Data is not broken down by sex or age. I ordered a microfilm copy of the doc
totaling 10 microfilm pages that was 10 manuscript pages as well. Tira. # 64]. Tira
# ...
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1649, Joseph Coppingeros [Report on the 1805 Conspiracy in Bayam o, 16 d e Sept. 1805, Bayam o. [1805 Conspiracy in Bayam o. Microfilm copy 81 pages. Tira # 1 Consulted]
Tira # 2
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1649. Carta y d os testim onios d e la sublevacion d e Bayam o, 1812. Microfilm copy of 10 pages. Punishm ents for those involved in the Aponte Conspiracy in Bayam o. Aw ard s of Freed om w ho notified authorities. Tira # 2 Consulted]
Tira # 3
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1680. Pad ron d el Partid o d el H orcon, 1804. MSS. census returns. Microfilm copy of 48 pages. Tira # 3
Tira # 4
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d el partid o d e Santa Maria d el Rosario, 1800, MSS returns. Microfilm Copy 76 pages. Tira # 4.
Tira # 5
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e Rio Blanco d el N orte, 1801. Microfilm Copy 1 page. Tira # 5. CON SULTED
Tira # 6
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e Guanajay, 1816. Microfilm Copy 1 page. Tira # 6. CON SULTED
Tira # 7
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Regla, 1811. Microfilm Copy 1 page. Tira # 7. CON SULTED
Tira # 8
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. 2 cartas y 6 pad rones d e Puerto Prinicipe, 1811. Microfilm Copies 9 pages. Tira #8. CON SULTED
Tira # 9
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e Santiago, Jurisd iccion, 1811. Microfilm Copies 2 pages. Tira # 9 CON SULTED
Tira # 10
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. N oticias d e 44 partid os, copied to get a list of all the partid os. Microfilm Copies 6 pages. Tira # 10. CON SULTED
Tira # 11
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e Bayam o, 1810. Microfilm Copy 1 page. Tira # 11. CON SULTED
Tira # 12
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e Guanabaco, 1798. Microfilm Copy 1 page. Tira # 12 CON SULTED
Tira # 13
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e Bauta, 1799. Microfilm Copies 4 pages. Tira # 13 CON SLUTED
Tira # 14
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e Rio Blanco d el N orte, 1799. Microfilm Copies 2 pages. Tira # 14. CON SULTED
Tira # 15
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e Rio Blanco d el Sur, 1799. Microfilm Copy 1 page. Tira # 15. CON SULTED
Tira # 16
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e Gud alupe, 1799. Microfilm Copy 1 page. Tira # 16. CON SULTED
Tira # 17
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e Givacoa (?), 1799. Microfilm Copy 1 page. Tira # 17. CON SULTED
Tira # 18
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e Jesus Monte, 1798. Microfilm Copy 1 page. Tira # 18. CON SULTED
Tira # 19
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e Jesus Monte, 1808 [m anuscript return]. Microfilm Copy 9 pages. Tira # 19. "Relacion que m anifesta tod os los ind ivid uos utiles para las arm as tanto para a caballo com o d e Infanteria y tam bien los retirad os que gozan fuero d e los cuerpos veteranos y d e m ilicias d esd e la clase d e sargento Yncluive hasta la d el sold ad os y tam bien d e los licenciad os d e la propia clase que han salid o por haver cum plid o su tiem po, o haver puesta otros en su lugar o a [. . .] y se han qued ad o en esta con exprecion d e los esclavos, caballos, m ulas, y carretas." CON SULTED
Tira # 20
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e Rio Blanco d el Sur, 1808 [m anuscript return?]. Microfilm Copy 6 pages. Tira # 20. "Pad ron d e los Ind ivid uos utiles para tom ar las Arm as que tiene en este Partid o y cuyos ind ivid uos tienen Caballo con exprecion d e la ed ad d e cad a uno, y d e si gozan fuero, o han sid o licenciad o." CON SULTED
Tira # 21
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e Rio Blanco d el N orte, 1804. Microfilm Copy 2 pages. Tira # 21. CON SULTED
Tira # 22
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e Jesus Monte, 1804. Microfilm Copy 1 page. Tira # 22. CON SULTED
Tira # 23
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e San Lorenzo, 1801. Microfilm Copy 1 page. Tira # 23. CON SULTED
Tira # 24
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e Guanabaco, 1800. Microfilm Copy 1 page. Tira # 24. CON SULTED
Tira # 25
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e S. Lazaro, 1801. Microfilm Copy 2 pages. Tira # 25. CON SULTED
Tira # 26
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e S. Ma. d el Rosario, 1800. Microfilm Copy 1 page. Tira # 26. CON SULTED
Tira # 27
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e Regla, 1800 . Microfilm Copy 1 page. Tira # 27. CON SULTED
Tira # 28
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1689. Pad ron d e Bauta, 1800 . Microfilm Copy 2 pages. Tira # 28. CON SULTED
Tira # 29
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1779. Testim onio d e la sublevacion in Puerto Principe, 2-5 d e Marzo d e 1812. [50pages, 100 front and back of several slaves and free people of color inv olved in the revolt in Puerto Principe at the H aciend a N ajasa; I ord ed a m icrofilm copy of the Doc. SIGN IFICAN T DOC. Tira # 29] CON SULTED
Tira # 30
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1779. Sublevacion d e un cafetal, 1812. See notes on AGI-PC 1779 for m ore info. Microfilm copy of 17 pages. Tira # 30. CON SULTED
Tira # 31
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1865A. Enero. Feb. March, Abril [?] 1812 Pto. Pre. [Pto Pre. Revolt Testim ony Significant Docs] I H APH AZARDLY ORGAN IZED TH AT TOTALED 153 MICROFILM PAGES OF 306 TOTAL PAGES 30/ 6/ 97 [CON SULT TH OROUGH LY] Tira # 31
CON SULTED Tira # 32
