Agricultural and forestry residues as an alternative energy source for ...

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Jan 13, 1975 - as an alternative energy source for Brazil – the production of biomass pellets. Bruna Missagia1, Mauricio Ferreira Silva Correa2, Hans-Joachim ...


13:05 Uhr

Seite 85

(Schwarz/Black Auszug)

Forum der Forschung · Nr. 22 · Jahr 2009 · Seite 85-90 BTU Cottbus · Eigenverlag · ISSN-Nr. 0947-6989

Agricultural and forestry residues as an alternative energy source for Brazil – the production of biomass pellets Bruna Missagia1, Mauricio Ferreira Silva Correa2, Hans-Joachim Krautz1, Peter Ay3, Wolfgang Schluchter4 1 Chair of Power Plant Technology 2 Student of Technology and Innovation Management 3 Chair of Mineral Processing 4 Chair of Environmental Issues on Social Sciences

Abstract Brazilian government has been supporting renewable energy, aiming energy security and the independence from hydropower. The use of biomass is a promising alternative for a climate friendly heating and power generation. During the last decades, the increase on ethanol production led factories to burn sugar cane bagasse not only for obtaining ethanol but also electricity in combined heat and power (CHP) plants. In Brazil, sugar cane, coffee and rice are cultivated in large scale. In addition, forestry is a blooming business. Although crops and forests generate high amounts of residues, it is narrowly practiced aiming energetic purposes. Farmers and entrepreneurs complain about residues’ bulkiness, storage difficulties and valuable applicability. In order to answer these questions and find out a feasible biofuel, the physicalchemical properties and the socio-economic potential of the different residues were investigated. Samples of coffee and rice husks, sugar cane bagasse and saw wood were collected in Brazil and brought to BTU Cottbus. Based on parameters like heating value and ash content, possible mixtures were experimented. These mixtures were then compacted in form of pellets and analysed. Keywords: bioenergy, agricultural and forestry residues, biomass pellets, environment and society

Kurzfassung Die Nutzung von Biomasse ist ein vielversprechender Weg in eine klimaneutrale Wärme- und Stromerzeugung, da bei der Verbrennung von Biomasse nicht mehr Kohlendioxid abgegeben wird, als von der Pflanze vorher aus der Atmosphäre aufgenommen wurde. Der Vorteil der Nutzung von Reststoffen aus der Land- und Forstwirtschaft liegt darin, daß die Biomasse weder gepflanzt noch geerntet werden muß, sie fällt zentral in den regionalen Verarbeitungsbetrieben an. Der Zuckerrohranbau in Brasilien steigt, und damit auch die Nutzung der Zuckerrohrabfälle durch Kraft-Wärme-Koppelung. Das Energieerzeugungspotential liegt im weiteren bei land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Resten. Für dieses Projekt, sind verschiedene Biomas-

seproben in Brasilien gesammelt und nach Cottbus geschickt worden. Dabei handelt es sich um Kaffeeschalen, Reisschalen, Zuckerrohrbagasse und Sägespäne von Eukalyptusbäumen. Dazu erfolgten an der BTU die Aufbereitung und Analyse der einzelnen Biomassen. Aus den genannten Biomassen wurden verschiedene Pelletblends hergestellt und analysiert. Ausgehend vom Heizwert und der Zusammensetzung wurden verschiedene Blendzusammensetzungen definiert. Anschließen ist eine Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtung der brasilianischen Pellets geplant. Weiterhin werden die ökologischen und sozioökonomischen Folgen des Baus eines regionalen Netzwerkes von Energieerzeugung und -abnahme Teil dieser Studie sein.



Energy consumption patterns have strongly changed during the last decades. The increase on industrial production of goods, the high mobility of the population and the dependency on fossil fuels for energy generation, particularly, coal, mineral oil and natural gas are considered the main factors causing environmental depletion. As reported by the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (DÜRRSCHMIDT et al., 2006), energy supply is globally based primarily on the finite fossil energy carriers of coal, mineral oil, and natural gas. The combustion of fossil fuels is the largest contributor to the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere. As a result, Earth’s average temperature has been increasing and climatic phenomena like extreme drought and flood are more often (IPCC, 2007). The existing power supply systems contribute to increase CO2 emissions and costs for energy generation and distribution to consumers. Decentralized energy structures open new application fields for innovative cogeneration options. The proximity of energy supply and consumption decreases transport and distribution losses. However, changing the current centralized energy systems is a gradual process and involves a series of actions in different areas: local interests, infrastructure, development and technology, innovation policies, investments, subsidies and so on.




