Instant messages and micro blogging develop alternate means of reporting. ...... In Nigeria, Channels TV has an app that runs on android, Apple IOS and.
Citizen Journalis m in the Age of New Media: An Analysis on Kenya’s Online Media.
PRESENTED BY Ubani Samuel Onyedekachukwu- 633148
SUPERVISOR Isaiah K. Cherutich
A Project Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Journalism FALL SEMESTER 2015
DECLARATION PAGE I, the undersigned, declare that this is my original work and has not been submitted to any other college, institution or university other than the United States International University in Nairobi for academic credit.
Signed: ________________________ (Ubani Samuel Onyedekachukwu
Date: __________________
This Research Project has been presented for examination with my approval as the appointed supervisor. Signed: ________________________
Date: _____________________
Isaiah K, Cherutich
Signed: _______________________
Date: ____________________
Dean, School ……………………….. Signed: _______________________
Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs
Date: _________________
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Thankful to God, the universe and my lovely parents, Mr. Ubani Onyeagba and Mrs. Ubani Ngozi. I am grateful to my supervisor, MR. Isaiah Cherutich for the opportunity, supervision and guidance during this project impacting a higher knowledge in academic research. I am Grateful to the students who participated in the questionnaire, wouldn’t have done this without them. I am Grateful to United States International University for accepting me to study Journalism with excellent lecturers who have taught, counseled me during my study.
This research is dedicated to Me, Friends, Family and Colleagues.
Abstract The advent of online media has influenced communication and information in dynamic ways. New media evolved from the use of traditional media of computer aided reporting to online media reporting. Online media has created web spheres and networks, allowing interaction and engagement between the media professionals and their audience. Growth of mobile application and widget allows for on demand report and distribution. Social media has gone beyond sharing, likes and setting up profiles for networking to becoming tools for journalism, content monitoring, media monitoring and media engagement giving power to its users and audience to report, analyze and disseminate information etc. This research will highlight how new media has defined, impacted and engaged the audience in gathering, reporting and disseminating news content as citizen journalists in Kenyan online media.
Keywords; Citizen Journalism, Social Media, Public Sphere, Online Audience, New Media, Audience engagement
Table of Contents UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY- AFRICA ...............................i DECLARATION PAGE ....................................................................................................i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.................................................................................................ii DEDICATION...................................................................................................................iii Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………..iv Table of Contents ...............................................................................................................v Chapter One …………………………Introduction ................................................... - 1 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................... - 1 1.1 Background to the study ........................................................................................... - 2 1.2 Objectives of the study.............................................................................................. - 5 1.3 Scope and Limitations of the study........................................................................... - 6 1.4 Justification of the study ........................................................................................... - 7 1.5 Research Hypothesis ................................................................................................. - 8 1.6 Research Questions ................................................................................................... - 8 Chapter Two ………………………Literature Review............................................ - 11 2.0 Literature Review.................................................................................................... - 11 2.1 New Media .............................................................................................................. - 15 2.1.1 Computer Technologies ....................................................................................... - 17 2.1.2 Mobile Technology: ............................................................................................. - 18 2.1.3 Social media:........................................................................................................ - 20 2.2 Audiences................................................................................................................ - 22 2.2.1 Audience as Journalist ......................................................................................... - 23 2.2.2 Other Aspects Audiences are perceived as Journalist. ......................................... - 24 2.3. Types of citizen journalism.................................................................................... - 25 2.4 New Media and Citizen Journalism: ....................................................................... - 26 Chapter Three……………………Research Methodology ...................................... - 28 3.0 Theoretical Framework and Methodology .............................................................. - 28 3.1.0 Democratic Participant Theory. ........................................................................... - 28 3.1.1 Normative Media Theory..................................................................................... - 30 3.1.2 User Generated Content. ...................................................................................... - 31 v
3.1.3 Public Sphere ....................................................................................................... - 32 3.2 Research Design...................................................................................................... - 33 3.3 Methodology and Data Collection .......................................................................... - 34 3.4 Data Presentation and Analysis .............................................................................. - 35 Chapter Four .................................. Research Analysis……………………………..- 36 4.0 Research Finding and Analysis............................................................................... - 36 4.1 Traditional media and citizen Journalism. .............................................................. - 50 4.2 Online Newspaper and Citizen Journalism ............................................................. - 52 4.3 Citizen journalism in Kenya. .................................................................................. - 53 4.4 Citizen Journalism in Nigeria. ................................................................................ - 56 4.5 Disadvantages in citizen Journalism ....................................................................... - 58 4.6 Credibility in citizen journalism ............................................................................. - 59 4.7 Future of citizen journalism .................................................................................... - 60 Chapter Five ............................................... Conclusion ………………………….....- 61 5.0 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................... - 61 Bibliography ................................................................................................................ - 63 Appendix ……………………………………………………………………………. - 68 a)Questionnaire .................................................................................................... - 68 -
Chapter One 1.0 Introduction Online media has been effective in communication process. Public relation professiona ls, journalists, media outlets have integrated into practice the use of online media. Using online medium helps to reach a different kind of audience, creates new market and social conversation using new tools like the #Hashtags, search engine optimizer connecting trends and understanding the process, attribute and usage of this medium which has been effective in media this millennium era. The popularity of social media has created so many trends, like twitter micro blogging, 1 #Hashtags,
Facebook (page and Promotion). Major news media in the world have a Facebook
page account where news stories are shared, obtained and relayed to their fans and followers they receive real time feedback and opinions and are monitored via the Facebook pages. Google plus has also followed suite, its interaction and innovative platform conceptualized as Google circle, 2 hangouts
has opened ways for media enthusiast to share thoughts, interests and likes. Online
forum and discussions are helping people share interest, blogs are used for online newsletters and journals; being an obligation to source news content, social interaction has created opportunities to interact in various conversational style. The internet websites are now the frontier for online publishing and online newspapers. Newsletters and online newsroom have rapidly changed journalism and public relations. News producers have digital encrypted program for news sources to send in their tips, alerts, feedback online rather than telephone, telegraph or post.
1 2
Hashtag ---------------# A sysmbol used in tagging, linking phrases or words on social media e.g twitter hashtag Hangout, Google chatroom, and video blogging
Citizen Journalism is very much a social development, produced and shaped by the “former audience,” which now chooses to produce journalistic content. (Gillmor, 2004)
1.1 Background to the study New media is perceived as digital media from digital encryption of content, book, videos, articles, and journal. Journalists, media owners, media editors, digital television programmers and website developers incorporate web plug-in, flash player 3 FLV, 4 JavaScript,
6 MP3, 7 AAR
scripts, studio line in, wireless telephony, online streaming via Shoutcast or media stream and various applet like share buttons and subscribe buttons. The advancements in creation of 8 CSS , PHP, 9 AJAX,
10 CGI 11 Web
12 Web
3.0 with rapid innovation of social media networking
engines, user centered connectivity, interactivity and conversational tools. There are other interactive means of gathering news for audience and professionals.
The use of RSS, RSS
development has increased the simplified journalism, it assists by reducing the search costs associated with accessing credible information and insight from trusted sources, search engines also syndicate RSS feed in search result as well as building user communities. (Flew, A Citizen Journalism Primer In Proceedings, 2007).
Flash Video Java script used in running application on webs. : 5 Shortwave Player 6 Mpeg 7 AAR is A Java applet for audio. 8 Cascade Styling Sheet : 9 JavaScript and XML 10 Common gateway Interphase 11 : Web.20: Website Interphase with dynamic user phase :V 12 Web 3.0 : Thrid Genration of web interphase : 4
Media has been used for democratic, military and political activities thereby encoding and decoding of information. Globally there have been development and change in media industry, as in the case of how citizen are now reporters, utilizing the agents of news reporting in telling, selling and distributing their stories. Over 3 billion people are subscribers of the Internet (Internet Society, 2014). In Africa most countries like Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, have migrated or are migrating to digital media, such as the digital broadcasting over terrestrial and change of analog radio and television transmitters. Africa now has variety of digital television agents such as VSAT, DSTV, GOTV, Startimes and Zuku rendering media and telecommunication products and services. They are subscribers to global media programs distributed to their users. The estimated number of internet users during the quarter increased to 26.1 million up from 23.2 million subscriptio ns reported last quarter as at 2014. (BLoggers association of Kenya, 2015).13 Data subscription has increased over the last decades the number of data subscriptions has grown by 24.8 percent. According to Bake Kenya (BLoggers association of Kenya, 2015), about 7.3 million Kenyans are on Facebook and are active users of Facebook, Kenya has 700,000 monthly active users and 2.1million users of twitter which make 80 percent of twitter users in Kenya have access to daily twitter feed. The trends of #Hashtags and acronyms like
14 KoT
have popularized the web space.
News Correspondents, television anchor, radio broadcasters use online media for sourcing, gathering, distribution, and other media related activities, news content are of better quality , conversational leading to feedback. It has increased the state of reporting in innovation e journalism and online journalism. The research looks at various social media sphere, the open interactivity, or open source publishing Its invented by Mattew Anison (Flew, A Citizen Journalism Primer In Proceedings, 2007) brought development of news form and news production.
13 14
BAKE – Bloggers Association of Nigeria. KoT – Kenyans on Twitter
Another attribute is peer to peer collaboration which a site news service allows for open editing and collaboration. Kenyans on online media take it take it upon themselves to report due to the need for informa tio n and news content have grown over the last few decades. From the politics, scandals, elections and other incident have aided the use online tools and content in serving democratic right. Public Journalism emerged at seeing audience as citizens rather than spectators, readers, viewers or an undifferentiated mass. (Flew, A Citizen Journalism Primer In Proceedings, 2007) Online Newspaper and magazines are almost in the same sphere as citizen journalism, since both are recipients and sender of information via the web space. Online Newspaper is the web or online replica of the traditional print newspaper. Both have readers who read and subscribe to their publication via online web or via the news stand. The news content from online newspapers are more trusted (Capenter S. , 2008). Readers have preference to participate via online web space giving news contents from business, finance, sports and politics to government. Citizen Journalist web pages feature more of popular and grapevines which are set to influence or set in motion for conversations. But the popularity remains with citizen journalist with contents that spike the mass audience rather than industrial or audience with specific news genre. Citizen journalist, bloggers and independent journalist have been advised for transparency in news content and delivery (Duncan, 2007). Ethical issues and concerns are focused on citizen journalism contents which is unedited and unfiltered.