AGI-SAN TO DOMIN GO, Leg. 2210. 1815-20 Santiago [Testim ony by authorities in Satgo. on the problem of cim arrones and operations against them ; it d oes not appear any cim arrones gave testim ony; excellent m aterial; I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of 351 pages or 702 actual pages for rural society and life in Cim arron villages, and how nearby runaw ay com m unities of free slaves und erm ine the slave system . I copied one great quote on the changing id eologyy of the period that acknow led ged and even ad m ired the slaves d esire for freed om . EXTREMELY SIGN IFICAN T DOCS CON SULT TH OROUGH LY. Tira # 32] RETURN TO
Tira # 33
AGI-SAN TO DOMIN GO, Leg. 1337. 1813-1814 [Pad rones d e los partid os d e la jurisd iccion d e Stgo. incluyend o Pto. Pre] Tons of census for the years 1813-1814. I ord ered m icrofilm copies of all the d ocs and m ad e m y ow n copy of the entire jurisd iccion of Stago in a claris w orks file titled AGI-SD 1337 STGO. 14 pop. Pard ones copied totaled 33 m icr ofilm pages. Tira # 33] SCAN N ED SEE AGI-SD 1337 FOR N OTES AN D DETAILS
Tira # 34
AGI-SAN TO DOMIN GO, Leg. 1337. Carta y Pad ron d el Arzobispo d e Stgo. d e Cuba. 1813-1814. Microfilm copy of 10 pages. Tira # 34 SCAN N ED SEE AGI-SD 1337 FOR N OTES AN D DETAILS
Tira # 35
AGI-SAN TO DOMIN GO, Leg. 1155-A. 1818 [Copy of the Real Ced ula to increse the w hite population; I ord ered a m icrofil copy of it. 5 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 35] CON SULTED
Tira # 36
AGI-ULTRAMAR, Leg. 85. I ord ed a copy of the printed pam phlet titled Establecim iento progros y actual estad o d e la Casa d e Benificencia (1813) 14 pp. [em ergence of the creolE class in the Public Sphere/ Taking over the d uties of the church. som e m ention of the care of slaves. 7 m icrofilm pages or 14 m anuscript pages. Tira # 36] CON SULTED
Tira # 37
AGI-ULTRAMAR, Leg. 96. Carta y testim onio sobre el Aprehend id o d e Dn. Mariano d e Acosta 1811-1812. Acosta w as a w hite w ho m ay have been involved in the Aponte
Conspiracy. Placed a pasquín sed icioso on the w all. See notes for AGI-UM 96 for m ore d etails. 105 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 37] Consulted letter. did not consult testimony Tira # 38
AGI-ULTRAMAR, Leg. 96.Tres Cartas sobre Marian d e Acosta. See notes for AGI-UM 96 for m ore d etails. 6 m icrofilm Pages Tira # 38. CON SULTED
Tira # 39
AGI-ULTRAMAR, Leg. 96.Testim onio y tres cartas sobre Mariano d e Acosta. See notes for AGI-UM 96 for m ore d etails. 11 Microfilm pages. Tira # 39. CON SULTED
Tira # 40
AGI-ULTRAMAR, Leg. 96. Carta d e la Aud iencia d e Cuba sobre Mariano d e Acosta. See notes for AGI-UM 96 for m ore d etails. 5 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 40. CON SULTED
Tira # 41.
AGI-ULTRAMAR, Leg. 96. Relacion d e los Presos en las carceles d e Cuba d urante el prim er sem estre d e 1812. 35 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 41 CON SULTED
Tira # 42
AGI-ULTRAMAR, Leg. 96. Diario d e los procesos crim inales en la isla d e Cuba d e 1812. 42 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 42. CON SULTED
Tira # 43
AGI-ULTRAMAR, Leg. 105. "Estad o General d e la Poblacion d e la Isla d e Cuba, 1817" [A large poster repr esentation of the population of Cuba in 1817 that w as a general sum m ary of the 1817 census. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the Doc totaling 12 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 43] RETURN TO
Tira # 44
AGI-ULTRAMAR, Leg. 166. I ord ered a copy of a d ecreto on the "Instrucciones d e represalias d e los Bienes d e los Frances." 1811 [instruction on the Cuban state taking possesion of French Property. Microfilm copy totaled 5 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 44] CON SULTED
Tira # 45
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1548, 1804-1805 [testim ony on cim arrones in Stgo.] 3 testim onios sobre negros cim arrones en Stgo d e Cuba. 45 m icrofilm pages of testim ony. Tira # 45 CON SULTED
Tira # 46
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1777B. Sum ario contra el m oreno Augistin d el Valle por el herid o d e un cabo prim ero. [I ord ed a m icrofilm copy of the sum ario. Injury happened on a plantation and there is som e d ocum entation on the rural plantations w ithin the case. Microfilm copy totaled 17 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 46] CON SULTED
Tira # 47
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1780. Puerto Principe Slave Revolt Testim ony from January 1812. [I ord ered m icrofilm copies of 114 pages, or 228 pages of m anuscript text, consult thoroughly. Tira # 47] CON SULTED
Tira # 48
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1780. Oficio contra el m oreno Rafael Perez y otro por haberlos cogid o con m achetes, 1807 [I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the oficio totaling 19 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 48] CON SULTED
Tira # 49
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1778-A. [6 tetim onios from Puerto Principe revolt in Jan and Feb. 1812. One testim ony w as from the H aciend a N ajasa w here the revolt took place. I ord ed a m icrofilm copy of all the testim ony that totaled 118 m icrofilm pages or roughly 330 m anuscript pages. CON SULT TH OROUGH LY. EXTREMELY SIGN IFICAN T DOCS. Tira # 49] CON SULTED
Tira # 50
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1864. [Tetim ony from Puerto Principe on revolt in Jan and Feb. 1812. I ord ed a m icrofilm copy of the testim ony that totaled 24 m icrofilm pages or roughly 48 m anuscript pages. CON SULT TH OROUGH LY. EXTREMELY SIGN IFICAN T DOCS. Tira # 50] CON SULTED
Tira # 51
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1774-A. [Sum ario contra Juan Farber of the m oreno m ilitia by a com plaint of a superior for failure to show the proper respect for a superior officer.
