocolate. With the use of mass production, Hershey’s chocolate were at a low cost and made the once luxury item for the wealth affordable to both the poor and as well as the wealthy. In 1925, Hershey’s Chocolate introduced the Mr. Goodbar into their candy family. Originally, Hershey did not want to be associated with a chocolate bar that contained nuts. Never the less, Mr. Goodbar was created into the Hershey family and in 1934 this extraordinary company introduced the penny bar. This was a result to the suffering of the great depression and was Hershey’s was of keeping their profitability and keep jobs for their factory workers during the slump. It was not until the 1980 that the Hershey Company introduced to the public the big block, also known as the “King Size” candy bar. A little over a decade later, in 1992, to help increase the sales of Mr. Goodbar and up their profit, Hershey changed the formula of this particular bar to add more peanuts. The last and most recent changes that Hershey has made to the Mr. Goodbar, is in 1995 they changed the packaging to a finseal wrapper, and now they are creating the chocolate with more oils than cocoa, and according to the FDA, they can no only say that Mr. Goodbar contains milk chocolate and nuts, but rather just chocolate and nuts. Today, the Hershey’s Company exports their products to over 90 countries. As the leading manufacturer of chocolate and non-chocolate confectionery products in North America, Hershey employees approximately 13,700 people and has a net sales in excess of roughly four billion dollars. “The Hershey Company remains committed to the vision and values of the man who started it all so many years ago.”


Strengths: For this campaign, Koios Advertising evaluated the strengths that Hershey already had established for the Mr. Goodbar candy bar. According to the Hershey’s official website, Mr. Goodbar was one of their most popular candy bars. This is crucial because Koios’ goal is to increase the popularity of this candy bar once again.

Weaknesses: Among the strengths that we noticed, Koios Advertising as a company came across a number of weaknesses that contribute to the decline of the promotion of Mr. Goodbar. The main weakness that we are focusing on is the promotion and advertisement of this particular candy bar. In order for Hershey to increase their sales of Mr. Goodbar by 8%, which is our marketing goal, we as a company are going to focus on increasing the promotion of this bar. There is no strong and popular advertising campaign in Mr. Goodbar’s history, which in return impacts people’s decision to buy this candy bar. Another weakness that we as a company noticed is that even though the Hershey’s website points out Mr. Goodbar as one of their most popular candy bars, when you go to vending machine or even in a cash out aisle in the grocery story, Mr. Goodbar is M.I.A.


Opportunities: For this campaign, Koios Advertising will take a look at percentages of people who choose Mr. Goodbar over other Hershey bars. We are looking to see just how much work we as an advertising agency will have to do in marketing and advertising in order to increase the sales of this candy bar while staying within our budget. Koios Advertising will keep our focus on the simplicity of Mr. Goodbar but put an emphasis on how much more Hershey has to offer, including the low cost of Mr. Goodbar. Also with the recession that we are currently facing, Hershey’s could use that to their advantage since Ghirardelli and Godiva sell premium chocolate and peanuts, however, at a high price than Mr. Goodbar which we could use to our advantage.

Threats: Our main threat, even though Hershey is the leading company in North America, are companies that have similar brands of chocolate with peanuts in them. One of the main threats that our advertising campaign will face is that we are in an economic recession and people are trying to reduce their extra spending as much as possible. To overcome this threat Koios Advertising will focus on getting the Mr. Goodbar’s name back into the main stream of the list of chocolates people indulge on daily. Another threat is that Mr. Goodbar is not the number one candy that Hershey’s sells daily. Tied in with the first threat, we as a company are going to put a heavy emphasis on the simplicity of this candy bar and re-introduce the name back into the public. 8

Hershey’s main competitor, Nestle is the largest nutrition and foods company in the world, operating to 86 countries around the world and employing nearly 283,000 people. It was founded and has its headquarters in Vevey, Switzerland since 1867. Nestle creates products for the world from infant food to cereals to chocolate. Since they are the leading food company world wide they are the biggest competitor for Hershey’s which is the leading chocolate company in North America.

