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Feb 15, 2006 - i=1 Rβi uiwi1 ...wibi )}, where ρ(βi) = bi,i = 1,...,n. A Kripke model based on a τ-frame # = (W,{Rα
Algorithmic correspondence and completeness in modal logic. II. Polyadic and hybrid extensions of the algorithm SQEMA. Willem Conradie1,2 , Valentin Goranko2 and Dimiter Vakarelov3 1


Department of Mathematics, University of Johannesburg

School of Mathematics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 3

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Sofia University

E-mails: [email protected],

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February 15, 2006 Abstract In [5] introduced a new algorithm, SQEMA, for computing first-order equivalents and proving canonicity of modal formulae of the basic modal language. Here we extend SQEMA, first to arbitrary and reversive polyadic modal languages, and then hybrid polyadic languages, too. We present the algorithm, illustrate it with some examples, and prove its correctness with respect to local equivalence of the input and output formulae, its completeness with respect to the polyadic inductive formulae introduced in [16] and [17], and the d-persistence of the formulae on which the algorithm succeeds. These results readily expand to completeness with respect to hybrid inductive polyadic formulae and di-persistence in hybrid reversive polyadic languages; for the general (not necessarily reversive) case we show how to restrict the algorithm to still guarantee the di-persistence of the input formulae on which it succeeds.

Introduction The correspondence theory between modal logic and first-order logic, and the theory of Kripke completeness of modal logics (see for example [27], [2]) are two of the main directions of technical development of modal logic since the introduction of Kripke semantics in the early 60s. The best known classical result on both correspondence and completeness is Sahlqvist’s theorem [23] which identifies a class of formulae (subsequently named after Sahlqvist) which are first-order definable and valid in their respective canonical frames, being persistent with respect to all descriptive general frames (d-persistent). Recently, the class of Sahlqvist formulae was extended to the so called inductive formulae, introduced in [15, 17] for arbitrary polyadic modal languages, and in [16] for hybrid polyadic modal languages. On the other hand, as Chagrova has shown in [3], the class of first-order definable modal formulae is undecidable, and hence, any attempt at syntactic characterization of that class can be an approximation at best. In [5] (see also the survey [4]) we developed a stronger, algorithmic approach towards identifying first-order definable modal formulae, which are d-persistent as well. In particular, we introduced an algorithm called SQEMA (Second-Order Quantifier Elimination for Modal formulae using Ackermann’s lemma) for computing the first-order frame correspondents of modal formulae. We 1

then proved the correctness of the algorithm and the d-persistence of the formulae on which it succeeds, and its completeness for the classes of monadic inductive (in particular, Sahlqvist) formulae. With respect to the first-order correspondence our approach was preceded and influenced by two earlier developed algorithms for the elimination of second-order quantifiers over predicate variables, viz. SCAN [11, 9] and DLS [8, 20, 21, 22, 12, 19]. Each of them, applied to the negation of the standard translation of a modal formula into monadic second-order logic, attempts to eliminate all occurring existentially quantified predicate variables and thus to compute a first-order correspondent. To that aim, SCAN employes a modification of the resolution method, called constraint resolution, combined with a so called ‘purity deletion’ rule which enable disposal of ‘used-up’ clauses, while DLS is based on a result by Ackermann [1] (see also the references above, as well as [5]), allowing explicit elimination, up to logical equivalence, of an existentially quantified second-order predicate variable. A modal version of Ackermann’s lemma was proved in [5] (see also [22]) and yielded the main transformation rule used by SQEMA. In this paper we extend and modify SQEMA to arbitrary and reversive polyadic modal languages, with and without nominals. We prove correctness of SQEMA with respect to local equivalence of the input and output formulae, and completeness with respect to the (hybrid) polyadic inductive formulae introduced in [16] and [17]. We then establish d-persistence of the formulae from reversive languages without nominals on which the algorithm succeeds. In order to prove that result for arbitrary (i.e., not necessarily reversive languages) we have had to impose a certain restriction on the algorithm, preventing the introduction of iterated inverses of modal terms. For hybrid (polyadic) modal languages, instead of d-persistence the useful property is di-persistence, i.e., persistence with respect to discrete general frames, because of the special rules used for the axiomatization of the nominals. In the case of reversive polyadic languages the proof of di-persistence is unproblematic. For the general case, however, we have again had to restrict the algorithm in order to guarantee di-persistence, which otherwise is generally not the case, even for some simple Sahlqvist formulae. Finally, we discussed the extension of SQEMA with special rules for the universal modality and the satisfaction operator.

