Da Derrida a Platone e al di là (il melangolo, 2008). Among his recent works:
Pornosofia. Filosofia del pop porno (Ponte alle Grazie, 2009). Also available by
the ...
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali RIGHTS LIST FRANKFURT BOOK FAIR 2011
NON FICTION highlights
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali Anna Spadolini, Guido Lagomarsino Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 email:
[email protected] www.serv-ed
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI WORLD TRANSLATION RIGHTS ON BEHALF OF: AUTHORS: Ombretta Ingrascì, p. 3 Roberto Iovino, p. 4 Ludovica Scarpa, p. 5
PUBLISHING COMPANIES: Derive Approdi (Italy), p. 6 Ediciclo (Italy), p. 10 Eleuthera (Italy), p. 15 Ibis (Italy), p. 19 Il Leone Verde (Italy), p. 20 Il Melangolo (Italy), p. 26 Le Mani (Italy), p. 31 Libros del Zorzal (Argentina), p.34 Manni (Italy), p. 38 O Barra O (Italy), p. 40 Olmo ediciones (Argentina), p. 44 Translation rights handled in cooperation with Studio Grimorio Scouting & Agency
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
AUTHORS Ombretta Ingrascì holds a PhD from Queen Mary College, University of London, where she graduated with a thesis about Mafia Women in Contemporary Italy. She published several papers and has been widely interviewed by the Italian and international press on the topic. She works as social researcher and University teacher, and is involved in projects and activities of education to legality for secondary schools. She is presently working at her new book.
DONNE D’ONORE (Women of Honour. Stories of Women in the Mafia) Foreword by Renate Siebert Bruno Mondadori Editore, 2007 200 p. Full English translation available Rights sold: Spanish world (451Editores), Poland (Bauer Weltbild)
« Ingrascì’s research deserves to be translated as widely as possible» John Dickie, author of Cosa Nostra. A History of the Sicilian Mafia What has been the role of women inside the Italian mafia? How has it changed in the last thirty years? Far for the traditional image of woman as a simple mother and wife, and therefore a victim of mafia bosses, this book offers a passionate, well documented and well written study about the active role of the ladies of Cosa Nostra and ‘Ndrangheta. By relying mainly on direct sources (court cases and testimonies of women under trial or who turned state’s evidence, whom she personally interviewed), Ingrascì explores how women started to be involved in criminal activities, from drugs trafficking to finance management and money laundering, sometimes becoming true “lady bosses”. However, escaping the social, political and cultural framework formed by mafia families ruled by rigid honour codes - is still nowadays more difficult for women, whose identity has been forged inside them. A dramatic example of such a troubled emancipation is Rita Atria, a teenager who turned state’s evidence and finally committed suicide.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Roberto Iovino (b. 1953) is Professor of History of Music at the “N. Paganini” School of music in Genoa. As a music critic, he writes for the Italian daily “la Repubblica” and many music reviews. Amongst his publications: Mascagni, l’avventuroso dell’opera (1987), Gli Strauss (1998), Giuseppe Verdi, genovese (2000), Musica & Humor (with F. Oranges, 2005). His conversations about music with Edoardo Sanguineti have been recently published (il Melangolo, 2011).
With Ileana Mattion
SINFONIA GASTRONOMICA (Gastronomic Symphony - Music, Love, and Cooking) Viennepierre, 2006 298 pages - € 18,00 Rights sold: Spanish (Siruela, 2010)
A tribute to the pleasures of life that are «complementary and indispensable» There was a time when sitting at the table meant «to share with others the joy of tasting a delicacy, savoring a fine wine, indulging in the physical and intellectual pleasures». This is what this book is about: that time when flavours were decorated by a beautiful melody; of the passions that can be stimulated, even today, by a table set with elegance, delicious food, a good drink, and appropriate and captivating music. In this culinary symphony we can attend a banquet in ancient Greece, where diners used to eat while lying down, surrounded by the sound of a flute, and sexy dancers. Or a Renaissance feast, where courses were alternated with original musical and theatrical pieces. In the Baroque age, we approach the peak of a genre, the Tafelmusik, or table music. We may also enjoy a menu of the Futurist movement. Not only we learn how deep an appreciation —and, in some cases, a proper devotion— for cuisine did geniuses like Bach, Handel, Brahms and Verdi have, but we are invited to recreate provocative music dinners inspiring to different times. About the co-author: Ileana Mattion is a researcher in Musicology and History of music. She works for music programmes for the Italian public television broadcasting Rai.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Ludovica Scarpa is Professor of Theory and Techniques of Communication at IUAV University of Venice. She has founded the first school of social competence in Italy. Her works focus on constructivism and conscious communication as useful tools to improve the quality of our life and relationships. She lives in Venice and Berlin. Her next book (Mamme senz’ansia, Anxiety-free mums) is forthcoming in 2012. SENZA OFFESA, FAI SCHIFO (You Are Rubbish, No Offence) Ponte alle Grazie, May 2011 192 p. Translation Rights handled by Ponte Alle Grazie Former titles by the Author sold in Spain and Germany When criticism is appropriate, it can be good for others and makes you feel better as well There seems to be only one way to criticise nowadays: blunt, offensive attacks that generate further blunt, offensive attacks in response. In the name of freedom of criticism, we insult. However, behind such aggressiveness, anxiety, weakness, mistrust and fear can be found. Criticism can be the starting point to build something new, and to do it together. This book teaches you how to criticise kindly and how to accept criticism with grace and a positive attitude. After all, we can give our best through criticism and self‐criticism, and can help others do the same. Back List: LO ZEN DEL GATTO (The Zen of Cat) Ponte alle Grazie, 2010 |p. 270 | Foreign rights: Ponte alle Grazie | Rights sold: German (Aufbau Verlag) LA CAPRA CANTA (The Singing Goat: 55 Choices To Live Better Thanks to Social Competence) Ponte alle Grazie, 2009| p. 270 |Foreign rights: Ponte alle Grazie Rights sold: Spanish (Herder editorial) MICRO‐ETICA PORTATILE PER GENTE CARINA (Portable Micro‐Ethics For Nice People) Arca, 2008 | pp.: 48
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
PUBLISHING COMPANIES DERIVE APPRODI (Italy) Augusto Illuminati, Tania Rispoli TUMULTI. Scene dal nuovo disordine planetario (Riots. Scenes from the new global turmoil) DeriveApprodi 2011 168 pages, 13.00 € A political philosophy essay about social turmoil and the inexorable decline of sovereignty Riots, insurrections, demonstrations, barricades... words that often recur in political media reports (from European student and working-class resistance to the riots in the Arab world and “outraged” Spanish). All are visible signs of the disruption of the existing order and the emerging of practices that have little to do with the revolutionary tradition of the twentieth century: as if the categories of State and Revolution could not explain any more the social processes - as if they were as unable to understand an era in which politics takes the form of the tumult, and the unpredictability of the outcomes of the meetings, the exodus from political parties and organizations.
Augusto Illuminati is former professor of Philosophy at Urbino University and presently is the editor of the journals «Common» and «Global Project». His essays include Sociologia e classi sociali (Einaudi, 1967), Gli inganni di Sarastro (Einaudi, 1980), Winterreise (1984), Completa beatitudo (2000), Del comune (manifestolibri, 2003). Tania Rispoli is an activist of the Roman group Esc Atelier and writes for the journals «Posse», «Alfabeta», «Common».
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Salvatore Ricciardi MAELSTROM (Scenes of riots and class self-organization in Italy. 1960-1980) DeriveApprodi 2011 400 pages, 22.00 €
This book offers a rich narrative of the major social conflicts in the 1960s and 1970s - a description, which is not devoid of new details, on the experience of The Red Brigades, of which the author was a leader in the “Roman column” in the years before and after the kidnapping of Moro. It is also a rigorous and in-depth analysis of the prison that the author has well known after being sentenced to life imprisonment. This book of memories, written in clear, and above all honest language, is a valuable contribution to a future historical assessment of a crucial period.
Salvatore Ricciardi (Rome, 1940) after technical studies and work on a construction site was employed as a technician in the State railways. In the 1960 he was engaged as activist in the CGIL trade union and the left wing of the Socialist Party. After having played a leading role in the area of workers’ autonomy, in 1977 he joined the Red Brigades. He was arrested in 1980. Sentenced to life imprisonment, in the late nineties he benefited of parole. After thirty years of imprisonment, a few months ago he regained his freedom.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Paolo Virno CONVENZIONE E MATERIALISMO (Convention and materialism - Uniqueness without aura) New and revised edition Foreword by Giorgio Agamben DeriveApprodi 2011 160 pages, €16 This book (first published in the Eighties) is a polaroid shot of life forms and a nondiplomatic criticism of contemporary postmodern ideologies. It traces a political and philosophical path to escape both the nostalgia of past, cultivated from a pathetic Left, and the apology of present by those who are quick to rush to the aid of winners. Virno tackles here, for the first time, a question which later would pay rivers of ink: the full identity of work and language, material production and symbolic communication. Benjamin, Heidegger, Marx, Wittgenstein, linguists and epistemologists are called into question by the author as a “Toolbox” to help readers to decipher what deeply changed social relations, individual biographies, passions and conflicts. Not history of philosophy, but philosophy applied to present. Paolo Virno (1952) teaches Philosophy of Language at the University of Roma Tre. His most important books (several of them translated abroad) are: Il ricordo del presente. Saggio sul tempo storico (Bollati Boringhieri, 1999), Grammatica della moltitudine (DeriveApprodi, 2001), Esercizi di esodo (Ombre Corte, 2002), Quando il verbo si fa carne. Linguaggio e natura umana (Bollati Boringhieri, 2003), Motto di spirito e azione innovativa (Bollati Boringhieri, 2005), E così via, all’infinito. Logica e antropologia (Bollati Boringhieri, 2010).
