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ZORBAX and Poroshell HPLC Columns family includes more ...
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The column that will work best for a particular application will vary based on the analytes being separated, the mobile phase, instrumentation and sample conditions. Agilent’s ZORBAX and Poroshell HPLC Columns family includes more than 30 phases, in 5 particle sizes and is continually growing and changing to meet chromatographer needs. We provide this broad range of columns so that you can be confident you’ll find the right column to perform your analysis with high accuracy, in the shortest amount of time, and confident it will be transferable from lab to lab and around the world.
Poroshell 120
Small Molecule, Reversed Phase
1.7 µm solid core with .5 µm porous outer layer for a 2.7 µm particle IDs: 4.6 mm, 3.0 mm, 2.1 mm Lengths: 30 – 150 mm New phases and configurations coming soon! Check for more information.
Up to 50% less pressure than sub-2 µm; a total lab productivity enhancer
Si CH3 CH3
Si CH3
4.6 mm ID
Solvent Saver:
3.0 mm ID • Saves up to 50% mobile phase vs. 4.6 mm ID • 2- to 3-fold S/N improvement
Narrow Bore:
2.1 mm ID – often preferred for LC/MS applications.
1.0 mm ID
0.3 mm and 0.5 mm ID
9.4 mm and 21.2 mm ID
s lip Ec
Key to Column Dimensions:
d pe ap m dc C 2 /g 7µ ; En 60° m , 5, N) 6% le it: ub im 80Å 80 3.5 r C : 7. Do p l e: a: 1 .8, fo C8 m siz are s: 1 8.0 %; Te ter , 0 e e r e 1 wa ns Po rfac e siz (2.0 18: 4.3% in oxi t Su rticl -9.0 d: C CN: ids co o y r Pa : 2.0 loa %; , ns te , m ids pH rbon l: 7.2 tio , s gs a y ca des rin gs alo
C en pli ici vo tin alk Ph ce e Ap st fla oa d le /pe tic n c late e an giv mp es ma ca re lon rm lp Sa icid aro sed and ino , rfo he erb ors -ba eal mc pe ing l: H col olic ens , tria 3 O nta od hen old nts igh pp CH me Fo yp : G sa h h ca d t on ty: ox al es N H3 ) vir fe ep tic pr wi en , eu ide N C En d Sa 10 ac ant ds ble o m N Fo PL un ou ar Ph po d d US O ( N om an . d) e lc g e CN n loi C tra ndi etim lka 1), H3 u ng f (A L1 ne Bo g li ine ra ffe nd se on l SP n a Ca ic De n a pH l (U y cid ra m , a Xt olu en ide sic ). e c Ph ba -9 his 7), aw or H 2 t r e f (p PL e rep S ap e v U ( dP sh ang o r 8 a an ak r e b ry pe pH 0 ), C nc 60 illa od ide m L1 a P m, 0 m ; Cap Go a w S m 5 8µ er (U or – 2 mm ov 8 : 1. f C1 HT : 15 , 1.0 er p RR ngths mm gh Le , 2.1 Hi mm .0 ,3 mm 4.6 s: ID
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB: Chromatographers are always looking for better peak shapes and analytical flexibility. So Agilent created a unique endcapping process that helps improve peak shapes across a wide pH range. Eclipse XDB was the first ZORBAX family with eXtra Dense Bonding and double endcapping on highly pure silica. Because we make the silica, we have control with testing how we can make it better.
