ISSN: 1040-841X (print), 1549-7828 (electronic) Crit Rev Microbiol, Early Online: 1–10 ! 2015 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. DOI: 10.3109/1040841X.2014.958051
Aflatoxin M1: Prevalence and decontamination strategies in milk and milk products Critical Reviews in Microbiology Downloaded from by University Of Massachusetts on 05/12/15 For personal use only.
Amir Ismail1, Saeed Akhtar1, Robert E. Levin2, Tariq Ismail1, Muhammad Riaz1, and Mamoona Amir1 1
Department of Food Science and Technology, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Food Science and Technology, Multan, Pakistan and Department of Food Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA, USA
Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) in milk is among the most carcinogenic compounds, relatively high levels being consumed, especially by the most vulnerable age groups, i.e. infants and the elderly. Reports on its prevalence are constantly being received from various parts of the world compelling nations to establish their own standard limits for AFM1. Global review of the literature indicates the existence of methods of partial decontamination of AFM1, however; evidence based studies do not suggest that any single strategy as a coherent and complete solution to the issue. Microbial decontamination of AFM1 has emerged as the most suitable method up to now but the stability of toxin-microbial cell complexes still remains questionable. This review discusses the chemical nature, established maximum permissible limits and prevalence of AFM1 in various countries from 2009 to 2014. Moreover, the possible mechanisms for AFM1 reduction mainly the microbial decontamination and the stability and bioaccessibility of microbial-AFM1 complexes are also discussed.
Bioaccessibility, carcinogenic, mechanism, standard limits, vulnerable
Introduction Aflatoxins are the secondary metabolites of molds including Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus parasiticus, Aspergillus nomius, Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus tamari. Deaths of thousands of turkeys on account of feeding on groundnut meal heavily attacked by molds in 1960s, lead to the discovery of aflatoxins (Eaton & Groopman, 1994). Aflatoxins are found in a number of food commodities such as cereals, dried fruits, milk, peanuts and cottonseeds and are frequently reported in the developing countries due to their suitable environmental and social conditions (Issazadeh et al., 2012; Pitt, 2000). Aflatoxins identified from feed and food have been classified and listed on the basis of their toxicity, some major aflatoxins on toxicity grounds are B14G14B24G2. Milk animals through their feed are intoxicated with aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and B2 (AFB2) which are transformed into aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) and M2 (AFM2), respectively, in the liver of animals from where these become part of their milk (Abbas et al., 2004). The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of WHO (2002a,b) referred AFM1 as 10-fold less toxic than AFB1 but still categorized it as a group 1 human carcinogen on the basis of its toxicity and prevalence levels in milk. AFM1
Address for correspondence: Dr Muhammad Riaz, Department of Food Science and Technology, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Boson Road, Multan 60800, Pakistan. E-mail:
[email protected]
History Received 24 June 2014 Revised 20 August 2014 Accepted 21 August 2014 Published online 8 April 2015
(MW 328.27 Da) and AFM2 (MW 330.29 Da) are C4 hydroxylated metabolites of AFB1 and AFB2, respectively, in the liver of animals through cytochrome P450 enzymes (Paniel et al., 2010). A number of factors govern the conversion of aflatoxin B1 into aflatoxin M1 such as breed, diet, health, digestion rate and lactation stage of animal (Duarte et al., 2013). The extent of AFB1conversion into AFM1 varies greatly and ranges from 0.3% to 6.2% (Var & Kabak, 2009). AFM1 possess a high affinity for milk’s protein fractions particularly casein and therefore its concentration in cheese is higher than that of the milk from which it is derived (Kamkar et al., 2008; Prandini et al., 2009). Milk is defined as the lacteal secretion of animals that is suckled by their offspring’s and is the only food for them during the first few months of their lives (Galvano et al., 1996). The presence of a wide array of easily accessible and biologically available macro- and micro-nutrients makes milk a primary source of nutrition for humans and other young mammals. The per capita consumption of milk estimated by FAO in the year 2009 is 50.70 kg (FAO, 2014). Exceptionally higher quality and safety standards are required for this highly demanded delicate food commodity for peoples of all ages particularly for the vulnerable age groups. The level of aflatoxins in milk varies greatly with season, animal breed, infection history and history of feed and milking time (Anfossi et al., 2011). These toxins are normally detected after 12–24 h of AFB1 and AFB2 contaminated feeding (Battacone et al., 2003; Prandini et al., 2009) while if the contaminated feed is terminated the toxin reaches an
