agenda - Town of Wasaga Beach

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Jul 24, 2018 - a) Mayor Smith – Re: Motion to establish a Reserve, Master Plan and Public Works. Strategy for repair a

AGENDA Tuesday July 24, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers 1.






Regular Meeting of Council June 26, 2018 Special Meeting of Council June, 29, 2018 Special Meeting of Council July 10, 2018 Special Meeting of Council July 18, 2018




COMMENT PERIOD “A fifteen (15) minute session wherein persons in attendance at the Regular Meeting of Council have an opportunity to make a comment pertaining to items that are listed on the agenda to be dealt with by Council. Comments will be received for Council consideration but will not be discussed or debated at this time.”





Councillor Bray– Notice of Motion Re: Housing and Accommodation Review Committee- (Referred at December 19, 2017 Council, referred at April 17, 2018 Council) Ministry of Agriculture– Letter regarding Grant from the Province of Ontario Revitalizing Main Street, Helping Small Businesses Grow- (Referred at January 30, 2018 Council, updated at March 15, 2018 Coordinated Committee)

CORRESPONDENCE – Received for Information - NONE CORRESPONDENCE – Requiring Action a) Municipal Employer Pension Centre Ontario (MEPCO)– Letter dated July 3, 2018 Re: Update - OMERS Plan Review Success Requires Commitment of All Sponsors Recommendation: That the Council of the Town of Wasaga receives the letter from MEPCO dated July 3, 2018, for information;

Regular Council – July 24, 2018

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And Whereas all OMERS Sponsors have a responsibility to ensure that the OMERS Plan remains sustainable, meaningful and affordable for current and future contributors and plan members; and And Whereas comparable Ontario public sector pension plans have already made changes to return to full plan finding or surplus to continue to provide meaningful benefits; and And Whereas the OMERS Sponsors Corporation has duly initiated a Comprehensive Plan Review that will consider options for prospective and/or temporary changes, that together with the OMERS Funding Management Strategy, will enable future Plan benefits to be sustained; Therefore, be it resolved that the Town of Wasaga Beach calls on all Plan Sponsors to support and participate constructively in the Comprehensive Plan Review. CORRESPONDENCE – Referred - NONE 8.

COMMITTEE, BOARDS & STAFF REPORTS a) Coordinated Committee – July 19, 2018

Recommendation: That Council receive the Coordinated Committee Reports of July 19, 2018 as circulated and approves all actions contained therein b) Accounts – May & June 2018 To be reviewed at the August 2018 Regular Council Meeting. c) Youth Coordinater’s Report dated July 24, 2018 Re: Rec Plex Parking Lot Request Recommendation: That Council does support the Youth Coordinators’ recommendation to allow the Wasaga Beach Youth Advisory Council to host a carwash fundraiser in support of the Collingwood G&M Hospital Foundation, to take place in the RecPlex Parking lot on August 26, 2018. d) Director, Recreation, Events & Facilities Report Report dated July 24, 2018 Re: Expression of Interest for Facility Partnership relating to new Elementary School Recommendation: That Council Council direct staff to submit an expression of interest to the Simcoe County District School Board seeking a partnership opportunity relating to the new public elementary school to be planned in the Pacific Homes subdivision west of Sunnidale Road. e) EA to Mayor, Council and CAO’s Report dated July 24, 2018 Re: June 2018 and July 2018 Proclamations Recommendation: That Council receive the information report pertaining to proclamations and flag raisings for the months of June and July 2018 for information.

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f) Director of Finance and Treasurer’s Report dated July 24, 2018 Re: Costs of Ransomware Virus and Cyber Risk Management Recommendation: That Council receive the report on the costs of the virus attack and cyber risk management for information. g) Director of Economic Development and Tourism’s Report dated July 24, 2018 Re: FRAM Building Group Binding Letter of Intent Recommendation: That the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach authorize the execution of the Letter of Intent from FRAM Building Group Ltd; And further that the Chief Administrative Officer, Clerk and Director of Economic Development and Tourism, collectively, be delegated authority to carry out any steps required by any by-law of the Town and by any legislation to implement the provisions set out in the Letter of Intent between FRAM Building Group Ltd. and the Town dated July 16, 2018, including, but not limited to, carrying out all steps related to the disposition of property as set out in the Town’s Disposition of Land By-law No. 2014-21; And further that the exercise of such delegated authority be carried out by the Chief Administrative Officer, Clerk and Director of Economic Development and Tourism together and any decision or exercise of delegated authority be made upon unanimous agreement of all three persons holding such offices, and that upon such agreement confirmed in writing, the Chief Administrative Officer and/or designate may execute any documents or instruments necessary to implement such delegated authority on behalf of the Town; And finally that the aforementioned delegation of authority expires upon the commencement of the first regular meeting of Council held following the inaugural meeting of the next Council in December 2018. 9.

NOTICES OF MOTION a) Mayor Smith – Re: Motion to establish a Reserve, Master Plan and Public Works Strategy for repair and upgrade of the town’s sidewalk system.


MOTIONS WHERE NOTICE HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY GIVEN a) Councillor Bray – June 26, 2018 Council - Re: Motion to live broadcast Board and Advisory Committee Meetings

Whereas Municipal governments are answerable to the public and responsible for their actions, decisions and policies, and Whereas Municipal governments are mandated to operate in an accessible and visible manner and that their activities and decision making are open and clear to the public. Whereas National Accessibility Week (NAW) is an opportunity for all governing bodies to affect meaningful changes in the daily lives of persons living with disabilities;

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I move that Council direct our CAO to ensure all future meetings of all Board and Advisory Committees of Council are live streamed and Broadcast, similar to our Committee of the Whole and Coordinated Committee meetings. b) Councillor Belanger – June 26, 2018 Council - Re: Motion to Request the Integrity Commissioner to investigate confidentiality breaches from Council Closed Session Meetings. Whereas some members of Council have become aware of information out in the community that has been the subject of discussion in a Closed Session of Council meeting due to the material meeting one of the requirements to hold Closed Session provided for under the Ontario Municipal Act; And Whereas information discussed in Closed Session is to remain confidential so as not to detrimentally affect the municipality in the conduct of its affairs; And Whereas the sharing of confidential matters that were discussed in Closed Session in the public is a violation of Council’s Code of Conduct, Section 12; And Whereas it is the Integrity Commissioner’s responsibility to investigate complaints against members of Council, including breaches of confidentiality; And Whereas there is a cost to such investigations, the matter is being brought Council for endorsement prior to a formal complaint being submitted; Be it Resolved that Council directs staff to file a formal complaint with the Integrity Commissioner about members of Council sharing confidential information with the public that was discussed in the Closed Session portion of Councils’ meetings. 11.



2018-62 A By-law to amend Town of Wasaga Beach Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2003-60, as amended (Ramblewood SubdivisionZancor Homes (Wasaga) Ltd.).


2018-63 A By-law to amend Town of Wasaga Beach Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2003-60, as amended (Hamount Investment Ltd. – The Main)


2018-64 A By-law to appoint a seasonal Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for the Town of Wasaga Beach.


2018-65 A By-law to confirm the authorization to execute the Letter of Intent between the Town of Wasaga Beach and FRAM Building Group Ltd


2018-66 A By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach at its Special meeting held Wednesday July 18, 2018 and its Regular meeting held Tuesday, June 26, 2018 CALLING OF COMMITTEE MEETINGS

Regular Council – July 24, 2018


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QUESTION PERIOD “A fifteen (15) minute session wherein persons in attendance at the Regular Meeting of Council have an opportunity to raise questions pertaining to items that were dealt with by Council on the evening’s Agenda.”




Confidential Matter Re: Personnel matters - Section 239 (2) (d) of The Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, labour relations or employee negotiations.


Deputy Clerk’s Confidential Staff Report Re: Potential Land Sales – Section 239 (2) (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Municipality.


Deputy Clerk and CAO’s Confidential Staff Report Re: Potential Land Sales Section 239 (2) (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Municipality.



Special Council Meeting – June 29, 2018 – Closed Session Minutes Special Council Meeting– July 10, 2018 – Closed Session Minutes Coordinated Committee Meeting – July 19, 2018 – Closed Session Minutes



MINUTES Tuesday June 26, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT:


B. Smith N. Bifolchi J. Belanger R. Ego S. Bray B. Smith B. Stockwell

Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor

G. Vadeboncoeur L. Borland N. Holder P. Preager J. Anstey T. Sarkesian K. Loft G. Bender A. Smardenka

Chief Administrative Officer Deputy Clerk President and CEO, CGMH Board Chair, WDI Collins Barrow SGB LLP President and CEO of the EDA Loft Planning WSP Consulting TPC at Marlwood Inc.


Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2.



ADOPTION OF MINUTES a) Regular Meeting of Council May 29, 2018



RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-01

RESOLVED THAT the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held Tuesday May 29, 2018 are hereby adopted as circulated. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED



Regular Council Minutes– June 26, 2018

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Presentation a)

Collingwood General & Marine Hospital – New Strategic Plan

Ms. Norah Holder was in attendance to provide Council with an overview of the Hospital’s strategic priorities over the next three years – CGMH 2020. Mayor Smith asked members of Council if they had any questions regarding this presentation, and there were none. Mayor Smith thanked the presenter. b)

Wasaga Distribution Inc. – Interim Report

Mr. Peter Preager, WDI Board Chair, Mr. Jay Anstey of Collins Barrow SGB LLP and Ms. Teresa Sarkesian of the Electricity Distributors Association, were in attendance to provide Council with a presentation on the Wasaga Distribution Inc. Interim Report. Jay Anstey presented the WDI 2017 Audited Financial Statements addressing the highlights of the statements in his presentation. Mayor Smith asked members of Council if they had any questions regarding this presentation. Members of Council spoke to their questions and comments on this presentation with the presenters. Mayor Smith thanked the presenters. It was then; MOVED BY SECONDED BY


RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-02

RESOLVED THAT Council receive the Interim Report from Mr. Peter Preager of Wasaga Distribution Inc., for information. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED

Public Meeting: a)

Vandermeer Homes OPA/ZBL/Subdivision


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Notice of Public Meeting was published in the Wasaga Sun Newspaper on June 7, 2018 and circulated to all agencies, service providers, school boards, and abutting municipalities as prescribed in the Planning Act. This provided 20 days of notice for the public meeting and this meeting is therefore properly constituted as required by the Planning Act. THE LAND SUBJECT TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REVISION TO DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION is lands located west of Shore Lane and south of the Georgian Bay shoreline, northwest of the intersection of Highway 26 and Mosley Street in Wasaga Beach. The parcel is legally described as Part of Lots 34 & 35, Concession 3, Registered Plan No. 51R-34095 Part 11. THE PURPOSE OF THE OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT is to amend Schedule D of the Official Plan, removing a portion of the subject lands which are currently identified as Natural Heritage System 1 and 2. THE EFFECT of the proposed Official Plan Amendment would permit the development of the 22 residential lots. THE PURPOSE OF THE REVISION TO DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION is to revise an existing Draft Plan of Subdivision to create 22 single detached residential lots. THE EFFECT of the revision to the existing Draft Plan of Subdivision will be a framework that will allow the development of the 22 single detached residential lots, which will front onto a proposed interior street extending from Constance Blvd to Betty Blvd. As a result of the circulation of the Notice of Public Meeting the following written comments were received: Letters of Support:


Letters of No objection:

Canada Post, Hydro One and M. Romanin Contracting Ltd. have advised they have no objection to the applications.

Letters of Concern:

Simcoe County District School Board, Bell Canada, County of Simcoe, Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, and Mr. Glenn and Mrs. Eileen Baron Simcoe County has identified concerns regarding the application. The County has noted that it requires confirmation from NVCA on the results of the EIS, more information on Resource Conservation policies within the PJR, the redesign of the intersection of Constance and Betty Boulevards to meet County standards, and clarification regarding the proposed relocation of the Shore Lane Trail. Should the concerns be addressed, the County would not object to the application. Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) have noted that a shoreline hazard assessment study and a flood and erosion study are required as part of the applications along with mitigation/offsetting plans for the

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loss of wetland features on the site. The mitigation/offsetting needs to occur concurrently with the removal of said features. NVCA also noted information regarding the Eastern Wood Peewee was not included in the EIS and needs to be added. Mr. Glenn and Mrs. Eileen Baron property owners of the Town of Wasaga Beach, have asked for more information regarding the application including structure footprint, top of bank designation by NVCA, zoning, flood plain/hazard land designations, any areas deeded to the Town as part of conditions of approval, the drainage easement and any proposed buffer between lot 9 and 18 Constance Blvd. They also stated concerns regarding the overland flooding and the lack of parkland in the area. Letters of Objection: Mr. Michael Caruso and his family, residents of the Town of Wasaga Beach, have concerns regarding the proposed entrance from the end of the cul-de-sac on Shore Lane. They also state concerns regarding the storm sewer and sanitary sewer capacity within this area, considering the addition of 22 new lots. Mr. Joseph Mauti and Mrs. Trudy Mauti, residents of the Town of Wasaga Beach, also have concerns regarding the proposed entrance from the end of the cul-de-sac on Shore Lane. They also state concerns about street flooding, storm sewer and sanitary sewer issues that have increased over the years and will further increase with the addition of the 22 new lots.

Mayor Smith asked Mr. Bender if they have received any further letters or correspondence in regard to this application. Mr. Bender advised that no further letters or correspondence were received at this time. Ms. Kristine Loft of Loft Planning presented to Council further details with respect to the proposed Official Plan & Zoning By-Law Amendments and Draft Plan of Subdivision. Mayor Smith asked if there was anyone present that would like to provide input either in support of, or in opposition to, the proposed amendments and draft plan of subdivision, and if so, to please stand and clearly state their name and address in order that it may be correctly entered into the records of today’s proceedings. Amanda Blake – 29 Betty Boulevard - Bought here because it is a dead end. Many of his neighbours can’t be here tonight due to local school graduations. Looking to sign a petition to submit. - Sign is at the end of Constance Blvd. and set back in the bush – locals would have to walk to dead end and into bush to see the posted sign – object this proposed development. - There was a swamp and wildlife back here and now it’s dredged and swamp has gone down and is basically destroyed. Wildlife has now disappeared.

