the greatest breadth posteromedial and about 37% of the length. Internally, the inner lamellae are moderately broad, with a regular line of concrescence and, ...
PROC. R. SOC. VICT. vol. 98, no. 1, 31-40, March 1986
ALATALEBERIS NEW GENUS (CRUSTACEA, OSTRACODA) FROM THE TERTIARY OF VICTORIA AND SOUTH AUSTRALIA By K. G. M c K e n z ie 1 a n d M . T. W a r n e 2 1 Riverina-Murray Institute o f Higher Education, Wagga Wagga, N.S.W . 2650. 2 Geology Department, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Vic. 3052. A b s t r a c t : A new trachyleberidid ostracode genus, Alataleberis, is described from the Tertiary of southeastern Australia for the new species A . johannae (type species), A . robusta, and A . miocenica, and the new species and subspecies A . ornithopetrae ornithopetrae and A . ornithopetrae willungae. Our new genus is compared with specimens of Alatacythere from the Gulf Coast o f the United States and with Pterygocythereis from the Atlantic/Mediterranean. Its stratigraphic usefulness is indicated.
The Tertiary O stracoda o f southeastern Australia re main poorly known (McKenzie 1974) although recent work in the Miocene o f Victoria suggests that the situa tion is about to am eliorate (McKenzie & Neil 1983, Whatley & Downing 1983, McKenzie & Peypouquet 1984). During a broader study of several Miocene se quences in Victoria, one o f us (M .T.W .) came across a new taxon with apparent affinities to the genus Alatacythere from the G ulf Coast Tertiary o f the United States. Discussion with the senior author led to the con sensus that this species represented a new generic category (n. gen. D. aff. Alatacythere o f McKenzie, in Cooper 1979). The senior author had already identified several species o f the new taxon: in the Eocene of Vic toria (2 species); and, in the Eocene-Oligocene o f South A ustralia and Victoria (1 species with 2 subspecies). The Miocene species is a fourth member o f this group. As far as we are aware, there are no Pliocene or Quaternary species, nor are any species earlier than the (P I6) Eocene taxa known to us. The general localities are illustrated in Fig. 1; more detailed locality data are provided with the species descriptions. As the senior author’s collections include reference material from the United States Tertiary, it was conve nient to compare our new genus with the type and related species o f Alatacythere. We also compare it with the well known Atlantic and M editerranean genus Pterygocythereis. The conventions RV = right valve, LV = left valve, L = length, H = height and B = breadth are used throughout. Types are stored in the palaeontological collections o f the Museum of Victoria under Register Numbers NMV P109896-P109901, P I 11421-PI 11429 and PI 11790-PI 11792. S Y S T E M A T IC P A L A E O N T O L O G Y F a m ily T r a c h y l e b e r id id a e S ylvester B ra d le y 1948 S u b fa m ily T r a c h y l e b e r id in a e S ylvester B ra d le y 1948 ? T rib e P t e r y g o c y t h e r id e id in i P u ri 1957 G e n u s Alataleberis gen n o v .
Alataleberis johannae sp. nov. Alata-(L) = winged; and suffix -leberis (Gk) = sloughed skin, a reference to the fact that T y p e S p e c ie s : E tym ology:
O stracoda, like other crustaceans, are ecdysists. The genus is feminine. D i a g n o s i s : A new pterygocytherideidine genus with a carapace which features alate ventral ridges usually per forated along their length, non-alate dorsal ridges and secondary yoke-like, arcuate posterior ridges, the valve surfaces otherwise being smooth. M inor features of the ornam ent include anteromarginal spinules and strong dorsal and posteroventral spines. Inner lamellae are moderately broad with no or only very small vestibules; marginal pore canals are flexuous, often branched and fairly numerous; normal pore canals are sieve-type, celated and scattered; central muscle scars comprise 4 adductors, a V-shaped frontal scar and a m andibular scar; the hinge is hem iam phidont. The subcentral tuber cle may be well (A . robusta) or poorly developed but an eye tubercle is distinct in all species; as is sexual dimorphism. R e m a r k s : The new genus has been compared previously (McKenzie 1974, McKenzie, in Cooper 1979) with Pterygocythereis and Alatacythere. Both these genera were formerly placed in the family Brachycytheridae (Moore 1961) but were transferred to Trachyleberididae in a more recent revision (Hartm ann & Puri 1974). The type species of Pterygocythereis Blake 1933 is the North Atlantic and Mediterranean taxon P. jonesi (Baird 1850). We illustrate this species in Fig. 4 F, J and Fig. 5 E, F, G, I, J along with P. ceratoptera (Bosquet 1852) in Fig. 5 H, both specimens coming from the senior author’s Bay o f Naples collection. O ur new genus resembles Pterygocythereis in that the shell surface is smooth and the margins are spinose in both genera. The differences, however, are striking. Anteromarginally, Alataleberis bears spinules rather than broad flat-topped “spines” as in Pterygocythereis; dorsally, the Atlantic/M editerranean taxon bears a marginal row of large spines rather than a few thorn-like spines on a low dorsal ridge as in Alataleberis; and the ventral ridge in Pterygocythereis carries a row o f separate large spines which increase in length posteriorly (the final spine being about twice as long as its neighbours) whereas in Alataleberis the ridge itself increases in height posteriorly, terminating in a
Fig. 1 —Locality diagram. 1, Maslin Bay/Aldinga Bay. 2, Browns Creek/Castle Cove. 3, Torquay. 4, Geelong/Fyansford.
