Agent Virtual Organizations within the Framework of Network Computing: a case study Stanislaw Ambroszkiewicz
Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences al. Ordona 21, 01-237 Warsaw, Poland email:
[email protected],
We study the concept of agent virtual organization and show how it relates to the paradigm of Network Based Computing [28]. We also discuss the paradigm of BDI-agent trying to show that sophisticated architecture of BDI-agent can not be eciently applied for large worlds. As the working example of virtual organization we consider a model of virtual enterprise.
Key words: agent virtual organization, agent-based manufacturing, virtual enterprise formation.
1 Introduction Autonomous, adaptive and cooperative software mobile agents are well suited for domains that require constant adaptation to changing distributed environment or changing demands. Actually cyberspace and manufacturing enterprise are such domains so that there is increasing interest in applying agent technologies there. Cyberspace, in the shape of the Internet, intranets, and the World Wide Web, has grown phenomenally in recent years. Cyberspace now contains enormous amounts of information and is also being increasingly exploited for a number business and other applications. Software agents can act as smart personal assistants, roam cyberspace to collect required information on behalf of the users and conduct a variety of business transactions and functions online. Taking the new network technology as granted a new manufacturing strategy have been proposed recently: Agile Virtual Enterprise (AVE) [32] as a mechanism for enabling the industry to achieve increased agility (the ability to thrive on frequent and unexpected change). An Agile Virtual Enterprise is a rapidly con gured, multi-disciplinary network of rms organized to design and produce a speci c product. It is "virtual" because it relaxes the conventional restriction that an enterprise be a single legal entity, headquartered in a single place, with close synchronization among its various functions. So that there is a need for the software agents to be able to collectively perform complex, collaborative tasks. It is clear that a single agent alone can not perform eciently his tasks. For large open worlds such as cyberspace simple cooperation mechanisms like, like contracts [36], exchange of resources and knowledge, signing a draft [5], and role/task delegations [11], are not sucient, especially if the agents' goals are interrelated in a way that ful lling the goal of a single agent must involve a cooperation of a large number of agents. In that case agent organizations seem to be a panacea to manage the necessary cooperative work. However, the problem is with the concept of organization as well as with the understanding and modeling organization formation mechanisms, see [29, 30, 33] for an overview. In the context of Multi-Agent Systems, organizations are regarded as an important aspect of agent coordination, see [25]. However, here the organizations are understood as static structures created by the
Supported by the State Committee for Scienti c Research under the grant No. 8 T11C 008 12
Pro: global representation of the world, Kripke sructures of possible worlds as formal semantics, knowledge according to Aumann, and Halpern et al. elegant theoretical framework.
open world
Contra: closed world, omniscience problem, enormous compl exity of reasoning
organizations of smart simple agents
Figure 1: Shifting of agent paradigm: from sophisticated BDI-agent to simple smart agents in organizations. the designer of the system [13] where agents are designated speci c roles to undertake. Another approach is based on so called "social laws" [38, 39, 31] where a society of agents adopts a set of laws (like road trac rules) that constrain or specify individual agent behavior, see [17] for an application. According to the prevailing paradigm in current multi-agent systems research, organizations emerge from patters of agents interactions, so that the work is rather centered on agent architectures than on agent organizations. The concepts of organization and organization formation as advanced cooperation mechanisms, although regarded as important, were not so far a subject of research, modeling and application in MAS, an exception is [23, 18] and recently [19]. Manufacturing in a large distributed world seems to be a perfect environment for modeling virtual organizations; in this case virtual enterprises. However the manufacturing is so complex that we have decided to construct an abstract model of the environment. So that we propose a simple model of "a networked world" represented by a computer network where workstations play roles of computing factories with speci c inputs and outputs. Thus our research objective consists in modeling agent virtual organizations. For this purpose we choose manufacturing enterprise as the working example. Our goal consists in constructing generic formation mechanisms of ecient enterprises that manufacture the products speci ed by a demand. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present our methodology of agent virtual organizations. Section 3 is devoted to introduction of our abstract model of manufacturing. In Section 4 we present our methodology of virtual enterprise formation. In Section 5 we outline some details of our implementation of the concepts of enterprise and recon guration mechanism. Section 6 contains a discussion whereas Section 7 a short conclusion.
