Agricultural Extension

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The book "ICT Based Agricultural Extension Initiatives in India" is an attempt to document. Cyber Extension, Knowledge Management in Agriculture, Institutional ...
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Agricultural Extension Initiatives in India V. Sangeetha • J.P. Sharma • R.R. Burman • S.K. Dubey • M.S.Nain

For sustainable development and poverty reduction in the society, making available the right information to the right person at the right time at low cost is of utmost important. Information and communications technology (ICT) is used to accelerate knowledge dissemination and indeed the process of development to bring maximum gain to the society. The progress of ICT is seen in the development of knowledge frugality, knowledge worker and knowledge management. ICT enabled extension offers new opportunities for bridging the knowledge gap in Indian agriculture. It can support sharing of knowledge of the agricultural community and profiting the resource-strapped farmers with updated knowledge and information on agricultural technologies, preeminent practices, markets, price trends, and weather situations. The book "ICT Based Agricultural Extension Initiatives in India" is an attempt to document Cyber Extension, Knowledge Management in Agriculture, Institutional Innovations in Agricultural Knowledge Management (RKMP), 'e-Velanmai', e-Learning (AgriLORE and Open and Distance Learning), Farm Women Empowerment through ICTs integration, Innovative ICTs for Sustainable Agriculture, ICT Applications in Agriculture Extension, ICT-Enabled Agricultural Extension Services in Semi-Arid India, Experiences of Agropedia, Expert Systems in Agriculture, Digital Access to Information through e-Granth, Mobile Based Agro-advisory Services for Empowerment of Farmers, Information Service-Internet Based System (Agmarknet), Community Radio, Digitized Information Dissemination Systems for Livestock Development, Digital Green System, Agromet Advisory in Agriculture, Market Intelligence, Knowing the Basic ICT Tools. . . . I find this book of great utility to agricultural extension students, extension professionals, extension scientists, field level functionaries and practitioners, and policy makers. More specifically, the practitioners shall be able to derive maximum benefits from the information contained in this book which ultimately brings incredible opportunities and has the potential of enabling the empowerment of farming communities... - Dr. A.K. Singh DDG (Agri. Extn), ICAR Readership: The agricultural extension professionals, scientists, academicians, students, administrators and policy makers will find this book pertinent in understanding/ implementing the ICT enabled extension services for agricultural development, empowering farmers as well as for the successful and sustainability of ICT-enabled extension services.


Westville Publishing House 47, B-5, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi -110063 Tel: 011-25284742 Telefax: 011-25267469 Email: westville [email protected] WESTVILLE


•T 2000 US$55


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Contents itist,Agricultural Extension Ritute, New Delhi. He has sin research, training and j in research in the field unication Technologies ninalion, extension system ost-graduate teaching. lie ; published in reputed i, technical bulletins and other ting as the Principal Scientist jwatpur. Kanpur ( I 1') prior to fat various 1C AR institutes like |te,New Delhi; Indian I n s t i t u t e Central Potato Research Station, !t graduate of National Dairy Jniversily Gold Medal. I le has ^ise(10)and externally funded IDubey has to his credit 180 I)in National and International I Extension, IARI. New Delhi fcce in teaching, research and al career from KVK of Cold 12 years at Sher-e- Kashmir aid Technology of Jammu in dAssociatc Professor (Agril. ban 100 papers including 50 bur books, technical papers irch includes a g r i c u l t u r a l methods, entrepreneurship ofYoung Scientist award of dition to other appreciations Bember of editorial board of

Foreword Preface Contributors


v ix

1. Cyber Extension: e-Empowering Agricultural Extension V.P. Sharma


2. Knowledge Management in Agriculture: An Overview J.P. Sharma, R. Roy Bunnan, Jasna, V.K. and Sukanya Som


3. Institutional Innovations in Agricultural Knowledge Management: A Case of Rice Knowledge Management Portal (RKMP) Meera Shaik N., Kumar G.A.K., Pandey P.S. and Viraktamath


4. 'e-Velanmai': An ICT Based Agricultural Extension Approach for CostEffective and Quality Farm Advisory Services C. Karthikeyan 35 5. e-Learning: Relevance in Contemporary Agriculture Education G.R.K. Murthy, K.M. Reddy and D. Rama Rao


6. AgriLORE -An Innovative Learning Management System in Agriculture Education B.S. Hansra and P.K. Jain 58 7. Open and Distance Learning for Sustainable Rural and Agricultural Development B.S. Hansra and P.K. Jain


8. Farm Women Empowerment through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Integration N. Sandhya Shenoy 77 9. Innovative ICTs for Sustainable Agriculture O.M. Bambawale, Niranjan Singh and P. Jeyakumar



10. ICT Applications in Agriculture Extension — Kisan Call Centres as a Farmer Friendly Tool R.K.Tripathi 104 1 1 . Application of ICT Tools in Agricultural Extension K.A. Ponnusamy, H. Philip, C. Karthikeyan, N. Anandaraja and N. Sriram... 112 12. ICT-Enabled Agricultural Extension Services in Semi Arid India Nagasree, K., Dixit, S., Venkateswarlu, B., Srinivasa Rao, Ch., Ravi Shankar, K., Nirmala, G. and Vijay Jesudasan 129 13. Information and Communication Technologies as the Enabler of Indian Farmers: Experiences of Agropedia A.K. Singh, Lakhan Singh, R.R. Burman and S.K. Dubey 139 14. Expert Systems in Agriculture S.N. Islam


15. Digital Access to Information through e-Granth A.K.Jain


16. Mobile Based Agro-advisory Services for Empowerment of Farmers Vankudothu Ravinder Naik, V. Sangeethaand R.N. Padaria


17. Information Service-Internet Based System (Agmarknet) -A New Dimension Lallan Rai 187 18. Community Radio: An Effective Tool for Technology Dissemination N.V. Kumbhare .«.


19. Digitized Information Dissemination Systems for Livestock Development Rupasi Tiwari 204 20. Transforming Agricultural Extension with Video-technologies: Digital Green System Rashmi Singh, Shafi Afroz, R.R. Burman and V. Sangeetha 211 21. Agromet Advisory in Agriculture Ananta Vashisth


22. Market Intelligence and Online Trading of Agricultural Commodities RuchiJain 231 23. Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) Pal Singh and Sudeep Marwah


24. Microsoft Front Page Sudeep Marwah and Pal Singh


25. Adobe Photoshop — Knowing the Basic Tools Tirtha Dasgupta