Milwaukee Public Schools Curriculum Pacing Guide for Discovering Algebra Semester One (Summer School 2009) Developed by the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership with ...
Milwaukee Public Schools Curriculum Pacing Guide for Discovering Algebra Semester One (Summer School 2009) Time Lesson/Activity MPS Learning Targets Benchmarks Embedded in District Chapter Lessons Model CABS CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 2 Chapter 2: Jacki’s LT 2: Use a variety of mathematical and 2.2 Measure lengths using a Proportional Homework technological tools to determine metric/English ruler (to the appropriate Reasoning and measurements directly (ruler, protractor, degree of tenths of cm and sixteenths of Variation compass) and to check reasonableness of an inch). Day 1
2.1 Proportions
Day 2
2.2 Capture/ Recapture
Day 3
2.3 Proportions and Measurement Systems
Day 4
2.4 Direct Variation
Day 5
2.5 Inverse Variation
Day 6
2.7 Evaluating Expressions
Day 7
2.8 Undoing Operations
Day 8
Assessment and/or Activity
answers. When students apply technology, e.g. computers and graphing calculators, they will interpret results appropriately.
2.4 Justify reasons to interpret reasonableness of answers to mathematical and real-world applications.
LT 5: Compare, perform, explain and evaluate mathematical operations (+, -, *, /, exponents, roots) and properties on real numbers, emphasizing negative and positive numbers; ratios, proportions and percents; and exponents and roots in mathematical and real-world applications.
5.3 Solve problems with ratios and proportions. 5.4 Solve real-world application problems using scale factors and scale drawings. 5.10 Translate verbal expressions into algebraic expressions.
LT 7: Create and use tables, graphs, equations and formulas to describe relationships between variables.
7.2 Create graphs, including realworld data, using equations and tables. 7.5 Interpret the meaning of tables, graphs and equations using data from real-world applications. 7.10 Describe patterns of change from a table of ordered pairs. 7.12 Write a linear equation to represent a pattern in which there is a constant rate of change between variables. 7.13 Identify the difference between direct and inverse variation in tables, graphs, and equations.
LT 9: Model and solve mathematical and real-world applications that can be represented by linear equations and systems of equations, linear inequalities, and quadratic equations.
9.1 Solve one-step equations using inverse operations. 9.2 Solve two-step equations using inverse operations and explain the meaning of the solution in context. 9.3 Solve multi-step equations using inverse operations and explain the meaning of the solution in context. Developed by the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership with support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0314898. 05/19/09
Suggested vocabulary Ratio Proportion Variable Constant Direct Variation Equation
Milwaukee Public Schools Curriculum Pacing Guide for Discovering Algebra Semester One (Summer School 2009) Time Lesson/Activity MPS Learning Targets Benchmarks Embedded in District Chapter Lessons Model CABS CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 3 Chapter 3: Toothpick LT 7: Create and use tables, graphs, 7.1 Create tables, including realLinear Equations Hexagons Day 9 Day 10
Day 11
3.1 Recursive Sequences
equations and formulas to describe relationships between variables.
3.2 Linear Plots (start early if possible) 3.4 Linear Equations and the Intercept Form
Day 12
3.5 Linear Equations and Rate of Change
Day 13
3.6 Solving Equations Using the Balancing Method
Day 14
3.7 Activity Day: Modeling Data (this activity could be skipped if behind)
Day 15
Assessment and/or Activity
LT 9: Model and solve mathematical and real-world applications that can be represented by linear equations and systems of equations, linear inequalities, and quadratic equations.
world data, using equations and graphs. 7.2 Create graphs, including realworld data, using equations and tables. 7.5 Interpret the meaning of tables, graphs and equations using data from real-world applications. 7.6 Find and describe intercepts on a graph. 7.7 Find and describe slopes as constant rates of change. 7.9 Write an equation from tables and graphs using real-world data. 7.10 Describe patterns of change from a table of ordered pairs. 7.12 Write a linear equation to represent a pattern in which there is a constant rate of change between variables.
9.1 Solve one-step equations using inverse operations. 9.2 Solve two-step equations using inverse operations and explain the meaning of the solution in context. 9.8 Solve linear equations, inequalities, quadratic equations and systems of linear equations related to real-world applications 9.9 Model real-world situations using linear equations, systems of equations and inequalities.
Developed by the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership with support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0314898. 05/19/09
Suggested vocabulary Recursion Term Linear Intercept Form Y-intercept Coefficient Rate of Change
Milwaukee Public Schools Curriculum Pacing Guide for Discovering Algebra Semester One (Summer School 2009) Time Lesson/Activity MPS Learning Targets Benchmarks Embedded in District Chapter Lessons Model CABS CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 4 Chapter 4: Equations LT 3: Use data in a variety of formats to 3.9 Use the line of best fit to make Fitting a Line to summarize, predict, and analyze real-world predictions from data on a graph. Data applications. Day 16
4.1 A Formula for Slope
Day 17
4.2 Writing a Linear Equation to Fit Data
Day 18
LT 5: Compare, perform, explain and evaluate mathematical operations (+, -, *, /, exponents, roots) and properties on real numbers, emphasizing negative and positive numbers; ratios, proportions and percents; and exponents and roots in mathematical and real-world applications.
LT 7: Create and use tables, graphs, 4.3 Point-Slope equations and formulas to describe Form of a relationships between variables. Linear Equation
Day 19
4.4 Equivalent Algebraic Equations
Day 20
4.5 Writing Point-Slope Equations to Fit Data
Day 21
Assessment and/or Activity
Days 22-25
Review and Exam
LT 9: Solve mathematical and real-world applications represented by linear and systems of equations, linear inequalities and quadratic equations.
5.7 Identify the properties of real numbers. 5.8 Use the order of operations to evaluate and simplify expressions. 5.9 Simplify expressions using the commutative, associative, and distributive properties. 7.5 Interpret the meaning of tables, graphs and equations using data from real-world applications. 7.7 Find and describe slopes as constant rates of change. 7.9 Write an equation from tables and graphs using real-world data. 7.11 Use formulas to calculate slope and intercepts from a set of ordered pairs. 7.12 Write a linear equation to represent a pattern in which there is a constant rate of change between variables. 9.2 Solve two-step equations using inverse operations and explain the meaning of the solution in context. 9.3 Solve multi-step equations using inverse operations and explain the meaning of the solution in context.
LT 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 and LT 1 (Process)
Developed by the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership with support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0314898. 05/19/09
Suggested vocabulary Slope Line of Fit Slopeintercept Form Point-slope Form Equivalent Equations Distributive Property