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Wednesday 25 November 2015 8.30 – 9.00 Registration Participants arrive and register. Collect name badge and participant pack.
9.00 – 9.30 Welcome and introduction to the workshop and the course.
What is the CDC Why do we need skills for work Expectations from participants. Introduction to vocabulary. Outline as per participation pack
Mr Seyako Suleyman, Director of CDC, Soran University
9.30 – 10.45
Time Management and SMART Goals.
This session is designed to help participants manage their time effectively and produce results from their work and effort. There will be a number of practical group exercises that encourage participants to prioritise their time and resources to achieve the best results. SMART goals will be discussed and applied and participants will give examples of how these can be implemented. 10.45 – 11.00
11.00 – 12.30
Critical Thinking and Leadership Skills
This session will explore the ways in which critical thinking is essential in the workplace. Using a number of techniques participants will understand, identify and expand critical thinking skills and apply the same giving practical examples. Participants will be introduced to the leadership skills that are required within the work environment and learn how to hone their own skills. 12.30 – 1.30 Lunch
1.30 – 2.45
The Individual and the Group
This session will introduce the individual to the group. It will explore the different roles that people must play in the work place and how there needs to be individual motivation that enhances the group environment. Using Tucker and Belbin as a theoretical framework participants will understand their strengths and weaknesses, which will enhance their future performance. There will be a series of practical exercises to identify the participant roles within a group setting.
2.45 – 3.00
3.00 – 4.15 Effective Communication and Interpersonal Skills How do we communicate effectively? What are interpersonal skills and how do we acquire them? This session will explore these two questions and with the use of practical exercises participants will begin to explore the strengths that they have and how to apply them in the work situation and environment. During this sessions, participants will gain an understanding of the importance of verbal and non-verbal language. Through video, discussion and practical exercises a greater understanding of the messages given out through non-verbal language will be explored. Participants will achieve self-awareness of their own body language and how they communicate verbally and non-verbally.
4.15 – 4.45 Plenary and tasks for tomorrow We will sum up the days workshops and give participants opportunities to ask questions that have arisen and to give verbal and written feedback. This will assist with self-evaluation for the presenters and clarification for the participants. A task will be set to embed the days learning and to encourage participants to consider what their contribution will be to tomorrow’s sessions.
Thursday 26 November 2015 9.00 - 10:00 Professionalism and Attitude Participants will learn about the qualities and attitudes expected from individuals in the modern work place. With examples from local businesses, practical exercises and theoretical frameworks, participants will examine their own attitudes towards work and will learn strategies for enhancing professionalism.
10.00 – 11: 00 Preparing for the workforce This session will introduce participants to the necessary skills required to secure an interview. It will offer techniques and practical skills for preparing a CV, writing an appropriate cover letter, undertaking an interview. Using role play participants will gain an insight into their own strengths and weaknesses and will be in a safe environment to explore ways of improving skills.
11.00 – 11.15 Break
11:15- 12: 30 Presentation and Public Speaking Skills Communication is one of the necessary requirements within the work place. Building on critical thinking and academic skills, the participants will learn about the role of communication skills in building a better relationship within the workplace and disseminating information effectively. Using practical writing skills such as structure and syntax and creative non-fiction, the participants will be given skills and strategies to improve their written communication. 12.30 – 1.30 Lunch
1.30 – 2.45 Technology, social media and visibility This session will be about using technology for making proficiencies more tangible. Participants will be introduced to technology and social media that can enhance their skills in job searching as well as competencies for the work place. Most participants will be familiar with some social media and this will be a basis for helping them to use it in a more productive and thoughtful manner. 2.45 – 3.00
3.00 – 4.45 Participant Presentations Using the topic given at plenary yesterday, the participants will plan, prepare and present in their groups, effectively sharing what they have learned. We will expect participants to cover a topic that is related to previous sessions and that displays their understanding of the skills needed in the job market. Students can use practical exercises for the audience if required and feedback will be given