1.2 Objectives of the study The objectives of the study are stated below. Understanding new media and its Audience. The research aim to highlight new media, its component, audience and how the audience are using new media tool in producing and sharing information among young user of social media in Kenya. The research will also explain the impact of new media in citizen journalism; analyzing the impact and effectiveness of new media, how new media has impacted citizen journalism, media and news production and the downsides where citizen journalism was used badly. Finally will examine the role of citizen journalist in mainstream media. The research highlights citizen journalists’ responsibilities, differences and how citizen journalists and mainstream media work together in media content knowing the types of citizen journalism that is most commonly used in Kenya.
1.3 Scope and Limitations of the study The research studies audience activities, participation and engagement and the impact of new media. In understanding social interaction among young users, the research examined how respondents use social media for engagement with new media utilizing the social responsibility function of new media. For citizen journalism such as blogging, podcasting and tweeting have become dominant means for disseminating news, users are not conscious about the knowledge gap involved in process of news gathering, reporting and dissemination. Citizen journalism is practiced around the world and in Africa. Due to proximity, resources and accessibility the research studies citizen journalism in Kenya and brief analysis on Nigeria reducing my reviews to these regions. Different age group from 13 years and above use online media and social media and a small populations of undergraduate students, between the ages of 18 to 24 years among the vast age group of new media users and audience are respondents in the research, these age group of respondents own a smartphone, laptop and have internet access and majority are active users. The research distinguished the various types of citizen journalism, focusing more on noninstitutionalized citizen journalism that is more predominant on social media such as Facebook, Twitter page which most respondents and audience use on social media for its easy access since its emergence in the early 2000s. Media organizations in Kenya have various ways their audience participate and report content for news but only Standard Media Group in Kenya has created a platform for citizen journalists describing institutionalized citizen journalism. Media organizatio ns in Kenya have several publications on citizen journalism as a genre, I was only able to visit Nation Media library and sourced other media organization’s publications via their website.
1.4 Justification of the study The research highlights the impact of news reporting and dissemination in new media used by audience, citizens in news reporting, dissemination aided by their audience who share news and media content. From recent studies together with my findings of my research questions; will understand how citizen journalists are using social responsibility of producing, gathering, dissemination of media content, making newsroom decisions, (consciously or unconsciously), ethically or no ethically, by the strengths and influence of social media and other new media platform like blog and webpage. As the new genre rapidly grows in journalism, publications by media organizations, journalists, highlights the impact of news reporting by citizens based on evidential events that have shown the effectiveness, and downsides of citizen reporting and how mainstream has integrate this genre by institutionalization.
1.5 Research Hypothesis Citizen Journalism participation in new media; The more young people use social media tools in producing, sharing and engagement such as posting, likes, retweeting, and comment , will promote and lead to more participation in citizen journalism. The variables in the hypothesis determines how much engagement is needed to lead to participation in citizen journalism by new media audience.
1.6 Research Questions 1. What extent is new media used among its audience? 2. What extent are new media audience producing and sharing content? 3. What are the distinction between Institutional and Non-Institutional Citizen Journalism? RQ1. – What extent is new media used among its audience. Recent upgrades and inventions in technology, created various forms of media explained in the research from mobile technology to web technology, computer, and digital broadcasting technology Etc. (Internet Society, 2014) Showed about 21, 724 657 users are on the internet in Kenya and active on social media with the invention of the #hashtag #SomeoneTell #TeacherStrike #WeAreOne or the Twars (Twitter wars). The popularity have gained global news stories (Zand, 2014) To measure the degree of popularity one has to begin with the theory of diffusion of innovation, which explains diffusion process begins at an awareness stage in which those who will ultimately adopt an innovation learn of its existence often from other mass media but lack detailed information about it. (Defleur, 2010). The theory also explains how the adoption process which flows within group or society and how users the acquire innovation on a small scale and use the information to determine its utility for their purpose.
RQ2 What extent are new media audience producing and sharing content. The popularity of content being produced and published by citizen is gradually emerging. The new social media platforms which is user centered web site structure to allow registered users to upload, store and share content. Over 300 million Facebook photos are uploaded daily, (Thomas, 2012), the total amount of users sharing video content are about 120,000 per share on Youtube and 40,000 per share on Facebook. The total number of social video upload and sharing it increasing yearly with
Source: Social Bakers; Retrieved 6th December 6, 2015
Online media innovation and digital sharing formats are increasingly and growing globally. Websites, mobile applications and cloud storage services like dropbox, OneDrive, Iclouds, etc, are influencing the storage of digital files, influencing more production of content via their mobile devices with editing function of the content for publication using photo, video editors. A lot of
content are being published online, either for personal dairies, news breaking news activities and event in communities, branding for followers or readers to like, favorite and share. RQ3- What are the distinction between Institutional and Non-Institutional Citizen Journalism? Media here is defined as owners, agents and users. Media has dynamically changed in dissemination of information. According to (Banda, 2010), He explained Institutionalized and noninstitutionalized
citizen journalist,
and their differences
to professional journalists.
Institutional citizen journalists as explained under the index of ’Types of citizen journalists” are journalists who are in practice of the volunteerism without any professional attachment solely to raise an opinion or send an information across or just normal reporting, where certain individ ua ls tend to give his opinion. Compared to institutional citizen journalist, either a form or an organization, or hired by main stream media where professionalism is examined by scholars and media agents (BBC , 2014) an example is the BBC and CNN I report. BBC defined citizen journalists as an audience producing content for the BBC. Professional journalists have professional training guided by media law and ethics, news values. They check for credibility, authenticity. The process and gateways in which news passes before it gets to audience is not as it is with the citizen journalist or blogger. Some media outlets that source for citizen journalists authenticate their content before publication. Most of them are (Andrew M.Linder, 2015), distinct professional journalists are in more authority to define which organizational structure, packages and norms are seen as legitimate within online journalism. CJ (citizen journalism) compete with legitimacy, resources, democratic voice that comes from a large audience and has little constraints in media business organization and news room socialization (Capenter S. , 2008) they are not guided by institutional law or norms.
- 10 -
Chapter Two 2.0
Literature Review
New media technologies and theories have been researched on and theories have supported the aspect in which new media affects its audience. From the theory of diffusion of innovation by Everett Rogers in 1995. (Defleur, 2010), places mass media as an agent of diffusion by word of mouth and other various channels like television, radio and the internet. The early stage describes how the innovation is accepted and how it evaluated for its use. Mainstream media have influe nced participatory journalism, interactivity and citizen journalism due to their quest for mass audience content, letting them report news story from their own perspective. They have integrated social media, SMS, computer and Mobile technology in their programs in either participatory or engagement. In mass media, audiences are becoming part of the decision process in news rooms, so many researchers have examined theories that supports audience interested in media gathering and publishing. Audience are both a product of social context leading to shared socio cultura l interests, understanding its information needs and a response to a particular pattern of media provision. (Quail, 2003). Audience studies have distinguished audience as an active or participatory audience, or audience as market. (Quail, 2003). Audience as mass media market is for advertiser and audience research in ratings, fixture and segmentation. Engagement is a relatively new focus in the field of news media, advertising and public relations but it has progressed through various stages. Researchers have examined why new media audience and mass media audience engage or participate, results have shown that most audience are seeking acknowledgement, awareness and satisfactory from media content. Audience research have broadened and understood the gratification of new media. Explaining why so many audiences have various preference and choice of how they get their news - 11 -
content and information. The multiplicity of new media has created various spheres and created different medium. Most audience are very traditional, they only rely on one means of informatio n, be it word of mouth, interpersonal, radio, television (Cable, digital and Analog) and the internet. Some decide to be multi channeled audience where they have to verify, source and receive the same information for different medium. Their orientations of new media have created the diversity and have increased competition rate. Public opinion as explained by Walter Lippmann (1921), among a vast mass of public, few are experts in expressing views, opinion, ideas to the public. Public opinion as explained is divided as; opinion as a collective view and individual opinion that comprises of attitude, behavior and belief , both party opinion either collective, hidden or individual ‘s opinions are usually accepted, spiraled out or disliked (Zetterberg, 2003). In media, there are various opportunities for public to hear out their opinion, the media also functions in bringing these opinions to various publics going through editorial processes by journalists and editors (Zetterberg, 2003). Democracy and free speech has allowed for opinion, which became a mystery out of public opinion (Lippman, 1921), people began to voice their actions, ideas about a particular issue from social experiences and events. Television, radio, print and magazine audience view their opinion but in a limited and restricted manner, unlike new media, where interaction, conversation and engagement is part of journalistic process. New media platforms have unrestricted access to voice our opinion online and social media have democratized public opinion and giving the mass audience to become opinion leaders among the audience who act as direct link with media. Measuring Internet audience has been theorized into two main categories, site-centered and user centered (Bornman, 2009). In a Site centered approach, it is measuring traffic and giving audience composition and insight. Site-centered approach which helps in crawling up audience related - 12 -
searched that pertain to what the audience interest while accessing the webpage. The webpage statistics assist the owners in updating, crawling and analysis. The user-centered approach consists of websites getting user data. It allows the users to upload, or refer data for publication. There are disadvantages to this approach; things like privacy, phishing have been hindrances. Sometimes most users do not give their full details, or accurate data for privacy and security issues explained. User centric approach involves so many expenses. More money is spent (Bornman, 2009) while measuring internet audience. Online site-centric uses visitors, crawlers and search engine optimizers in measuring usage. Media owners, advertisers, research companies are interested in audience measurement. (Bornman, 2009). Citizen journalist although small group or homogenized content are likely not to pay attention to who their readers have, however in the case here the citizen journalist media is used in promotion and advertising, site-centric analysis are usually made. Citizen journalist are interested in getting news stories, news content and receive attention of powerful and famous people, even traditional media journalist and owners. Content sharing, collection of ideas, cross media has been largely seen from the inception of citizen journalism. Mobile networks and computer networks have bridge millions of computer across the globe thereby influence the share of information and knowledge. Users are able to produced, videos, photos, and audio and broadcast them on their network and platform for likeminded people to share. The UGC has benefited journalism and its producers. Allowing content sharing, free production and easy news gathering compared to the traditional medium of news gathering where producers, journalist and camera crew plan on how to get the news content. But UGC, usually
- 13 -
planned or unintended like the case of accidental journalist. Content sharing like
15 U-Report,
Youtube videos, drone videos and CCTV cameras have defined methods where citizen journalis m have impacted news reporting and investigation. Interactivity in the new room between reporters, journalists, producers have been made easy. A journalist with a scoop or a reporter with an exclusive footage can easily send raw data/footage to the newsroom without having to travel back or wait for another day to send the footage. The interactivity created by short messaging system, Instant messages and micro blogging develop alternate means of reporting. With citizen journalist the gathering and publishing difference is very minimal between audience or readers. New media has created so many spheres for interaction and news gathering has modernized via the internet. The internet have become source for top secret and classified document which a research journalist would lean on for investigation. It has also made investigation easy, with the recent updated directory of cities, town, channels, companies, corporation having their directories on the internet. Citizen journalism created convergence between its publishers and its users in an open and interactive setting. It has also proven its strength in news gathering by constantly connecting with traditional media for content sharing and news gathering. Events where breaking news or news stories have been discarded became sensational and got ratings. Citizen journalism is categorized by mainstream media claiming its
16 institutionalization
17 non-institutionalization.