Mem ber of the batallon d e m orenos libres d e la H abana. I d id not have tim e to scan the d oc. Ord ered a m icrofilm copy totaling 91 m icrofilm pages or roughly 180 m anuscript pages. Tira # 51] Tira # 52
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1774-A. [Sum ario contra el m oreno Jose Gord illo esclavo for falta d e respecto y resistencia w hen apparently traveling from one area to another near and around H avana. When questioned by an official, a fight follow ed and he end ed up injurying the official. I d id not have tim e to scan the d oc in d etail. Ord er ed a m icrofilm copy totaling 17 m icrofilm pages or roughly 34 m anuscript pages. Tira # 52]
Tira # 53
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1498-B. Diligencia Sobre el capturas d e Cim arrones, 1794. [I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d ocum ent totaling 86 m icrofilm pages or roughly 170 m aniscript pages-Consult thoroughly. Good d etail on cim arron activity and hunting them d ow n. Tira # 53]
Tira # 54
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1498-B. Tetim onio contra N icolas Morales por el Levantam iento que intetaba, 1795. [Morales conspiracy in 1795. Slaves and Free pople of color involved in the rebellion. Revolt because d enied certain rights. Possible parallels w ith the Cortes ruling on freed om in the Aponte Conspiracy. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d ocum ent totaling 122 m icrofilm pages or roughly 250 m aniscript pages-Consult thoroughly. Good d etail on the 1790s. SIGN IFICAN T DOC. Tira # 54]
Tira # 55
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1498-B. Vista d e los partid os Arroy Arenas, Guataco, Y Guajabal, 1791. [Testim ony consists of several qu estion that w ere asked of the resid ents such as if they had know led ge of any ilicit relations, d id they know of any slaves being bad ly treated by their m asters or not allow ed to go to m ass, d id they have know led ge of juegos prohibid os. I read several pages and found good social history info. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d ocum ent totaling 68 m icrofilm pages or roughly 135 m anuscript pages-Consult thoroughly. Good d etail on the 1790s. SIGN IFICAN T DOC. Tira # 55]
Tira # 56
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1498-B. Autos d e Juegos Prohibid os. [Testim ony consists of investigation of juegos prohibid os such as m onte and caracoles at a house. I read
several pages and found good social history info. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d ocum ent totaling 22 m icrofilm p ages or roughly 45 m anuscript pages-Consult thoroughly. Good d etail on the 1790s. SIGN IFICAN T DOC. Tira # 56] Tira # 57
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1498-B. Diligencias Sobre el capturas d e Cim arrones, 1796-7. [I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d ocum ent totaling 49 m icrofilm pages or roughly 100 m anuscript pages-Consult thoroughly. Good d etail on cim arron activity and hunting them d ow n. Tira # 57]
Tira # 58
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1498-B. Estad o d e esclavos que han huid o ingenios, 1796. [ Docum ent provid es a list of ignenios, total num ber of slaves, and then num ber of runaw ays reported . Possibility of figuring out rough plantation size w ith the d ata. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d ocum ent totaling 4 m icrofilm pages or 8 m anuscript pages-Consult thoroughly for rural w orld of the rebels. Tira # 58]
Tira # 59
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1630. Pad ron general d e la ciud ad d e San Felipe y Santiago, 1808. [Includ es m anuscript census that lists house and inhabitants. I ord ered a m icrofil copy of the d ocum ent totaling 12 m icrofilm pages or roughly 25 m anuscript pages. Tira # 59]
Tira # 60
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1630. Pad ron general d e San Antonio Abad , 1801. [General sum m ary of census. Includ es list of houses, estancias, iglesias etc. I ord ered a m icro film copy of the d ocum ent totaling 4 m icrofilm pages or roughly 8 m anuscript pages. Tira # 60]
Tira # 61
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1630. Resum en general d e H aciend as d e San Antonio Abad , 1801 [H uge fold ed d ocum ent that list all of the rural sitios, ow ner , nam e of ingenio or haciend a if it has one, d istance from H avana, horses, and m aterial good s at each sitio. Does not list # of slaves. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d ocum ent totaling 16 m icrofilm pages or roughly 32 m anuscript pages. Tira # 61]
Tira # 62
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1630. Pad ron general d e la ciud ad d e Jaruco, 1799. [Includ es m anuscript census that lists house and inhabitants. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the
d ocum ent totaling 24 m icrofilm pages or roughly 50 m anuscript pages. Tira # 62] Tira # 63
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1631. Carta y testim onio sobre negros cim arrones d e Santa Clara, 1799 [I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 31 m icrofilm pages or roughly 60 m anuscript pages. Tira # 63]
Tira # 64
AGI-SAN TO DOMIN GO, Leg. 1286. Distribucion provincial d e los Partid os d e Cuba, 1813. [A census that provid es info on num ber of blancos, gente d e color and esclavos for the year 1812 for certain partid os. Data is not broken d ow n by sex or age. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 10 m icrofilm pages that w as 10 m anuscript pages as w ell. Tira # 64]
Tira # 65
AGI-SAN TO DOMIN GO, Leg. 1286. Exped iente d e la sublevacion d e N egros d el Ingenio d e Peñas-Altas, 1813 [Last item in legajo. A potpouri of num erous d ocuem ents and new spaper articles on the revolt at Penas-Altas, but no slave testim ony includ ed . EXTREMELY SIGN IFIAN T DOC. consult thoroughly. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of 62 m icrofilm pages or roughly 120 m anuscript pages. Tita # 65] CON SULTED
Tira # 66
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1634. Carta y Testim onio sobre la Sentencia d e m uerte y d e Azotes d e tres esclavos d e Rom an d e la Luz en Stgo.? I ord er a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 9 m icrofilm pages or roughly 15 m anuscript pages. Tira # 66 [Sam e Rom an d e la Luz involved in 1810 conspiracy?]