Next to Nestle, Cadbury is another major competitor. Cadbury is a British-based confectionery company that does business would wide. Cadbury chocolate has been sold in the United States since1988 under the Cadbury name but made in Hershey’s Factories. They do not, however, sell their products in Hershey’s stores. It has four places of operation which consist of the United Kingdom, the United States, Ireland and Australasia. 9

Marketing Objective: Throughout this campaign, with the strategies and tactics that we will incorporate during the year, the marketing goal that we are attempting to obtain is to increase sales by 8%.

Advertising Objectives: KOIOS goal for the advertising objectives would be to reposition the brand back on top of the candy bars chosen daily by: o  Increasing comprehension by 75% o  Having an affective reach of 80% o  Having of a frequency of 5x

Time frame: Our “The Ultimate Man” campaign will last for 6 months starting April 2010 and go until the end of September 2010. The campaign will run continually for these 6 months. The ad will run during this time period to prevent competition from holiday sales of chocolates.


Our largest expenditure was buying print media, which was spent almost entirely on magazines. The decision to focus on print media was made because it allowed us to most effectively reach our target market without getting interference by non -targeted individuals.

Budget Summary $2,100,000.00



$2,913,678.00 $6,140,128.00

Magizines Television Internet


Billboard Philadelphia Houston Atlanta Cleveland Memphis Milwaukee






Spetember October

Total Cost 1


$276,360 $338,400 $141,450 $191,520 $182,160 $205,200 $1,335,090



1 1 1

1 1



Cost per Execution $ 276,360.00 $ 169,200.00 $ 70,725.00 $ 95,760.00 $ 45,540.00 $ 68,400.00


1 1

4 1 1 4

1 0 0 1

1,384,735.00 855,780.00 1,401,480.00 2,498,133.00 6,140,128.00

$ $ $ $

62,942.50 142,630.00 233,580.00 113,551.50


1$ 702,978.00 $ 181,700.00 $ 420,000.00 1$ 225,000.00 $ 630,000.00 $ 450,000.00 1$ 304,000.00 $ 2,913,678.00

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

117,163.00 45,425.00 105,000.00 45,000.00 210,000.00 90,000.00 76,000.00

Target Pop. Frequency 3,000,000 2,000,000 800,000 1,200,000 600,000 800,000

Magizine Ok! Weekly Parents People Star

1 1 1 1

4 1 1 4

4 1 1 4

4 1 1 4

Television oprah ellen desprate housewives(Lifetime) sex and the city(TBS) armywifes one tree hill(SoapNet) gossip girl

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1




































































1$ 350,000.00 $ 2,100,000.00






1 1 1 1

4 1 1 4

1 1 1 1 1

$ $ $ $ $

$12,488,896.00 $12,500,000.00 $ 11,104.00



For the time frame that we have chosen, in the off months, Koios is looking to reach three research objectives in order to have a better understanding of the target market and how we are going to appeal to them and be sure the marketing is reached out to them specifically.

1.  Identify the target market for the brand through the use of MRI Plus

2.  Work through the situational analysis, including a SWOT analysis of the Hershey’s company and also the brand itself to get a stronger understanding of our market and how we will reach our marketing and advertising objectives.

3.  Research and figure out the best possible media vehicles in order to appeal and reach our target market.


Primary: Candy passed around in Group Sessions o 

Of the candy passed around classes, 17.95% of the candy taken was Mr. Goodbar, it was the least popular out of the 4 types of candy which consisted of Milk Chocolate, Krisp Rice, Dark Chocolate and of course Mr. Goodbar.


Of the candy left in the office, 23% of the candy take was Mr. Goodbar, it was the third most popular out of the 4 choices.


Overall, 20% of the candy taken through out all the experiments was Mr. Goodbar 

Survey o 

Out of 63 responses, 59 people answered the question about what kind of chocolate they buy. Only 1 person choose Mr. Goodbar out of the 7 choices, coming in at 1.7%


The highest was Reese at 37.3%.  


