Jan 31, 2008 ... Holt California Algebra Readiness (1 year purchase). Program. Holt California
Algebra Readiness, Online Tutorials. (pending social and legal ...
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Effective Date: January 31, 2008
Name of Publisher: Holt, Rinehart and Winston a division of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Subject: 08 Algebra Readiness (Grade 8)
Contact Person’s Name: Laura Rockefeller Manager, Bids and Contracts
Phone No: (512) 721-7204 or (800) 992-1627 ext. 7204 FAX: (512) 721-7226 Web Site Address: www.hrw.com/freelist
Signature of Company Official: Chet Lucido (Sr. Vice President, Business Manager) January 31, 2008 Name And Dollar Value Of Item(s) Or Service(s) Applicable Conditions Under Which Item(s) Or Service(s) Provided At Supplied At No Charge (components within items ISBN Grade No Charge are listed individually) Level(s) 2008 8 Holt California Algebra Readiness (1 year In the Initial Year of Purchase and Implementation of the purchase) Holt California Algebra Readiness (1 year purchase) Program. Holt California Algebra Readiness, Online Tutorials 3.00◄ 978003099255 8 Upon request, one per student subscription purchased, for (pending social and legal compliance review) 1 the first year of purchase only. Holt California Algebra Readiness, Teacher’s Edition 105.05 978003094500 8 Upon Request, One Per Teacher, First year of purchase 7 Holt California Algebra Readiness, Teacher’s One125.00◄ 978003099100 8 Upon Request, One Per Teacher, First year of purchase Stop Planner® (pending social and legal compliance 4 review) Holt California Algebra Readiness, Assessment 32.95 978003095853 8 Upon Request, One Per Teacher, First year of purchase Resources [with Answers] 3 Holt California Algebra Readiness, Are You Ready? 38.81 978003095854 8 Upon Request, One Per Teacher, First year of purchase Intervention [with Answers] 0 Holt California Algebra Readiness, Are You Ready? 38.81 978003099006 8 Upon Request, One Per Teacher, First year of purchase Intervention [CD-ROM] (pending alternate format 9 approval) Holt California Algebra Readiness, Lesson Plans 21.95 978003099264 8 Upon Request, One Per Teacher, First year of purchase [CD-ROM] 3 Holt Mathematics, Teacher's Manipulatives Kit 239.31 978003068628 6-8 Upon Request, One Per Teacher, First year of purchase 3 ◄ Dollar value of items is the current wholesale school price and does not include shipping, all other prices are covered under the State of California contract and include shipping and handling charges. California Department of Education Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division For questions and more information contact Larry Dunn at (916) 319-0443
Effective Date: January 01, 2008
Name And Dollar Value Of Item(s) Or Service(s) Supplied At No Charge (components within items are listed individually) Holt California Algebra Readiness (1 year purchase)
Spanish Resources Holt California Algebra Readiness, Recursos de evaluación [Spanish Assessment Resources] (pending alternate format approval) Spanish Resources Holt California Algebra Readiness, ¿Estás listo? Interventión [Spanish Are You Ready? Intervention] (pending alternate format approval) CAHSEE Resources Holt California Math, Focus on CAHSEE Standards: Benchmark Tests (pending social and legal compliance review) CAHSEE Resources Holt California Math, Focus on CAHSEE Standards: Intervention (pending social and legal compliance review) CAHSEE Resources Holt California Math, CAHSEE Standards Practice [CD-ROM] (pending social and legal compliance review) CAHSEE Resources Holt California Math, Focus on CAHSEE Standards: Benchmark Tests and Intervention [CD-ROM] (pending social and legal compliance review)
ISBN 2008
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Applicable Conditions Under Which Item(s) Or Service(s) Grade Provided At No Charge Level(s) 8 Each Teacher/School May Request The Following Gratis Materials In The Initial Year of Purchase And Implementation of The Student Edition
978003099261 2
978003099262 9
978003099242 1
978003099244 5
978003099241 4
978003099243 8
Resources: Upon request, a Teacher May Choose one (1) Set of Spanish Resources OR one (1) Set of CAHSEE Standards Support Resources, with a minimum purchase of 50 student editions, first year of purchase only. Resources: Upon request, a Teacher May Choose one (1) Set of Spanish Resources OR one (1) Set of CAHSEE Standards Support Resources, with a minimum purchase of 50 student editions, first year of purchase only. Resources: Upon request, a Teacher May Choose one (1) Set of Spanish Resources OR one (1) Set of CAHSEE Standards Support Resources, with a minimum purchase of 50 student editions, first year of purchase only. Resources: Upon request, a Teacher May Choose one (1) Set of Spanish Resources OR one (1) Set of CAHSEE Standards Support Resources, with a minimum purchase of 50 student editions, first year of purchase only. Resources: Upon request, a Teacher May Choose one (1) Set of Spanish Resources OR one (1) Set of CAHSEE Standards Support Resources, with a minimum purchase of 50 student editions, first year of purchase only. Resources: Upon request, a Teacher May Choose one (1) Set of Spanish Resources OR one (1) Set of CAHSEE Standards Support Resources, with a minimum purchase of 50 student editions, first year of purchase only.
◄ Dollar value of items is the current wholesale school price and does not include shipping, all other prices are covered under the State of California contract and include shipping and handling charges. California Department of Education Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division For questions and more information contact Larry Dunn at (916) 319-0443
Effective Date: January 01, 2008
Name And Dollar Value Of Item(s) Or Service(s) Supplied At No Charge (components within items are listed individually) Holt California Algebra Readiness (1 year purchase)
CAHSEE Resources Holt California Algebra Readiness, Extensions for CAHSEE [with Answers] (pending social and legal compliance review)
ISBN 2008
978003099508 8
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Applicable Conditions Under Which Item(s) Or Service(s) Grade Provided At No Charge Level(s) 8 Each Teacher/School May Request The Following Gratis Materials In The Initial Year of Purchase And Implementation of The Student Edition
Resources: Upon request, a Teacher May Choose one (1) Set of Spanish Resources OR one (1) Set of CAHSEE Standards Support Resources, with a minimum purchase of 50 student editions, first year of purchase only.
◄ Dollar value of items is the current wholesale school price and does not include shipping, all other prices are covered under the State of California contract and include shipping and handling charges. California Department of Education Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division For questions and more information contact Larry Dunn at (916) 319-0443