dcapped Non-En it: 80° C Temp lim B-C18) rS (90° C fo 0Å :8 e Pore siz m2 /g rea: 180 a e c a 5, 7 µm rf u S 1.8, 3.5, -C18) : s e iz s Particle (0.8-8.0 for SB 3: 4% .0 : 5.5%; C 8 -8 C .0 ; 1 : % 0 H 1 p : ry oad: C18 Proprieta Carbon L %; CN: 4%, Aq: 5.5 Phenyl:
tions Applica Sample ustrial: Triton water drinking l/Ind a in s ic e m id e c h C sti ine , melam ines acids, pe Organic nine, parabenes l Chinese Medic l: ta n e m a a n y n o c io o ir it Env fety: Anth nesthetics, Trad OR Food Sa A , s O ic s e lg a n A ceutical: Pharma
OH e Paraben
w time at lo e f li r io r e with sup ls a r t u e dn L56) bases an P , S s U id ( c a 3 h 7), SB-C ), SB-Aq ance wit L m r P o f S r e U p ( 0 High ), SB-C8 (USP L1
lic Acid Carboxy
(USP L1 P L11), SB-CN 8 1 C B S nyl (US SB-Phe
s– e s a h p obile ment m H p low lop r e o v f e t d s e d B tho e m r o f great
00 bar
XB onus -RP
bar 30 mm – 250 m , 2.1 mm m , 1.0 mm ; Pre p
Si CH3
Poroshell 120 SB-C18 Non-Endcapped Temp limit: 90° C Pore size: 120Å Surface Area: 130 m2/g Particle size: 2.7 µm pH: 1.0 – 8.0 Carbon load: 7%
, 3.0
Poroshell 120 EC-C18 Endcapped Temp limit: 60° C Pore size: 120Å Surface Area: 130 m2/g Particle size: 2.7 µm pH: 2.0 – 8.0 Carbon load: 8%
ZORBAX Extend-C18: Many innovations in bonding chemistry have focused on improving peak shape of basic compounds. Separations at pH 8-11 can do this for some compounds. So how do you keep the efficiency advantages of silica at high pH? Bonding chemists went to work to create a special bidentate – C18 column that shields the silica and works well up to pH 11.
O Si
Silica Support
ZORBAX Bonus-RP: Chromatographers working with basic compounds face special challenges with column lifetime and performance. Bonus-RP was developed as one of the tools for superior peak shape with basic compounds. The goal of these types of “polar embedded” bonded phases with amide linkages is to improve peak shape in high aqueous mobile phases. Agilent ’s R&D team started with a StableBond strategy to improve lifetime, added the amide linkage and a unique triple endcapping process for enhanced stability of the amide linkage.
ZORBAX StableBond: Some of the best chromatographic results are achieved using low pH mobile phases. But these mobile phases can be harsh on bonded phases, especially endcapped materials, and before StableBond, there was no choice for separations at pH 1. Agilent’s R&D team developed a special bonding that is very stable at low pH. And as the first product with Type B silica, good peak shape and long lifetime were achieved. The result was StableBond – with excellent performance down to pH 1.
R1 O
R1 CH3 CH3
Si CH3
R1 O
Si R1
CH3 Si
CH3 R1 Si
O Trimethylglycine (Neutral)
Alte alky rnat l, ph ive s eny elec l, cy tivi ano ty to RRH pha T: 1. IDs: ses 8 Len µm, 4.6 g t 6 hs: mm 00
Pola N r e T r for b mbe iazin e asic dde d com to i pou mpro nds at love peak wa nd mshapes id p ; H.