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Developers have gone in and cut down all the trees and caused damage. Do not want the road to go through.

Richard Cooper - 1022 Shore Lane - His concern about this development is that there will be 22 lots of site specific notwithstanding development, which he am against. Concerned that the studies should contain all lands that were previously annexed. - Was there a study done as to the capacity and density that will take place here? This would be a good time to look at the annexed lands and maybe put in a parkette. Alan M. - 2244 Shore Lane - There will be cars parked on his lot looking into his kitchen. - This will cause Shore Lane to flood again because we are below the road grade. - Clear cutting is bad, trees are dead and are being killed. Jim R. 33 Constance Boulevard - Would like to see a crescent and not a through street - Gregory Bender acknowledged comments and could share with proponent. Peter Wood – 19 Constance Boulevard - Publisher of the Georgian Bay Today Magazine and produce articles about nature and culture, etc., and in this the magazine believes in striking a balance between development and the environment. - Is there a balance that can be struck between the development and respect for the environment? - Expertise in birds and have generated a list of 36 species of birds that nest within this area many of which have already disappeared. Concern that site will be altered when birds aren’t there or while they are nesting. - This is detracting from our neighbourhood. We are wondering what could be added because of this. For example, connection to natural gas, drainage system could be upgraded. - What is the benefit of extending the roadway through? Is there possibility of an easement or right of way to access to the bay. Can we expect any additions or benefits to those of us who live there? Archie King - 33 Meadowood Drive - Read out loud a letter he composed and submitted to the Clerk. - Noted his objection to this proposed development. Mayor Smith asked if there were any further comments from the public, and there were none. Mayor Smith asked members of Council if they had any questions or comments with regards to the proposed amendments. There were none. Mayor Smith advised that the comments received today will be considered and a decision will be made as to whether Committee will recommend the proposed amendments and Draft Plan of Subdivision proceed further through the approvals process. Mayor Smith advised that anyone receiving Notice of the Public Meeting will receive Notice of the Decision of Council in this matter, and if they did not receive the Notice and would like to receive a copy of the Notice of Decision for the proposed Official Plan Amendment and

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Draft Plan of Subdivision to please leave their name and address with the recording secretary or make a written request to the Clerk of the Town of Wasaga Beach.


T.P.C. at Marlwood OPA/ZBL/Subdivision

GENERAL INFORMATION PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH OFFICIAL PLAN AND COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW 2003-60 AND PROPOSED DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION T.P.C at Marlwood Inc., 31 Marlwood Avenue Notice of Public Meeting was published in the Wasaga Sun Newspaper on June 7, 2018 and circulated to all agencies, service providers, school boards, and abutting municipalities as prescribed in the Planning Act. This provided 20 days of notice for the public meeting and this meeting is therefore properly constituted as required by the Planning Act. THE LAND SUBJECT TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT, PROPOSED ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION is lands located on the east side of Golf Course Road, north and south of Marlwood Avenue. The parcel is legally described as Part of Lots 25 and 26, Concession 7, and Part of Lots 25 and 26, Concession 8. The municipal address is 31 Marlwood Avenue, Wasaga Beach. THE PURPOSE OF THE OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT is to change the designation of the subject property from Open Space to Residential. THE EFFECT of the proposed Official Plan Amendment would facilitate low density residential use on the subject lands. THE PURPOSE OF THE ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT is to re-zone the subject parcel from the Open Space (OS) zone to Residential Type 1 zone. THE EFFECT of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment would permit 65 single detached residential lots. THE PURPOSE OF THE DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION is to create a block plan and an extension of Masters Lane to facilitate the 65 single detached residential lots. THE EFFECT of the Draft Plan of Subdivision will be a framework that will allow the further division of the Block Plan that will create the 65 residential lots needed to develop the single detached residential lots. Ten of the residential lots are proposed to be created along the existing Golf Course Road right-of-way and the remaining 55 are proposed to be created along a proposed extension of Masters Lane. As a result of the circulation of the Notice of Public Meeting the following written comments were received: Letters of Support:

The Town has received 100 form letters that support the proposal.

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Letters of No objection:

County of Simcoe, Enbridge Gas Distribution and HydroOne have advised they have no objection to the applications.

Letters of Concern:

Simcoe County District School Board, Canada Post, Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) has noted that a site survey and hazardous soil report should be included as part of the application. NVCA also disagrees with the EIS regarding the insignificance of the woodlands on the site due to the lack of information and modeling/monitoring data on impacts to animal habitats/movements, significant woodlands, stormwater management, and the overall long-term health of the wetlands. NVCA is also concerned that the EIS is missing amphibian and turtle surveys, final mitigation plans and includes incomplete mapping.

Letters of Objection:

The Town has received several letters of objection from local residents and from the Marlwood Home Owner Association. The Marlwood Home Owner Association has raised concerns regarding the change in zoning from Open Space to Residential as they feel it will negatively impact wildlife and their associated habitats. Some local residents have stated their objection to the proposal due to the impact on views of the golf course, and the resulting negative impact to their health and wellbeing, along with concerns about the negative impact to wildlife and environmental features in the area. Some local residents are also concerned with the extension of Masters Lane as it will no longer be a cul-desac. Concerns about the construction impact and disruption on local streets have also been raised. Residents feel the increased density in the neighbourhood will also increase traffic on local roads especially on Golf Course Road and Masters Lane. A few residents questioned the accuracy of the Environmental Impact Study and the Archeological Assessment that were conducted.

Mayor Smith asked Mr. Bender if they have received any further letters or correspondence in regard to this application. Mr. Bender advised that no further letters or correspondence were received at this time. Ms. Kristine Loft of Loft Planning made a brief presentation provided further details with respect to the proposed Official Plan & Zoning By-Law amendments and Draft Plan of Subdivision.

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Mayor Smith asked if there was anyone present that would like to provide input either in support of, or in opposition to, the proposed amendments and draft plan of subdivision, and if so, to please stand and clearly state their name and address in order that it may be correctly entered into the records of today’s proceedings. Mayor Smith advised that that those who wish to speak not repeat questions or statements and to stay on topic. Due to the amount of speakers, comments have been summarized: Fred Klausner – 26 Fairway Crescent - Complete report on restricted covenants provided. Beaver creek development had a restriction and it was entered on to title of the property. The covenant would be projected onto future owners. Our legal counsel has agreed this covenant is still in effect today. Must abide to the agreement - Should not be issuing any permits or and changes to zoning. This is my objection. Frank Steele – 44 Masters Lane - Have a request to read a letter on behalf of a neighbor who could not attend. This letter was read out loud from Charlene Porter - 42 Masters Lane. This was a letter of objection to the proposed development for a variety of reasons. - Mr. Steele also provided his own comments regarding objection to this proposed development. Has acquired services of a Planner on his behalf to write a report in this regard. This report was read aloud. The proposed development does not adequately address a number of important issues in regards to species at risk and additional environmental concerns. Not consistent with provincial policy statement and not in conformance with growth plan. - Natural Heritage Concerns – restored or improved heritage features should be required. - Water Resources issues – identifying systems with ground water features, etc. necessary for integrity of water shed. - Site alteration must demonstrate no impact on connectivity on system or natural heritage features, etc. - This proposed development is not consistent and does not conform. I am recommending council deny the application in its current form. Jim G. - 20 Beachway Trail - Employed by Marlwood - Cannot stop progress. All of the people who live there now moved into a neighbourhood that was all wildlife back in time as well. They owners are set in keeping it as a golf course. Brain A. - 3 Marlwood Avenue - Oppose this development entirely. - Pay a premium to back onto this wildlife property. - Previous Mayor noted he didn’t want the development. Austen Barnes – 35 Masters Lane - Mr. Barnes handed out copies of his letter of objection that has been submitted to staff prior to the meeting. - Poor environmental decisions are being made. - Have submitted numerous letters of documentation and objection to staff previously on this matter.

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Substantial damage to the unique ecosystem and residents has been done (stress, anxiety, etc.). In violation of many fiduciary and other legal aspects.

Norma MacCormack – 27 Britton Court - Read aloud a letter drafted by herself. - Residents are not being delivered an entire accuracy of the situation. - Noted her objection to this proposed development and asked for careful consideration of the development. Bill Clarke – 37 Marlwood Avenue - Noted his objection to the proposed development. - Town has ignored enforcing the appropriate zoning by-law. Suggest this business be closed down until proper zoning is complied. This site should be zoned as Natural Heritage Land. - If this is allowed to continue the people of Wasaga will echo their anger. Don B. - 30 Masters Lane - Aware of legal restrictive covenant on property. - Owners have legal right to ask for zoning change. I trust council will abide by planning act. - Noted his objection to each of the proposed components of this development for a number of reasons (economic viability, etc.) - Submitted a copy of a report to Marlwood Golf and Country Club Inc. regarding a Soil Investigation for a proposed Residential Subdivision from April 1998, for information for Council and staff. Resident - 37 Marlwood Avenue - Opposed to the development at Marlwood. - Relayed results of a questionnaire she created and provided to her neighbours regarding this issue. They all opposed to the housing and they all would like to see Heritage designation. Susan – 17 Oak Tree Court - Friend of the property owner - Their interest in their development is for the benefit of the Town. - Owners have taken this property out of bankruptcy and turned into a great golf course. - Due diligence has been done here and planners have indicated more information is to come. Mr. Brown – 38 Masters Lane - Land budget summary states the demand for housing units is 3930 units. - Large developments going on throughout town. This one is not particularly beneficial to residents. A lot of mistrust and incorrect facts given. Trust that staff gives you the right advice. - This development would contravene strategies of conservations from the Simcoe County level. Fred Klausner – 26 Fairway Crescent - Discussed the topic of growth plan for Wasaga Beach. Do not believe this property should be chopped up for lots that are not need under growth plan.

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Donna G. – 78 Downer Crescent - Do not support this proposed development - Read aloud a letter she composed regarding this matter.

Mayor Smith asked if there were any further comments from the public, and there were none. Mayor Smith asked members of Council if they had any questions or comments with regards to the proposed amendments. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi noted that the residents have received a legal opinion on the restrictive covenant, and will the Town be getting one as well? The CAO advised that a request has been made to the town solicitor on this matter. Councillor Bray noted that Council has heard many concerns on this issue tonight and many have paid premiums to live near the golf course. Councillor Bray advised that a form of compensation should be considered, noting that the residents have done their due diligence when they moved here; it is zoned open space not residential. All comments made tonight should be reviewed by the developer and staff. Mayor Smith advised that the comments received today will be considered and a decision will be made as to whether Committee will recommend the proposed amendments and Draft Plan of Subdivision proceed further through the approvals process. Mayor Smith advised that anyone receiving Notice of the Public Meeting will receive Notice of the Decision of Council in this matter, and if they did not receive the Notice and would like to receive a copy of the Notice of Decision for the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision to please leave their name and address with the recording secretary or make a written request to the Clerk of the Town of Wasaga Beach. Council moved into recess at 9:48 p.m. Council reconvened at 9:57 p.m.


COMMENT PERIOD “A fifteen (15) minute session wherein persons in attendance at the Regular Meeting of Council have an opportunity to make a comment pertaining to items that are listed on the agenda to be dealt with by Council. Comments will be received for Council consideration but will not be discussed or debated at this time.”

The Mayor asked if there were any comments from the public. Linda Benson – 28th Street North - WDI Interim Report – WDI is awesome and this report states that it is well run and profitable and we can thank the current structure for that. Challenges present opportunities. People are working together on challenges for the benefit of all of us. - Rather than a CEO why not add a fourth leg to the stool for WDI. It is the most efficient and economical way to do this.