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Agricultural and forestry residues as an alternative energy source for Brazil – the production of biomass pellets Bruna Missagia1, Mauricio Ferreira Silva Correa2, Hans-Joachim Krautz1, Peter Ay3, Wolfgang Schluchter4 1 Chair of Power Plant Technology 2 Student of Technology and Innovation Management 3 Chair of Mineral Processing 4 Chair of Environmental Issues on Social Sciences

The need of reducing GHG emissions and the urgency in developing alternative technologies for energy generation obliges industrialized and developing countries to encounter solutions using regenerative energy sources. The diffusion of knowledge and technology is an important step for changing behaviour and implementing new patterns of energy supply. The creation of decentralized energy systems using an energy mix (wind, sun, biomass) may be possible with an efficient network management among energy producers, public institutions, universities, consumers, finance companies, researchers, technological developers, legislative body and other stakeholders. The imminent collapse of non-renewable sources and new environmental legislations could result in a wider use of biomass (MME, 2007). Research shows that biomass originated from crop and agricultural residues can be used, mainly in processes of gasification and thermoelectric generation of simple or combined cycles with cogeneration, becoming an important local energy source. Forestry leftovers, saw dust, rice and coffee husks, coconut shells and other residues can be compacted into pellets or briquettes. The compaction of residues enhances storage and transport efficiencies of bulky biomass (HARTMANN et al., 1999). Farmers can create networks for processing crop residues, delivering to CHP plants and also using for cooking and heating. The creation of cooperation initiatives between producer (farmers) and consumers (power plant and inhabitants) represents a development strategy for Brazil, which means more than a technological transfer.

plants and the construction of new ones, preserving the free competitiveness principle. The second directive states that standard power plants should generate at least 500 kW, being able to buy energy from small central hydroelectric plants or other sources, such wind, solar biomass or solar (CPFL, 2009). Furthermore, the Brazilian government launched in 2002 the Alternative Energy Program (PROINFA), which provides incentives to renewable sources. The program is designed aiming the renewable sources to achieve 10 Percent of the Brazilian power production and this goal is supposed to be reached within the next 20 years (MME, 2008). Although the wide territorial extension of Brazil, the currently supply of electricity is one of the largest public services, given that it reaches almost the totality of the population. Due to the outsized distance between the generating sources and power grids, the electrical system is predominantly based on sites with central hydroelectric plants accounting with approximately 69 Percent of energy supply (Tab. 1) and a complex mesh of transmission and distribution. For this reason, the Brazilian electrical system is peculiar and not comparable worldwide. Table 1: The Brazilian energy matrix (ANEEL, 2009) Installed capacity Resource Hydro

Since the aim of this work is to study and evaluate the implementation of pellet production for Brazilian conditions, it is necessary to perform a detailed assessment of existing technologies, local reality, energy demand, economy, market, equipment available, climate, workforce among others. The author presents a brief review, based on literature and laboratory experiments, which in a first approach matches the characteristics of Brazil regarding the technologies for conversion of biomass into pellets and pellets into energy, but doesn’t discharge further socio-economic studies in Brazil.


The Brazilian electric sector has being modified through federal laws, decrees and resolutions, searching a model having two principal directives concerning electric energy generation. The first one aims supporting private initiatives for the purchase of existing


Total %


78.048.599 68,99















Sugar cane bagasse




Paper industry Bio- sub mass product





Diesel Petroleum Residual oil

The Brazilian energy matrix

From the 1950’s to begin of 1990’s, the perception of progress and efficient energy supply was the construction of colossal hydropower plants and extensive power grid connections. During the last decades, federal and state companies controlled all stages of the electric energy supply and commercialization, from the generation on power plants to the transmission and transport of to concessionaries. This centralized model is a vestige from the dictator government and nowadays doesn’t fit to the expansion of alternative energy sources, following by the trend of decentralized energy generation.