single stout spine. Therefore, in dorsal view Alataleberis is regularly subhastate with the greatest breadth posteromedial (Fig. 2 B, G, H) while in Pterygocythereis the profile is subelliptical (discounting the spines) —well il lustrated in Bonaduce, Ciampo and Masoli (1975, Plate 29, Fig. 3). Posteriorly, Alataleberis is subacuminate in all species (except the LV of A . robusta) whereas P. jonesi is rounded posteriorly (although P. ceratoptera is subacuminate). The eye tubercle is prominent and nearly spherical in Pterygocythereis but somewhat smaller in Alataleberis. Finally, there is a slight difference in hingement, with Pterygocythereis having a smooth posterior RV tooth while in Alataleberis this tooth is divided into two elements by a small furrow, the more anterior ele ment being larger (Fig. 4 I). Another species of Pterygocythereis from the Alum Bluff Chipola Miocene
of Florida, U.S.A. is also illustrated (Fig. 5 A, B) for comparison. The genus Alatacythere Murray & Hussey 1942 was described from the Vicksburg (Oligocene) of the Gulf Coast region of the United States where it ranges from Late Cretaceous to Neogene. Specimens in the senior author’s collection from the type horizon in the Byram Marl, Mississippi, are A -l juvenile females. We illustrate instead, therefore, an adult male and female from the Mint Spring Oligocene, south of Hiwanee, Missouri, col lected by the late Prof. H. V. Howe from a roadcut on U.S. Highway 45 (Fig. 4 G, Fig. 5 K, L, M). This taxon seems very close to the type species A . ivani H ow e 1951 (nom. nov. fo r Cythereis (.Pterygocythereis?) alexanderi Howe & Law 1936- t h e designated type species of Alatacythere— which is a junior homonym) except that it
Fig. 2 —A, Alataleberis robusta sp. nov., male, internal, L.V., x 75. B, Alataleberis robusta sp. nov., male, dorsal, x 75. C, Alataleberis robusta sp. nov., male, ventral, x 75. D, Alataleberis miocenica sp. nov., female, internal, R.V., x 75. E, Alataleberis johannae sp. nov., male, R.V., x 75. F, Alataleberis ornithopetrae ornithopetrae subsp. nov., female, internal, L.V., x 75. G, Alataleberis ornithopetrae ornithopetrae subsp. nov., female, dorsal, L.V., x 75. H, Alataleberis ornithopetrae willungae subsp. nov., female, dorsal, x 75.
