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AIRPORTS COUNCIL World Report JANUARY 2015 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Message from Angela Gittens, Director General, ACI World 2014 in Memoriam 2014 ACI highlights Airport Excellence (APEX) in Safety - year in review 2014 APEX in Safety reviews ACI events in 2014 2015 ACI events calendar ACI Global Training: 2014 in review ACI Global Training: 2014 photo gallery ACI Global Training calendar - January to June (2015) Airport Service Quality award winners and Director General’s Roll of Excellence inductees honoured at WAGA 2014 Gala Dinner ASQ top performers ACI welcomes new 2014 World Business Partners


ACI World Report – January 2015

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ACI World Report – January 2015

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ACI World Report – January 2015

Message from Angela Gittens Director General, ACI World Dear Colleagues,

In the midst of the season’s hustle and bustle, ACI is working harder than ever to ensure that we begin the New Year on a high note. We re-launch the Airport Service Quality (ASQ) programme, delivering features that will be even more useful for airports that desire to analyze and benchmark their customer service performance. We have retooled ASQ from the ground up, taking into account the views of our subscribers. More than ever, this is your programme to help you raise the bar on customer service. We’re helping airports raise the bar in many other ways, too. Our Global Training department has released its 2015 Course Calendar and our Airport Excellence (APEX) in Safety team expects continued growth for the programme in 2015. The programme is developing further partnerships: the European Aviation Safety Agency, the Pacific Aviation Safety Office

and the World Bank, all of which have seen the value that the programme offers to airports wanting to improve their safety performance. ACI’s strong collaboration with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) will likewise continue in the New Year with an early important event. The ICAO High Level Safety Conference will take place from 2–6 February. Attended by Ministers and Directors General of Civil Aviation from most of the ICAO States, the conference will cover a wide range of safety issues including developments on global tracking of aircraft and risks to aviation over conflict zones. The Conclusions and Recommendations from the conference will be submitted to the ICAO Council for their further consideration. ACI is collaborating with our partner organizations to secure the best outcomes for airports and for the industry as a whole.

ACI World Report – January 2015

The opening quarter of 2015 will also be busy with events within ACI. ACI-North America (ACINA) hosts its Risk Management Conference from 14–16 January in San Diego before heading to Reno for the ACI-NA Customer Service Seminar from 27–29 January. From 25–27 February ACI World, in partnership with ACI Europe and ACI Asia-Pacific, hosts the 7th Annual Airport Economics & Finance Conference and Exhibition in London, widely hailed as the premier event of its kind. Finally for the first quarter, ACI-NA will host its Washington Legislative Conference from 3–4 March before heading to Vancouver from 22–25 March for the ACI-NA Business Information Technology, Environmental Affairs and Public Safety & Security Conferences. The end of one year and the beginning of a new one is a


time to both look back and look ahead. We just did this with ICAO as we convened in Chicago on 7–8 December to mark the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Chicago Convention which led to ICAO’s creation. In this issue, we look back at the events and achievements of 2014. It was a busy and productive year and 2015 will be even more so as we accelerate the demanding but rewarding work of producing a safe, secure, and sustainable airport system that benefits our communities, our customers and our business partners. Happy New Year!

Angela Gittens Director General ACI World


ACI World Report – January 2015

2014 in Memoriam The international aviation community lost three dear colleagues this year, each of whom contributed greatly in their own unique way to fostering the growth of the industry. Please join ACI in honouring and remembering those friends that we lost in 2014.

Anne McGinley Anne McGinley passed away on 21 January 2014 after a courageous battle with cancer. Anne started her career in the air transport industry in 1997 as the Head of the Air Navigation Services Division in the Department of Public Enterprise in Ireland. In 2001, Anne became the Representative of Ireland on the ICAO Council. She was subsequently appointed Chairperson of the ICAO Air Transport Committee and in 2004 was named to the ABIS delegation in ICAO. In 2005, ACI appointed Anne as Director of the ICAO Bureau in Montreal where her knowledge, diplomatic skills and tireless efforts assisted in building international consensus on issues important to airport needs. She was instrumental in obtaining Observer status at ICAO’s Air Navigation Commission and put ACI on the Montreal landscape. Anne will be greatly missed by all who knew her.



ACI World Report – January 2015


Dr. Assad Kotaite Prominent and respected civil aviation figure and Council President Emeritus of ICAO Dr. Assad Kotaite passed away on 27 February 2014 at the age of 89. The wisdom of Dr. Kotaite had a great deal to do with the creation of Airports Council International. He advised the leaders of the predecessor global airport associations that “airports would never have a voice on the global stage until they could speak with one voice.” Dr. Kotaite, widely regarded as a visionary in the industry, devoted his life to furthering international civil aviation with an eye toward the importance that the industry could play in economic, social and cultural development. All of us in the industry owe a great deal of gratitude to Dr. Assad Kotaite. The legacy he left will live on for many years to come.



ACI World Report – January 2015


Philippe Baril Philippe Baril, President of ACI-Latin America-Caribbean, passed away on 29 September 2014. Philippe had a long association with ACI, serving as Manager of Training at ACI World and Managing Director of the ACI Fund before leaving for Corporaciòn Quiport, S.A. where he managed Quito Airport in Ecuador and oversaw the development of the new Quito Airport, Mariscal Sucre International, one of the busiest airports in South America. Most recently, he served as Chairman of Corporación Quiport, S.A. Philippe was an especial champion of capacity building in developing countries, particularly in the areas of safety and security, recognizing that bringing training to the staff of these airports was fundamental to their future. In spite of his illness in the months before his passing, Philippe remained active in promoting the interests of airports in the LAC region and around the world. Philippe will be dearly missed.

Philippe Baril

ACI World Report – January 2015



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10 ACI World Report – January 2015

2014 ACI highlights The ACI World and Regional offices worked harder than ever on behalf of the world’s airports in 2014. A snapshot of highlights from this year is presented in the pages that follow. ACI World releases the ACI Guide to Airport Security: Assessment of Human Factors in Checkpoint Screening The content of the guidance material was drawn from hands-on airport security management experience and interviews with a number of airports. It is a broad ranging and detailed document which has been structured in a way to facilitate its use. The document itself is available from ACI as an interactive PDF or in paper format. They both provide the same comprehensive human factor information to help support efficiency and effectiveness in security screening operations.

ACI World publishes new Runway Safety Handbook Airports Council International is pleased to announce the release of its new Runway Safety Handbook, designed by the ACI World Safety and Technical Standing Committee to provide methodologies and best practices that can be implemented to assist airport operators in achieving a state-of-the-art level of runway safety. The handbook provides guidance material for the development of a runway safety programme for all aerodromes, large or small. The handbook also details ways in which airport operators can tailor, improve and expand existing programmes.


ACI World Report – January 2015


World Business Partner Advisory Board announces new 2014 Chair

The 31st ACI World Safety and Technical Standing Committee meeting

31st ACI World Safety and Technical Standing Committee meeting

Roddy Boggus, 2014 Chair, WBPAB

The World Business Partners Advisory Board (WBPAB) earlier this year announced the election of Roddy Boggus, National Aviation Director, Parsons Brinckerhoff, as its 2014 Chair. Boggus replaces Randy Pope and shall serve as the new World Business Partners’ Representative to the ACI World Governing Board.