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Daniele Gaglianone RATA NECE BITI (The war will not be there) a film + a book DeriveApprodi – Forthcoming September 2011 Book – 96 pages - + CD (film: 170 minutes), € 15
Film awarded with David di Donatello for the best full-length documentary in 2009 and the Jury’s Special Prize at the 27th Turin Film Festival
On the New Year’s Eve Zoran, a 28 years old man, wanders through the city of Sarajevo. His mind goes back to his painful childhood as a Serbian boy, whose father was fighting in the Bosnian army. In the village of Suceska, Mohamed, a forest ranger, is pasturing his flock in the same woods through which he had fled after the fall of Srebrenica. Aziz, a former Bosnian soldier who miraculously survived the massacres, goes to his mother’s village on the banks of the Drina River, which separates Bosnia from Serbia. In Tuzla, the International Commission of Missing Persons preserves the remains exhumed from mass graves and is trying to identify the fallen, and finally deliver the remains to their families. The documentary includes ten private and emblematic stories that describe today’s Bosnia, a country deeply marked by conflict and yet able to find the strength to live again. Rata nece biti is also a reportage book about what it means to live in a country ravaged by the war and unable to book with that past. With texts by Daniele Gaglianone (film director), Luca Rastello (journalist and writer), Nicole Janigro (essayist) and Gianfranco Bettin (writer). Daniele Gaglianone (1966) After working with as a screenplayer and Gianni Amelio’s assistant for Così ridevano (Golden Lion at Venice), he has made his debut as a director with I nostri anni, shortlisted for the Quinzaine des Réalisateurs at Cannes cinema festival and awarded with the Jerusalem Film Festival in 2001. His second film, Nemmeno il destino, was shown at the Authors’ Days at Venice cinema festival in 2004 and in 2005 was awarded with the Tiger Award at Rotterdam International Film Festival and with the Jury Special Prize at Taipei Festival in Taiwan. His last film, Pietro, was shortlisted ad the Locarno cinema Festival in 2010.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
EDICICLO (Italy) Margherita Hack LA MIA VITA IN BICICLETTA (My life upon a bike) memoir Ediciclo 2011, “O2” collection 160 pages, 13x20 cm, € 14,50 With a Foreword by Patrizio Roversi A famous scientist, and a very special woman, recollects the major events in her life through her passion for bike riding “My interest for the bicycle and cycling has begun very early, surely before I was ten...” Margherita Hack is a world-wide famous astrophysicist. And she is also a special woman, well known for her unconventional social and cultural opinions. She is now 88, and has been a keen cyclist since she was a child. In this book, she talks in first person about her life and her views. Pedalling with her, the reader relives decades when people did not go on holiday but time was spent in the city and there were opportunities to discover otherwise rarely visited corners of urban landscape and build new relationships and friendships, play children games, with toys that once consisted of a few things: a plug of lemonade, a glass, marble or clay ball ...; the charm and the rules of a tough but true education; dark moments of both world wars and fascism and then her special relationship with Aldo De Rosa, her first boyfriend and then future husband, a “cheerful and dreamer man, an extraterrestrial”, her opposite. Her passion for bike riding reveals Margherita’s deep interest in adventure and outdoor life, her relationship with Nature, her beloved pets – and bicycle anecdotes even become an opportunity for short and amusing physics courses.
Margherita Hack, born in Florence in 1922, lives in Trieste. She is Professor Emeritus of Astronomy at the University of Trieste, where she also directed the observatory, and national member of Accademia dei Lincei. She worked in American and European observatories and with the European Space Agency. Hack is the well-known author of research works published internationally, textbooks and books for the general public. In 1995 she was awarded with the International Cortina Ulysses for science popularization.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Luca Gianotti L’ARTE DEL CAMMINARE Consigli per partire con il piede giusto (The Art of Walking. Suggestions to start off on the right foot)
Ediciclo, 2011, “O2” collection 152 pages – 13x20 cm -€ 14,50
Travelling on foot means getting in touch with the Earth, we trample on step by step, and its Nature that welcomes us in a soothing and rejuvenating embrace. Hugging a tree, sleeping under the stars, listening to the silence, smelling and tasting herbs, bathing in creeks or in remote bays of the Mediterranean sea, admiring the flight of a bird of prey, are all emotions that fill us with energy. It is a low-speed travelling, and so it is the form of travel that allows at best an in-depth understanding of the visited places. Walking has evolved in recent years from high-performance sport to wandering, spiritual, inner growth exercise. Walking is an increasingly revolutionary act, against the mainstream, but it also shows the emerging of a deep need. Luca Gianotti (b. 1961), a degree in philosophy, trekking guide for twenty years. He took part in several mountain expeditions - including the crossing of Vatnajökull (Iceland), the largest glacier in the world, and the ascent to Khan Tengri (7010 m) in the Thien Shan (Kazakhstan/Kyrgyzstan border). He also crossed the Algerian Sahara desert by mountain bike. He has travelled on foot in many remote lands - from Patagonia to Thailand, from Albania to Capo Verde, from Yemen to Norway, although he always preferred the treks of the Mediterranean area. He has developed a number of trekking projects, including Deep Walking (www.deepwalking.org), and CamminaCreta, a 500 km crossing of the island of Crete (http://camminacreta.wordpress.com). His fortnightly newsletter (“Il Cammino”) has several thousand readers.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Davide Sapienza LA MUSICA DELLA NEVE Piccole variazioni sulla materia bianca (The Music of Snow. Little Variations on the White Matter) Ediciclo, forthcoming: November 2011 “Piccola filosofia del viaggio” series French rights under option Snow is music with infinite variations Through short literary variations inspired by his experiences on the snow and among the ices, in the Alps as well as in the Arctic, Davide Sapienza takes us by the hand into the musical universe of snow. A white noise, a deafening silence, a mysterious and magnificent music: the white matter has accompanied him in his inner travel to discover his own intimate place. This poetic book is a tale of change and metamorphosis, where man looks at himself and finds his true self. “Davide Sapienza makes us breathe the courage of confronting nature” La Repubblica Davide Sapienza, born in 1963, is an author, writer, journalist, photographer and translator. He has extensively travelled as hiker, backcountry skier, cyclist and explorer of landscapes and cultures, and is an expert in polar exploration. He is the author of several literary books (I Diari di Rubha Hunish, 2004, 2011; La Valle di Ognidove, 2007; La strada era l’acqua, 2010; L’invisibile canto del silenzio, 2010), and is renowned for his work on Jack London - both as a translator and scholar. A documentary film about him was recently produced by the Italian Swiss Television (La sapienza di Davide. Parole in cammino). His website is: www.davidesapienza.net.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
From Ediciclo Back List: Paola Zannoner FIRENZE IN QUATTRO STAGIONI (Florence in four seasons) Edidiclo, 2004 160 pages - € 12,50 Rights sold: Sweden (Laurella & Wallin)
From her bicycle’s saddle, well-known writer Paola Zannoner describes and narrates one of the most famous and celebrated cities in the world - that she intimately knows. From the most famous buildings and monuments, to the most hidden and intimate corners in town, and the beautiful countryside along the river Arno, this book is not a simple guide, but a story letting the reader discover a different and authentic Florence, suggesting tours far from mass tourism, curious places to visit, and introducing to the habits and way of being of its people. Paola Zannoner is the author of more than 25 books, namely of novels for young readers that have been awarded with several prizes and translated in many countries. She lives in Florence.