is more elongate. In Alatacythere, anteromarginal spines are broad and flat-topped, unlike the anteromarginal spinules of Alataleberis; dorsal spines are few, broad and fragile, especially anterodorsally, in Alatacythere (Howe & Law 1936, Plate IV, Fig. 23) —the anterodorsal spine is damaged in our figured specimens (Fig. 5 K, L, M) —whereas Alataleberis has a low dorsal ridge ter minating in a posterior spine (all species) and sometimes having 2-3 other short thorn-like spines. The strong ven tral ridge which provides the generic prefix for both taxa is reinforced by buttressing along its length in both Alatacythere and Alataleberis, but is not perforated in any species of Alatacythere known to us whereas it is distinctly perforated in most Alataleberis species, especially those in which this ridge is most notably developed (A . robusta and A . ornithopetrae). In Alataleberis, the dorsal and ventral ridges are yoked together by an arcuate subridge (poorly defined in A . robusta) but there is no trace of this subsidiary feature in Alatacythere, doubtless because the latter lacks a distinct dorsal ridge. Eye tubercles are small and weak in Alatacythere but always distinct in the new genus. In dor sal view, both genera are subhastate with the ventral alar extensions making for a more extremely “winged” profile in most Alatacythere species although a few Neogene taxa with low ventral ridges have been described (Fig. 4 G, Fig. 5 K, L, M). Alatacythere sp. from the Upper Oligocene Chickasawhay Limestone, Florida, U.S.A. is also il lustrated (Fig. 5 C, D) for comparison. H artm ann and Puri (1974) also designated the genera Pterygocythere Hill 1954, and Incongruellina Ruggieri 1958 with its subgenera Incongruellina Ruggieri 1958 and Lixouria Uliczny 1969 as belonging in Pterygocytherideidini. O f these taxa, Lix ouria was based on a misidentified type species and the latest reviewer (Uffenorde 1981) considers it indeterminate to subfamily. The taxon illustrated as “Lixouria” unicostulata (Kuiper 1918) s.l. by Uffenorde (1981, Plate 2, figs 9 -1 0 ) se em s c lo s e to s u c h n o n pterygocytherideidine genera as Ruggieria Keij 1957 and Keijella Ruggieri 1967. Sissingh (1973) established a new genus, Carinovalva Sissingh 1973 for taxa placed in Lix ouria by Uliczny and, later, himself (Sissingh 1972). All these taxa clearly differ from Alataleberis. Firstly,
Pterygocythere has a well-developed, strongly-convex, dorsal flange above the hinge line that is diagnostic and is used to distinguish it from Alatacythere which otherwise it closely resembles; no species of Alataleberis has this feature. Next, Incongruellina and Carinovalva both have prominent ventral carinate (or keel-like) ridges and their general shape is similar to the well known European Cainozoic genus Bosquetina Keij 1957; all three genera, apart from their generally different shape to Alataleberis, lack the dorsal ridge which is a feature of the new taxon. Our questionable reference of Alataleberis to Pterygocytherideidini is based on the fact that Hartmann and Puri (1974, p. 38) define the tribe as comprising alate trachyleberidids with simple normal pores whereas all species o f Alataleberis have sieve-type normal pores, although difficult to illustrate (Fig. 4 H). Since it is now known that both sieve-type and simple normal pore canals can occur on the same trachyleberidid species, this criterion has lost the taxonomic weight it formerly had in determining relationships within the family. Nevertheless, our uncertainty remains and we recognise that future workers may decide that Alataleberis is convergent towards Pterygocytherideidini rather than belonging in the tribe. A similar uncertainty is recorded for the only taxon known to us which may be ancestral to our new genus, that is Ponticulocythere Dingle 1981, described from the M aastrichtian o f southeast Africa (Dingle 1981) and yet to be recognised from A ustralia (Bate 1972, Neale 1975). Like Alataleberis, Ponticulocythere has dorsal and ven tral ridges and is com pared by its author with Bos quetina and Pterygocythereis. But Ponticulocythere differs in that its hinge is more primitive, being entomodont rather than am phidont, and because both its dorsal and its ventral ridge are perforate and buttressed —in Alatalaberis only the ventral ridge is perforate and b ut tressed in most species (except A . robusta in which the dorsal ridge also is buttressed but not perforate). Alataleberis johannae sp. nov. Figs. 2 E , 3 A, B, C E t y m o l o g y : johannae = locality name from the Jo h an na River area in Victoria, where the type locality is ex posed along the coast.