The 31st ACI World Safety and Technical Standing Committee meeting (STSC) meeting took place in Montreal, Canada from 11–13 February 2014. The meeting was very well attended with 30 STSC committee members, three ACI Regional Office Observers and three ACI World staff in attendance. Additional staff from ACI’s Global Training and APEX programmes took part in the meeting along with guests from five external associations and international organizations. Finally, there was an open exchange of ideas and information in a collaborative forum where all participants spoke on issues, challenges and opportunities.

Airports Council International continues its growth in Montréal, the civil aviation world capital Angela Gittens, Director General of Airports Council International (ACI), and Dominique Anglade, President and CEO of Montréal International, announced earlier this year that ACI would expand its activities in Montréal to develop its Airport Excellence (APEX) Programme. The expansion will create nine permanent jobs and economic spin-offs of $1.7 million a year.

Angela Gittens, Director General of Airports Council International (right), with Dominique Anglade, President and CEO of Montréal International

12 ACI World Report – January 2015


Malaysia Airports hosts three ACI environmental events

In February, ACI’s World Environment Standing Committee (WESC) held its 31st meeting in Kuala Lumpur, hosted by Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB). Immediately after the meeting, many of the WESC members made presentations at the two-day 3rd ACI Airport Environmental Seminar, which provides an opportunity for knowledge sharing and training in the region. The seminar included speakers for the newly formed Asia-Pacific Regional Environment Committee (REC), who held their third meeting immediately following the seminar. For those of us who travelled a long way, it was a busy week, but we attended three events for the price of one!

ACI’s World Environment Standing Committee held its 31st meeting in Kuala Lumpur in February, hosted by Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad.

Mr. Gug Sastry, Chief Operating Officer of GMR Hyderabad International Airport Ltd., accepted the Airport Carbon Accreditation Level 3 certificate for his airport.

Mr. Sandeep Chaudhari, Deputy General Manager & Head - Power System & Utilities, Infrastructure – Engineering & Maintenance accepted the Airport Carbon Accreditation Level 3 certificate for Kempegowda International Airport, Bangalore.


ACI World Report – January 2015


2nd meeting of the ACI EUROPE Leadership and Human Resources Forum in Reykjavik, Iceland

ACI EUROPE Leadership and Human Resources Forum delegates taking advantage of some networking time in Blue Lagoon, Reykjavik

Over 20 passionate human resources specialists met earlier this year in Iceland under the leadership of Theresa Fleidl (Munich Airport) and Heleen Kuijten-Koenen (Amsterdam Schiphol Airport). After an inaugural meeting held on 23 October 2013 in Bologna, the Forum tackled a heavy agenda, including the definition of the group’s high-level objectives and mission. Four working groups subsequently presented their interim results on leadership change and internationalisation; employee engagement and recognition; succession planning and talent development; and mobility and demographic changes. The Forum is also responsible for the organisation of the annual Human Resources Study Tour, touring three member airports.

27th ACI Europe Technical and Operational Safety Committee meeting The 27th meeting of the ACI Europe Technical and Operational Safety Committee (TOSC) took place in Vienna, Austria earlier this year. The meeting was hosted by Mr. Gerhard Gruber on behalf of Vienna International Airport (Flughafen Wien AG) and was well attended by representatives of European aerodromes and organizations, as well as ACI World. The meeting’s agenda items focused on European operational and safety matters, policy issues and updates from the Single European Sky Steering Group, which met the day before. The Steering Group updates from Mr. Luc Laveyne included an overview of the SESAR deployment and the Pilot Common Project.

14 ACI World Report – January 2015


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ACI World Report – January 2015


International Industry Working Group meets in Washington, discusses airport operator concerns on planning for new aircraft types The International Industry Working Group (IIWG) held its 62nd meeting in Washington, D.C. in April of this year. It was attended by nearly 50 representatives of airports, airlines, aircraft and aero-engine manufacturers and regulators, as well as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Some 20 airport operators are members, of which 10 were present, as well as David Gamper for ACI World and Dick Marchi for ACI North America.

The cover of a presentation given at the 62nd IIWG meeting on accommodating the A380 at Washington Dulles International Airport

ACI Asia-Pacific announces new President and Board of Directors ACI Asia-Pacific is pleased to announce the results of the ACI Asia-Pacific Board election, which took place at the 9th ACI Asia-Pacific Regional Assembly meeting, held on 27 May 2014 in Seoul, Korea. The following members of the ACI Asia-Pacific Executive Committee were elected for a two-year term with immediate effect: President Dennis Chant Managing Director

First Vice President

Second Vice President

Lee Seow Hiang

Kerrie Mather


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Changi Airport Group

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Second Vice President

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Immediate Past President Tan Sri Bashir Ahmad Abdul Majid Managing Director Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad

The ACI Asia-Pacific Regional Board is a governing body which determines the overall development strategy of ACI’s Asia-Pacific region. The Board comprises 23 aviation business leaders across the region. For a full list of ACI Asia-Pacific Regional Board members, please click here.


16 ACI World Report – January 2015

ACI Director General Angela Gittens attends ICAO Council Retreat ACI Director General Angela Gittens earlier this year attended an International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Council Retreat in which Council Representatives and resident Representatives to ICAO, the President of the Air Navigation Commission, the Secretary General, together with the Directors of Bureaus and the Regional Directors, as well as selected industry organizations participated. The retreat focused on strategies to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of ICAO.

Particiapants of this summer’s ICAO Council Retreat

ACI North America Chairman Reis testifies before House Aviation Subcommittee on airport financing ACI North America (ACI-NA) Board Chairman Mark Reis, Managing Director of SeattleTacoma International Airport, made the case for modernizing U.S. airport financing during a hearing on 18 June before the Aviation Subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives Transportation and Infrastructure Committee—and responded to claims from airline representatives that raising the Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) cap would only be an unnecessary hit to airfare sales.

(from left) AAAE President and CEO Todd Hauptli; ACINA President and CEO Kevin M. Burke; and ACI-NA Chairman Mark Reis, Managing Director of Seattle Tacoma International Airport

Reis said PFCs are essential to the necessary safety and structure improvements that the average 40-year-old airport facilities in the U.S. need to make the traveler experience safer and less congested—and right now, the cap established 14 years ago isn’t cutting it.


ACI World Report – January 2015


ACI/ICAO/IATA Young Aviation Professionals programme to be extended for a second year Over the past year Airports Council International, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) have hosted two Young Aviation Professional Officers, giving them an opportunity to advance their knowledge and understanding of the global civil aviation system within a United Nations international regulatory body, as well as the airline and airport industries, and to learn about the inter-relationships between these actors. The organizations decided in September to extend the programme for a second year. Through this collaborative programme, three Young Aviation Professionals will be offered exciting career development opportunities in Montreal. More details on the selection criteria, conditions of employment, examples of typical duties and instructions on how to apply can be found at

Canadian Airports Council steps up advocacy efforts on Ontario Aviation Fuel Tax Canada’s largest province, Ontario, is home to 11 Canadian Airports Council (CAC) member airports including major aviation operations centres at Toronto Pearson, Toronto Billy Bishop and Ottawa International Airports. Like many jurisdictions, Ontario has a tax on aviation fuel but it is an anomaly in having such a tax on international flights. The CAC stepped up advocacy efforts on the fuel tax file prior to the initial spring budget in support of air carrier efforts led by the National Airlines Council of Canada for some time. The impetus was an indication from the Minister of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure that there may be an opening to eliminate the portion of the fuel tax levied on international flights in line with practice in other jurisdictions. The CAC was one of two organizations to testify on the fuel tax and one of ten organizations overall to be heard by the Ontario Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs as part of the legislative consideration of the budget implementation bill.