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The Mayor asked if there were any further public comments; there were none. It was noted to be 10:00 p.m. It was then; MOVED BY SECONDED BY


RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-03

RESOLVED that the June 26, 2018 Regular Council meeting extend past the hour of 10:00 p.m. to carry on regular business of Council. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED





Councillor Bray– Notice of Motion Re: Housing and Accommodation Review Committee- (Referred at December 19, 2017 Council, referred at April 17, 2018 Council) Ministry of Agriculture– Letter regarding Grant from the Province of Ontario Revitalizing Main Street, Helping Small Businesses Grow- (Referred at January 30, 2018 Council, updated at March 15, 2018 Coordinated Committee)

CORRESPONDENCE – Received for Information a) Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)– Letter dated June 8, 2018 Re: Update on Initiatives



RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-04

RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Wasaga receives the letter from the Ontario Provincial Police dated June 8, 2018, for information. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED

CORRESPONDENCE – Requiring Action - NONE

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CORRESPONDENCE – Referred a) Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA)– Letter dated June 18, 2018 Re: 2018 No Hot Pets Campaign & request for support MOVED BY SECONDED BY


RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-05

RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Wasaga receives the letter from the OSPCA dated June 18, 2018, for information; And further that the letter be referred to staff for further review and report back to a future meeting. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED



Coordinated Committee – June 14, 2018

Deputy Mayor Bifolchi asked for clarification on what change was made to the Beachfront Management Board position. The CAO noted that the experience section was updated to reflect experience in commercial leases rather than just leases. MOVED BY SECONDED BY


RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-06

RESOLVED THAT Council receive the Coordinated Committee Reports of June 14, 2018 as circulated and approves all actions contained therein. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED

It was noted that Councillor Smith left the Council table at 10:13 p.m. for the remainder of the meeting. b)

Committee of the Whole – June 19, 2018

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RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-07

RESOLVED THAT Council receive the Committee of the Whole Report of June 19, 2018 as circulated and approves all actions contained therein. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED


Accounts – April 1, 2018 – April 30, 2018



RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-08

RESOLVED THAT Council approve the April 1, 2018 – April 30, 2018 Accounts in the amount of $2,041,670.79. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED

d) Deputy Clerk – Complaint Findings from former Integrity Commissioner R. Swayze It was then; MOVED BY SECONDED BY


RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-09

RESOLVED THAT Council receive the report on the types of complaints submitted to the Integrity Commissioner during his term, for information. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED

e) Deputy Clerk – July Council Meeting Date Change - Verbal The Deputy Clerk answered questions of Council. It was then;

Regular Council Minutes– June 26, 2018



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RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-10

RESOLVED THAT the July 31, 2018 Council meeting be moved to July 24, 2018. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Nay Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED

f) Beachfront Management Board – Budget Adjustment for June 30th Concert Members of Council spoke to their questions and concerns with the CAO. The current motion before Council reads: RESOLVED THAT Council approve a budget adjustment of up to $53,000 so that the Shawn Desman Concert being held on June 30th as part of the Canada Weekend Activities can be offered to the public free of charge; And further that Council approve all Canada Day Weekend Events be moved from the Playland/Festival Square Lot to the area surrounding Beach Drive from 2nd Street to 3rd Street. And further that Beach Drive be closed starting at 2nd Street to 3rd Street, and 3rd Street North of the Public Parking to be closed from 6:00 a.m. on June 29, 2018 until 12:00 p.m. on Monday July 2, 2018. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi noted a request to amend the motion presented to reflect Beachfront Management Board take the funds from their overall Board budget. It was then; MOVED BY SECONDED BY


RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-11A

RESOLVED that item 8.f) Beachfront Management Board –Budget Adjustment for June 30th Concert be amended to remove the first paragraph completely and insert the following in its place: “Resolved that Council direct the Beachfront Management Board to seek the requested additional $53,000 funding for the Canada Day Shawn Desman Concert from the overall Board budget.” Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego

Nay Yea Yea Nay

Regular Council Minutes– June 26, 2018

Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

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The main motion was now brought forward again. It was then; MOVED BY SECONDED BY


RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-11B

RESOLVED THAT Council approve a budget adjustment of up to $53,000 so that the Shawn Desman Concert being held on June 30th as part of the Canada Weekend Activities can be offered to the public free of charge; And further that Council approve all Canada Day Weekend Events be moved from the Playland/Festival Square Lot to the area surrounding Beach Drive from 2nd Street to 3rd Street. And further that Beach Drive be closed starting at 2nd Street to 3rd Street, and 3rd Street North of the Public Parking to be closed from 6:00 a.m. on June 29, 2018 until 12:00 p.m. on Monday July 2, 2018. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Nay Nay Yea Yea Nay DEFEATED

It was noted that the motion pertaining to this item was now lost as it was defeated and as such there would be no changes made to the event. After staff clarification, Council noted they would like to put forth a motion of reconsideration for the item and further split the recommendation into two parts. It was then; MOVED BY SECONDED BY


RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-11C

RESOLVED that the Council decision regarding item 8.f) Beachfront Management Board – Budget Adjustment for the June 30th Concert be reconsidered and include a re-vote on the related main motion. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED

The main motion was put back on the table.

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RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-11D

RESOLVED that item 8.f) Beachfront Management Board – Budget Adjustment for the June 30th Concert be split into two parts; the first paragraph being one portion and the second and third paragraphs being a separate motion. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED



RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-11E

RESOLVED THAT Council approve a budget adjustment of up to $53,000 so that the Shawn Desman Concert being held on June 30th as part of the Canada Weekend Activities can be offered to the public free of charge; Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Nay Nay Yea Nay Yea DEFEATED



RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-11F

And further that Council approve all Canada Day Weekend Events be moved from the Playland/Festival Square Lot to the area surrounding Beach Drive from 2nd Street to 3rd Street. And further that Beach Drive be closed starting at 2nd Street to 3rd Street, and 3rd Street North of the Public Parking to be closed from 6:00 a.m. on June 29, 2018 until 12:00 p.m. on Monday July 2, 2018. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray

Yea Yea Yea

Regular Council Minutes– June 26, 2018

Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Pg. 17 of 23



NOTICES OF MOTION a) Councillor Bray – Re: Motion to live broadcast Board and Advisory Committee Meetings

Whereas Municipal governments are answerable to the public and responsible for their actions, decisions and policies, and Whereas Municipal governments are mandated to operate in an accessible and visible manner and that their activities and decision making are open and clear to the public. Whereas National Accessibility Week (NAW) is an opportunity for all governing bodies to affect meaningful changes in the daily lives of persons living with disabilities; I move that Council direct our CAO to ensure all future meetings of all Board and Advisory Committees of Council are live streamed and Broadcast, similar to our Committee of the Whole and Coordinated Committee meetings. b) Councillor Belanger – Re: Motion to Request the Integrity Commissioner to investigate confidentiality breaches from Council Closed Session Meetings. Whereas some members of Council have become aware of information out in the community that has been the subject of discussion in a Closed Session of Council meeting due to the material meeting one of the requirements to hold Closed Session provided for under the Ontario Municipal Act; And Whereas information discussed in Closed Session is to remain confidential so as not to detrimentally affect the municipality in the conduct of its affairs; And Whereas the sharing of confidential matters that were discussed in Closed Session in the public is a violation of Council’s Code of Conduct, Section 12; And Whereas it is the Integrity Commissioner’s responsibility to investigate complaints against members of Council, including breaches of confidentiality; And Whereas there is a cost to such investigations, the matter is being brought Council for endorsement prior to a formal complaint being submitted; Be it Resolved that Council directs staff to file a formal complaint with the Integrity Commissioner about members of Council sharing confidential information with the public that was discussed in the Closed Session portion of Councils’ meetings. 10.




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RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-12

RESOLVED THAT a By-law to adopt an amendment to the Town of Wasaga Beach Official Plan (No.51), be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2018-49. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED



RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-13

RESOLVED THAT a By-law to amend the Town of Wasaga Beach Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2003-60, as amended (Parkbridge Lifestyle Communities Inc. - 91 Theme Park Drive), as amended, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2018-50. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED



RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-14

RESOLVED THAT a By-law to amend Town of Wasaga Beach Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2003-60, as amended (Constance Blvd), be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2018-51. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED



RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-15

RESOLVED THAT a By-law to regulate Election, Advertising and the Placement of Election Signs, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2018-52.

Regular Council Minutes– June 26, 2018

Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Pg. 19 of 23

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED



RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-16

RESOLVED THAT a By-law to amend the Use of Corporate Resources for Election Purposes Policy, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2018-53. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED



RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-17

RESOLVED THAT a By-law to appoint a Director of Legislative Services and Town Clerk for the Town of Wasaga Beach (Dina Lundy), be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2018-54. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED



RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-18

RESOLVED THAT a By-law to set the Tax Rates and to Levy Taxes for the year 2018, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2018-55. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

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RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-19

RESOLVED THAT a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 52 to the Official Plan for the Town of Wasaga Beach, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2018-56. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED



RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-20

RESOLVED THAT a By-law to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2003-60, as amended, with respect to Downtown Wasaga Beach, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2018-57. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED



RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-21

RESOLVED THAT a By-law to authorize the execution of a Lease Agreement between the Town of Wasaga Beach and the Community Mental Health Services at 1621 Mosley Street, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2018-58. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED



RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-22

RESOLVED THAT a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach at its Regular meeting held Tuesday, June 26, 2018, be

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received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2018-59. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED



Coordinated Committee Council 13.

July 19 July 24

8:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m.

QUESTION PERIOD “A fifteen (15) minute session wherein persons in attendance at the Regular Meeting of Council have an opportunity to raise questions pertaining to items that were dealt with by Council on the evening’s Agenda.”

Stan Wells – 146 Christopher Avenue - Regarding Councillor Belanger’s Notice of Motion Related to the Integrity Commissioner and if they will not receive or hear any matter brought forward after Nomination Period begins; can they act on it? - CAO – The Integrity Commissioner can conduct an investigation, but can’t report on findings until after the new Council is in place. Linda Benson – 28th Street North - COW meeting not being held in July? - CAO advised Committee tends to not have them in the summer months unless at call of the Chair. - On break time the OPP were here; who called them and why? - CAO informed Mrs. Benson that he advised the Detachment Commander that there may be individuals in attendance in the parking lot protesting. - Question about the $50,000 the Beachfront Management Board is allowed to go up to. Can it be broken down into specific details to know about individual bills? It’s not per project or certain things. - CAO The project is considered in total, but what ever bill is submitted, it is paid on that basis. The event may be made of different components. There was a proposal for Shawn Desman concert cost of artist and cost of associated items as well.

The Mayor asked if there were any further questions; there were none.





Special Committee of the Whole – May 28, 2018 – Closed Session Minutes

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RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-23

RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby adopt the Closed Session Special Meeting of Committee of the Whole Minutes dated May 28, 2018, as circulated. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED


Regular Meeting of Council – May 29, 2018 – Closed Session Minutes



RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-24

RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby adopt the Closed Session Regular Meeting of Council Minutes dated May 29, 2018, as circulated. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED


Coordinated Committee – June 14, 2018 – Closed Session Minutes



RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-25

RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby adopt the Closed Session Coordinated Committee Minutes dated June 14, 2018, as circulated. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED



Mayor Smith adjourned the meeting at 11:05 p.m.

Laura Borland

Regular Council Minutes– June 26, 2018

Deputy Clerk

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MINUTES Friday June 29, 2018 Fire Hall – Station 1 – EOC Room – 8:30 a.m. PRESENT:


B. Smith N. Bifolchi J. Belanger S. Bray R. Ego B. Smith B. Stockwell

Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor

G. Vadeboncoeur L. Borland M. McWilliam K. Lalonde C. Roos A. McNeill J. Abrams

Chief Administrative Officer Deputy Clerk Fire Chief Director of Public Works Director, Recreation Events & Fac. Director of Economic Dev. & Tourism Integrity Commissioner, Principles Integrity

J. Lee

Director, Finance and Treasurer


The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. The Town’s new Integrity Commissioner, Jeffrey Abrams from Principle Integrity, was in attendance to provide an educational and training session to Council pertaining to ethics and integrity framework. 2.


The Integrity Commissioner, Jeffrey Abrams noted that this educational training session should be done in Closed Session so that Council can receive information pertaining to the ethical and integrity framework that he works with in his role as Integrity Commissioner. It was then; MOVED BY: SECONDED BY:


RESOLUTION NO. 2018-07-01

RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 239 (3.1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the next portion of the Educational Training Session of Council of June 29, 2018 be closed to the public for the purpose of educating and training the members of Council on ethics and integrity framework. Councillor Belanger Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray

Yea Yea Yea

Special Council Minutes– June 29, 2018

Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Pg. 2 of 2

Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED

Council moved into Closed Session at 8:39 a.m. Council took a break during Closed Session at 10:18 a.m. Council resumed Closed Session at 10:28 a.m. It is noted that Councillor Ego left the meeting during the break and did not return. Council moved back into Open Session at 12:37 a.m.



The meeting was adjourned at 12:37 p.m.

Laura Borland Deputy Clerk


MINUTES Tuesday July 10, 2018 10:00 a.m. in the Classroom PRESENT:



B. Smith N. Bifolchi S. Bray R. Ego B. Smith B. Stockwell

Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor

G. Vadeboncoeur L. Borland A. McNeill J. Lee N. Wukash

Chief Administrative Officer Deputy Clerk Director, Economic Dev. & Tourism Director, Finance and Treasurer Senior Planner

J. Belanger



Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. 2.







COMMENT PERIOD “A fifteen (15) minute session wherein persons in attendance at the Regular Meeting of Council have an opportunity to make a comment pertaining to items that are listed on the agenda to be dealt with by Council. Comments will be received for Council consideration but will not be discussed or debated at this time.”

Dave Morrison - 1187 Mosley Street - Thanked members of Council he contacted who filled him on the background of the proposed LOI. - Has respect for the work that has been done to date. - Doesn’t fully understand the Letter of Intent (LOI) – the only important date is July 27 and it’s interesting that there are probably project agreements ready to go for tomorrow. If anything changes after the election, then taxpayers are responsible for the expenditures. - July 27 is a date that has huge significance. Council shouldn’t be distracted by the LOI and agreements signed before this date.

Special Council Minutes– July 10, 2018


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Council wasn’t elected on this particular project or the concepts being implemented . There should be an opportunity to ensure developers are responsible as well.

Heather C. - 30 Rodrium Road - Representing Wasaga Beach Figure Skating and the Minor Hockley Clubs; met yesterday and reviewed this LOI. The Clubs are concerned that in the LOI there was no reference to the recreation features that pertain to the twin pad arena and our arena is falling down. There is no mention of a Library either. - The intent was for the community hub to have an arena and library and they are not in this LOI. - The kids are our future and it is important that Council plan for their needs - Mr. McNeill clarified that the LOI describes an agreement on town owned lands and could include a library subject to Council direction. FRAM is not involved in the Community Hub, this is a town driven project. This LOI does not pertain to community hub Rita P. – WB Resident - In regards to Mr. Morrison’s comment, contrary to his opinions she is happy there is a deadline because she doesn’t want any more delay. In the last 5-10 years this town has gone down and we need to make it better and have something to work towards. Mayor Smith asked if there were any further comments; there were none. 6.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS – to be reviewed at the next Regular Council Meeting




COMMITTEE, BOARDS & STAFF REPORTS a) Special Committee of the Whole – July 6, 2018

Mayor Smith spoke to the highlights of the meeting. Mayor Smith asked Mr. McNeill to clarify for the public the LOI and its goals and intentions. Mr. McNeill spoke to a high level review of the LOI being proposed. Mr. McNeill noted the Town and FRAM are not designing outside of town owned lands at this time and wants to make this very clear. The LOI outlines a development strategy to develop the Town Square lands and the Beach Area 2 lands. The lands at the beachfront will be unlocked the lands in timely manner, based on FRAM meeting the Town’s requirements. Mr. McNeill advised that there will be no shovels in the ground until the land is 100% purchased by FRAM. Mr. McNeill further clarified items in the LOI. Mayor Smith finished speaking to the highlights of the meeting and asked if there were any comments or concerns from Council. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi advised that she would like Resolution 2018-06-06 pulled from the minutes for separate discussion and vote. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi also noted a correction to these meeting minutes in regards to her asking Mr. Giannone to remain in Closed Session to clarify which schedules were part of the agreement that he signed only and not to anything else. The Deputy Clerk acknowledged this and will make the changes accordingly. Members of Council spoke to their questions and concerns of this item with Mr. McNeill.

