Ahmed Abdelhadi Metwally [PDF]

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UIC Research Forum among participants from Engineering, Computer ... Scientific, where he works on developing tools that advance personalized medicine.
AHMED ABDELHADI METWALLY is currently a Bioinformatics Ph.D. candidate at the University of Illinois at Chicago. In addition to his home department of Bioengineering, he also has an appointment with the Department of Medicine. Ahmed received his B.Sc. in 2010 with the top class honor, and M.Sc. in 2014, both in Biomedical Engineering from Cairo University. In November 2015, Ahmed’s Ph.D. proposal received the Chancellor’s research award. Subsequently, in April 2016, he won the first place award at the UIC Research Forum among participants from Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Statistics departments. Ahmed also has exposure to the genomics industry through his internships at ThermoFisher Scientific, where he works on developing tools that advance personalized medicine. He has received many travel awards from NSF, IEEE, ISCB, UIUC, APBioNET, ICTP, and LinkSCEEM for various activities and participations. Looking back, at his undergraduate program, Ahmed received a DAAD fellowship in 2009 to conduct a summer research at the Institute of Materials Research, HelmholtzZentrum Geesthacht, Germany. During 20102014, he worked as a demonstrator and then lecturer assistant at Biomedical Engineering Department, Cairo University. During 20122013, Ahmed was appointed as a junior scientist at Nile University to work on bioinformatics algorithms project in collaboration with ULM University, Germany. Since 2009, Ahmed has been an active member of IEEE EMBS, trying to initiate many activities that can foster the innovation of Biomedical Engineering. In 2013, Ahmed served as the conference chair of the 1st IEEE EMBS International Student Conference that was held in Cairo. The success of the conference encouraged the society to repeat it annually in various countries worldwide. Position Statement: This year, I am running for the IEEE EMBS Student Representative position. With your vote and support, I will work hard as your student representative to move forward three primary goals to advocate for you and our futures in engineering careers: A. Internship Program: Establish an EMBS student internship program that will allow passionate students to do internships in other EMBS chapters. The program would enable experience sharing, foster new ideas, build collaborations, and network between EMBS chapters from around the world. This will be an exchange program under the government of IEEE EMBS. B. Translational Research Program: As engineers, it is necessary to understand how to translate a research idea into an actual product. We will work on launching a new series of events (workshops, conferences, and competitions) to provide students with a strong foundation in how to do biomedical engineering translational research: from intellectual property to getting the idea to market to benefit society and its members. C. Mentorship Program: Together with the former EMBS representatives and our worldwide networks, we will push forward and expand the current IEEE Direct to Students (D2S) Program to ensure that every EMBS student has an academic and industrial mentor. I look forward to working with you on these important endeavors to optimize the potential and impact of engineering professionals by supporting and cultivating the next generation of engineering careers.