Olga de Frutos Martín, the first ACI/ICAO/IATA Young Aviation Professional in front of ICAO headquarters

The CAC will continue to support advocacy efforts led by the carrier community on this file. The link between cost-related concerns at the federal level is front of mind, however, and part of the narrative the CAC is employing at the provincial level is a call for the province to join with industry in working together in pursuit of federal reforms. Such a move, however, would essentially represent an about-face on the part of the provincial government.




8:51 AM

18 ACI World Report – January 2015

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ACI World Report – January 2015


ACI, IATA and CANSO join ICAO to discuss risks to civil aviation arising from conflict zones

(from left) Jeff Poole, Director General, CANSO; Tony Tyler, Director General and CEO, IATA; Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu, President of the Council, ICAO; Raymond Benjamin, Secretary General, ICAO; and Angela Gittens, Director General, ACI World

Airports Council International, along with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO), participated in a meeting at the head offices of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in Montreal, Canada to discuss appropriate actions to be pursued to mitigate potential risks to civil aviation arising from conflict zones in the wake of the MH17 incident. “Despite the tragic events surrounding the downing of flight MH17, it is important to remember that aviation has an excellent safety record; the condemnable actions of those responsible do not change that,” said Angela Gittens, Director General of ACI World. “Nonetheless, there is always room for improvement, specifically when it comes to ensuring that robust intelligence is put in the right hands.

Angela Gittens, Director ACI World is concerned. ACI is ready toGeneral, cooperatively explore interviewed by the BBC at the press conference following the meeting.

“ACI and other industry stakeholders will tackle this issue just as we have others in the past—collaboratively and transparently—as we continue to ensure the safety of the traveling public,” Gittens added. “Any proposed changes to flight paths necessarily affect airports where slot allocation, fuel uplifts and curfews are effective solutions with ICAO, IATA and CANSO, and today’s meeting was a very positive first step in the right direction.”

20 ACI World Report – January 2015

ACI in Multi-agency response to the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa ACI Director General Angela Gittens conferred with her counterparts at the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in a conference call on 13 August 2014. The purpose of the call was to coordinate action among the key stakeholders in the air transport industry with the aim of maintaining air services and confidence in air travel to and from the countries affected by the Ebola outbreak, namely Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. It also aimed to counter the misinformation that causes fear and generalizations about the risk, which is negatively impacting tourism and trade in other parts of Africa.

2014 HIGHLIGHTS Building a bright future for India’s aviation sector An ACI team that included ACI World Director General Angela Gittens, ACI Asia-Pacific Regional Director Patti Chau and ACI World Director of Economics Rafael Echevarne visited India earlier this year to meet with key senior aviation officials. The objective of the visit included discussing the status of the Indian airport industry and the latest economic regulatory initiatives suggested by the Indian regulator. India is full of potential, with a large population in a large country with a growing middle class. However, it still has a long way to go in view of the fact that other countries with similar or lower population bases handle relatively larger volumes of passenger traffic. India is not currently in the top ten countries in terms of airport passenger volume. India should be one of the three largest aviation markets. ACI wants to see that India takes its rightful place in the aviation world.

ACI-NA and CBP launch mobile passport app On 13 August 2014, Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced the launch of the first authorized app to expedite a traveler’s entry process into the United States. Mobile Passport Control (MPC) will allow eligible travelers to submit their passport information and customs declaration form via a smartphone or tablet prior to CBP inspection. This firstof its-kind app was developed by Airside Mobile and ACI-NA in partnership with CBP as part of a pilot program at the HartsfieldJackson Atlanta International Airport. IPhone and iPad users can download the app for free from Apple’s App Store. MPC is expected to expand to more airports later this year and to Android smartphone users in the future. “Mobile Passport exemplifies the forward-thinking commitment CBP and airports have to improving the passenger experience when entering the United States,” said ACI-NA President and CEO Kevin M. Burke. “This partnership between CBP and ACINA also represents an outstanding example of industry and government working together to find smart, cost-effective solutions. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with CBP as Mobile Passport begins its roll-out at U.S. airports later this year.”


ACI World Report – January 2015


ACI-NA members unveil collectible trading cards On 8 September, ACI-NA members unveiled the first group of collectible trading cards from the new North American Airport Collectors SeriesTM at the 2014 ACI-NA Annual Conference and Exhibition in Atlanta. The North American Airport Collectors SeriesTM trading cards feature the most recognizable images from some of busiest airports in the world to smaller regional airports in North America.

The trading cards are free and will be distributed at each participating ACI-NA airport.

ACI releases 2013 World Airport Traffic Report Airports Council International earlier this year released the latest edition of the World Airport Traffic Report. With comprehensive data coverage for almost 2,000 airports in 160 countries worldwide, ACI’s flagship publication remains the authoritative source and industry reference for the latest airport traffic data, rankings and trends on air transport demand. “Given both the potential pitfalls and opportunities for aviation now and in the coming years, having a reliable data source to count on is more important than ever,” said ACI Director General Angela Gittens. “ACI continues to deliver the most comprehensive airport traffic data and rankings in an internationally comparable format to provide our members and readership a global view of the industry as a whole.”

22 ACI World Report – January 2015

New from ACI The ACI Guide to Airport Security Assessment of Human Factors in Checkpoint Security

• Developed to equip airports’ security teams with a deeper understanding of human factors that contribute to effective passenger screening. • Covers organization structures and work processes, the technology component and the interface between man and machine and how to optimize the screening checkpoint’s working environment.

The ACI Guide to Airport Security Assessment of Human Factors in Checkpoint Security

• Includes leading industry practices and assists airports benchmark their strengths and weaknesses.

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ACI World Report – January 2015


ACI Asia-Pacific Regional Environment Committee meeting

Regional Environment Committee meeting delegates on a solar-powered staircase that has been successfully trailed by JASL Limited, during the tour of environmental facilities at HKIA.

The 4th Asia Pacific Regional Environment Committee (REC) meeting took place in Hong Kong earlier this year. Environmental management approaches for airports in Osaka and Indonesia; progress on noise issues; a new waste management initiative; Airport Carbon Accreditation; Hong Kong International’s third runway; the REC’s work with IATA on the recycling of deplaned waste; and an airline perspective of airport environmental issues were all topics of conversation.

Airport Carbon Accreditation takes off in North America On 7 September 2014 a ceremony took place at the ACI-North America 2014 Annual Conference & Exhibition in Atlanta to mark the launch of Airport Carbon Accreditation in North America in partnership with ACI-NA. Having already achieved significant results in Europe (since 2009), Asia-Pacific (since 2011) and Africa (since 2013), the launch of the programme in North America is a decisive step in the establishment of Airport Carbon Accreditation as the global standard for carbon management at airports.

