Jul 25, 2016 - RAMONA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ... Ramona CA 92065 ... We believe that students are best served when we e
GOVERNING BOARD OF THE RAMONA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Monday July 25, 2016 Board Workshop Riviera Oaks 25382 Pappas Road #132 Ramona CA 92065 2:30 PM – 6:30 PM
CORE BELIEFS IN SUPPORT OF A 21ST CENTURY EDUCATION RIGOR AND RELEVANCE FOR STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT We are committed to excellence through a relevant, balanced, and equitable curriculum that promotes intellectual freedom and develops critical thinking skills through innovative and alternative educational approaches. A PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITY We believe that students are best served when we employ the highest quality certificated, classified, and administrative staff members who embrace a culture of continuous learning and ongoing strategic, innovative, and relevant professional development. PARENTS AS PARTNERS – COMMUNITY COLLABORATION We value the families in our community and believe that student success is our primary product. The education of our children is a community responsibility, requiring families, businesses, and service organizations to provide support and to participate actively in our schools. CIVIC RESPONSIBILITY We believe that students thrive in a culture that supports the constitutional, patriotic foundations and religious freedoms of our democratic American society and promotes high, ethical standards of integrity, honesty, kindness, equality, and respect for all. SAFETY We believe in a safe learning environment for the entire learning community. FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY We believe that fiscal health is critical to ensuring a quality, student-focused learning environment.
Introductory Procedures 1.
Call to Order.
Flag Salute.
Public Comment The public is invited to participate in the meetings of the Board of Education. Members of the audience who wish to speak to the Board should complete a "Request to be Heard" card at this time and give the card to the Administrative Assistant. If an audience member wishes to address the Board on a scheduled item on this meeting’s agenda, the “Request to be Heard” card must be submitted prior to the introduction of that item. If a member of the audience wishes to address an item which is not listed on this meeting’s agenda, the speaker may do so only during Item “3.” Regardless of the topic, each speaker will be allocated a maximum of 3 minutes. If there are multiple speakers on a particular issue, the Board President may choose to limit the total presentation to 15 minutes. According to the Brown Act, members of the Board are cautioned not to engage in excessive comment or questioning during public testimony, though public comments will be taken under advisement. For disability-related assistance, please contact the Superintendent at the Ramona Unified School District, 720 Ninth Street, Ramona CA 92065 – (760) 787-2007.
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Rejection of Claim 16-17-01
Good Beginning Governance Workshop facilitated by Deb Dudley of the California School Boards Association
a) Develop protocols and acceptable working norms for effective operations of the Governance Team b) Develop a collective understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the Board and Superintendent c) Revisit the core values and goals of the Ramona Unified School District 7.
July 25, 2016
Anne L. Staffieri, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools
David Ostermann, Assistant Superintendent Administrative Services
SUMMARY: The District has received a claim (No. 16-17-01) requiring action. The District exercises its authority to adjudicate claims in accordance with the provisions of Government Code Section 11126 (q).
DISTRICT GOAL: Supports the District’s mission RECOMMENDATION: Reject Claim No. 16-17-01 Information
Disc./Poss. Action