2 Agent Virtual Organizations The idea of virtual organization is not novel and has been exploited for several years, see [9]. We have rediscovered this idea during implementation of the concept of BDI-agent (see [10, 34]) for environments like the one shown in Fig. 2. In the case of small worlds the BDI-agents perform their job well. However if the world is getting larger, then sophisticated architectures of BDI-agents became not ecient. The reason for that is that if agent has to much knowledge about the world and tries to compute good (cooperative) plan to realize its goal, then it takes some time for him to do so. If the world is large and there are a lot of agents that may help or prevent the agent to achieve its goal, computation of a good plan takes so long time that after completing the computation, the plan becomes out-of-date, because the world has changed in the meantime. Our implementation experiences forces us to change the concept of agent architecture, see Fig. 1. In order to be ecient the agent must be simple. However this very 2
Figure 2: Simple agent world: Three agents; each of them is collecting blocks of the same color as its own head. For that simple case BDI agent works well. application
MIDDLEWARE (Network Infrastructure): - CORBA, InfoSleuth, CoKe, itd. - TCP/IP, HTTP, ... - ...
hardware & OS
hardware & OS
Classical programming
hardware & OS
hardware & OS
Network programming
Figure 3: Computing on a single workstation versus network computing. simplicity implies that the agent alone can not realize its goal. To manage this problem we came up with the idea of team [4]. It turned out that our teams are simple examples of agent virtual organization. Having these examples we started to study the general idea of agent virtual organizations (AVO for short). Looking over the literature we have realized that the idea of AVO could have application in so called Network-Based Programming.
2.1 Network-Based Programming
Computer networks oer new application scenarios that cannot be realized on single workstations. Resources and services may be distributed because of political, organizational, etc. reasons which make a centralization impossible. The parallelism gained through the simultaneous processing of subtasks at distributed sites may lead to a better system throughput. However for large computer networks, the classical programming paradigm (see the rst Fig. 3) in not sucient. It is hard to imagine and the more to realize the control, synchronization and cooperation for hundreds of processes running on dierent workstations. It is at least not ecient if not unrealistic at all to program, run and control each application on any workstation separately. Here comes up the idea of (mobile) autonomous agent as a solution 3
Application: Agent-Based Programming
construction of specific agent architecture
virtual organizations ? flexible and dynamic interaction mechanisms ? Network services: - ACL, information kiosks; - Brokers, Mediators, Auctions; - and so on, see FIPA effort Network Infrastructure: CORBA, CoKe, ...
hardware & OS
hardware & OS
hardware & OS
Figure 4: Agent virtual organization within the framework of network computing. to this problem. But certainly this is not enough. To run an application on a network an infrastructure is needed for assuring communication and coordination between heterogeneous workstations. That very infrastructure is called "middleware" in the literature. CORBA [14], CoKe [28], InfoSleuth [22], and our Agent Platform [2] are examples of such middleware. Hence, the Network-Based Programming paradigm [28] goes far beyond the classical paradigm of distributed computing where each process is run separately and the communication between the processes is already given. The new paradigm postulates design and implementation of interaction (cooperation) mechanisms for autonomous software agents because the network infrastructure restricted only to CORBA or CoKe is not sucient. So that there are several attempts (see FIPA [20] for example) to extend network infrastructure by introducing standard services and facilitators that can be used by software agents (see the Fig. 4.). The concept of Dynamic Interaction Model (see [35]) is closely related to the idea of dynamic interaction mechanisms shown in Fig. 4 Once we grasp the idea of Fig. 4, there is only one small step to the concept of virtual organizations seen as advanced agent interaction mechanisms. In this context agent-based programming consists in not only designing and implementing agent architectures but also in designing and implementing virtual organizations for the agents.
2.2 Realization of the idea of AVO
The idea of agent virtual organization seems to be clear, however the real problem is with implementation of this idea. There are several research project that aim at understanding the concept of organization, see [33] as a quite recent source of references. The problem is that even simple organization has sophisticated structure, in which we can distinguish: the goal of the organization, business process realizing that goal, internal information ow, and organizational dependencies concerning the decision power distribution. If all this sophisticated structure must be incorporated into architecture of simple agent, then the question arises whether it is possible. It is already proved in [4] that it is possible in simple cases. In constructing our model of virtual enterprise we struggle to prove that it is also possible for a real complex case.
Goal of the organization
Information flow inside the organization
Business process realizing the goal
Structure of organizational dependencies: - mechanism for power distribution * removal of members of the organization * joining new members; - mechanism for dynamic recovery, - mechanism for dynamic reconfiguration and optimization, - ...
simple agent
Figure 5: The problem: How to build the generic organization structure into agent architecture ?