24 ACI World Report – January 2015


Ivory Coast Transportation Minister visits ACI World offices following Abidjan APEX visit On 29 October, ACI World had the privilege of welcoming Mr. Gaoussou Toure, the Transportation Minister for the Ivory Coast (Cote D’Ivoire), accompanied by Moumouni Dieguimde, ICAO Council Member for Burkina Faso and also supporting other States in that region, as well as the Minister’s entourage of local and national officials. The Minister came to thank Angela Gittens, ACI World Director General, personally for the contribution she and her team had made to airport safety at Abidjan through the Airport Excellence (APEX) in Safety visit earlier in the year.

(from right) Angela Gittens, Director General, ACI World and Gaoussou Toure, Transportation Minister, Ivory Coast

ACI and IAWA sign affiliation agreement On 23 September 2014, Airports Council International signed an agreement with the International Aviation Womens Association (IAWA) with the intention of working collaboratively on education, training and job opportunities in the airport sector. Angela Gittens, Director General of ACI World, and Abby Bried, President of IAWA, signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations in the presence of Rosemarie S. Andolino, Commissioner at the Chicago Department of Aviation, as well as Chicago-based IAWA members.

Angela Gittens, Director General of ACI World (right), and Abby Bried, President of IAWA, signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations in the presence of Rosemarie S. Andolino, Commissioner at the Chicago Department of Aviation, as well as Chicago-based IAWA members.


ACI World Report – January 2015

ACI’s Emergency Preparedness and Contingency Planning Handbook now available ACI World’s Emergency Preparedness and Contingency Planning Handbook is now available for order. The handbook has been written by members of the ACI World Safety and Technical Standing Committee, bringing together best practice knowledge and experience from aerodromes around the world. This indispensible resource contains recommendations for emergency response planning based on with Standards and Recommended Practices and guidance material published by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The handbook also contains viewpoints and best practices from The International Air Transport Association (IATA).

Michael Rossell appointed Deputy Director General at ACI World Airports Council International - ACI World appointed in November 2014 Michael Rossell as its new Deputy Director General. Formerly Director of ICAO Relations with ACI World he will continue to promote the interests of the world’s airports at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and with international partners, and will take on additional corporate responsibilities within ACI. “Michael has used his extensive knowledge of aviation and transport policy, and his experience as former UK Permanent Representative to ICAO, to strengthen ACI’s engagement with ICAO at all levels. He has also brought fresh ideas on developing the corporate culture of ACI and I have asked him to develop these further as we go forward to deliver our strategic objectives,” said Angela Gittens, Director General, ACI World. Michael replaces Craig Bradbrook who took the position of Vice-President of Aviation Services at the Greater Toronto Airports Authority.

Michael Rossell, Deputy Director General, ACI World


26 ACI World Report – January 2015


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ACI World Report – January 2015


ACI Asia-Pacific Small and Emerging Airports Seminar concluded in Bali Aviation professionals, government officials and business leaders gathered in Bali, Indonesia as they attended the 10th ACI Asia-Pacific Small and Emerging Airports Seminar organized by ACI Asia-Pacific and hosted by Angkasa Pura Airports, operator of 13 airports in Indonesia. (from left) Tommy Soetomo, President Director of Angkasa Pura Airports; Patti Chau, Regional Director of ACI Asia- Pacific and Dennis Chant, President of ACI Asia-Pacific

Aviation professionals and business leaders were invited to share their insights on issues relating to the theme of “Navigating Aviation Growth and Challenges in Southeast Asia.”

ACI Airport Carbon Accreditation programme reaches global status In mid-November Airports Council International – Latin America-Caribbean announced the regional launch of the Airport Carbon Accreditation programme at their 23rd Annual Assembly, Conference and Exhibition. The programme has now been extended to all ACI regions and has just achieved global reach, providing significant benefits to airports worldwide. “This milestone clearly demonstrates airports’ dedication to sustainable growth and that we are taking proactive and robust actions to achieve aviation’s commitment made in September at the United Nations Climate Summit,” said Angela Gittens, Director General, ACI World.

Javier Martinez, Director General of ACI Latin America-Caribbean (front left) and Olivier Jankovec, Director General of ACI EUROPE (front right) officially bring the Airport Carbon Accreditation programme to the Latin America and the Caribbean region in the presence of ACI Latin America-Caribbean Second Vice President Fernando Bosque (back left) and President Hector Navarrete Muñoz (back right).

28 ACI World Report – January 2015


Airport Excellence (APEX) in Safety - year in review The ACI APEX programme built upon the success of 2013 and carried this momentum throughout 2014. The APEX team delivered a 70% increase in reviews conducted versus last year and also saw a series of firsts for the programme in general. • First review of • First review of (ATH) • First review of airport (AUH) • First review of (Quito)

an American airport (SEA) a major European airport a major Middle Eastern a South American airport

The APEX programme also saw a significant increase in the amount of safety partners signing up to support this ACI initiative. We would like to highlight the participation of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), who joined under a special Memorandum of Cooperation that reinforced the cooperative spirit between organizations to improve operational safety performance worldwide. Thank you to the Safety Partners who have supported the APEX in Safety Programme in 2014:

2014 participating Safety Partners • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Airports Company South Africa (ACSA) Aéroports de Montréal (ADM) Genève Aéroport (GVA) Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) Dublin Airport Authority (DUB) Wayne County Airport Authority (DTW) Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) Fraport AG (FRA) Oslo Airport (OSL) Edmonton International Airport (YEG) Compania Nationala Aeroporturi Bucuresti (OTP) Brussels Airport Company (BRU) Abu Dhabi Airports Company (AUH) Office de l’Aviation Civile et des Aéroports (TUN) Vancouver Airport Authority (YVR)

2015 will be a banner year for the ACI APEX in Safety programme. We have seen significant interest from airports in all regions looking to host a review as well as additional safety partners signing agreements to support the programme coming in every week. We are

• Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AUA) • City of San Antonio, Aviation Department (SAT) • Aéroports de Paris (CDG) • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) • Isavia (KEF) • Athens International Airport S.A. (ATH) • Beijing Capital International Airport (PEK) • Aéroport International Jean-Lesage de Québec (YQB) • Aeroportos de Moçambique ADM (MPM) • Office de l’Aviation Civile et des Aéroports (OACA) • Port of Seattle, Aviation Division (SEA) • Miami Dade (MIA) • ASECNA (OUA - Burkina Faso) • Tibah Airports Operation Co., Ltd. (MED) • Cairo International Airport (CAI) also expanding our programme by exploring future partnerships with international and regional development groups, regulators and other organizations to offer alternative sources of financing, thus making an APEX review accessible to all of our members.


ACI World Report – January 2015


30 ACI World Report – January 2015


2014 APEX in Safety Reviews

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Dublin, Ireland

Hainan, China

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Medina, Saudi Arabia



ACI World Report – January 2015

Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire

Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire

Athens, Greece

Cotonou, Benin

Niamey, Niger

Niamey, Niger



32 ACI World Report – January 2015


San Diego, USA

Port-Gentil, Gabon

Port-Gentil, Gabon

Quito, Ecuador

Quito, Ecuador

Seattle, USA

ACI World Report – January 2015

Global Safety Network (GSN) Diploma Programme Do you have the right competencies to be an airport safety professional?