Paolo Facchinetti GLI ANNI RUGGENTI DI ALFONSINA STRADA (Alfonsina Strada’s Roaring Years. The novel of the only woman to race the Giro d’Italia among men) Edidiclo, 2004 160 p - € 12,50 Shortlisted in the Bancarella 2004 Award Rights sold: Dutch (In altre parole uitgeverij) Movie rights under option
The extraordinary and forgotten story of Alfonsina Morini Strada (1891-1959), the unstoppable protagonist of amazing cycling performances In the early 1920s, at a time when Italian women were told by the Pope and Mussolini that they should only care for giving birth, Alfonsina Strada decided to become a racing cyclist: she jumped on her bike and rode in Turin, Milan and Paris – competing with men, and getting the nickname of “the devil in a skirt”. At that time, streets were not asphalted and bicycles weighed not less than 20 kilos. AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
She took part in two Lombardy Tours and together with Girardengo in 1924 she was the first woman to compete in the Giro d’Italia - welcome with increasing curiosity and encouragement by the public. Shefinished last, but still remains the sole woman that took part in the competition, and finished the tour. Paolo Facchinetti (Bologna, 1938) - a distinguished sports journalist and former editor of the weekly Guerin Sportivo, he is the author of a dozen books, including L’Italia di Coppi e Bartali (1981, Coni Award), Coppi il Mitico (1989, Raschi Award), Dal football al calcio (1990, Shortlisted for the Bancarella sport Award), Tour de France 1903 (2003), Bottecchia. Il forzato della strada.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
ELEUTHERA (Italy) Gabriele Mina (ed.) COSTRUTTORI DI BABELE (Builders of Babel. On the tracks of fantastic architectures and irregular universes in Italy) Elèuthera, Forthcoming: November 2011
An original research that explores for the first time an odd Italian geography by tracking the sites of “builders of dreams and imagination” A retired railroad worker who for fifty years has built, on a hill in the Cinque Terre, great figures using recycled materials, and created a huge nativity scene illuminated by thousands of bulbs. A builder from Messina, who turned a shack in a dream home, including mosaics and concrete elephants, then dismantled by strong economic powers of his own town. A cathedral of rock, the result of forty years of research on the bank of the Adige. A farmer and a forty-five feet Sardinian woman made of plastic and chicken-wire fences. A craftsman of the Marche that created a wooden globe of thirty feet in circumference. These and others are the “builders of Babel”. Here, for the first time, there is an attempt to reconstruct a visionary geography: an anarchist geography is always hovering between accumulation and collapse, driven by self-taught artists who have devoted decades of their lives to a total work, although often surrounded by indifference and hostility. The book includes unusual anthropological studies by researchers who describe little-known enterprises to give back their full value, while questioning the fate of these fragile outside-the-rules worlds. Gabriele Mina, anthropology researcher and professor, has studies in particular the ritual of Mediterranean tarantism, and the representation of the other. With essays by: Cristina Calicelli (irregular art; creative workshops in mental hospitals); Luisa Del Giudice (anthropologist, director of the Italian Oral History Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles); Eva Di Stefano (professor of Contemporary History of Art at the University of Palermo, director of Osservatorio Outsider Art); Bruno Montpied (an expert of outside-of-rules sites in France); Daniela Rosi (co-ordinates the Outsider Art Centre for Accademia di Belle Arti, Verona); Bianca Tosatti (a leading international expert of irregular art); Roberta Trapani (a founding member of Art Brut collective). AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Franco La Cecla MENTE LOCALE (For an Anthropology of Dwelling) Foreword by Paul K. Feyerabend Eleuthera, 2011 - new and revised edition 128 pages
Former titles by the author sold in France, Greece, Korea, Poland, Spain “Mente locale” (literally, a focalised mind) is an Italian expression that has no exact translation in other languages. It means the capability to understand that comes out of the knowledge of a context. This know‐how is linked strongly to living in a place means. There are habits, ways of walking, cooking habits, and an art of inhabiting a place that make that place different from another. At the end, places look like inhabitants and viceversa. In this essay Franco La Cecla, anthropologist and architect, tells stories of places and people and of their interaction, in Sicily as in Buenos Aires, in the Amazonian Rainforest as in the diasporas where emigrants carry with them the mental maps of their origins. The point of view of Mente Locale has been translated in images in a documentary film that accompanies the book (In altro mare – In another sea) and tells the story of Sicilian fishermen that have settled in the cold and mythic land of Nantucket, in Massachusetts, and their struggle to resist against globalization. - Awarded as Best Coastal Culture Film at San Francisco Ocean Film Festival (2010) - Shown at “Sicilia, uomini e paesaggi” festival at Jeu de Paume museum, Paris (2010) - Shown at “Pêcheurs du monde” International Film Festival, Lorient (2011) Franco La Cecla (1950) is an Italian anthropologist and an urban designer, Renzo Piano consultant. He has taught Cultural anthropology at Berkeley, Paris, Venice, Bologna and Milan Universities. He has written extensively on the anthropology of everyday life, and several of his books were translated abroad. Among his latest publications: Il punto G dell’uomo (Nottetempo, 2011); Contro l’architettura (Bollati Boringhieri, 2008); Lasciami (Ponte alle Grazie, 2009 2nd ed.). Other titles available by the same author: MODI BRUSCHI Antropologia del maschio (Blunt Ways: An Anthropology of Masculinity) Foreword by Fred Gardaphé |Eleuthera, 2010, new and revised edition | 168 pages Rights sold: Poland (SIC!), France (Liana Levi), Greece (Kedros), Spain (Siglo XXI)
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Giampietro N. Berti UN’IDEA ESAGERATA DI LIBERTÀ (An Exaggerated Idea of Freedom: An Introduction to Anarchist Thought ) Eleuthera 2011, new edition 192 pages
For Karl Popper, anarchism is “an exaggerated idea of freedom”. But is it an exaggeration of freedom or rather its most complete expression? In this work Berti illustrates the classical anarchist thought, from the middle of the 19th century to the first half of the 20th century, in all its different declinations, from Max Stirner’s radical individualism to Pëtr Kropotkin’s radical communism: a thought that is necessarily anti‐dogmatic because born from the refusal of the principle of authority. Giampietro N. Berti (1943) teaches Contemporary History at Padua University. He has edited anthologies of writings by Proudhon, Kropotkin, Bakunin, Malatesta.
Stefano Boni CULTURE E POTERI Un approccio antropologico (Cultures and Powers: An Anthropological Approach) Eleuthera 2011 224 pages, € 15
In his comprehensive research, Boni analyses power distribution and pervasiveness by means of the new theoretical tools that have been recently developed in human sciences. His anthropological approach tackles some essential issues, such as egalitarian cultures and centralisation of power in modern State nations. While citizens are progressively divested of their decision-making power, Boni suggests spreading social-power, i.e that power that is expressed in ordinary cultural conditioning. Starting from everyday experience, one can get out of that invisibile but oppressive rule which is established in the order of normality, and creatively assert subversive knowledge, practices and values. Stefano Boni (1970), an Oxford degree in anthropology. He has carried out researches in Ghana, Venezuela and Italy. He teaches Cultural Anthropology at the university of Modena and Reggio Emilia. With Eleuthera he also published Vivere senza padroni (2006).
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Raul Pantaleo ATTENTI ALL’UOMO BIANCO (Beware of the White Man) Foreword by Gino Strada, founder of EMERGENCY – Life Support for Civilian War Victims
Eleuthera: 2011 new edition (1st ed.: 2007) 136 pp. with B/W ill. Sample English translation available
In his logbook, partly written in Sudan and partly in Italy, the author analyses his experience as an architect who designed ‐ on behalf of the NGO Emergency ‐ the sole heart surgery centre existing today in Africa: the “Salam Centre” in Karthoum, offering free health care within an area of millions sq.km. and to people from ten nations. Working in a desert area that has been tormented for decades by civil war, on a background of hunger, death, war and inhospitable nature, demanded innovating design concepts, both from a practical and a theoretical point of view. It also demanded a reconsideration of ethical principles that should be the foundation of architectural design. The “Salam Centre” becomes evidence that another world is possible, where, in spite of war, suffering, and misery, one can claim the right for everybody to free health care in “outrageously beautiful” facilities – a sign of hope for today and a utopia suggested for tomorrow. Raul Pantaleo (1962) is an architect. He co‐operates with EMERGENCY, an independent organization providing health care to civilian victims of war, and is professionally involved in the development of participatory bio‐ecological projects and social advertising. Other titles available by the same author : MADE IN AFRICA Foreword by Erri De Luca Elèuthera 2010, 168 pages Pantaleo, moving from his personal experience as an architect actively involved in thebuilding of a hospital in Africa, focuses on the issue of modernity. His African journey takes the reader through Sudan, Darfur, Sierra Leone, Central African Republic, Uganda and Libya, narrating a non holographic reality made up of sweat and dust, and deeply questioning the dominant notion of development, in Africa as well as in the West.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
IBIS EDIZIONI (Italy) Helga Sirchia and Roberto Codazzi (eds.) HAITI: L’ISOLA CHE NON C’ERA (Haiti: The island that did not exist. History, present and future scenarios of a country "discovered" after the earthquake) Ibis 2011, Series: “sud-nord: altri mondi” 110x170 mm 160 p., 12.00 €
On the 12th of January 2010, the world discovered the existence if Haiti. After the earthquake, the media began to look at this small country, unknown to most people, without providing any tools to understand its reality, sometimes offering merely approximate descriptions. The book provides a historical and social account of Haiti and its relations with the neighbouring Dominican Republic - a "toolbox " to interpret the complex transition from emergency to reconstruction. It includes two sections – Yesterday and Today. The first part outlines the history of the island, from its origins to colonization, up to independence and the current geo-political and economic order. The second part concerns the present status and the future of Haiti, offering insights on possible scenarios for international cooperation. The authors are members of Associazione ColorEsperanza – an Italian ONG which is involved in co-operation projects in the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
IL LEONE VERDE (Italy) Series “Il Bambino Naturale” (The natural baby) Parenting books from a perspective far from commercial and industrial practice and logic. A natural approach to help facing and coping with the different issues —health, education and living together— that come up while child raising Giorgia Cozza BEBÈ A COSTO ZERO (No Cost Baby – A Guide to Critical Consumption to Welcome and Take Care of Our Baby at Best) Il Leone Verde 2011 - 2nd revised and enlarged edition 285 pages, € 18 Japanese rights not available Buy less, love more! A cult book for parents-to-be (more than 6,000 copies sold) Baby carriers, strollers, baby food and nappies... How much does being parents cost today? According to surveys and statistics, the first year investment amounts to thousands of Euros. Who would ever have their kids lack for anything? Only the best for them! But what’s best to a baby? What does a newborn really need? No Cost Baby is a journey in the crowded world of infant products, discovering what is really useful to a little child during pregnancy and infancy and making the effective needs of both mother and child out of the advertising needs. At the end of this journey, a wide range of suggestions and practical tips are available to avoid sparing money and to give our baby all that he/she really needs to physically and psychologically develop and grow up happily and peacefully. Special care is also given to the environment where our babies will grow up. Opinions by health professionals - paediatricians, obstetricians and psychologists – and dozens of mothers and fathers (dealing with pregnancy, food, hygiene, toys, clothes, sleep, etc.) are also included, making this book a useful tool for all new parents and parents-to-be. Giorgia Cozza is a journalist writing articles about pregnancy, breastfeeding, mother’s health and psychological care and baby care for several Italian magazines. She is the happy mum of three. With Il Leone Verde she also published three titles in the children’s book series (Alice e il fratellino nel pancione, Alice il primo giorno di asilo, and Alice sorella maggiore).
