Sep 20, 2016 - I. Moulon (EMA). 08:50. 1.1 HCPWP co-chair election proceedings. 1.2 Nomination of observers to the PCWP.
20 September 2016 EMA/428004/2016 Stakeholders and Communication Division
Agenda - EMA Human Scientific Committees' Working Parties with Patients’ and Consumers’ Organisations (PCWP) and Healthcare Professionals’ Organisations (HCPWP) joint meeting 20 September 2016, 08:30hrs to 16:30hrs – meeting room: 2A
Chair: Isabelle Moulon (EMA) 20 September 2016 08:30
Registration and reimbursement arrangements (HCPWP)
1. Election of HCPWP co-chair (HCPWP members only) 08:45
Welcome and introduction / Health and safety information
I. Moulon (EMA)
Disclosure of interests / Adoption of the agenda 08:50
1.1 HCPWP co-chair election proceedings
I. Silva / A. Spina (EMA)
1.2 Nomination of observers to the PCWP 09:30
1.3 EMA revised framework of interaction with
For agreement
I. Silva (EMA)
healthcare professionals After the election is finalised HCPWP members leave the room to return at 11h15 10:00
Registration and reimbursement arrangements (PCWP)
2. Election of PCWP co-chair (PCWP members only) 10:15
Welcome and introduction / Health and safety information
I. Moulon (EMA)
Disclosure of interests / Adoption of the agenda 10:20
2.1 PCWP co-chair election proceedings 2.2 Nomination of observers to the HCPWP
N. Bere / A. Spina (EMA)
Coffee Break
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