Air-borne approaching target detection and tracking in infrared image

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Dec 3, 2008 - bank approach is its ability to track maneuvering as well as non- ... constant acceleration (CA) and Singer's nianeuver model (SMM) ... If it crosses the thresh- .... position (IOkm, 7km) and initial velocity (320m/s, -2fiOmjs).
2004 International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)


Mukesh A. Znveri S.N . Merchant Uduy B. Desrri SPA" Lab, Electrical Engineering Dept., IIT Bombay - 400076. Email address : [ma~~veri,mcrchant,ubde~~i] 2. APPROACHING TARGET DETIICTION

ABSTRACT Detection and tracking of approaching targels in an infrared (IK) image sequence is iniporunt brsurveillance applications. In this paper an alzorilhni is p r o l " x l which provides a complete sohlion (track while scan) for detection and tracking for IKS'I' system. The proposed method uses only motion as a cue lo detect the target. Detection is followed hy tracking. In a real scenario. the movement of a target is arbitrary and no apriori information is availahle. We propose a triicljng method which tracks m'aneuvering and non-maneuvering targets simultaneously using a filter bank. 'The switch-over amongst the filters is based on a single~slep decision logic.



In literature. various approaches have been proposed for detection and tracking blob sized or Gau distributed targets. Most of these use nialch fillering [I]. On the other hand, very lew results are available for detection and tracking of approaching targets. Detection and tracking of approaching target is a very challenging task because the intensity of the target and that of the cloud varies with time. Even the shape and size of the cloud and target may vary from one time instant to another time instant. Because of these reasons, the methods based on spatial processing, [Z. 31 and optical flow [4] do not help. Methods based on background registration IS] or background extraction [ 6 ]may not be feasible due to the non-stationary nature of the background. Detection of approaching targets based on segmcntation of each frame [7,8] will not be viable for low contrast image sequence and lack of any texlure information. In this paper we propose a method to detect and track approaching targets in IR image sequences using motion as the only cue. This work is based on our earlier work on point target detection and tracking [9. 101. Our earlier approach [9] performs very well for multiple point target detection in the presence of clutter (evolving clouds). Moreover, it does not require any preprocessing to detect laeel. In the present work, we suppress the background and this helps to improve the Signal to (Clutter+Noise) Ratio (SCNR) in the sequence. We have used wavelet transform based temporal filter for motion detection. The main thrust of the proposed approach is to detect the approaching targets under low contrast, without using any texture information or any feafure other than motion. After detection. we track the targets using a filter bank approach proposed by us in [lo]. The key feature of the filter bank approach is its ability to track maneuvering as well as nonmaneuvering trajectories in the absence of any apriori information about the target dynamics.

0-7803-8554-3/01/$20.00 02004 IEEE.

2.1. Backgriiiind Suppressicm

In air~bornevideo sequences t a s e l s appear to be very small compared to ltie background k r e . background consists of cloud and sky. As images are captured from a moving platfomi. the back ground has tloniinant motion compared lo the target. Thus, hackground suppression significantly helps in improving SCNK. Due to the nonstationary (continuously varying) nature of the back ground. existing methods [h] do not yield acceptable results. We have developed a max-median filter [ I l l for this task. To obtain max-median image. a window of Size ri. x 7 1 is nm over an image. Median is found for c o l u n ~vector and row vector and two diagonal vectors. with respect lo center pixel of the window. Next. the intensity value for the center pixel of the window is replaced by a maximum of these median values found. For max-median filters. with 3 x 3 window, I ( z ,y) is replaced by a value



m a ~ ( n e d l , n ~ e d z , n e dm3e,& )




m e d l = m e d ( l ( z , y - I ) , I ( z ,y), I ( z ,y 1)) me& = m e d ( I ( z - Ly), I(z,y), I ( z 1, y)) me&=med(I(z- l , y - l ) , I ( z , ~ ) , ~ ( z + l , ~ + l ) ) inedr = med(I(z 1,y - I ) , I ( z ,y), 1(3:- 1, y 1))




The absolute difference image is obtained using the original image frame and the filtered output frame from the max-median filter. Now, a temporal filter is applied to the sequence of these difference image frames instead of original image frames. 2.2. Tempral Filter

We use wavelet transform based temporal filter for detecting moving targets. The wavelet transfomi enables one to detect and characterize the dynamical behavior of the elements present in the scene. We have used the Harr wavelet to reduce delay in detection. The temporal filtering facilitates the construction of the intensity change maps which indicate whether there is temporal change or not. A two-hypotheses likelihood ratio test is then applied to Validate the temporal changes at each scale. By exploiting the likelihood ratio test. motion detection issue is solved in a statistical frame work. This hypotheses testing will give a temporal change detection map (binary map) which is further processed to reduce false alarm. Two hypotheses are defined, namely. H I correspond. ing lo 'temporal change' at (z.y) and Ho corresponding to 'no


Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 3, 2008 at 01:23 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

constant acceleration (CA) and Singer's nianeuver model (SMM) for our simulations. In the filter bank all the filters nin in parallel. Nevertheless. at any given lime instant, only one filter is desipated as an active hllcr - this is the filler whose output is selected as the predicted position of the target. The decision on which filter beconies the active filter is based on mininiuni average innovation (the explicit procedure is described a little later in this section). To update existing tracks and Io initiate new track. we need to selec~candidate observations and an algorithm to assign an observation to a track. The candidate observations are seleclcd as those thal fall within the validation gate (window1 formed around the predicted psilion obtained iron1 Itle active tiller. Next, Munkres' optimal dala associalion algorithm 1I31 is uscd for assigning a cantlitlate observation to a track. At every tinie insl.ull, . anohservalion that I Munkres' algorithm. is given to a11 the fillers in the fil tillers now uptlate their states independent of each other. Selection of aclive tilter: Le1 Z ( I , L ) be an observation ill time I,L assigned lo a particular Irack by the (lala association algorithm. tl h y i ( n r ) = z(,,~.)-~(,,,,l",.-l). where ctetl nieasurcnicnl. The innovation hascd

teniporal change'. The hypotheses are applied lo difference in information signal U . Window of size of )& x n is considered around the central pixel (z, 8 ) . wlierc temporal change test is applied. N is the tolal number of pixels in n x window. For simulation. the value of n is chosen to he 9.The log~likelihooilcorresponding to hypolheses Hr and 110 i s derived and Ihe decision step is fomdized [IZ]: Hu

where $,k(p) is the resulting expression of the log-likelihuod ralio in the maximimi likelihood sense a1 scale 1:.


$ " ( y ) follows a distrihution with three desrees of freedom. X is a Ihrrshokl which may be inferred from tables of statislical laws. (xi, yi) indicates the relative lucalion of Itie pixel with respect to

the cenlcr of Ihe window. within the window.


u(nr) = {Zr(,,L)S-'(rlL)~(rr,))

where S (a diagonal matrix) is the innovation covariance matrix. Next. ,an averaged accuniulatcd innovalion hased measure is conipiitcd as

is Ihe variance of the pixel inlensity


23. Clutter Removal





where u;(rt.) is the innovations based measure obtained using ( 5 ) for the i-th filter i and time instant m and s is size of the sliding window. Note that (6) is computed for all filters i, and thus the neet1 for running all the tillers in parallel becomes evident. Now, filter j is defined as the active filler if

gions in the change detection ,,lap, binary morphological opera. lion, namely. closing (dilation followed by erosion) is perfamed on the change detection map. Next, the change detection map is seemenled and all seements havine- a size lareer than a threshold defined by S L h ,are removed. The edge effects and small size clutter which q p e a r like small targets are eliminated by comparing local contrast lc(z,, Y,~)with a threshold p. If it crosses the threshold it will he a moving target. Here. le(x,, ym)is defined as


L 1 n>=k--a+l

In order to niake the detection scheme robust lo clutter and noise, post processing is incorporated. ln [y] the post prucessing Step is used lo detect only the point parget. This step needs 10 be modifled for approaching target detection. To merge nearby small re-



q ( k ) < ei(k).




=I k , V d - Si

I (=-.vm)




~ I (4), ~

The equation (7) provides a single-step decision logic for fillcr switch-over; consequently there is no delay and our algorithm is amenable to real tinie tracking. Using our proposed tiller bank approach and single step decision logic to switch over among the filters, it is possible lo track both maneuvering and non-maneuvering targets ~ ) simultaneously.


where I(xm,yn) is the gray level value of the pixel at (zn, y") in the original image, si is the number of pixels in the neighborhood window centered at (x,.,y,,). N, represents the neighborhood window.

3. APPROACHING TARGET TRACKING The detection module provides the list of detected targets to the t r a c h g module. This list is used as an available observation set for a given time instant. We use our earlier proposed method lo track Ihe approaching targets using multiple hlter bank [IO]. The filter bank consists of different types of filters. For example, in a bank of two fillers, one could be a constant velocity filter for tracking non-maneuvering targets and the other could be based on a maneuver model for tracking maneuvering targets. We have used


In our simulations. we have used two filters: constant acceleration (CA) and Singers' maneuver model (SMM) for the multiple hlter

bank. For the simulations. the tracker is setup after object continuity is found in three consecutive frames in the sequence. The slate parameters for each model used in tracking are initialized using the target position found in the first two frames of the sequence. We have evaluated ulc performance of the proposed algorithm using a number of sequences. Due to space limitation simulation results are presented only for three types of sequences: (a) clip I with one non-maneuvering approaching target, (b) clip 2 with three targets (one maneuvering and two non-maneuvering) and (c) clip 3 with four targets (two maneuvering and two non-maneuvering). For clip 2 and clip3, we have used synthetically generated IR target signature. For all the clips the trajectories are generated in the trajectory


Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 3, 2008 at 01:23 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


Tdhle 1. Performance Analysis of Track While Scan.