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Giorgia Cozza ME LO LEGGI? (Will You Read to Me? Stories, tales, and ryhmes for a loving dialogue with our baby) Il Leone Verde, Forthcoming: January 2012 160 pages, € 18 - Japanese rights not available Why is it so important to read and to tell stories to your baby since the very first months of pregnancy? Can we encourage the love of reading in the pre-school age? Is it still the time for classic fairy tales? Scientific information provided from experts (paediatricians, psychologists, pedagogists) as well as practical suggestions help providing an answer to these several questions, stressing how important stories are for helping your child to grow up happy. The book includes a wide selection of nursery rhymes and lullabies for parents and their children. Giorgia Cozza is a journalist writing articles about pregnancy, breastfeeding, mother’s health and psychological care and baby care for several Italian magazines. She is the happy mum of three. With Il Leone Verde she also published Quando l’attesa si interrompe (Coping with a pregnancy loss, 2010; Lithuanian rights sold) and three children’s books.
Eva Benso LA DISLESSIA (Dyslexia ‐ A Guide for Parents and Teachers: Theory, Treatments and Games) Il Leone Verde, 2011 160 pages, € 18 - Japanese rights not available As dyslexia is still and too often seen as a major social, learning disability, a special book illustrating symptoms, medical and teaching tools and how to correctly understand such an emphasised – or else underestimated – problem was needed and conceived. This book aims to eliminate all labels and commonplaces through a clear, well‐framed analysis of dyslexia and its underlying reading processes, including language processes, perceptual and visual processes and attentive processes; as no two dyslexics are alike. The key word here is “training” just like attending a mental training ground. That is why this book is also providing a series of recreational and amusing reading exercises including images, stories and hand activities which are all involved in the preparatory process. Eva Benso (1980) graduated in graphic arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Turin. She also specialised in cognitive facilitation of SLA (Specific Learning Disabilities) affected patients. AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Elena Dal Prà VIA IL PANNOLINO (Bye Bye, Nappies) Il Leone Verde, 2011 148 pages, € 15 - Japanese rights not available
Potty training is a crucial step to independence, which may often imply pain and distress both in children and parents. This book was meant to provide an easy-going approach to potty training, against all resignation and despair, as well as a number of useful tips on how, where, when and why to cope with it! Here is a practical, kid-sized guide to potty training inviting all parents to be observant and respectful of their children's time for nappy-bye. Elena Dal Prà is an educator and an infant massage teacher specialised in breastfeeding, child care and upbringing through mild discipline and baby-sized, eco-friendly potty training. After being a professional guidance and training consultant, in 2005 she started operating as a working mothers advisor and women’s counsellor for public authorities and associations. She also writes and moderates discussion forum for parenting websites.
Claudia Porta LA MIA MAMMA STA CON ME Conciliare famiglia e lavoro grazie a Internet (Mum Stays with Me – Reconciling your family and your work thanks to the Internet) Il Leone Verde, Forthcoming: November 2011 Japanese rights not available When a baby is born, professional life comes to an end for many women, but if monthly salary is strictly necessary, working mothers are compelled to have other people care for their kids. You can now balance work and family needs thanks to available web resources, which make mothers rethink about their own professional skills, passions and ambitions starting from their own creativity and self-initiative. This book is based on the author’s personal experiences and provides with useful tips for all mothers wishing to creatively return to work after maternity leave. Claudia Porta is a business-mother of three, living in Provence (France) with her husband and kids and writing a blog – www.lacasanellaprateria.com. She also wrote Giochiamo allo Yoga (2011). AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
From the Back List, in the same series: Elena Balsamo LIBERTÀ E AMORE (Love and Liberty - The Montessori approach for a natural pedagogy) Il Leone Verde, 2010 358 pages, € 20.00 Sample English translation available Japanese rights not available Here is a guide for all parents who intend to revolutionary approach their children’s upbringing and care, according to the innovative Montessori educational model. Physician Maria Montessori originated a new educational method for children from 0 to 15 and founded the Montessori schools, which are globally known and widespread. After a thorough research on the Montessori philosophy and pedagogy, the author has here summed up the original vision and thinking of Maria Montessori for layman readers, pointing out some neglected aspects of the montessorian approach, i.e. the spiritual and intercultural key to the understanding of childhood. Elena Balsamo is a children’s healthcare professional practising homeopathy, specializing in multicultural nurturing practices, ethnopediatrics and cross-cultural pedagogy. At present, she is a professional trainer for healthcare and education workers. She wrote bestseller Sono qui con te (I am here with you), as well as two 0-to-6-children’s books Il latte della mamma sa di fragola (Mummy’s Milk Tastes Like Strawberries) and Girotondo intorno al mondo (All Around The World of Babywearing). She writes for several specialized journals. She is married to a Guinea-Bissau native and a mother of three.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Series “Leggere è un gusto!” (Reading is Tasty!) A series entirely devoted to the unusual twinning between food and literature Francesca Rosso ZUPPE, ZUCCHE E PAN DI ZENZERO (Soups, Pampkins, and Gingerbread. Tim Burton’s tremendous cooking) Il Leone Verde, Forthcoming : October 2011 about 120 pages - 14x18 cm Tim Burton’s cinema as you have never tasted it A journey into the famous director’s work, seen from a special point of view: his characters’ beloved dishes. If it is true that we are what we eat, Zuppe, zucche e pan di zenzero is an engaging journey among gloomy children, poetic teens, enchanted and frail characters, monstrous creatures that are more frightened than frightening: at the table in the first place. From cakes that have exceptional powers to magical apples, food embodies an idea of cinema and a vision of the world, skilfully mixing two basic ingredients: cruelness and tenderness, that are the marks of children of any age. Francesca Rosso, a Master degree in History and Critics of Cinema, is a journalist by profession and a sommelier and a lover of gastronomy in private life.
Pierpaolo Pracca A TAVOLA NEL PAESE CHE NON C’È (At the Table in The Land that Does Not Exist: The realm of utopia and the research of the ‘Elsewhere’) Il Leone Verde, 2011 132 p. - 14x18 cm Food is strictly connected to utopia and has often been one of its characterizing elements of an imaginary society. In different ages, it can epitomise fantastic worlds where frugality or abundance are prevailing. This book tells the story of this connection, from the myths of the Golden Age to the 20th century ideologies – from Plato to Huxley, from Hesiod to Orwell, from food rituals of to the conformism of industrial food. Pierpaolo Pracca is a psychoanalyst and a writer. A scholar in the History of mentalities, he is the author of several books. In the same series he has also published L’amore, la morte e il basilico (Love, death, and basil: Recipes from Jean‐Claude Izzo’s Marseille). AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Roberto Caretta, Renato Viola TAVOLE D’AUTORE (Masters’ Tables: Stories of art and cuisine) Il Leone Verde, 2011 140 p. - 14x18 cm
Leonardo’s Last Supper, but also popular last suppers painted in country churches. Andy Warhol’s cookbooks and Hogarth’s satiric paintings. Surrealist dinners and historical lunches. Coffee tables where poets, novelists, musicians and revolutionaries meet. By portraying dead natures, banquets, places and protagonists of food, art has told a number of stories, each being a little crystallized world. Roberto Carretta (1963), a specialist in Philosophy of Art, is member of the scientific board of several art museums and a contributor to dailies and art and literary reviews. He is commissioning editor of the series “Leggere è un gusto” and the author of La cucina della fiabe (Fairy tales cuisine) and In taverna con Shakespeare (At the inn with Shakespeare), published in the same series. Renato Viola, a specialist in international relations, has translated and edited a number of texts of political and social economy. He is also a jazz and cinema expert.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
IL MELANGOLO (Italy) Valeria Ottonelli LA LIBERTÀ DELLE DONNE Contro il femminismo moralista (Women’s Freedom. Against Self-Righteous Feminism) Il Melangolo, Forthcoming 2011 120 pages A provocative, against-the-stream essay
In the past few years feminism has taken an alarming and disconcerting turn. While in the Sixties and Seventies, together with other liberation and civil rights movements, it played an important role in the emancipation of the human kind from the imposing burdens of traditional forms of life and moralistic attitudes, now it often seems to feed itself from censorship, repression and conservative values. This new kind of “moralistic” and selfrighteous feminism is built on guilt and shame, rather than on freedom and pleasure. Rather than devising the best legal and institutional ways for protecting women from abuse and exploitation, it reduces the issue of women’s freedom to a matter of private conscience and individual morality. This short book aims at revealing and portraying this cultural phenomenon, through the analysis of its most typical expressions. It draws from the Italian experience, which is exemplary in many ways, but it situates it in the context of global movements and trends. The intellectual roots of this self-righteous feminism, indeed, can be traced in many streams that are now prominent in Western culture. Valeria Ottonelli is Professor of Philosophy and Public Ethics, University of Genoa. She published several essays on Italian and foreign journals, among which “Political Studies” and “The Journal of Political Philosophy”. Among her works: Eguale rispetto (Bruno Mondadori, 2008), Leggere Rawls, (il Mulino, 2010). Her provocative opinions about contemporary feminism have been widely echoed in the Italian and foreign press (see her interview on “The Guardian” on the occasion of recent women’s demonstrations in Italy).