2010) Mainstream media have considered using content for citizen journalist or creating a platform where they can share their own content and views. Since they are not paid and are mostly freelancing. They usually generate their remuneration either in audiences or in advertising and
U-Report – Standard Media Kenya U-report Page. (U-Report - Citizen Journalism , A chance to Get Published , n.d.) 16 Institutionalized Citizen Journalist proposed in (Citizen Journlism and Democracy in Africa.) 17
Non-institutionalized (Citizen Journlism and Democracy in Africa., 2010)
- 14 -
product endorsement. “Citizen Journalist is constraint in media organization business and news room socialization. Carpenter (2008), they are not under any organizational norms but are inclined to extra media association and ethics such as in advertising and product endorsementCarpenter S (2008).”
2.1 New Media New media is using computer system and technology to send, receiver, interpret informa tio n (Hassan, 2006). Computer generated system are website, electronic books whereas text on paper are not. New media conceptualized after the invention of the Internet. Although new media as explained by (Hassan, 2006) stated that any form of digital writing, data and distribution is an example of new media this case electronic books, websites, mobile program, online newspaper and magazines. New media has surpassed the distribution via the
18 CDRom,19
DVD , 20 flash disc or hard drive; it
has developed to the cloud service, online servers, cloud servers for storing digital and electronic content. In multimedia, new media has helped to increase streaming, storage, distributio n, patenting, and copywriting. It has also integrated the various multimedia file systems such as 21 Jpeg, 22 Gif, 23 SWF, 24 FLV,25 Pdf,
Doc Ppt ,
26 MP3, 27 Html, 28 Xml.
Compact Disc read only memory Digital Versatile Disc 20 Flash Disc storage memory 21 Joint Photographic expert group 22 Graphic Interchange format 23 Small Web Format 24 Flash Video 25 Portable Document Format 26 Mpeg Audio Player. 27 Hyper Text Mark Up Language 28 Extensible Markup language 19
- 15 -
Today Text script and print
on web pages, computers, mobile phone and tablets are more used than video platform. Although images and photo sharing is gradually talking the lead. Video sharing is having its space with the customers. In 2015 a new video streaming and social networking app called periscope was launched by Twitter Company the most famous micro blogging site which allows real time video streaming, conferencing and engagement. Before periscope, video streaming sites dominated the internet such as Youtube, Vimeo, Flickr etc, these sites have shaped and changed the media industry and Internet. Youtube is a free video sharing website that allows the users to upload and share video files to fans or public. Youtube became a sensation for Celebrities, Musician, Bloggers, Reporters, Journalist and Television Anchor. Youtube is used globally. The popularity of Youtube invented the word “29 Vlogger” a person who share his or her opinion, interest experience in form of a diary. Journalism is making effective use and has allowed production of media and streaming via online space. Major media agencies across the globe are using twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Linkedin and other channels to send in headlines, tips, content with a section and activity for online user, to use news portals to receive everyday news and content. Online media is also newsworthy. The integration of online media services by most media organization meets about every aspect of news values: like timeliness, accuracy, prominence, oddities etc; News gets the audience immediately it is published. Online media users are known for engagement, they share the news to their followers; the medium is structured to give each user an opportunity to have followers, friends, also have the same. The networking capabilities grow viewership and listeners hip program. In public relations and advertising online media has progressively grown. Public relation
Video Web log
- 16 -
has taken the opportunity to promote brands, created strategies to send messages directly to online users. Pop up ads, google ad words and google ad sense transformed the way advertising work. YouTube ads are not exempted. The short minute’s video before a video play is an exceptional strategy in advertising. Most of the YouTube ads are also played on Television. Online broadcast such as online radio, video, webminar, podcast and social events are part of online media utility. Broadcast content are streamed over internet protocols, servers. Podcast was in its popularity in 2005 and 2009 using Winamp you can send voice and music to different large number of people. Online media trend is timely. If a product or a service is launched it gets to the users in minutes. Notification is an online media feature; serving as a reminder or announcer for news updates, feed. Devices are automated to receive instant notification about an event, product that is happening immediately. The democracy of information society is democracy enhanced, educationa lly enhanced, more freedom of expression and thought, faster, flowing and shortening of informa tio n floats. (Hassan, 2006, p. :45)
2.1.1 Computer Technologies Online Technology was made easy with Lee in 1989. Using
30 WWW
(World Wide Web) founded By Tim Bernard
(Hyper Text Mark Up language)
32 URI, 33 HTTP
Protocol) Uniformed Resource Identifier now commonly known as
34 URL
(Hyper Text Transfer (Uniform Resource
Locator). (Lee, 2015) Before the invention of Online web, Journalists have used a system called
World Wide Web Hyper Text Mark Up language 32 Uniformed Resource Identifier 33 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol 34 Uniform Resource Locator 31
- 17 -
Computer Aided reporting, or Computer assisted reporting, first invented in 1952 which aids journalist to write, analyze and publish news contents and data. It allows for statistical reporting. It has been used in covering election. Leshner (2000), explained computer assisted reporting created objectivity in journalism it also invented investigative journalism. Online reporting aid research, writing, performing statistical analysis and publishing. Guestbook, Bulletin boards, online forum, and spreadsheets have been used as an earlier medium in journalism. The earlier emailing system and web pages used digital desktop publishing as computer digital enabling tool for communication. Online forum and guestbook are the basis of interactivity and communica tio n between sects and media companies. Users sign in privately and remotely via their computer (Leshner, 2000). This form of interaction has given rise to the earlier on set of opinion poll, opinion leadership and interaction.
2.1.2 Mobile Technology: Mobile communication emerged after the invention of wireless telegraph and telephone in the 1970s (Frienkiel, p. 1). Mobile communication was invented for easy communication access, anywhere any time, as long as there is a wireless signal. Mobile devices are connected to each other through wireless connection. During its early invention stage mobile technology was used by an elite circle for communication. (Frienkiel), explained mobile technology was practically understood with mobile telephone and mobile telephone use broadcast radio waves signal to switch route from a signal. Mobile technology could decode its own dialed numbers on its own idle channel. Radio signal receivers were mounted on a roof top or a radio transmitter in an area or neighborhood. They early defined digital innovation with cellular phone having long antennas for receiving signal attached to the cellular. Broadcast transmitters have also gained in mobile
- 18 -
technology, they transmit
35 shortwaves
36 longwaves
signal anywhere, at any time. Most have
become tools which journalists use to report in field work. Before the
40 CDMAs
37 Fibre
38 2Gs, 39 3Gs
there were quite a number of ways video and photo files are shared through mobile
telephony. Infrared waves,
41 MMS
protocol and Voice services were using mobile technology.
From 2010 to 2015, we have seen the different technology; Mobile devices have Javascript enable browsers applications which have access to internet protocol for communications. Mobile technology innovated, Smartphone, Palmtops, Organizers, Tablets have advanced mobile technology. Mobile devices simplified communication in emailing, video and voice call, storage devices for files and document, access to cloud services. Mobile devices have helped to increase social media consumption since it allows transmission of text characters over Messaging protocol called SMS, influencing conversational pattern and messaging. In Africa mobile technology is used in journalism, diplomacy and advocacy in sending information to large subscribers and user. In media, there have been options for audience to participate and engaged in sharing their opinions, some have used this medium in decision process via the Short Message Service. Mobile App are very popular, the invention of web, mobile and widget. They summarize the webpage and online information system; bring the interactivity closer to you. News App is digital. They are integrated in smart phones, tablet and palmtops. It is an alternative option, user centered usually integrated for audience engagement and metrics. The News App have
Radio waves transmitted over a short distance Radio waves transmitted over a long distance 37 An optical system in which light or an image is conveyed by a compact bundle of fine flexible glass or plastic fibers.- (, n.d.) 38 2nd Generation 39 3rd generation 40 Code Division Multiple Access 41 Multimedia Messaging Services . 36
- 19 -
features like the web version but it comes with news feed with are automatically synchronized most app these days have the option for automatic update and notification. With news app you get personal experience with the users and the producers. There are no similar differences with Mobile Application. It distributes news like a webpage, personal and interactive. Apple IOS, Windows, Blackberry IOS, Android and Open Source operating system like Ubuntu run Millions of Application on their various operating system servers. For News Application has made it easier for Citizen Journalism to fetch, distribute and circulate the feeds in real time. The integration of eye witness report for Citizen Television, ABCNEWS, I report on CNN, allow reading, post, share and report, upload their own stories
2.1.3 Social media: Social interaction is the effective human communication processes that occur within a social context. Social media is a human interaction and communication through an internet aided medium or software (Braun, 2012). Individual interactions in social context have a digital characteristic for communication in an offline setting (Braun, 2012)42 . Social media in journalism is used in engaging with audiences, gathering and reporting news stories. In recent years social media have helped in advertising, news sourcing, news monitoring, and media content. It has also become news bit. The social media interaction enables people with shared interest; communicate over social media networks via the internet. Social media is an umbrella under new media influencing media content, news stories audience research. Social media conversations include; online discussion about news stories events, happenings, organization, brand or relevant issues, whether via your channel or third party
(Social Media and Public Opinion, 2012)
- 20 -
channels. These conversations are useful to start engagement. Although, instances such activities ended up in crisis management as in the case where celebrity and politician escape realities to narcissism sharing photos and videos, posting irregular tweets that ended up in public eye. These kinds of conversation are really to be cautioned because of its implication and damage effect it will have on the individual, brand and the public. (Research Journal of the Institute for Public, 2014) In journalism, social media is effective for breaking news alternating radio; the fastest way for breaking news. (Muiruri, 2015). As an alternate source of human interest stories; It is a platform where anyone, everyone can express themselves. A community sharing – posts and comments, file sharing, “Community interest varies by individual and group.” (Horton, 2007) Blogs are originated from the term Web Log. They are interactive newswire of comment thread spin together (Waddington, 2015). It is a medium to share stories event among crowd. Blog has provided avenue for people who wanted to share their feelings, belief, experience, opinion. It is a voice among online crowd. (, 2015). Blogging is an accepted digital publishing innovation, an alternative newswire. Easy to set up with low production integrate Search engine optimizer, uses really simple syndication (RSS), creates a new and powerful push-pull publishing concept. (Baltatzis, 2006) Blog has revolved journalism and online news. It has popularized the use of new media in journalism and so many journalist, amateur and professional, are making us blog.