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undetectable level after 72 h (Rahimi & Karim, 2008). The concentration of AFM1 has been reported higher in winter as compared to summer season, while morning milk is found to have a higher percentage of toxin than evening milk. The possible reasons behind the higher AFM1 level in winter include favorable temperature and moisture for toxin production in harvested and stored feed in contrast to open grazing of animals in the summer season, while lack of activity could be the reason for the higher toxin percentage in morning milk (Asi et al., 2012; Bilandzic et al., 2014; Hussain & Anwar, 2008). Worldwide prevalence of cancer has increased up to 32.6 million with 8.2 million recorded deaths in 2012 (Ferlay et al., 2013). Aflatoxins are strongly being linked with hepatocellular carcinoma (Wild & Gong, 2010) which is reported as the third leading cause of cancer related mortality (WHO, 2008) and for this very reason milk and milk products are strictly being monitored for the presence of AFM1. Higher per capita milk consumption rates and possible toxicity threats from AFM1 has directed the attention of recent researchers to identify possible strategies for decontamination of milk. Although various methods have been adopted so far including the treatment of milk with heat, nanoparticles and microbial cells, not a single method has been observed to completely eliminate the contaminant from food systems. The most suitable way to protect food from aflatoxin contamination is the improvement of agricultural practices and better storage conditions, which on a practical basis appears very difficult, particularly for developing countries. Therefore, scientists and researchers are endeavoring to find safe, cost effective, environmental friendly and efficient methods for aflatoxin decontamination. Negligible or minor effects of heat degradation of AFM1 residues in milk has been suggested by some research groups, however some more effective strategies like microbial decontamination for reducing residual levels of AFM1 has also been recently proposed (Bakirci, 2001; Choudhary et al., 1998; Corassin et al., 2013; Deveci, 2007; Govaris et al., 2001; Kabak & Ozbey, 2012; Serrano-Nino et al., 2013). This review is a response to the worldwide development in AFM1 prevalence, surveillance and decontamination strategies. Exploration of advanced research data on AFM1 prevalence, toxicity and counter strategies to decontaminate the toxin consolidates the need for a critical appraisal that has not yet been undertaken according to the best of our knowledge. This review comprehensively discusses the nature and toxicity of AFM1, latest work on prevalence levels of AFM1 in milk, maximum permissible limits for AFM1 in various countries, degradation of AFM1 particularly through microbial means and the stability of microbial–AFM1 complexes.
Health impacts of AFM1 Initially AFM1 was categorized as group 2B human carcinogen (IARC, 1993) but later on, with the accumulation of scientific knowledge related to the toxicity of AFM1, it was reclassified as group 1 human carcinogen (IARC, 2002a,b). AFM1 is both an acute and chronic toxin whose absorption takes place in small intestine from where it further goes to the
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liver (Prandini et al., 2009). Although, it is less toxic than its parent compound, i.e. AFB1, it is a serious health concern for the potential milk consumers of low immunity levels, more specifically for children under 6 years and the elderly people. Moreover, AFM1 does not require any sort of prior activation in contrast to its parent compound (Klich et al., 2000). The major target organ of AFM1 toxicity in human beings is the liver. Clinical studies on the metabolism of AFM1 in rat models and human cell line systems have revealed the inability of liver microsomal system to metabolize the toxin (Neal & Colley, 1978; Neal et al., 1998). The studies on AFM1 linkage with hepatitis had shown that the carriers of hepatitis were more prone towards hepatocellular carcinoma if they were fed foods contaminated with aflatoxins (Giolo et al., 2012; Sun et al., 1999). Worldwide 0.55–0.60 million cases are reported for hepatocellular carcinoma each year and out of these around 0.025–0.15 million cases are due to aflatoxins (Liu & Wu, 2010). AFM1 possesses a direct toxic behavior on cultured human cell line systems (Caloni et al., 2006). In a broader prospect, AFM1 has been documented to be a human carcinogen (IARC, 2002a,b), a cytotoxin (Neal et al., 1998), teratogenic (Sassahara et al., 2005) and a genotoxic agent (Lafont et al., 1989; Shibahara et al., 1995). Legislation Due to the serious health impacts of aflatoxins, they are highly being observed in food imports and exports. AFM1, since its declaration as human carcinogen by the IARC (2002a,b), is particularly monitored by regulatory bodies and the agencies have imposed stringent limiting standards in comparison with the 20 ppb specified limit of other mycotoxins in foods (Serrano-Nino et al., 2013). The maximum permissible limit for AFM1 varies greatly from country to country (Table 1) depending on the developmental and economic condition of a country. A number of factors are involved in setting legal limits for mycotoxins such as AFM1 including availability of survey data for the toxic compounds, data regarding the level of toxin contamination in various commodities and the methods of analysis. Other influential factors could be the economic condition and political situation such as business prospects and the adequacy of the food supply. More or less all the developed countries have set maximum permissible limits for AFM1 while most of the developing countries are relying on the legal limits set by international agencies like Codex Alimentarius Commission (2001) and European Union (EU, 2006). The legal limit for AFM1in milk ranges from 0.05 ppb as adopted by EU and Codex Alimentarius Commission and as high as 0.5 ppb adopted by Brazil and Serbia. The lenient standard limits for AFM1 adopted by many of the developing countries could be linked with the higher prevalence rate of liver cancer in developing countries of Asia and Africa and vice versa for the developed countries of Europe and America (Jemal et al., 2010). The maximum limit of AFM1 for mother’s milk established by EU is 25 ng/L (Adejumo et al., 2013). The data presented in Table 1 shows that the most stringent rules for AFM1 contamination in milk are adopted by the EU. Countries including France, Australia and Germany are
Aflatoxin M1
DOI: 10.3109/1040841X.2014.958051
Table 1. Maximum permissible limits of aflatoxin M1 for milk and milk-products followed in various countries.