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RESOLUTION NO. 2018-07-01A

RESOLVED THAT Council receive the Special Committee of the Whole Report of July 6, 2018 as circulated and approves all actions contained therein, apart from resolution 201806-06 which will be dealt with as a separate matter. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED

Deputy Mayor Bifolchi made a statement to Council and the public in regards to the LOI, speaking against it as she believes the Town is losing control of the development of these properties and is not satisfied with the process to get the downtown development to this point. She made reference to sharing concerns with the OPP Anti-Rackets Branch. Mr. McNeill noted he would like to clarify this statement and provided his comments looking for clarity from the Deputy Mayor. The CAO addressed the issue of control, noting that the Town, under various pieces of legislation, has to control over the sale and development of these lands through Council’s approval powers. The CAO clarified that in regards to control of land, the town does retain control as FRAM would need to follow the various approval processes just like any other developer. Members of Council spoke to their questions and concerns pertaining to this item. Councillor Bray provided a statement to Council and the public in regards to this matter. Mr. McNeill noted he would like to clarify the process involved and highlighted the steps Council and staff have taken to date to get to where they are today. Mr. McNeill noted he would like it to be clear that what staff have done is proper and was outlined in RFEOI Council approved. Councillor Bray clarified her position on this matter with Council. Mayor Smith noted that the Town is not giving anything away, and approving the sale of land in a phased manner so as to control the type of development that will occur on town owned lands. Mayor Smith advised that anybody who wants to look into this process can do so. Council entered into a break at 10:49 a.m. Council reconvened the meeting at 10:55 a.m. Mayor Smith noted that it has been requested that the Deputy Mayor provide clarification on her earlier statement pertaining to concerns shared with the OPP. The Mayor requested that a full disclosure be submitted to the CAO for review and interpretation with possible interpretation from legal counsel. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi advised that as a member of Council and a resident she has the right to go to any higher level body to share her concerns and the OPP Anti-Rackets Branch was

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one of them. The Deputy Mayor noted she took concerns to them because she felt a need to share them. It was then; MOVED BY SECONDED BY


RESOLUTION NO. 2018-07-01B

RESOLVED that Committee of the Whole recommends that Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the proposed non-binding LOI submitted by FRAM; Further that Committee directs Staff and Legal Counsel to prepare a binding Letter of Intent for consideration at a future Special Committee of the Whole or Coordinated Committee meeting that maintains the substantive components of the proposed LOI, taking into account the comments made in Closed Session; Further that Committee directs Legal Counsel to consider the authority that Council may wish to delegate to staff to implement the LOI over the period that Council may be in a lame duck situation. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Nay Nay Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED




MOTIONS WHERE NOTICE HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY GIVEN – to be reviewed at the next Regular Council Meeting



2018-60 A By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach at its Special Council meeting held Tuesday July 10, 2018.



RESOLUTION NO. 2018-07-02

RESOLVED THAT a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach at its Special Council meeting held Tuesday July 10, 2018, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2018-60. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego

Yea Yea Yea

Special Council Minutes– July 10, 2018

Councillor Smith Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Pg. 5 of 7





QUESTION PERIOD “A fifteen (15) minute session wherein persons in attendance at the Regular Meeting of Council have an opportunity to raise questions pertaining to items that were dealt with by Council on the evening’s Agenda.”

Heather C. – 30 Rodrium Road - Representing WB Minor Hockey and Skate Canada - It seems like the Town Square lands were originally proposed to be a Library, multicultural center and arena, and this is supposedly no longer in the plan. If it is not part of the Town square, where will these facilities be located. Are there still funds available for the arena? - Mr. McNeill clarified the lands that the Town and Fram will be developing Mr. McNeill further clarified where the arena and other facilities will be located. He noted the resident’s questions; however, these components have not been forgotten, some are coming at different times. - Mayor Smith further provided clarification on these questions. - The CAO commented that there is money in the reserve fund for the Arena. Some money is being spent this year on design and there are still funds available for construction. William Kingston - 27 Foxwood - Looking at the LOI it only appears to be dealing with FRAM and there is no Slokker. Why are they not part of the agreement? - Mr. McNeill advised that FRAM + Slokker are partners on this project and it only shows the Fram name because they will be bonding the development; this is standard and what they typically do. It is just legal terminology. - Mr. Kingston noted the Collingwood project with FRAM ran out of money. - Mayor Smith advised that this Council and staff can’t speak to what happened in Collingwood, but there is more that went on than this. - Mr. Kingston asked if the Town has a provision from this not happening here? - Mayor Smith advised that the legal team has reviewed and confirmed we are on solid ground. - Mr. Kingston again asked why is Slokker is not signing? - Mr. McNeill explained the situation in Collingwood noting that it was no issue on the part of FRAM or Slokker; the bank they were using went bankrupt and FRAM was locked out of the project. They tried to buy the project from the bank but they would not release it. Once the bank finally agreed to sell, they got control back and started to build immediately. Glen Smail - 27 Sandy Coast - He indicated that he thinks Council has done an outstanding job of being upfront and

Special Council Minutes– July 10, 2018

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forthcoming through this process. It is not good when staff, are called into question, it is distasteful and not proper. 14.

CLOSED SESSION a) Director of Economic Development and Tourism’s Confidential Verbal Report Re: Main Street and Spruce Street Properties – Section 239 (2) (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Municipality.



RESOLUTION NO. 2018-07-03

RESOLVED THAT Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (c) of The Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the next portion of the Special Meeting of Council of July 10, 2018 be closed to the public to discuss a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Municipality . Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Yea Councillor Bray Yea Councillor Ego Yea Councillor Smith Yea Councillor Stockwell Yea Mayor Smith Yea CARRIED Council entered into Closed Session at 11:16 a.m. Council entered back into Open Session at 11:36 a.m. 15.


Special Committee of the Whole – July 6, 2018 – Closed Session Minutes



RESOLUTION NO. 2018-07-05

RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby adopt the Closed Session Special Meeting of Committee of the Whole Minutes dated July 6, 2018, as circulated. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED

b) Director of Economic Development and Tourism’s Confidential Verbal Report Re: Main Street and Spruce Street Properties – Section 239 (2) (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Municipality. MOVED BY


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RESOLUTION NO. 2018-07-06

RESOLVED THAT Council does hereby confirm the Direction given to the Director of Economic Development and Tourism pertaining to Main Street and Spruce Street property matters. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED



Mayor Smith adjourned the meeting at 11:38 a.m.

Laura Borland Deputy Clerk


MINUTES Wednesday July 18, 2018 7:00 p.m. in the Classroom PRESENT:


B. Smith N. Bifolchi J. Belanger S. Bray R. Ego B. Smith B. Stockwell

Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor

D. Lundy L. Borland R. Dunsmore N. Bellchamber M. Stahr

Director, Legislative Services & Clerk Deputy Clerk Town Solicitor Amberley Gavel Ltd. Baulke Stahr McNabb LLP


Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2.




Mayor Smith noted at 7:02 p.m. that the Director, Legislative Services &Clerk delegated all of the powers and duties of the Clerk to Mr. Nigel Bellchamber under Section 228 (4) of the Municipal Act, 2001Chapter 25, as amended, for the duration of the Closed Session of this Special meeting of Council. a) Personnel matter - Section 239 (2) (d) of The Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, labour relations or employee negotiations. MOVED BY SECONDED BY


RESOLUTION NO. 2018-08-01

RESOLVED THAT Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (d) of The Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the next portion of the Special Meeting of Council of July 18, 2018 be closed to the public to discuss labour relations or employee negotiations. Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Belanger Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Councillor Stockwell

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Special Council Minutes– July 18, 2018

Mayor Smith

Pg. 2 of 2


Council entered into Closed Session at 7:02 p.m. Council entered back into Open Session at 9:25 p.m. The Director, Legislative Services & Clerk resumed her role as the Clerk for the remainder of the meeting. 4.

REPORTS FROM CLOSED SESSION a) Personnel matter - Section 239 (2) (d) of The Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, labour relations or employee negotiations.




RESOLVED THAT a by-law to accept the early retirement of the Chief Administrative Officer, be received and be deemed to have been read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered No. 2018-61 Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Belanger Councillor Bray Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Councillor Stockwell Mayor Smith

Nay Yea Nay Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED



Mayor Smith adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m.

Dina Lundy Director, Legislative Services & Clerk

Subject: MEPCO Update - OMERS Plan Review Success Requires Commitment of All Sponsors

July 3, 2018

MEPCO Update - OMERS Plan Review Requires Commitment of All Sponsors At its June 22, 2018 meeting, the AMO Board adopted the attached resolution, calling on all OMERS Plan sponsors to support and participate in the current OMERS Sponsors Corporation Comprehensive Plan Review (CPR). The involvement and cooperation of all sponsors in the Review is essential to ensure Plan sustainability, affordability for employers and employees, and meaningful benefits for current and future contributors and Plan members. The CPR is the first fundamental review of the OMERS Plan in 50 years. A lot has changed since the inception of the Plan, and anticipating and actively managing these developments is a pension stewardship best practice. Every municipal employer and employee should welcome the review. AMO supports the review as the responsible thing to do. Potential Plan design options are based on an assessment of key economic and Plan demographic developments that will impact the long-term viability of OMERS. These developments are affecting all comparable, broader public sector (BPS) Ontario pension plans. In fact, the Teachers’, HOOPP and CAAT plans have already made changes in order to ensure they can continue to provide meaningful benefits to their members. It’s time for OMERS Plan sponsors to follow the lead of these plans to implement similar sustainability measures Pat Vanini President MEPCO For further information please contact Bruce McLeod, 416-971-9856 ext. 350 or by email at [email protected].

Whereas OMERS is a Jointly Sponsored Pension Plan with equal representation of employer and employee groups on the Sponsors Corporation Board; and Whereas all OMERS Sponsors have a responsibility to ensure that the OMERS Plan remains sustainable, meaningful and affordable for current and future contributors and plan members; and

Whereas Plan demographics, member longevity, work practices, social norms and economic conditions have evolved since OMERS was established in the 1960s, impacting Plan funding, liabilities and actuarial assumptions; and Whereas the OMERS recent strong annual investment performance alone cannot not ensure that the Plan will be fully funded by 2025 or in the future; and Whereas comparable Ontario public sector pension plans have already made changes to return to full plan finding or surplus to continue to provide meaningful benefits; and Whereas the OMERS Sponsors Corporation is focused on the equitable treatment of members within and across generations; and Whereas the OMERS Sponsors Corporation has duly initiated a Comprehensive Plan Review that will consider options for prospective and/or temporary changes, that together with the OMERS Funding Management Strategy, will enable future Plan benefits to be sustained; Whereas the Sponsors Corporation Board is assessing the viability and impacts of specific Plan design changes as basis for consultation with Plan stakeholders to inform future decision-making; Therefore, be it resolved that AMO calls on all Plan Sponsors to support and participate constructively in the Comprehensive Plan Review.

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Councillor Bill Stockwell, Chair Community Services Section Coordinated Committee Meeting

SUBJECT: Actions from July 19, 2018 Community Services Section Coordinated Committee Meeting DATE:

July 24, 2018

RECOMMENDATION That Council adopt the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee Meeting dated July 19, 2018, as circulated, and approve all the actions contained therein. BACKGROUND Listed below are the actions resulting from the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee meeting held on July 19, 2018. They are before Council for consideration. ACTIONS Fire Department Report

Resolution No. CS2018-07-01

RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the July 2018 Fire Department Report, for information. CARRIED Consent Agenda

Resolution No. CS2018-07-02

RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the July 19, 2018 Consent Agenda Items 3.4 through to 3.4.3, and that all the recommendations contained therein be adopted, as amended. CARRIED Recreation, Events and Facilities Report RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the Recreation, Events and Facilities monthly activity report as information. Community Hub Steering Committee Recommendation Resolved That the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby recommend to Council that they confirm the recommendation of the Community Hub Steering Committee that staff be directed to include a committee representative on the RFP selection committee to evaluate proposals for Consulting Architect Services for Site-plans with Building Layout Options to inform Land Acquisition for a New Arena / Multi-Purpose Space on main Street south of Beck in Wasaga Beach.