60.3% said they would choose chocolate candy over a fruity or sour one.


68.2% said they eat candy once a week or more.


Secondary: o  “Many big candy makers are reporting rising sales and surprising profits even as manufacturers of other products are struggling to stay afloat. Cadbury reported a 30 percent rise in profits for 2008 while Nestle’s profits grew by 10.9 percent, according to public filings. Hershey, which struggled for much of 2008, saw profits jump by 8.5 percent in the fourth quarter.” – NY Times March 23, 2009 o  The majority of the secondary research came straight from the Hershey’s homepage. This page was able to give us the breakdown of the Hershey company, the background and historical information on the creation and promotion of Mr. Goodbar, along with nutritional facts about the candy bar. o  Since Mr. Goodbar had not previously had an advertising campaign we were not able to evaluate and compare how well it was executed.


Primary: We are ultimately looking for women that buy chocolate on a regular basis. We are hoping to seek out current users of the Mr. Goodbar product and make them more exclusive users.

Demographic Informationo 

Age: 18-35


Gender: Female


Income: Lower to middle class ($20,000-$60,000 household income)


Education: Primarily high school graduates, but also non-graduates, and women who have attended some college


Marital status: We should talk about this. I know we were discussing the family angle, but the numbers show that unmarried women buy the most Mr. Goodbar now, so we might want to keep going after them.

Geographic- We will be launching a national campaign, but funds will be most utilized in the South and Midwest. These are the areas of the country where Mr. Goodbar is currently most successful.

Psychographics: o 

- hard-working


- seeking a reward/break from everyday hassle of life


- enjoys the simple things 16

Functional Benefits o 

Mr. Goodbar is a delicious, yet simple treat. Combining chocolate with peanuts, it gives its fans the sweet and salty snack anyone could love.


Mr. Goodbar also gives its target market choice; they can have the wonderful indulgence of a full sized bar, or the fun and convenience of a snack sized bar, they even offer Mr. Goodbar in the King Size Candy Bar. This variety allows the target market to choose when and how much they want their chocolate.


Snack size







Emotional Benefits o 

Mr. Goodbar gives its target market the pick-me-up they need. Mr. Goodbar can give busy women the chocolate fix they need in the middle of the day, especially with its readily available snack size, that women can quickly pop in their mouth and be on their way.


Mr. Goodbar also brings its fans a feeling of nostalgia with every bite. When busy women bite into a Mr. Goodbar they are reminded of a simpler time, when they were children, eating their Halloween candy, or digging through a bag of Hersey’s Miniatures to pick out all the little Mr. Goodbars.




Brings back memories


Can count on being satisfied with the taste of this particular candy bar. 17

Self-Expressive Benefits o  Mr. Goodbar has a long tradition and established pedigree being part of the Hersey’s brand, and this gives our target market the ability to show their love for the “Classics”. When eating a Mr. Goodbar our target market can show they don’t need any “over-ingrediented”, new candy; they can show off their appreciation for delicious simplicity with their Mr. Goodbar. o  Mr. Goodbar also allows its fans to go against the grain when choosing a candy bar. Instead of eating the same old chocolate and peanut candy bars everyone else eats, our fans can show their individuality by eating this “throwback” brand. o  Classic o  Not going with the crowd, less popular/almost a “throwback” type brand


Mr. Goodbar was introduced into the public in 1925 and since then Hershey has not created a advertising campaign for this particular brand itself. Koios Advertising is targeting women ages 18 – 35, and to do this we created advertisements that appeal to their lives and situations they deal with everyday. The big idea, “Mr. Goodbar-the ultimate man,” will be placed in magazines, television commercials, on the internet and on billboards on highways, since these are four media vehicles at are frequently used by women. Since our marketing goals are to increase sales by 8% we have placed a heavy emphasis on the simplicity of the advertisements and also to appealing to women’s emotions. To do this we created situations that women have to deal with on a daily basis and in which are frustrated with their men. We are making it aware to women that Mr. Goodbar is the only man they can rely on to satisfy them and always be there. When the men in their life are failing, they can always have a Mr. Goodbar that will always be available for them. Women will want to replace the negatives in their lives with positives, and that positive can be Mr. Goodbar!