3 Our working model: virtual enterprise We propose a simple model of "a networked world" represented by a computer network where workstations play roles of computing factories with speci c inputs and outputs. Each computing factory is managed by one agent called factory agent. There is a global demand for some nal products (computations) so that in order to manufacture one of such nal products the factories must be formed in several competing supply chains (networks). However, if the world is large and production technologies are complex, then supply chain formation alone is not sucient. The supply chain must be maintained, integrated, and recon gured to be able to compete with other chains. For this purpose the factories of a supply chain are forced to form a joint enterprise at least for some period of time. In our model it is supposed that all this work of formation, integration and recon guration is done by autonomous mobile agents created by the factory agents. To formalize the model let us consider graph G = (V; E ) representing a network of servers, where V is the set of vertices (servers), E V V is the set of edges (connections), see Fig. 6. There is one static gate-agent at each server v , denoted also by v , responsible for management on that server. The management consists in: 1. Maintaining a blackboard for information exchange by the mobile agents. 2. Storing the products manufactured by factories. 3. Transportation of mobile agents and products to other servers in the neighborhood. The gate-agents are supposed to be fully obedient. Around any server there are workstations connected only to this server. Let the set of all workstations be denoted by W . There is one computing factory residing on any workstation w 2 W (denoted also by w). A computing factory means here a speci c hardware & software for speci c computations. Any such computing factory has precisely speci ed (multiple) input and (multiple) output, so that it may be represented as an operation of the following form: Qw : Ai ! Bj ;
i Inw
j Outw
where Ai ; i 2 Inw corresponds to the multiple input, whereas Bj ; j 2 Outw to the multiple output. Similar notions of operation are frequently used in the work ow literature, for example the notion of activity and task in [1, 12]. Our model may be seen as quite generic if we suppose that operations are primitive work ow activities. 5
mobile agent
Global demand for final product
Computer network gate-agent supplu chain agent 1 ... agent 2 ... manufacturing
server mobile agent
- output
Q - server
- workstation - input
primitive activity Q (computing factory)
Figure 6: The model. - output Q
final product type - input
primitive activity Q (computing factory)
Q_2 Q_4
Q_3 Q_5
- resources
Figure 7: A technology process of the nal product. A computing factory is managed by one autonomous agent called factory agent. His goal consists in getting maximal and rm pro t form selling the manufactured products. It is supposed that any factory w is characterized by so called production stream Sw that describes how much of the input, "time" and "energy" is needed to produce a particular amount of the output. Hence, the production stream is interpreted as the time, energy, and resource complexity of the production technology used in the factory. Input (respectively output) may be interpreted as types of products, commodities, resources needed for production (respectively as types of nal products of the factory). Commodities produced or needed for production may be stored at the servers, however there is a xed fee for transportation, and storing a unit of product per a unit of time, as well as for writing or reading an info on the blackboard. It is supposed that message passing as well as transportation of products, and energy (money) is done by mobile agents; each transportation from one server to another costs a xed fee. Each mobile agent belongs to its master, i.e. a factory agent (enterprise agent) that has created it and equipped it with energy (money) needed for travel, product transportation, message passing, etc. over the network of servers. The creation of a mobile agent may be also a subject of paying a xed fee. Energy (money) is acquired from selling products. The source of money is the global demand for the 6
final product
Q_2 Q_8
- computing factory
- server
- supply chain
Figure 8: A fragment of supply chain corresponding to the technology from Fig. 7. nal products. The demand is external and is determined by the designer of the system. One xed server is the place for auction where the designer collects the proposals from already formed enterprises with already constructed technology process (see Fig. 7) and corresponding complete supply chains (see Fig. 8). Generally, the supply chain is a network of suppliers, factories, warehouses, distribution centers and retailers trough which raw materials are acquired, transformed and delivered to the customer. The completeness of supply chain means here that it contains all intermediate factories (starting from resources) needed to manufacture the nal product, with determined supply routes between them in the network. The proposal of an enterprise speci es delivery time, price and amount of the nal product. After collecting all proposals, the designer decides, on the basis of the xed mechanism, denoted by DM , how to distribute the global demand between the enterprises. It is supposed that the mechanism prefers larger product streams (amounts) and lower prices. Let us notice that a factory agent can get a payo only if it is a member of a complete supply chain. The agents have to cooperate with some agents whereas with some others they have to compete. So that in order to realize his goal the agent tries to form (or to join to) a supply chain that can be completed and can assure, in this way, a good pro t for him. However, how to do so? Our approach towards solution of the problem relies on constructing simple protocols for the agents to follow, like: Try to join to a forming (according to a xed mechanism) enterprise and submit to the all resulting obligation.
4 Methodology The crucial point of the methodology applied in our work is the separation of enterprise formation mechanism from the agent architectures.
