Agenda - UBC Sustainable Cities Commission

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Capitalization of the UBC - CDP cooperation. Project ideas: Needs, proposals, partnerships - brainstorming together with
Agenda UBC Sustainable Cities Commission meeting 13th-14th of September 2018 SUSTAINABLE URBAN MOBILITY - “Trends and Challenges in the BSR” Klaipeda, Lithuania

12 September 2018 For early arrivals: Please inform if you have interest for some bilateral meetings for instance with city officials of Klaipeda

19.00 - 21.00

Informal get-together evening Venue: Friedricho pasažas, Adress: Tiltų g. 26A

Welcoming words by representative of the City of Klaipeda

13 September 2018 – SUSTAINABLE URBAN MOBILITY - “Trends and Challenges in the BSR” 08.30 – 09.00


09.00 - 09.20

Welcome by Mayor Vytautas Grubliauskas, Klaipeda city Welcome by UBC Sustainable Cities Commission

09.20 - 10.00

Sustainable Urban Mobility in Klaipeda SUMP Klaipeda. Tadas Jonauskas and Mantė-Amšiejienė New mode transport decisions for Klaipėda Current mobility situation in Klaipeda city (Gintaras Dovydaitis/Ricardas Zulcas) Electric buses in Klaipeda. Perspective ambitions. R.Didžiokas

10.00 – 10.20 10.20 – 10.40 10.40 – 11.00

Multimodality – Public transport and plans for mobility points (Steffen Nozon /Rostock) Integrating urban planning and sustainable mobility planning (Johanna Palomäki /Lahti) Practical implementation of mobility measures/cargo bikes (Michael Haufe /Greifswald)

11.00 - 11.30

Leg stretching and coffee break

11.30 – 12.30

Panel discussion and questions from the audience

12.30 – 13.30


13.30 – 16.30

Mobility workshop – light peer review Site visit and group work on mobility related solutions (incl. coffee break)

16.30 – 17.00

Wrap-up of peer review and of the day

18.30 -

Evening Programme Dinner

14 September 2018 – UBC Sustainable Commission Day 09.00 —12.00

Interactive dialogue Cities and UBC—Planning for future activities Greetings form UBC SCC - 3rd year of implementing the UBC Sustainability Action Plan 2016—2021. Activities in the Commission (projects, events, webinars, staff, recruitments) Plans for the next three years Working and Communication Sustainable Urban Mobility Mobility projects: SUMPs-Up, ECCENTRIC , CitiesMultiModal... CIVITAS knowledge base, tool inventory Webinars, trainings What else is UBC Sustainable Cities Commission involved in? Other projects Events, Policy Dialogue and campaigns Cooperation with other UBC Commissions Requests from UBC member cities Webinars, cooperation with CDP

12.00 - 13.00


13.00 - 18.00

Open Sustainable Cities Commission Advisory Board meeting and possibility to go to Nida Our upcoming years—”After 2020, challenges and opportunities” Next EU - funding period and effects on cooperation. EU Cohesion Policy after 2020. EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region - Roles and opportunities of cities Global trends of sustainability, Transaction and Modernization - How shall UBC act? Capitalization of the UBC - CDP cooperation Project ideas: Needs, proposals, partnerships - brainstorming together with the cities! NOTE: The afternoon programme will be set due to the interest and number of participants