Country European Union
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USA Switzerland Australia Germany Belgium Sweden France Iran
China Turkey
Netherlands Brazil Japan India Morocco
Maximum permissible limit (ppb) 0.05 0.25 0.50 0.05 0.25 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.20 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.50 0.05 0.025 0.05 0.02 0.20 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.05 0.50
Type of product
Milk Cheese Milk Milk Cheese Butter Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Cheese Butter Yoghurt Ice cream Milk Milk Cheese
European Union (2006) Elkak et al. (2012) Ertas et al. (2011) Dashti et al. (2009) Dashti et al. (2009) Dashti et al. (2009) Fallah (2010) Fallah (2010) Fallah (2010) Fallah (2010) Dashti et al. (2009) Sani et al. (2010) Mohajeri et al. (2013) Fallah (2010) Fallah (2010) Fallah (2010) Xiong et al. (2013) Bakirci (2001) Sarimehmetoglu and Kuplulu (2004) Yoghurt Atasever et al. (2011) Butter Fallah (2010) Cheese Fallah (2010) Milk Dashti et al. (2009) Milk Han et al. (2014) Milk Siddappa et al. (2012) Milk Zinedine et al. (2007) Powdered Milk Zinedine et al. (2007)
following the standard limits of the toxin set by the EU. However, many of the developing countries have more flexible permissible limits for AFM1 than that of the EU possibly due to economic constraints and lack of scientific and consumer based knowledge. Prevalence of AFM1 AFM1 in milk and milk products is frequently being reported throughout the world particularly in developing countries. The prevalence of AFM1 around the globe from the year 2009 to 2014 in various milk products is summarized in Table 2. Prevalence in milk The maximum prevalence of AFM1 has been reported in the developing economies, specifically the African countries where the levels of the toxin in milk and milk products were found alarming (Table 2). Considering the EU limits for AFM1 as standards, nearly 100% of the samples of milk and milk products studied in Nigeria and Sudan were reported to contain exceptionally higher levels of AFM1 than the stated norms (Suliman & Abdalla, 2013; Susan et al., 2012). A health and food survey of 112 Nigerian children of whom 79 were experiencing protein energy malnutrition were reported with the risk of AFM1 toxicity through contaminated milk. Extremely dangerous levels of AFM1 were reported in the milk samples fed to protein energy malnourished and healthy children of Nigeria (Onyemelukwe et al., 2012). Earlier studies from Pakistan also reflect the same picture of food safety, indicating that 94% of the milk possessed AFM1
levels higher than EU tolerable limits (Hussain & Anwar, 2008). Almost parallel trends of AFM1 prevalence in milk were suggested by Sefidgar et al. (2011) and Panahi et al. (2011) validating 100% of raw and pasteurized milk samples in Iran carrying the contaminant at higher than prescribed EU standards. A study conducted in India by Siddappa et al. (2012) measured the level of AFM1 in raw, pasteurized and UHT milk samples and found 48.8% raw, 42.8% pasteurized and 64.4% UHT milk samples exceeding the EU maximum permissible limits for AFM1. The major reasons behind the high incidence of AFM1 in developing countries could be farmer and consumer unawareness, economic and technological