4.1 Agents
A factory agent tries to form or to join to an enterprise according to a formation mechanism. It is intuitively clear that an incomplete enterprise would accept a factory agent as its member if the resources and/or production capabilities of the agent are needed in the supply chain of the enterprise. Our concept 7
Output agent director
Output agent director
e_2 e_3 e_5
e_7 e_4
e_3 e_5
e_7 e_4
e_8 e_10
Input-closed enterprise Input enterprises: e_5, e_6, e_9, e_10, and e_11 are input-closed Open-input enterprise
Figure 9: The concept of enterprise. of formation mechanism relies on so called roles or positions to be taken by the members of the forming enterprise. The roles are inherent parts of the formation mechanisms. Any agent tries to get a role (position) in an already existing enterprise or in a new one that will assure him maximal and rm pro t. In order to nd out such forming enterprise and negotiate a pro table role, the agent creates and sends mobile agents. Once the factory agent joins to an enterprise and has got a role, he commits to all obligations prescribed to that role. The obligations consist in ful lling a more or less speci c knowledgebased protocol consistent with the goal of the enterprise. Since the protocol is knowledge-based, the agent is obliged to acquire knowledge from the environment via the mobile agents. Hence, the whole strategy of a factory agent consists in nding out an opportunity to join to a forming enterprise and negotiate an advantageous position to undertake in that enterprise. What the agent does next is determined by knowledge-based protocol prescribed to the position, so that the agent need not "think" too much about it.
4.2 A concept of enterprise
Enterprise structure consists of three basic and interrelated frames: business process frame, organization frame, and information ow frame. Business process frame. Business process frame may be viewed as a collection of factories formed into a supply chain together with a management of the supply chain. Organizational frame. This frame consists of roles and organizational interdependencies between them as well as several interrelated mechanisms: 1. Mechanism for distribution of the net pro t of the enterprise among its members. 2. Mechanism for distribution of decision power concerning the status of the enterprise, i.e. who and under what circumstances has the power to: - remove a factory from the supply chain of the enterprise in favor of a more ecient one, - join a new factory or another enterprise, and determine a position to the new member. 3. Mechanism for recovery from failures in functioning of supply chain and organizational dependencies. 4. Mechanism for redesign and recon guration of technology process and supply chain. Another important topic here is hierarchical enterprise structure and partial autonomy of enterprise members, i.e. in a formation process of small enterprises into larger one, a small enterprise may preserve a part of its autonomy. Information ow frame. This frame is to serve for maintaining organizational integrity of the enterprise as well as for optimizing supply chain performance.
Enterprise E_1 director E_1
Enterprise E_2
Output A
director E_2
e_1 e_2
Input A
Fusions of enterprises E_1 and E_2: Output Output director E_1
Output director E_1
e_1 e_2
director E e_1
e_2 E_2 e_5
Flat fusion
Simple fusion
Figure 10: Possible fusion types of two enterprises E 1 and E 2.
5 Implementation of the enterprise concept Our implementation of enterprise concept is extremely simple. It consists of managing director, a collection of factories or small enterprises formed into a supply chain with distinguished nal products to be manufactured. The basic frames are built into the role of managing director. That is, a mobile agent undertaking that role performs all tasks speci ed in these three frames. The managing director of an enterprise is equipped with visiting cycle and decision making protocol. The visiting cycle determines the order of visits the director is obliged to pay to the factories belonging to the enterprise. This constitutes the information ow frame. For the sake of prices calculation and applying MRP II (Manufacturing Resource Planning) for management we consider only input-closed enterprises (see Fig. 9). This means that the unfolded supply chain of the enterprise contains all intermediate factories (starting from the resources) needed to produce the product manufactured by the enterprise. More details concerning this issue are given in the next section. In order to introduce the hierarchy to the enterprise structure, we allow the factories belonging to an enterprise to be also enterprises. So that in this way the structure of enterprise becomes recursively nested. As a mechanism for net pro t distribution we use a simple method that divides the pro t proportionally to the work load. The method allows to avoid agents' negotiations during enterprise formation process. Decision making protocol. The goal designated to managing director is to manage the enterprise in a way that would assure maximal production stream. To achieve this goal the managing director is responsible rst of all for the supply chain management to produce eciently desired quantities of the nal products. This is done by applying MRP II method, see [42]. The second duty of the director is to take decisions (according to the speci ed protocol) concerning the status of his enterprise. This concerns enterprise recon guration to produce more eciently as well as forming a complete supply chain. He may remove a factory from the enterprise, join a factory to the enterprise or make a fusion with another enterprise. His decisions are based on information acquired from the factory agents belonging to the enterprise. It is important to notice that business, information ow, and organizational frame of the enterprise 9
Enterprise E_1
director E_1
Output A
Enterprise E_2
director E_2
e_1 input A
remove enterprise e_6
and output A
Output director E_1
make fusion with E_2 e_2 e_3