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Donatella Di Cesare SE AUSCHWITZ È NULLA [If Auschwitz is Nothing] Il nuovo melangolo, collection “nugae” Forthcoming January 2012 80 pages, € 7 What position should be taken in front of historical revisionism? Historical revisionism or negationism is often under discussion by media, every time some professor at a college or university argues that the Holocaust is not historically proven. But only a few books directly address the problem. What position should be taken in front of negationism? What steps are to take? If you rely on education, how could you deny speaking to a lecturer arguing that gas chambers did not exist, as this would seriously undermine the freedom of speech? Such questions are on the agenda, as some people suggest sanctioning negationism by law. In this pamphlet, addressed to a general readership, Donatella Di Cesare, Jewish philosopher and scholar, has attempted for the first time to answer the historical, political and moral questions raised by historical revisionism, arguing that in a democracy the confront is not with an – even aberrant – interpretation of history. Historical revisionism is per se a suppression of the conditions for a historical comparison, because it eliminates and nullifies the shared reality upon which the democratic community is based. Whoever denies the Shoah, in effect removes the place of the fracture from which, with difficulty, after the Shoah, democracies have arisen in Europe, and undermines their foundation. Donatella Di Cesare is Professor of Philosophy of Language at the University “La Sapienza” of Rome and Professor of Jewish Philosophy in the Department of Jewish Studies at the Italian Rabbinical College of Rome. She has been visiting Professor in several foreign universities (among which Köln and Freiburg) and Distinguished Visiting Professor of Arts and Humanities at Pennsylvania State University. She is member of the editorial board of “Internationales Jahrburch für Hermeneutik” and “Philosophisches Jahrbuch”, and of the scientific board of the International Wittgenstein-Society. Among his publications: Grammatica dei tempi messianici (Giuntina, 2011); Gadamer (Il Mulino, 2007); Ermeneutica della finitezza (Guerini & Associati, 2004); Utopia del comprendere (il nuovo Melangolo, 2003).
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Simone Regazzoni DERRIDA. Decostruzione Biopolitica Democrazia (Derrida. Deconstruction Biopolitics Democracy) Il Melangolo, Forthcoming: October 2011 150 pages Deconstruction has been provocatively questioned by Slavoj Zizek. Taking this as a starting point, Regazzoni aims at reading Derrida’s work from the point of view of the relation between power and life, so far neglected. With a special focus on the late works by Derrida and his posthumous Seminars, the author shows how deconstruction has provided an original insight of bio-politics, thanks to Derrida’s paradigm of “autoimmunity”. In a tight confrontation with Foucault and Agamben, Regazzoni shows how the deconstruction of the political is a deconstruction of the bio-political focusing on the category of sovereignty. The last part of the book provides an analysis of the notion of democracy, that Derrida conceives as another dimension of life. This approach to deconstruction shows that Derrida is not only still topical, but absolutely necessary in order to understand the new forms of sovereign bio-power. Table of Contents Introduction – Zizek’ obscene issues 1. Life and death. Beyond Foucault 2. Bios and zoé. What is Agamben the name of? 3. The phantom the phallus the drive 4. Force without power 5. Autoimmunity and democracy 6. In the name of democracy 7. Popularity – of deconstruction Simone Regazzoni teaches Esthetics at Pavia University. He published two previous books exploring Derrida: La decostruzione del politico (il melangolo, 2006) and Nel nome di Chora. Da Derrida a Platone e al di là (il melangolo, 2008). Among his recent works: Pornosofia. Filosofia del pop porno (Ponte alle Grazie, 2009). Also available by the same author: HARRY POTTER E LA FILOSOFIA (Harry Potter and Philosophy) il Melangolo, 2008 | 126 pages |Rights sold: Spanish world (Duomo ediciones) POP FILOSOFIA (Pop Philosophy) | il Melangolo, 2010 | 256 pages With essays by Jadel Andreetto, Girolamo De Michele, Francesca Recchia Luciani, Simone Regazzoni, Peter Szendy, Francesco Vitale, Wu Ming 1, et. al.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Isabella Adinolfi ETTY HILLESUM. La fortezza inespugnabile (Etty Hillesum. The impregnable fortress) Il Melangolo, 2011 214 pages - € 16
Esther “Etty” Hillesum was a young Jewish woman whose letters and diaries, kept between 1941 and 1943, describe life in Amsterdam during the German occupation. On November 30, 1943, she died in Auschwitz at 27. For forty years, her writings remained unpublished, but when they finally found a publisher, at the beginning of the 1980s, they had an immediate and extraordinary success – thanks to the strength of the young woman’s voice. This essay outlines with accuracy and subtlety Hillesum’ path of inner growth, that outstanding journey into ethical, emotional and spiritual development, that would make an “impregnable fortress” of her and an example of spiritual resistance against persecution and hatred.
Isabella Adinolfi teaches History of Ethical and Religious Thought and Critics and history of the Western moral thought at the Venice University. She is the author of a number of essays about Pascal and Kierkegaard, and is the Editor in chief of a journal of Kierkegaard studies. Among her latest publications, Le ragioni della virtù. Il carattere etico-religioso nella letteratura e nella filosofia (il melangolo, 2008).
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Edoardo Sanguineti CONVERSAZIONI MUSICALI (Conversations about Music) Edited by Roberto Iovino Il Melangolo, May 2011 94 pages - € 11 One year after Edoardo Sanguineti’s death, Riflessioni sulla musica collects the great Italian thinker and writer’s conversations with musicologist Roberto Iovino. This book is a tribute to Sanguineti’s “second job”: a poet writing for music, an author of opera librettos, and an enthusiast author for several musicians and composers – among whom, Luciano Berio. The conversations follow two paths. From one side, they explore Sanguineti’s relation to music, with a special attention to his work as an author of librettos. On the other side, they analyze musical theatre, the different aspects of stage show, theater as politics, and contemporary society. Memories and protagonists of a long history of art and culture are recollected, from Luciano Berio –Sanguineti’s major reference in his music production –to the youngest authors and collaborators.
Edoardo Sanguineti (1930‐2010) was one of the greatest Italian men of letters of the 20th century – author of poems, theater, essays ‐, a literary critic and author of texts for music. An active member of the avant‐garde literary group “Gruppo 63”, together with Umberto Eco, Giorgio Manganelli, Alberto Savino, Nanni Balestrini and others, he founded the “Académie Européene de poésie” (European Academy of Poetry, Luxemburg) and was a member of “Poetry International” (Rotterdam). He was President of OpLePo – an experimental literature group inspiring to Raymond Quenau’s OuLiPo. Among his recent works: Cultura e Realtà, Feltrinelli, 2010; Varie ed eventuali. Poesie 1995‐2010, Feltrinelli, 2010; Sanguineti’s Song., Feltrinelli, 2006 – several of them translated abroad. Roberto Iovino is Professor of History of Music at the “N.Paganini” School of music in Genoa. As a music critic, he writes for the newspaper “la Repubblica” and several music magazines. He conceived and coordinated the Verdi’s celebrations “Genova 2001”. Amongst his publications: Mascagni, l’avventuroso dell’opera (1987), Gli Strauss (1998), Giuseppe Verdi, genovese (2000), Music & Humor (with F. Oranges, 2005), Fabrizio De André, l’ultimo trovatore (2006), Sinfonia gastronomica (with I. Mattion, 2006, translated in Spain).
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
LE MANI Edizioni (Italy) Alessandro Bencivenni HAYAO MIYAZAKI. Il dio dell’anime (The god of animation movie)
Le Mani, 2011 192 pages with a colour insert – € 16.00
The Oscar, the Golden Bear in Berlin and the Golden Lion in Venice confirmed Hayao Miyazaki’s international fame, redeeming the animation movie from a subordinate rank of a production addressed only to children’s audience. This book goes along Miyazaki’s production, since the beginning to his maturity, and is updated to his latest masterpiece, Ponyo on the cliff by the sea. At the top of his career, Miyazaki has made a surprising choice: make a work on an essential style, which goes straight to the hearts of younger children. Alessandro Bencivenni, scriptwriter, lives and works in Rome. After his debut as a comics writer for Mickey Mouse, he has written for cinema and television, and is author of many successful movies (such as the saga of Fantozzi) and television series, as well as scripts for Lina Wertmüller and Mario Monicelli. But he is also a film scholar and author of studies on Visconti and Greenaway. Bencivenni teaches script-writing at the Accademia dell’Immagine, Aquila, and the University of Perugia.