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2.2 Audiences According to Ross and Nightingale, (2003) audience is used when talking about people either as a group or as individuals. It is described as large number of people who have no similar no physical relationship. Audience can be referred to mass audience for mass media, spectator, concert, and even religious attendees. Audience are both a product of social context leading to shared socio cultural interests, (Quail, 2003). Audiences have changed over time. In recent times, audience have been fragmented into different public spheres such as mass media, cyber spheres consisting of television radio, newspaper, marketing, advertising to new media or online media audience who are website visitors, blog readers, online newspapers and social media audiences. But some audiences are original and active audience in all media sphere they subscribed to and are users of the new media. To understand audience more in this digital era, you cannot argue that audience are now becoming producers; media source and news reporter as in the case of citizen journalism as audiences who are active participants. There are more to being an audience in audience studies and research audiences ‘the audience participants as individuals; the audience activities of the participants in the media event; the media time/space of the event; the media relations that structure the event; and mediate information in which people engage (Ross & Nightingale, 2003). In audience engagement, audiences participate by visiting a website, poll tool or comment thread while listening to a show, program or television. Audiences are taking the public sphere of internet network to boost information and news into a dynamic space. Media content are generated from what the audience have gathered, sourced and analyzed. Weigel (2011), reflects upon the meaning of ‘audience engagement’, finding it to represent almost anything to do with audiences’ response from the behavioral actions of “linking, bookmarking, blogging, forwarding, following, referring,
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clicking, playing, reading, subscribing, posting, printing, reviewing, recommending, rating, to more cognitive responses of finding something compelling, exciting, gripping, surprising, shocking, unpleasant, boring, soothing. Audience also learn pattern, trends and behavior this is common with the social learning theory which describes the inductive learning pattern and behavior in media content (Defleur, 2010, p. 208). Media has been democratized and the audiences have democratized media, this means that the audience has access to more information, having a new lifestyle. Audiences are trying to become media gatekeepers this is seen in more of televis io n programs and shows. In comments sections of news articles and blog posts, it’s not uncommo n to see someone quip “I went straight to the comments.” Many newsreaders actively seek not just reading articles when they come to a website, but also to engage on issues in politics, entertainment, or sports. Engagement is a primary appeal of consuming news online. Vibrant comment sections grow and maintain news website’s readership- (Lauren, 2014). Audience engagement has become a strategy for building readership both traditional and online.
2.2.1 Audience as Journalist The need for the public roles in journalism, to share stories, events and happening around them to the public is a passive engagement where people feel the need to report, analyze and impact in the society. In the past, sending article, opinion that can be published either on print or electronic can be made as topic of discussion, has increased the participatory attitude of the audience. Citizen journalism is defined as the collection, analyzing and reporting analysis and transmission of information by individual or citizen with no professional training or experience in Journalis m. Citizen Journalism gives opportunity for people to report most events where citizen journalism has flourished in stories like Natural disasters, Bombing, Kidnap, fire etc. Over the years new media and social media have influenced rise of citizen journalism, increased the flows, circulation and - 23 -
analysis of news. The engagement process can be studied since it is the audience that participates in the journalistic reporting. (Research Journal of the Institute for Public, 2014) Citizen journalism is an audience ability to analyze, report, summaries the news there been several aspect of audience as citizen journalism. Citizen journalism is influenced by
43 UGC.
A lot has
been research on user generated content and how it has influenced journalism. Citizen journalist is a deceptively simple phrase (Salzam, 2015)— it covers everybody from a lucky bystander with a camera phone to a dedicated bloggers with a passion for a particular subject, whether food trucks, fashion or pharmacy. (Salzam, 2015). Thorsen (2009), explained citizen journalism as another name for democracy, freedom of information, freedom of expression has been given to citizens who are aware of this freedom and act as journalists with the imagination or believe to empower, engage and reconstruct public opinion. To most citizen journalist it is about peer to peer interactions and relationship with each other. Most cases the citizen journalists have opposition to mainstream media (Benkler, 2006). Citizen journalism is very much a social development, produced and shaped by the “former audience,” which now chooses to produce journalistic content (Gillmor, 2006) via web pages, blogs, social media sites and mobile communication tool. Civic participation; is deliberation or thoughtful debate among citizens; decision-making or action by citizens; power to hold public officials to transparency and accountability; and interactivity.
2.2.2 Other Aspects Audiences are perceived as Journalist. Accidental:
44 Accidental
journalist often related to citizen journalist, but their distinction is
different. An accidental journalist is just a bystander with a camera who happens to be around an
43 44
UGC- User generated content Not necessarily a journalists, a bystander, a citizen in an event. Eye witness
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incident or an event. Accidental journalists are also perceived as citizen reporters. They share moments in an event and acting upon their journalistic instinct. They are quite different from citizen journalist who has the intent on reporting on something (Jansen, 2015) while accidental journalist are lucky to be on the scene. An example of where accidental journalism is seen could be the Boston Bombing, Oregon shootings, Westgate attack. Accidental journalists are also defined as eye witness. Their content are sometimes investigated by news agents and there are question if the copy write should be given to accidental journalist (Jansen, 2015) Advocacy:
45 Advocacy
Journalism is a genre of journalism that tries to create viewpoint in other
to advocate a cause, action. Advocacy journalism tries to promote media agenda. Advocacy journalism uses mainstream media in advocating its agenda. It doesn’t deal with social development but focuses on political agenda. (Raposas) Individual Journalism: Individual journalism is journalism for the purpose of the individ ua l needs, this matter in aspect of investigative or curiosity. They keep dairy, logs, journals of events and news.
2.3. Types of citizen journalism. According to Banda, (2010), He explained two types of citizen journalism. They both share the same similarity but have a different social setting. He further describe that they are members of an online community such as forum thriving to volunteerism, without any professional structures to worry about. They are two kinds of Citizen Journalism; Institutionalized (Professionalized) and Non-Institutionalized citizen journalism.
Alternate to public
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Non institutionalized/ Independent describes citizen journalism being, in practice of the core volunteerism without any professional stitch solely to raise an opinion or send an informa tio n across or just normal reporting, where certain individuals tend to give his opinion. Use the most available means to report. Social media, mobile phone, video cameras are used to produce and generate content. They keep in touch with their fan base or readers and try to constantly grow the audience with their updates. This kind of citizen journalism enjoy freedom at their own prize, they have no moral or ethical constraint, lacking no other regulatory body but the individual or a group. They only answer to their audience and their conscience. (Banda, 2010) , institutionalized citizen journalist is a member of a regulatory body or an institution governing or supporting the practice. Dialogue communication between the recipients and their contents is enabled through engageme nt process. This kind of journalist might likely have a direct or indirect agreement with news agency. Example can be opinion leaders for newspaper, bloggers etc.
2.4 New Media and Citizen Journalism: Castells (2007), explains how new media has become development of horizontal networks of interactive communication evolution of industrial societies ideally centered on mass media, characterized by the distribution of one way message from one to many, to the current communication foundation of the network society which is regarded to be the global web of horizontal communication. Citizen journalist follow suite with majority depending on the internet for news reporting, news production, all the news process of citizen journalist is facilitated by online media, from bloggers to social media users’ web publisher, vloggers, and writers. New media has developed the democratization and freedom of information which has enabled the user to disseminate information from one person to another over a long distance in a short time. This has given rise to community participation, activism, outreach and rise of online content, though - 26 -
citizen journalism has also raised doubts over the future of the newsroom, with constant cuts occurring annually from most publications in order to fund online services. The diffusion of the internet, social media, mobile telecommunication, and digital media has popularized the sphere in journalism. According to Defleur (2010) diffusion of innovation explains how something new is taken by a group of individual in a society.
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Chapter Three 3.0
Theoretical Framework and Methodology
There are many definitions and theories explaining the concept of who an audience is and why audience participates, engage and interact. Concepts have defined audience as recipient of news contents, markets, and large aggregated group. The theories are meant to clarify and describe the concepts of citizen journalism, audience as participant and engagement, ethics in delivering such news contents. To explain how and why new media has been the best mean for citizen journalists to send information to large audience it is due to its diversity and polarity, it spans global attraction and reach.
3.1.0 Democratic Participant Theory. Okoro et al (2013), explained democratic participant theory as an active communication flow on horizontal, rather vertical. Dennis McQuail (2003), laid emphasis on the theory that it focuses on societal need. The democratic participation theory has given right to express needs, aspirations of the active receiver in a political society, giving relevant information, the right to answer back and be active receiver in a political society. It gives right to answer back in the case of live shows, comment thread, and provides means for communication in small groups , community and the large society. (Okoro, Nnayelugo, Diri Christain T , Odii Chijoke , 2013) Democratic participatio n theory should not be left in the hand of professional journalist but also civic and citizen journalis m, which give practical expression in the structure and general operation thereby defining the Democratic Participant Media theory. A condition of civic society is one of openness and plurality (Quail, 2003), where there are many more or less of openness and plurality and open voluntar y
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agencies between the citizen and the state. There are also adequate democratic political process, provision for justice and protection of human right. Since democratic participation media theory deals with democracy which defines as the people’s right, it is enthused with public sphere phenomenon which is virtual or imaginary group which doesn’t necessarily exist in any identifiable space. In this public sphere people can freely identify common interest and opinion. It opens the network of human association and also the relationa l networks formed by the family, interests and ideology. (Quail, 2003) Democracy participation has given rise to public spheres or space (Flew, A Citizen Journalism Primer In Proceedings, 2007). As a public sphere, the Internet could facilitate discussion that promotes a democratic exchange of ideas and opinions. Before new media and internet, known spheres were in coffee shops, or debating society explaining several sphere in the government and political issues. They became active participants in political life and also a role in keeping or checking on the governme nt activities (Quail, 2003) where the media have not responded, not different in recent activities where the citizen journalist or public opinion leaders decide be a leader for their community to check on governmental activities. Their meeting takes place online such as forum, blogs. Example is the popular Yahoo News thread, Twitter and Facebook. Democratic participant. Recent days integrates the public sphere where it allows ownership and economic freedom and individualis m. It started within the elite system which created a class to discuss corporate and interpersona l discussion about the consequences of democracy in modern times. (Quail, 2003). In this research democratic participant media theory defines citizen journalism as where the citizen decides to exercise his human rights to democracy in gathering, producing and circulating news/media content.