Input A
Figure 11: A recon guration of enterprise E 1. structure presented above are integrated into one role of managing director. Since we allow the enterprise structure to be hierarchical, also the business, information ow, and organizational frames are structured in a sophisticated hierarchical way. This solution follows our idea of team formation [4]. Now we are going to present some details of the protocol concerning recon gurations, that is, fusion of two enterprises (see Fig. 10), and removal of a factory from an enterprise (see Fig. 11). We distinguish three types of fusion of two enterprises E1; E2 into new one E : Simple fusion. The enterprises E1; E2 preserve their internal structures and become "factories" of the new enterprise E . A mobile agent undertaking the role of managing director of E is created. Absorption. Enterprise E2 is joint to E1 as a new "factory" of the enterprise E1. The factory E2 preserves its internal structure. Flat fusion. Both enterprises E1 and E2 loose their internal structure. So that the new enterprise E consists of all factories of E1 and E2. One of the managing directors of E1 and E2 becomes the managing director of E whereas the other is destroyed. It is clear that extreme enterprise structures resulting from applying only one fusion type can not be ecient. It seems that a tradeo between the size of enterprise and the number of hierarchy levels should be found out. As to the removal of a sub-enterprise e from an enterprise E we distinguish two cases: 1. The managing director wants to remove e. 2. The sub-enterprise e wants to leave the enterprise E . We consider three scenarios that solve the removal problem: Mutual agreement. The director of E and the director of e do agree on this subject. Voting. The removal (leaving) of e is a subject of voting of the directors of all coordinate subenterprises.
Termination after a xed period of time. 10
6 Related work and discussion As far as we know our approach to enterprise formation is relatively new one. There are several attempts to apply software agents to management (see [37] for an overview), however the problem of enterprise formation and integration is considered as hard, so that the basic research is focused rather on building universal platforms than on constructing formation mechanisms. One of commercial platforms for management of heterogeneous information (that is actually a basis for ecient manufacturing as well as for work ow management [1, 12, 16]) is InfoSleuth [22]. It seems that the InfoSleuth architecture with user agents, broker agents, and resource agents supports worlds where the service technology is relatively simple, that is, the path between a user who wants a service, agents that perform that service, and resources needed is short. In that case contracts between the agents suce to perform the service eciently. However in the case of large worlds with sophisticated service technology, agent organizations seems to be at least of interest as a solution to the problem of eective service performance. Of course, the same concerns manufacturing. Actually our metaphor of "computing factory" is much more close to the service than to real manufacturing. However, the problems with management, maintenance, recovery, and optimization are similar. The organizations make the world smaller in the sense that one organization may aggregate tens or hundreds of factories, so that technology processes become simpler although not necessary optimal. Although agent organizations may be seen as panacea to solve the problem of complex cooperative multi-agent work, simple mechanism like contracts, barters, and markets should not be eliminated. Our concept of global enterprise containing a complete supply chain (i.e. all intermediate factories starting from resources needed to manufacture nal products) is not a perfect solution. It seems that too large enterprises can not be ecient. However, in order to have clear and simple formation mechanism, we consider only input-closed enterprises. For these enterprises the price calculation as well MRP II method can be easily applied. Open-input enterprises can function if contracts or/and markets are available. After completing testing with input-closed enterprise concept we are going to introduce contracts, auctions, and markets to our model. Another problem is with agents' negotiations. Since it is supposed that the factory agents are interested in maximizing his own pro t, it is clear that each agent wants to purchase the input products at lowest prices whereas to sell his output products at highest prices. The negotiations concerning selling{buying are hard problems (see [27, 43]), so that in order to avoid them we introduce (see [7]) a uniform distribution protocol of net pro t proportional to load of work performed by enterprise members. In a future work we are going to introduce more exible negotiation protocols. A serious drawback of our enterprise concept implementation is the assumption of perfect reliability of enterprise functioning, i.e. no random failure or damage can occur, so that a mechanism for recovery is not needed. The introduction of random failures to our model is a subject of the future work.
7 Preliminary conclusions The paper reports the work in progress. We have presented our idea of agent virtual organization. We have outlined some details of our working model, methodology applied, agent architectures, and enterprise formation mechanisms. The model presented in Section 2 is already implemented in JAVA on the Agent Platform [2]. Now we are constructing and testing simple cases of agent architectures and formation mechanisms for small worlds. However, our approach is supposed to be for large worlds, so that performances of our tests can not be representative. We need a testbed for comparison, that is, a universal world model that can be scaled up. The progress and results of experiments will be published in the subsequent papers.
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