Agenda for 5G Workshop - metis 2020

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5G Mobile and Communication Technologies Workshop. Oct. 29th. 09:00-09: 40Opening Ceremony. Chair: Prof. Xiaohu You, 5G Expert Group of 863 Plan ...
未 来 5G 信 息 通 信 技 术 峰 会 5G Mobile and Communication Technologies Workshop

Oct. 29th 09:00-09:40Opening Ceremony Chair: Prof. Xiaohu You, 5G Expert Group of 863 Plan /IMT-2020 Promotion Group /FuTURE FORUM Address

- Mr. CAO Jianlin, Vice Minister of MOST - Mr. WEN Ku, Director of Department of Science and Technology, MIIT

- Mr. Frank Greco, First Counsellor, Head of Section, Information Society and Media at the Delegation of the European Union to China and Mongolia. - Mr. MOTAI Akio, Japan YRP R&D Promotion Committee 09:40-09:50

Tea Break

09:50-12:10 Keynote: State and regional Policies and Regulations /5G Research Plan Chair: Mr. Zhengmao Li, Vice-President , China Mobile 09:50-10:10

- China 5G project and its promotion Prof. Xiaohu You, 5G Expert Group of 863 Plan /IMT-2020 Promotion Group /FuTURE FORUM


- European Commission views of 5G the METIS example Mr. Philippe Lefebvre, Head of Sector, EU Commission and Dr. Afif Osseiran, METIS Project Coordinator /Ericsson


- Advanced Wireless Communications Study Committee and Study on 2020 and beyond in ARIB Mr. Yoshihide Ishida, Director of Land Mobile Communications Group, Research & Development Headquarters, Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB)


Tea Break


- 5G Research and Technology Initiatives in Korea Prof. Youngnam Han, Department of EE, KAIST /Korea 5G Forum


- Reform of Radio Spectrum Management in the US Dr. Douglas C. Sicker, DBC Endowed Chair, Professor of University of Colorado in US (Former CTO of FCC and NTIA)


- Taiwan 5G development framework Prof. Char-Dir Chung, Advisor, WIT CLUB(Taiwan) /National Taiwan University

12:10-14:00 Lunch 14:00-15:40 Keynote: 5G Challenges, Requirements and Applications Chair: Ms. Shumin Cao, Director, China Academy of Telecom. Research, MIIT 14:00-14:20

- 5G: Path to Green and Soft Dr. Chih-Lin I, Chief Scientist, Wireless Technologies, China Mobile Research Institute


- Towards a Common 5G Vision --Requirements and Key Technology Components for 5G

Mr. Lauri Oksanen, VP Research and Technology, Nokia Solutions and Networks 14:40-15:00

- Mr. Theodore Sizer, Alcatel Lucent


-5G Challenges and Enabling Technologies Dr. Zhendong Luo, Director Engineer, CATR


-Future Radio Access Toward 2020 and Beyond Mr.Takehiro Nakamura, Director of Radio Network Development Department, NTT DOCOMO, Inc.

15:40-16:10 Tea Break 16:10-17:50 Keynote: 5G Challenges, Requirements and Applications Part-II Chairs: Dr. Afif Osseiran, METIS Project Coordinator /Ericsson & Dr. Federico Boccardi, METIS /ALU 16:10-16:30

5G wireless – Horizon in 2020 Dr. Peiying Zhu, Huawei Fellow; Huawei Global 5G Research Program Leader, Senior Director, Wireless Technology Lab in Huawei Canada


- Mobile Broadband towards 2020 and Beyond Dr. Yingmin Wang, General Manager of Datang Wireless Mobile Innovation Center


- Approaching 5G Dr. Xiang Jiying: Chief Technique Officer of Wireless, ZTE Ltd.


- Vision and Key Features for 5th Generation (5G) Cellular Kyungwhoon Cheun, Senior VP, Samsung


- Future Wireless Access Dr. Erik Dahlman, Senior Expert, Ericsson

Oct. 30th 09:00-10:40 Keynote: 5G Network Architectures Chair: Dr. Egon Schulz, METIS /Huawei (Europe) 09:00-09:25

- Hyper-cellular Architecture for 5G Prof. Jing Wang, Tsinghua University


- METIS: Architectural challenges for 5G system Mr. Michal Maternia METIS/NSN and Dr. Hugo Tullberg METIS/Ericsson


- Prof. Xiaofeng Tao, BUPT

10:15-10:45 Tea Break 10:45-12:00 Keynote: 5G Network Architectures Part-II Chair: Prof. Hui Liu, Asso. Dean, School of Electronic Info. & Electrical Eng., Shanghai Jiaotong University 10:45-11:10

-To Beyond 4G Mobile Communications and 5G Dr. Bang-An Ting, Information &Communications Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan


- Flexible Wireless Access and Spectrum Management Technologies toward New Generation Wireless Access Era Prof. Seiichi Sampei, Graduate School of Enginnering, Osaka University


-Suggestions on the Application of Spatial Spectrum in 5G Prof. Kaizhi Huang, China National Digital Switching System Engineering & Technological R&D Center(NDSC)

12:00-13:30 Lunch 13:30-15:10 Keynote: 5G Transmission Technologies Chair: Dr. Yangyang (director of SHRCWC) 13:30-13:55

- Energy-Efficient Design in Large-Scale Antenna System Prof. Gang Wu, University of Electronic Science and technology of China (UESTC)


- Radio link concepts and Multi node multi antenna techniques in METIS Dr. Federico Boccardi METIS /ALU and Dr. Malte Schellmann METIS /Huawei


- Prof. Dongming Wang, Southeast University


-Prof. Chung Gu Kang, Korea University

15:10-15:40 Tea Break 15:40-16:55 Keynote: 5G Transmission Technologies Part-II Chair : Dr. Carl Wijting, METIS /Nokia 15:40:16:05

-A High Spectral Efficiency System Enabled by Free Window Duplexing Prof. Bingli Jiao, Peking University


- Cached-Induced Opportunistic CoMP for Video Streaming in 5G Wireless Systems Prof. Vincent Lau, FIEEE, Department of ECE, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


- Breaking the Barrier of Interference: Challenges and Opportunities Prof. Yingzhuang Liu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology


Panel Discussion Topic: 5G Vision, strategy and key technologies ( Chair: Prof. Xiao hu You) Dr. Afif Osseiran, METIS Project Coordinator Prof. Susumu Yoshida (Kyoto University) Prof. Hyun Woo Lee (5G Forum /DanKook University) Dr. I-Kang Fu ( WIT CLUB /TAIWAN MediaTek )