A B C I)



In the absence of any feature informalion other thnn motion. our wavelet based target detection algorilhm is able to delect approaching targets in IR clips. Our niiiltiple filter bmk based tracking algorithm uses only two filters. namely, CA and SMM. It successfully track? maneuvering and non-maneuvering t q e t s under low contrast. clutter and continuously varying hackground. I1 does not use any apriori information about the target dynamics.

Number of targets Number of frames NC Ilelection rale = __ NC False alami rate = Numher of correct detection Number of niis delcction Number of false detection Number of successfill tracks Niimher of lake track (due to clutler~ ~~



+# m

Acknowledgments This research project was supported by Department of Extramural Research and Intellectual Property Rights. New Delhi, India.

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plane placed at sonie depth in Z-direction. l h e trajeclory plane is rolaletl ahoul any OS (X.Y,Z) axis with respect lo the origin and then it is projected on 10 the imapc pl;me. Table I clcpicls the per1omi;mce cvaluation for the propsec1 track while scan algorithm. It is evident from the table that there is no false track established due to clulter though there are few false detections. Figures l(a) and I(hj represent the output of the delection algorithm at lranie 8 and frame 32 for clip l. In Figure l ( ~ ) the . tracked trajectory is shown for the same clip. In the clip. clutter (bilrlj appears with the target for a number of frames. Our proposed method is able to discriminate between the target and the clulter. Note, due lo space limitations, we have depicled the details of trajectories in clip 2 only. For clip 2, for all trajectories, initial targel signalurc is of 3 x 3, gradually increasing lo a maximum size of 15 x 11. The enlarged view of the target signature is shown in Figure 2(c). First trajectory is generated using constant velocity, coordinatrd turn and constant acceleration model. The initial position and initial velocity arc set to (Skm, 7km) and (280.0m/s,28O.Om/s). Trajectory takes total of four tums: (a) from frame 15 to 22 with turn angle 15’, it results in % 10.59 acceleration, (b) from franie 30 lo 36 with lum accelerationj, (c) from frame 43 to 52 with angle - 15” (= 1 0 . 2 7 ~ 12” (% 8.89 acceleration) and (d) from frame 58 to 67 with -12” (= 6.lg acceleration). For projecting the trajectory on to the image plane, lhe trajectory plane is assumed at 8km depth and rotated ahout (X,Y,Z) axis by (15”, 25”, 12”) respectively. Second trajectory is generated wi& hitial position’(7k& 7km).initial vel&ity 1, (300m/a,270m/s)and initial acceleration (100.0rrr/s2, 80.0mls-J. The trajectory plane is assumed lo he at 7km and it is rotated by 10‘ about X-axis and by 40’ about Y-axis for projection on to lhe image plane. Finally, the third trajectory is generated with initial position (IOkm, 7km) and initial velocity ( 3 2 0 m / s ,-2fiOmjs). For projecting the trajectory on to the image plane, h e trajectory plane is rotated by 20‘ about X-axis and by 30’ about Y-axis. Figures 2(a) and 2(bj represent lhe detection output at frame 20 and the tracked trajectory at frame 69. The condensation trail formed at the wing tips appears as clutter in the sequence. Clip 3 is similar to clip 2 except for: (a) it has 4 targets. (hj maximum target size is 16 x 7. Figures 3(a) and 3(b) depict the detected target al frame 4, and the tracked trajectories. The enlarged view of the target signature is shown in Figure 3(cj.

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(a) al franie X

(h) at frame 32

(c) trajectory plot at frame 39

Fig. 1. Approaching Target Ileteclion and Tracking (clip I )

(a) Detection at frame 20

(h) Trajectory Plot at frame 69

(cj IR target signature (Enlarged view)

Fig. 2. Approaching Target Detection and Tracking (clip 2)



.. .

..- -.--

. .. . . .

(a) Detection at frame 4

(b) Trajectory Plot at frame 69

. ...



(cj IR target signature (Enbarged view)

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[ 121 Jean-Michel LETANG. Patrick BOUTHEMY & Veronique

REBUFFEL, “Robust motion detection with temporal de-


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