Fig. 3 —A, Alataleberis johannae sp. nov., paratype, male, lateral, R.V., x 45. NMV Reg. No. PI 11792. B, Alataleberis johannae sp. nov., paratype, male, lateral, L.V., x 45. NMV Reg. No. P111792. C, Alataleberis johannae sp. nov., paratype, male, dorsal, x 4 7 . NMV Reg. No. PI 11792. D, Alataleberis robusta sp. nov., paratype, female, lateral, R.V., x 45. NMV Reg. No. 111424. E, Alataleberis robusta sp. nov., paratype, female, lateral, L.V., x 45. NMV Reg. No. PI 11424. F, Alataleberis robusta sp. nov., paratype, female, dorsal, x 43. NMV Reg. N o. PI 11424. G, Alataleberis ornithopetrae or nithopetrae subsp. nov., paratype, male, lateral, R.V., x 45. NMV Reg. No. PI 11791. H, Alataleberis ornithopetrae ornithopetrae subsp. nov., paratype, female, lateral, L.V., x 43. NMV Reg. No. PI 11790. I, Alataleberis ornithopetrae ornithopetrae subsp. nov., paratype, female, lateral, R.V., x 44. NMV Reg. No. 111790. J, Alataleberis ornithopetrae ornithopetrae subsp. nov., paratype, male, dorsal, x 46. NMV Reg. No. PI 11791. K, Alataleberis ornithopetrae willungae subsp. nov., paratype, male, lateral, R.V., x 45. NMV Reg. No. PI 11429. L, Alataleberis ornithopetrae willungae subsp. nov., paratype, male, lateral, L.V., x 45. NMV Reg. No. PI 11429. M, Alataleberis ornithopetrae willungae subsp. nov., paratype, male, dorsal, x 42. NMV Reg. No. PI 11429. N, Alataleberis miocenica sp. nov., holotype, male, lateral, R.V., x 45. NMV Reg. No. PI 11427. O, Alataleberis miocenica sp. nov., holotype, male, lateral, L.V., x 45. NMV Reg. No. PI 11427. P, Alataleberis m iocenica sp. nov., paratype, male, lateral (internal), L.V., x 45. NMV Reg. No. PI 11422. Q, Alataleberis miocenica sp. nov., paratype, female, lateral (internal), R.V., x 46. NMV Reg. No. PI 11423. R, Alataleberis miocenica sp. nov., holotype, male, dorsal, x 45. NMV Reg. No. P i l l 427.
M a t e r i a l a n d D i s t r i b u t i o n : Numerous carapaces and valves from several horizons in the sections exposed at Browns Creek and Castle Cove, Victoria.
Carapace medium-large (length 0.90-0.97 mm); subrectangular in lateral view with a smooth shell surface and weakly developed subcentral tubercle; anterior broadly rounded and adorned marginally with numerous spinules; posterior subacuminate (or subcaudate) in both LV and RV, carrying about 5 large posteroventral spines; dorsal margin straight, sloping backwards slightly from front to rear; ventral margin mostly straight but weakly inflexed anteromedially in the m outh region; ornam ent o f ridges and thorn-like spines. The dorsal ridge extends posteriorly from the eye tuber cle, carries 2 thorn-like spines and term inates in a stout spine; behind and below this ridge there is another thorn-like spine at the posterodorsal corner o f the valve; anteriorly, a marginal ridge commences in front o f the eye tubercle and follows the margin until it meets the ventral ridge in the anteroventral region. The ventral ridge is strong and is more elevated in the rear than the dorsal ridge; it is strengthened along its length by but tresses and ends in a broad-based, powerful short spine. A n arcuate subridge yokes the dorsal and ventral ridges in the posterior region of each valve. Greatest height is in the eye tubercle plane and equals about half the length. In dorsal view, the carapace is subhastate, with the greatest breadth posteromedial and about 37% o f the length. Internally, the inner lamellae are moderately broad, with a regular line o f concrescence and, possibly, a small posterior vestibule (Fig. 2 E); marginal pore canals are more numerous anteriorly than posteroventrally, flexuous and often branched; norm al pore canals are sieve-type, celated and irregularly scattered; the cen tral muscle scars comprise 4 adductors, a V-shaped fron tal scar and a ventral m andibular scar; the hinge is am phidont-hem iam phidont with a weakly crenulate posterior tooth in the RV and a crenulate median ele ment. Eye tubercle distinct. Sexual dimorphism, females shorter and higher than males. D i m e n s io n s (mm): Holotype, adult male, NMV Reg. No. P 109896, L = 0.96, H = 0.44, B = 0.36. Paratype, adult female, NMV Reg. No. P 109897, L = 0.92, H = 0.44, B = 0.34. Paratype, adult male, NMV Reg. No. P I 1792, L = 0.95, H = 0.44, B = 0.35. T y pe l o c a l it y : Browns Creek Clays above the Notostraea Greensand horizon, at the Browns Creek coastal section near Johanna River, Victoria. D e s c r ip t io n :