Oreste De Fornari CLASSICI AMERICANI (Classic American Movie)
Le Mani, 2011 368 pages with black and white illustrations - €20.00
This book collects cameos and reviews which have been published in the last thirty years, mostly by the Spanish magazine «Dirigido por…» – the result is a sort of sentimental journey through the American classic movies (1939-1968). The implicit question is always the same: why were those movies “mythical”? Maybe it’s a certain taste, a style, a vision of the world. What was, then, if it exists, the thread that binds Anthony Mann’s criticism of AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Manichaeism to Hawk’s mix of hedonism and stoicism, Hitchcock’s subtle sentimental cruelty, Otto Preminger’s secular scepticism, the ambiguity of Wilder’s comedies? De Fornari’s answer is simple and direct: it was a mix of glamour and understatement – a game of moral and style rules and transgressions. Oreste De Fornari is the author of essays on Sergio Leone, Walt Disney, François Truffaut, and a story of television serials. He has been member of the Cinema Consulting Committee of the Italian Ministry of Culture.
Giampiero Frasca IL CINEMA VA A SCUOLA (Cinema Goes to School)
Le Mani, 2011 256 pages with colour insert, €15.00
The author, relying on his experience as a teacher and a film expert, carries out a careful analysis of how school life is depicted in movies, focusing on the works of some of the most important directors in the history of cinema (Jean Vigo, Vittorio de Sica, William Wyler, Francois Truffaut and Federico Fellini, to the recent works by Zhang Yimou, Gus Van Sant and Todd Solondz). Taking into account the peculiarities of each story and the evolution of practices, he comes to a clear understanding: movies set in schools, especially the last three decades, reflect the discomfort, dissatisfaction and the unspoken aspirations of a whole society. Giampiero Frasca teaches Italian Literature at the secondary school and History and Critics of the Cinema at the Turin University. He is columnist for «Cineforum» and «Filmcritica». He has published Dennis Hopper. Easy Rider (Lindau, 2000), Road Movie. Immaginario, genesi, struttura e forma del cinema americano on the road (Utet, 2001), Manuale dei generi cinematografici (with L. Aimeri, Utet, 2002) and C’era una volta il western (Utet, 2007).
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
(To the Movies with Mussolini. Cinema and dictatorship 1929-1939) Le Mani, forthcoming 2011
In the 1930s, going to the movies with Mussolini was a truly Italian choice. No matter if it was one of Blasetti’s engaged movies or a comedy by Camerini, if the leitmotiv was Giovinezza Giovinezza or Parlami d'amore Mariù, if the players were wearing the black shirt or a white tuxedo: all, believers and agnostics, fascist, and non-fascists, co-operated to create a new image of Italy – a country that was turning into a mass society. Optimism for the present and hope in the future inspire both the hero aviator and the messenger of department stores, the valiant warrior and the light-hearted young man. In the late twenties Fascism is ruling, but a Fascist Italy is still to be made: the cinema, together to other media, participates in the development of a new image of the country that is inspired by the Italian genius. The commitment of the regime, during the 1930s, is to create the identity of a “modern” and “revolutionary” Fascist country. So, the Italian films of that decade are all along the ambiguous borderline between outspoken propaganda and seeming disengagement. Marco Salotti teaches History of Cinema at the Genoa University. He is author of essays on Orson Welles (Le Mani, 1995) and Ernst Lubitsch (Le Mani, 1997) and has been the director of the Film Library of Ansaldo Foundation. He has also produced a number of shows for the Italian television and directed the cultural activities of the Teatro Stabile in Genoa.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
LIBROS DEL ZORZAL (Argentina) Luis Chiozza HIPERTENSIÓN Hypertension Libros del Zorzal, 2011 192 pages This book dealing with arterial hypertension (high blood tension) has been written for doctors, no matter if they have a background in Medicine or Psychology, but also for all those people who, without any academic background, want to understand more about illness. The hypertension diagnosis reveals - as it is the case with other illnesses – a specific unconscious meaning, a way of being that
Luis Chiozza (b. 1930) graduated as a doctor in 1955 and was a senior member with an educational role in the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association and Chair of the Psychophysiology department at the University of El Salvador in Buenos Aires. He was founding member of the Research Center for Psychoanalysis and Psychosomatic Medicine. In 1996 he was awarded the Konex prize in Psychoanalysis. His works have been translated into several languages. Other titles available by the same author: ¿Porqué enfermamos? Why do we fall ill? The story hidden inside the body Rights sold: Spain (Txalaparta); USA (Psychosocial Press), Brazil (Papirus Editora) ¿Porqué equivocamos? Why are we mistaken? Preconceptions that emotionally fit us Corazón, hígado y cerebro Heart, liver and brain three ways of life Cáncer ¿Por qué a mí, por qué ahora? Cancer. Why Me, Why Now? Las cosas de la vida Things of life Rights sold: Italy (Città aperta)
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Sergio Kaplan NEGOCIAR CON EL DIABLO Negotiating with the devil Libros del Zorzal 2011 224 pages Negotiation: a basis for a better living Does the devil exist? For some people, it is the spirit of evil, and for others, it is a living person: their husband or wife, their boss, a neighbour, or even themselves. If the devil lives inside us, it is dangerous and difficult to recognize, as it is hidden in our unconscious. It may appear in the middle of a negotiation, putting its tail and spoil all that we have built. If we want to overcome conflicts and get to successful agreements, that are profitable to our goals – and have a better life - we need to unmask our inner devil and to get rid of it Paying attention to the dynamic of our negotiations, and namely to the factors that prove to be a limit, it is possible to modify them and get to successful agreements. Thanks to his broad professional experience, the author provides practical hints that can be useful for increasing the individual’s resources in negotiating their differences or conflicts: negotiating is a skill that can be improved if we train on it. Sergio Kaplan is Director of Centro de Resolución de Conflictos (Center for conflicts resolution) at the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional in Buenos Aires, and co-ordinates the Centro de Investigaciones de Actitudes Negociadoras, where he is the director of training workshops in negotiation.
María Esther Gilio CUANDO LOS QUE ESCUCHAN HABLAN When those who listen speak. Conversations with great psychoanalysts Libros del Zorzal 2010 256 pages The relation between a victim and her persecutor. Psychoanalysis and the experience of war. Culture and folly. Teen agers as mirrors. The limits of reason. Women bodies and social neurosis. How did psychoanalysis get to China. These are some of the themes tackled in the author’s interviews and conversations with some of the most important and prestigious figures in contemporary psychoanalysis: Jean Laplanche, Jacques Alain Miller, Elisabeth Roudinesco, Philippe Jeammet, Silvia Bleichmar, Janine Altounian, César Botella, Françoise Davoine, among others. AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
María Esther Gilio was born in Montevideo (Uruguay) in 1928. She was exiled more times in her life, in Argentina (1972-1977 and 1980-1987) and Brazil (1977-1979). She is lawyer, writer, author of biographies and a renowned journalist (El País, La Nación, Clarín). She has contributed to several publications in Brazil, Spain, France, and Italy, and realized valuable interviews with relevant figures in contemporary Latin American and international culture, such as Jorge Luis Borges, Mario Vargas Llosa, José Saramago, Mario Benedetti, and Noam Chomsky , among others.
From Libros del Zorzal Back List:
Hugo Marietan EL JEFE PSICOPATA (Psychopathic Leader: Radiography of a predator) Libros del Zorzal 2010 192 p. Rights available: World exc. Brazil
The psychopath with power feels in his own thing. His natural narcissism offers him again and again an embellished image that justifies all his actions; in his mind there’s no chink for the error itself. Without error there is no regret and without it there is no course correction, but persistence. His psychopathic labour fits its own codes and he becomes intolerant to critics. Anyone who criticizes him is not an adversary, but an enemy. The non psychopath leader opponent to the psychopath, however, is a person who can lead people and bases his power on consensus in the discussion. Not knowing that he opposes a psychopath he tries to develop strategies but based on an error: empathy, “if I were in his place ..... The psychopath does not think like him, he is not empathetic. It is a voracious and merciless predator. Hugo Marietan is a psychiatrist and a writer specialized in psychopathy. He is the author of books on psychiatry The psychopath and his complement (Ananké 2007). He is Professor at the University of Buenos Aires.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Julián Barsky, Osvaldo Barsky GARDEL. EL CANTOR DEL TANGO (Gardel: The Voice of Tango) Libros del Zorzal, series “Entretiempos” November 2010, 380 pp.
When June 25, 1935 a plane carrying Carlos Gardel crashes in Medellin, the news shake the world. A massive dissemination of his records should be added to the great popular impact that since 1931 his films had aroused. His death caused popular mourning never seen before, but will register again at The Beatles shows. What were the circumstances that allowed such a phenomenon? How did this artist built the singing of Tango, fusion music with a defined international presence? How the small French immigrant succeeded in synthesizing in a cosmopolitan Buenos Aires in the early twentieth century the extraordinary musical offer supported by international and national migration that disseminate all over Buenos Aires theatres? How did he conquer the major International centres, and managed to become one of the main references of popular music? These processes, his life and art are presented in this book. This new biography of Gardel, written by two renowned experts in the field and supported by recent research, presents the man and the artist struggling to build himself and to impose definitely a way of singing the tango. Academic excellence and an interesting vintage material blend together to make this book a great piece of work on the most popular artist of the Hispanic world.