Quantity of plants

Quantity of plants




78.048.599 68,99


11.844.285 10,47


















Rice husks



































Venezuela Uruguai



2.095 113.130.660 100

2.095 113.130.660 100



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Agricultural and forestry residues as an alternative energy source for Brazil – the production of biomass pellets Bruna Missagia1, Mauricio Ferreira Silva Correa2, Hans-Joachim Krautz1, Peter Ay3, Wolfgang Schluchter4 1 Chair of Power Plant Technology 2 Student of Technology and Innovation Management 3 Chair of Mineral Processing 4 Chair of Environmental Issues on Social Sciences

Thermoelectricity is supplied by few coal plants in the South and by two nuclear plants in the Federal State of Rio de Janeiro. The „bagasse electricity” accounts with 3,7 Percent of the total power production in Brazil. The combustion of sugar cane bagasse supplies ethanol production in 400 plants and generates electricity in 272 decentralized power plants (Tab. 1). In Brazil, about 30 Percent of the energy needs are supplied by biomass (EPE, 2007). However, the use for electrical energy generation is restricted, covering mainly the pig iron, paper textile and ceramics industries. With a contribution of 5 Percent in the matrix of electrical energy generation, more than 5.000 MW of all installed capacity in Brazil is generated from biomass (Tab. 1).


The potential of agricultural and forestry residues in Brazil

Most of Brazil’s field crop production (e. g. rice, corn, soybeans, and wheat) occurs within the humid and warm semitropical latitudes. The Federal State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) is the core of irrigated crop acreage and produces an important share of Brazil’s rice. Approximately 22 Percent of rice is constituted of husks. In 2007, about 2 millions of tons of rice husks were produced only in South Brazil (IBGE, 2007). The majority of farmers burn up about 15 Percent of the leftovers to dry the harvested rice and 35 Percent is sold for bedding chickens (ERIKSSON and PRIOR, 1990). By now, there are only 7 power plants using rice husks in Rio Grande do Sul.

The Federal State of Minas Gerais (MG), located in Southeast, is the leader producer and exporter of coffee. In 2007, about 1.3 millions of tons of coffee were produced only in Minas Gerais. The processing of one ton of coffee generates approximately 20 Percent of husks. The majority of small-scale farmers employ part of this residue direct on the soil, aiming protection against erosion and fertilization (IBGE, 2007). The total planted forest area in Brazil reached approximately 5.6 millions of hectares in 2007, being 3.8 millions of hectares covered by the tree species Eucalyptus sp. This fast-growing tree species, originally an Australian plant, occurs all over Brazil’s geographical regions (MÜLLER et al., 2005). The Federal States of Minas Gerais and São Paulo lead the production with 28 Percent and 22 Percent respectively (ABRAF, 2008). In the Federal State of Santa Catarina (SC), the use of wood residues for steam and electricity generation was a successful initiative. The cogeneration power plant in the city of Lages, from the enterprise Tractebel was installed in 2003 operating with 28 MW (TRACTEBEL, 2009). The Federal State of São Paulo (SP) has the best industrial technology and the lowest production costs for cultivating sugar cane. During the last five years, ethanol production is growing with an increase of exports on 70 Percent per year. The 2004/2005 yield was of 383 millions of tonnes of sugar cane. Nowadays, there are 70.000 farmers planting sugar cane all over Brazil and 393 ethanol plants, distributed mainly in the Centre-south region (INSTITUTO INTERAMERICANO DE COOPERAÇÃO PARA A AGRICULTURA, 2007).


Sugar cane, ethanol and electricity

Brazil achieved importance for the world fuel ethanol production as a result of a combination of factors such as favourable weather, cheap labour force and extensive governmental support (BOURNE, 2007). As shown in Tab. 2, there is a potential for electric energy generation in the ethanol sector. Brazil’s annual production of residues (bagasse and leaves) can supply inhabitants with so much electricity as Brazil’s largest hydropower plant Itaipú (MME, 2008).

Figure 1: Biomass power plants installed capacity in each state and main crop locations (adapted from ANEEL, 2005)

Nowadays, the Federal State of Sao Paulo accounts with most ethanol plants using sugar cane bagasse to produce biofuel and electricity (Fig. 1). For example, the ethanol plant Santelisa consumes more than 30.000 ton/year of in a 2 block-15 MW power plant. More than 1/3 of this bagasse is bought from other ethanol factories. Although the transportation costs of this material, the amount of electricity generated and its commercialisation compensates the efforts. The total electric power is 46 MW/h. The ethanol production consumes 20 MW/h and the rest is sold to the national electrical system. As reported, the prices for 1 MW/h in Brazil are much higher for electricity generated in centralized hydro power plants (345 R$ in Sao Paulo) than in decentralized ethanol plants (152,80 R$) (SANTELISA, 2009).