1 1.1

Preliminaries Syntax, semantics and standard translations of polyadic and hybrid languages

A modal similarity type τ = (O, ρ0 ) consists of a nonempty set O of basic modal terms, together with an arity function ρ0 : O → ω assigning to each modal term α ∈ O a natural number ρ0 (α). We will assume that τ contains a 0-ary modal term ⊥, a unary one ι1 , and a binary one ι2 . As will become clear from the semantics below, the special modal term ⊥ will be interpreted as falsum, ι1 as the self-dual identity, ι2 as ∧, and its dual as ∨. Treating these connectives as modalities will enable us to define a more general class of polyadic inductive formulae. Definition 1.1 Given a modal similarity type τ and a (fixed) set of proposition letters Θ, we define by simultaneous mutual induction the set of polyadic modal terms MTτ and their arity function ρ extending ρ0 , and the set of polyadic modal formulae MFτ (Θ) as follows: (MT i) Every basic modal term from O is a modal term of the predefined arity. (MT ii) Every formula containing no variables (variable-free formula) is a 0-ary modal term.


(MT iii) If n > 0, α, β1 , . . . , βn ∈ M Tτ and ρ(α) = n, then α(β1 , . . . , βn ) ∈ M Tτ and ρ(α(β1 , . . . , βn )) = ρ(β1 ) + · · · + ρ(βn ). Modal terms of arity 0 will be called modal constants. (MF i) Every propositional variable is a modal formula. (MF ii) Every 0-ary modal term in M Tτ is a modal formula. (MF iii) If ϕ is a formula then ¬ϕ is a formula; (MF iv) If ϕ, ψ are formulae then ϕ ∨ ψ is a formula; (MF v) If A1 , . . . , An are formulae, α a modal term and ρ(α) = n > 0, then hαi(A1 , . . . , An ) is a modal formula. The conjunction ∧ is defined as usual. For any α ∈ MTτ , we will refer to hαi as a diamond (operator). The dual [α] of hαi, called a box (operator), is defined by [α](ϕ1 , . . . , ϕρ(α) ) := ¬hαi(¬ϕ1 , . . . , ¬ϕρ(α) ). The polyadic language so defined will be denoted by Lτ (Θ). If the particular set of proposition letters Θ over which the langauge is built is not important, we will omit it and simply write Lτ . Note that variable-free formulae and 0-ary terms are regarded as both modal terms and formulae. This ambiguity of the syntax, admitted for the sake of technical simplicity and convenience, should not cause confusion if properly handled. For technical purposes we extend the series of ι’s with n-ary modalities ιn inductively as follows: ιn+1 = ι2 (ι1 , ιn ) for n > 1. Furthermore, again for technical convenience, we can assume that the language contains transposers: operators θij which swap the i-th and j-th argument of a modal term, i.e. hθij (α)i(A1 , . . . , Ai , . . . , Aj , . . . , An ) = hαi(A1 , . . . , Aj , . . . , Ai , . . . , An ). We will not treat these transposers formally, but assuming them in the language will allow us not to be concerned with the specific ordering of the arguments in a modal formula. The reversive extension Lτ r of the language Lτ is defined by extending the definition of MTτ with the clause: (MT iv) If α is a modal term from MTτ of arity n > 0 then α−1 , . . . , α−n are modal terms of arity n. The resulting set of modal terms will be denoted by MTτ r . The diamond operator hα−j i is called the j-th inverse of hαi. Inverse boxes are defined as expected: [α−j ](ϕ1 , . . . , ϕρ(α) ) := ¬hα−j i(¬ϕ1 , . . . , ¬ϕρ(α) ). Note that in MTτ r we only require existence of inverses for modal terms from MTτ . In general (unless all modal terms are unary), not every modal term in MTτ r has inverses there, even up to semantic equivalence, e.g., (α−j )−k , for α ∈ MTτ and j 6= k has no equivalent in MTτ r . Allowing full closure under inverses, by means of the modified clause (MT v) If α is a modal term of arity n > 0 then α−1 , . . . , α−n are modal terms of arity n. results in the completely reversive extension Lr(τ ) of Lτ with a set of modal terms MTr(τ ) . Such languages will be called reversive (polyadic) languages.