Tira # 67
AGI-ULTRAMAR, Leg. 113, 1810 Conspiracy d e Rom a d e la Luz (1810) [I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the entire legajo, there w as no testim ony includ ed in the legajo, tons of correspend ence, 268 m icrofilm pages or roughly 500 m anuscript pages. Consult thoroughly. Tira # 67]
Tira # 68
AGI-ULTRAMAR, Leg. 95. TESTIMON Y OF JOAQUIN IN FAN TE WH O WAS IN VOLVED IN TH E 1810 CON SPIRACY [I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d ocuem ent totalling 13 m icrofilm pages or roughly 25 m anu script pages. Tira # 68]
Tira # 69
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1779. Testim ono d e las presa d el exped iente crim inal resrvad o contra El. D. Manuel Garcia
Coronad o, Dn. Ram on d e la Luz, Teniente d e N avio d e Jose Penasarud a y otros por Masoneria. [I Ord eed a m icrod ilm copy of the d oc totaling 167 pages or roughly 340 m anuscript pages. Tira # 69] Tira # 70
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1702. Carta y Inventario d e bienes Frances, 28 d e Marzo d e 1809, Guad alupe. [Inventraio is a list of good s ow ned by the French w h o had their houses sacked in the 1809 riot recovered by Cuban authorities in the Barrio d e Guad alupe. The m aterial is a list of the good s recovered after the March 1809 Riot in H avana of houses w here gente d e color lived . The list of good s can be used as a tool to get at the m aterial culture of the Barrios extram uros. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 6 m icrofilm pages or roughly 6 m anuscript pages. Tira # 70]
Tira # 71
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1702. Antonio d e Aricla to Som eruelos, Marzo d e 1809, H orcon [Carta y relacion that list the m aterial good s looted from tw o houses of free people of color d uring the March 1809 Riot. Good s can be analyzed to present the m aterial culture of the slaves and free people of color in the barrios extram uros. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the carta and the relacion that w ere 2 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 71]
Tira # 72
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1702. Band o d e D. Sebastian Kind lem an, 21 d e Abril d e 1809, Stgo [Band o about French resid ents in Cuba. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 4 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 72]
Tira # 73
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1702. Carta y Pad rones sobre los Frances que existen en Puerto Principe, 1809, Pto. Pre. [Pad rones list the num ber of French w ho live in Pto. Pre and som e info on property and som e on slaves. Also, list negroes libres Frances. Good d ocum ent to trace out the Fear of H aiti in Puerto Principe at the tim e of the Aponte Revolt. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 25 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 73]
Tira # 74
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1667. Dos relaciones d e m ilicias que gozan el fuero, 1800-01. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 7 m icrofilm pages . Tira # 74]
Tira # 75
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1667. Peticion y relacion d e Pard os que gozan el fuero, 1799-1800. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 5 m icrofilm pages . Tira # 75]
Tira # 76
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1667. Peticion y relacion d e Morenos que gozan el fuero, 1811. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 3 m icrofilm pages . Tira # 76]
Tira # 77
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1667. Relacion d e Morenos que gozan el fuero, 1811. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 1 m icrofilm pages . Tira # 77]
Tira # 78
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1667. Relacion d e Pard os que gozan el fuero, 1806. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 1 m icrofilm pages . Tira # 78]
Tira # 79
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1667. Relacion d e Pard os que gozan el fuero, 1801. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 1 m icrofilm pages . Tira # 79]
Tira # 80
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1667. 2 testim onios y d os cartas sobre al herid a d e Francisca Xim enez, 1807. [A m em ber of the colored m ilitia becam e involved in a fight w ith his w ife w ho w as a slave. Testim ony and the letters provid e info on husband and w ive relations am ong free people of color and slaves. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 15 m icrofilm pages or roughly 30 m anuscript pages. Tira # 80]
Tira # 81
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1667. Relacion d e Pard os q ue gozan el fuero, 1800. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 1 m icrofilm pages . Tira # 81]
Tira # 82
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1667. Relacion d e Pard os que gozan el fuero, 1803. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 1 m icrofilm pages . Tira # 82]
Tira # 83
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1667. Relacion d e Pard os que gozan el fuero, 1809. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 1 m icrofilm pages . Tira # 83]
Tira # 84
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1667. Relacion d e Pard os que gozan el fuero, 1808. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 1 m icrofilm pages . Tira # 84]
Tira # 85
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1667. Relacion d e Morenos que gozan el fuero, 1801. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 2 m icrofilm pages . Tira # 85]
Tira # 86
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1667. Relacion d e Morenos que gozan el fuero, 1809. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 1 m icrofilm pages . Tira # 86]
Tira # 87
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1667. Relacion d e Morenos que gozan el fuero, 1810. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 1 m icrofilm pages . Tira # 87]
Tira # 88
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1667. Exped iente d e plazas vacantes d e m ilicia d e Pard os d e la H abana, 1811. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 24 m icrofilm pages . Tira # 88]
Tira # 89
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1668. 3 d ocum entos para el plan d e establecim ento d e Batallon d e Morenos en Stgo, 1810 [ Plan apparently calls for expand ing the num ber of batallones to create a com pania. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc. totaling 11 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 89]
Tira # 90
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1668. Inform e sobre la form acion d e Batallon d e Morenos en la Jurisd iccion d e H avana, 1810. [Several d ocum ents on the history and need for the form ation of a m oreno Batallon in H avana. H istory of the Batallon can be used to trace out its grow th and change. Includ es som e info on H aiti and the need for prootection. H ojas d e servicio for Santiago and Byam o. SIGN IFICAN T DOC. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 35 m icrofilm pages or roughly 70 m anuscript pages. Tira # 90]
Tira # 91
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1668. Instrucciones para los com and antes d e los legiones rurales, 1799. [Several rules and regulations for the form ation of rural patrols and th e need for tighter survelienace of the ingenios. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 4 m icrofilm pages or roughly 8 m anuscript pages. Tira # 91]