R e m a r k s : The type species differs from others in the genus in that the ventral ridge is only indistinctly per forated along its length. G e o l o g i c a l A g e : A ldingan-Janjukian, P 16-18 (Late Eocene-earliest Oligocene). Alataleberis robusta sp. nov. Figs 2A, B, C, 3 D , E , F 1974 Alatacythere sp. BCC 6 McKenzie, Plate 2, Fig. 6. E t y m o l o g y : robusta (L) = robust. M a t e r i a l a n d D i s t r i b u t i o n : Several carapaces and valves from the sections at Browns Creek and Castle Cove, Victoria. D e s c r i p t i o n : An Alataleberis o f relatively large size (length 0.90-1.10 mm), subrectangular in lateral view with a smooth shell surface and distinct subcentral tubercle; anterior broadly rounded and adorned marginally with numerous spinules; posterior less b road ly rounded in the LV and subcaudate in the RV, carrying several (5-8) strong marginal spines; dorsal margin straight, sloping backwards slightly; ventral margin mostly straight but inflexed anteromedially in the m outh region; ornam ent o f ridges and spines. The dorsal ridge is more prom inent than in other species and buttressed, ending in a stout spine; anteriorly a ridge follows the margin to the anteroventral corner where it meets the ventral ridge. The ventral ridge is very strong and inflated characteristically for the genus. The ridge in creases markedly in height from front to rear, is strengthened by 6 buttressing struts, between which are perforations (about 6 overall) and ends in a powerful spine which carries 1-2 subsidiary spinules posteriorly. A yoking subridge is indistinctly defined on some specimens. Greatest height is in the eye tubercle plane and equals half the length. In dorsal view, the carapace is robustly subhastate, with the greatest breadth posteromedially and about two-thirds the length. Inter nally, the lamellae are moderately broad; line of con crescence regular; possibly a small posteroventral vestibule occurs; marginal pore canals are numerous, flexuous and usually branched; norm al pore canals sieve-type and scattered; central muscle scars comprise 4 adductors, a V-shaped frontal scar and an anteroventral m andibular scar; dorsal muscle scars include at least 3 prom inent scars above the central scar field o f which 2 are mandibular muscle attachm ent scars; hinge am phi dont-hem iam phidont, similar to A . johannae. Eye tubercle distinct. Sexual dimorphism, females shorter and higher than males.
Fig. 4 —A, Alataleberis johannae sp. nov., paratype, dorsal, L.V., ala enlargement, x 90. NMV Reg. No. PI 11792. B, A lataleberis robusta sp. nov., paratype, dorsal, L.V., ala enlargement, x 90. NMV Reg. No. PI 11424. C, Alataleberis ornithopetrae ornithopetrae sp. nov., paratype, dorsal, L.V., ala enlargement, x 90. NMV Reg. No. PI 11791. D, Alataleberis ornithopetrae willungae sp. nov., paratype, dorsal, L.V., ala enlargement, x 90. NMV Reg. No. PI 11429. E, Alataleberis miocenica sp. nov., holotype, dorsal, L.V., ala enlargement, x 90. NMV Reg. No. PI 11427. F, Pterygocythereis jonesi (Baird, 1850), dorsal, L.V., ala enlargement, x 85. NMV Reg. No. PI 11796. G, Alatalacythere sp. 2 (specimen from the Mint Spring Oligocene, U .S.A .) dorsal, R.V., ala enlargement, x 95. NMV Reg. No. PI 11800. H, Alataleberis ornithopetrae ornithopetrae subsp. nov., paratype, sieve-type normal pore, x 7,650. NMV Reg. No. PI 11791. 1, Alataleberis miocenica sp. nov., paratype, posterior, R.V. tooth of hingement, x 700. NMV reg. No. PI 11423. J, Pterygocythereis jo n esi (Baird, 1850), central muscle scar pattern, x 350. NMV Reg. No. PI 11797.