Community Services Committee – July 24, 2018

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Age-Friendly Community Advisory Committee Minutes Resolved That the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the May 2018 Age-Friendly Community Advisory Committee Minutes, for information. Chamber of Commerce Report Resolved That the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the May 2018 Chamber of Commerce Report, for information. Community Policing Report Resolved That the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the May 2018 Community Policing Minutes, for information. Community Hub Steering Committee Minutes Resolved That the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the May and June 2018 Community Hub Steering Committee Minutes, for information. Departmental Accounts

Resolution No. CS2018-07-03

RESOLVED THAT the departmental accounts for the month of May and June 2018 as reviewed by the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee, are hereby confirmed. CARRIED

Respectfully Submitted,

Councillor Bill Stockwell, Chair, Community Services Committee

Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee Meeting Report Meeting held Thursday July 19, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. In the Classroom, Town Hall PRESENT:

B. Smith N. Bifolchi J. Belanger S. Bray R. Ego B. Smith B. Stockwell

Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor/Chair

G. Vadeboncoeur D. Lundy L. Borland M. McWilliam D. Vincent C. Roos K. Wagner

Chief Administrative Officer Clerk Deputy Clerk Fire Chief Sr. MLEO Recreation, Events & Facilities Director Recording Secretary

Councillor Stockwell called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest – Deputy Mayor Bifolchi declared a pecuniary interest regarding 4.4.2 Public Works Cheque Register #22691 and #22797 as it pertains to a family member. 3. Community Services Section 3.1 3.2

Deputations, Petitions, Presentations and Public Meetings Unfinished Business - Sign By-Law Review (December 2017 update with draft by-law in March 2018) - Lions Club Licensing Fee Review – Fall 2018


Other Agency Reports a)

Fire Department Monthly Report

Chief McWilliam reviewed the calls for service for June. He pointed out that the fire danger rating is high and confirmed that there is not a fire ban in effect for Wasaga Beach at this time. Councillor Stockwell asked if there were any questions or comments and there were none. It was then;

Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee – July 19, 2018



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RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the July 2018 Fire Department Report, for information. ABSTAIN

YEA x x x x x x x



CARRIED 7/0 3.4

Consent Agenda

Councillor Stockwell informed the Committee that all items listed below will be approved by one resolution. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member requests it, in which case the item will be removed from the consent resolution and considered immediately following adoption of the remaining consent agenda items. Councillor Stockwell asked if there were any items Committee wished to have pulled from the Consent Agenda. It was noted the following item has been asked to be pulled for separate discussion: The Departmental Accounts. It was then; MOVED BY SECONDED BY



RESOLVED THAT the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the July 19, 2018 Consent Agenda Items 3.4 through to 3.4.3, and that all the recommendations contained therein be adopted as amended. ABSTAIN

YEA x x x x x x x



CARRIED 7/0 3.4.1 Departmental Staff Reports a)

Fire and Emergency Department

Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee – July 19, 2018


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Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing None


Recreation, Events & Facilities Department i)

Recreation, Events & Facilities Report

Resolved That the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the Recreation, Events & Facilities Department Report monthly activity report as information. CARRIED ii)

Community Hub Steering Committee Recommendation

Resolved That the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby recommend to Council that they confirm the recommendation of the Community Hub Steering Committee that staff be directed to include a committee representative on the RFP selection committee to evaluate proposals for Consulting Architect Services for Site-plans with Building Layout Options to inform Land Acquisition for a New Arena / Multi-Purpose Space on main Street south of Beck in Wasaga Beach. CARRIED 3.4.3 Other Matters a)

Age-Friendly Community Advisory Committee Minutes

Resolved That the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the May 2018 Age-Friendly Community Advisory Committee Minutes, for information. CARRIED b)

Chamber of Commerce Report

Resolved That the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the May 2018 Chamber of Commerce Report, for information. CARRIED c)

Community Policing Report

Resolved That the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the May 2018 Community Policing Report, for information. CARRIED d)

Community Hub Steering Committee Minutes

Resolved That the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the May and June 2018 Community Hub Steering Committee Minutes, for information. CARRIED

Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee – July 19, 2018

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The following items were pulled from the Consent Agenda to be discussed separately: 3.4.2 Departmental Accounts Deputy Mayor Bifolchi inquired about the Tourism Events Cheque Register for Wu Wu Cabins Inc. Mr. Roos provided clarification. It was then; MOVED BY SECONDED BY



Resolved That the departmental accounts for the month of May and June 2018 as reviewed by the Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee, are hereby confirmed. ABSTAIN

YEA x x x x x x x



CARRIED 7/0 Community Services Section of Coordinated Committee recessed at 8:40 a.m.

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Deputy Mayor Nina Bifolchi, Chair Pubic Works Section of Coordinated Committee

SUBJECT: Actions from the July 19, 2018 Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee DATE:

July 31, 2018

RECOMMENDATION That Council adopt the Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee Report dated July 19, 2018, as circulated, and approve all the actions contained therein. BACKGROUND Listed below are the actions resulting from the Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee meeting held on July 19, 2018. They are before Council for consideration. ACTIONS Consent Agenda Items 4.4.1 through 4.4.3

Resolution No. PW2018-07-01

RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee hereby receives the July 19, 2018 Consent Agenda Items 4.4.1 through to 4.4.3, and that all the recommendations contained are adopted, as amended. CARRIED Engineer’s Report on Capital Works Project Status Report. RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the July 19, 2018 Engineer’s Capital Works Project Status Report, for information. Carried Departmental Accounts for May and June 2018. RESOLVED THAT the departmental accounts for the months of May and June 2018, as reviewed by the Public Works Section of the Coordinated Committee are hereby confirmed. Carried Wasaga Beach Transit Report – June 2018. Resolved that the Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the Wasaga Beach Transit Report for June 2018, for information. Carried

Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee – July 19, 2018

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Wasaga Beach-Collingwood Link Ridership Statistics - June 2018. Resolved that the Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the Wasaga Beach-Collingwood Link Ridership Statistics for June 2018, for information. Carried Wasaga Beach-Clearview Link Ridership Statistics - June 2018. Resolved that the Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the Wasaga Beach-Clearview Link Ridership Statistics for June 2018, for information. Carried Wasaga Beach Transit Ridership Statistics – June 2018. RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the Wasaga Beach-Clearview Link Ridership Statistics for June 2018, for information. Carried Respectively Submitted,

Nina Bifolchi, Deputy Mayor Chair, Public Works Committee

Coordinated Committee Meeting Public Works Report July 19, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. Classroom


B.F. Smith N. Bifolchi B. Stockwell J. Belanger S. Bray B. Smith R. Ego

Mayor Deputy Mayor/Chair Councillor/Co-Chair Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor

G. Vadeboncoeur L. Borland K. Lalonde J. Martin

CAO Deputy Clerk Director of Public Works Recording Secretary


Call back to Order Deputy Mayor Bifolchi called the Public Works Section of the Coordinated Committee meeting to order at 8:45 a.m. 4.

Public Works Section 4.1 Deputation, Petitions, Presentations and Public Meetings N. Bifolchi made mention that she disclosed earlier her pecuniary interest in item 4.4.2 Accounts. 4.2 Unfinished Business ii)Minimum Maintenance Standards – Recent Amendments O. Reg. 239/02. 4.3 Other Agency Reports 4.4 Consent Agenda Deputy Mayor Bifolchi informed Committee that All items listed below will be approved by one resolution. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member requests it, in which case the item will be removed from the consent resolution and considered immediately following adoption of the remaining consent agenda items. It was then; RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee hereby receives the May 23, 2018 Consent Agenda Items 4.4.1 through to 4.4.3, and that all the recommendations contained therein be adopted.

Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee – July 19, 2018



x x x x x x x

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CARRIED 7/0 4.4.1 Departmental Staff Reports a) Public Works i)

Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling (OMCC) Grant Letter

RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling (OMCC) Grant Letter dated July 4, 2018 for information. Carried i)

Mosley Street at River Road West (Riverbend Plaza) Replacement of Signalized Intersection Traffic Controller Box RFQ #PW2018-10 Award Recommendation

RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Section of the Coordinated Committee does hereby recommend to Council that the Mosley Street at River Road West (Riverbend Plaza) Replacement of Signalized Intersection Traffic Controller Box, RFQ #PW2018-10 be awarded to Black & McDonald Ltd. in the amount of $32,365.20, which excludes HST. Carried b) Environmental Services i) River Resources Advisory Committee – Minutes of Meeting (July 4, 2018) RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive River Resources Advisory Committee – Minutes of Meeting on July 4, 2018, for information. Carried

Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee – July 19, 2018 ii)

Public Works – Mid-Year Operations Update – Water

3 of 4 Wastewater

RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the Mid-Year Operations Update Report as performed by the Public Works Department (Sewer/Water Division), for information. Carried iii)

Inflow/Infiltration (I&I) Study West End Sanitary Sewer Collection System.

RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the Inflow/Infiltration (I&I) Study - West End Sanitary Sewer Collection System, for information. Carried iv)

DWQMS (Drinking Water Quality Management Standard) Management Review Meeting – Water Distribution & Supply System

RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the DWQMS (Drinking Water Quality Management Standard) Management Review Meeting – Water Distribution & Supply System, for information. Carried c) Engineering i)

Engineer’s Report on Capital Works Project Status

RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the July 19, 2018 Engineer’s Capital Works Project Status Report, for information. Carried 4.4.2 Accounts a) Departmental Accounts for May and June 2018. RESOLVED THAT the departmental accounts for the month of May 2018 and June 2018, as reviewed by the Public Works Section of the Coordinated Committee are hereby confirmed. Carried 4.4.3 Other Matters a) Transit i) Wasaga Beach Transit Report – June 2018. RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the Wasaga Beach Transit Report for June 2018, for information.

Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee – July 19, 2018

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Carried ii)

Wasaga Beach – Collingwood Link Ridership Statistics – June 2018.

RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the Wasaga Beach-Collingwood Link Ridership Statistics for June 2018, for information. Carried iii)

Wasaga Beach Transit Ridership Statistics – June 2018.

RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the Wasaga Beach Transit Ridership Statistics for June 2018, for information. Carried iv)

Wasaga Beach – Clearview Link Ridership Statistics – June 2018.

RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the Wasaga Beach-Clearview Link Ridership Statistics for June 2018, for information. Carried

Deputy Mayor Bifolchi recessed the Public Works Section of the Coordinated Committee meeting at 8:46 a.m.




Councillor Smith, Chair Development Services Committee

SUBJECT: Actions from the July 19, 2018 Coordinated Committee Meeting - Development Services Section DATE:

July 19, 2018

RECOMMENDATION That Council adopt the Coordinated Committee Meeting - Development Services Section Report dated July 19, 2018, and approve all the actions contained therein. BACKGROUND Listed below are the actions resulting from the Coordinated Committee Meeting - Development Services Section held on July 19, 2018. They are before Council for consideration. Deputation – Ms. Rosalba D’Angelo RESOLUTION NO. DS2018-07-02 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Section of Coordinated Committee receives the deputation from Rosalba D’Angelo and further refers this item to staff for further review and report back to a future meeting. CARRIED Consent agenda- items 5.1 through 5.4.3 RESOLUTION NO. DS2018-07-01 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Section of Coordinated Committee hereby receives the July 19, 2018 Consent Agenda Items 5.1 through 5.4.3 and that the recommendations contained therein be adopted. CARRIED Application for an Extension to the Approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision Antonietta Iantorno – Part Lot 24, Concession 8 (File No.: PS03/05) RESOLVED THAT Development Services Section of Coordinated Committee recommends that the application PS03/05, which proposes to extend the Draft Plan of Subdivision, submitted by Antonietta Iantorno (the ‘applicant’), for lands legally described as Part Lot 24, Concession 8, located along the west side of Bell’s Park Road, north of Golf Course Road and south of River Road West in the Town of Wasaga Beach (herein referred to as the ‘subject lands’) be forwarded to Council for adoption. CARRIED Revision to a Draft Plan of Subdivision and Application for Zoning By-law Amendment – Zancor Homes (Wasaga) Ltd. – Part of Lot 2, Plan 1699 and Part of Lot 28, Plan 1700 – Ramblewood Drive (File No. PS02/16 and Z02/18) RESOLVED THAT Development Services Section of Coordinated Committee recommends that the applications PS02/16 and Z02/18, which propose to revise the Draft Plan of Subdivision and amend the Comprehensive Zoning By-law, submitted by Zancor Homes (Wasaga) Ltd. (the ‘applicant’) for lands legally described as Part of Lot 2, Plan 1699 and Part of Lot 28, Plan 1700, located along the north side

Development Services Committee – July 19, 2018

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of Ramblewood Drive, east of 58th Street and west of 45th Sreet in the Town of Wasage Beach (herein referred to as the ‘subject lands’) be forwarded to Council for subdivision approval and passing of the Zoning By-law Amendment. CARRIED Committee of Adjustment/Consent Matters RESOLVED THAT Development Services Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the Notices for file Notices for file A14/18 and Decisions for A10/18 – A13/18. CARRIED Ainley Project Status Report dated July 6, 2018 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Section of Coordinated Committee receives the Ainley Project Status Report of July 6, 2018 for information. CARRIED Public Works/Engineering Technologist Development RESOLUTION NO. DS2018-07-03 Project Status Report dated July 11, 2018 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Section of Coordinated Committee receives the Public Works Engineering Project Status Report dated July 11, 2018 for information. CARRIED Healthy Community Network – Meeting minutes RESOLVED THAT Development Services Section of Coordinated Committee receives the HCN minutes dated June 21, 2018 for information. CARRIED Recess

COORDINATED COMMITTEE MEETING – DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SECTION REPORT Held Thursday, July 19, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. In the Classroom, Town Hall PRESENT:


B. Smith J. Belanger N. Bifolchi S. Bray R. Ego B. Smith B. Stockwell

Councillor/Chair Councillor Deputy Mayor Councillor Councillor Mayor Councillor

G. Vadeboncoeur A. McNeill D. Herron T. Jarratt N. Wukasch D. de Rijke

Chief Administrative Officer Director of Economic Development Manager of Planning & Development Review Zoning Administrator Planner Recording Secretary


The Chair, Councillor Smith called the meeting back to order at 8:55 a.m. Mr. Herron introduced Mr. Alan Wiebe, Senior Planner. 5.