Advance your career with the GSN Diploma Programme! •

GSN 1 - Safety Management Systems

GSN 4 - Working with Annex 14

GSN 2 - Airside Safety and Operations

GSN 5 - Advanced Safety Management Systems

GSN 3 - Emergency Planning and Crisis Management

GSN 6 - Aerodrome Auditing and Compliance

To find out more information, please contact us at: [email protected]

+1 514-373-1200

The leading airport management and operations education provider


34 ACI World Report – January 2015

ACI Events in 2014

2014 was a banner year for ACI in terms of event organization. Below are just some of the many World and Regional ACI events that took place.

2014 ACI Airport Economics & Finance Conference Close to 300 delegates from 51 countries, a new record for the event, attended ACI’s 6th Annual Airport Economics & Finance Conference in London from 12–14 March.

(from left) Olivier Jankovec, Director General, ACI EUROPE; Narjess Abdennebi, Chief Economist, ICAO; Declan Collier, Chief Executive Officer, London City Airport; Angela Gittens, Director General, ACI World; Tony Tyler, Director General & Chief Executive Officer, IATA; Patti Chau, Regional Director, ACI Asia-Pacific; and Jeff Poole, Director General, CANSO

Day 2 opened with Fredrick Piccolo, President and CEO, Sarasota Manatee Airport Authority and Chair, ACI World, moderating a session on Airport Performance Management

(foreground) Angela Gittens, Director General, ACI World (left), and Dr. Charles Schlumberger, Lead Air Transport Specialist at The World Bank; (background) Patti Chau, Regional Director, ACI Asia-Pacific (left) and Olivier Jankovec, Director General, ACI EUROPE

ACI’s 6th Annual Airport Economics & Finance Conference proved to be a great networking opportunity for all involved




12:30 PM

ACI World Report – January 2015

Every airport. Every passenger. Every movement.

Data at your fingertips.









From the movements of passengers and cargo to the analysis of airport economic data, ACI offers an array of statistical services to customize any data set based on client needs and preferences. If you prefer derived traffic indicators, measures of traffic seasonality, airport rankings, comparative airport user charges or simply just a raw data set for a specific group of airports and time series, simply send your request to [email protected] or call+1-514-373-1200 You may also subscribe to one of ACI’s flagship publications covering comprehensive monthly or annual airport statistics at

For a list of organizations already turning to ACI for data, please contact us.



36 ACI World Report – January 2015


ACI/ICAO Africa Regional Security Conference Hosted by the Agence des Aéroports du Senegal (ADS) in Dakar, ACI and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) welcomed participants and speakers from around the world to discuss continuing developments in aviation security with a particular focus on Africa at the Regional Security Conference, held from 8–10 April.

(from left) Pascal Kowu Komla, ACI Africa President; Moumouni Dieguimde, Permanent Representative of Burkina Faso, ICAO Council; and Angela Gittens, Director General, ACI World

Senegalese Minister of Tourism and Air Transport Oumar Gueye speaks to the media about the ACI Africa/ICAO Regional Security Conference

A traditional Senegalese lion dancer was part of the entertainment at the ACI Africa/ICAO Regional Security Conference

A traditional Senegalese drummer performs at the Dakar Grand Theatre during an evening of entertainment sponsored by ADS


ACI World Report – January 2015


ACI Asia-Pacific/World Annual General Assembly The Airports Council International Asia-Pacific/World Annual General Assembly (WAGA) 2014, held from 26–28 May 2014 in Seoul, Korea included a robust conference programme; a fully subscribed Safety Symposium; an at-capacity World Human Resources Forum; a lively exhibition; and ample networking opportunities at a variety of social events. Graciously hosted by Incheon International Airport, this year’s event set a record for the highest number of attendees at any WAGA outside of North America, underscoring its importance as the premier event of the calendar year for worldwide airports.

The ACI Audit Committee

Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu, President of the Council, ICAO speaks at the World Governing Board meeting

The ACI Asia-Pacific 13th Annual Regional Operational Safety Committee Meeting

Angela Gittens, Director General, ACI underscores safety as being ACI World’s top priority at the Safety Symposium

The Welcome Reception provided a place for old friends and new acquaintances alike to share a drink and discuss the industry CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE

38 ACI World Report – January 2015

Hong-Yeol Choi, Acting President & CEO, Incheon International Airport addresses attendees at the Welcome Reception on 26 May


Attendees toast at the Gala Dinner and ASQ Award Ceremony hosted by Incheon International Airport Corporation

Graduates of the AMPAP programme gather on stage for a group photo and a well-deserved celebration

The conference portion of WAGA 2014 saw experts from around the world weighing in on timely topics for the aviation industry.

The 2015 World Annual General Assembly will be hosted by Tocumen International Airport and will take place in Panama from 31 August–2 September.

ACI World Report – January 2015 Organiser





APRIL 27-29, 2015 DEAD SEA, JORDAN Welcome Reception and Lanyard Sponsor

Exhibition organiser

Media partners ®

The magazine of the Airports Council International



40 ACI World Report – January 2015

ACI-North America 2014 Annual Conference & Exhibition September was a productive month for Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA), which held its Annual Conference & Exhibition from 7–10 September in Atlanta, Georgia.

ACI World Director General Angela Gittens congratulates R.J. Steenstra, Red Deer Airport; Deven M. Judd, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport; and Rosa Beckett, Jacksonville Aviation Authority, the 2014 ACI-NA AMPAP graduates.

ACI-NA President and CEO Kevin Burke presents the findings of ACI-NA’s 2013 economic impact study during the 2014 ACI-NA Annual Conference and Exhibition.

Associate Member Inclusion Champion Awards Recipient HMS Host.

Medium Hub Inclusion Champion Award Recipient Cleveland Hopkins International Airport (CLE)

Large Hub Inclusion Champion Award Recipient Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta InternationalAirport (ATL)


ACI World Report – January 2015


2014 Trinity Forum The 2014 Trinity Forum, co-organized by ACI and The Moodie Report, took place from 17–19 September in Taipei, Taiwan and was kindly hosted by Taoyuan International Airport. During the three-day event, attendees were treated to informative sessions centering on the topic of collaboration and featuring experts from worldwide airports, travel retail operators and brands.

Angela Gittens, Director General, ACI World addresses attendees during the Opening Cocktail

Martin Moodie, Founder of The Moodie Report and co-organizer of The Trinity Forum 2014, welcomes attendees during the Opening Cocktail.

Nancy Ku, President of Tasa Meng Corporation, greets guests during the Opening Cocktail

David Fei, CEO of Taoyuan International Airport Corporation (center) takes part in a panel discussion during day one of the conference.

Fredrick Piccolo, Chair, ACI World and President and CEO of the Sarasota Manatee Airport Authority

(from left) Kevin C.T. Chiang, General Manager of Ever Rich Group, with Barbara Lavernos, Managing Director of L’Oréal Group Travel Retail Division Worldwide

42 ACI World Report – January 2015

16 – 18 September 2015 | Hong Kong

The global airport commercial revenues conference Organised by

Hosted by

Moodie Report The


SAVE THE DATE For sponsorship opportunities please contact Sarah Genest at [email protected]


ACI World Report – January 2015


ACI Africa Regional Annual General Meeting, Conference and Exhibition ACI Africa held its Regional Annual General Meeting, Conference and Exhibition in Durban, South Africa from 12–14 October. Organized under theme of “Service Excellence – Key to the Future,” the event attracted attendees from across the region to discuss the importance of putting passengers first.