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3.1.1 Normative Media Theory. Adopting (Quail, 2003) describes four models or features to describe normative theory. Normative model describes the norms ethics, duties, values responsibility (Banda, 2010). In an institutio na l traditional media work is usually under certain ethics, principles that determine the journalis tic objectivity. Banda, Also describe these objectivity functioning in three moments, such as philosophical, technology and economic. Normative theory expounds on the value that media ought to do in the society (Quail, 2003, p. pg 184) it applies to the action of the media, and its various expectations. Normative theory also expounds on what media ought not to be doing like spreading misinformation or inciting crime and violence. It also revolves around the aspect of media and public opinion. Among (Quail, 2003) Alternative Media model describes the presentation of non-mainstream media, explaining the shared values especially grass root organization, participation and community having shared goals and between its producers and the audience. Alternative model also describes the promotion form shared inter subjective understanding and real sense of community. It supports the idea and concept in citizen journalis m who’s duties it’s to its readers in its spheres, whether grassroots level or institutionalized community. Another model in (Quail, 2003) is the social responsibility and public interest model explains the freedom of right to publication, as accompanied by obligations to the wider society that goes beyond self-interest. Freedom to publish online with new media advocates for social responsibility. You cannot argue when an accidental reporting occur by a bystander who exercised the responsibility to report the news or publish via social media doesn’t have the obligation to exert the news values and new ethics.
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3.1.2 User Generated Content. According to BBC , User generated content is also defined as citizen journalism, social media or 'participatory media refers to a wide variety of media content that is produced by our audiences as opposed to content made by independent production companies or individual contributors commissioned. (BBC , 2014) Other definition define User-generated content (UGC) as any digita l content that is produced and shared by end users of an online service or website. This includes any content that is shared or produced by users that are members or subscribers of the service, but it is not produced by the website or service itself. User-generated content is also known as consumergenerated media (CGM) or conversational media. (Technopedia, n.d.) Explains User-Generated Content (UGC) is generally considered a form of conversational media, meaning that the content leads toward initiating a conversation, which is coined at in web.2.0 web scripting. In fact, the conversation that follows from a UGC is a form of UGC itself. The UGC produced by users can be viewed, consumed and shared by other users of the website or service. Organizational economic corporation and development (OECD) describe three qualities and requirements of user generated content (Braun, 2012, p. 77) as
The content must be made publicly available: User generated content is made for an audience to view and share. The content must have an audience appeal and easily accessible.
The content creation must have some creative work: The user content must not be another person’s work; it has to show originality, creativity either in production, quality and user friendly.
The content must be created outside of a professional routine or practices: The content must not necessarily be used for an institutional or commercial purpose, UGC is another way
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of expressing one’s self, identity. Over time UGC have been used professionally as in the case of citizen journalism, activist, adverting etc.
3.1.3 Public Sphere Public sphere are set of social interaction that occur among people in a society that leads to public opinion and deliberation. The public sphere discusses opinions that are culturally, economica lly and socially centered. They are usually in forms of clubs, forums, societies etc. Public sphere was created by German sociologist Jurgen Harbemas (Thussu, 2006, p. 55) who describes the bourgeois public sphere of the eighteenth century as a class of elite individua ls, usually male dominated independent of the government to discuss political and financial policies. Before the Internet and virtual sphere, individual created different spheres in which they have social interactions and debate, this is usually held in cafes, pubs, clubs, library, board rooms. Public spheres have allowed democratization of public opinion, ideas and flow of information, without public sphere human group interaction would not have existed. In the new age of technology, the public spheres have been developed to a virtual or cyber sphere where online communica tio n occurs (Banda, 2010). Online forum categorizes as public sphere in our age, guestbook, online groups are applicable to our contemporary online public sphere. Netizen are the new society, culture and users of the internet and online cyber sphere which created spheres within its sphere, the internet has social media which has various sites that promotes creation of sphere within sphere for social interaction and community building. Public sphere have helped in measuring and growing audience, their ideologies and opinion circulated among its member. F.Hamilton, (2012) described online cyber sphere and public sphere has dynamic and emergence of citizen journalism within the long formation of media organiza tio n
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3.2 Research Design This research is comparing different aspects of new media and users’ participation using mixed method research approach. Mixed method research is a process that uses qualitative and quantitative research method in investigating participant behavior and understand ing theories that explain the phenomenon (Creswell, 2003). Qualitative research focus on participation and observation of respondent deriving a meaning or phenomenon. Questionnaires was used to questions the use of internet, the kind of news they consume and how they get news content. Constructing the question to determine the kind of media content and news flow will highlight the kinds of news people use online media for highlighting aspect of their views, opinion or experiences with citizen journalism using their examples given of blogs and citizen journalis m websites in Kenya According to Creswell (2003), quantitative research explains theory, hypothesis and variable of research. In this research three theory and one model such as normative theories and democratic participatory theory, social responsibility are used to verify the hypothesis “Citizen Journalism participation in new media” which verifies the use of new media by its audience and the process in which it promotes citizen journalism. I used blog site based on the results from questionnaire to differentiate between the comparative citizen journalism and the relationship and impact with mainstream media and how mainstream media is integrating citizen journalism.
I also used
document, journals, and articles from and publication from libraries of media organization in explaining the distinction between the various types of citizen journalism.
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3.3 Methodology and Data Collection Based on the research design, this research used mixed method approach which comprises of quantitative and qualitative method in collecting data. Data collection is defined as a tool used in analyzing data for research experiment. It comprises of primary and secondary data used in analyzing research statement and finding. Creswell, (2003) explained qualitative approach to the research uses open ended question to gather responses. Blog site were used to differentiate between the comparative citizen journalism the impact and relationship with mainstream media and how mainstream media is integrating citizen journalism. Results from respondents will represent and explain the audience choice, preference, loyalty and how citizen journalism has impacted them in sourcing and news consumption, understanding the relationship among them. Articles from others researchers, and publications from media organizations that are referenced in my research are used to verify the theories which supports citizen journalism as a dynamic genre and the distinctions of various participations and types of citizen journalism. Blog site gotten from the respondents as their favorite’s blog site, will distinguish social media blogs and website of citizen journalist and traditional media, studying its content, readership, contributors, and their media impact in journalism. Use of questionnaire to determine news flows, news events, online news kinds and audience engagement using UGC “User generated content”. It tries to see through a vast lens of measuring how different online media variety has provided different spheres like online newsletter, news wires, RSS Feeds, blogfeed and websites. etc.
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3.4 Data Presentation and Analysis Data presentation in this research project will be graphically displayed using and tables to represent various data. The statistical representation will highlight the distinctions of various means and medium in consuming news. My data analysis analyze responses from the respondents to determine the choice behavior of using new media and their concerns with citizen journalis m. Closed ended questions raised answers that are direct, and their results will be scaled to determine the percentage between the two differential. The responses from the open ended questions result in micro prose answers from the respondent critically questioning their observations, experience and knowledge of a concept from various questions. The responses are analyzed and presented based on occurrence, popularity and similarity of the responses from various respondents. Media content analysis is used in media research to determine relationships between the context, text and audience. (Macnamara, 2005), determining media credibility, audience characteristics. Content Analysis is defined (Bells, 2006, p. 128) as the research technique for making valid inferences from data to their context. In my research I examined blogs and citizen journalism site that the respondents have listed in the survey questionnaire using a checklist to determine the comparison in news genre, credibility and their content contributors, audience participation and News flows.
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Chapter Four 4.0
Research Finding and Analysis
Questionnaires were given to 50 respondents who are between the ages of 18-24 years, freshman to senior year in undergraduate at United States International University,
The respondents were
selected randomly on campus. The selection was based on students who own mobile/Smartp ho ne and laptop. 12 questions in numbers, multiple choice answers and open ended questions. 1) What do you use the Internet for? Total
of Percentage
Respondents : 50 Social Media Activities
Political News
Online Stream
Keeping and Following
Trends Networking
- 36 -
Graphic Presentation of Table. 1) What do you use the Internet for?
INTERNET USE Total Number of Respondents : 50
42% 21
16% 8
28% 14
42% 16% 8
22% 11
82 percent of the respondents get their news on social media. Social media gives on time news feed, breaking news, opinion, scoops and other social media activities. The platform is made easier, with the time stamps and events attached to it. Regular updates, daily, monthly or weekly keeps readers engaged in order not to get the news. Social media app like Flipboard has a magazine look and feel. It fetches news content from various media outlets into a magazine news app. Facebook and twitter are built in news feed with constant and daily refreshing. 52% of the respondents use the internet for research. Internet research is faster, digital and it is connected to library servers, be it open library servers and free or public library or a community library is connected to various internet servers for storage and retrieval of information. Research help in understanding questions, inquiry and investigate actualities. Most of the respondents use the internet for research. Research helps in gaining and adding knowledge to any specific area of studies. In media studies research is done to understand complexity of human experience. Aniko ( - 37 -
2009), Media research allows for verification of gut feelings and intuition for decision makers. Since most of the respondents are students, thereby research work is one activities and use of the internet. 42 percent of the respondents use the internet for networking and networking news. Internet has increased the total number of online social networking, making friends, following our favorite anchors, mentors, and growing community online is trendy on the internet. Social Networking builds social activities, traffic, communities cause and activities. The networking powers of the internet have allowed for news rooms, news agents, and media personnel to grow audience online. Most workspace is built on networking. Networking creates interactivity. Journalists who have quality networks aid them in sourcing news and gathering and even go length to bring the news into the news room. Networking has gone beyond making and building relationship. It becomes the core step to build a community. Citizen Journalists, bloggers and others started off with networking with about 10-50 readers to having 10,000 followers or more. 42% of the respondents use the internet to get political news and updates. Politics is a societal sect that governs the affairs of any society. They advocate for policies and activities to serve the purpose of ruling and advocating the norms and rules for those in power. Political news cover stories in elections, prominence feature of the political leaders, government policies and change. News in Africa media covers about 55 percent of political news. Politics on the internet is very democratic; it opens channels for online interaction. Many news agents, news Corporation have special columns, polls, blogs for online politics and interaction. The columns give analysis and concise truth of events and happenings around the society.
