Alaria esculenta - Helgoland Marine Research

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1972) and the British Isles. Its absence in the whole North Sea and the greater part of the English Channel obviously relates to elevations in the average sea ...
HelgolSnder wlss. Meeresunters. 29, 311-314 (1977)

Growth performance of Alaria esculenta off Helgoland I. M . M U N D A 1' -" Nl; K . L U N I N G ~

Biological Institute, Slovene Academy of Science; Ljubl]ana, Jugoslavia and ,2 Biologische Anstalt Helgoland (Meeresstation); Helgoland, Federal Republic of Germany

ABSTRACT: Alaria esculenta (L.) Grev. sporophytes, raised in culture and originating from the North of Iceland were immersed in the sea near Helgoland (North Sea) for the period from February to August. Notable growth of the thalli was found between February and May, when the water temperature was similar to that of their original habitat in Iceland. Less conspicuous growth but development of sporophylls took place between May and July. The temperature rose to 16.8' C during the first half of July and remained on the same level during August, when the plants deteriorated. The present experiments yield additional evidence that the regional distribution of A. esculenta is temperature controlled.

INTRODUCTION The genus Alaria has a northerly distribution pattern and its southern limit is close to the 20" C isotherm of maximum sea temperature (Widdowson, 1971). The type species of this genus, Alaria esculenta (L.) Grey. is common in the N o r t h Atlantic north of the I6 ° C isotherm (Sundene, 1962). This species is common and abundant in the Faer/Ses (B6rgesen, 1902), Greenland (Lund, 1959), Iceland (Jdnsson, 1903; Munda, 1972) and the British Isles. Its absence in the whole N o r t h Sea and the greater part of the English Channel obviously relates to elevations in the average sea temperature (Southward, 1960). It is common along the Norwegian coast (Jaasund, 1965; Printz, 1926; Jorde, 1966) with MandaI as its southern limit (Wilte, I897; Sundene, 1953). Its southernmost habitat in Europe is Brittany, France (Fischer-Piette, 1936; Dizerboe, 1947). The distribution pattern of A. esculenta around iceland is not uniform and seems related to the hydrographic conditions. Its maximum abundance was found along the eastern coast which is influenced by arctic water, whereas it is sparse in the South, where the influence of Atlantic water masses is strongest (Munda, 1975). Field and laboratory experiments, carried out by Sundene (1962) in N o r w a y gave support to his hypothesis that the distribution of Alaria escuIenta is temperature controlled. In the present experiment a further step is taken to prove the temperature tolerance of A. escutenta sporophytes and thus one of the causal factors affecting its distribution. For this purpose, sporophytes raised from zoospores from material


I.M. Munda & K. Liining

originating from the North of Iceland were kept in the sea off Helgoland where A. esculenta does not occur.

MATERIAL AND METHODS Thalli of Alaria esculenta with mature sporophylls were obtained from TjSrnes, North Iceland. The sporophylls were rinsed with filtered seawater and kept dry for 6 hours. Sporophylls were immersed in sterile seawater containing Provasoli ES enrichment. The released zoospores were allowed to settle on white plastic plates (PVC; 3 × 5 cm, 6 mm thick) which were transferred to plexiglass chambers (50 × 50 cm) for three months. Temperature was 12°C and illuminance 1500-2000 lux (white fluorescent lamps Osram 40 W/19, continuous illumination). The cultures were aerated and the medium was changed every week. The small sporophytes were then transferred into a seawater shower (Chapman, 1973), where they were immersed 2 cm below the water and kept at the same conditions of temperature and illumination as stated above. In the middle of February 1976 the 5 months old sporophytes were, on the average, 10 cm long and 0.8 cm broad. 50 plants were transferred into the sea at 2 m below MLWS. For this purpose the plastic plates with the attached experimental plants were fastened to metal frames. Temperature data were provided by Treumer (personal communication).

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Growth of the sporophytes was vigorous as long as the seawater temperatures remained within the range of the limits of the regional distribution of this species. In February and March, the average water temperature was 3.3 ° C. In April the temperature rose to 5.2 ° C and in the middle of May to 8.5 ° C. The first check was made on May 19, when the plants had reached an average length of 40 cm and a width of 5 cm (Fig. 1). During June the water temperature rose to 14.6° C and to 16.8° C during the first half of July. Fronds of sporophytes observed on July 10 were 30-50 cm long and 6 cm wide. The length of the stipes was between 5 and 8 cm (Fig. 1). They had immature sporophylls. The water temperature was 16.9 ° C during the second part of July and the same average was found during the first half of August. At the August 13 observation the plants were strongly reduced. The laminae as well as their intercalary meristems were wasted away. Only haptera with stipes of 1-4 cm in length with immature sporophylls remained. At this stage all experimental plants were removed from the sea. This field experiment indicates that temperatures of 16-17 ° C of a few weeks duration are lethal for the sporophytes of Alaria esculenta. At TjSrnes, from where the experimental material was taken, the yearly temperature means are 4.8 ° C and the summer maxima in July and August 8.9 ° C, while the winter minimum of 1.7 ° C is in March (Steffinsson, 1962). The summer temperature of the original habitat corresponds to May temperatures in Helgoland, when the growth rate of the experi-

Alaria esculenta off Helgoland


mental material was maximal. A somewhat decreased growth intensity, but with fructification, was found at temperatures of 11-15 ° C in June. It seems likely that plants are able to tolerate a temperature elevation over 16 ° C for some days, but that a longer exposure becomes lethal. Sundene (1962) got similar results by transplantation of adult sporophytes of Alaria esculenta from western N o r w a y (14 ° C summer isotherm) to the area of the Oslo Fjord (16 ° C summer isotherm) where this species is absent. His experimental t




Fig. 1 : Alaria esculenta. Photographs of test specimens. (A) May, (B) July (about Vsth natural size) plants had already exhibited a reduction of the thatli in June and a complete deterioration occurred during July and August. Our long-distance transplantation showed the same evidence as the short-distance transplantation, carried out by Sundene (1962). It seems likely that susceptibility to temperatures over 16 ° C is genetically fixed within this species and not modified by temperature conditions in its original habitat. Around the British Isles the distribution of Alaria escMenta also seems to be determined by the 16 ~-~C isotherm, since this species is absent in the greater part of the English Channel, where the summer temperatures rise to 17-18 ° C. As suggested by Southward (1960) several organisms including Alaria esculenta disappeared from the western part of the Channel due to a rise of 0.5 ° C of mean annual temperature. A similar distribution pattern is evident around the Irish coast (Cotton, 1913).

Acknowledgement. The authors are greatly indebted to Mr. A. Egilsson, M~narbakkl, Tj6rnes, North Iceland, for sending fertile material from this area.


I. M. Munda & K. Liining LITERATURE CITED

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Dr. I. M. Munda Biological Institute Slovene Academy of Science Ljubljana Jugoslavia