Tira # 92
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1668. Pad ron d e los vecinos utiles para el servicio m ilitar, 1801. [Pad ron that list m en in the partid o of Macurigaes w ho are eligible for m ilitray service. It list the num ber of each in tow n and also at the H aciend as. Can be used to roughly figure slave to overseer and black to
w hite ratios if info is available for slaves elsew here. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 11 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 92] Tira # 93
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1770-A. Libro d e Servicio d e los veteranos que com ponen la plana m ayor d e blancos, agregad ad por S. M. al Battalon d e Morenos Libres d isciplinad as d e Infanteria d e la H abana, 1799. [Gives the hojas d e servicios for the w hite officers in charge of the Batallon. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 15 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 93]
Tira # 94
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1770-A. Libro d e Servicio d e los veteranos que com ponen la plana m ayor d e blancos, agregad ad por S. M. al Battalon d e Pard os Libres d isciplinad as d e Infanteria d e la H abana, 1799. [Gives the hojas d e servicios for the w hite officesr in charge of the Batallon. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 15 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 94]
Tira # 95
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1770-A. Libro d e Servicios que com ponen d e infanteria d e Blancos, Pard os y Morenos d e Cuatro Villas en el ano d e 1803. [For the pard o and m orena m iltia the hojas d e servicio for the colored officers are given and history of each ind ivid ual includ ing yeras of service, profession and positions held . I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 63 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 95]
Tira # 96
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1771-B. Libro d e Servicio d e los veteranos que com ponen la plana m ayor d e blancos, agregad a por S. M. al Battalon d e Morenos Libres d isciplinad as d e Infanteria d e la H abana, 1805. [Gives the hojas d e servicios for the w hite officer in charge of the Batallon. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 15 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 96]
Tira # 97
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1771-B. Libro d e Servicios d e los Oficiales y Sargentos d e la batallon d e Morenos libres d e la H avana, 1805. [The hojas d e servicio for the m oreno officers are given and history of each ind ivid ual includ ing years of service, positions held , and profession. Anlayzing Profession and age can give a vivid picture of the urban environm ent. I ord ered a m icrofilm cop y of the d oc totaling 49 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 97]
Tira # 98
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1771-B. Libro d e Servicios d e los Oficiales y Sargentos d e la batallon d e Pard os libres d e la H avana, 1805. [The hojas d e servicio for the Pard o officers are given and history of each ind ivid ual includ ing years of service, positions held , and profession. Anlayzing Profession and age can give a vivid picture of the urban environm ent. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 49 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 98]
Tira # 99
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1773-A. Libro d e Servicios d e los Oficiales y Sargentos d e la batallon d e Pard os libres d e la H avana, 1811. [The hojas d e servicio for the Pard o officers are given and history of each ind ivid ual includ ing years of service, positions held , and profession. Analyzing Profession and age can give a vivid picture of the urban environm ent. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 42 m icrofilm pages. TIRA # 99]
Tira # 100
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1773-B. Libro d e Servicio d e los veteranos que com ponen la plana m ayor d e blancos, agregad a por S. M. al Battalon d e Pard os Libres d isciplinad as d e Bayam o Y Cuba, 1811. [Gives the hojas d e servicios for the w hite officer in charge of the Batallon. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of th e d oc totaling 17 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 100]
Tira # 101
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1773-B. Libro d e Servicio d e los veteranos que com ponen la plana m ayor d e blancos, agregad a por S. M. al Battalon d e Morenos Libres d isciplinad as d e Infanteria d e la H aban a, 1811. [Gives the hojas d e servicios for the w hite officer in charge of the Batallon. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 13 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 101]
Tira # 102
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1773-B. Libro d e Servicio d e los veteranos que com ponen la plana m ayor d e blancos, agregad a por S. M. al Battalon d e Pard os Libres d isciplinad as d e Infanteria d e la H abana, 1811. [Gives the hojas d e servicios for the w hite officer in charge of the Batallon. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totalin g 15 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 102]
Tira # 103
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1433-A. Batallon d e Morenos Libres d e la H abana. Relacion d e los officiales y d em as ind ivid uous que d e Dicha Batallon que gozan sueld o, 7 d e
Dic. d e 1789. [ Antonio d e Soled ad w ho ap peared in Aponte's Book is includ ed in the list. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 2 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 103] Tira # 104
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1433-A. Batallon d e Paros Libre d e la H abana. Relacion d e los officiales y d em as ind ivid uous que d e Dicha Batallon que gozan sueld o, 7 d e Dic. d e 1789. [I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 2 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 104]
Tira # 105
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1433-A. Batallon d e Paros Libre d e la H abana. Relacion d e los officiales y d em as ind ivid uous que d e Dicha Batallon que gozan sueld o, Feb. d e 1790. [I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 2 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 105]
Tira # 106
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1433-A. Batallon d e Morenos Libre d e la H abana. Relacion d e los officiales y d em as ind ivid uous que d e Dicha Batallon que gozan sueld o, Feb. d e 1790. [I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 2 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 106]
Tira # 107
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1433-A. Batallon d e Paros Libre d e la H abana. Relacion d e los officiales y d em as ind ivid uous que d e Dicha Batallon que gozan sueld o, 7Marzo 1790. [I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 2 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 107]
Tira # 108
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1433-A. Batallon d e Morenos Libre d e la H abana. Relacion d e los officiales y d em as ind ivid uous que d e Dicha Batallon que gozan sueld o, Marzo 1790. [I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 2 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 108] In the list for the Plana d e Mayor d el Batallon, Antonio d e Soled ad is listed w ho w as a figure in Aponte's Libro d e pinturas.