(mm): Holotype, adult female, NMV Reg. No. P 109900, L = 0.90, H = 0.46, B = 0.56. Paratype, adult male RV, NMV Reg. No. P109901, L = 0.96, H = 0.48. Paratype, adult female, NMV Reg. No. P I 11424, L = 0.90, H = 0.45, B = 0.56. T y p e L o c a l i t y : Browns Creek Clays at the coastal sec tion near Browns Creek, Johanna River district, Vic toria. The species ranges from about 8 m below the Notostraea Greensand member o f the Browns Creek Clays to the basal Castle Cove Limestone at Castle Cove, Victoria. R e m a r k s : The species is differentiated from the other Alataleberis species by its more strongly alate ap pearance (especially in dorsal view), prom inent and but tressed dorsal ridge and well-developed subcentral tubercle. G e o l o g i c a l A g e : Aldingan, P 16-17 (Late Eocene). D im e n s io n s
Alataleberis ornithopetrae sp. nov. A. ornithopetrae ornithopetrae subsp. nov. Figs 2F, G, 3G, H, I, J 1974 Alatacythere sp. McKenzie, Plate 2, Fig. 7. E t y m o l o g y : ornitho- (Gk) = bird; and suffix -petrae (L) = rock; from Bird Rock, near Torquay, Victoria, and type locality. M a t e r i a l a n d D i s t r i b u t i o n : A number of valves and carapaces from the Torquay district coastal section, Vic toria, between Bells H eadland and Bird Rock in the Jan Juc Form ation and Point Addis Limestone o f the T or quay Group. D e s c r i p t i o n : An Alataleberis with features in termediate between A . johannae and A . robusta in that it is almost as broad as the latter and has about 6 per forations in the expanded ventral ridge; but resembling the type species in having a weakly-developed subcentral tubercle and non-buttressed dorsal ridge. Further, the thorn-like dorsal ridge spines are more prom inent than in other Alataleberis and there is also a strong posterodorsal spine beyond and below the end o f the dorsal ridge. The eye tubercle is distinct. Sexual dim or phism present and similar to other species of the genus. D i m e n s io n s (mm): Holotype, adult male, NMV Reg. No. P I 09898, L = 0.96, H = 0.42, B = 0.52. Paratype, adult female, NMV Reg. No. P 109899, L = 0.90. H = 0 .4 4 , B = 0.52. Paratype, adult male, NMV Reg. No. P 111791, L = 0.97, H = 0.42, B = 0.52. Paratype, adult female, NMV Reg. No. P111790. L = 0.90, H = 0.44, B = 0.52. T y p e L o c a l i t y : Jan Juc Form ation at Bird Rock, near Torquay, Victoria, 1 m above the Chione bed. G e o l o g i c a l A g e : Janjukian, P 18-20? (Oligocene). Alataleberis ornithopetrae willungae subsp. nov. Figs 2H, 3K, L, M E ty m o lo g y : willungae = locality nam e from the W illunga Em baym ent, South A ustralia where this subspecies typically occurs. M a t e r i a l a n d D i s t r i b u t i o n : Numerous valves and carapaces from the Maslin Bay/A ldinga Bay coastal sec tion, in the Tortachilla Limestone and in the Aldingan
Member and Ruwarung Member of the P ort Willunga Form ation. D e s c r i p t i o n : This subspecies is very like A . o. or nithopetrae except that all specimens are less broad in dorsal view. Further, the terminal spine of the dorsal ridge is strongly recurved, a feature which is lacking in A . o. ornithopetrae. Since the ranges of the two taxa are allopatric we feel justified in proposing a new subspecific name. D i m e n s i o n s (mm): Holotype, adult female, NMV Reg. No. PI 11428, L = 0.90, H = 0.45. Paratype, adult male, NMV Reg. No. P I 11429, L = 0. 96, H = 0.43, B = 0.49. Paratype, adult male, NMV Reg. No. P I 11421, L = 0.90, H = 6.43, B = 0.40. T y p e L o c a l i t y : Ruwarung Member of the P ort Willunga Form ation, from the coastal section near the old jetty, Aldinga Bay, South Australia. G e o l o g i c a l A g e : Aldingan = Longfordian, P16-N6 (Late Eocene-Early Miocene). Alataleberis miocenica sp. nov. Figs 2D, 3N, O, P, Q, R E tym ology: m iocenica (L) = M iocene, for the geological age of this taxon. M a t e r i a l a n d D i s t r i b u t i o n : A number o f valves and carapaces from both limestone and marly facies in the Miocene form ations o f the Fyansford district, Victoria; the Fishing Point Marl o f the Aire River district, Vic toria; the Sherwood Marl o f the Western P ort Basin, Victoria; and at Clifton Bank near H am ilton, Victoria. D e s c r i p t i o n : A n Alataleberis differentiated by its smaller size from all other species in the genus; from A . robusta and A . ornithopetrae by its