Airborn Academy Membership Form Registration & Participation ...

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Registration & Participation Agreements. We are pleased to welcome you to the Airborn Academy and would be grateful if you would complete the details below.
Airborn Academy Membership Form Registration & Participation Agreements Academy of Parkour Freerunning and Urban Sports We are pleased to welcome you to the Airborn Academy and would be grateful if you would complete the details below. If you are under 18 years of age, please ask your Parent/Guardian to sign on your behalf. It is your responsibility to keep the academy updated with any changes to personal or medical details.

Personal Details Participant Details

Name: Date of Birth: Gender: Address (inc Postcode):

Email: Parent/Guardian Details


*If under 18 years of age

Relationship to Participant: Tel No:


Email Address: Emergency Details


*A friend or relative who can be contacted in an emergency if we are unable to contact the parent/guardian

Address: Relationship to Participant: Home Tel No: Mobile:

Medical / Health Information Any specific medical problems* e.g. asthma? Any allergies? Any specific dietary requirements? Doctors Details

Name: Address: Tel No:

Current fitness level (please circle):

Low / Medium / High

Have you done parkour / freerunning before?

Yes / No

Do you have any injuries, recent illness or surgery?

Yes / No

I confirm that I am physically fit and healthy to participate Do you consider yourself to have a disability? If yes, please state the nature of the disability

Yes / No Yes / No

*Please supply any additional information on conditions that may require extra consideration by staff. It may be necessary to seek medical advice to confirm that participation in parkour/freerunning activity will not have a negative impact on health. Medical information will be sought and where necessary any screening carried out prior to participation in the sport.

Religious Needs Please specify any religious requirements In order to help our club monitor its membership, please circle one of the options to identify your ethnic group: Bangladeshi

Black African

Black Caribbean

Black Other




Asian Other

White British

White European

White Non-European


Declarations & Agreements Participation Agreement I, the undersigned…………………….(participant) hereby apply to become a member of Airborn Academy Ltd or I, the undersigned, am the Parent/Guardian of ...................................................... hereby apply, (as does the participant), to become a member of Airborn Academy Ltd (delete as appropriate). I agree, as does the participant, to be bound by the rules and regulations of the club. I confirm that I am aware and understand, (as does the participant), that freerunning/parkour is a dangerous activity which can potentially involve serious injury and I agree to accept and assume all of the risks associated with this activity and the use of Airborn Academy equipment and facilities. In consideration of the training, equipment and facilities being provided by or through Airborn Academy Ltd, I, absolve Airborn Academy, and any of its members, teachers, coaches or associates from any claims or losses to personal belongings and possessions whilst participating in Airborn Academy classes. Signatures: Participant ........................................... Print Name ........................................... Date ................................ Parent/Guardian ...............................

Print Name ........................................... Date ................................

Medical Consent I hereby certify that in the event of ...................................... (participant name) requiring emergency medical treatment, that Airborn Academy Ltd has full authority to act in ‘Loco Parentis’ where required. I give consent for the participant to engage in Airborn Academy Ltd activities at local or away venues and hereby give my permission for application of emergency medical care as the need arises. It is understood that Airborn Academy Ltd will have made an attempt to contact Parents/Guardians and/or the emergency contact prior to authorising treatment. Signatures: Participant ........................................ Print Name ........................................... Date ................................ Parent/Guardian ............................... Print Name ........................................... Date ................................

Code of Dress for Participation in the Airborn Academy It is our policy that jewellery and adornments worn in any body piercing, are to be removed for safe participation in activities. The policy applies to all participants during training and events both at the academy and at away venues. Participants wearing jewellery or body adornments must inform the coach and immediately remove the relevant items to also reduce the risk of injury to the coach and others. Failure to conform to the above will prohibit the individuals’ participation on the grounds of reasonable safety. Failure to the policy may render the individual’s insurance invalid should an accident result from non compliance with this policy. Airborn Academy has a reasonable code of dress policy and will only allow participation of any participant who is wearing acceptable and appropriate attire. All participants must wear sporting trousers or shorts, t-shirts or leotards/unitards when participating. I the participant and the Parent/Guardian of ...................................................... and have been made aware of the statements associated with the code of dress. I accept full responsibility for my decision to participate and absolve the coach and Airborn Academy Ltd against my responsibility as a result of my attire. Signatures: Participant ........................................... Print Name ........................................... Date ................................ Parent/Guardian ...............................

Print Name ........................................... Date ................................

Photograph and Filming Permission I do / do not give permission for myself / my child (insert name) .................................................. to be filmed or photographed. I hereby grant Airborn Academy the right to use film or photographs for all general purposes in relation to the Airborn Academy including, without limitation, the right to use them in any publicity materials, books, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, websites and display in the gym/academy. Signature: Parent/Guardian ............................... Print Name ........................................... Date ................................ Participant ........................................... Print Name ........................................... Date ................................

Participation Rules of Conduct All participants must act in a responsible manner and respect others at all times. All participants must adhere to the Airborn Academy Code of Conduct. Any poor or disruptive behaviour, including physical or verbal abuse will not be tolerated and will result in immediate exclusion from the class without reimbursement. All activities must be undertaken in the presence of a coach and coaches’ instructions must be followed at all times. Equipment must be used appropriately and safely. All classes must be paid in full prior to entry into the training space. All participants must arrive promptly and participate in the warm-up, otherwise will not be allowed to participate. All particpants should inform Airborn Academy staff of any situation seen as unsafe or not in accordance with safety policies and regulations. All accidents and damage to equipment must be reported to Airborn Academy staff immediately. All participants must act in a manner which will not bring the Airborn Academy into disrepute. Rules of the training space must also be adhered to at all times: Be vigilant of other participants. No horseplay i.e. chasing or running about. No drinks or food in the training space. No outdoor footwear on the gym floor. I, the participant…………………….and parent/guardian (if required) accept and understand the Participation Rules of Conduct. Signature: Parent/Guardian ............................... Print Name ........................................... Date ................................ Participant ........................................... Print Name ........................................... Date ................................

Membership & Fees Completion of the membership forms and payment of the £20 membership fee provides: - Full Freerunning/ Parkour Activity Insurance within Airborn Academy for 1 Year. - Membership to UK Gymnastics (Freerunning and Parkour Accredited Governing Body). - Full membership benefits and access to Airborn discounts where appropriate.

Social Media Please note that the coaches of Airborn Academy are unable to accept students under 18 years of age as friends on their personal Facebook accounts or follow from their personal Twitter accounts or any other social media. All students are welcome to follow the official Airborn Academy Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram for updates and news about the Airborn Academy.