constraints and suitable environment for optimum growth of toxin producing fungus. Better control over AFM1 toxicity in developed nations may be associated with strong food and feed standards, strict vigilance systems, law enforcement, standards, technological advancements, farmer and consumer awareness and unfavorable environmental conditions for toxin production (Cano-Sancho et al., 2010; Ertas et al., 2011). Prevalence in cheese The presence of AFM1 in cheese might be associated with the use of aflatoxin contaminated raw or powdered milk for cheese manufacturing or due to the fungus that grows on cheese (Mohammadi, 2011). AFM1concentration in cheese has always been found to be high perhaps due to the fact that AFM1 has strong affinity for casein proteins in milk. The caseins being the major portion of cheese proteins establishes linkages with AFM1 consequently the complexes between AFM1 and caseins develop larger structures showing insolubility in water. This is one of the factors associated with the deposition of AFM1 in cheese hence compelled the countries to establish their maximum residue limits (MRL) for cheese much higher as compared to raw milk. The European Union has established 0.25 ppb MRL for cheese (Prandini et al., 2009). The effect of storage on various types of cheese is reported diverse, some cheese types show no effect of storage, some show increase in beginning and a later on decrease while some show decrease in content (Brackett & Marth, 1982; Govaris et al., 2001; Oruc et al., 2007). Fallah et al. (2009) determined the level of AFM1 in white cheese (n ¼ 72) in Iran and found 30.5% samples exceeding the EU limits. In another study conducted in Iran by Mohajeri et al. (2013), AFM1 level was measured in two cheese types, i.e. white (n ¼ 45) and Lighvan (n ¼ 37) cheese, and found 64.4 and 10% samples exceeding the EU limits, respectively. AFM1 level in cheese was also found below the standard limits in Greece (Kaniou-Grigoriadou et al., 2005). In Kuwait, 40 cheese samples were analyzed for AFM1 content out of which only one sample exceeded the EU limits (Dashti et al., 2009). In Lebanon, 12% of the total cheese samples collected from small local industries were found exceeding the EU limits while none of the imported or large local industry cheese sample was found exceeding the limits. Situation indicate a stringent quality monitoring system being observed by progressive milk processing industries as a major factor to maintain toxin levels below the critical limits (Elkak et al., 2012).
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Table 2. Aflatoxin M1 prevalence in various countries from 2009 to 2014.
Saudi Arabia
2009 2009 2010 2010
Serbia Iran Sri Lanka Iran
2010 2010 2010 2010
Iran Iran Pakistan Spain
2010 2011
Thailand Turkey
2011 2011 2011 2011 2011
Turkey Iran Iran Iran Egypt
2012 2012 2012
Turkey Palestine Iran
2012 2012
Iran Pakistan
2012 2012 2012 2012
Iran Saudi Arabia Lebanon India
2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014
Iran Iran Greece Sudan China Sudan
South Africa
Milk Cheese Milk Cheese Raw Milk Milk Yoghurt Cheese Milk Milk Milk UHT Milk Yoghurt Cheese Milk Milk Yoghurt Dairy desserts Cheese Yoghurt Milk Milk Raw Milk Raw Milk Pasteurized Milk Milk powder Yogurt Milk Yoghurt Milk Milk Yoghurt Cheese Ice cream Mother Milk Milk Sweets Yoghurt Milk Cheese Milk Pasteurized Milk UHT Milk Fresh Milk Skimmed Milk Partially Skimmed milk Cheese Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk Powder Rural Milk Commercial Milk