When your man lets you down and is not there to help, you can always count on Mr. Goodbar, he is the ultimate man!


Campaign Strategy: For this campaign, in order to accomplish the objectives we have laid out in this plan, we need to insure that our advertising and promotions of the candy bar are targeted to our specific audience and will be reached to the correct range of people. We have directed the advertising to appeal to our target market and have placed them into strong media outlets that will expose our campaign to the correct group of people. In order to do this, Koios will incorporate the five goals of advertisement into the execution of the ads and promotion of the candy bar. 1. Awareness: To increase awareness of this particular candy bar we are increasing the flow of ads and promotions to a specific target market of women. Since Mr. Goodbar has not had a campaign of its own, it is important that we get the name back into the public. 2. Comprehension: Koios will increase the comprehension of the target audience on this product through awareness and their advertising. Our goal is to increase this by 75%. We want the target audience to have a strong understanding of the product and create a strong, positive perception of the candy bar. 3. Conviction: Along with the comprehension of the product the target audience will also make judgments and form their own opinions of the candy bar. We as a company are looking to establish strong positive opinions because they will also influence other women when their choosing their candy bars. 4. Desire: Our big idea is that Mr. Goodbar is the ultimate man and the only man a woman can count on. We decided to focus our campaign around this idea because the ultimate man is what women desire. We want them to “need” our candy bar to relieve stress from the real men in their lives. 5. Action: For the fifth goal of advertising, action, to get our target audience to actually physically go out and buy the product we will ensure that our advertising is properly circulated, along with the coupons that we have generated and strategies that we have mentioned like placing the candy bar in cash out aisles in stores and website trafficking


Art Direction: o  The strongest design element that Mr. Goodbar possesses is the colorful, eye catching design of the package. Like the majority of the Hershey’s products, Mr. Goodbar’s package is clean simple, however it is bright yellow which is the brightest of all Hershey’s packaging. o In our advertisements we have created them all with a black and white photograph and highlighted the package by having only the candy bar in color. This way we were able to still appeal to women’s emotions with the situation in the photograph, however, we were able to put the focus on the candy bar.

Copywriting: o We have created the copy of our ads to be simple, yet at the same time they serve the function of appealing to women’s emotions. We used a sentence to describe the situation and each situation applies to everyday situations women are faced with, which allows our copy to appeal to their emotions and hook them to this particular brand.





Ok! Weekly Ok! Weekly is a celebrity gossip magazine whose main demographic is women 18 -34 years old. We feel that this magazine would reach a large percent of our targeted consumers.

Parents Magazine Parent Magazine is a magazine geared to new parents. The demographic of the magazine is mostly women in the same age group as our target market. They are also probably married, which would make our ad campaign hit home with them.

People magazine has the same demographic as OK! Weekly, however most women would not buy both OK! Weekly and People magazines. IT is a magazine that is about celebrity’s lives and general Hollywood gossip

Magazine is another Hollywood gossip magazine. This magazine is one that women in our demographic would read.


Some men are always late…


Commercial starts out with a girl trying to tell her boyfriend about her day and he is just too into his video games. (5 sec.)

She flashes him a dirty look and continues her story. (5 sec.)

As she is continually talking the camera zooms closer into her and Mr. Goodbar. (5 sec.)

She sighs when she realizes he’s not listening again and begins to eat her Mr. Goodbar. (5 sec.)

She then yells at him for not listening and his response is, “I was, I heard you!” (5 sec.)

The final scene is an announcer saying, “Mr. Goodbar, the ultimate man, he will listen to you anytime.” (5 sec.)


Oprah is a day time talk show geared towards women of 18 years +. It has a large following and fits our target market perfectly.