Trip l Tem e-Endc p lim app Pore it: 6 ed Surf size: 8 0° C 0 a Part ce are Å a: 1 icle pH: size 80 m 2 2 Carb .0-9.0 s: 1.8, 3 /g .5, 5 on l oad µm : 9.5 % Env Sam p i Foo ronme le App ntal l Pha d Sa : T icatio fe rma ceu ty: Hyd riazine ns pes ro ano tical: tic rect A xym ics, ntifun ethylfu ides g ulce r r me al medi fural cati dica tion ons, s
Si CH3 CH3
Adipic (Acid)
min mph Quin nd p es amp enicol olone rescrib , Sim ant het e d i d b ami ne, vastat iotics rugs in Dou in, C r a was b n itidi (exc le En tew ne hrysop d e ater c hen Tem pt PA appe o d H l p ( , l T whi imit Por CM c : e ), Sur size: 9 60° C h is no face t 5 end Par are Å cap t ped pH: icle siz a: 160 ) 2 m e 2 s . 0 : -9.0 Phe 1.8, /g n f 3 Car yl Hex or C18 .5, an b d , C8 Hex on loa yl ; 2.0 5 µm yl: 9 d: C 8.0 1 %; for PAH 8: 9%; PAH : 14 C8: 7 , % %; P hen yl-
mm , 3.0 1.8 Len mm, 2 µ gth m Bes , sta s: 3 .1 mm , 1.0 0– ble t al 2 t o 5 0 m mm; 120 l ar Pre m 0 bar; effi oun p R c R ien d – HT: C18 1.8 e c y, re xce (US µm, Hig P 600 p L1), s h pe t o i bar o l rfor C u n 8 (U t a man i on a l pe SP pha L7), rma ce and nd l ak s ceu exc P h tica elle ifet hap eny l ap nt p l ime e, H plic eak exy atio s l (US ns, hape P L1 food wit N 1), P safe h aci R1 ty a ds, b AH H nd e ase (US N H nvir s an R1 P L1 Env d o iron nme neu ) men H nta trals tal: N 2 R 1 l R E app . Of PA Pha S Me rma lica ten tho ample 3 R ceu tion use App tica Food d 169 R2 d fo s. lica l: Ch Saf 4, Ill Free r tion icit lora ety: A a s
IDs : 4.6
for STA me RT tho d d HER eve E lop m
ZORB AX E ent clip se P RRH lus D:
-C18 end Ext AX
Si CH3
Quinine (Base)
p Pre m; 0m , 1. mm m 2.1 50 m r 2 m, a 0 m : 20 – 600 b , 3. s ,
m th µm 6 m Leng : 1.8 : 4. for H IDs HT ion h p RR opt t hig ood s a A g tion ara sep
Our measure is your success.
Compatible with HPLC and UHPLC instruments suitable for analysis of acids, bases and neutrals. Also great for peptide mapping. Poroshell 120 is for any lab looking for increased analytical speed and resolution without increased back pressure.
ol nol OH pra Pro s) ns losive s tio ica exp oxin nes ppl 30 ( cot nthi le A PA 83 s, my s, xa e n mp Sa al: E latoxi tamin f s ent i d nm y: A tih iro afet : An ppe Env d S tical dca C n Foo ceu e-E 60° 2 /g a ubl limit: 0Å µm arm 0 m .5, 5 Do p Ph e: 8 18 Tem e Siz area: 1.8, 3 r Po ce sizes: rfa Su ticle 11.5 2.5% r Pa .0 – oad: 1 2 : pH bon l r Ca
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus: Chromatographers told us they wanted an even better solution for great peak shapes over a broader spectrum of analyses. Agilent focused on improving the silica and the bonding techniques so that chromatographers see better peak shapes for more accurate and sensitive results. Eclipse Plus features a special bonding treatment and optimized endcapping that makes it the first choice for method development.
SB-C18 (USP L1)
5. ds. 11. oun ate pH omp end p to c c bid – u asi que ility L1) SP gh pHpe of bs. UniH stab a de p hi 8 (U C1 life at eak shf pepti s high e p o g lon and ons rovid i 3 and ion rat g p CH cy lut pa pin 3 CH ien eso se ap ffic , r MS ndc n h e tio LC/ le e N H Hig reten y for doub it d e rov itiv an s Imp sen nding h O Hig bo
Poroshell 120: Chromatographers need to get the most from every instrument in their lab... more speed, more resolution. After introducing Poroshell 300, the industry’s first superficially porous particle for large molecules, Agilent reinvented the technology for small molecules. Poroshell 120 offers the advantage of high speed and high resolution with superficially porous particle technology for small molecule and peptide mapping applications.
EC-C18 (USP L1)
For more help, please visit for your local Agilent Representative or Agilent Authorized Distributor. For technical support, visit
6 1.8 µm, : T H R bar; R
0 e to 120 l b a t s , ) mm .8 µm lary (C18 0 – 250 l i 2 p : a s RRHD: 1 C h t , g p re Len .0 mm; P 1 , m m 2.1 3.0 mm, , m m IDs: 4.6
d n o B e l b ZORBAX Sta RE ses E H T R STA obile pha
pH m w o l r fo
Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2010 Printed in the USA March 12, 2010 5990-5325EN