2014 2014 2014
Serbia China Croatia
Cow Milk Milk Cow Milk Goat Milk
Total samples
Positive samples
Range (ppb)
%Samples exceeding EU limit
177 40 90 210 87 91 68 72 210 196 84 72 72 72 240 50 50 50 60 80 72 100 122 48 37 19 22 64 64 40 40 40 40 40 8 232 138 60 96 111 45 7 45 10 10 10
176 32 90 161 29 66 45 59 116 196 68 68 2 0 240 43 28 26 38 70 72 100 122 37 8 5 17 28 21 8 34 14 16 12 8 177 134 59 79 61 45 3 29 10 10 10
ND–0.069 0.024–0.452 0.001–0.067 ND–0.79 ND–0.085 ND–0.250 ND–0.119 ND–1.200 ND–0.25 0.02–0.13 ND–100.04 ND–0.013 ND–0.051 – 0.014–0.197 ND–0.03 ND–0.08 ND–0.08 ND–0.38 ND–0.48 0.18–0.25 0.068–0.13 0.004–0.11 ND–0.14 ND–0.07 ND–0.02 ND–0.09 – – ND–0.076 ND–0.08 ND–0.12 ND–0.51 ND–0.2 0.007–0.011 ND–1.9 ND–1.5 ND–0.087 ND–0.19 ND–0.32 0.001–3.8 ND–3.8 ND–2.1 0.407–0.952 0.248–2.510 0.139–1.238
5.60 30.00 8.00 24.00 9.00 36.20 20.60 30.50 33.00 80.60 81.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 64.50 0.00 14.00 10.00 5.00 20.00 100.00 100.00 15.00 – – – – 17.00 6.00 5.00 20.00 0.00 18.00 0.00 0.00 32.00 78.00 63.00 0.00 17.00 49.00 43.00 64.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
82 90 196 143 72 35 12 125
39 56 91 143 43 35 12 107
ND–0.31 ND–0.131 – 0.018–0.086 ND–0.42 0.1–2.52 0.01–0.85 ND–0.20
12.00 31.00 1.00 99.00 24.00 100.00 50.00 81
85 150 200 337 32
85 148 45 337 32
0.01–0.20 ND–1.20 ND–0.06 0.003–0.162 0.003–0.04
86 86.00 1.5 6.70 0.00
The study of the distribution pattern of AFM1 in whey, curd and cheese made from milk naturally contaminated with AFM1 showed that in comparison with milk the level of toxin increased in curd and cheese by 3- and 4.5-fold, respectively, while it decreased in whey by 40% (Manetta et al., 2009).
References Dashti et al. (2009) Polovinski-Horvatovic´ et al. (2009) Fallah et al. (2009) Pathirana et al. (2010) Fallah (2010) Heshmati & Milani (2010) Sani et al. (2010) Muhammad et al. (2010) Cano-Sancho et al. (2010) Ruangwises & Ruangwises (2010) Ertas et al. (2011)
Atasever et al. (2011) Sefidgar et al. (2011) Panahi et al. (2011) Kamkar et al. (2011) Ayoub et al. (2011)
Khoury et al. (2011) Kabak & Ozbey (2012) Zuheir & Omar (2012) Nilchian & Rahimi (2012) Ghiasain & Maghsood (2012) Sadia et al. (2012) Issazadeh et al. (2012) Abdallah et al. (2012) Elkak et al. (2012) Siddappa et al. (2012) Susan et al. (2012)
Mohajeri et al. (2013) Darsanaki et al. (2013) Tsakiris et al. (2013) Suliman & Abdalla (2013) Xiong et al. (2013) Ali et al. (2014) Mulunda & Mike (2014) Kos et al. (2014) Han et al. (2014) Bilandzic et al. (2014)
Prevalence in yoghurt Yoghurt is a lactic acid fermentation product of milk and is consumed all over the world (Tamime & Robinson, 2007). It has been reported that the level of AFM1 is usually lesser in yoghurt as compared to that found in the milk used for its
Aflatoxin M1
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which is much higher than the permissible limits (Atanda et al., 2007). Prevalence in mothers milk
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Figure 1. Chemical structure of aflatoxin M1 (Durakovic´ et al., 2011).