Development Services Section


Deputations, Petitions, Presentations and Public Meetings Deputation – Ms. Rosalba D’Angelo – recommendation for Zoning By-law Amendment to regulate height and setbacks for children’s play structures. Ms. D’Angelo referred to Section 3.1 – Accessory Uses, Buildings and Structures of Zoning Bylaw 2003-60 as amended. She expressed concern with the height and number of permitted accessory structures in a residential area, particularly regarding children’s play structures. Her concerns are mainly regarding privacy of neighbouring properties and she feels the structures should be addressed in the Ontario Building Code and the Town’s Zoning By-law. She recommended to amend the zoning and building provisions to limit the height of such structures and the number of accessory buildings allowed. Councillor Bray asked if the Zoning By-law only refers to sheds. Mr. Herron confirmed that play structures are not regulated. With the intensification of the Town, the current Zoning By-law is under review to ensure a balance between enjoyment of own property and impact on neighbours. A new Zoning By-law is expected in 2019. Mr. Herron further noted that staff will also investigate regulations in other municipalities. It was then;

Coordinated Committee Meeting - Development Services Section – July 19, 2018

MOVED BY: Councillor Ego SECONDED BY: Councillor Belanger

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RESOLVED THAT Development Services Section of Coordinated Committee receives the deputation from Rosalba D’Angelo and further refers this item to staff for further review and report back to a future meeting. ABSTAIN YEA x x x x x x x




Unfinished Business The Committee did not discuss the items identified under unfinished business.


Other Agency Reports


Consent Agenda The Chair asked if there were any items Committee wished to have pulled from the Consent Agenda to discuss. Item 5.4.3 c) Public Works/Engineering Technologist Development Project Status Report dated July 11, 2018 was pulled. It was then: MOVED BY: Councillor Ego SECONDED BY: Councillor Belanger


RESOLVED THAT Development Services Section of Coordinated Committee hereby receives the July 19, 2018 Consent Agenda Items 5.1 through 5.4.3 and that the recommendations contained therein be adopted, as amended. ABSTAIN YEA x x x x x x x CARRIED



Coordinated Committee Meeting - Development Services Section – July 19, 2018

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5.4.1 Departmental Staff Reports a)

Official Plan Amendments


Zoning By-law Amendments


Subdivision/Condominium Matters i)

Application for an Extension to the Approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision Antonietta Iantorno – Part Lot 24, Concession 8 (File No.: PS03/05) RESOLVED THAT Development Services Section of Coordinated Committee recommends that the application PS03/05, which proposes to extend the Draft Plan of Subdivision, submitted by Antonietta Iantorno (the ‘applicant’), for lands legally described as Part Lot 24, Concession 8, located along the west side of Bell’s Park Road, north of Golf Course Road and south of River Road West in the Town of Wasaga Beach (herein referred to as the ‘subject lands’) be forwarded to Council for adoption. CARRIED


Revision to a Draft Plan of Subdivision and Application for Zoning By-law Amendment – Zancor Homes (Wasaga) Ltd. – Part of Lot 2, Plan 1699 and Part of Lot 28, Plan 1700 – Ramblewood Drive (File No. PS02/16 and Z02/18) RESOLVED THAT Development Services Section of Coordinated Committee recommends that the applications PS02/16 and Z02/18, which propose to revise the Draft Plan of Subdivision and amend the Comprehensive Zoning By-law, submitted by Zancor Homes (Wasaga) Ltd. (the ‘applicant’) for lands legally described as Part of Lot 2, Plan 1699 and Part of Lot 28, Plan 1700, located along the north side of Ramblewood Drive, east of 58th Street and west of 45th Street in the Town of Wasage Beach (herein referred to as the ‘subject lands’) be forwarded to Council for subdivision approval and passing of the Zoning By-law Amendment. CARRIED


Site Plan Matters


Building Departments Matters


Other 5.4.2 Accounts 5.4.3 Other Matters a)

Committee of Adjustment/Consent Matters RESOLVED THAT Development Services Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the Notices for file Notices for file A14/18 and Decisions for A10/18 – A13/18. CARRIED

Coordinated Committee Meeting - Development Services Section – July 19, 2018


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Ainley Project Status Report dated July 6, 2018 RESOLVED THAT Development Services Section of Coordinated Committee receives the Ainley Project Status Report of July 6, 2018 for information. CARRIED


Healthy Community Network – Meeting minutes RESOLVED THAT Development Services Section of Coordinated Committee receives the HCN minutes dated June 21, 2018 for information. CARRIED

The following item was removed from the Consent Agenda to be discussed as a separate matter: Chair Smith asked to pull item 5.4.3 Other Matters c) Public Works/Engineering Technologist Development Project Status Report dated July 11, 2018 – PRE-C08/18 Chair Smith was interested in more detail regarding the item PRE-C08/18 on the status report. Mr. Herron explained staff recently had a pre-consultation meeting regarding the property at 35 Mosley Street and the applicant is proposing an aerial amusement park, consisting of an aerial challenge course (piers with decks and a climbing wall, zip lines etc.). The pre-consultation meeting was held with the applicant regarding the requirements to submit a complete application. MOVED BY: Councillor Stockwell SECONDED BY: Councillor Belanger


RESOLVED THAT Development Services Section of Coordinated Committee receives the Public Works Engineering Project Status Report dated July 11, 2018 for information. ABSTAIN YEA x x x x x x x


CARRIED The Development Services Section recessed at 9:08 a.m.





Councillor Belanger, Chair General Government Committee

SUBJECT: Actions from the July 19, 2018 General Government Committee Meeting DATE:

July 24, 2018

RECOMMENDATION That Council adopt the General Government Committee Report dated July 24, 2018, as circulated, and approve all the actions contained therein. BACKGROUND Listed below are the actions resulting from the General Government Committee meeting held on July 19, 2018. They are before Council for consideration. ACTIONS

Consent Agenda


RESOLVED THAT General Government section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the July 19, 2018 Consent Agenda Items 6.4.1 through 6.4.3, and that the recommendations contained therein be adopted, as amended. CARRIED High School Task Force – April 20, 2018 Minutes RESOLVED That the General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the April 20, 2018 High School Taskforce meeting minutes from the Economic Development and Tourism Department, as circulated. CARRIED Director of Economic Development and Tourism’s Report dated July 19, 2018 – July Activity Report RESLVED That the General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the Monthly (June 2018) Update Report from the Economic Development and Tourism Department for information. CARRIED

General Government Committee –July 19, 2018

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario – Letter dated July 2018 Re: Nominate an Outstanding Ontario Physician in your Community RESOLVED That the General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the letter dated July 2018 from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, for information. CARRIED Simcoe Muskoka Opioid Strategy – Action Plan dated May 2018 Re: An Action Plan for Our Communities RESOLVED That the General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the Action Plan dated May 2018 from the Simcoe Muskoka Opioid Strategy, for information. CARRIED Historical Advisory Committee – June 4, 2018 Minutes RESOLVED THAT the General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the June 4, 2018 Historical Advisory Committee meeting minutes from the Clerk’s Department, as circulated. CARRIED CAO’s Report dated July 19, 2018 Re: Approval of Agreements related to the After-Hours Medical Clinic RESOLVED That the General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee and Council receive this report for approval and execution of the attached agreements. CARRIED Senior Municipal Law Enforcement Officer’s Report dated July 19, 2018 Re: Request for Budget Variance RESOLVED THAT the General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee recommends to Council that a budget variance of $4,995.00 before taxes for the purchase of a colour printer for the Parking Department to be offset by in-year surplus of the budget for MPA Supplies account number 02259-6500-65105, be approved. CARRIED Deputy Treasurer’s Report date July 19, 2018 Re: 2019 Taxation Changes for Council Remuneration RESOLVED That the General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the 2019 Taxation Changes for Council Remuneration Report and further direct staff to survey the comparator group to review how the other Municipalities are proceeding with this change.

General Government Committee –July 19, 2018

CARRIED Manager of Beachfront Properties, Fleet and Purchasing’s Report dated July 19, 2018 – Amendment to the Light Duty Vehicle Purchase from March 15th, 2018 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it amend the previous approved light duty vehicle equipment contract RFP# FL2018-03, (for one (1) new minivan style vehicle), from $33,258.73 to $41,803.79 CARRIED Accounts – May 1 – May 31, 2018


RESOLVED That the May 1 - 31, 2018 Accounts as reviewed by General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee, are hereby confirmed. CARRIED Accounts – June 1 – June 30, 2018


RESOLVED That the June 1 - 30, 2018 Accounts as reviewed by General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee, are hereby confirmed CARRIED Closed Session


RESOLVED THAT Pursuant to Section 239 (c) of The Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the next portion of the Coordinated Committee meeting of July 19, 2018 be closed to the public to discuss a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Municipality. CARRIED Reports from Closed Session RESOLUTION NO. GG2018-07-06 RESOLVED THAT General Government section of Coordinated Committee does hereby confirm the direction given to the Director of Economic Development and Tourism and CAO in Closed Session pertaining to a pending acquisition or disposition of land on Main Street and Spruce Street by the Municipality; AND FURTHER that staff adhere to all related policies and procedures, including Municipal Act provisions, pertaining to the acquisition and disposition of land; AND FINALLY that staff keep Council informed on the status of negotiations with property owners. CARRIED

General Government Committee –July 19, 2018

RESOLUTION NO. GG2018-07-07 RESOLVED THAT General Government section of Coordinated Committee does hereby confirm the direction given to the CAO in Closed Session pertaining to a property matter on Main Street; AND FINNALLY that the matter be reviewed in Fall 2018 with an update back to Committee. CARRIED CARRIED

Respectfully Submitted,

Joe Belanger, Councillor Chair, General Government Committee

Coordinated Committee Meeting General Government Section Report Held July 19, 2018 in the Classroom


J. Belanger S. Bray N. Bifolchi R. Ego B. Smith B.F. Smith B. Stockwell G. Vadeboncoeur D. Lundy L. Borland R. Decordova

Councillor/Chair Councillor/Co-Chair Deputy Mayor Councillor Councillor Mayor Councillor CAO Director, Legislative Services & Clerk Deputy Clerk Rick’s Cafe

Call back to Order Councillor Belanger called the meeting to order at 9:16 a.m. 6. 6.1

Deputations, Petitions, Presentations and Public Meetings a)


General Government Section

Mr. Ryan Decordova and Mr. Bob Garcia were in attendance to request permission from Committee to locate 3 accessible porta-potties at 9 Main Street for his business so that he is eligible for a liquor licence. Mr. Decordova explained his history at this property to date and the issues he is facing today. Mr. Decordova would like to get his business fully running so he can generate the funds he needs in order to stay. Mr. Decordova answered questions and comments of Committee.

Unfinished Business i) Director of Economic Development and Tourism – Digital Advertising Signs (December 14, 2017)

6.3 6.4

Other Agency Reports Consent Agenda All items listed below will be approved by one resolution. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member requests it, in which case the item will be removed from the consent resolution and considered immediately following adoption of the remaining consent agenda items.

Coordinated Committee – July 19, 2018

Councillor Belanger asked if there were any items Committee wished to have pulled from the Consent Agenda. It was noted that the following item was asked to be pulled for separate discussion: Accounts. It was then; MOVED BY SECONDED BY



RESOLVED THAT General Government section of Coordinated Committee does hereby receive the July 19, 2018 Consent Agenda Items 6.4.1 through 6.4.3, and that the recommendations contained therein be adopted, as amended. Councillor Bray Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell Councillor Belanger

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED

The CAO took a moment to introduce Ms. Sandy Thurston who has been helping establish the after hours clinic and preparing agreements and follow ups with the South Georgina Bay Community Health Center. Ms. Thurston has been dealing with legal counsel and has been an invaluable asset in after hours clinic. Staff and Committee thanked Ms. Thurston. 6.4.1 Departmental Staff Reports a) Economic Development and Tourism i) High School Task Force – April 20, 2018 Minutes RESOLVED That the General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the April 20, 2018 High School Taskforce meeting minutes from the Economic Development and Tourism Department, as circulated. CARRIED ii) Director of Economic Development and Tourism’s Report dated July 19, 2018 – July Activity Report RESOLVED That the General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the Monthly (June 2018) Update Report from the Economic Development and Tourism Department for information.

2|P age

Coordinated Committee – July 19, 2018

CARRIED b) Administration i)

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario – Letter dated July 2018 Re: Nominate an Outstanding Ontario Physician in your Community RESOLVED That the General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the letter dated July 2018 from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, for information. CARRIED


Simcoe Muskoka Opioid Strategy – Action Plan dated May 2018 Re: An Action Plan for Our Communities RESOLVED That the General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the Action Plan dated May 2018 from the Simcoe Muskoka Opioid Strategy, for information. CARRIED


Historical Advisory Committee – June 4, 2018 Minutes RESOLVED THAT the General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the June 4, 2018 Historical Advisory Committee meeting minutes from the Clerk’s Department, as circulated. CARRIED


CAO’s Report dated July 19, 2018 Re: Approval of Agreements related to the After-Hours Medical Clinic RESOLVED That the General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee and Council receive this report for approval and execution of the attached agreements. CARRIED


Senior Municipal Law Enforcement Officer’s Report dated July 19, 2018 Re: Request for Budget Variance RESOLVED THAT the General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee recommends to Council that a budget variance of $4,995.00 before taxes for the purchase of a colour printer for the 3|P age

Coordinated Committee – July 19, 2018

Parking Department to be offset by in-year surplus of the budget for MPA Supplies account number 02-259-6500-65105, be approved. CARRIED

c) Finance i)

Deputy Treasurer’s Report date July 19, 2018 Re: 2019 Taxation Changes for Council Remuneration RESOLVED That the General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee receive the 2019 Taxation Changes for Council Remuneration Report and further direct staff to survey the comparator group to review how the other Municipalities are proceeding with this change. CARRIED

d) Property, Fleet and Purchasing i)

Manager of Beachfront Properties, Fleet and Purchasing’s Report dated July 19, 2018 – Amendment to the Light Duty Vehicle Purchase from March 15th, 2018 RESOLVED THAT the General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee does hereby recommend to Council that it amend the previous approved light duty vehicle equipment contract RFP# FL2018-03, (for one (1) new minivan style vehicle), from $33,258.73 to $41,803.79 CARRIED

6.4.2 Accounts Pulled below for further discussion 6.4.3 Other Matters 6.4.4 Date of Next Meeting August 16, 2018 The following Item was pulled from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion:

4|P age

Coordinated Committee – July 19, 2018

6.4.1 Departmental Staff Reports

6.4.2 Accounts a)

Accounts – May 1 – May 31, 2018

Members of Committee spoke to their questions and comments regarding this item with the Director of Economic Development and Tourism. It was then; MOVED BY SECONDED BY



RESOLVED That the May 1 - 31, 2018 Accounts as reviewed by General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee, are hereby confirmed. Councillor Bray Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell Councillor Belanger

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED


Accounts – June 1 – June 30, 2018

Members of Committee and staff spoke to their questions and comments regarding this item with the Director of Economic Development and Tourism. It was then; MOVED BY SECONDED BY



RESOLVED That the June 1 - 30, 2018 Accounts as reviewed by General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee, are hereby confirmed. Councillor Bray Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell Councillor Belanger

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED 5|P age

Coordinated Committee – July 19, 2018

6.4.3 Other Matters 7.

Closed Session a) Director of Economic Development and Tourism’s Confidential Verbal Report Re: Main Street and Spruce Street Properties – Section 239 (2) (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Municipality. b) CAO’s Confidential Report dated July 19, 2018 Re: Main Street Property – Section 239 (2) (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Municipality. MOVED BY SECONDED BY



RESOLVED THAT Pursuant to Section 239 (c) of The Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the next portion of the Coordinated Committee meeting of July 19, 2018 be closed to the public to discuss a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Municipality. Councillor Bray Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell Councillor Belanger

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED

Committee moved into Closed Session at 9:35 a.m. Committee moved back into Open Session at 11:08 a.m.