Tira # 109
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1433-B. Rela Ced ula d e 21 be Abril 1789 sobre la coartacion d e esclavos. [ I ord ered a photocopy of the d oc totaling 3 m .film pages. Tira # 109]
Tira # 110
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1433-B. Testim ony Cartas sobre Maria Dolres, Carabali y su hija. [8-10 pages of testim ony and letters on the behalf of Maria Dolres to free her d aughter w ho w as fathered by a w hite w ho sought to sell
the m ulatta child to the cam po. I ord ered a m .film copy of the d oc totaling 5 pages. Tira # 110] Tira # 111
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1433-B. Dos cartas sobre el cavild o d e Morenos d e nacion d e Ararares. [Tw o letters that briefly d escribe the d eath of the king Ped ro H enriques and w ho should control the treasury. I ord ered a m .film copy of the tw o letters totaling 4 pages. Tira # 111]
Tira # 112
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1491-A. Libro d e Servicios d e los Oficiales y Sargentos d e la batallon d e Morenos libres d e la H avana, 1791. [The h ojas d e servicio for the m oreno officers are given and history of each ind ivid ual includ ing years of service, positions held , and profession. Anlayzing Profession and age can give a vivid picture of the urban environm ent. For Antonio Soled ad there w as the follow ing note: " En la d efensa d e esta plaza en tiem po que estuvo lista d a por la nacion Britanica en 24 d e Dic. d e 1763 paso a la corte d e ord en d el excm o. Sor. Cond e d e Ricla y hizo en m anejo d e Arm a en presencia d e S. M en tuvo el alto honor d e besear su Real m ano y el d e que la conced iese la m ed alla d e su Real efigie. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 44 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 112]
Tira # 113
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1491-B. Libro d e Servicios d e los Oficiales y Sargentos d e la batallon d e Pard os libres d e la Byam o and Cuba, 1791. [The hojas d e servicio for the m oreno officers are given and history of each ind ivid ual includ ing years of service, positions held , and profession. Anlayzing Profession and age can give a vivid picture of the urban environm ent. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 21 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 113]
Tira # 114
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1491-B. Libro d e Servicios d e los Oficiales y Sargentos d e la batallon d e Pard os libres d e Bayam o and Cuba, 1791. [The hojas d e servicio for the Pard o officers are given and history of each ind ivid ual includ ing years of service, positions held , and profession. Anlayzing Profession and age can give a vivid picture of the urban environm ent. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 27 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 114]
Tira # 115
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1491-B. Libro d e Servicios d e los Oficiales y Sargentos d e la batallon d e Blancos, Pard os, y Morenos d e las quatro villas, 1791. [The hojas d e servicio
for the officers are given and history of each ind ivid ual includ ing years of service, positions held , and profession. Anlayzing Profession and age can give a vivid picture of the urban environm ent. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 44 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 115] Tira # 116
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1491-B. Libro d e Servicios d e los Oficiales y Sargentos d e la batallon d e Pard os d e la H avana 1791. [The hojas d e servicio for the Pard o officers are given and history of each ind ivid ual includ ing year s of service, positions held , and profession. Anlayzing Profession and age can give a vivid picture of the urban environm ent. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 47 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 116 ]
Tira # 117
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1493-A. Libro d e Servicios d e los Oficiales y Sargentos d e la Batallon d e Morenos libres d e H avana 1795. [The hojas d e servicio for the officers are given and history of each ind ivid ual includ ing years of service, positions held , and profession. Anlayzing Profession and age can give a vivid picture of the urban environm ent. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 21 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 117]
Tira # 118
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1493-B. Libro d e Servicios d e los Oficiales y Sargentos d e las com panias U rbanas d e Morenos y Pard os libres en la Jurisd iccion d e Stgo. 1795. [The hojas d e servicio for the officers are given and history of each ind ivid ual includ ing years of service, positions held , and profession. Anlayzing Profession and age can give a vivid picture of the urban environm ent. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 31 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 118] AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1492-B. Libro d e Servicios d e los Oficiales y Sargentos d e la Batallon d e Morenos libres d e H avana 1795. [The hojas d e servicio for the officers are given and history of each ind ivid ual includ ing years of service, positions held , and profession. Anlayzing Profession and age can give a vivid picture of the urban environm ent. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 44 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 119]
Tira # 119
Tira # 120
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1136-A. Libro d e Servicios d e los Oficiales y Sargentos d el Batallon d e Morenos Libres d e la H avana, 1770. l [The hojas d e servicio for the officers are given and history of each ind ivid ual includ ing years of
service, positions held , and profession. APON TE'S GRAN DFATHER N ICOLAS IS LISTED. Anlayzing Profession and age can give a vivid picture of the urban environm ent. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 17 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 120] Tira # 121
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1136-A. Libro d e Servicios d e los Oficiales y Sargentos d el Batallon d e Pard os Libres d e la H avana, 1775. [The hojas d e servicio for the officers are given and history of each ind ivid ual includ ing years of service, positions held , and profession. Anlayzing Profession and age can give a vivid picture of the urban environm ent. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 47 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 121]
Tira # 122
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1136-A. Libro d e Servicios d e los Oficiales y Sargentos d el Batallon d e Morenos Libres d e la H avana, 1775. l [The hojas d e servicio for the officers are given and history of each ind ivid ual includ ing years of service, positions held , and profession. APON TE'S FATHER N ICOLAS IS LISTED. Anlayzing Profession and age can give a vivid picture of the urban environm ent. I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 49 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 122]
Tira # 123
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1529-A. Batallon d e Paros Libre d e la H abana. Relacion d e los officiales y d em as ind ivid uous que d e Dicha Batallon que gozan sueld o,1798. [I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 2 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 123 (1 of 4 d ocs in tira)] AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1529-A. Batallon d e Morenos Libres d e la H abana. Relacion d e los officiales y d em as ind ivid uous que d e Dicha Batallon que gozan sueld o,1798. [ . I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 2 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 123 ( 2 of 4 d oc in tira)] AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1529-A. Batallon d e Morenos d e la H avana. Pie d e lista d e los ind ivid uous d e el Expresad o qued an d estacad o en el Castilo d el Principe. [I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 1 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 123 ( 3 of 4 d oc in tira)] AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1529-A. Batallon d e Pard os d e la H avana. Pie d e lista d e los ind ivid uous d e el Expresad o qued an d estacad o en el Castilo d el Principe. [I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 1 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 123 ( 4 of 4 d oc in tira)]
Tira # 124
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1529-B. Batallon d e Morenos Libre d e la H abana. Relacion d e los officiales 1797. [I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 3 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 124 (1 of 3 d ocs in tira)] AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1529-B. Batallon d e Morenos d e la H avana. Pie d e lista d e los ind ivid uous d el Batallon. [I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 3 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 124 ( 2 of 3 d oc in tira)] AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1529-B. Batallon d e Morenos d e la H avana. Pie d e lista d e los ind ivid uous d el Batallon. [I ord ered a m icrofilm copy of the d oc totaling 3 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 124 ( 3 of 3 d oc in tira)]
Tira # 125
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1820. N o. 211. Sed ano to Apod aca, 4 d e Julio d e 1812, Pto. Pre. [ 4 letters about sentecias d e m uerte and w here they should be carried out in Pto. Pre. follow ing the sublevacion d e los negros. Provid es d escription of execution plaza. Microfilm copy of 6 pages. Tira # 125]
Tira # 126
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1820. N o. 214. Sed ano to Apod aca, 11 d e Julio d e 1812, Pto. Pre. [ Carta y exped iente sobre the insult recieved Jose Maria Ruan from a m ulato. Microfilm copy of 17 pages. Tira # 126]
Tira # 127
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1820. N o. 270. Sed ano to Apod aca, 8 d e N ov. d e 1812, Pto. Pre. [Carta y testim onio por el batallon d e m orenos libres d el Pto. Pre. en solicitud d e form ar una com pania. Solicitud by tw o m em bers of the m oreno m ilitia. They request to expand the num ber of m em bers of the m ilitia and fuero privileges. Ment ion their loyal participation in subd uing the Pto. Pre revolt in Jan. Cite Art. 362 of the 1812 constitution on the right to fom m ilitias based upon poulation size. Significant Doc. Microfilm copy of 5 pages. Tira # 127]
Tira # 128
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1849. Carta y solicitud d e un capitan d e Granad eros d e Pard os sobre que se le conced e la m ed alla d el Rl. efige, 1812. I ord eed a m icrofilm copy of the carta and solicitud , 5 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 128
Tira # 129
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1849. Carta y solicitud d e un capitan d e Morenos sobre que se le conced e la m ed alla d el
Rl. efige, 1812. I ord eed a m icrofilm copy of the carta and solicitud , 5 m icrofilm pages. Tira # 129 Tira # 130
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1786-A. Form ulario d e Defensa: Id eas Generales para ella aplicables en tod os tiem pos a un caso d e inbasion contra esta plasa. Santiago d e Cuba d e 1811. A m anuscript book that provid es a general d escription of Stgo in case of an invasion. Good social history info on house, calles, etc. Microfilm copy of 44 pages. Tira # 130.