more slender dorsal profile (similar to A . johannae)-, from A . johannae by a less strongly arcuate yoking subridge and by the occur rence (in miocenica) o f 2 small perforations in the anterior part of the ventral ridge. The eye tubercle ap pears to be smaller than in other species o f Alataleberis but is nonetheless distinct. Sexual dimorphism present, following the established pattern for this genus. D i m e n s io n s (mm): Holotype, adult male, NMV Reg. No. P I 11427, L = 0.80, H = 0.36, B = 0.32. Paratype, adult female, NMV Reg. No. P I 11426, L = 0.76, H = 0.38, B = 0.32. Paratype, adult male LV, NMV Reg. No. P111425, L = 0.80, H = 0.36. Paratype, adult male, NMV Reg. No. P I 11422, L = 0.79, H = 0.35. Paratype, adult female, NMV Reg. No. P I 11423, L = 0.79, H = 0.40. T y p e L o c a l i t y : Fyansford Clay in the Batesford Limestone quarry, near the base of the upper bench, Fyansford, Victoria. G e o l o g i c a l A g e : Longfordian-Balcom bian, N 6-9, (Early-early Middle Miocene). DISCUSSION ON STR A TIG RA PH IC UTILITY O ur investigation o f the diversity in Alataleberis has covered a wide range of Tertiary form ations and facies, notably the classic Maslin Bay/A ldinga Bay section, near P o rt Willunga and some Willunga Embayment boreholes, South Australia; plus the full extent o f Ter tiary outcrops in Victoria, from the P o rt Campbell and
Fig. 5 - A , Pterygocythereis sp. (from Alum Bluff Chipola Miocene, U .S.A .) lateral L.V., x 45. NMV Reg. N o. PI 11794. B, Pterygocythereis sp. (same as above), lateral, R.V., x 45. NMV Reg. No. PI 11793. C, A latacythere sp. 1 (from Chickasawhay Lst, U .S.A .), lateral, L.V., x 45. NMV Reg. No. PI 11795. D, A latacythere sp. 1, L.V ., x 45. NMV Reg. No. PI 11795. E, Pterygocythereis jonesi (Baird, 1850), lateral, L.V ., x 50. NMV Reg. No. PI 11797. F, Pterygocythereis jonesi (Baird, 1850), dorsal, L.V ., x 50. NMV Reg. No. PI 11796. G, Pterygocythereis jonesi (Baird, 1850), lateral, L.V., x 50. NMV Reg. No. PI 11796. H, Pterygocythereis ceratoptera (Bosquet, 1852), lateral, L.V., x 50. NMV Reg. No. PI 11798. I, Pterygocythereis jonesi (Baird, 1850), lateral, L.V., x 45. NMV Reg. No. PI 11797. J, Pterygocythereis jonesi (Baird, 1850), hinge enlargement, x 60. NMV Reg. No. PI 11797. K, Alatacythere sp. 2 (specimen from Mine Spring Oligocene, U .S.A .) male, lateral, L.V., x 45. NMV Reg. No. PI 11799. L, Alatacythere sp. 2, female, dorsal, R.V., x 50. NMV Reg. No. PI 11800. M, A latacythere sp. 2, female, lateral, R.V., x 50. NMV Reg. No. PI 11800.
H am ilton districts eastwards to Lakes Entrance and Orbost in Gippsland, including the classic Bells Headland to Bird Rock coastal section, near Torquay and the Ter tiary in the Geelong area. We believe that our records of occurrence for Alataleberis are as accurate as we can make them, a corollary of this being that the genus does not occur east o f the Western P ort Basin —at least in outcrop, since we have not viewed Gippsland Basin borehole material. In assessing the stratigraphic usefulness o f Alataleberis it is first necessary to determine the evolu tionary sequence. In our opinion, the most plausible ancestor for the group is A . robusta. This taxon is facies transgressive and the earliest to appear since we have it from about 8 m below the Notostraea Greensand member at Browns Creek. This member is the equivalent o f the Tortachilla Limestone at Maslin Bay and both units have been dated recently as P16 (Late Eocene) bas ed on calcareous nannofossils and the common occur rence of H antkenina (H.) alabamensis prim itiva Cushman & Jarvis (Shafik 1981). W ith A . robusta as ancestor, several evolutionary trends are evident. 1. Only A . robusta has a well-defined subcentral tuber cle, the trend is to a poorly-defined subcentral tubercle in the other species 2. There is a decrease in size from Eocene to Miocene, A . robusta being the largest and A . miocenica the smallest species. 3. Carapace breadth also decreases with time. Thus A . robusta is broader than A . ornithopetrae; and A . johannae is broader than A . miocenica. 4. The buttressed dorsal ridge o f A . robusta gives way to the strongly spinose dorsal ridge o f A . ornitho petrae and this in turn to the less-strongly spinose ridges o f A . johannae and A . miocenica. 