Airgap Eccentricity Fault Diagnosis, in Three- -Phase Induction Motors ...

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International Symposium on Power Electronics,. Electrical Drives, Automation ... apparent power signature analysis as a tool for the diagnos- tics of mixed airgap ...
SPEEDAM 2006 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion

Airgap Eccentricity Fault Diagnosis, in Three-Phase Induction Motors, by the Complex Apparent Power Signature Analysis M’hamed Drif, A. J. Marques Cardoso University of Coimbra, FCTUC/IT; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Pólo II - Pinhal de Marrocos; P - 3030-290 Coimbra; Portugal Tel/Fax: + 351 239 796232/796247, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract—This paper introduces the use of the complex apparent power signature analysis as a tool for the diagnostics of mixed airgap eccentricity condition in operating three-phase squirrel cage induction motors. Firstly, a modelling and simulation study concerning the occurrence of airgap eccentricity in three-phase induction motors is presented. For that purpose, the Winding Function Approach is considered. Then, both simulation and experimental results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Keywords--airgap eccentricity, fault diagnosis, induction motor, power signature analysis.

I. INTRODUCTION Rotating electrical machines play a very important role in the world’s industrial life. Among them, the threephase induction motors, especially of the squirrel cage type are frequently used because of their relative simplicity, robust construction and low price [1]. But even if induction machines are known as reliable, they can be submitted to external and internal stresses, and degradation can occur in their electrical and mechanical parts. Faults and failures of critical electromechanical parts can indeed lead to excessive downtimes and generate many costs in reduced output, emergency maintenance and lost revenues. So, it is necessary to detect these faulty conditions and stop them growing before they can result in catastrophic failures. One of the faults that may occur in these motors is airgap eccentricity [1][2]. Several contributions can be found in the literature dealing with the performance analysis of induction motors under eccentricity conditions [3-19]. The Winding Function Approach (WFA) is a useful technique for modeling an induction motor under these conditions, which accounts for all the space harmonics in the machine. Multiple coupled circuit model [1][4-8] enables the dynamic modeling of induction motors with both arbitrary winding layout and/or unbalanced operating conditions. Hence, this model has found application in the analysis of asymmetrical fault conditions in machines such as rotor failures, stator winding faults, or airgap eccentricity [7][8]. There are also many contributions dealing with airgap eccentricity diagnosis in three-phase induction motors. 1-4244-0194-1/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE

Some detection techniques evaluate the measured line current of the induction machine. If they are based on the analysis of the Fourier spectrum of a line current [3-10], they are called motor current signature analysis (MCSA) techniques. From the machine line currents, Park’s vector (a space phasor) can also be derived. This vector can be utilized for diagnosing airgap eccentricities [11-13]. Fault-specific signals are also present in the electromagnetic flux which can be measured by coils sensing the axial leakage flux [2][14]. Instantaneous power signature analysis is also used. The single-phase instantaneous power was proposed for the diagnosis of mixed rotor faults [15]. Both simulation and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the partial power as well as the total instantaneous power approach [16][17]. This paper introduces the application of the complex apparent power signature analysis for the diagnostics of mixed airgap eccentricity in operating three-phase induction motors. II. AIRGAP ECCENTRICITY Airgap eccentricity takes two basic forms: static and dynamic. Static eccentricity is characterized by a displaycement of the axis of rotation where the position of the minimal airgap length is fixed in space. It can be caused by the stator ovality or by the incorrect positioning of the rotor or stator at the commissioning stage. Since the rotor is not centered within the stator bore, the field distribution in the airgap is no longer symmetrical. The nonuniform airgap gives rise to a radial force of electromagnetic origin, called unbalanced magnetic pull (UMP), which acts in the direction of minimum airgap. However, static eccentricity may cause dynamic eccentricity, too [9]. The latter means that the rotor is not rotating on its own axis and the minimum airgap rotates with the rotor. This kind of eccentricity may be caused by a bent shaft, mechanical resonances, bearing wear or misalignment or even static eccentricity as mentioned above. Therefore, the nonuniform airgap of a certain spatial position is sinusoidally modulated and results in an asymmetric magnetic field, too. This, accordingly, gives rise to a revolving UMP [9][10]. In reality, static and dynamic eccentricities tend to coexist. Ideal centric conditions can never be assumed. Therefore, an inherent grade of eccentricity is implied for

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any real machine, even in newly manufactured ones due to manufacturing and assembly method [10][18]. The combined static and dynamic eccentricity is called mixed eccentricity [4][10]. In this condition, both rotor and rotation axes are displaced with respect to the stator one, which results in more complicated geometry condition of the motor compared to the two other cases for its modelling [5]. Airgap eccentricity in induction machines causes characteristic harmonic components in electrical, electromagnetic, and mechanical quantities. Therefore, either mechanical quantities such as vibrations or torque oscillations or electrical quantities such as currents or instantaneous power can be analyzed to detect eccentricity conditions [18][19]. III. COMPLEX APPARENT POWER SIGNATURE ANALYSIS The apparent power can be expressed in the complex domain as [20]: s = vi


