Mar 28, 2017 - Broadclyst Parish Council Planning Committee meeting .... now allowed to take photographs, film and audio
Issue date: 22 March 2017 Contact number: 07532 286713 E-mail: Mrs. Angie Hurren Parish Clerk
19, New Buildings Broadclyst
To: All Parish Council Planning Committee Members For Information: All Broadclyst Parish Councillors, District and County Ward Members, Press and Public.
Exeter EX5 3EX
Broadclyst Parish Council Planning Committee meeting Members of the Press and Public are welcome to attend this meeting in in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (1) (2). There are no matters of a confidential and contractual nature for discussion under Part B (exclusion of press and public) at this meeting
Councillors of the Planning Committee, you are hereby summoned to a Planning Committee meeting of Broadclyst Parish Council which will be held on Tuesday 28th March 2017 at 19:00hrs in the Wiltshire Room, Victory Hall, Broadclyst for the purpose of transacting the following business:
AGENDA P17/06 APOLOGIES Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972 requires a record be kept of the members present and that this record form part of the minutes of the meeting. Members who cannot attend a meeting should tender apologies to the Parish Clerk, as it is usual for the grounds upon which apologies are tendered to also be recorded. Under Section 85(1) of the Local Government Act 1972, members present must decide whether the reason(s) for a member’s absence are acceptable. P17/07 DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTEREST Under the Localism Act 2011 (sections 26-37 and Schedule 4) and in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, members are required to declare any interests that are not currently entered in the member’s register of interests or if he/she has not notified the Monitoring Officer of it. Requests for Dispensations should be made in writing to the Clerk in advance of the meeting. Standing orders will be suspended for item P17/03 P17/08 PUBLIC COMMENT There will be adjournment for 15 minutes if required during which time members of public are invited to share their comments on items on this Agenda with the Committee (Please see notes on page 4 for guidance on public speaking at Planning Committee meetings) Members of public are respectfully reminded they may submit comment direct to EDDC.
The meeting will reconvene under Standing Orders
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P17/09 VALIDATED PLANNING APPLICATIONS To discuss the following validated planning applications received for consultation, including any late applications submitted up to and including the date of this meeting: NB: these have been listed chronologically however the Committee reserves the right to consider the applications in any order Application ref: Location:
Proposal with link
Westclyst Community Proposed new two form entry primary school and Primary School, Maddick nursery with associated play areas and car Road Exeter parking
Broadclyst Community Primary School, School Lane Broadclyst
Old Park Farm One, Pinn Change of use of land for allotments together Hill, Exeter with associated access, landscaping and parking (Hillside Gardens) in connection with approved residential development at Old Park Farm (application ref 10/0641/MOUT). Alternative scheme approved under application 12/6020/FUL.
Construction of temporary classroom, WCs and canteen
17/0532/MOUT Land At Hayes Farm Outline planning application with all matters (Phase 2) Clyst Honiton reserved for the provision of up to 110,000 sq. m of Use Class B8 development with ancillary Use Class B1 and associated parking, servicing, yard areas, landscaping and engineering works including demolition of existing structures within the site. 17/0550/FUL
Gateshayes Farm, Whimple, EX5 2PA
Construction of agricultural building
Land At Hayes Farm Clyst Honiton
Section 106A application to discharge planning obligations associated with the delivery of a railhead related to planning application 10/2184/MOUT and the S106 agreement dated 15 September 2011.
P17/10 HELIPAD APPLICATION – FOR INFORMATION ONLY (Council’s own application) 17/0641/FUL
Broadclyst Recreation Ground Holly Close Broadclyst
Installation of 10-metre-high emergency lighting column for use by Devon Air Ambulance for night time landings on recreation ground
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P17/11 CLOSE OF MEETING To close the meeting
Angie Hurren Broadclyst Parish Council Clerk Dated this 22nd day of March 2017
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Public speaking at Planning Committee meetings Members of the public are welcome to attend and speak on Agenda items at this meeting. Please note that there is no requirement or facility to record the details of the speaker before the day of the meeting. The Chairman will suspend standing orders and invite questions and comments from members of the Press and Public on applications contained within this Agenda. The public will then be able to speak on these applications only. Please note: All individual contributions will be limited to a period of 3 minutes – where there is an interested group of objectors or supporters, a spokesperson should be appointed to speak on behalf of the group. Speakers should restrict their comments to Agenda items only. The Chairman has the right and discretion to control questions and irrelevant points being raised to avoid disruption, repetition and to make best use of the meeting time. Speakers are asked not to come forward if their points have already been covered. After the public speaking period has finished the Chairman will reconvene the meeting under standing orders, the consideration of reports will begin and the public will take no further part in the meeting. All attendees at the meeting are asked to offer all speakers the courtesy of listening to others’ points of view, even if they do not agree with it. The Chairman will not tolerate any interruptions from the public and is entitled to exclude people from the meeting if the business of the committee cannot be carried out effectively. Should anyone have any special needs or require any reasonable adjustments to assist them in making individual contributions, please contact the Clerk in advance on 07532 286713 Recording of Meetings Under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, any members of the public are now allowed to take photographs, film and audio record the proceedings and report on all public meetings (including on social media). No prior notification is needed but it would be helpful if you could let Council’s Officers know you plan to film or record so that any necessary arrangements can be made to provide reasonable facilities for you to report on meetings. This permission does not extend to private meetings or parts of meetings which are not open to the public. You should take all recording and photography equipment with you if a public meeting moves into a session which is not open to the public. If you are recording the meeting, you are asked to act in a reasonable manner and not disrupt the conduct of meetings for example by using intrusive lighting, flash photography or asking people to repeat statements for the benefit of the recording. You may not make an oral commentary during the meeting. The Chairman has the power to control public recording and/or reporting so it does not disrupt the meeting. Members of the public exercising their right to speak during Public Question Time, but do not wish to be recorded, need to inform the Chairman who will instruct those taking a recording to cease while they speak.
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