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Agricultural and forestry residues as an alternative energy source for Brazil – the production of biomass pellets Bruna Missagia1, Mauricio Ferreira Silva Correa2, Hans-Joachim Krautz1, Peter Ay3, Wolfgang Schluchter4 1 Chair of Power Plant Technology 2 Student of Technology and Innovation Management 3 Chair of Mineral Processing 4 Chair of Environmental Issues on Social Sciences

Table 2: Regional distribution of the surplus capacity of the electric energy generation from sugar cane bagasse in the Brazilian ethanol sector. 2005



































Total Surplus of electric energy generation (MW)






Bagasse is an extreme bulky and moist residue (approx. 50 Percent), which decreases power plant’s efficiency. Experiments showed that sugar cane leaves have lower moisture and high calorific values. Experts affirm that the use of sugar cane leaves is a promising alternative for increasing power generation in ethanol plants. However, during the harvest this residue is chopped and spread on the fields, hindering collection and transportation. One alternative could be the compaction of leaves using pelleting or briquetting facilities.


Brazilian biomass pellets

The direct application of wood, straw and husks for cooking and heating occurs mainly in developing countries and involves more than 2.5 billion people worldwide (IEA, 2007). Nevertheless, the process of drying, grinding and compacting this biomass before combustion is mostly used in European countries. As discussed, the use of biomass for cogeneration purposes (steam and electricity) in Brazil is a relatively new field. The efficiency of the existing sugar cane bagasse and wood residues power plants could be improved by processing the available residues. The conversion of Brazilian residues into a valuable biofuel, like pellets, demands technological and socio-economic investigations. The choice of a pellet shape was done due the available pelleting device at BTU Cottbus. The following results do not discharge the possibility of pressing the residues in other shapes, like cylinder or briquettes. Depending on the applicability of the biofuel, the forms and the physical-chemical parameters should be adjusted.


Properties of crop and forestry residues

Determining the chemical components of the residues, its humidity, the ash quantity, the calorific value and the ash melting point were the first steps to investigate the viability of pelleting the Brazilian residues. Since the trade of Brazilian goods still relies predominantly on truck transportation, the location of the crops should be taken into consideration. For example, sugar cane grows near to coffee plantations and to Eucalyptus trees, but not to rice.

The appropriate weather conditions in Brazil associated with the storage and workforce facilities allowed biomass drying with minimum costs. However, transporting and processing biomass with high moisture could be a time, energy and money consuming activity. Moreover, power plant efficiency decreases when firing biomass with high water content. Several researches have shown that without mixing, agricultural leftovers are not suitable for high efficiency combustion systems due to high ash content and high amount of silica (JENKINS et al., 2000). Similarly, the present results demonstrated that rice husks, coffee husks and sugar cane bagasse as single samples could not meet the European standards for solid biofuels. For example, rice husks presented high ash content (30 Percent). On the other hand, the more wood saw dust is added to the mixtures, the better the physicochemical characteristics of the pellets. Since saw wood presented suitable values for ash content (2 Percent), moisture, ash melting point and lower calorific value, it is assumed that the more saw wood is added to the mixtures, the better the physical-chemical characteristics of the pellets. In addition, the broad geographical occurrence of Eucalyptus sp. tree allows wood residues to be used as main component in the pellet mix. These results are the first appraisal of a series of foreseen research activities. Although, the crop residue pellets presented physicochemical limitations, it is still possible to improve its processing and properties. Since technical and economical data are scarce to allow the analysis of the overall process viability from residues to pellets in Brazil, the challenge is to assess and evaluate the implementation of energy pellet production for the future.