Attendees discussed African airports’ commitment to cutting greenhouse gas emissions with the Airport Carbon Accreditation programme

The event also featured plenty of networking opportunities

Fredrick Piccolo, Chair, ACI World and President & CEO, Sarasota Manatee Airport Authority

The exhibition portion of the event was well aligned with the conference theme.

ACI Asia-Pacific Small and Emerging Airports Seminar Aviation professionals, government officials and business leaders gathered in Bali, Indonesia from 20–22 October as they attended the 10th ACI Asia-Pacific Small and Emerging Airports Seminar organized by ACI Asia-Pacific and hosted by Angkasa Pura Airports, operator of 13 airports in Indonesia.

ACI Asia-Pacific President, Dennis Chant (left) receives an appreciation plaque from Robert Waloni, Director, Angkasa Pura Airports at the Dufry-sponsored Gala Dinner.

(from left) Tommy Soetomo, President Director of Angkasa Pura Airports; Patti Chau, Regional Director of ACI AsiaPacific and Dennis Chant, President of ACI Asia-Pacific


44 ACI World Report – January 2015

23rd ACI Latin America-Caribbean Annual Assembly, Conference and Exhibition The 23rd Annual ACI Latin America-Caribbean Assembly, Conference and Exhibition, held in Cancun, Mexico from 8–11 November, proved to have an informative conference portion with speakers from across the industry and beyond, as well as a vibrant exhibition featuring the latest breakthroughs in products and services for the airport industry. The event also marked the global rollout of the Airport Carbon Accreditation programme and the election of a new President for the region.

Javier Martinez, Director General of ACI Latin America-Caribbean (front left) and Olivier Jankovec, Director General of ACI EUROPE (front right) officially bring the Airport Carbon Accreditation programme to the Latin America and the Caribbean region in the presence of newly elected ACI Latin America-Caribbean President Hector Navarrete Muñoz (back right)

(from left) ACI Latin America-Caribbean Second Vice President Fernando Bosque, ACI Latin America-Caribbean Director General Javier Martinez, ACI World Director General Angela Gittens and ACI EUROPE Director General Olivier Jankovec celebrate the global rollout of the Airport Carbon Accreditation programme

The ACI Latin America-Caribbean Board meeting took place ahead of the conference portion of the event

Hector Navarrete Muñoz was elected President of ACI Latin America-Caribbean at this year’s event

The pre-conference workshop programme, featuring guests from a number of fields within the airport industry, was well-attended

The conference portion of the event




5:53 PM

ACI World Report – January 2015










46 ACI World Report – January 2015

201 5 A CI EVEN TS C ALEN DAR 14-16 JANUARY 2015 ACI-NA Risk Management Conference San Diego, CA, USA

27-29 JANUARY 2015 ACI-NA Customer Service Seminar Reno, NV, USA

25-27 FEBRUARY 2015 ACI 7th Annual Airport Economics & Finance, Conference & Exhibition London, United Kingdom

1-3 MARCH 2015 ACI-NA AirCargo 2015 New Orleans, LA, USA

3-4 MARCH 2015 ACI-NA/AAAE Washington Legislative Conference Washington, DC, USA

22-25 MARCH 2015 ACI-NA Business Information Technology, Environmental Affairs, Public Safety & Security Spring, and Operations & Technical Affairs Conferences

12-14 APRIL 2015 ACI-NA/AAAE Airport Board & Commissioners Conference New Orleans, LA, USA

15-18 APRIL 2015 ACI-NA Spring Legal Affairs Conference New Orleans, LA, USA

20-22 APRIL 2015 ACI-Africa Regional Conference & Exhibition Casablanca, Morocco

20-22 APRIL 2015 ACI-NA Business of Airports Conference Phoenix, AZ, USA

21-23 APRIL 2015 ACI-Europe 24th Commercial and Retail Conference and Exhibition Milan, Italy

27-29 APRIL 2015 ACI Asia-Pacific Regional Assembly, Conference & Exhibition Dead Sea, Jordan

Vancouver, BC, Canada


ACI World Report – January 2015


201 5 A CI EVEN TS C ALEN DAR 1-3 JUNE 2015 ACI-NA JumpStart® Air Service Development Program

19-22 OCTOBER 2015 ACI-NA Public Safety & Security Conference

Seattle, WA, USA

Arlington, VA, USA

24-26 JUNE 2015 25th ACI EUROPE General Assembly, Congress and Exhibition

20-22 OCTOBER 2015 ACI-Africa 24th Annual General Meeting, Conference and Exhibition

Prague, Czech Rebublic

Hammamet, Tunisia

31 AUGUST - 2 SEPTEMBER 2015 ACI Latin America-Caribbean/World Annual General Aseembly Conference & Exhibition Panama City, Panama

16-18 SEPTEMBER 2015 ACI Asia-Pacific/World Trinity Forum Hong Kong

9-11 NOVEMBER 2015 ACI-NA Marketing & Communications Conference Nashville, TN, USA

25-27 NOVEMBER 2015 ACI-Asia Small & Emerging Airports Seminar Macau, China

4-7 OCTOBER 2015 ACI-NA Annual Conference

3-4 DECEMBER 2015 ACI-NA International Aviation Issues Seminar

Long Beach, CA, USA

Washington, DC, USA

7-9 OCTOBER 2015 ACI Asia-Pacific HR Best Practice Seminar Tokyo, Japan

For a complete list of events visit:

48 ACI World Report – January 2015

ACI Global Training: 2014 in review By Kevin Caron, Head, Global Training and Human Resources

2015 is rapidly approaching and in the New Year, ACI’s passionate and dedicated Global Training Team is looking forward to offering the world’s airports its stellar lineup of existing and new airport education offerings. Before we start 2015 let’s review some achievements of the past year. 2014 marked another stellar year for ACI’s Global Training (GT) department, which continued to offer value to

airport professionals the world over in the form of education programmes aimed at personal and professional development to help students adapt to an ever-changing airport industry. The relationships that have been forged and the friendships made throughout this year are equally as important as the knowledge shared. Below, I have listed a selection of some of our collective highlights and achievements:

128 classroom courses delivered 2,058 classroom students 13,948 online learning centre training hours delivered to 3,078 online students 13 DNA/ACI Fund course sessions, 51 participating countries and 235 attendees 5 language offerings 96 AMPAP International Airport Professionals (IAP’s) and 4 Associate Graduates 97 people enrolled in the Airport Operations Diploma Programme with 72 graduating in 2014

31 Global Safety Network (GSN) Initial graduates 22 GSN Advanced graduates 2 new online courses: Wildlife Hazard Management and Runway Safety Management 1 new online diploma programme in Airport Operations in Spanish 4 new courses developed/updated: ACI/McGill Aviation Law for Managers, EASA

Implementing Rules for Aerodromes, Capacity Enhancement and Resource Planning, and Security and Facilitation

1 new Training Centre opened in Nairobi Acknowledgements I would like to thank everyone who helped to make 2014 successful; from our students who are our reason for being to our member training centres, professional and passionate faculty, GT Steering Group and of course my dedicated team who I have the honour to work with. On behalf of the team, I wish you all Season’s Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year!

