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African Development Bank Group

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This Request for Expression of Interest solicits proposals from vendors who can ... Maximize the opportunity for obtaini
African Development Bank Group


Background / General Description The African Development Bank Group (AfDB or the Bank) is a multilateral development institution engaged in poverty reduction, uplifting of living conditions and mobilization of resources for the continent’s economic and social development. The Financial Reporting Division (FFCO.1) is part of the Financial Control Department. The Division is responsible for the accounting for all financial transactions of the Bank Group, the bilateral Funds and the special Funds. In addition to the financial statements for all these reporting entities, the Division prepares special reports and analyses (including those for the Asset Liability Management Committee - ALCO) for Management, the Board and external stakeholders. Project Description As part of the monthly financial reporting process, the financial reporting team in FFCO.1 currently runs Standard reports in the Bank’s Enterprise Resource Planning software, SAP (Systems, Applications and Products), export the reports to Excel, reformats the data and performs “cut & paste” to convert the data into presentable format for reporting. The manual intervention is time-consuming, leaving very little or no time for quality review and financial analysis that will assist management in decision making. The process is often repeated several times in a reporting cycle prior to the finalizing the reports. This Request for Expression of Interest solicits proposals from vendors who can provide and implement an “off the shelf” Excel-Based solution that will help to automate the financial reporting process by building reports in a format that is user friendly and can and simply refreshed with real time data from SAP as required. The automated data extraction from SAP General Ledger is expected to improve efficiency in the production of financial and management reports. In addition, it should contribute to the improvement of the quality and reliability of financial information produced.

Scope of Work a) Delivery and implementation of the software solution b) Training of finance staff in the use of the software c) Delivery of user manual for reference The Bank is seeking for information companies that specialize in the development of the above solution. Through this Request for Expression of Interest, the Bank is looking to:    

Obtain comparative information on available services to optimize the current service delivery; Gather information on companies that can provide these services; Gather information on industry pricing arrangements; Maximize the opportunity for obtaining the right service at the best price;

Please use the attached form (Attachment A) and clearly mark your Expression of Interest with above applicable references. Interested applicants must originate from one of the Bank’s member countries listed in Attachment B below. The applications for RFI submissions should be submitted by email at [email protected] by April 13, 2016 at 15hrs00 Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, local time. The submission email subject shall bear the subject and reference of the EOI “SUPPLY AND IMPLEMENATION OF FINANCIAL REPORTING SOFTWARE FINANCIAL REPORTING DIVISION SERVICES (ADB/EOI/CGSP/2016/0039”. All submissions must be written in English or in French. The Bank reserves the right to reject or accept late applications. Applications will be advised, in due course, of the results of their applications. The Bank reserves the right to decide not to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) Any modifications to this notice will be publicized on these sites.

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SUPPLY AND IMPLEMENATION OF FINANCIAL REPORTING SOFTWARE FINANCIAL REPORTING DIVISION – FFCO 1 ADB/EOI/CGSP/2016/0030 ATTACHEMENT A - EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FORM (to be completed by company) Company name: Parent Company: Country of registration: Head/Director: Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Web-site: Contact person: Contact person position: Contact person e-mail: Relevant Experience/Expertise in implementing the proposed solution, please include: a) a table of Completed and ongoing projects/programs /supply experience worldwide and with Government and International Organizations/Institutions b) client contact details: Other information: Attached are copies of original documents of:  Articles of Incorporation or Registration of firm named and information on the capital structure.  In case of JV, letter of intent to form a legally enforceable JV including a draft agreement, or JV agreement  In case of government owned entity from the Bank’s member country, documents establishing legal and financial autonomy and compliance with the principles of commercial law. I, the undersigned, warrant that the information provided in this form is correct and, in the event of changes, details will be provided as soon as possible: ______________________ Name

__________________ Signature

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____________ Date

ATTACHEMENT B - List of Member Countries of the Bank (*means location of existing or future Bank offices) REGIONAL COUNTRIES 1.


5. 5. Burkina Faso* 9. 13.

Central African Rep. *





3. 3. Benin 7.

10. Chad*

4. 4. Botswana


8. Cape Verde

11. Comoros

12. Congo

Côte d’Ivoire 14. Democratic Rep 15. Djibouti (HQ) of Congo*

16. Egypt*

17. Equatorial Guinea

18. Eritrea

19. Ethiopia*

20. Gabon*

21. Gambia

22. Ghana*

23. Guinea

24. Guinea Bissau**

25. Kenya*

26. Lesotho

27. Liberia*

28. Libya

29. Madagascar*

30. Malawi

31. Mali*

32. Mauritania

33. Mauritius **

34. Morocco*

35. Mozambique*

36. Namibia

37. Niger

38. Nigeria*

39. Republic South Africa*

of 40. Rwanda*

41. Sao Tome & 42. Senegal* Principe**

43. Seychelles

44. Sierra Leone*

45. Somalia

46. South Sudan*

47. Sudan*

48. Swaziland

49. Tanzania*

50. Togo*

51. Tunisia*

52. Uganda*

53. Zambia*

5354. Zimbabwe*



















10. Germany

11. India

12. Italy

13. Japan*

14. Korea

15. Kuwait

16. Luxembourg

17. Netherlands

18. Norway


20. Turkey

21. Saudi Arabia

22. Spain

23. Sweden

25. United Kingdom


United States of America

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24. Switzerland