Ecological and socio-economic implications

Crop residues have an enormous energetic potential. However, cultivation in large-scale systems is associated with numerous negative environmental impacts. For example, sugarcane is planted in monoculture regimes and some planted areas are originated from deforestation of native forests. The contamination of soil, water and air has also been investigated. On the other hand, according to the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, sugar cane accounts for only 5.6 million hectares or less than 10 percent of the total cultivated area, keeping apart food security issues and environmental concerns (KNAPP, 2003). Another aspect is that sugar cane crops are grown in previously deforested areas. Furthermore, soil management using rotation systems with corn, avoids nutrient depletion and over-application of pesticides. Considering the GHG emissions, the use of ethanol fuel during the period from 1970 to 2005 avoided the emission of 644 million metric tonnes of CO2 (FAO/GBEP, 2007). The burning of the fields facilitates the harvesting of the cane, but decreases soil’s fertility, increase air pollution and eliminate a valuable and energetic material: the leaves. There is proposed certification scheme, which would forbid burning the sugar cane fields. Since sugar cane crops are difficult to harvest




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Agricultural and forestry residues as an alternative energy source for Brazil – the production of biomass pellets Bruna Missagia1, Mauricio Ferreira Silva Correa2, Hans-Joachim Krautz1, Peter Ay3, Wolfgang Schluchter4 1 Chair of Power Plant Technology 2 Student of Technology and Innovation Management 3 Chair of Mineral Processing 4 Chair of Environmental Issues on Social Sciences

manually without burning, the automation of harvest is necessary. According to Santelisa, sugar cane harvesting employ 2.000 people collecting 30.000 ton/day sugar cane. Since one machine substitutes 65 workers, this scenario could imply the lost of 10.000 jobs until 2014.



The Brazilian strategy for agricultural expansion and biofuel production is supported and criticized by scientists, politicians and the public opinion. However, the increasingly cultivation of sugar cane and other crops provides a potential raw material. The transportation, storage and drying of residues are costly, but compaction and processing technologies promises to diminish biofuel production costs. The organisation of farmers associations and marketing networks is crucial for opening debates concerning the local use of agricultural and forestry leftovers in Brazilian communities. Therefore, technology and knowledge should be available to stakeholders for compaction and combustion of biomass. Farmers could dry (open air) and compact the residues. Part of the pellet or briquette production could be directly used in cogeneration plants. The sugar cane industry could enhance furnace’s efficiency using processed bagasse or leaves. The other part of the production could be sold locally for household heating and cooking. In a long-term approach, the use of local residues for energy generation should supply the local energy demand and bring socio-economic benefits for Brazilian communities.

References BRAF – ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE PRODUTORES DE FLORESTAS PLANTADAS, 2008: Statistical Yearbook – Base year 2007. (Last access 08.01.2009) ANEEL – AGENCIA NACIONAL DE ENERGIA ELÉTRICA, 2009: caoCapacidadeBrasil.asp (Last acces 24.08.2009) ANEEL – AGENCIA NACIONAL DE ENERGIA ELÉTRICA, 2005: Atlas de energia elétrica do Brasil, 2. Ed. Agência Nacional de Energia, Brasília BOURNE, J.; 2007: Growing Fuel: The wrong way, the right way. Official Journal of the National Geographic Society, Vol. 212, No.4 CPFL – COMPANHIA PAULISTA DE FORCA E LUZ, 2009: http:// (Acessed 03.03.2009) DÜRRSCHMIDT, W.; ZIMMERMANN,G.; BÖHME, D.; (EDS.), 2006: Renewable Energies-Innovations for the future. BMU Division KI I 1 “General and Fundamental Aspects of Renewable Energies”, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Berlin

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Agricultural and forestry residues as an alternative energy source for Brazil – the production of biomass pellets Bruna Missagia1, Mauricio Ferreira Silva Correa2, Hans-Joachim Krautz1, Peter Ay3, Wolfgang Schluchter4 1 Chair of Power Plant Technology 2 Student of Technology and Innovation Management 3 Chair of Mineral Processing 4 Chair of Environmental Issues on Social Sciences