Rise & Report

Councillor Belanger advised of matters dealt with during the Closed Session period by providing a rise and report. It was then; a) Director of Economic Development and Tourism’s Confidential Verbal Report Re: Main Street and Spruce Street Properties – Section 239 (2) (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Municipality. MOVED BY


Coordinated Committee – July 19, 2018




RESOLVED THAT General Government section of Coordinated Committee does hereby confirm the direction given to the Director of Economic Development and Tourism and CAO in Closed Session pertaining to a pending acquisition or disposition of land on Main Street and Spruce Street by the Municipality; AND FURTHER that staff adhere to all related policies and procedures, including Municipal Act provisions, pertaining to the acquisition and disposition of land; AND FINALLY that staff keep Council informed on the status of negotiations with property owners. Councillor Bray Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell Councillor Belanger

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED

b) CAO’s Confidential Report dated July 19, 2018 Re: Main Street Property – Section 239 (2) (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Municipality. MOVED BY SECONDED BY



RESOLVED THAT General Government section of Coordinated Committee does hereby confirm the direction given to the CAO in Closed Session pertaining to a property matter on Main Street; AND FINALLY that the matter be reviewed in Fall 2018 with an update back to Committee. Councillor Bray Deputy Mayor Bifolchi Councillor Ego Councillor Smith Mayor Smith Councillor Stockwell Councillor Belanger

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CARRIED 7|P age

Coordinated Committee – July 19, 2018


Adjournment Councillor Belanger adjourned the meeting at 11:11 a.m.

8|P age




Shelley Brook, Youth Coordinator


Rec Plex Parking Lot Request


July 24, 2018

RECOMMENDATION THAT Council does support the Youth Coordinators’ recommendation to allow the Wasaga Beach Youth Advisory Council to host a carwash fundraiser in support of the Collingwood G&M Hospital Foundation, to take place in the RecPlex Parking lot on August 26, 2018. BACKGROUND Wasaga Beach’s Youth Advisory Council, in partnership with the Collingwood G&M Hospital Foundation, has requested to use a section of the RecPlex parking lot for a carwash fundraiser on Sunday, August 26, 2018. The event would not interfere with any other events being held that day at the RecPlex or the YMCA. The carwash would operate from 10:00am-2:00pm in the southwest corner of the parking lot. They require access to an outdoor water spigot in order to provide water to the event, but require no further assistance from our department. Respectively Submitted,

Shelley Brook, Youth Coordinator

Form: WB-SR2010


Town Council


Chris Roos, Director - Recreation, Events & Facilities


Expression of Interest for Facility Partnership relating to new Elementary School


Tuesday July 24, 2018

RECOMMENDATION THAT Council direct staff to submit an expression of interest to the Simcoe County District School Board seeking a partnership opportunity relating to the new public elementary school to be planned in the Pacific Homes subdivision west of Sunnidale Road

BACKGROUND On July 10th 2018 the Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) posted an advertisement inviting interested parties to submit expressions of interest relating to potential partnership opportunities for the Wasaga Beach elementary (new) school. There are a number of other partnerships between municipalities within the County of Simcoe including a current partnership emerging between Oro Medonte with a new elementary school being built in Horseshoe Valley, an ongoing agreement between the Town of Innisfil at Alcona Glen for over a decade as well as a new partnership space between the City of Orillia and the school board in the newly renovated combined high school.

DISCUSSION The writer along with the Town’s Recreation Coordinator had a chance to meet with the Director of Recreation, Parks and Properties from the Township of Springwater to consider the various details involved in this type of partnership. Springwater has currently moved passed the expression of interest, the formal proposal phase and developing a business plan within a working group to the current renovations of the Elmvale District High School which will have a shared Community Kitchen, Cafetorium, Stage, full size gym and partnership building. It is estimated that shared building costs for a potential gymnasium that could be programmed and permitted by the Town’s Recreation Department could require a significant capital investment by the Town although alternative sources could come from the subdivision developer Pacific Homes in lieu of parkland requirements. It is also understood that Pacific Homes is also considering submitting an expression of interest to the SCDSB.

Form: WB-SR2010

2 CONCLUSION Further to the Community Hub Steering Committee terms of reference as secretary to committee the writer is proposing Council confirm the recommendation to include a representative in the RFP selection process on July 20th. Respectively Submitted,

Chris Roos Chris Roos, Director, Recreation, Events & Facilities




EA to Mayor, Council and CAO


June 2018 and July 2018 Proclamations


July 24, 2018

RECOMMENDATION: That Council receive the information report pertaining to proclamations and flag raisings for the months of June and July 2018 for information. BACKGROUND: The process of the Mayor approving proclamations and flag raisings is part of Council’s approved delegation of powers and duties policy 1-3 which was approved in 2016. At Council’s request, staff will be preparing a monthly report to Council that will re-cap the current month’s proclamations and flag raisings. The following is the first of what will be regular reports to Council. JUNE 2018 Proclamations and Flag Raisings St. John Ambulance Week, June 17 to June 24th, 2018 (proclamation and flag raising)

JULY 2018 Proclamations and Flag Raisings Fierté Simcoe Pride, July 30 – August 12, 2018 (proclamation and flag raising) Respectfully Submitted,

Sandra Watts, EA to Mayor, Council and CAO Enclosures




Jocelyn Lee, Director of Finance and Treasurer


Costs of Ransomware Virus and Cyber Risk Management


July 24, 2018

RECOMMENDATION THAT Council receive the report on the costs of the virus attack and cyber risk management for information. BACKGROUND On Monday April 30, 2018 the Town of Wasaga Beach computer system was compromised with a virus that left all of the Town’s data locked. This was done by cyber criminals who demanded a ransom be paid to unlock the data back to the Town. For a period of approximately 7 weeks (including week-ends) the Town staff worked, with computer experts to recover from the virus by rebuilding a new network, negotiating with the cyber criminals to obtain the data back, scrubbing the data to ensure it was clean before returning it to the new network, re-configuring many software programs to work under the new network design, and installing new hardware and software infrastructure deemed necessary for corporate security. During this period the Town hired consultants to assist with the process and engaged existing software vendors to help re-configure the programs, and paid a ransom amount to unlock the data. The purpose of this report is to outline the costs that were incurred to address this event. There is a second full report being prepared by Hexigent Consultants that will address more of the technical details, the situation analysis (how it happened), and provide recommendations for moving forward. That report will be presented at the August 16, 2018 Coordinated Committee meeting. DISCUSSION The following types of expenditures were incurred to address the virus event; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Ransom payment Computer Consultants Physical Security Vendor I.T. purchases Third-Party Software Vendors Internal staff overtime

In addition, there were some internal productivity losses due to staff not having access to data for a period of time that will be discussed further below. Form: WB-SR2010


Ransom Payment The original request for the ransom payment was 11 bitcoins. At that time a bitcoin was trading for approximately $13,100 Canadian. The total for 11 bitcoins would be about $144,100. There were 11 servers (some physical and some virtual) that were locked. The CAO consulted with Senior Staff and the decision was made to offer 1.5 bitcoins for all 11 servers. After several communications the cyber criminals accepted an offer of 2 bitcoins for 3 servers. Staff had determined that with three specific servers enough information could be purchased back to restore the system to about 85% to 90% recovery. At a later date it was determined that one more server needed to be purchased and a third bitcoin was paid. The total cost to purchase the bitcoin through a bitcoin broker with fees for all 3 bitcoin transactions was $34,950. Computer Consultants The Town was working with 3 different consultants assisting with various aspects of the virus recovery, the security of the network, and the situation analysis which is just being finalized. Compu-Solve was the first computer consultant we hired. During the first day of reviewing our situation they offered us the services of ISA Inc. who were specialists in security matters and virus’ of this nature. In the second week of the event we brought in the services of Hexigent Consultants who were providing some guidance on security matters, assisting with the virus decryption, and conducting the post-incident analysis. They were recommended by a local citizen that works in the cyber security department in a large GTA municipality. To date the costs for consultants totals $37,181. There are still some additional costs to come related to the post-incident analysis. Physical Security Vendor The Town’s Security Access system to the building had to be reprogrammed and the costs associated with this recovery was $4,725. I.T. Purchases There were various purchases required such as USB keys, large hard drives, and minor incidentals that total $1,901. Third-Party Software Vendors To restore the financial system and some of the smaller databases, costs were incurred from these vendors. The total for these costs is $9,590.

3 Internal Staff Overtime Staff overtime related to catching up the transactions and backlog of work to be done when the systems were restored is $31,370. Internal Productivity Losses We have approached this cost in terms of % of productivity/efficiency as it relates to pre-incident operations. Department Heads have provided their best estimate of % of efficiency and Treasury has converted this productivity loss into dollars. It is difficult to measure lost efficiency as staff were able to undertake other tasks for periods of time that did not rely on data, but those ran out at different times for individuals depending on the employee. Based on a high level review, the estimated wage cost is estimated at $132,042 (including benefits). The total costs without internal productivity losses and overtime is $88,347. When the cost of staff time at $163,412 is added with the other costs of $88,347 the total cost of the virus is $251,759. Security Improvements There are other costs that were incurred to make improvements to our security and to purchase new computer hardware, some of which was planned as part of the 2018 budget (10k). These should not be considered part of the virus costs, but rather maintenance costs and then enhancements associated with lessons learned from this experience about what we need for corporate security. These costs include capital outlays of $26k (less $10k budgeted), plus licenses and third-party managed services that amount to about $95k per year ongoing. CONCLUSION It is clear from these costs that this was an expensive occurrence for the Town. Staff have learned from this experience the importance of actively managing corporate security risk in this day and age. Based on the advice of the consultants and what staff have learned there will be a need to budget more towards infrastructure and services that will help protect the Town as much as possible. One thing is clear that ransomware attacks and other forms of cyber crime will continue, the Town has the multiple back-ups in place to quickly recover from further attacks. In the near future staff will be discussing with Council undertaking a threat-risk assessment that would help the Town be prepared for other types of cyber risks. The post-incident report that will be presented in August will address what security measures were in place at the time of the attack, the policies and procedures that staff were following, best practices for small municipalities and was the Town at that level, and the importance of on-going risk assessment and best practices going forward. Respectfully Submitted,

Jocelyn Lee, CPA, CMA Director of Finance and Treasurer




Andrew McNeill, Director of Economic Development and Tourism


FRAM Building Group Binding Letter of Intent


July 24, 2018

RECOMMENDATIONS THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach authorize the execution of the Letter of Intent from FRAM Building Group Ltd; AND FURTHER THAT the Chief Administrative Officer, Clerk and Director of Economic Development and Tourism, collectively, be delegated authority to carry out any steps required by any by-law of the Town and by any legislation to implement the provisions set out in the Letter of Intent between FRAM Building Group Ltd. and the Town dated July 16, 2018, including, but not limited to, carrying out all steps related to the disposition of property as set out in the Town’s Disposition of Land By-law No. 2014-21; AND FURTHER that the exercise of such delegated authority be carried out by the Chief Administrative Officer, Clerk and Director of Economic Development and Tourism together and any decision or exercise of delegated authority be made upon unanimous agreement of all three persons holding such offices, and that upon such agreement confirmed in writing, the Chief Administrative Officer and/or designate may execute any documents or instruments necessary to implement such delegated authority on behalf of the Town; AND FINALLY that the aforementioned delegation of authority expires upon the commencement of the first regular meeting of Council held following the inaugural meeting of the next Council in December 2018. BACKGROUND At the March 21, 2017 meeting of Committee of the Whole, RESOLUTION NO. 2017-03-01 was carried that approved the Downtown Master Plan and authorized staff to prepare and issue a Request for Expressions of Interest to seek interested development partners for the Town to develop Town-owned lands; The Town issued a Request for Expressions of Interest on April 26, 2017, with a closing date of May 26, 2017; At the June 20, 2017 meeting of Committee of the Whole, RESOLUTION NO. 2017-06-03A was carried as follows:

RESOLVED THAT Committee of the Whole recommends to Council that Fram Building Group Ltd. & Slokker Canada Corp., be short-listed for Council’s consideration to be the development partner with the Town of Wasaga Beach to develop Town-owned lands within Downtown Wasaga Beach; AND FURTHER THAT Committee of the Whole recommends to Council that Council meet with and tour built projects of Fram Building Group Ltd., & Slokker Canada Corp., prior to Council’s decision as to whether or not Fram Building Group Ltd. & Slokker Canada Corp., should become the Town’s development partner; AND FURTHER THAT Committee of the Whole recommends to Council that prior to Council decision as to whether or not Fram Building Group Ltd. & Slokker Canada Corp. should become the Town’s development partner, a third-party party audit be undertaken to ensure that Fram Building Group Ltd. & Slokker Canada Corp., has the financial strength to carry out the project to the satisfaction of the Town; AND FINALLY THAT, subject to Council selecting Fram Building Group Ltd. & Slokker Canada Corp., to be the development partner of the Town, that the Town negotiate a future form of rights to future phases based upon meeting performance milestones to the satisfaction of the Town, as will be spelled out and agreed to in a subsequent development agreement. At the December 12, 2017 meeting of the General Government Section of Coordinated Committee RESOLUTION NO. GG2017-12-10 was carried as follows: RESOLVED THAT the General Government Services Section of Coordinated Committee recommends to Council that the confidential auditor’s report of FRAM Building Group Ltd., prepared by RSM Canada Consulting LP (formerly Collins Barrow) be received for information; AND FURTHER THAT as a result of the positive auditor’s report, staff be directed to proceed to work with FRAM Building Group Ltd., to prepare a Development Agreement and report back to Committee of the Whole with a Development Agreement for review and approval. At the July 6, 2018 Special Meeting of Committee of the Whole, RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06-06 was carried as follows: RESOLVED that Committee of the Whole recommends that Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the proposed non-binding LOI submitted by FRAM; FURTHER that Committee directs Staff and Legal Counsel to prepare a binding Letter of Intent for consideration at a future Special Committee of the Whole or Coordinated Committee meeting that maintains the substantive components of the proposed LOI, taking into account the comments made in Closed Session;


FURTHER that Committee directs Legal Counsel to consider the authority that Council may wish to delegate to staff to implement the LOI over the period that Council may be in a lame duck situation. DISCUSSION Legal counsel for the Town have made minor changes to the Letter of Intent (‘LOI’) so that the document is now a “binding” rather than “non-binding” LOI. The changes have been reviewed by FRAM Building Group Ltd., and counsel for FRAM. A signed LOI is attached as Appendix One to this report. Staff have worked with FRAM to convey the intent of the Council approved Downtown Master Plan. FRAM is proceeding with the intention to develop within the intent of that vision. The following are some of the specifics of the deal: The LOI explains that FRAM will purchase land from the town in the downtown and at the main beach in a phased manner. Once purchased, FRAM will develop the lands, creating a mix of residential, commercial uses, public spaces and attractions. Land will be appraised as each phase is unlocked and the Town will capture land value increases as the project unfolds. The town anticipates gross revenue of approximately $27-million through the sale of its current landholdings on Main Street and at the beachfront. This amount could increase as the project progresses. Phase 1 of the project (known as the Town Square lands) will involve constructing mixed-use buildings that front Main Street, as well as the creation of a public town square at Main and Beck streets with a potential civic building (new library). These buildings will be a mix of commercial uses and condominiums. The second phase of the project (known as The Beachfront Residential/Resort lands) will involve the construction of resort/residential condominiums fronting the main beach area. These units will be able to be placed in a rental pool and it is anticipated that these units will fill a need for high-quality tourism accommodation stock. The best local precedent for the type of product that will be built is the Village at Blue. Phase 3 of the project involves the development of what’s called Festival Square lands, located at the foot of Main Street. Mixed-use development is proposed in this area, including: an events plaza, entertainment and amenity uses, residential development and a hotel. The final phase of the project will redevelop the existing beach strip and will include a significant attraction zone that will provide amenities for residents and tourists – bringing the fun back to Wasaga Beach. The development is being privately financed and will unfold as any other private development would. Through the sale of land, the Town will be in a very good position to pay for any public components -3-

(library, street improvements and public squares). In addition, FRAM will pay full developments charges that will flow millions of dollars to the municipality as well as helping the Town to increase its tax base. Estimates of Phase 1 alone will net approximately $3.4M in Development charges and will result in an increase to the tax base of approximately $3.7M/year. FRAM intends to work with the community beginning in August to have a conversation about the architecture of the buildings. A community meeting will be scheduled in the near future for FRAM and their architect to begin this important engagement process. Through the LOI, FRAM is not being given blanket control of the beachfront. Property will be unlocked on a phased basis subject to satisfactory completion of prior phases. This keeps control in the hands of the Town. Additionally, FRAM has been given what is referred to as a “Right of First Offer” or ROFO on subsequent phases. This approach favours the Town - not the developer. The Town decides when to unlock future phases and determines what the terms are to offer FRAM. FRAM then has the ability to accept or decline those terms. A ROFO will exist over the Festival Square lands and the Beachfront Amenity lands. A Due Diligence period has been included in the LOI to August 31, 2018. This is a condition that can be waived at any time prior to August 31, 2018 by FRAM. CONCLUSION FRAM Building Group Ltd., is a well known development company, having built successful places such as the waterfront of Port Credit, the Shops of Don Mills and the Shipyards in Collingwood, as well as numerous other communities in Calgary, the Greater Toronto Area and the United States. All of their projects have added tremendous value to the communities that they work within and staff believe that this is what will occur in Wasaga Beach. FRAM understands that we will need to introduce new development in a sensitive way that respects that small town character of Wasaga Beach. The redevelopment of the beachfront and the creation of a traditional main street will add value to our community and help the Town revitalize our tourism industry. Once completed the density and scale of development will be comparable to the development that previously occupied the area for almost 100 years. Staff recommends proceeding to enter into a binding LOI with FRAM Building Group Ltd. Respectfully submitted,

Andrew McNeill Director, Economic Development and Tourism


Appendix 1

SCHEDULE A Town Square Lands


Beachfront Residential Resort Lands

Beachfront Amenity Lands

Beach/Festival Square Lands


A By-law to amend Town of Wasaga Beach Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2003-60, as amended (Ramblewood Subdivision- Zancor Homes (Wasaga) Ltd.) WHEREAS pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, the Council of the Town of Wasaga Beach has passed a comprehensive Zoning By-Law No. 2003-60 for the Town of Wasaga Beach; AND WHEREAS an application to amend By-Law No. 2003-60 has been received with respect to Part Lot 2, Registrar's Compiled Plan 1699, and Part of Lot 28, Registrar's Compiled Plan 1700, Town of Wasaga Beach, County of · Simcoe; AND WHEREAS Council deems it advisable and expedient to amend Zoning By-Law No. 2003-60; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach HEREBY ENACTS as follows:

1. THAT Zoning By-Law No. 2003-60, as amended by By-law 2014-42 is amended as follows: That Schedule "C" to By-Law 2003-60 as amended is hereby further amended by changing the zoning of a portion of the subject property from the Residential Type 1 Holding (R1H) Zone and Residential Type 3 Holding (R3H) Zone to Residential Type 2 Seventeenth Exception Holding (R2-17H) Zone, for the area shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-Law; and, 2. THAT Zoning By-law 2003-60 as amended, is further amended by adding a new section 5.4.17 following section 5.4.16 as follows: That notwithstanding Section 5.3 respecting Zone Provisions for the Residential Type 2 (R2) Zone, the minimum Interior Side Yard Width shall be 1.2 metres and maximum Lot Coverage shall be 45%. 3. THAT all other respective provisions of Zoning By-Law 2003-60, as amended, shall apply. 4. THAT this By-Law shall come into force and effect in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.'O., 1990 c.P .13.

By-law 2018-62

Page 2



Brian Smith, Mayor

Dina Lundy, Director, Legislative Services & Clerk

THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH BY-LAW NO. 2018- 63 A By-law to amend Town of Wasaga Beach Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 2003-60, as amended (Hamount Investment Ltd. – The Main) WHEREAS pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, the Council of the Town of Wasaga Beach has passed a comprehensive Zoning By-Law No. 2003-60 for the Town of Wasaga Beach; AND WHEREAS an application to amend By-Law No. 2003-60 has been received with respect to Part of Block 7, Plan 51M-923, in the Town of Wasaga Beach, County of Simcoe; AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, Council determines that no further notice is required in respect of the proposed by-law; AND WHEREAS Council deems it advisable and expedient to amend Zoning By-Law No. 2003-60; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1.0

THAT Zoning By-Law No. 2003-60 is amended by changing the Zoning on the subject lands from the District Commercial Eleven Exception (CDH-11) Holding Zone to the District Commercial Eleven Exception (CDH-11) Zone, as shown on Schedule “A”, attached hereto, and forming part of this By-Law.


THAT all other respective provisions of Zoning By-Law 2003-60, as amended, shall apply.


THAT this By-Law shall come into force and effect in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990 c.P.13.


_______________________________ Brian Smith, Mayor

_______________________________ Dina Lundy, Director, Legislative Services & Clerk


Town of Wasaga Beach Schedule 'A'

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Poplar Glen Rd.

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P a r k Dr.



Wally Dr.





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Area Rezoned from CDH-11 to CD-11 This is Schedule 'A' to By-Law _________ Passed the ___ day of__________ 2018. Signatures of Signing Officers Mayor_____________________________ Clerk _____________________________





Meters 200

THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH BY-LAW 2018-64 A by-law to appoint a seasonal Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for the Town of Wasaga Beach WHEREAS pursuant to section 9 of the Municipal Act, 2001, a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; AND WHEREAS pursuant to section 8. (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of a municipality under this or any other Act shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on the municipality to enable the municipality to govern its affairs as it considers appropriate to enhance the municipality’s ability to respond to municipal issues; AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, cP.15, as amended, the Council of any municipality may appoint one or more Municipal Law Enforcement Officers who shall be Peace Officers for the purpose of enforcing the By-Laws of the Municipality; AND WHEREAS pursuant to The Fire Protection and Prevention Act, as amended, provides that a municipality may appoint an officer to enforce By-Laws passed pursuant to the said Act; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach considers it desirable to appoint a seasonal Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for the Town; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Ryan Willows of Orillia, ON is hereby appointed as a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for the Town of Wasaga Beach. 2. That this appointment shall expire on December 31st of the current year or upon the expiry of annual employment. 3. That this by-Law shall come into force and effect on the final passage thereof. BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 24TH DAY OF JULY, 2018. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH

Brian Smith, Mayor

Dina Lundy, Clerk

THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH BY-LAW 2018-65 A By-law to confirm the authorization to execute the Letter of Intent between the Town of Wasaga Beach and FRAM Building Group Ltd. WHEREAS Section 9 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, grants municipalities the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 8 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of a municipality under this or any other Act shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on the municipality to enable the municipality to govern its affairs as it considers appropriate to enhance the municipality’s ability to respond to municipal issues; AND WHEREAS Council deems it expedient to accept the letter of Intent regarding the offer by Fram Building Group Ltd to acquire and develop various lands and property within the downtown area of the town of Wasaga Beach; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1.

That the Mayor and CAO’s execution of the Letter of Intent between the Town of Wasaga Beach and FRAM Building Group Ltd. and attached hereto as Schedule “A” is hereby confirmed.


That this By-law shall come into force and effect on the final passage thereof.


__________________________ Brian Smith, Mayor

_________________________ Dina Lundy, Director, Legislative Services & Clerk

THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH BY-LAW 2018- 66 A By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach at its Special meeting held Wednesday July 18, 2018 and its Regular meeting held Tuesday, June 26, 2018 WHEREAS Section 5(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, provides that the powers of a municipality shall be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS Section 5(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, provides that municipal power, including a municipality's capacity, rights, powers and privileges under Section 9 of the Municipal Act, 2001, shall be exercised by by-law unless the municipality is specifically authorized to do otherwise; AND WHEREAS in many cases, action which is taken or authorized to be taken by the council does not lend itself to the passage of an individual by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach adopted By-Law 2016-101, as amended, establishing rules of order and procedures for the Council; AND WHEREAS provision was made in By-Law 2016-101, as amended, for enactment of a Confirmatory By-Law at the end of each Regular or Special Council Meeting to confirm recommendations and actions approved at that meeting; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Wasaga Beach deems it advisable and expedient that the proceedings of these meetings be confirmed and adopted by by-law; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1.

That the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wasaga Beach, at its meetings held on the dates listed above in respect of every report, motion, resolution, declaration or other action passed, taken or adopted by Council at these meetings, including the exercise of natural person powers, except where approval of another authority is required by law or where implementation is subject to other legislation, are hereby adopted, ratified, and confirmed as if each report, motion, resolution or other action was adopted, ratified, and confirmed by a separate by-law.

By-law 2018-66

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That where no individual by-law has been or is passed with respect to the taking of any action authorized in or by the above-mentioned minutes or with respect to the exercise of any powers by the Town of Wasaga Beach in the above­ mentioned minutes, then this By-Law shall be deemed for all purposes to be the by-law required for· approving and authorizing and taking of any action authorized therein and thereby or required for the exercise of any powers therein by the Town of Wasaga Beach.


That any a member of Council who dissented from any action or proceeding or has abstained from discussion and voting thereon shall be deemed to have dissented or abstained, as the case may be, in respect to this By-Law as it applies to such action or proceeding.


That the Mayor or designate and the proper officials of the Town of Wasaga Beach are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said actions or to obtain approvals where required and are to execute all documents as may be necessary in that behalf, and the Clerk or designate is hereby authorized and directed to affix the Corporate Seal to all such documents.


That this By-Law shall come into force and effect on the final passage thereof


_________________________________ Brian Smith, Mayor

________________________________ Dina Lundy, Director, Legislative Services & Clerk