manufacturing. The possible reasons for decrease of AFM1 in yoghurt are the lactic acid bacteria (Fallah, 2010; Khoury et al., 2011), the low pH of the yoghurt and the formation of organic acids (Nilchian & Rahimi, 2012). The lactic acid bacteria bind AFM1 with their surface and detoxify it. However, the phenomenon of effect of low pH and organic acids to reduce the AFM1 content is not clear yet. Atasever et al. (2011) determined the level of AFM1 in 80 yoghurt samples in Turkey using ELISA technique and found 87.5% samples positive for AFM1 while 20% samples exceeded the Turkish limits for yoghurt (0.05 ppb). In Portugal, the level of AFM1 was measured through HPLC in 96 yoghurt samples, 18.8% of the total samples were found AFM1 positive while 6.25% samples exceeded the limits (Martins & Martins, 2004). In Iran AFM1 was measured through ELISA in pasteurized (n ¼ 40) and local yoghurt (n ¼ 10) and found 100% samples contaminated with AFM1, however only two samples were found exceeding the Iranian limit for AFM1 (0.05 ppb; Barjesteh et al., 2010). Sylos et al. (1996) determined the level of AFM1 in 30 yoghurt samples and reported the absence of toxin in all of the tested samples. The explanation provided for the absence of this toxin was the open grazing of cows in Brazil. Prevalence in butter The concentration of AFM1 in butter is based on the constituting milk’s level of toxin. In a study conducted in Turkey by Tekinsen & Ucar (2008) the level of AFM1 was determined in 92 butter samples. Alarmingly, 100% samples were found positive for AFM1 while 28% samples exceeded the maximum limit of 0.05 ppb established by Codex Alimentarius Commission. In another study conducted in Iran, 31 samples of butter were tested for AFM1 out of which 26% samples were found positive for AFM1, while 9.6% samples exceeded the Iranian standard limit of 0.02 ppb for AFM1 in butter (Fallah, 2010). Prevalence in ice cream A little data is published regarding the prevalence of AFM1 in ice cream. In a study conducted in Iran by Darsanaki et al. (2013) AFM1 content was measured in ice cream samples (n ¼ 90). They found 69% samples positive for AFM1 while 12% samples had toxin level beyond the permissible limits (0.05 ppb). The situation is worse in Nigeria where the mean AFM1 level recorded for ice cream samples was 2.23 ppb
Translocation of AFM1 in mother’s milk has been reported, referring to the systemic nature of the toxin eventually becoming a serious health threat for the infants and children on breast feeding. In Jordan, the average concentration of AFM1 recorded in mother’s milk was 0.067 mg/kg (Omar, 2012), much higher than the permissible limit (25 ng/L). In another study conducted in Nigeria, 82% mother milk samples were found contaminated with AFM1 of which 16% exceeded the EU limits (Adejumo et al., 2013). In an exceptional study from Iran, researchers have also reported minimal levels of AFM1 prevalence in a population of 136 samples of mother milk (Afshar et al., 2013). The presence of AFM1 in mother’s milk indicate that the mothers are consuming the aflatoxin containing diet mainly the dairy products and cereal foods (Omar, 2012). Estimated daily intake of AFM1 The safe limit for daily intake of AFM1 as reported by Cano-Sancho et al. (2010) is 1 ng/kg body weight. The review of various reports (Table 2) indicates that the estimated daily intake of this toxin is under the safe limit except in some countries especially Brazil. However, due to the severity of consequences, serious attempts are still required to maintain the toxin below the threshold level. The estimated daily intake (EDI) for AFM1 in Spain was reported to be 0.358– 0.434 ng/kg body weight for infants while for adults it was reported to be 0.08–0.1 ng/kg of body weight (Cano-Sancho et al., 2010). On the basis of milk consumption levels, the EDI value for AFM1 in Brazil reported by Shundo et al. (2009) for children and adults was 1.04 and 0.19 ng/kg body weight, respectively. The EDI of AFM1 in France reported by Leblanc et al. (2005) for children and adults was 0.09 ng/kg body weight and 0.22 ng/kg body weight, respectively. The EDI forAFM1 in Latin America reported by JECFA (2001) was 0.058 ng/kg body weight. The EDI for AFM1 in Lebanan by consuming various dairy products was estimated 0.14 ng/kg body weight (Hassan & Kassaify, 2014). Detection methods Different analytical techniques in use for detection of AFM1 in milk and milk products include enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and thin layer chromatography (TLC). The application of these techniques to achieve higher levels of accuracy in analytical results appears to require various degrees of enhanced sensitivity and safety besides rapidity and cost effectiveness. Higher analytical costs of AFM1 are one of the reported reasons for unavailability of surveillance data in the majority of developing countries (Trucksess, 2001). The most frequently adopted method worldwide for the detection of AFM1 is the ELISA. Due to its high sensitivity towards detection as well as quantification of AFM1, easy handling and low cost, ELISA could be suggested as an appropriate analytical tool (Cano-Sancho et al., 2010; Darsanaki et al., 2013; Khoury et al., 2011).
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The shortcomings of ELISA method are time consuming incubation, washing and mixing steps. HPLC is used as a confirmatory tool for AFM1 detection after initial detection with ELISA or sometimes also with TLC. In addition to these well-reviewed and documented, some less commonly engaged methods for the detection and quantification of AFM1 in milk and milk products are mass spectrophotometric (Sorensen & Elbaek, 2005), immunosensor based (Bachera et al., 2012) and spore based enzyme assays (Singh et al., 2013).