= (vd + jvq )(id − jiq )

= (vd id + vq iq ) + j ( vq id − vd iq )

s = pr + jqi

(1) (2)

where the modulus of s is given by: s =

p r2 + qi2

IV. SIMULATION RESULTS A mathematical model has been developed in order to investigate mixed eccentricities. This is a multi-harmonic model that also evaluates higher harmonics [1][4-8]. By means of this model, typical harmonic eccentricity components can be predicted. The respective harmonics arise in the machine currents [4-6], torque [19], and power [16][17]. The analysis is based on the winding function and the coupled-circuits theories. To study the performance of squirrel cage induction motors with mixed eccentricity, a mesh model of the rotor is selected [7][8]. The rotor is described in the terms of loops. Rotor loop currents are defined as the currents flowing in loops comprising two adjacent rotor bars and the portions of end ring joining them. Each rotor bar and end ring segment are characterized by a resistance and inductance. For a three-phase squirrel cage induction motor with Nb bars, Nb+3 windings couple with each other through the airgap flux. The voltage balance equation for all windings is:

[V ] = ª« R + ¬

dL º d [ I ] + [ L] [ I ] » dt ¼ dt


The following differential equations system is obtained by rewriting (5) and adding mechanical equations:


For a healthy motor, the spectrum of the complex apparent power modulus contains only a dc component. When eccentricity takes place in an induction motor, the stator current, iL ,ecc (t ) is given by [15-17]:

­d ½ d [ L] º −1 ª −1 ° [ I ] = − [ L ] « R + ω rm » [ I ] + [ L ] [V ]° dθ m ¼ ° dt ° ¬ ° ° ­ d [ L ] °½ TL 1 t ° ° dω rm ° = [I ] ® ® ¾[ I ] − ¾ 2J J ¯° dθ m ¿° ° dt ° ° dθ ° ° m = ω rm ° ° dt ° ¯ ¿


∞ ­I ° ecc,m1 cos ¬ª2π ( f − mfr ) t −αm1 º¼ +°½ All of the relevant inductances for the induction motor iL,ecc (t) = IM cos ª¬( 2π f ) t −ϕº¼ + ¦® ¾ can be calculated using the WFA given in [8]. The approm=1 °+Iecc,m2 cos ª2π ( f + mfr ) t −αm2 º° ¬ ¼¿ ach assumes no symmetry in the placement of any motor ¯ coil in the slots. According to the winding function (4) theory, the mutual inductance between any two windings where I ecc, m1 and α m1 are the amplitude of the current “ i ” and “ j ” in any electric machine can be computed component at a frequency ( f − mf r ) and its initial phase by: 2π angle; I ecc, m 2 and α m 2 are the amplitude of the current Lij (θ r ) = μ0 A ³ r (θr , φ )g e−1 (θr , φ ) ni (θ r , φ ) N j (θ r , φ ) dφ 0 component at a frequency ( f + mf r ) and its initial phase (7) angle. Clearly, in the current spectrum, two sideband compo- where θ is the angular position of the rotor with respect nents will appear around the fundamental component at to some rstator reference, φ is a particular position along frequencies ( f − f r ) and ( f + f r ) . The spectrum of the the stator inner surface, g −1 θ , φ is termed the inverse ( r ) complex apparent power modulus in the case of an ec- effective airgap function, eA is the length of the stack, and centric machine contains the dc component and a harmor is the average radius of the airgap. The term ni (θ r , φ ) nic component at the disturbance frequency fr . This ad- is the winding distribution of the winding i , and ditional component, at the modulation frequency, subseN j (θ r , φ ) is called the winding function and represents in quently called characteristic component, provides an extra effect the magnetomotive force (MMF) distribution along piece of diagnostic information about the condition of the the airgap for a unit current flowing in the winding j . machine.

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In the presence of mixed eccentricity the airgap can be modelled as: ge (θ r , φ ) = g0 ¬ª1 − a1 cos (φ ) − a2 cos (φ − θ r ) ¼º


where a1 and a2 are the amount of static and dynamic eccentricities, respectively, and g0 is the average airgap. The inverse airgap function can then be defined as: g

−1 e

(θ r , φ ) =


g0 ª¬1 − a3 cos (φ − θ 'r ) º¼


with a3 = a12 + 2a1a2 cos (θ ' r ) + a22


a2 sin (θ


· ¸ ¨ a1 + a2 cos (θ r ) ¸ © ¹

θ 'r = arctan ¨


(10) (11)