- 38 -
28% of the respondents use the internet for online streaming. Online stream, such as music, videos, news, vlog and other media streaming services are very common on the internet which has provided faster streaming service by internet service provider. Netflix, Youtube Periscope and, Vine, Instagram and Vimeo are popular for on demand video content. Video, audio and flash presentations tell more story than written articles. In news reporting videos are evidential proof for actualities. Audiences have switched to online news streaming, since majority of news reports are broadcasted on their website and their app. The divergence is quite progressive, since most internet providers are provide, cheaper and faster internet service. Youtube stream is the most popularly used. It also attracts advertiser, campaign, media and all sorts. 22% respondents use Followership and trends are add-ons online the most trends from respondents, fashion, sports, music and technology. Trends and followership create, keeps network, updates and structures. Users don’t want to miss a news even while they are offline or on holiday or away. Trends get to update a story, cause action and new development, knowledge and activities. 16% use the internet to surf. Surfing is the progressive web page navigation. Browsing several webpage information, news, articles. The thing about the web is its networking strengths, weblinks are also built in network and navigation of webpage to webpage. Surfing is till trendy on the internet. Most people use surfing the internet to relax or in their free time. 16% of the respondent uses the internet to blog or blog about things they experience. Blogging have provided news from an audience point of view. A blogger mostly narrates or write news that it from the grassroots level, although some blogs are very elitist in nature which serves a particular kind of class. If blog is used it won’t. Respondents who chose blogging have noted that they rather
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use blogging for news content, stating the various blogs they subscribe to. The easiest way a citizen journalist can use spread the message to the audience is the use of blog, very easy to set up, doesn’t to require you have an experience in web publishing and web design. So many sites like Wordpress,, Blogspot and Medium have made blogging easier for blogger to set up. 2) Do you own Social Media Account Yes
90 % of the respondents own social media accounts
10 % of the respondents do not own social media account. Which of these accounts do you own?
of Percentages
responses : 50 Facebook
Pin Interest
Tumblr ,
- 40 -
Graph Presentation of Table 2.
Social Media Use Number of responses : 50
55% 34%
25 4% 1
31% 11
4% 1
7% 2
7% 2
Facebook has the highest number of responded as a preference on social media. The website is known for its user content profiling with features like photo sharing, video, event management and sharing and Facebook has various options, personal page, public Page. The personal or private page is for personal data and networking with friends, family, colleague and partners. The promotional or –public page is set up for public figures, company, brand, product, services etc. It allows for regular updates and opens to interaction between subscribers, the owners or manager.. On Facebook, the community or groups engaged with members. News flows, information are updates with its trendy Wall or Timeline pattern. Facebook pages disseminate informatio n, community building, brand promotion advertisement and marketing. Twitter micro blogging being the second highest has little user content profiling, running a timeline and newsfeed with limited profiling. Twitter is used for news update tweeting sharing. The news update on twitter, feed, story trends, and Hashtags compliments news gathering, breaking news
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and the alternative media. #CitizenJournalism has its hashtag on twitter making it easy to keep trends on twitter, and searching for news content become very Periscope: Periscope is twitter live streaming app, that lets users broadcast and stream live events for users to use. Developed in March 2015, so many twitter users are streaming live event. It will be saver for journalist enabling unfiltered reporting on social media. The live broadcast tool and live comment entries are most effective in live engagement. (Brustein, 2015) To say periscope will frontier citizen journalism and modify news reporting. Instagram being the third highest is a photo publishing site, which allows users to upload their favorite photos and share with their followers. Media outlets and celebrities have used this in disseminating media content such as advert, campaigns, fliers supplement etc. Pin Interest and Tumblr, Snapchat and LinkedIn are social networking site. Linkedin is professional and used in job search and professional networking. 3) How do you get your online news
HOW DO YOU GET YOUR ONLINE NEWS I have daily newslette rs 28%
gossip site blogpost 5% 7% news from youtube 20% twitter , facebook and periscope 40%
I prefer Blog Posts: 3 respondents have a preference to blog post. They get the news from blog sites. One of the respondents explained reason they prefer the blog site because it is audience - 42 -
friendly, easy and it allows them to post their views and they can see other post. An interesting comment from a respondent stated blog posts brings new idea despite its truth value and false value but it is an avenue for knowledge platform. Blogs have comment thread for readers, listeners to post thread. The blog thread creates loyalty, community. It makes the audience have a feeling of relation with the issues discuss. I rather watch the news on Youtube 8 Respondents prefer watching news on Youtube. Majority of traditional mainstream media get the news via live streaming on news program. Two respondents prefer Youtube streaming because it gives full length footage of the report, detailed, live coverage and the news are actual news. Two respondents support YouTube credibility firsthand information of Youtube. Another respondent prefers Youtube because it allows viewing to watch at their convenience rather than a fixed or specific time; Youtube videos are stored online on Youtube servers.
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I rather follow the trends on Twitter, Facebook and periscope: 16 Respondents agree that they keep trends, follows news updates and activities on their social media platforms like Facebook, periscope and twitter. 6 respondents attest using Facebook, and Twitter for their tweets reason being that these mediums are faster, easier reach to obtain news. Interactivity with the post, comment thread, favorite
46 retweet
is used to see how valid a story or
news is. Social media platforms are not time consuming, you can get the news on the go even, mobile tablet and other portable devices. Two respondent attest that using Facebook and Twitter is easy to maneuver the news, like from one news genre or from one media outlet to another could easily maneuver from done reading the news on like other platform where you have no selectivity. It is programmed. I have a Daily, Weekly Newsletters: 11 respondents are subscribers to newsletters, news tidbits, notification and alerts daily, or weekly. Their preference are it is better, and easier access. They receive this via their smart phone. Newsletters are sent via emails, sms, mails apps etc. Newsletter helps to keep tabs with the news without necessary having to go out to search for News making it faster reach and cheaper, a respondent explained. I go on gossip Site: 2 of the respondents visit gossip site to know what’s happening in the circular society, celebrity scoop and gossip. The story is juicy, not too constructive. Gossip sites are very famous and popular on the internet. It is mostly used for entertainment. The readership on gossip site can also be competitive to popular online media site. 4) What engages you on social media?
To write or post on Twitter-“Tweet” Retweet is to repost a tweet or share a tweet on your twitter timeline.
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I comment on other post 27%
I write my own post and opinon 29%
I upload my own videos 28%
I upload my videos: Uploading videos is a User generated content activities that users indulge in. 8 of the respondents upload their own video content to their social media accounts; Instagram, Vine and Twitter to express opinion, happenings, event or promote a cause. Visuals representatio ns of messages are common in content upload of portable devices like digital cameras, mobile phones and tablet. Share Videos: 14 respondents share videos; funny or comedy viral videos, news videos, product samples etc, these are entertainment, informative and It brings participation and engagement on social media. Videos can be cartoon representation, trends or pranks. Sharing according to (Seiter, 2015) describes the psychology of social sharing into different parts, Bring value content and entertainment to one another, thereby allowing for change in opinion and belief. Sharing content online gives self-expression and self-acknowledgement in posting and sharing, it is our daily experience, daily belief and identity. I write/share my own opinion: 15 respondents write/share their opinions on social media accounts. They use this medium to express their views, opinion and belief. Public Opinion building is a process for shaping human society involving interaction and exchange of ideas from individ ua ls expressing their believe ideology, cultural and social experience. (Braun, 2012, p. 115). Opinion, - 45 -
views, contributions account to the interactivity and conversational flow of social media advantage. People Share thoughts, concerns, advice, ideas, issues, knowledge, based on cultura l background education, understanding and belief and not supported by one fact to the informatio n. They have a feeling of expressing what they know, who they are, and what they are doing. Sharing of public opinion (Braun, 2012), in media, are used as audience metric to understand the audience belief, ideas, and facts. I comment on other’s Post 14 respondents comment on other’s post. On social media, like, share, comments measures of engagement. People comment on post that interests them, share articles, that relates to them, this comments are inclusive in users’ participation. User participation is an emotional and neurologica l experience (Seiter, 2015); it is used to express virtual empathy. Studies have explained when we comment on Facebook or other posts the brain reacts either giving us an opportunity to express, vent, or virtually show empathy (Seiter, 2015). Recent comment threads are interactive and conversational, they help to measure our interests in the conversations creating a virtual belonging among the posters of comment, building and maintaining community online. 5) What trends do you see on social media and online community? Trends are general direction in which something is changing. Trends can be fashion, cars, new products, new ideas, or any dynamic change. A large number of respondents attest to see much social media trend such as increased number of blogging and micro blogging, online shopping has also increased, User generated content, such as photo and video upload , selfie, are are also trendy on social media than use of text. Grapevine and celebrity scoop are trendy on social media. News trends, sports, entertainment are among the major trends on social media.