M.Sc., Bruna Missagia, born 12th December 1977 in Brazil, studied Biology in the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil; until 1999. From October 1999 to December 2006 she studied „Environmental and Resource Management” at BTU Cottbus. She got a Bachelor and Master degree in Land use Management at the Chair Environmental issues on Social Sciences, BTU Cottbus. Since March 2007 she is working as a scientific assistant at the Chair of Power Plant Technology in Cottbus, where she is developing her PhD research and various projects with Brazilian universities and enterprises.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Ay, 1968-1973 Studium der Verfahrenstechnik in Köthen, 1979 Promotion auf dem Gebiet der Kristallisation, 19791984 Gastprofessur an der Universität Maputo in Mocambique für das Fachgebiet Verfahrenstechnische Grundoperationen, 1981-1984 Direktor des Departements für Verfahrensingenieurwesen der Universität Maputo, 1984-1986 Oberassistent für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik, 1986 Erteilung der Facultas docendi für das Lehrgebiet Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik, 1988 Promotion zum Dr. sc. techn. (Habilitation) mit einer Dissertationsschrift B zum Thema Modellierung und Simulation von Flockungsprozessen, 19871990 Dozent für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik und stellvertretender Leiter des Wissenschaftsbereiches Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik/Umweltschutztechnik, 1990-1993 Direktor des Institutes für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik der TH Köthen, 1993-1994 Professor für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik an der Hochschule Anhalt, seit 1994 Inhaber des Lehrstuhles für Aufbereitungstechnik an der BTU Cottbus, Forschungsgebiete sind die Aufbereitung und Veredlung von Roh- und Reststoffen, seit 1994 insbesondere nachwachsende Rohstoffe.

Dipl.-Ing. Mauricio Ferreira Silva Correa, 13th January 1975 in Brazil, at the Universidade Mackenzie in Sao Paulo studied and graduated in Mechanical Engineering, Brazil until 2005. From 1999 to 2001 he did internships at the industries Avon Industrial and Alfa Laval and at the university Reihnische-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH). From 2001 to 2004 worked at Sulzer Metco Brazil where he wrote his bachelor thesis in Surface Technology. Since 2006 he is a Master student of Technology and Innovation Management at Brandenburgische technische Universität (BTU) and is participating in the project for production of biomass pellets at the Chair of Power Plant Technologies.

Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Wolfgang Schluchter, Jahrgang 1944, Facharbeiterabschluss 1963 (Mechaniker, Werkzeugmacher), Abitur 1966 in Fellbach, Studium Politische Wissenschaft, Soziologie, Volkswirtschaft in Heidelberg; Promotion 1973, 1972-1975 Wissenschaftler bei Studiengruppe für Systemforschung Heidelberg, BattelleInstitut Frankfurt u. a.; 1975 Gründung und Leitung Arbeitsgemeinschaft für angewandte Sozialforschung München, 1978 Assistenzprofessor FUBerlin, 1984 Habilitation in Soziologie, 1984 Gründung und Leitung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft und Statistik Berlin-Heidelberg, verschiedene Gastprofessuren in Darmstadt, Kassel, Berlin; 1993 Lehrstuhl für sozialwissenschaftliche Umweltfragen und Direktor des Humanökologischen Zentrums an der BTU Cottbus, Vorsitzender des Senats der BTU Cottbus 2009, Verschiedene Mitgliedschaften, Sprecherund Beiratsfunktionen: International Sociological Association (ISA), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Humanökologie (DGS). Gutachtertätigkeiten für Bundesministerien und verschiedene Institutionen und Unternehmen.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Krautz, am 16. August 1953 in Forst geboren, nach Abitur am Niedersorbischen Gymnasium in Cottbus von 1974-1978 Studium der Energieumwandlung/Gasund Dampfturbinenkonstruktion, Technische Universität Dresden; von 1978-1995 in mehreren Unternehmensbereichen des ostdeutschen Energieversorgungsunternehmens VEAG Vereinigte Energiewerke AG Berlin tätig; 1979-1983 an Inbetriebnahme der Großkraftwerke Boxberg und Jänschwalde beteiligt, mehrere Jahre Forschungs- und Entwicklungstätigkeit u. a. als Mitarbeiter, Gruppenleiter und Teilbereichsleiter, VEAG Power Consult Vetchau; 1987 Promotion an der Technischen Hochschule Zittau, 1991-1995 VEAG Hauptverwaltung Berlin, Projektleiter Entwicklung eines Kombikraftwerkskonzeptes mit zirkulierender Druckwirbelschichtfeuerung; Forschungstätigkeit u. a. auf Gebiet druckbeaufschlagter Prozesse der Energieumwandlung, Modellierung und Komponentenentwicklung neuer Typen von Kombikraftwerken mit deutlich reduzierten CO2-Emissionen; seit 1996 Inhaber des Lehrstuhls Kraftwerkstechnik im Institut Energietechnik der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus.