Aug 20, 2015 - Admission is free. SATURDAY NIGHT BLUES .... Our server, Johnna, was wel- coming ..... Rides, Fair Food a
See more featured Ticket events, page 5
8.22 Journey Art Gallery Canton
“Picnic” opens Friday at the Black Box Theatre at GlenOak High School
10 Brian Kenny
Cleveland comic finding his footing; Akron show Aug. 27
12 Red Sun Rising Akron rockers go national with new release; Kent Stage gig Aug. 29
REGULARS 3 Five Qs Five questions Little Chicago Clothing Co. founders
Local singer looking for opportunity after Aerosmith experience
An exhibition of new oil paintings by Canton’s Marti Jones, including this self-portrait, will open from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday at Journey Art Gallery at 431 Fourth St. NW in downtown Canton. Jones, also known as a vocalist, will be in attendance.
6 Grub
The Babys, Nov. 14, 8:30 p.m., Brian Setzer Orchestra (Christmas Rocks Tour), Nov. 20, Tangier, Akron, $25 at $40 at 330-376-7171. $75, $52.50, $44.50, on sale 10 George Winston, Dec. 6, 8 a.m. Friday at Ticketmaster. Katt Williams, Oct. 10, p.m., The Kent Stage, Kent, $40 7:30p.m., Akron Civic Theatre, gold circle, $25 reserved, ar $99.50, $79.50, $59 and $47, on Crystal Bowersox, Nov. 7, 8 sale 10 a.m. Friday at 330-2532488. p.m., The Kent Stage, Kent, $20 Jeffrey Osborne, Oct. 2, 8:30 at www.kentstage. Sam Bush, Oct. 16, 8 p.m., p.m., and Oct. 3, 7 and 9 p.m., Tangier, Akron, $45 to $65 at The Kent Stage, Kent, $30 at 330-376-7171. www.kentstage ■ Brian Setzer Vanilla Fudge with Paul Saul Williams, Oct. 1, 8 p.m., Fayrewether, Oct. 11, 7 p.m., The Kent Stage, Kent, $21 at Tangier, Akron, $35 to $45 at 330-376-7171. www.kentstage Dave Mason’s Traffic Jam, Oct. 17, Tangier, Street Corner Symphony, Nov. 8, 7 p.m., Akron, $45 to $65 at 330-376-7171. Musica, Akron, $15 at Carl Palmer’s ELP Legacy, Nov. 18, 8 p.m., Lovedrug, Nov. 25, 9 p.m., Musica, Akron, Tangier, Akron, $25 to $40 at 330-376-7171. $10 at
Anna Gallucci, April Deming and Justin Edenhofer of “Picnic”
NEXT WEEK Rusted Root, “Jeckyll and Hyde,” Loverboy, Blu Comedy Night and more!
Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
Kate’s Place is first-rate dining experience in Louisville
5 17-21 20 21 23
CONTACT TICKET Dan Kane, Repository Entertainment Editor @DKaneREP LISTENING TO: Blush, “Teething”
[email protected] B.J. Lisko, Repository Ticket Designer, Staff Writer @BLiskoREP Red Sun Rising, “Polyester Zeal”
[email protected]
— Five Qs —
Canton pride fuels T-shirt business Greg and Amy Eiber feature local flair with Little Chicago Clothing Co. BY DAN KANE
Repository entertainment editor
“We want to be the billboard for Canton, Ohio,” Greg Eiber said about Little Chicago Clothing Co., the local T-shirt company he launched in November with his wife, Amy. Greg Eiber, a 1994 Canton South High School graduate, and Amy, an Akron native, do their own design work and screen-print the shirts themselves at home. Their images — about 30 so far — focus on Canton and favorite local spots, Stark County and Ohio. The T-shirts run $22 to $27, and may be viewed and purchased at Additionally, Little Chicago shirts are available at the Mainstream Boutique in North Canton and Marshall’s Antique Warehouse in Canton. Little Chicago Clothing Co. will have a booth at the Deli Ohio Flea Market from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday in downtown Canton. 1. What made you decide to launch a T-shirt business now? Amy: “Akron has a couple of companies that design T-shirts, there are companies for Columbus and Cleveland, and there was nothing for Canton. We figure this is our home, we’re not going anywhere and we’re excited about the rebirth of Canton. There was nothing cool out there, especially for women, to show off community pride.” Greg: “Every time someone puts on one of our T-shirts, they’re advertising Stark County. This is about loving this community. We want to have partnerships with local artists and businesses downtown. We’re building our brand. We’re not just screen-printers, but we’re certainly open to things we can do for charitable causes.”
promoting Canton? Amy: “Little Chicago was the nickname for Canton back in Prohibition days. It’s about halfway between Chicago and New York City and it was a frequent stop for mobsters. We wanted to pay homage to that part of Canton history.”
3. What are some of your popular Tshirt designs? Amy: “The Mother Gooseland shirt is easily one of our most popular designs. We have a Fawcett Stadium design, since that (name) is now history. We have a Hall of Fame City design inspired by Canton and football. We have a script Canton. There’s 2. Why did you a recent one that says The Valley name it Little Chica- because there are so many valgo if it’s all about leys — Tusky Valley, Sandy Val-
ley, Cuyahoga Valley.” Greg: “The T-shirts that are really selling well for the ladies are the ones with arrows on them. Another is our Stark County Lover design, which has a silhouette of Ohio with all the counties and Stark County is a heart. We’re going to keep coming up with new designs constantly. What we have right now, we might not have next year.” 4. What kind of shirts do you use? Amy: “Most of our shirts are American Apparel brand. Our main focus is we want them to look nice, be flattering to different body types, wear well and hold the print.” Greg: “We want great designs but we want comfortable shirts, too. A lot of them are thick and
Amy and Greg Eiber launched Little Chicago Clothing Co. in November. The store’s T-shirts focus on Canton and favorite local spots, Stark County and Ohio.
rigid and that’s not what we wanted to do. We researched a lot of different brands, styles and colors and we washed the heck out of them. Our shirts are more of a vintage type, softer and more comfy. They feel like they’ve been broken in.” 5. What are your day jobs? Amy: “We’re both teachers for Canton Local. He teaches seventh- and eighthgrade social studies and I teach visual arts, grades five to eight. Our big goal over summer vacation was to print more inventory. “We’ve been really busy — a good problem to have!” Reach Dan at 330-580-8306 or
[email protected]. On Twitter: @DKaneREP
Pictured are a few T-shirt designs from Little Chicago Clothing Co.
Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
Local singer has ‘Rock Star’ moment Galchick looking for break after incredible story, performance at Aerosmith show
he movie “Rock Star” was loosely based on the story of Akron-native Tim “Ripper” Owens and his hiring as the singer for metal icons Judas Priest. In the B.J. film, Mark Wahlberg plays LISKO a singer in a tribute band who is later hired by the band he’s emulating. In one of the closing scenes, while performing, Wahlberg hands the microphone to a fan who has bj.lisko come to know and
[email protected] late him. Massillon’s Jesse Galchick had her own “Rock Star” moment at Aerosmith’s recent concert in Canton. As the band wrapped up its encore and the smoke bombs began to clear, the 21-year-old singer/songwriter and her manager did something bold. As Aerosmith was set to take its final bows, Galchick’s manager Steve Green turned to her and said, “Are you ready?” Green got the pair front-row tickets after discovering meet-and-greet tickets had sold out. They had hoped to use the brief meeting for Galchick to showcase her voice to the band. Instead, along with the tickets, Green also had a T-shirt made that said, “This is Janis Joplin” on the front and “One Minute Please” on the back. The shirt landed at the feet of Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler. “The smoke was coming toward us,” Galchick recalled. “It was like a movie. We knew what we were gonna do, but we didn’t know what was going to happen. But we knew this was our only chance to be right in front of Steven Tyler.” The Aerosmith frontman picked up the shirt. Confused at first, Tyler began belting out the opening lines to Janis Joplin’s masterpiece “Mercedes Benz.” Once the crowd around Galchick started chanting, “Let her sing,” Tyler understood the request. “He finds me, looks at me and flips the microphone into my face,” Galchick said. “So I started singing.” A big smile crossed Tyler’s face, and Green caught the entire interaction on camera. Tyler flashed a stunned look to the rest of the band, which was equally as impressed. “It was one of those crazy moments,” Galchick said. It gets crazier. After securing contact information for the band, Green got in touch and told the group much more about his aspiring 4
Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
JESSE GALCHICK LIVE ■ Sept. 5 - Royal Docks Brewing Co., Canton ■ Sept. 12 - The Barrel Room, North Canton ■ Oct. 9 - Gallery 121, Massillon
MORE INFO View Galchick’s performance at the Aerosmith show at ■ ■
“I have a really old soul. You put on some Ray Charles or Elvis or Johnny Cash in front of me I’ll listen to it all day long.” JESSE GALCHICK
PUBLICITY PHOTO ■ Massillon singer/songwriter Jesse Galchick hopes her incredible experience at Aerosmith’s recent concert affords her new opportunities in Nashville.
artist. Since then, Galchick and representatives for the band have been in contact. She’s hoping to finalize plans to start working soon with the band or its management in Nashville. “Nothing is concrete yet,” Galchick said. “We’re trying to get the plans set in stone
now, so I don’t want to say anything definite.” Regardless, just from the few moments Galchick sang at the Aerosmith show (the video is posted on YouTube), it’s clear she’s had a past and future in music. “I’ve always been singing,” she said. “I’ve
been playing guitar and writing songs now for about nine years.” Galchick grew up in Beloit before moving to Massillon. The 2012 Massillon Washington High School graduate discovered she had an ear for classic rock ‘n’ roll, blues and country at an early age. “I was the type of kid that was the weird kid that listened to all the older music,” she said. “I have a really old soul. You put on some Ray Charles or Elvis or Johnny Cash in front of me I’ll listen to it all day long.” Galchick has gigged around the Northeast Ohio area and beyond fairly steadily. She’s got a host of local performances on tap, and she’s an opening act for Trace Adkins on Aug. 29 in Ionia, Michigan. She’s also performed in Nashville, where she won a local talent contest and even performed for band members of country star Eric Church. “The ultimate goal is just to share my music with the world,” she said. “I remember growing up going through all these different emotions and music helped me. I connected with music so much, I want to be able to do that for somebody else. I just want to be an inspiration to people for the way other people were for me.” Right now, it certainly seems Galchick is on the path to do just that. Reach B.J. at 330-580-8314 or
[email protected] On Twitter: @BLiskoREP
hings to do...
Email your events to
[email protected] by noon Monday for inclusion in Ticket. Tag us in your tweets @tickettalks
STANLEY IN PHILLY Michael Stanley & the Resonators will appear in concert Aug. 29 at 7:30 p.m. at the Performing Arts Center at Kent State Tuscarawas in New Philadelphia. Tickets, $29 to $63, may be ordered at and 330-308-6400.
Performing Arts Center, New Philadelphia
SALT Box Ministries Two furious leading actresses, an egotistical leading actor, a turbulent Broadway Canal Fulton opening and a mysterious death are part of the intrigue in “Closing Night,” a murder-mystery play by Craig May. This Canal Fulton Players production will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Aug. 28 and 29 at SALT Box Ministries at 408 W. Market St. in Canal Fulton. Tickets, $8 for adults and $6 for seniors and children, may be ordered at 330-494-1022.
9.16 The Canton Club Canton
HIGH ABOVE CANTON The Canton Club, on the 12th floor of the Chase Tower at 101 Central Plaza S in downtown Canton, is offering rooftop patio parties from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. each Wednesday through Sept. 16. Partygoers can enjoy live music, and may purchase grilled foods, wine, beer and cocktails. Admission is free.
Ink & Destroy Jackson Township
FAREWELL TO ASHLEY Local artist Ashley Villers is relocating to Texas, and will have a farewell art show from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday at Ink & Destroy Tattoo Studio at 5856 Fulton Drive NW in Jackson Township. On sale will be original artwork, prints and merchandise, including playing card decks.
Passion Blues Canton
The Akron-based trio Memphis Cradle, whose latest album is titled “Love, Lies, Burning,” will perform from 8 to 11 p.m. Saturday at Passion Blues at 1212 Walnut Ave. NE in Canton. #TICKETTALKS
Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
GRUB #tickettalks
DINING IN LOUISVILLE BY DAN KANE Repository entertainment editor
ife rarely takes me to downtown Louisville, so I knew nothing of a restaurant that opened there last fall Dan called Kate’s KANE Place. An avid reader of my reviews named Barb emailed to recommend that I pay Kate’s a visit. dan.kane She and her hus- band love the place and its homemade food, and she wrote, “but for whatever reason, they don’t seem to be catching on.” A review might help, she suggested. Hopefully this one will. I dined at Kate’s Place on Tuesday night and it fully lived up to Barb’s description. While an upscale restaurant might be a shade ambitious for a down-
KATE’S PLACE 108 East Main St., Louisville 330-875-1877 ■ Hours: 4 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; 4 to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday; closed Sunday and Monday. Full bar service ■ Prices: Tomato bisque, $3.99/cup; bruschetta, $5.99; mezze platter with hummus, pita and olives, $5.99; iceberg wedge salad with bleu cheese, bacon and egg, $7.99; grilledcheese sandwich with tomato jam and bacon and redskin wedges, $8.99; grilled mahi sandwich with redskin wedges, $11.99; strip steak with garlic butter and two sides, $16.99; French cut pork chop with portabella brodo, red onion marmalade and two sides, $16.99. ■ Ratings (1-poor, 2-fair, 3good, 4-very good, 5outstanding): Food: 4.5 Service: 4 Value: 4
The Salmon Pompadour with yellow squash and parmesanherb risotto (above) and the steak au poivre with peppercorn brandy demiglace, cherry tomatoes, arugula and roasted redskins.
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ A MURDER MYSTERY ★ ★ AUGUST 22, 2015 ★ ★ ★ Doors Open ★ ★ Per at 7:00 pm ★ Person ★ ★ Includes Dinner & Live Show ★ ★ Call for ★ ★ reservations ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Meyer’s Lake Ballroom 3218 Parkway Drive NW, Canton ★ ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
town with multiple unoccupied storefronts, this place deserves to succeed. Kate’s Place, billed as a Wine Bar & Eatery, has good curb appeal, and the interior has a nice, clean look with dark woods, a row of booths and a long bar, and suspended light fixtures. Our server, Johnna, was welcoming, knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the menu, and prompt with everything. A warm loaf of herbed bread with dipping sauce was delivered shortly after my friend and I sat down. The appetizer we chose — two sauteed Hungarian peppers stuffed with hot Italian sausage, ricotta, mozarella and parmesan cheeses, topped with shredded parmesan and fresh parsley atop housemade arriabiata sauce ($6.99) — was flavor-packed with agreeable heat. I’m still thinking about our delicious entrees, each carefully prepared and handsomely plated, and wishing there were leftovers. The Salmon Pompadour ($16.99) was one of the finest
dinners I’ve had this year. The generous filet of mild Norwegian salmon was poached in Italian dressing with diced tomatoes and dill, which served as the fish’s garnish. The parmesan and herb risotto was exquisitely cheesy, and the sliced yellow squash was a fresh seasonal complement. The steak au-poivre entree ($15.99) was two medallions of beef shoulder tenderloin that had been grilled to perfection — tender, juicy, pink and medium as ordered — and the green peppercorn and brandy demi-glace enhanced the meat’s flavor. The two sides we chose, crispy roasted redskin potato wedges and creamy coleslaw, were pleasing. Chef Megan Lewton, an East Canton native, said, “We’re trying to do upscale dining at an affordable cost, with the same feel as some of the Belden Village restaurants but in a smaller, local setting.” Kate’s Place uses all fresh produce and meats, she said. There are nightly dinner specials. Lewton spoke with special pride about the revolving menu of housemade desserts, which include a molten chocolate cake,
“I’m still thinking about our delicious entrees, both carefully prepared and handsomely plated, and wishing there were leftovers ... one of the finest dinners I’ve had this year.” fruit crisps and cobblers served with vanilla bean ice cream, and peach creme brulee with a blackberry and sage compote. Next visit, I’ll need to save room. Kate’s Place, whose previous tenant was a bar-restaurant called Floyd’s, is owned by Tim Shannon of Cuyahoga Falls. A Repository coworker, I learned, has dined at Kate’s Place several times and shares my enthusiasm for the cuisine. Reach Dan at 330-580-8306 or
[email protected]. On Twitter: @dkaneREP
Kate’s Place is located at 108 E. Main St. in downtown Louisville.
Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
“It’s a great American play that is rarely done.”
BY DAN KANE Repository entertainment editor
handsome drifter shows up in a small Kansas town on Labor Day weekend, lures the prettiest girl in town away from her wealthy boyfriend and generally raises the heat on an already sticky Indian summer. William Inge’s 1953 Pulitzer Prize-winning play “Picnic,” described above, will come to life this weekend and next in an intimate setting — the 92-seat 8
Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
Black Box Theatre at GlenOak High School. “The small space is going to on a stage near you make the experience more fulWHAT: “Picnic” by filling,” said Justin Edenhofer, William Inge. who plays the drifter, Hal. WHEN: Through Aug. 30, “You’ll be able to feel the energy at 8 p.m. Friday and of the entrances and the exits Saturday, and 2 p.m. and the head to heads between Sunday. the characters. It’s going to WHERE: Black Box make for an all-encompassing Theatre, GlenOak High School, 1801 Schneider St. experience.” NE, Plain Township. Craig Joseph, who has directTICKETS: $16 for adults, ed memorable productions of $12 for students, at “Hairspray,” “The Elephant Man” and “God of Carnage” at the Players Guild, is directing “Picnic,” a collaboration between “It’s a great American play his own Seat of the Pants Prothat is rarely done,” Joseph said ductions and Plain Local Comabout “Picnic,” noting that playmunity Center for the Arts. wright William Inge, who also
wrote “Bus Stop” and “Come Back, Little Sheba,” was a contemporary of Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller. “I think the challenge with this play, as with all of Inge, is the language. At times, if not played right, it can veer toward melodrama. His characters pretty much say exactly what they’re feeling, so in that respect (‘Picnic’) is a distinctively Midwestern play. These characters are who they are, and they want what they want.” Anna Gallucci, a Kent State University student, plays Madge, the girl who falls for Hal. “Madge is 18 and just out of high school,” she said. “At the beginning of the show, she is
PUBLICITY PHOTO ■ “Picnic” begins Friday at the Black Box Theatre at GlenOak High School.
with Alan (played by Tim Carmany) who treats her like a China doll to be displayed,” she said. “Hal is this roustabout who rolls into town. What attracts Madge to him is that he sees through her beauty and tries to get to know her as a person. They bare their souls to each other.” Edenhofer, a Malone University graduate who performs with the improv-comedy troupe Scared Scriptless, said, “I connect with Hal and his quest to find belonging and where he fits in. He’s kind of your everman character. He’s not really the hero but he helps shape and
In this scene from “Picnic” are cast members (from left) Justin Edenhofer, Kathy J. Boyd, Natalie Welch, April Deming, Anna Gallucci and Tim Carmany.
maneuver the flow of the action.” April Deming plays Madge’s mother, Flo, who is “pretty worried about Madge finding a stable, monied husband. She is desperate to keep Hal and Madge apart and to discredit
him,” Deming said. “Madge has been dating the son of the wealthy family in town, which thrills Flo.” While she describes “Picnic” as “an old chestnut,” Deming said, “I think it’s an accurate portrayal of the choices single women had after the war, when men were a scarcity, and the women’s social hierarchy. Believe me, we all have our clubs,
and somebody in that room is in charge and somebody in that room is a newcomer.” “I feel like a lot of people can relate to it,” Gallucci said about the “Picnic” storyline. “There’s always that push and pull of making a first impression vs. wanting to be known for what’s actually beneath the surface.” Joseph, who first saw a televi-
sion production of “Picnic” at age 11, said, “The play has meant more to me as I’ve gotten older. “It’s about how we all yearn for love and to be known, and the push and pull we go through as human beings to let somone in on who we are.” The director is staging “Picnic” in an innovative way, with the audience seated diagonally
in two corners of the square room, and the playing space like an alley in between. “The play is so much about community, and I think it will be intriguing to see the audience sitting across from you. Everybody will feel like the fabric of this small town.” Reach Dan at 330-580-8306 or
[email protected]. On Twitter: @dkaneREP
Presenting Partners
This unique and engaging event puts local celebrities in the hot seat as they try to be crowned the Celebrity Spelling Bee champion!
Presented by The Repository and benefitting the Akron Canton Regional Foodbank
• • •AN•AMAZING • • • •EVENING • • • •WITH • •THE• •VERY • •BEST • • OF• •BROADWAY ••••• • •SPEND • • CLASSIC AND CONTEMPORARY • Brand new floor show, fabulous band and delicious new food menu. • • FINAL PERFORMANCE - AUG. 28TH Dinner & Show Only • • $ 00 •• Doors Open at 7:00 pm • 34 • • For Reservations Call • • 330-327-2087 • • • • •Meyer’s • • • •Lake • •Ballroom, • • • •3218 • • •Parkway • • • •Drive • •NW,• •Canton ••••• Musical Direction by Steve Dallas
•Cash bar and concessions available! •Pre-show live music entertainment beginning at 6pm! •Tickets are just $5 and can be purchased at The Repository office.
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Per Person
@ MCM Entertainment Productions
Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
BY B.J. LISKO Repository staff writer
rian Kenny is only four years into the standup comedy game, but he certainly doesn’t come off as a comic still finding his footing. It’s a trait he puts down to his Cleveland background.
“I can find a 10-minute set pretty much any night of the week if I want to go practice,” Kenny said. “In New York or L.A., you go to an open mic or a comedy club, and you sit there with 50 other comics for maybe like three minutes of time. I feel like being from here has allowed me to grow faster.”
ON STAGE live comedy
WHO: Brian Kenny, John Burton, Joe McCormick, Robert Williams, Matt Brady WHEN: 8 p.m., Aug. 27 WHERE: The Empire Concert Club, 1305 East Tallmadge Ave., Akron TICKETS: $10 ON TWITTER: @IamBrianKenny
PHOTOS COURTESY OF RUSTIN MCCANN ■ Comedian Brian Kenny will perform Aug. 27 at The Empire Concert Club in Akron.
Kenny has already shared the stage with comedic heavyweights such as Dave Attel, Dom Irrera and Norm Macdonald, and he’s now getting the chance to headline his own nights in Northeast Ohio. Kenny tops the bill at the Empire Concert Club in Akron on Aug. 27. Kenny got his start in comedy toward the end of his time in college. “I’ve known I’ve wanted to do it since the sixth grade, but it didn’t seem like it was anything attainable until I was almost done with college. That’s when I decided to give standup a try.” Influenced by the likes of Brian Regan, Kevin James, Louis C.K., Jim Jefferies and Bill Burr, Kenny’s comedy is quick-witted, sharp and biting. He’s also a fun storyteller. The thing that’s shaping his comedy most, however, is simply stage time. “Those guys, you see the way they command the stage, and it’s pretty awesome,” Kenny said. “Opening for guys like that, they
Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
can give you little tips, but the biggest thing all of them will tell you is that you just have to do it. You have to put the time in. That’s the biggest thing.” Kenny certainly stays busy in and around Cleveland. He’s currently working on the finishing touches of his set in hopes of soon recording and releasing his first comedy album, and the city’s comedy clubs along with a handful of secondary venues allow ample room for a comedian to grow. Kenny is also part of the Accidental Comedy group, a collection of Cleveland comics who regularly curate shows in Northeast Ohio. “We work real hard and put on some good shows,” Kenny said. Accidental Comedy will hold its fourth-annual festival Sept. 11 to 13 at Mahall’s in Lakewood. “It’s to showcase Cleveland as a comedy city to the outsiders,” Kenny said. “The goal is not just to further ourselves, but to bring something to Northeast Ohio that is really unique and some-
“I feel like being from (Cleveland) has allowed me to grow faster.”
Comedian Brian Kenny is part of the Accidental Comedy group — a collection of Cleveland standups who regularly curate shows in Northeast Ohio.. ■
thing to get excited about. There’s a lot of comics coming in that are pretty much on the cusp of blowing up.” Amy Schumer and Hannibal Burris were two recent examples of comics who came through
when Accidental Comedy booked under its former notsafe-for-print title. “Everybody has more of a mindset of growing the Cleveland comedy scene,” Kenny said. It’s an ethic that Kenny attrib-
Some call it “A Taste of Heaven”... We Call it
utes to not just Cleveland comics, but the city as a whole. “We’re more of a hard-nosed type of people,” he said. “We get each other. It’s just an overall toughness. It’s not easy to shake me anymore. I’ve done just
about every kind of (standup) show there is in the comedy world, and I have Cleveland to thank for that.” Reach B.J. at 330-580-8314 or
[email protected] On Twitter: @BLiskoREP
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Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
Red Sun Rising is (from left) Tyler Valendza, Ryan Williams, Mike Protich and Ricky Miller.
definitely changed from when I was a kid, and n an ever-changing rock ’n’ there aren’t a lot of those ‘big hero’ sort of roll climate, Akron band bands. But we’re alRed Sun Rising isn’t much for sweating the details. The ways staying positive. Whether old business modwe get to PHOTOS MATT MOSER els that broke that sta■ Red Sun Rising will many of the dium perform Aug. 29 at coming to a venue near you status, group’s influences the Kent Stage. or if just get to do WHO: Red Sun Rising are almost entirely WHEN: 8 p.m., Aug. 29 this for a living, gone. The days of WHERE: The Kent we’re gonna be slugging it out in Stage, 175 East Main happy.” Street, Kent dives and getting a Red Sun RisTICKETS: $12 to $15 at record deal on the ing’s national MORE INFO: but “Polyester spot were always www.redsunrising Zeal” hit shelves the stuff of legend, Aug. 7. The but are rarer still group has been today. touring in anticRed Sun Rising got its current deal ipation and support of it with with Razor & Tie Records with quality fellow hard rockers Pop Evil songs, relentless gigging and hard work. since July, and the group will “That’s been kind of the world we’ve play a headlining show Aug. lived in for a long time,” guitarist Ryan 29 at the Kent Stage. Williams said. The band formed in 2007 “It’s just now we’re on the scale where and has made its rounds as a we can release everything nationally and SEE RISING PAGE 14 dive into things ourselves. Things have BY B.J. LISKO
Repository staff writer
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Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
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Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
support act for not only Pop Evil but also Seether, Sevendust, Shinedown, Chevelle and others. The biggest compliment for the group so far, according to Williams, is that its rocking material seems to be in a category of its own. “I love when people say it’s refreshing,” Williams said. “That’s what we wanted. We wanted to write what we wanted to write and not fall into some box it could be packaged with. We’ve been hearing that a lot, and that’s been the most gratifying thing.” Williams chatted from the band’s tour bus recently about the past, present and future of Red Sun Rising. Q. How’s the reception been to the “Polyester Zeal?” A. “It’s been excellent so far. Nationally, it’s been going really well. It’s funny, because we haven’t really tapped into the radio market in Cleveland or Akron or Canton. But we just hit top 10 on Billboard today,
and that’s exciting. The rest of the country has been hearing the single a lot, and it’s been really cool hearing crowds sing our song to us from all the way to Seattle and back.” Q. What’s the song-writing process like in Red Sun Rising? Was it the same for your national record label debut as it’s been in the past? A. “It hasn’t changed at all over the years. Mike (Protich, vocalist) and I have written pretty much everything up to this point. Tyler (Valendza, guitar) dove into this record a little bit, but usually one of us has a melody idea or a concept for a song or riff, and we bring it to the other person. Then we dig in ourselves. We don’t sit down and think, ‘Is this gonna be a good radio song?’ I think the second we start doing that, we’re not writing the music we want to write. We promised ourselves when we got this record deal, we were gonna write the way we wanted to write. Whether they’re polished or radio friendly or not, they weren’t written with an agenda. It’s more of, ‘We really like this. Let’s go with it.’ ”
Red Sun Rising vocalist Mike Protich.
Q. Who were the common musical bonds that kick-started the group? A. “We listen to a little bit of everything. The common ground is Tool, A Perfect Circle, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Alice in Chains, Foo Fighters. We all branch off in different directions a bit, but those are a lot of our favorite songwriters as bands or individuals.” Q. Do you have a favorite local venue that you’ve played
through the years? A. “I like them for different reasons. I grew up with the Voodoo Lounge. That’s where I cut my teeth when I was younger, and where I really learned how to dig into being in a band. We did our showcase for the record label at the Empire, which our friend let us use. That was great and helped us prepare. I always like doing Musica and the Tangier. Ripper’s is a cool joint. Akron has some cool places now. I remember when I started, there weren’t a lot of places to play in Akron.” Q. Looking ahead, where would you like Red Sun Rising to be in five or 10 years? A. “I would love to be on top of the world with this. I would love to be financially stable while still creating music that we love. This is our first album as far as the national circuit, and everybody has that fear, ‘Can you follow up the first record?’ And I think we can. I hope we’re pumping out great music and still relevant and happy doing it. Constant growth is the big thing with this band. I always wanted to be at
the point we’re at now. We’re going to a huge festival right now with a bunch of great bands. I’m laying in the back of a bus doing an interview right now. A year ago, I would’ve said, ‘I’d love to be sitting right there.’ So here I am saying to myself now, ‘In another year, I want to be farther than this.’ ” Q. How has Akron and the surrounding area helped shape the band? A. “It’s the people who have done it really. Akron has really blossomed, and Canton’s always had a ton of great musicians, as well. I think what I’ve seen most is people started communicating and helping each other out. They were trading shows more then I remember when I was younger. That was a big thing. “I can’t tell you how many people from there have affected our lives. The list would go on and on. That encouragement we got from people. We wouldn’t be this band if it weren’t for the support of Akron and the neighboring communities.” Reach B.J. at 330-580-8314 or
[email protected] On Twitter: @BLiskoREP
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Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
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REVIEW #tickettalks
A stoner smokes ’em down in ‘Ultra’ Jesse Eisenberg, Kristin Stewart star in pot-fueled, comic book action comedy BY JAKE COYLE The Associated Press
Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart star in a scene from “American Ultra.”
OPENS FRIDAY coming attraction
“AMERICAN ULTRA” ★★1/2 THEATERS Regal and Tinseltown cinemas MPAA RATING R
apologizing and panic attacks from just about anything that upsets his seemingly innate inertia. Looking at a car that’s crashed into a tree, he wonders to Phoebe, placating and devoted, if he’s the tree and she’s the car. The small-town, low-stakes drama of “American Ultra” is
he likably awkward chemistry of Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg remains intact in “American Ultra,” a violent stoner action-comedy that’s half “Pineapple Express,” half “The Bourne Identity,” and not as good as either. Stewart and Eisenberg, who starred together in the splendidly low-key summer comedy “Adventureland,” again come together as an appealing, mutually mop-headed tandem that matches Eisenberg’s stuttering unease with Stewart’s deadpan cool. They play a flannel-wearing West Virginia couple, Mike and Phoebe, happy together despite Mike’s weed habit, perpetual
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Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
convincing in the beginning, thanks to the two stars. But it’s a setup. Unbeknownst to Mike, a convenience store clerk, he’s an elite killing machine trained by the CIA, a decommissioned government experiment. Few in the movies would be a more unlikely secret agent than Eisenberg. Did the program include Michael Cera? Was Woody Allen in charge? Switching to Langley, the film, directed by Nima Nourizadeh (“Project X”) and written by Max Landis (”Chronicle”), fills in the backstory. A petulant young agent (Topher Grace) has risen in the ranks and now wants to eliminate evidence of the experiment that gave Mike his secret talents, overseen by Connie Britton’s more sympathetic Victoria Lasseter. To prevent her former student’s death, she sneaks to the convenience store and activates Mike with a few code words. When a handful of thugs come to kill him, Mike is astounded to find himself expertly stabbing
Be The First To See Thursday 8/20 SINISTER 2 (R) 7:00 & 9:45 AMERICAN ULTRA (R) 7:05 & 9:40 THE END OF THE TOUR (R) 7:10 & 10:15 HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) 8:00 & 10:30 CINEMARK CLASSIC SERIES: PLANES, TRAINS & AUTOMOBILES Sunday 8/23 at 2:00PM Wednesday 8/26 at 2:00PM & 7:00PM
THURSDAY ONLY 8/20/15 JURASSIC WORLD (PG-13) 2D 12:25, 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 10:05 3D 3:15, 6:15, 9:00
SAN ANDREAS (PG-13) 11:55, 2:30, 5:05, 7:40, 10:15 MAX (PG) 11:50, 2:20, 4:50, 7:25, 10:00 TOMORROWLAND (PG) 12:15, 3:45, 6:40, 9:35 SPY (R) 12:30, 3:25, 7:00, 9:45 MADMAX: FURY ROAD (R) 2D 12:20, 6:50 3D 3:35, 9:30 TED 2 (R) 4:40, 9:55 THE VATICAN TAPES (PG-13) 12:00, 2:10, 4:20, 7:35, 10:10 LOVE & MERCY (PG-13) 12:35, 3:30, 7:05, 9:50 I’LL SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS (PG-13) 12:05, 2:25, 7:30
8.22 Deli Ohio Canton MIKE DEGASPERIS
DOWNTOWN FLEA MARKET The Deli Ohio Craft, Farm & Flea Market will happen from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday inside and outside at Deli Ohio at Fourth Street and Walnut Avenue NE in downtown Canton. Vendors will offer vintage clothing, toys, collectibles and furnishings; handmade soaps and herbal-infused skin products; jewelry; paper goods; plants and produce, and more. Deli Ohio will be open for breakfast and lunch.
Friday 8/21 AMERICAN ULTRA (R) 11:45, 2:30, 5:10, 7:45, 10:20 THE END OF THE TOUR (R) 11:25, 2:10, 4:50, 7:30, 10:15 HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) 12:20, 2:50, 5:20, 7:55, 10:30 SINISTER 2 (R) 12:15, 2:45, 5:15, 7:50, 10:25
one with a spoon. Afterward, he cowers behind a lamppost, looking at the bloody wreckage: “I have, like, a lot of anxiety about this,” he tells Phoebe. Much mayhem ensues, surprisingly violent and cartoonish in its extremes. The small town comes entirely under siege. “American Ultra” is a stoner’s paranoia come to life. A toothless Walton Goggins joins the strong ensemble as the nuttiest of the CIA’s small army, along with John Leguizamo as a local drug dealer. The assembled talent could use more character development and a little more wit in place of the sadistic, fun-draining comicbook action scenes that increasingly co-opts the comedy, which is too dependent on the eventually tiresome joke of Eisenberg as action hero. But “American Ultra” has its simple genre charms, thanks significantly to its entertaining cast and leading pair. Stewart, in particular, looks like she’s punching below her weight class. As is often the case, Stewart’s the best thing in the movie. And she and Eisenberg remain lazy losers we can love, Bonnie and Clyde for a more laid-back generation.
2D 12:20, 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 10:05 3D 3:15, 6:15, 9:00
TERMINATOR GENISYS (PG-13) 2D 12:30, 7:00 3D 3:50, 9:45
MAGIC MIKE XXL (R) 11:55, 2:30, 5:05, 7:40, 10:15 SAN ANDREAS (PG-13) 12:00, 2:35, 5:10, 7:45, 10:20 MAX (PG) 11:50, 2:20, 4:50, 7:25, 10:00 TOMORROWLAND (PG) 12:15, 3:35, 6:40, 9:30 SPY (R) 12:10, 3:25, 6:50, 9:35 MADMAX: FURY ROAD (R) 12:25, 7:10 THE VATICAN TAPES (PG-13) 12:05, 4:55, 10:10 LOVE & MERCY (PG-13) 2:15, 7:30 I’LL SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS (PG-13) 3:40, 9:50
Tuesday, October 20 • 8pm
Tickets are on sale Friday at the Palace Theatre Box Office or w w w . c a n t o n p a l a c e t h e a t r e . o r g
Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
#YOURWEEKENDGUIDE AREA EVENTS Jackson Township Farmers’ Market: 3 to 6:30 p.m. Thursdays through Oct. 1, Jackson North Park, 7660 Fultn Drive NW, Jackson Township. Locust Street Farmers’ Market: 4 to 7 p.m. Thursdays through Oct. 8, Northwest Stark Senior Center, 853 Locust St. S, Canal Fulton. Big Band concert: Featuring the Musical Memorial Orchestra, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Stark County District Library Perry Sippo Branch. Bring a blanket or lawn chair. Darius Rucker with Brett Eldredge, Brothers Osborne and A Thousand Horses: 7 p.m. Thursday, Blossom Music Center, Cuyahoga Falls. “Coming to America”: 8 p.m. Thursday, Connor Palace at Playhouse Square, Cleveland. 39th annual Grecian Festival: Sponsored by Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, at the Canton Civic Center, 1101 Market Ave. N. With Greek music, dancing, food, the Agora gift shop with jewelry, music and souvenirs, and more; 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Friday; 4 to 11 p.m. Saturday; and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday; 330-494-8770 or Five Seconds of Summer: 7:30 p.m. Friday, Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland. Idina Menzel: 8 p.m. Friday, Blossom Music Center, Cuyahoga Falls. “Footloose”: 8 p.m. Friday, Connor Palace at Playhouse Square, Cleveland.
Canton Farmers’ Market: 8 to 11:30 a.m. Saturdays through Aug. 1, Timken High School Administrative Building parking lot. Farmers’ Market of Massillon: 8 a.m. to noon Saturdays through Oct. 3, Massillon Recreation Center, 505 Erie St. N. “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”: 2 p.m. Saturday, Connor Palace at Playhouse Square, Cleveland. Live music Saturdays: With live music, art demonstrations and more, 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday, downtown Canton Arts District. “The Sting”: 8 p.m. Saturday, Connor Palace at Playhouse Square, Cleveland. “Annie”: 7 p.m. Saturday and 6 p.m. Sunday, Lions Lincoln Theatre, Massillon. “The Never Ending Story”: 2 p.m. Sunday, Connor Palace at Playhouse Square, Cleveland. Summer Serenades in the Park: A woodwind quintet from the Canton Symphony Orchestra will perform, 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. Sunday, with pre-concert family-friendly activities at 5:30 p.m., Minerva Municipal Park. Bring lawn chair or blankets. Rain date is Tuesday. Live at Lunch: Free music performance by local musicians, noon to 1 p.m. Wednesdays through September, Market Square, downtown Canton. “200 Years Through the Lens”: Exhibit of past and present Repository photography, noon to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, Joseph Saxton
Guilford Lake Grille Lisbon
Rochester Square Navarre
Downtown Navarre’s historic Rochester Square will be the location for the third annual Navarre Village ArtFest, happening from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. There will be paintings, photography, jewelry, wood items, furniture and more, plus balloon art, face-painting and live music. Food will be available at local restaurants, at the 1836 Matthews House Museum, and the Navarre Fire Department’s pig roast. Gallery of Photography, 520 Cleveland Ave. NW, Canton. Jam session and dance: 2 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Polish American Citizen’s
CELEBRATING CLAPTON Evolution, which features vocalistguitarist Chris Wintrip (pictured here), will perform a tribute to all phases of Eric Clapton’s career, Friday at the Guilford Lake Grille at 7094 E. Lake Rd. in Lisbon. Teezer and The Record Party will open the 9 p.m. concert. Tickets, $15, may be ordered at 330-224-6207.
Club, 1605 Henry Ave. SW, Canton. Cleveland Jazz Orchestra: 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, US Bank Plaza, across from Playhouse Square, Cleveland.
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Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
LIVE MUSIC To submit your live music event, fax it to 330-454-5745 or email
[email protected] by 4 p.m. Friday for the following week’s publication. Blue Fig: Patrick Masalko and Chemical Wonders, 8 to 11 p.m. Friday; 6041 Whipple Ave. NW, Jackson Township. Canal Tavern: John Stipe, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Saturday; 8806 Towpath Road, Zoar. Elm Inn: Murfie’s Law, 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Saturday; 6786 Meese Road NE, Nimishillen Township. E Martini Lounge: Charita Franks Band, 8 p.m. Saturday; 3700 Massillon Road, Green Falcone’s Tavern: Larry Thompson, 8 p.m. Friday; Bare Bones, 8 p.m. Saturday; 5029 Tuscarawas St. W, Perry Township. Firehouse Grill and Pub: Bret Kuhnash, 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. Saturday; 122 N. Reed St., Malvern. Firehouse Grille and Pub: J J Vicars, 8 to 11 p.m. Friday; 9 Main St. N, Navarre. George’s Lounge: Zac Adams and Friends, 8 p.m. today; David Curtis, the Living, Color of Noise and Mandatory Metallica, 8 p.m. Saturday; 229 Cleveland Ave. NW, Canton. Gervasi Vineyards: Triple Play Band on piazza, 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday; 1700 55th St. NE, Canton.
9.19 Akron Civic Theatre
8.22 North Canton Main Street
Native Clevelander Mary Bridget Davies, who earned a Tony Award nomination for REPOSITORY JULIE VENNITTI her performance in Broadway’s “A Night With Janis Joplin,” will perform an NORTH CANTON FESTIVAL intimate cabaret show Sept. 19 at 8:30 p.m. at the Akron Civic Theatre. Both Davies The Ohio Weather Band, whose spring tour included stops in Austin and Nashville, and the audience will be seated on the Civic stage. Tickets, $25, may be ordered will perform from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday at the North Canton Main Street Festival. at and 330-253-2488. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday on Irish Pub and Grill: Terry T, 8 to 11 p.m. Berlin Center. and around the square in North Canton. There are food vendors, rides, crafts, car Main Street Grille: Tim Hunt in wine Saturday; 8009 Hills & Dales Road NW, Jackson Township. room, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Wednesday; 123 shows and children’s activities. Other live music includes the Hoover High School Marching Band, 11 a.m. Saturday; Trinity Baptist Praise Band, 3 tio 5 p.m. Saturday; Jimmy’s: Retro, 8 to 11 p.m. Friday; S. Main St., North Canton. Primavera’s: Dr. Ray, 7 to 10 p.m. Cajun Butter, 8 to 11 p.m. Saturday; Putnam’s System Rewind, 7 p.m. Saturday; The Legends, 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday; and 4262 Portage St. NW, Jackson Friday; Woody and Dutch sing Sinatra Elec Simon & Friends, 2 p.m. Sunday. Township; 4262 Portage St. NW, Jackson Township. Lucca: Tim Hunt, 7 to 10 p.m. Friday; Kevin DiSimone, 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday; 228 Fourth St. NW, Canton. Maestropietro Winey: John Stipe, 7 to 10 p.m. Friday; 14558 Ellsworth Road,
and soul, 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday; 5382 Fulton Drive NW, Jackson Township. Sadie Rene’s: Rusty Nails, 9 p.m. today; Municipal Waste, Ton and Drogheda, 9 p.m. Friday; 7200 Whipple Ave. NW, Jackson Township. TD’s Tailgate: Hey Monea, 8 to 11 p.m.
Friday; Ryan Humbert, 8 to 11 p.m. Saturday; 2234 Tuscarawas St. W, Canton. Towpath Cabin: Mike Lenz, 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. today; Tribute band, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday; Eric Brooke, 8 p.m. to
midnight Wednesday; 4462 Erie Ave. NW, Jackson Township. Wasabi Japanese Steakhouse: John Wood and Dutch sing Buble and such, 8 to 10:30 p.m. Friday; 6338 Strip Ave. NW, Jackson Township.
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39th Annual ‘Canton’s Original’
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August 21 – 22 - 23
Friday 11am to 11pm • Saturday 4pm to 11pm • Sunday 11am to 4pm
Delicious Greek Cuisine & Pastries
Outdoor Terrace & Drive Thru • August 20-21 - 11am to 8pm
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Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
Agora Gift Shops • Yiayia’s Attic • Live Greek Music Specialty Greek Coffees and Wines • Greek Dance Troupe Performances Indoor air-conditioned venue
Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
8.21 Canton Memorial Civic Center
GRECIAN FESTIVAL WEEKEND The Grecian Festival returns this weekend to Canton Memorial Civic Center for its 39th year. Featured is a wide array of traditional Greek food and pastries, along with beer, wine, Greek coffee and other beverages. There will be live music and performances by a Greek dance troupe daily. Hours are 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Friday; 4 to 11 p.m. Saturday; and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Admission and parking are free.
MOVIE GUIDE Theaters listed: Carnation Mall, Alliance — CAR; Regal Cinemas, Massillon — RC; Movies 10, Jackson Township — M10; Tinseltown USA, Jackson Township — TT. Check ads or phone theater for screening times. Star rating guide: Poor: *; Fair: **; Good: ***; Excellent: **** American Ultra: A stoner (Jesse Eisenberg), who is in fact a government agent, is marked as a liability and targeted for extermination. But he's too well-trained and too high for them to handle.With Kristen Stewart. (R) RC, TT Ant-Man: ** Armed with the ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, con man Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) must embrace his inner hero to help save the world. (PG-13) RC The End of the Tour: The acclaimed novelist David Foster Wallace (Jason Segal) is interviewed by a Rolling Stone reporter (Jesse Eisenberg) for five days in 1996. (R) TT Fantastic Four: Four young outsiders must learn to harness their new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy. With Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Jamie Bell. (PG-13) RC, TT The Gift: A married couple's lives are thrown into a tailspin when an acquaintance from the husband's past brings mysterious gifts and a horrifying secret to light. With Jason Bateman, Rebecca Hall and Joel Edgerton. (R) RC, TT Jurassic World: ** In an effort to boost business, a dinosaur theme park adds a new attraction that backfires horribly. With Chris Pratt and Jessica Chastain. (PG-13) M10 Love & Mercy: John Cusack and Pauyl Dano portray Beach Boys leader Brian Wilson in two stages of his turbulent life. (PG-13) M10 Mad Max: Fury Road: **** Two high-action rebels attempt to restore order to a stark desert landscape, Max (Tom Hardy) and Furiosa (Charlize Theron). (R) M10 Magic Mike XXL: ** Three years after Mike (Channing Tatum) bowed out of the stripper life at the top of his game, he and the remaining Kings of Tampa hit the road to Myrtle Beach to put on one last blow-out performance.(R) M10 The Man From U.N.C.L.E.: ** In the early 1960s, CIA agent Napoleon Solo (Henry Cavill) and KGB operative Illya Kuryakin (Armie Hammer) participate in a joint mission against a mysterious criminal organization, which is working to proliferate nuclear weapons. (PG13) CAR, RC, TT Max: A dog that helped US Marines in Afghanistan returns to the U.S. and is adopted by his handler's family after suffering a traumatic experience. (PG) M10 Minions: **1/2 Minions Stuart, Kevin and Bob are recruited by Scarlet Overkill, a super-villain who, alongside her inventor husband Herb, hatches a plot to
Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
take over the world. (PG) RC, TT Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation: Ethan (Tom Cruise) and team take on their most impossible mission yet, eradicating an International rogue organization as highly skilled as they are. (PG-13) CAR, RC, TT Pixels: When aliens misinterpret video feeds of classic arcade games as a declaration of war, they attack the Earth in the form of the video games. Animated, with the voices of Adam Sandler and Kevin James. (PG-13) RC Ricki and the Flash: A woman (Meryl Streep) who left her family years ago to pursue rock ‘n’ roll is summoned by her ex-husband (Kevin Kline) to help with her daughter’s crisis. (PG-13) RC, TT San Andreas: In the aftermath of a massive earthquake in California, a rescue-chopper pilot (Dwayne Johnson) makes a dangerous journey across the state in order to rescue his estranged daughter. (PG-13) M10 Shaun the Sheep: When Shaun decides to take the day off and have some fun, he gets a little more action than he bargained for in this animated adventure comedy. (PG) TT Sinister 2: A young mother and her twin sons move into a rural house that's marked for death. (R) CAR, RC, TT Southpaw: A boxer (Jake Gyllenhaal) turns to his trainerto help him get back on track after losing his wife in a tragic accident and his daughter to child protection services. Withg Rachel McAdams and Forest Whitaker. (R) TT Spy: *** In this action comedy, a CIA desk worker (Melissa McCarthy) goes undercover to stop a nuclear weapon from getting into the hands of terrorists. With Rose Byrne, Jason Statham and Jude Law. ***1/2 (R) M10 Straight Outta Compton: **1/2 The group NWA emerges from the streets of Compton, California in the mid-1980s and revolutionizes hip-hop with its tales of life in the hood. (R) CAR, RC, TT Terminator: Genisys: ** John Connor sends Kyle Reese back in time to protect Sarah Connor, but when he arrives in 1984, nothing is as he expected it to be. (PG-13) M10 Tomorrowland: A teen bursting with scientific curiosity and a former boy-genius inventor embark to unleash secrets of a place that exists in their collective memory. With George Clooney and Hugh Laurie. (PG) M10 Trainwreck: *** A commitment-phobic career woman (Amy Schumber) must face her fears when she falls for a good guy (Bill Hader) in this Judd Apatow comedy. With LeBron James and Tilda Swinton. (R) TT Vacation: Rusty Griswold (Ed Helms) takes his own family on a road trip to "Walley World" in order to spice things up with his wife (Christina Applegate) and reconnect with his sons. (R) RC, TT
Email events/press releases by noon Monday to dan.kane@
Akron Civic Theatre announces 2015-16 season AKRON The Akron Civic Theatre is launching its 2015-2016 season with with many national and community attractions. Among the acts scheduled to appear are Todd Rundgren with the Akron Symphony Orchestra (Sept. 5 and 6); Celtic Woman 10th Anniversary World Tour (Oct. 11); Indigo Girls (Oct. 23); “Whose Line Is It, Anyway?” comedians Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood’s Two Man Group: Live and Dangerous Comedy (Dec. 10); “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical” (Dec. 17); and country sensation Randy Houser’s We Went Tour featuring Frankie Ballard and Craig Campbell (Dec. 18). The Civic’s Family Series includes Art Reach Theatre’s “Little Red Riding Hood” (Sept. 27); Tyron Hoisten’s Five Tier (Oct. 18); and Firestone Theatre’s production of “School House Rock Live! Jr.” (Nov. 15). New this year is the Civic Nights series featuring Who’s Bad: The Ul-
timate Michael Jackson Tribute (Sept. 25); Neos Dance Theatre’s “Count … The Legend of Dracula” performance with a silent movie accompanied by the Mighty Wurlitzer Organ (Oct. 30); Ohio’s Legends of Rock with Clapton tribute Evolution (Nov. 13); Nuance: AllMale A Cappella (Dec. 11); Cirque Ziva featuring The Golden Dragon Acrobats (Feb. 26); and Chris Perondi’s Stunt Dogs (April 23). The Civic will continue its series of cabaret-style events (with both performers and audience on stage: Helen Welch presenting The American Songbook (Sept. 18); Cleveland-born singer Mary Bridget Davies, the Tony Award-nominated star of Broadway’s “A Night With Janis Joplin” (Sept. 19); and Welch’s Jingle Bell Swing Christmas Show (Dec. 15 and 16). Other returning favorites are the Akron Craft Beer Festival (Oct. 9); The Masque of the Red Death Masquerade Ball, a Halloween party (Oct. 31); Warren Miller’s Ski Fest and movie, “Chasing Shadows” (Nov. 21); Ballet Theatre of Ohio’s “The Nutcracker” (Nov. 28 and 29 and Dec. 5 and 6) and Cinderella (April 30-May 1); A Downton Abbey Evening, which includes a soiree and screening (Dec. 13); and Ballet Excel Ohio, presenting “Pinocchio” (March 5 and 6). The most current schedule is available at Tickets are available online, in person at The Civic Box Office, or by calling 330.253.2488.
Paris Square Dance PARIS TWP. The Paris Community Association is holding a Square Dance on the Street Saturday. The food stand opens at 6 p.m. at the Paris Pavilion and the square dance, on Paris Avenue, begins at 7:30 p.m. Jesse Huddleston is the caller. For information call Charles Childs at 330-862-3307 or Audrey Wade at 330-862-2044.
WWE returns to Cleveland CLEVELAND The WWE will is coming back to the Quicken Loans Arena for a show 7:30 p.m. Sept. 26. Scheduled to appear are Ryback, Big Show, Roman Reigns, Bray Wyatt and more. Tickets, on sale now, begin at $20. They are available at the Quicken Loans box office or any Discount Drug Mart location.
Green Art-A-Palooza GREEN More than 70 artists — offering ceramics, jewelry, fiber art, wood items, paintings, photography and more — will gather in Boettler Park from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the 11th annual Art-APalooza celebration. There will be live music and food. Admission is free.
“The Andersonville Trial,” a courtroom drama based on a Lions Lincoln Theatre historic Civic War trial, will be presented by the Stark County Massillon Courthouse Players at 7:30 p.m. Friday at the Lions Lincoln Theatre in downtown Massillon. Tickets will be $10 at the door. The cast, made up of area judges and lawyers, has been invited to perform the play in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims in Washington D.C. on Oct. 16th to mark the 150th anniversary of the trial.
Play to explore AIDS crisis CANTON Auditions for “We Rise,” a new play written by Todd Walburn, will be from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at the Kathleen Howland Theatre at 324 Cleveland Ave. NW. The play explores the second decade of the
AIDS crisis and the actions of the activist group ACT UP. Director Margene Rannigan is seeking three males, ages 40 to 60, and one female age 59 to 60. Actors should bring a resume and be prepared to read from the script. The play will run Oct. 16 to 25. For more information, call 330451-0924.
Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
Your Farm & Flea Headquarters
Deli Ohio Craft, Farm & Flea 40 vendors inside & outside, selling vintage wares, homemade paper goods, fair trade products, handcrafted bath and body goods, delicious artisan foods, and much more! This Saturday, August 22 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Deli Ohio on the corner of Walnut & 4th Street.
Come Downtown!
2 3 4 5 6 7
Photo Shoot/Jam Night (Benjamin Lehman) August 20 @ 6:30 pm Grapes in a Glass
39th Annual Grecian Festival - August 21-23 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. Canton Civic Center
Canton Farmers’ Market August 22 @ 8-11:30 a.m. 4th St. NW & McKinley Ave.
Walk the Music Block! - August 22 @ 8 pm George’s Lounge
Punk Rock Bingo - August 24 @ 9 p.m. Buzzbin Art & Music Shop
Live At Lunch with Ryan Humbert August 26 @ 12 - 1 p.m. Market Square
Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015
in stores this week ! !
social media
s Summer hits its hottest stretch, the Twitter hashtag “#SummerLifein4words” trended earlier this week. Here were some selected posts. brett morris @brettmorriss "Wanna go to Starbucks?" #SummerLifeIn4Words Ben Adams @BenAdamsComic Barely went outside really #SummerLifeIn4Words Petey Steele @SteelebornDC Air Conditioned White Noise #SummerLifeIn4Words
“Aloha,” starring Emma Stone and Bradley Cooper, is in stores Tuesday.
Tommy Campbell @MrTommyCampbell Unvaccinated morons at Disneyland #SummerLifeIn4Words A Wiener @Wieneraaron Milk Was Bad Choice #SummerLifeIn4Words Theresa @tlcprincess Selfie, drink, hashtag, repeat. #SummerLifeIn4Words Tony Posnanski @tonyposnanski Can't Afford A Pool #SummerLifeIn4Words Kristen @kristenhuff300 Too hot to sleep #SummerLifeIn4Words Tony Posnanski @tonyposnanski Everyone Smells Like Coconuts #SummerLifeIn4Words
Aug. 20: “Today” show weatherman Al Roker is 61. Actress Joan Allen is 59. Aug. 21: Singer Kenny Rogers is 77. Actress Kim Cattrall is 59. Aug. 22: Comedian Kristen Wiig is 42. Guitarist Vernon Reid (Living Colour) is 57. Aug. 23: Actor Jay Mohr is 45. Actress Shelley Long is 66. Aug. 24: Talk-show host Craig Kilborn is 53. Singer John Bush (Anthrax) is 52. Aug. 25: Bassist Gene Simmons of Kiss is 66. Singer Rob Halford of Judas Priest is 64. Aug. 26: Singer Shirley Manson of Garbage is 49. Actress Melissa McCarthy (pictured) is 45.
podcast of the week
Stuff You Missed in History Class aaronsayswhat @aaronsayswhat1 Work hard, drink beer #SummerLifeIn4Words
(available via iTunes) and podcast veterans Tracy Wilson and Holly Frey brings a show that highlights the greatest, strangest and sometimes funniest stories from world history.
My Vogon Poetry @MyVogonPoetry Need Air Conditioned Armor! #SummerLifeIn4Words
Shawn Scotney @shawnscotney Where did it go? #SummerLifeIn4Words
Check out these TICKET recommended YouTube music videos and clips!
DVDS (out Tuesday): “Aloha,” Emma Stone “Big Game,” Samuel L. Jackson “Citizenfour,” documentary “Lila & Eve,” Viola Davis “October,” Patricia Clarkson “The Runner,” Nicolas Cage “Skin Trade,” Dolph Lundgren “Two Days, One Night,” Marion Cotillard “The Walking Dead: Complete Fifth Season,” Andrew Lincoln “Where Hope Grows,” David DeSanctis ALBUMS (out Friday): The Devil Wears Prada, “Space” Disturbed, “Immortalized” The Fratellis, “Eyes Wide Tongue Tied” Lunch Mob, “Rebel” Method Man, “The Meth Lab” Pop Evil, “Up” Linda Ronstadt, ”Just One Look: The Very Best” Jordin Sparks, “Right Here Right Now” Rob Thomas, “The Great Unknown” Wilco, “Star Wars”
Iron Maiden “Speed of Light”
Red Sun Rising “The Otherside”
The latest video/single from England’s biggest metal band throws nods to video games from the ’80s to today.
Debut video from Akron rockers sports a decidedly ‘90s grunge feel. See them 8.29 at the Kent Stage.
Thursday, Aug. 20, 2014
Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015