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6) What is your favorite blog in Kenya? 80 percent of the respondents are frequent with the blog site “this is ESS”, 10 percent of the respondents use Ghafla, Biko Zulu blog has 5 percent while other blogs like penstroke, Nairobi exposed, Usiwho (United States International University blog site) share the rest 5 percent. Respondent stated, their followership of their favorite blog are based on personality, style, media content and frequency in writing make the preference in visiting the site more often. This is Ess is weblog of a fashion celebrity. Sharon Munga, She has quite a number for following mostly female readers who are trendy, fashionable and lover of lifestyle trends. Her posts are featured as Lifestyle spread alternative to print or an online magazine. She is loved by fans and followers who are dedicated to her posts, events and photos. The blog has quite a number of photos, which alternates to storytelling. The blog has several social media button to follow and keep trends of the blog. 7) Do you trust the content from your blog and citizen journalism website? Few respondents trust content from their blog posts, from citizen journalists and bloggers around the news, saying it has helped them in news gathering some detested citizen journalism due accuracy. Audience loyalty is gained by mutual and personalized relationships among the reader and the author. Most broadcast, newspapers have this is their style of writing and same goes to citizen writers, bloggers and reporters, they frame and prime their content to build mutual relationship so as the audience feel they solely and absolutely relate with the news. (Graham, 2006). 8) What do you understand by Citizen Journalism? 20 respondents described citizen journalism as relation to blogs online news, citizen or ordinary people gathering information. Among the responses citizen journalism is described as a website
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site for informing people on current matters, and journalism for citizen to pass on information on social site across, and not necessarily be a professional, who is not employed by any media outlet. Few respondents described as freelancer. Other respondents could not define or have any idea what citizen journalism is. 9) Should Citizen Journalism be more in Mainstream Media? 31 Respondents agree that citizen journalism should be in mainstream media for its participatio n in news gathering to large mass audiences, and journalists are using it as a tool for dissemina ting news to large audience and their news are direct; close to grassroots reporting, current and appealing first hand in news reporting and mainstream media is very limiting and not so informative when it comes to institutional and government related issues. 9 respondents believe citizen journalism should not be in mainstream media due to its unprofessionalism credibility, authenticity. But on a regular basis the fear of libel and credibility still worry stating citizen journalism is unofficial, 10) Do you think citizen journalists are alternative to mainstream media by competing in news gathering and reporting. 7 respondents agree that citizen journalism is an alternative to mainstream media, Citizen journalism provide all the news, they are neither selective in news gathering and reporting, in their reporting they report all kinds of news that interest the readers and audience, some respondent supported citizen journalism plays all the news in order to keep their following; followership is among the remunerations for citizen journalist since most are not paid. 5 respondents includ ing journalism students do not support the idea that citizen journalists should be on mainstream media which is more professional, their news are not news worthy, credible so they can never measure
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up to mainstream media. Other respondents did not respond or have no opinion about the alternative. 11) Can both survive each other and if citizen journalism is dependent of mainstream media and the audience would be more dependent or loyal to each other? 9 Journalism student respondents attest that they can survive each other since majority of citizen journalist main news content are gotten from the mainstream media, another claim audience will not depend on mainstream and there are instances where people get the same news and informa tio n from various medium or online outlets. The question describe the rapid change of medium, some audience are switching to mainstream media, while others are sticking to their daily posts from the citizen journalist and the aspect citizen journalist have created a name from themselves and working in tandem in gathering and reporting news. Few respondents attest that journalism and mainstream media will take over news reporting, opposing citizen journalists not professional and most of their content from yellow journalism or gutter press. 12) Where will social media be in the next five years? Most of the respondents believe that social media will always be used in communicating, interacting and getting news feeds and content will continue to grow in the next five years, stating that the audience and users of social media are relying on cheaper and faster ways of distributing audience. Technology will improve social media, becoming a norm and natural way for people to communicate, in distribution of news, there will be developments and more upgrade, maybe a more sophisticated and simpler means of communication. Another respondent attest that social media site will become a knowledge bank. Everything on needs or needs to know will be available
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4.1 Traditional media and citizen Journalism. Citizen journalism emerge both from outside as well as inside established news organizatio ns (F.Hamilton, 2012).On one hand, people outside of journalism industries see citizen journalism as a critique of the restrictions and privileges of professionalism and of the insulation more generally of journalism from its readers and society. It is common that most young adult and adolescence are subscribers to blogs, social media which are the medium of citizen journalist. According to (Internet Society, 2014) adult above 40 and 50 are still heavy users of traditional media and rely on its news content. Christa (2013) explained traditional journalism structured around sources of news. These sources of news tend to be ‘official’ sources, ensconced in their positions of power. In Africa, and possibly in most countries in the world, the most powerful sources of news tend to be politicians and business people. This supports the elitists’ spheres and pattern in traditiona l media. Although in the elitist world there are certain community or social magazines that fend for the community in which it belongs. Most recently both traditional and citizen journalists have collaborated and referred themselves. Most news anchors or news program have sourced from blog, and respectively, have referenced from the news. Citizen journalists have motivation, they act like media personnel in partnering with traditional media. Schudon M, (1998) explains journalists are professionals who hold citizenship in trust for us. In public or civic, journalis m needs to move to journalism for conversation rather than information. In this aspect most journalist are beginning to embrace this ideas of journalism with conversation in comparison to citizen journalism who pride themselves with making their news content in striking conversation, this is why the citizen journalism blogs or podcast attract the listeners and readers because of the democratization of media. The traditional journalist are professional they are trained and understand the business of reporting and the media. Citizen Journalist on the other hand are not
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professional, they are obliged under the spheres of new media. The traditional journalist who uses online journalism, go through several stages before reaching publication or production. The news contains news values, timeliness, factuality, proximity and accuracy. The content is vetted by several news editors called gatekeepers who vet the news before production or publication. This is rather expensive due to the highly professional personnel. There are some qualities that define citizen journalism and the profession according to (MAcharashivil, 2012, pp. 24-27) Citizen Journalist is technology savvy, they use all recent trend and tacks in new media (MAcharashivil, 2012, p. 24). New media is free, fast and user friendly they are prone to use the technology in their profession with mobile integration. They are quickly to blog on the go anywhere anytime. The news content is free, fast and easily accessible. Serve as an alternative voice for the people: Citizen Journalism serves as voice to the people. It had become more closer and easy reach in the grassroots region. It provides faster and alterative news content to communities who feel the media doesn’t include them or don’t require much traditional mainstream media coverage. This is seen in aspect of an online outreach program, health reports and disaster. The invention of blogs and diaries has increased citizen journalism. In citizen journalism compared to professional journalist is that their news content is self-regulatory. It is regulated by the publisher. Some citizen journalists are known to have publication that interest them or serve as a guide to the readers. (MAcharashivil, 2012, p. 24) They become the gatekeeper, the editor, they regulate how, when and what news needed to be studied.
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4.2 Online Newspaper and Citizen Journalism Using the same medium, online newspaper and citizen journalists, are web publishers. They use computer technologies, and web technologies. Online newspaper are constructed in a journalis tic manner, they have the 5Ws and H of journalism. The effectiveness and alternative to print media is that it is affordable cheaper, reliable, can be made reference to quickly. The news content is the same as most traditional media. The news on online print media are prone to update, edited and republished again. (Widholm)- Unlike print version which is edited and sent for print as final copy. The productions of news content are more users oriented. Smith (2015), “US newspapers are using content from their online users while publishing; it is no longer a surprise for citizen journalis t’s content be used by online newspapers. More of it will be in the coming year.”
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4.3 Citizen journalis m in Kenya. Citizen journalism in Africa has been accepted by the publishers of their content, their audience, mainstream media and the online sphere. Citizen journalism doesn’t only use online media; they also use traditional medium of communication such as letters, writing, verbal and online/inte r net medium. In Kenya there have various trends where citizen journalism has been effective and has come to age of becoming a growing phenomenon which the public is accepting drastically. The effectiveness has been seen from the bomb blast in 1998 to the post violence election in 2007 to the 2013 elections, (Mokeyo, Daily Nation, 2007, p. 11). After the
47 Westgate
Attack in 2013, the
social media sphere together with the media in stabling the nations and disseminating message of security and state of affairs which lead to the invention of #WeAreOne to bring unity among citizen and help collect funds for the victims of the attack. Although the emergence of social media has really changed the way news is reported and engaged there have been various instance that technology have controlled the news by reporting unprofessio nal reports that range from half-truth, rumors, bandit and grapevines which have been paraded by these online bloggers, which is often shallow on accuracy, balance , and objectivity. (Steve , Daily Nation, 2015)., citizen journalists and bloggers like Adika Adiye , Robert Alia, Abraham Mutua have been charged for terrorism , misused of telecommunication equipment, (BLoggers association of Kenya, 2015, p. 10), Abraham Mutua got an Hashtag
48 #FreeMutua
which was viral on twitter, was arrested for
highlighting corruption and badmouthing about uhuru’s regime on his blog in Isiolo County of Kenya. (BLoggers association of Kenya, 2015, p. 10) Another case as of January 2015 was the arrested for circulating hate speech, racial discontent on his Facebook posts (BLoggers association
48 article/2000148319/cid-release-blogger-abraham-mutaiarrestedfor-belittling-big-people-in-govt
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of Kenya, 2015) and fined for 200,000 Kenyan shillings. Citizen journalists using social media to send these kinds of news are increasing in highly number of followers that patronize the news content, making the landscape diverse and media unconstructive. Ethics have been a concern on the net. Journalists have written articles about the online journalism and ethics, including citizen journalist who are not professional but must observe and follow ethics in reporting and writing, suggesting netizens must observe ethics. (Ochieng, 2015, p. 2). Citizen journalism has been effective with the people sourcing, reporting during the age of crises. And sometimes gives threat to the mainstream media. (Steve , Daily Nation, 2015, p. 2). The Kenyan government use social media as a tool in creating conversations49 , opinions and interests that boost the nations’ affairs and image. K24 and Standard Media Group have been the first news agents to incorporate citizen generated content in their reporting. Although Nation media has written and advocated for citizen journalism they do not have a periodical specter of their programming that accounts for citizen journalism although they do have a UGC portal and blog that advocates for user generated content (Nyabuga, 2013). Unlike K24’s segment of news program that accounts for eye witness report, allowing those close to an incident use the platform to send in reports and engage with the news . Standard media allows citizen journalism on their digital version of the standard media which is curled under the name U report which allows writer, citizen journalist to submit stories and content of related news in the society. Citizen TV of the Royal Media services have an avenue on their apps to comment, blog and interact, using the interactive platform as form on User generated content. Overall citizen journalism has impacted Kenyan media and journalism in several ways not just only in rumors, grapevine and blogging it has merged news reporting news media since most of
(BLoggers association of Kenya, 2015)
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the news agents have webpage that allows for feedback integrating social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter to interact and allow users and citizen to engage.
It has been used community
mobilization, nation’s branding and reputation. A journalist on nation media published an article that speaks how and why someone who choose a citizen journalist over mainstream stressing the risk, in the case of seeking a citizen gynecologist or a citizen pilot without no experience comparing citizen journalism has been derisive and cheapen the value of journalism since user are alternating social media and citizen journalist medium not worried about the value and credibility of the news. (Daily Nation Newspaper, 2014, p. 4). The issues with citizen journalism are it goes against copyright and infringes privacy (Mokeyo, Daily Nation, p. 11). Standard media Kenya and U Report: Citizen Journalism a chance to get published Ureport is a product and service of Standard digital media, available online for citizen journalists who decide to send in articles for their U-report publication. The news content covers news stories from politics, human interests, lifestyle, sports, technology and other areas in East Africa like Rwanda and Uganda who can also send in articles. They also include county publishers from Kisumu, Nairobi and Kericho and social media editors. Writers are allowed to send in their articles to a number provided on the webpage, an open call system when submitted the articles are vetted by editors permitting publications on the citizen journalism webpage. It has a number of readership and comment threads allows for participation. The news content is different from standard digital media.
This advocates the interests for
institutionalized media embracing public participation, user engagement and defined the theories of democratic participatory theory.
It also created gap and reduced the misconception between
journalists and citizen journalist, providing economic framework, democracy and press freedom.
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KENYAN POST is an online website that runs daily news happening in the country. It uses extensive online technology and social media to scoop news for its visitor. This is an example of citizen journalism web page that serves only the purpose of news gathering and reporting. The news features from News, Gossip, and editorial on politics. These news stories are not mainly featured by the mainstream media. This describes non institutional citizen Journalism.