Julian Barsky (b. 1972) since 2004, he has coordinated the newsletter Gardel Buenos Aires, and works free lance for several websites related to tango. Osvaldo Barsky (b. 1943) is a researcher at the National Council for Science and Technology in this country; he teaches postgraduate courses in various universities in Argentina and is a consultant for international organizations. He collaborates with the Centro de Estudios Gardelians Argentina.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
MANNI (Italy) Franco Berardi - Bifo Carlo Formenti L’ECLISSI Dialogo precario sulla crisi della civiltà capitalistica (Eclipse. Provisional talks about the crisis of capitalist civilization Manni 2011 96 pages, € 10
The authors discuss the theme of technological evolution in the Web 2.0 era – with its social, political and economic impacts. They focus on the debate on democracy and the Internet and the issue of a global governance in a post-neo-liberal era. If democracy is today a corrupted form of political organization, a new political philosophy now exists which can include digital culture, grassroots movements and students' activism. Franco Berardi Bifo is a writer, media-theorist and media-activist. He founded the magazine A/traverso (1975-1981) and was part of the staff of Radio Alice, the first free pirate radio station in Italy (1976-1978). Like others involved in the political movement of Autonomia in Italy during the 1970’s, he fled to Paris, where he worked with Felix Guattari in the field of schizo-analysis. During the 1980's he contributed to the magazines Semiotexte (New York), Chimerees (Paris), Metropoli (Rome) and Musica 80 (Milan). In the 1990’s he published Mutazione e Ciberpunk (Genoa, 1993), Cibernauti (Rome, 1994), and Felix (Rome, 2001). He is currently collaborating on the magazine Derive Approdi as well as teaching social history of communication at the Accademia di belle Arti in Milan. He is the cofounder of the e-zine rekombinant.org and the telestreet phenomenon. Carlo Formenti teaches Theory and Techniques of New Media at the University of Salento. He collaborates with the daily Corriere della Sera and is a member of the editorial staff of the magazine Alfabeta2. Formenti is author of many essays about new technologies and social change, including Cybersoviet (Milan 2008), Se questa è democrazia (Lecce 2009) and Felici e sfruttati (Milan 2011).
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Riccardo Bagnato IJOBS Biografia non autorizzata di Mr Apple (A non-authorized biography of Mr Apple) Manni 2011 192 pages, € 16
The book traces the history of Steve Jobs in parallel to that of Apple, and highlights lesserknown episodes of his life, which were neglected in official biographies, collecting testimonies of people who worked with him and sometimes “against” him, and does not conceal the tics, the ingenuousness and real errors in which Jobs and Apple incurred. The author explores “the Apple world” and reveals what has led the public opinion and the media to take sides so openly with Mr. Apple. Riccardo Bagnato is journalist and for a decade has been the editor of the electronic news “Vita.it”. Since 2006 he has worked for “Repubblica.it”, with a special column about the Apple world. His articles have been published by several Italian dailies and magazines, including “Alias”, “il manifesto”, “Campus” and “RollingStone”. His most known essay, in co-operation with Benedetta Verrini, is Armi d’Italia, protagonisti e ombre di un made in Italy di successo (Rome 2008).
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
O BARRA O (Italy) Alessandra Chiricosta FILOSOFIA INTERCULTURALE E VALORI ASIATICI (Inter-cultural Philosophy and Asian Values) O barra O – 2011 160 pages - 12,5x20,5 cm Euro 14,00 “Western philosopy must leave any pretension of apriori universality” The global and local features of contemporary world calls for a reinterpretation of the concept of culture in a closer dialogue between philosophy and anthropology. The Western “single thought” is no longer regarded as the “illuminating beacon” but as one among many voices, and its hegemony, widely determined by the dynamics of exploitation and violence, is now strongly challenged. Rethinking methodologies and opening to dialogue with philosophical views from other cultures who speak different languages, is now a urgent need for the Western thought, in order to avoid a partial perspective, which is inadequate to deal with complexity, and to envisage today glocal solutions to the problems of the world. The essay is an introduction to Intercultural Philosophy and analyses pressing questions from the claims of “other cultures”, in particular from East Asia and Southeast Asia. Alessandra Chiricosta is researcher at University “Roma Tre” and studies post-colonial, critical thinking and cultural difference in Southeast Asia and East Asia. She is a consultant in cooperation projects in anthropology and gender studies. Her previous works include I sensi del sincretismo (Bulzoni, 2004), Oltre i confini: uno sguardo tra le minoranze etniche del Sudest asiatico continentale (Bulzoni, 2005). She has edited the Italian edition of Il vero significato del Signore del Cielo by Matteo Ricci (Urbaniana University Press, 2006).
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Elisa Giunchi (ed.) SOCIETÀ CIVILE E DEMOCRAZIA IN MEDIO ORIENTE E ASIA (Civil Society and Democracy in Middle East and Asia) O barra O – 2011 276 pages - 12,5x20,5 cm - € 15.00
The book includes essays, based on skills from different disciplines, on the role that civil society is currently playing in the processes of post-war reconstruction (Afghanistan, Tajikistan), he composition of intra-regional conflicts (Caucasus, North and South Korea, Palestine and Israel) and the opening to democracy of the political system (China, Turkey, Iran, Malaysia). The term “civil society” describes to spontaneous organizations that express the needs of the population, unions, religious organizations, professional and mutual aid associations, interestand pressure groups, NGOs. Forms of association outside the state apparatus, with independent decision-making structures and forms of government funding,which support the processes of democratization. Edited by Elisa Giunchi, the volume includes the interventions at the seminar on the role of Asian civil societies in recontruction processes which took place at Università degli Studi di Milano in February 2011. Texts by: Giuliano Battiston, Filippo De Danieli, Aldo Ferrari, Antonio Fiori, Elisa Giunchi, Fabio Indeo, Arturo Marzano, Francesco Montessoro, Claudia Padovani, Valentina Rita Scotti, Anna Vanzan, Bernardo Venturi.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Claudio Landi LA NUOVA VIA DELLA SETA (The New Silk Road) Foreword by Mario Deaglio O barra O, 2011 140 pages, 12.50 €, 12,5x20,5cm
A geopolitical essay about today's “Silk Roads” of China's influence in Europe and Middle East The Silk Road connected the Chinese Empire with the West through multiple land and sea routes. Today a new Silk Road is taking shape, the symbol of the growing economic integration between China and Europe. The road is no longer the centre for the trade of silk, but the increasingly precious oil and manufactured goods made in China. The strategic routes that make up the new Silk Road will be the gas pipelines passing through Turkmenistan to reach Turkey and thence the old continent, the high-speed railway, which will connect Beijing to Berlin and the ocean routes that will take Chinese goods to the Mediterranean ports of Piraeus and Taranto. Claudio Landi illustrates without prejudices an extremely topical geopolitical, economic and human reality and draws a map of the “Grand Strategy” that in the coming years will link China, the Middle East and Europe. Claudio Landi, journalist, is correspondent from the Italian Senate for Radio Radicale , for over 15 years has written about India, Cina and Asia politics. He writes for various magazines and newspapers, including “Asia Maior”, “Europa”, “Politica Internazionale”, “Reset”, “Il Secolo d’Italia”, “Liberazione”, “Il Riformista”. He edits the site www.buongiornoasia.com. His books: Buongiorno Asia. I nuovi giganti e la crisi dell’unilateralismo americano (Vallecchi, 2004), Il dragone e l’elefante. Cina e India nel secolo dell'Asia (Passigli, 2007), Geopolitica dello tsunami (O barra O, 2005).