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Decontamination of AFM1 Being a toxic compound the AFM1 is highly monitored and continuous research is being done to sort out a commercially implementable and widely accepted decontamination method for AFM1. Microwave heating of milk artificially contaminated with AFM1 was also found ineffective (Smajlovic et al., 2012) after the failure of series of experiments for AFM1 decontamination by employing heat (Awasthi et al., 2012; Bakirci, 2001; Govaris et al., 2001; Hassan & Kassaify, 2014; Sadeghi et al., 2013). Decontamination of AFM1 with clay particles without affecting the nutritional properties of milk has been investigated more recently. Saponite-rich bentonite was found as an effective clay material for the removal of AFM1 below the standard limits. It was further revealed that the clay retained the nutritional composition of milk while its residues in milk were in so much low quantity (0.4%) that they had no significant effect on the human health (Carraro et al., 2014). Bio-decontamination of AFM1 was frequently studied in the recent past to identify the food protection role of microorganisms. Microbial binding of AFM1 prevents absorption of this toxin in small intestine and the toxin goes untreated to large intestine and excreted. Numerous studies conducted around the globe validated microbial decontamination of AFM1 as the most promising strategy due to their effectiveness, specificity and environmental friendly behavior to reduce or eliminate possible contamination by aflatoxins in food and feed. Furthermore, application of membrane filters could also be evaluated as a safe strategy to remove the AFM1 bounded dead microbial cells from decontaminated milk. Numerous microbes have been studied to determine their aflatoxin binding potentials, but scientists are unable to execute a fully reliable and commercially implementable method for AFM1 decontamination in milk so far. Microbial decontamination of AFM1 The binding of AFM1 with microbial cells has been reported as a rapid decontamination process where the moieties come into instantaneous contact with each other with a minimum of 108 CFU/ml (Kabak & Var, 2008; Serrano-Nino et al., 2013). The exact mechanism of binding between AFM1 and microbial cells is not fully established. However; the most widely accepted hypothesis regarding the mechanism involved in the microbial removal of AFM1 and other mycotoxins is the adhesion of toxin molecules with cell components such as proteins and polysaccharides present in the cell wall or peptidoglycan. Metabolism and covalent bounding is not involved in microbial binding with such toxins since dead microbial cells also possess this binding ability (Kabak & Var,
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2008; Peltonen et al., 2001; Santin et al., 2003). The variable binding percentages of AFM1 by microbial cells are thought to be due to differences in the structure of cell walls and membranes, incubation time and temperature, AFM1 levels and pH (Khoury et al., 2011; Bovo et al., 2012). Lactic acid bacteria are the most frequently employed AFM1 binding agents in milk, due to their generally recognized as safe (GRAS) status, higher binding abilities and wide distribution in nature. Commercial strains of Lactobacillus and Streptococcus have been found to reduce AFM1 level in phosphate buffered saline (PBS), milk and yoghurt with variant binding capacities. Lactobacillus bulgaricus CH-2 and Streptococcus thermophilusST-36 were reported to bind 29% AFM1 in milk samples whereas; quite higher levels of AFM1 microbial decontamination (59%) were reported in yoghurt after an incubation period of 6 h (Ayoub et al., 2011; Khoury et al., 2011; Sarimehmetoglu & Kuplulu, 2004). Serrano-Nino et al. (2013) used five probiotic strains to investigate the role of their binding abilities with AFM1 in PBS. They found cell–toxin complexes in the range of 19.95–25.43% but interestingly the binding abilities of some strains were observed maximum after 4 h and a reduction after 12 h. More recently Elsanhoty et al. (2014) also reported that some strains of lactic acid bacteria had the potential to bind AFM1 and can lower the toxin level up to the safe limits. They also reported that the AFM1 content decreases by decreasing the pH of spiked broth. Being a potential determinant of milk quality, bacterial viability results in milk spoilage by fermentation. Utilization of viable bacterial cells for AFM1 decontamination could render product spoilage. Hence dead cells are exploited for binding AFM1 in milk and milk products. Surprisingly higher binding efficiency of heat killed cells, i.e. 46% was reported in PBS and skimmed milk medium as compared to viable cells where the AFM1 binding rate was 26.65–33.54%. The effect of contact times between microbes and toxin in the binding efficiencies of microbes was found to be nonsignificant (Bovo et al., 2012; Kabak & Var, 2008). The maximum microbial and AFM1 binding percentage has been reported by Corassin et al. (2013). The study reported a pool of three heat killed lactic acid bacteria (LAB), Saccharomyces cerevisiae and a combination of these two, possessed binding percentages of AFM1 in skim milk as 11.7, 92.7 and 100%, respectively. The combination of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and LAB pool was found to be most effective for binding capability; however the stability of the binding and percentages of bioaccessibility for AFM1 were not calculated which calls for further investigations by employing the same strains. Stability of microbial cell–AFM1 complex The stability of the complex between toxin and microbial cell is of paramount importance as far as the bioavailability of AFM1 is concerned. The effectiveness of toxin decontamination can be assumed to reflect the stability of the toxin– microbial cell complexes. A stable complex ensures the excretion of toxins from the human gut without resulting in any health loss to the body. The binding complex between AFM1 and microbial cells can be reversed during milk