The inverse airgap function is approximated as: ge−1 (θ r , φ ) = G0 + G1 cos (φ − θ 'r )

where: G0 = G1 =



g 0 1 − a32 § 1 − 1 − a2 3 ¨ a3 1 − a32 ¨© 2



· ¸ ¸ ¹


All the machine inductances can be calculated in the case of mixed eccentricity using the equation (7). Further details about the mathematical model of the induction motor using the WFA and about the machine inductances, which are dependent on the rotor position in the case of mixed eccentricity, are given in [1][4-8]. A fourth order Runge-Kutta numerical integration method is used to solve the first-order differential equations (6). The advantages of the presented technique are confirmed by simulation, on a wye-connected squirrel cage induction motor, using the aforementioned model. Initially, the healthy motor drives a load with a constant torque. Its complex apparent power signature is shown in Fig. 1(a). Obviously, only a dc component is present. When a mixed eccentricity fault condition is introduced (10% of dynamic and 33% of static eccentricities), the motor speed and slip begin oscillating due to the pulsating torque at fr = f (1−s) / p =23.6 Hz. As a result of this situation, the complex apparent power signature significantly differs from that of a healthy motor, as shown in Fig. 1(b). In the spectrum of the complex apparent power modulus, a frequency component appears directly at the frequency of speed oscillation fr =23.6 Hz, with an amplitude of 103.4 VA. Also shown are the spectral components corresponding to m=2 and some sidebands. When the severity of the fault is increased (20% of dynamic and

66% of static eccentricities), the complex apparent power signature (Fig. 1(c)) shows that the amplitude of the characteristic frequency at fr =23.6 Hz also increases to 213.2 VA, as well as for the others aforementioned spectral components. V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The test motor used in the experimental investigation was a three-phase, 50 Hz, 4-pole, 3 kW, AEG induction machine, type Dd 150/150 - 4 univ, with several rotors of different types, which can be easily interchanged. A separately excited dc generator feeding a variable resistor provided a mechanical load. The diagnostic instrumentation system used basically comprises a microcomputer, supporting a data acquisition board, two clip-on current probes, differential voltage probes, and a preconditioning module. All details of the experimental test rig are given in [11]. The motor was initially tested without eccentricity. Fig. 2(a) shows the complex apparent power signature for this case. It is shown that in the absence of fault, the behaviour of the motor is not only characterised by the presence of a dc component as theoretically predicted, but also by the appearance of the previously identified components characteristics of the fault. This is due to the presence of some inherent eccentricities in the tested motor, like as in any other real machine. The introduction of a 33% static eccentricity level is clearly noticeable in the complex apparent power signature of Fig. 2(b), by the substantial amplitude increase of the characteristic component at fr = f (1−s) / p =24.66 Hz. When a static eccentricity level of 66% is introduced in the test motor, the amplitude of the characteristic component, fr , increases accordingly, as can be seen in Fig. 2(c). It is however interesting to note that the previously identified additional spectral components at 2 fr and 2 f − 2 fr , remain almost with the same amplitude despite the increase in the fault severity level. This can be due to the effect of the motor/load inertia. Figs. 3 and 4 show the evolution of a normalized severity factor, defined as the ratio of the amplitude of the fr component and the machine rated apparent power, with the severity of the fault. Both simulation and experimental results show that there is an increase in the value of the normalized severity factor with the extension of the fault, making it a good indicator of the condition of the machine. VI. CONCLUSIONS This paper introduces a new approach, based on the spectral analysis of the complex apparent power modulus for detecting the occurrence of airgap eccentricity in operating three-phase induction motors. The experimental and simulated results show that a mixed eccentricity condition can be effectively detected by this new approach, whose operating philosophy relies on the behavior of the spectral component at frequency of fr = f (1− s ) / p . Even

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dc component

Apparent Power (VA)

Apparent Power (VA)


dc component 250






2fr 2f-2fr




10 50












Frequency (Hz)








Frequency (Hz)

(a) - Healthy motor.

(a) - Healthy motor.






Apparent Power (VA)

Apparent Power (VA)





fr 100






2f-2fr 2fr






5 0









Frequency (Hz)








Frequency (Hz)

(b) - Eccentric motor (DE=10%, SE=33%).

(b) - Eccentric motor (SE=33%).



2fr 45




Apparent Power (VA)

Apparent Power (VA)


2f-2fr 250

fr 200











10 50

5 0









Frequency (Hz)








Frequency (Hz)

(c) - Eccentric motor (DE=20%, SE=66%).

(c) - Eccentric motor (SE=66%).

Fig. 1. Simulation results.

Fig. 2. Experimental results.




Fault Se verity Factor (% )

Fault Se verity Factor (% )








0.5 0.1











Static Eccentricity (%)









Static Eccentricity (%)

Fig. 3. Fault severity factor (simulation results).

Fig. 4. Fault severity factor (experimental results).

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for small eccentricity levels this characteristic component is clearly visible. A normalized severity factor, defined as the ratio of the amplitude of the fr component and the machine rated apparent power, with the severity of the fault, proves to be a good indicator of the condition of the machine. Furthermore, the use of the complex apparent power for the detection of airgap eccentricity condition provides simultaneous information about the current and voltage, which can be of paramount importance when in the presence of an unbalanced supply voltage system.






The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of FCT under project nº: SFRH/BD/17592/2004. [13]


[2] [3]






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