Tira #131
AGI-IN DIFEREN TE GEN ERAL, Leg. 2827. Exped iente d e la Cortes y otros d ocum entos sobre esclavitud en Cuba. Legajo is a collection of d ocum ents d ealing w ith the slavery in Cuba and other parts of Am erica. Most of the d ocum ents are generated from the Cortes proposition to abolish slavery. Detailed response by Cuban planters and the necessity of slavery to d evelop cuban agriculture spelled out in significant d etail. A lot of statistical d ata on the status of the Cuban slave poulation in 1810. Som e of the d ocs are reprinted in Arrango Obras. Ton of significant m aterial. Consult thoroughly. Microfilm copy of 225 pages. Tira # 131.
Tira # 132
AGI-IN DIFEREN TE GEN ERAL, Leg. 2822. Pad ron que m anifesta el estad o d e los negros intrd ucid os en el Puerto d e Cuba d esd e sept. d e 1789 hasta Junio d e 1791. provid es nam e of ship and slave cargo broken d ow n by sex. Microfilm copy 6 pages. Tira # 132]
Tira # 133
AGI-IN DIFEREN TE GEN ERAL, Leg. 2822. N o. 34. Las Casas to Lopez d e Serna. 27 d e Marzo d e 1791, H avana. and Carta d e Francisco Arango 17 d e Junio d e 1791. Both d eal w ith the slave trad e. Microfilm copy 16 page. Tira # 133]
Tira # 134
AGI-IN DIFEREN TE GEN ERAL, Leg. 2822. 1791. 3 d ocum etos sobre el com ercio d e N egros. N o. 1 y N o. 3 w ere signed by the m ajor hacend ad os of Cuba on the need for the free trad e in Slaves. N o. 2 is an outline of a contract w ith an English slave trad ing com pany based in Liverpool. Microfilm copy 20 pages. Tira # 134
Tira # 135
AGI-IN DIFEREN TE GEN ERAL, Leg. 2822. Arango to Antonio Vald ez, 7 d e Feb d e 1789, Mad rid . Arango relaion on agriculture cited by Torneo p. 32 frn. 23 [3-I of your Ind ex] Microfilm copy of 6 pages. Tira # 135]
Tira # 136
AGI-SAN TO DOMIN GO, Leg. 1156. Prod ucto en tres anos d e un Ingenio y gastos a su concerbacion y ad elatam iento, 1767. A fetailed anlysis of prod uctio at an Ingenio that gives info on hosees num ber of slaves, and a funal analysis of cost. Significant d oc. Microfilm copy of 12 pages. Tira # 136
Tira # 137
AGI-SAN TO DOMIN GO, Leg. 1157. Libro con titulo: Exped iente instruid o por el consulad o d e la H abana, sobre los m ed ios que convenga prponer para sacar la agricultura y com ercio d e esta Isla. H abana: Oficina d el Gobierno y Capitania Genral, 1808. 150 page printed book on Cuban agriculture. Many Docs append ed , good for d iscursive m aterial. Microfilm copy of 76 pages. Tira # 137.