Kevin M. Caron Head, Global Training and Human Resources Team Leader, AMPAP Steering Committee

ACI World Report – January 2015


ACI Global Training: 2014 Photo Gallery

ACI/ICAO User Charges, 13-17 October 2014, San Francisco, USA

EASA Implementing Rules for Aerodromes, 27-31 October 2014, Dublin Ireland

Airport Revenue Generation, 15-19 October 2014, Montreal, Canada

Understanding Annex 14, 21-23 October 2014, Cancun, Mexico

11th DNA Seminar: Airport Finance, 11-12 August, Panama City, Panama CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE

50 ACI World Report – January 2015

GSN 4 - Working with Annex 14, 10-14 November 2014, Zagreb, Coratia


Airport Human Resources Management, 17–21 May in Tehran, Iran

DNA programme, 16–18 July in Atlanta, Georgia, USA

DNA programme, 29–30 May in Incheon, South Korea

DNA programme, 20–22 August in Naypyidaw, Burma CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE


ACI World Report – January 2015

GSN 6 training, 29 September–3 October in Johannesburg, South Africa

GSN 2 training, 6–10 October in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

GSN 3 training, 13–17 October in Bucharest, Romania

Accident and Incident Investigation, 27–31 October in Nairobi, Kenya


Airport Communications and Public Relations, 17–21 November in Macau CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE

52 ACI World Report – January 2015


Airport Master Planning, 17–21 November in Incheon, South Korea

Airport Communications and Public Relations, 24–28 November in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

DNA programme, 3–5 December in Auckland, New Zealand

ACI World Report – January 2015

Airport Operations Diploma Programme

The Programme is exclusively available ONLINE

TRAINING THE NEXT GENERATION OF AIRPORT PROFESSIONALS Did You Know? The Airport Operations Diploma Programme provides airport professionals with a broad understanding of airside operations, terminal and landside operations and business operations in order to empower them with the knowledge to successfully address the operational and business needs of 21st century airports.

Programme Structure The Programme consists of three self-paced online courses: Airside Operations • Terminal and Landside Operations • Airport Business Operations Candidates must successfully complete all three online courses within a three-year time frame.

To register for the Airport Operations Diploma Programme visit or contact [email protected] For more information on ACI Global Training visit or contact [email protected]


ACI World Report – January 2015 Course Calendar 2015 54

ACI GLOBAL T R A I N I N G C A L E N DA R January to June (2015) ACI Global Training 2015 Date




19-27 Jan - Feb 20-29 Apr - May

Online - Airport Environmental Management* Online - Airport Environmental Management*

23-27 13-17 20-24 22-26

February April April June

Developing a Customer Service Culture at Airport* Airport Enterprise Risk Management Airport Enterprise Risk Management Apron Management

Facilitation Mngmt./ Techn. Mngmt./ Techn. Safety

26-30 9-13 01-05 08-12 22-26 23-27 13-17 19-23 20-24 26-30 18-22 24-28 8-10

January February March March March March April April April April May May June

GSN 5 - Advanced Safety Management Systems Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) Airline Management for Airport Professionals* GSN 1 - Safety Management Systems Airport Technical Planning GSN 1 - Safety Management Systems Developing a Customer Service Culture at Airports* Airport Communications and Public Relations* Developing a Customer Service Culture at Airports* GSN 3 - Emergency Planning and Crisis Management GSN 2 - Airside Safety and Operations Developing a Customer Service Culture at Airports* Accident and Incident Investigation

Safety Safety Mngmt./ Techn. Safety Mngmt./ Techn. Safety Facilitation Mngmt./ Techn. Facilitation Safety Safety Facilitation Safety

02-06 16-20 23-27 02-04 09-13 16-18 20-24 20-24 11-15 18-22 25-27 27-29 01-05 08-12 15-17

February February February March March March April April May May May May June June June

Airline Management for Airport Professionals* Managing Aerodrome Works EASA Implementing Rules for Aerodromes Airport Air Service Development GSN 4 - Working with Annex 14 Air Traffic Forecasting Airline Management for Airport Professionals* Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) Airport Revenue Generation* GSN 6 - Aerodrome Compliance and Auditing Wildlife Hazard Management and Prevention Airport Non-Aeronautical Revenues EASA Implementing Rules for Aerodromes Airport Master Planning Airport Air Service Development

Economics Safety Safety Economics Safety Economics Economics Safety Economics Safety Safety Economics Safety Mngmt./ Techn. Economics

12-16 January 11-13 May 15-17 June

Developing a Customer Service Culture at Airports* Airport Business Development & Planning Understanding ICAO Annex 14

Facilitation Economics Safety

16-20 27-01 25-29 31-05 22-24

Airport Revenue Generation* Airport Safety Management Systems Implementation* ACI-ICAO Aerodrome Certification* Airport Executive Leadership Programme* Passengers with Reduced Mobility Workshop

Economics Safety Safety Mngmt./ Techn. Facilitation

March Apr - May May May - Jun June

Environment Environment



Member/ WBP price (USD)


Non-member price (USD)



English English

$ $

1,600.00 $ 1,600.00 $

2,400.00 2,400.00

Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi Johannesburg

Kenya Kenya Kenya South Africa

English English English English

$ $ $ $

1,600.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00

$ $ $ $

2,400.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00

Kuala Lumpur Incheon Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Kuala Lumpur Gold Coast Abu Dhabi Gold Coast Abu Dhabi Kuala Lumpur Abu Dhabi Kuala Lumpur

Malaysia South Korea UAE UAE UAE Malaysia Australia UAE Australia UAE Malaysia UAE Malaysia

English English English English English English English English English English English English English

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

1,450.00 1,450.00 1,600.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,600.00 950.00

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

2,100.00 2,100.00 2,400.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,400.00 1,400.00

Dublin Bucharest Istanbul Vilnius Riga Athens Athens Bucharest Bucharest Dublin Dublin Istanbul Riga Dublin Riga

Ireland Romania Turkey Lithuania Latvia Greece Greece Romania Romania Ireland Ireland Turkey Latvia Ireland Latvia

English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

1,600.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 950.00 1,450.00 950.00 1,600.00 1,450.00 1,600.00 1,450.00 950.00 950.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 950.00

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

2,400.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 1,400.00 2,100.00 1,400.00 2,400.00 2,100.00 2,400.00 2,100.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 1,400.00

Port of Spain Port of Spain Panama City

Trinidad and Tobago English Trinidad and Tobago English Panama Spanish

$ $ $

1,600.00 $ 950.00 $ 950.00 $

2,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00

San Francisco San Francisco Montreal Montreal San Francisco

USA USA Canada Canada USA

$ $ $ $ $

1,600.00 1,600.00 2,000.00 6,200.00 950.00

2,400.00 2,400.00 2,000.00 7,200.00 1,400.00


Asia Pacific


Latin America

North America

English English English English English

$ $ $ $ $

For more information please visit:

*Can be taken as an elective for the Airport Management Professional Accreditation Programme (AMPAP) **Course availability and dates subject to change. Please visit our website for the most up-to-date information:

ACI World Report – January 2015


Global Network

Holiday Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year

AMPAP The Hallmark of Excellence in Airport Management

Premier Sponsor

Media Partner


[email protected]

AMPAP Administrator


56 ACI World Report – January 2015

Airport Service Quality award winners and Director General’s Roll of Excellence inductees honoured at WAGA 2014 Gala Dinner Airports Council International (ACI) honoured the 2013 Director General’s Roll of Excellence inductees and Airport Service Quality award winners during the ACI AsiaPacific/World Annual General Assembly Gala Dinner at the Lotte World Ice Rink in Seoul, Korea on 27 May.