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Silvia Pozzi (ed.) CONFUCIO RE SENZA CORONA (Confucius. King without a Crown) O barra O – 2011 216 pages - 12,5x20,5 cm Euro 16,00 The revaluation of the ancient master in contemporary China Initiator of this miraculous system that allowed the “Heavenly bureaucracy” to rule in imperial China for two thousand years, Confucius was the catalyst, through the development of his thought, of the process of cultural stratification focused on the concept of wen 文 – “knowledge / wisdom / -civilization.” However, is Confucius today an empty container, an object of diversion or a unseful tool di send reassuring messages? How many “Confucius” there have been in the past and how many there will be? The studies included in this volume highlight the cultural and political heritage of the “King without a Crown” (suwang 素王) – a basic reference to understand the outstanding success of Chinese politics in our times. . The volume, edited by Silvia Pozzi, includes the lectures of the “Knowing Confucius” conference which was organized in 2010 by the Confucius Institute at the Università degli Studi di Milano, along with other original documents. Essays by: Amina Crisma, Alessandra Lavagnino, Edoarda Masi, Silvia Pozzi, Qu Qingbiao, Elisa Sabattini and Valeria Varriano.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
OLMO EDICIONES (Argentina) Omar López Mato ANIMALITOS DE DIOS (God’s Creatures) popular non-fiction Olmo Ediciones (Argentina), 2007 264 pages Rights sold: Italy (Odoya srl) Translation rights handled in cooperation with Studio Grimorio Scouting &Agency
Animalitos de Dios tells the story of animals who performed at circuses, theatres, battlefields, films, and even outer space, or just normal homes, whose almost-human characteristics or achievements have made them famous, or at least whose legacy has made them unforgettable. These extraordinary animals inspired famous writers such as Baudelaire, who dedicated a poem to his cat, and Shakespeare, who praised Marocco, a dancing horse in his verses. Even Toby, the Learned Pig, who had the honour of having his obituary written by the poet Thomas Hood. These humble creatures that travel with us in this Noah’s ark of the Cosmos (which is this planet Earth) help us understand the unproductive arrogance that has characterized humans ever since the far-off moment when the light shone over our planet for the first time. Omar López Mato is an ophthalmological surgeon who also conducts research into history and art. He was born in Buenos Aires in 1956, graduated from medical school with honours, is currently the director of the Instituto de la Visión [Institute of Vision], and is father to five children. His works include: Ciudad de ángeles, historia del cementerio de la Recoleta [City of Angels: A History of Recoleta Cemetery]; Males de artistas, enfermedad y creación [Artists’ Maladies: Sickness and Creation]; Monstruos como nosotros [Monsters Like Us]; Después del entierro [After the Burial]; Desnudo de mujer [Female Nude]; and A su imagen y semejanza [In His Image] for the series “Detrás de las pinturas” [Behind Paintings]. Dr. López Mato is a columnist for La Prensa newspaper and has also written articles for many Argentinian magazines, including Todo es Historia, Perfil, Para Tí. From 2006 to 2009, he presented the radio program Hablemos de Historia [Let's Talk about History]. He currently hosts the radio program Tenemos Historia [We’ve Got History], and the TV series Males de Artistas [Artists’ Maladies] on Argentina’s Metro channel. AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Omar López Mato CRIATURAS DEL SEÑOR - Historias de prodigios, portentos y hombres como nosotros (Creatures of God - Stories of prodigies, portents and men like us) popular non-fiction 1st edition Olmo Ediciones, titled Criaturas del Señor, 2003; 2nd edition Editorial Sudamericana (Argentina), titled Monstruos como nosotros (Monsters like us), 2009 265 pages
Rights sold: Italy (Odoya srl) Translation rights handled in cooperation with Studio Grimorio Scouting &Agency
«I can’t say if God is playing dice with atoms and protons, but I’m sure he has organised a lottery pool with DNA and chromosomes» This book tells the tale of individuals like you or me - people at the same time normal and unique - who overcame their peculiar features by showing them off in order to make money. Through the pages of this book parade The Elephant Man, love-struck giants, the gargoylesque dwarves that inspired artists like Velázquez, and greedy businessmen like Phineas T. Barnum, the inventor of the freak show. They describe their lives in the circuses, theatres, stages, and fairs where they displayed their particular characteristics which made them so unusual, exploited as well by merchants of morbidity. The difference separating you and me from Johnny Eck (the so-called King of Freaks), Julia Pastrana, and the Worm Man comes down to a tiny modified section of our genetic code, the fruit of random mutations that can devastate us, adding uncertainty to our fragile existence. Animalitos de Dios tells of the extraordinary lives of extraordinary individuals with unusual changes to their genetic status, and who were taken advantage of by socalled normal people who wished to turn a profit at the cost of these “monsters”, although in this world the difference between monstrosity and beauty often comes down to a single amino acid in the wrong place. This book show how fragile our normality is and how normal is our monstrosity.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Omar López Mato TRAYECTOS PÓSTUMOS (Posthumous Wanderings) popular non-fiction
1st edition Olmo Ediciones, 2002 - 439 pages 2nd edition Editorial Sudamericana (Argentina), titled Después del Entierro, 2008 - 448 pages
Rights sold: Italy (Odoya srl); Spain (Abadir ediciones) Translation rights handled in cooperation with Studio Grimorio Scouting &Agency This book describes the incredible journeys undergone by some of history’s most famous corpses and others less well known cadavers. The famous words “Rest in Peace” definitely didn’t apply in these cases. Included are the story of how president Lincoln’s body was stolen and the way Einstein’s brain ended up floating in a cider box because someone thought the key to intelligence could be found within it. The book recounts the posthumous adventures of Napoleon, El Cid, Lenin, Oscar Wilde, Haydn, Molière, Voltaire, and Eva Perón, as well as unknown football fans who chose to spend the rest of eternity being trodden on by the players of their beloved teams. These historical adventures are supported by scientific data, and though at times it might read like fiction, it also offers reflections on the human condition. Full of melancholy and humour (that couldn’t be any colour but black), Posthumous Wanderings tells of the worldly glory many desire, the eternal need for transcendence, the quest for revenge, and the grudges and resentment that not even death can cool. From Egyptian mummies to the sale of holy relics, from the French to the Russian revolutions, from European nobles to Native Americans, these strange journeys prove that death is not always the end of the story—indeed, in many cases, it is only the beginning of a fantastical tale that switches from tragedy to comedy, just like life itself.
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Hugo Martínez de León HISTORIA DE LA OBSCENIDAD (A History of Obscenity) popular non-fiction Olmo Ediciones (Argentina), 2010 200 pages Rights sold: Italy (Odoya srl) Translation rights handled in cooperation with Studio Grimorio Scouting &Agency
Journalist, writer, and musician, Martínez de León feels entirely at home with the task of rummaging through the past in order to analyze people’s customs. In this book, he returns to the history of lingerie - a subject which he is a consummate specialist in - and dwells on the obsession of observing human morals, which change so much with time and place. Using all the tools available to him, Martínez de León takes obscenity apart, revealing nudism to be a naturist but unnatural movement because, in his view, dressing like Eve on the day of creation is a negation of eroticism. The great innovation in this study lies in the way it puts underwear into action and analyzes fashion in motion. The History of Obscenity is more than just a store catalogue that lays everything out in a cold and systematic fashion. On the contrary, it is the product of the subtle power of observation and covers the wide spectrum of desire, from nylon to Lycra, from the cancan to pole dancing. The author highlights the refinement of a set of garments that women wish to put on in order for a man to retrace their steps along the path that leads to their not-so-secret charms. Hugo Martínez de León was born in Uruguay in 1950, but has lived in Buenos Aires since he was twenty. In 1977, he made his theatrical debut with El Noticiero [The News Program], in which he poked fun at the tabloid press. He published his first book of short stories, El Relator [The Narrator] in 1984 and, two years later, Un sátiro en la fiesta [A Sex Fiend at the Party]. In 1989 he was a finalist of the Tigre Juan novel competition in Oviedo, Spain, with El baile y la procesión [The Dance and the Procession]. Between 1990 and 1996, he ran the specialist lingerie magazine Underwear in Argentina. His experience in this area of fashion introduced him to an industry that is admirably connected to customs and morality. He attended over 200 lingerie shows and tried to answer the outrageous questions that went through his mind as he saw the most spectacular models wearing nothing but underwear. He has written a range of articles related to this topic, and a saga of three books: La moda que no se ve [The Fashion That You Don’t See], 100 años de strip-tease [100 Years of the Striptease], and this one, Historia de la obscenidad [The History of Obscenity].
AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it
Armando Alonso Piñeiro LA TÉCNICA NORTEAMERICANA DEL GOLPE DE ESTADO (The North-American technique of coup d’état) popular non-fiction Olmo Ediciones, Forthcoming 2011 439 pages Translation rights handled in cooperation with Studio Grimorio Scouting &Agency With successful murders and attempted ones, the history of the USA, since the homicide of Abraham Lincoln in 1865, has recorded approximately a coup d’état every twenty years. According to the author of this book – a renowned scholar of American history- , the criminal acts of this kind are the products of conspiracy in which the Pentagon is directly involved. In these pages you will find a disenchanted description of the killing of the American Presidents and other figures in the country’s history. The analysis of these plots ends with a final thrilling chapter, in which stands out the jeopardy of President Barack Obama of being part in this bloody saga. What, during the first year of his Presidency, was known as “obamomania”, now is known as “obamofobia”. The President has received several death threats. Hilary Clinton was the first person to allude to a potential tragedy. The first lady, Michelle, didn’t step back: “Barack could get killed going to the gas station”. Isabel Allende said also: “One of these days someone will shoot Obama”. In just one day 750 Facebook users ask if “Obama must be killed”, an issue that has made the page been taken offline urgently. The author reveals even the name of the military chief of the conspiracy, the name who takes him to conclude that “President Obama’s history is still to be written”. Armando Alonso Piñeiro is historian, linguist, philologist and journalist. He has published 91 books about Argentinean and American history; medieval, Byzantine and European history; philosophy, religious history, international politics and law, political science, journalism, literature, advertising, linguistic and philology. He was government’s official guest in USA, India, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Egypt, South Africa, Hungary, Romany and the Organization of American States. He has received over 140 prizes, decorations, diplomas, medals and PhDs. In 1970 former Indian Prime Minister, Indira Ghandi, presented him personally the International Gandhi Prize, a prize given only to 14 people in the world. For over 17 years he was President of the Academia Argentina de Artes y Ciencias de la Comunicación and was awarded by the Konex Fondation as “one of the most skilled person in the history of communication”. He runs the magazine Historia, that he founded in 1981, and is the President of the Consejo Argentino de Estudios Económicos, Jurídicos y Sociales. AGENZIA SERVIZI EDITORIALI Via Adelaide Bono Cairoli 37 | 20127 Milano | Italy Tel +39 02 28510504 | +39 02 87393515 | email: info@serv‐ed.it | www.serv‐ed.it