African Literature

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Kopano Matlwa's Coconut: identity issues in · our faces · Ralph Goodman · A creative partnership: the spiritual and the
African Literature

Current Writing


“To Petrus”: Coetzee, Krog, critics

Truth and reconciliation in JM Coetzee’s Disgrace

Explore African Literature journals with this collection of free articles handpicked by our editors and written by leading authors. Simply click on the article titles to read the articles online for free until 30 June 2013.

Dorothy Driver

Ken Barris

African languages literature: childish and immature? The case of two contemporary isiZulu novels

Johannesburg as Africa: a postcolonial reading of the The Exploded View by Ivan Vladislavic´

Nkosinathi Sithole

Stefan Helgesson

Kopano Matlwa’s Coconut: identity issues in our faces

English Studies in Africa

Michael Chapman

Lewis Nkosi 1936 – 2010 Lindy Stiebel

Zoë Wicomb and the cape cosmopolitan

Ralph Goodman

A creative partnership: the spiritual and the sexual in novels by Zakes Mda Irene Visser

The writer as ‘Ragpicker’: the auratic power of the mundane in Nadine Gordimer’s recent fiction Ileana Dimitru

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English Academy Review

Jane Poyner

The “necessary silence” of realism in Zöe Wicomb’s David’s story

Human/Nature: ecological philosophy in Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake Jayne Glover

Conceptualizing ‘post-transitional’ South African literature in English Ronit Frenkel & Craig MacKenzie

Multiliteracies and multimodality in English in education in Africa: mapping the terrain Pippa Stein & Denise Newfield


P. J. H. Titlestad

Journal of Literary Studies

Conceptualizing feminism(s) in Africa: the challenges facing African women writers and critics

The representation of child soldiers in contemporary African fiction

Naomi N. Nkealah

J. A. Kearney

Contesting the culture of silence in Muslim women’s writing: women, sex and marriage in Alifa Rifaat’s Distant View of a Minaret

Imagery and structure in Nadine Gordimer’s “Once upon a Time”

Naomi Nkealah

Cultural identity, language identity, gender identity Michael Williams

Language and identity Randolph Quirk

Michael Shurgot

Allegories of freedom: individual liberty and social conformity in Ken Kesey’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Andrew Foley