• Cairo International Airport

This year sees the following six airports join previous Director General’s Roll of Excellence inductees:

• Hyderabad Rajiv Gandhi International Airport

• Sangster International Airport • Dubai International Airport • Keflavik International Airport

• Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport

Director General’s Roll of Excellence and ASQ Award winners gather on stage at the WAGA 2014 Gala Dinner at Lotte World Ice Rink in Seoul, Korea. CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE


ACI World Report – January 2015


The ASQ Awards were presented in four categories that include Best Airport by Region, Best Airport by Size, Best Small Airport and Best Improvement. Top performers in each category/ region included: BEST AIRPORT BY REGION AFRICA



1. Cape Town 2. Durban 3. Mauritius 4. Cairo 5. Johannesburg

1. Seoul Incheon 2. Singapore 3. Beijing 4. Shanghai Pudong 5. New Delhi

1. Moscow Sheremetyevo 2. Zurich 3. Porto 4. Keflavik 5. Malta




1. Guayaquil 2. Cancun 3. Montego Bay 4. Nassau 5. Puerto Vallarta

1. Abu Dhabi 2. Dubai 3. Doha 4. Tel Aviv 5. Amman

1. Indianapolis 2. Ottawa 3. Tampa 4. Sacremento 5. Jacksonville










Quebec City




1. Changchun 2. Guayaquil 3. Ottawa 4. Halifax 5. Grand Rapids

1. Haikou 2. Hyderabad 3. Tianjin 4. Wuhan 5. Harbin

1. Seoul Gimpo 2. Chongqing 3. Tampa 4. Salt Lake City 5. Zurich



1. Seoul Incheon 2. New Delhi 3. Taipei Taoyuan 4. Shanghai Hongqiao 5. Mumbai

1. Singapore 2. Beijing 3. Shanghai Pudong 4. Hong Kong 5. Guangzhou




East London








San Antonio

58 ACI World Report – January 2015


ASQ top performers

Best airport by region (Africa): Cape Town

Best airport by region (Asia-Pacific): Seoul Incheon

Best airport by region (Europe): Moscow Sheremetyevo

Best airport by region (Latin America): Guayaquil

Best airport by region (Middle East): Abu Dhabi

Best airport by region, Africa (fewer than 2 million passengers per year): Upington CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE


ACI World Report – January 2015

Best airport by region, Asia-Pacific (fewer than 2 million passengers per year): Langkawi

Best airport by region, Europe (fewer than 2 million passengers per year): Skopje

Best airport by region (fewer than 2 million passengers per year): Quebec City

Best airport by size (2–5 million passengers per year): Changchun

Best airport by size (5–15 million passengers per year): Haikou

Best airport by size (15–25 million passengers per year): Seoul Gimpo



60 ACI World Report – January 2015


Best airport by size (25–40 million passengers per year): Seoul Incheon

Best airport by size (over 40 million passengers per year): Singapore

Best improvement (Africa): East London

Best improvement (Asia-Pacific): Kolkata

Best improvement (Middle East): Amman

Best improvement (North America): San Antonio

ACI World Report – January 2015


ACI welcomes new 2014 World Business Partners Aeon Associates

Dentons US LLP


Durham Jones & Pinegar, P.C.

Air Serv Corporation Airport Marketing Income Airport Retail Enterprises (U.K.) Ltd Airportxo Solutions Inc. Akal Security, Inc. Aviation Coordination Services Pty Ltd - ACS Bagtronics Ltd

Elior Concessions HRS Aéroports El-Mansur Atelier Group Envisa Epinion A/S Eulen America Friedmann Pacific Asset Management Limited Herbert Systems Ltd.

Charlotte Bryan Solutions, Inc.

Herve Buirette SAS

Chris Wortley Ltd.

Hufcor, Inc.



Cobus Industries, LP

Independent Business Group

Commercial and Business Aviation Services (CBAS) PVT Ltd. CPH Inventures A/S Cyclone Clean (Nilfisk Advance Technologies)

KB Environmental Sciences, Inc. Kroll Bond Rating Agency (KBRA) Leidos Engineering, LLC

LG Electronics Europe B2B Meraj International FZC Morpho Trust USA National Lucht & Ruimtevaart Lab. NLR Novacambios Instituicao de pagamento SA Passepartout Training Ltd. Public Financial Management, Inc. Quantum Secure RDG Concessions, Inc. REHAU Inc. Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG Scarabee Systems & Technology BV Transoft Solutions Aviation XYBase, Inc.

For more information on the World Business Partners (WBP) Programme visit: For a complete listing of ACI’s WBPs visit:

World Report – January 2015 62 ACI ACI_AirportEconRegs_ACIMonthlyReport.pdf 1 4/23/14 11:54 AM

2013 ACI Airport Economics Report Global indicators and analyses for over 680 airports, representing 70% of the world's passenger traffic.









AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE NOW In its 18th edition, the report provides an invaluable measure of the airport industry's 2012/2013 financial and economic performance based on an annual data survey of the world's airports. For a more in depth look, with detailed analytical sections and performance indicators, preorder the Comprehensive Report. For more information or to purchase your comprehensive copy visit: or +1 514-373-1200

ACI World Report – January 2015

ACI PUBLICATIONS CATALOGUE A comprehensive overview of ACI publications covering all elements of airport operations. Discover how they can help you meet all your business needs!

“Knowing where you want to go is only half the battle; you need to know how to get there. The sharing of knowledge and best practices is the most effective way to accelerate progress by avoiding false starts and wrong turns.” – Angela Gittens, Director General, ACI World

To download the ACI Publications Catalogue Click Here

For more information, please contact us at: [email protected] +1 514 373 1200


64 ACI World Report – January 2015

Regional World Business Partner Contacts ACI WBP AFR Contact: Ali Tounsi Email: [email protected] Website: ACI WBP ASIA-PAC Contact: Yulim Lee Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website: ACI WBP EUR Contact: Yulia Plyusnina Email: [email protected] Website: ACI WBP LAC Contact: Javier Martinez Email: [email protected] Website: ACI WBP NA Cassandra Lamar Email: [email protected] Website:

Watch Us on YouTube: We encourage members to submit any interesting videos of airports or airport-related events to us, which we will make available on our YouTube Channel. Contact: Brent Taylor Manager, Digital Marketing & Communications ACI World [email protected]

ACI World Report – January 2015

> Airport World 5 2014 Now available online


The magazine of the Airports Council International

In this issue In the spotlight: Airport IT Airport: Salt Lake City Special report: Air-rail links Plus: Environment, leadership & airport design $,53257:25/')(%58$5