evaluate the effects of baclofen administration in male albinorats. Materials and Methods: This study was carried out on150adult male albino rats which divided ...
Background: Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, its abuse cause long-term changes in the brain. Aim of the Work: This work was performed to study thealcohol withdrawal effects and to evaluate the effects of baclofen administration in male albinorats. Materials and Methods: This study was carried out on150adult male albino rats which divided into 5 groups each of 30 rats; Group1(negative control group), Group 2 (positive control group),Group 3(baclofengroup):each rat was gavaged orally withdaily dose of 15mg/kg in the first 3 days and 30mg/kg for remaining of 4 weeks.Group 4 (ethanol group) each rat was gavaged orally withdaily dose of 10 g/kg of 10% ethanol for 2 weeksthen withdrawn and continue without administrations for 4 weeks. Group 5 (ethanol and baclofengroup)each rat was gavaged orally withdaily dose of 10 g/kg of 10% ethanol for 2 weeks then withdrawn for 24 hours then receive baclofen: daily dose of 15mg/kg in the first 3 days and 30mg/kg for the remaining of 4 weeks.Results:there was a significant increase in mean values of prolactin, leptin, cortisol,aldosterone,alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartateaminotransferase (AST), gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT), bilirubin andInternational normalized ratio(INR)and significant decrease in mean values of albumininethanol dependent group as compared to their corresponding values in control group. Uponadministration of baclofen to ethanol dependent rats there was anon-significant decrease inthe mean values of prolactin and leptin, significant decrease inthe mean values of cortisol, aldosterone, ALT, AST, GGT, bilirubin and INR and significant increase in mean values of albumin when compared with ethanol dependent group.Microscopic examination ofstudied organs, liver specimensof ethanol dependent grouprevealedfat accumulation in hepatocytes, necrosis with degenerative changes, inflammatory cell infiltrate,fibrosis and bile duct proliferation.While, the pancreas specimens of the rats of this group revealedacinarinflammatory cell infiltrate, dilated blood vessels, necrosis,fibrosis and degenerative changes of islets of Langerhans.The brain specimens of the rats of this group revealeddecreased thickness of pyramidal layer, abnormal blood vessels, neuronal loss and gliosis.Immunostaining for TGF β protein in liver specimens revealed increased expression oftransforming growth factor (TGF β) protein in cytoplasm and for P 53 protein in pancreas specimens revealedattenuated expression of P 53 protein in nuclei.Upon administration of baclofen to ethanol dependent rats there was regression of these changes. Conclusion: it could be concluded that alcohol abuse induced hormonal disturbance evidenced by increased blood levels of prolactin, leptin, cortisol and aldosterone hormones, hepatotoxic effects evidenced by elevation of liver function tests and severe liverdamage,in addition, pancreas andbraindamage in adult male albino ratsandbaclofen administration afterwithdrawalof alcohol was efficient in suppression of alcoholic effect. Recommendation: it is recommended to increase public awareness regarding the health impact of alcohol abuse and the effect of baclofen onalcoholwithdrawal. Key Words: alcohol abuse; alcohol withdrawal; alcoholic liver disease and baclofen.