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processing or its digestion in the human body. Hence, stability testing of the complex is of prime importance. The mechanism involved in the release of AFM1 after washing is still under investigation, however, it is suggested that a weak noncovalent complex is formed between AFM1 and microbial cell components, such that toxins are released easily by washing with PBS (Serrano-Nino et al., 2013). The differences in the amounts of bounded toxin released after washing could be due to strain differences in the binding sites of microbes or due to the cross linked interactions between the aflatoxin molecules present in the cell walls of two different bacteria (Hernandez-Mendoza et al., 2009). The data reported regarding the amount of AFM1 released after washing ranges from as low as 1.4–8.5% (Kabak & Var, 2008; Serrano-Nino et al., 2013) to as high as 40–87% (Bovo et al., 2012). However, it is important to note that despite variations, all the tested strains showed some sort of toxin release after washing steps indicating the weakness of binding between microbial cells and AFM1. The Bifidobacterium bifidum NRRL B-41410 strain has been found to result in the most stable AFM1 microbial complex up to now with merely a 1.4% reduction of AFM1 after washing with PBS (Serrano-Nino et al., 2013).
launched for milk producers and processors regarding the prevalence of AFM1, its sources, consequences and ways to block its entry in milk. The decontamination of AFM1 is still an unresolved issue and supplemental studies are required for understanding the mechanism of AFM1 binding with microbial cells, the genetic characteristics of microbes involved in binding and stability of the complex formed. The use of the human digestive model to calculate the bioaccessibility of AFM1 bound with microbial cells can be a very useful tool for understanding the real fate of this toxin in the human body. The inclusion of microbial cells for AFM1 binding could further be preceded by the removal of AFM1–microbial cell complexes through specially designed membrane filters to avoid the release of toxin in the human body. Studies are also needed to fully understand the roles of various variables such as incubation temperature and concentrations of bacterial cells in the toxin binding abilities of microbial cells. The use of experimental animals for efficacy studies can also prove valuable in identifying a remedy for AFM1. Further in vivo experiments should be performed for the evaluation of binding abilities of microbial cells before their commercial application in the dairy industry.
Bioaccessibility of AFM1
Bioaccessibility of a toxin is the amount of toxin available from contaminated food for intestinal absorption (Versantvoort et al., 2005). Bioaccessibility of aflatoxins depends on a number of factors, such as mode of entry, extent of contamination and type of food being contaminated (Kabak et al., 2009). Bio-accessibility of AFM1 is reduced with the formation of complexes of microbial cells and toxins. The percent bioaccessibility of a toxin depends on a number of factors including the nature of the binding agent and the complex generation conditions, e.g. pH and temperature (Bovo et al., 2012; Khoury et al., 2011). The bioaccessibility of AFM1 was first determined by Kabak & Ozbey (2012) who used six viable strains of probiotic bacteria to explore the reduction patterns of AFM1 using an in vitro digestion model having imitated gastrointestinal conditions. They observed 15.5–31.6% reduction in bioavailability of AFM1 in comparison with the control. The bioaccessibility of AFM1 in naturally contaminated and spiked milk samples ranged from 81.7% to 86.3% and 80.5% to 83.8%, respectively. Probiotic bacteria such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and bifidobacteria are focused on by researchers due to their claimed health benefits. The formation of AFM1 and live probiotic microbial cell complexes in human digestive models reduced bioaccessibility of AFM1 by 45.17% (Serrano-Nino et al., 2013). The study further validated survival of tested probiotic strains in the digestion process.
This review is a part of the PhD studies of Mr. Amir Ismail being carried out under the supervision of Dr Muhammad Riaz, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan. Higher Education Commission, Islamabad-Pakistan is highly acknowledged for providing a mammoth funding under the project number 1932 for the study.
Future research needs and conclusion AFM1 is widely spread in milk and milk products particularly in the developing countries. The lenient legislations for AFM1 adopted by developing countries are presumably resulting in higher rates of liver cancer; therefore, strict regulations should be adopted by all countries regarding the control of this highly toxic compound. Awareness programs should be
Declaration of interest The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of this paper.
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