4.4 Citizen Journalism in Nigeria. The social engagement and activities that occur in this nation has really influenced the emergence of citizen journalism, like in every other nation. Citizen journalism influences individual and institutions setting up webpage to disseminate information this of course was and only largely appreciated in democratic era. Citizen journalists in Nigeria focus their reports and articles on corruption, terrorism, health, education and activism. Issues affecting their locality, regional while others continents, there are various news outlet of citizen journalism, which includes, Sahara report, The, Linda Ikeji Blog, Nairaland , African examiner, Nigerian Villa ge Square etc amongst many others. Most of the report and webpage are based in Nigeria and others in the Diaspora. The advent of citizen journalism started or popularized even before the inventio n of social media, it popularized with the famous forum, where every netizen of Nigeria, home and abroad use this to report, send information. Nairaland was a hub for everything news and information serves every Nigerian especially during the growing popularity of information seeking and dissemination. The elites and high rand society used diplomatic forum, guestbook to disseminate information/news in their circles. This influenced the trend for others alike to start blogging and keep monitoring political status at home. After the popularity and invention of social media and spread on internet, information and news flows became very flexib le and advent. It created an avenue for every citizen to participate in democratic action of news - 56 -
reporting and gathering rather than just becoming a listener or a reader. Nigeria has devalued the trust credibility for some citizen journalist (Sunday, 2012, p. 23). Social media engageme nt became a UGC activity. Nigerians participate in User generated content, be it in dissemination of information or having advocacy and activism and sending their request to the leaders to enact change and policies. During Goodluck Jonathan’s regime, Nigerians felt close to the president having interactions with their President on Facebook, this platform allowed the citizen to give appraisals, request and in turn policies were enacted. (Okoro, Nnayelugo, Diri Christain T , Odii Chijoke , 2013). In fact Nigerian News Agency raised the issue that supports citizen journalis m which will create an avenue for the government to get feedback from its citizen. ( m, 2012). In recent years citizen journalist is
developing trend in Nigeria, among the various twitter
accounts, Blackberry groups and Facebook groups and pages, advocating and reporting the news, has influenced mainstream media to do more in their online news content. Nigerians on social media are dedicated users, they love to share, participate and use the news, and they use blog services and group services on Facebook in reporting. Bloggers and Journalists partner with mainstream media in reporting trends and activities around their locality. The emergence and threat of BOKO Haram in Nigeria has laid upon the social and democratic responsibility of Nigerians to participate in reporting and being aware of events happening. In an event of an attack the news is widely spread on twitter, Facebook and other social media sites leading to activism, action, example is #BringBackOurGirls which became a twitter trend in the year 2014 was an action that motivated the minds of every netizen on Nigerian cyber sphere, home and abroad in plead of external aids Despite how most terrorist group like Boko Haram have been using this medium and engaging in citizen journalism to spread their message across. Mainstream media in Nigeria have - 57 -
avenues where citizens are allowed to send in content and get published like in the case of Standard Media group in Kenya. In Nigeria, Channels TV has an app that runs on android, Apple IOS and Windows Phone which allows for citizen, viewers and uploaded content to the studio for people to interact. is an online news portal started in 2012 and has progressively expanded its readership across the globe. The web and mobile based news has over 16 million monthly viewers hit (NAIJ.COM, 2015). The news flows from political, finance, entertainment and human interest stories. is an example of citizen journalism which citizen, writers and authors can publish stories the site and mobile app allows you to upload content, ideas and news stories that might be featured on the website. Reports are based on happenings, breaking new stories events within Nigeria. They provide journalistic analysis in news, display and production but majority of its reader’s home and abroad are active reader for news content. They are different and independent from the traditional mainstream media outlets in Nigeria but have alternated online news to suite it readers.
4.5 Disadvantages in citizen Journalism Mainstream media has channels, links and personnel, tools in verifying, and authenticating news. It goes through many news vets before publication even at the stands of online news it is still in development stage to verify user generated content. There are tendency of having materials and hacked content and even rumors. It lacks the news value for authenticity. Citizen journalists are prone to be under political influence and can be used as a tool for political propaganda. Citizen journalism allows public in reporting, and circulating published material, which might stir up uneasiness (MAcharashivil, 2012, p. 27). Example is war blogging, political party feud, hate
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speech, or social media feud between citizens of different political party or alliances, nations etc. Feud on twitter have infuriated cyber wars example can be #KenyansOnTwitter. These
52 Twars
50 #SomeoneTell
51 #KOT
(Twitter Wars) stir up controversial issues happening. (Zand,
2014).“Citizen Journalists never prime their articles and report. They don’t follow the method of writing in inverted pyramid styles and the 5Wand H. Their information flow is overloaded or sometimes not concise. They give all the details which might be irrelevant for the readers not following the rules of journalism (MAcharashivil, 2012, p. 29).
4.6 Credibility in citizen journalism With recent controversies around the credibility of citizen journalism in mainstream media content is undergoing. Compared to Online newspapers and Print media where credibility is always on ground in publication. On print there are several ways to attest for an article for originality, plagiarism, accuracy and content of news values. In more recent years there will be more ways to advance and use new digital media to attest for authenticity in video and in Text. Cell phone, portable digital camera videos are very popular in reporting the news, faster and convenient where no professional cameras are there, cell phones these days produces HD video that alternate television production quality. Most cell phone footage is sent on social media and the recent swerve as social media frenzy, in which news room and reporters might find. A research recently undergoing production in University of Florida, is experimenting on how technology can authenticate and verify video reports sent by citizen Journalists. (Wright, 2015)
#someone tell is a campaign used innovated by Kenyans to speak out about an issue in the society especially on social media. 51 Kenyans on Twitter. 52 Twitter War.
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“Efforts at video authentication technology being undertaken at Florida International University do seem to be an important component of getting to the ultimate truth about what we see – or believe we see – (Wright, 2015) “Carbunar will be looking at that history and more-sophisticated data to help confirm that a specific video has truly been captured on a particular user’s mobile device. Most importantly for Carbunar, the stream of data that is generated allows a comparison between the device’s movements and the footage that the device purportedly captured at a specific time. Someone claiming, then, to have shot original video should have corresponding data to back up the claim”. (Wright, 2015)
4.7 Future of citizen journalis m Citizen journalism will be more democratized and homogenized. Researchers are undergoing research in how citizen journalist will report the news in more institutionalized way giving them more trust, credibility and accuracy. Two researchers from university of North Carolina and University of Florida are developing tools for citizen journalist to develop content. Mainstream media would appreciate more contents from citizen. A would be reporters is coined at univers ity of North Carolina stating “Online media management has created a mobile platform for citizen journalist or would be reporters to use uploading content to their servers. (Ballon, FAll 2014), assisting more citizen participate social responsibility of gathering and reporting news. In Africa, more people will able to participate in the social responsibility of news gathering and reporting. There will be more opportunity for people to hear out their views, participate in various ways. Technology will improve the use of this genre or media to enact social and developmenta l changes rather than hate speech, slander and libel - 60 -
Chapter Five 5.0 CONCLUSION Engagement, interaction, and participation are concepts in receiving feedback in media. Media outlets use various tools in engaging with their audience and the public engage in various ways like polls, comment, meeting and clubs. The dynamic invention of new media has created various ways in which people participate and engage with the media and with their audience. New media has democratized the news publishing and news gathering allowing audience, public to produce, share and distribute information. Citizen journalism is and has been the ground opportunity for audience, citizen to participate in reporting, setting trend, following story and disseminating. User generated content which is a dominant and common trend in news reporting will continue to grow and reinvent itself since there are more and more devices that influences user generated content and various medium to facilitate sharing to a large number of people in an immediate instant thereby allowing citizen journalism to grow and being integrated in real media, since there are new and future technology to attest for credibility and news worthiness in gathering and reporting. In Africa, citizen journalism has impacted in dissemination of news among its citizen where the news has been hard to get. Africans living in the Diasporas use online media to engage with the news like blogs, forums and online interaction tool in informing themselves about events happening and exchange of information. In Kenya and Nigeria, there have been several occasion where citizen journalisms laid major roles in cases of elections, report on terrorist attacks. Citizen journalism has also bridged the gap between the masses and government, letting the citizen lay out their issues and allowing the government to enact changes in policies. (, 2012).
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Despite the advantages of citizen journalism and mainstream media, in news gathering and collaboration with some media outlets and journalists, efforts by citizen journalist have made mainstream media to advance with news publishing, there are still need for the audience to check for the kinds of news they consume since most of their content are not professionally vetted, they lack the journalistic methods of news gathering and making news, credibility, checking for accuracy and skills in professionalism is still under development like in the case of NACJ National association of Citizen Journalism and BAKE ( Bloggers Association of Kenya ) thriving in making sure its provide guideline, support system for individual or association who are willing to participate in citizen Journalism. The differences and concern for mainstream media is lured to the audience as a nation media reporter has stated that the public will consume anything they find as news, not regarding the, quality, objectivity and authenticity and source of news (Steve , Daily Nation, 2015, p. 2), because the consumption of these kinds of news gives the readers a negative perception of the community around them and it is becoming a concern for mainstream media. Media research and experts are accepting the term, thereby researching and developing tools for authenticating content from digital devices that are sent to the news room (Wright, 2015). Citizen journalism, in 2015 has new tool for digital reporting and advantage and citizen journalism is the Twitter owned Periscope and Meerkat that has been effortlessly tested by citizen journalist in news reporting, the live broadcast feature of periscope account for authenticity.
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Appendix Questionnaire Major: Class/Year: Age: Email: Q1) What do you use the internet for? a)Social media e) Research h) Networking
b) Political News f) Just surfing
c)Blogging d) Online Stream g) Keeping and Following Trends
Q2) Do you own social media account Yes
If Yes Instagram
Pin Interest Others ……………………………………………………………..
Q3) How do you get your online news? o o o o o
I prefer the blogs post. I watch the news on Youtube I follow the trends on twitter, Facebook and periscope. I have daily or weekly newsletters. I go on gossip site.
Q4) What engages you on Social media? Share video I upload my Videos I write my own opinion - 68 -
I comment on others posts. Q5 what’s your favorite blog site in Kenya. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… Q6) What Trends do you see on social media and online community? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………….
Q7) Do you trust content from your favorite blog and citizen journalist news ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………… Q8) What do you understand by citizen Journalism? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………… - 69 -
Q9) Should Citizen Journalism be more on mainstream Media? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………. Q10) Do you believe citizen journalists are alternative to mainstream media by competing with news gathering and reporting? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………… Q11) Do you think whether they can survive each other and if citizen journalism is dependent of mainstream media if the audience would be more dependent or loyal to each other? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………….………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
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……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………….. Q12) Where is social media taking the world and where do you see social media in the next 5 years? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………
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