Agenda Red Bank Planning Board November 20, 2017 The Red Bank ...

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Nov 20, 2017 - existing with no change proposed) and any other variances that may be required. CCD. 2 Zone with Design D
Agenda Red Bank Planning Board November 20, 2017 The Red Bank Planning Board will hold a regular meeting on Monday, November 20, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the first floor Council Chambers of the Red Bank Municipal Building, 90 Monmouth Street, Red Bank NJ. The agenda is as follows: Administrative Matters: Approval of Minutes:

November 6, 2017

Approval of 2018 Meeting Schedule Public Hearings: 1. Erica Lieberman, 16 Monmouth Street, Block 31, Lot 21. P12552. Applicant, Erica Lieberman (Whipped Bites, LLC), is seeking preliminary and final site plan and change of use approval to convert an existing retail food establishment (formerly Little Cutie Pops) into a primary food establishment (The Crepe Place). Variances required for number of parking spaces (15 spaces required, none existing or provided), minimum lot frontage (35’ required, 30’ existing), maximum lot coverage (65% allowed, 81 .5% existing with no change proposed), maximum floor area ratio (1.7 allowed, 2.45 existing with no change proposed) and any other variances that may be required. CCD 2 Zone with Design District Overlay.