Sex and the City (tbs) syndicated TV program, shown mostly during prime time. Geared toward young women, the show often shows frustration towards men, which would tie in with our ad campaign brilliantly.

Ellen a day time talk show geared towards women, which also fits our target well. It is more of a comedic talk show though and would pull in audiences that Oprah would not.

Desperate Housewives (lifetimes) prime time TV show with a strong women demographic. A comedy and drama in once, therefore pulling in a large demographic.

Armywives is an intense drama from lifetime that is Sunday nights at 10. It reaches out toward the older end of the demographic, covering the market which One Tree hill and Sex and the City and our other programs might leave out.


One Tree Hill (soapnet) this show is shown during prime time, and hits the younger end of our demographic. It is a CW drama that attracts a large female following.

Chelsea Lately Show is a late night show that would reach a different audience than the drama or talk shows. It is a comedy show that’s main demographic is very similar to ours.

Lifetime network is a network with a strong female following. Their shows and movies generally have a strong female lead or presence in them, with shows such as Reba, Project Runway, Army Wives, Drop Dead Diva, etc. Their movies also tend to be intense dramas with female lead, or are often “tear jerkers”. They also have comedy shows, and in general something for every type of women. 29


Koios Advertising is also reaching to improve marketing recognition, of the Mr. Goodbar brand. We have placed a heavy emphasis on the importance the reliability of Mr. Goodbar and its comforting and simplistic taste, that we suggest that they incorporate our “ultimate man” campaign into their packaging and other promotions that they could potentially use in the future.

Hershey already has a strong product distribution and store presence, and would use this to our advantage to place Mr. Goodbar at the check out aisles with other Hershey’s products.

As previously stated in the SWOT analysis, Koios would like to insert the candy bar into vending machines with other commonly chosen candy bars. This is important to help increase awareness with our target market since they are currently not placed in vending machines.


In order to evaluate our success of this campaign plan we created a break down of what needs to occur each month to reach our anticipated marketing and advertising goals for the six months we have chosen to have our plan run for. We have anticipate that we will reach our goals by October of 2010.


























Bryan Andrews is a senior at Ithaca College majoring in Business Administration with a concretion in marketing. While at Ithaca Bryan has be a member of the Ithaca College crew team. He is originally from Candor, New York where he grew up on his family farm. After graduation his is planning on getting a job in the marketing field.


Cassandra Douglas, a sophomore at Ithaca, is currently an Exploratory Student but is applying to be an Integrated Marketing Communications major. She is looking to peruse a career in advertisement design and has recently joined the American Advertising Federation. She has always had an interest in establishing a career dealing with arts, however discovered her interests and talents in graphic design in her high school Advertising and Advanced Advertising Classes. As a member of the year book staff and coeditor of the book in high school, Cassandra, got the experience in learning the importance of communication and marketing strategies to sell a product and ensure it met the needs of the customers. From a small town outside Buffalo, Cassandra has been a member of the National Honor Society, French National Honor society, Key Club, French Club has taken on many leadership roles in these clubs. She was also a member of the High School Track and Field team as well the cross country team and was a dancer for 13 Years.


Kathryn McCumber is a sophomore theatre arts management major with a double minor in business administration and classical studies. She is originally from Chelmsford, MA but plans on moving to New York City after graduation to pursue a job in either theatre management or marketing for the arts.


Ryan Sager Ithaca College Class of 2012 Ryan Sager, a sophomore at Ithaca College’s Roy H. Park School of Communications, is a Television/Radio major specializing in the video production concentration. He also minors in Integrated Marketing Communications. Ryan participates in extracurricular activities including intramural basketball and Ithaca College Television—where he currently works as a producer for the weekly show Sports Final. Ryan was born and raised just outside of Chicago, Illinois. In high school, Ryan developed a passion for visual storytelling while benefiting from his high school’s growing video production program. During his summers, Ryan balances caddying at a local golf club with working at a local public television station.