Tira # 138
AGI-SAN TO DOMIN GO, Leg. 1157. Pad rones por various partid os d el oriente d e la isla. 1813 -8 pad rones d e Pto. Pre. y d em as d e su Jurisd iccion, fols. 474-482. -Estad o d e la popblacion d el Arzobispad o d e Stgo. d e Cuba, fol. 483. -Pad ron d e la ciud ad d e Baracoa y otro d e H olguin, fols. 484-486. -10 pad rones d e la poblacion d e Cuba y su jurisd iccion, fols. 487-497. -7 pad rones d e la villa d e Bayam o y su jurisd iccion, fols. 498-505. Perhaps com prise a com plete collection of Pad rones for the eastern part of the island . Microfilm copy of 35 pages. Tira # 138
Tira # 139
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1463-B. En esta ocasion en el Carta no. 68 con fecha d e 14 d el corriente instruyo a V. E. el levatam iento d e uno negros y sus id eas d e sublevar a los d em as para establecer el principio d e libertad , y haviend o conseguid o poner el sum ario en term inas d e pod er inform ar con el a V. E. he m ad ad a sacar el ad junto testim onio que a [rest of d oc d estroyed ] -In ad d ition to the d estroyed letter there w as three ad d itional brief letters. Also 52 pages of Testim ony on the revolt that includ ed testim ony by the lead ing slave rebels and their ow ners. Testim ony can be used to get a d escription of rural cond ictions and the w orld of the slaves. 63 Microfilm copy pages. Tira # 139
Tira # 140
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1463-B. Viana a Las Casas, 31 d e Ago. d e 1795, Pto, Pre. Carta and oficios from Bayam o on the Morales conspiracy and the repercussions in Pto. Pre. Microfilm copy of 5 pages. Tira # 140
Tira # 141
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1463-B, Sept. and Oct. 1795. 3 cartas sobre negros Franceses en Pto. Pre. and the slave revolt in Pto. Pre. Good info on the fear of negros Franceses. Microfilm copy of 9 pages. Tira # 141
Tira # 142
AGI-SAN TO DOMIN GO, Leg. 1287. Apod aca to Lard izabal y Uribe, 3 d e Oct. d e 1814, H avana. [Letter w ritten in the w ake of the treaty of Vienna and its resolutions on slavery. Because the congres d ebated the end of slavery, the Consulad o respond ed w ith som e proposed reform s for slave treatem ent so that slaves w ould live longer and a creolized slave population could be prod uced . The proposed reform s that m entions w hat need s to be changed can be used to get a d escription of the treatm ent of slaves and slave labor. The Consulad o w as quite honest about stating that slaves w ere w orked to d eath d uring the Zafra. Microfilm copy 16 pages. Tira # 142]
Tira # 143
AGI-SAN TO DOMIN GO, Leg. 1680. Carta y Inform e sobre Diezm os, 1801 [The inform e provid es a d escription of Cuban agriculture to explain the rapid rise in the values of Diezm os. Description can be used to get at the d ynam ic increase in sugar cultivation. Som e statatistical d ata on Ingenios append ed . Significant Doc. Microfilm copy of 21 pages. Tira # 143]
Tira #144
AGI-SAN TO DOMIN GO, Leg. 1687. Exped iente sobre las m ilicias d e Cuba, 1806. [Exped iente is a series of d ocum ents on the m ilitray and proposed reform s, rules and regulations. Includ ed w as a m s. copy of 100+ pages "Reglam ento que form a el cond e d e Sta. Cruz Mopoz y d e Sn. Juan d e Jurco Mariscal Cam po d e los Rls. Exercitos y Sub -Inspector General d e tod as las tropas d e la Ysla d e Cuba consequen te a Real ord en d e 26 d e Agosto d e 1804 para que sirva d e govierno a estos cuerpos d e m ilicias y previa la Real apobacion d e S. M. Microfilm copy of 86 pages. Tira # 144]
Tira # 145
AGI-IN DIFEREN TE GEN ERAL, Leg. 1527. Extraco d el Pard on General d e H avitan tes d e la Isla d e Cuba, 1778. General Sum ary table of the larger pad ron for 1778. Lists ingenios, estancias, iglesias, etc for the entire island . Population is broken d ow n by , sex, racial, and jurid ical status. I ord ered a com plete copy of the d oc. 1 Microfilm Pages. Tira 145.
Tira # 146
AGI-IN DIFEREN TE GEN ERAL, Leg. 1527. Pad ron d e la Diosesi d e Cuba, 1777. Lists ingenios, estancias, iglesias, etc for the jurisd iccion d e Stgo. Population is broken d ow n by age , sex, racial, and jurid ical status for the jurisd iccion of Stgo. I ord ered a com plete copy of the d oc. 2 Microfilm Pages. Tira 146.
Tira # 147
AGI-IN DIFEREN TE GEN ERAL, Leg. 1527. LOCATED IN IN DIFEREN TE GEN ERAL, 1527, DOCUMEN TOS RESTAUARADOS, PARDON 1. Pad ron d e la Isla d e Cuba, 1778. A large fold out w all-size pad ron of each partid o in Cuba. Lists ingenios, estancias, iglesias, etc for the entire island . Population is broken d ow n by age, sex, racial, and jurid ical status. I ord ered a com plete copy of the d oc. 8 Microfilm Pages. Tira 147.
Tira # 148
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1515-B. Pad ron d e Morad ores d e la jurisd iccion d e Puerto Principe, 1798. General table that provid es d ata broken d ow n by age, sex, race, and jurid ical status. Microfilm copy of 2 pages. Tira # 148.
Tira # 149
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1515-B. 2 cartas y un folleto sobre negros cim arrones, 1796-7. Titulo d e folleto: N uevo reglam ento y arancel que d ebe gobernar en la captura d e esclavos cim arrones, aprobad o por S. M. en real ord en exped id a en San Lorenzo con fecha d e veinte d e d iciem bre d e 1797. Microfilm copy of 13 pages. Tira # 149
Tira # 150
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1866-A. Pad ron d e Morad ores d el partid o d e Sta. Maria d el Rosario.. General table that provid es d ata broken d ow n by age, sex, race, and jur id ical status. Microfilm copy of 2 pages. Tira # 150.
Tira # 151
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1866-A. Pad ron d e Morad ores d el partid o d e Jesus Maria. General table that provid es d ata broken d ow n by age, sex, race, and jurid ical status. Microfilm copy of 1 page. Tira # 151.
Tira # 152
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1691. 2 cartas, Mayo 1803, H orcon [2 letters about the construccion of houses in the barrios extram uros. One of the houses w as burned by a 'negra.' Info on the construction of houses. Microfilm copy of 4 pages. Tira # 152]
Tira # 153
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1691. 3 cartas, Feb. y Marzo 1809, [3 letters about the construccion of houses in the barrios extram uros. Info on the construction of houses. Also a list of houses that gives the nam e of ow ner. Several ow ned by free w om en of color. Microfilm copy of 8 pages. Tira # 153]
Tira # 154
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1691. Alfonso to Som eruelos, 3 d e Dic. d e 1801, San Lazaro. [ letter about the construccion of houses extram uros and a resolution p assed in 1799 about d estroying ones built illegally. Microfilm copy 2 pages. Tira # 154.
Tira # 155
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1691. 2 cartas, Feb. y Marzo 1802, [2 letters about the construccion of houses in the barrios extram uros. Info on the constr uction of houses. Also a list of houses that gives the nam e of ow ner.. Microfilm copy of 9pages. Tira # 155]
Tira # 156
AGI-PAPELES DE CUBA, Leg. 1691. 1 carta Ago. 1799, [letter about the construccion of houses in the barrios extram uros. Info on the construction of houses. Also a list of houses that gives the nam e of ow ner. Microfilm copy of 4 pages. Tira # 156]