5. The buttressed ventral ridge is distinctly perforated in the more alate and older taxa (A. robusta, A . orni thopetrae) but either im perforate or nearly so in A . johannae and A . miocenica. The complex of characters defined in the set of trends listed above makes species o f Alataleberis easy to identify. Since each species has a relatively limited time range, at least in Victoria, this makes them all stratigraphically useful, although (as might be expected) the control is not as precise as it would be if based on planktonic foraminiferans or nannofossils. A n advan tage of the ostracode Alataleberis is that the species are relatively large (0.75-1.10 mm) and easily recognisable in washings or “floats”. Further, none o f the species are facies restricted since all have been recorded from a variety of nearshore marl and limestone facies. These range from grits to clays and well-oxygenated to poorlyoxygenated sediments. The relevant palaeotem peratures likewise are variable, from about 14-23°C (Gill 1968). ACKNOW LEDGEM ENTS We thank Dr R. H. Benson, D epartm ent of Paleobiology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. and the late Prof. H. V. Howe, D epartm ent of Geology, Louisiana State University, for washings of United States G ulf Coast Cretaceous-Tertiary. We
thank the Geology D epartm ent, U niversity of M elbourne, for use o f its SEM facility and access to collections. Finally, we thank the S.A. Mines D epart ment (Drs M. Lindsay and B. Cooper) and Prof. B. M cGowran, D epartm ent o f Geology, University of Adelaide, for access to South A ustralian material. M .T.W . acknowledges research support from a Commonwealth Postgraduate Award. REFERENCES R. H ., 1972. Upper Cretaceous Ostracoda from the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia. Spec. Paps Palaeont. 10: i-v, 1-85. B o n a d u c e , G ., C i a m p o , G. & M a s o l i , M ., 1975. Distribution o f Ostracoda in the Adriatic Sea. Publ. Staz. Zool. N apoli 40 (Suppl.): 1-304. Dingle, R. V., 1981. The Campanian and Maastrichtian Ostracodes o f south-east Africa. A nn. S. A fr. M us. 85: 1-181. G i l l , E. D., 1968. Oxygen isotope palaeotemperature determinations from Victoria, Australia. Tuatara 16: 56-61. H a r t m a n n , G. & P u r i , H . S., 1974. Summary o f neontological and paleontological classification o f Ostracoda. M itt. Ham burg. Zool. M us. Inst. 70: 7-73. H o w e , H . V. & L a w , J., 1936. Louisiana Vicksburg Oligocene Ostracoda. Louisiana geol. Surv., geol. Bull. 7: 1-96. M c K e n z i e , K . G ., 1974. Cainozoic Ostracoda of south eastern Australia with the description of Hanaiceratina new genus. Geoscience and M an 6: 153-182. M c K e n z i e , K . G., 1979. Appendix 2 Notes on Ostracoda from Willunga Embayment boreholes WLG38, WLG40 and WLG42. In Eocene to M iocene Stratigraphy o f the Willunga E m baym ent, B. J. Cooper, ed., SA D M E R ep. Investig. 50: 90-101. M c K e n z i e , K . G. & N e i l , J. V., 1983. Promanawa gen. nov., an Australian Miocene punciid ostracode from Hamilton, Victoria. Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 95: 59-64. M c K e n z i e , K . G. & P e y p o u q u e t , J. P . , 1984. Oceanic palaeoenvironm ent o f the M iocene Fyansford Formation from Fossil Beach, near Mornington, Victoria, interpreted on the basis o f Ostracoda. Alcheringa 8: 291-303. M o o r e , R. C., 1961. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology Part Q, A rthropoda 3, Univ. Kansas Press, xxiii, 442 PN e a l e , J. V., 1975. The ostracod fauna from the Santonian Chalk (Upper Cretaceous) o f Gingin, Western Australia. Spec. Paps Palaeont. 16: 1-81. S h a f i k , S . , 1981. N annofossil biostratigraphy o f the H antkenina (foraminiferid) interval in the upper Eocene o f southern Australia. B M R J. A ust. Geol. Geophy. 6: 108-116. S i s s i n g h , W., 1972. Late Cenozoic Ostracoda o f the South Aegean island arc. Utrecht micropaleont. Bulls 6: 1-187. S i s s i n g h , W., 1973. Carinovalva n.g. (Ostracoda), and comments on the ostracode genus Lixouria Uliczny (1969). Proc. K. Nederl. A kad. Wetensch. (B) 76: 143-147. U f f e n o r d e , H ., 1981. Ostracoden aus dem Oberoligozan und Miozan des unteren Elbegebietes (Niedersachsen und Hamburg, NW-Deutsches Tertiarbecken), Palaeonto graphica, A b t. A 172: 103-198. W h a t l e y , R. & D o w n i n g , S., 1983. Middle Miocene Ostracoda from Victoria, Australia. Rev. espanol. M icropaleont. 15: 347-407. Ba t e ,