An occurrence of a modal operator or a subformula in a formula ϕ has positive polarity (or, is positive) if it is in the scope of an even number of negations; respectively, it has negative polarity (or, is negative) if it is in the scope of an odd number of negations. Given a set of nominals N om (see e.g., [2, 14]) disjoint with Θ, the hybrid language Lnτ (Θ, N om) extends Lτ (Θ) by adding the clause that every nominal is a formula. Hereafter, reference to both Θ and N om will be suppressed whenever these are not essential or are clear from the context. Nominals will be denoted by boldface roman letters i, j, k, . . ., possibly indexed. The reversive extension Lnτr and the completely reversive extension Lnr(τ ) of Lnτ are defined as above. Besides nominals, hybrid languages usually involve the universal modality [U] with semantics (M, w) [U]ϕ iff (M, v) ϕ for every v ∈ M, or the satisfaction operator @ with semantics (M, w) @c ϕ iff (M, v) ϕ, where v is the valuation of the nominal c. Hybrid languages with [U] and @ will be revisited in section 5.2. Hereafter, we will refer to Lτ , Lτ r , Lr(τ ) , Lnτ , Lnτr as the sub-languages of Lnr(τ ) . When there is no essential difference for the various sub-languages, we will often formulate concepts and will give definitions with reference only to the full language Lnr(τ ) . A formula in Lnr(τ ) is called pure if it contains no propositional variables, but (possibly) only nominals. Note that every pure formula is also a 0-ary modal term. If A, B(p) ∈ Lnr(τ ) we will write B(A/p), or simply B(A), for the formula obtained from B(p) by uniform substitution of A for all occurrences of p. Given a modal similarity type τ , a (Kripke) τ -frame is a structure F = (W, {Rα }α∈MTτ ), consisting of a non-empty set W of possible worlds and, for each modal term α ∈ MTτ , a (ρ(α) + 1)-ary accessibility relation between possible worlds Rα ⊆ W ρ(α)+1 . The relations associated with special modal terms are fixed: Rι1 = {(w, w)|w ∈ W }, Rι2 = {(w, w, w)|w ∈ W }. The (unary) relation associated with a variable-free formula is simply the set of states where that formula is true, given by the standard semantics presented below (formally, by a simultaneous induction with this definition). Finally, the relation associated with a composite modal term is defined as follows: Rα(β1 ,...,βn ) = {(w, w11 , . . . , w1b1 , . . . , wn1 , . . . , wnbn ) ⊆ W b1 +···+bn +1 | V ∃u1 . . . ∃un (Rα wu1 . . . un ∧ ni=1 Rβi ui wi1 . . . wibi )}, where ρ(βi ) = bi , i = 1, . . . , n. A Kripke model based on a τ -frame F = (W, {Rα }α∈MTτ ) is a pair M = (F, V ) (equivalently, a triple (W, {Rα }α∈MTτ , V )) where V : PROP −→ 2W is a valuation which assigns to every propositional variable the set of possible worlds where it is true. A pointed τ -frame (F, w) is a pair consisting a frame F together with a distinguished point w ∈ W . A pointed τ -model (M, w) is defined similarly. The truth of a formula ϕ ∈ Lτ in a pointed τ -model (M, w) = ((W, {Rα }α∈MTτ , V ), w), denoted (M, w) ϕ, is defined recursively as follows: • (M, w) p iff m ∈ V (p); • (M, w) 6 ⊥; • (M, w) ¬ϕ iff (M, w) 6 ϕ; • (M, w) ϕ ∨ ψ iff (M, w) ϕ or (M, w) ψ; 4

• (M, w) hαi(ϕ1 , . . . , ϕn ) if there exit w1 , . . . , wρ(α) such that Rα (w, w1 , . . . , wρ(α) ) and (M, wi ) ϕi , for each 1 ≤ i ≤ ρ(α). Consequently (M, w) [α](ϕ1 , . . . , ϕn ) if, for all w1 , . . . , wρ(α) such that Rα (w, w1 , . . . , wρ(α) ), it is the case that (M, w1 ) ϕ1 , for some 1 ≤ i ≤ ρ(α). Note that, in terms of this semantics, the formulae hι1 i(p) and [ι1 ](p) are equivalent to p, and hι2 i(p, q) is equivalent to p ∧ q, while [ι2 ](p, q) is equivalent to p ∨ q. In the case of a reversive extension Lτ r , we specify that for any α ∈ MTτ and 1 ≤ j ≤ ρ(α), Rα−j (w, v1 , . . . , . . . , vn ) holds iff Rα (vj , v1 , . . . , vj−1 , w, vj+1 , . . . , vn ), and extend the truth definition with the clause: (M, w) hα−j i(ϕ1 , . . . , ϕn ) if there exist w1 , . . . , wρ(α) such that Rα−j (m, w1 , . . . , wρ(α) ) and (M, wi ) ϕi . The extension of the semantics to completely reversive extension Lr(τ ) is analogous. To interpret languages with nominals, we extend the notion of model so that the valuations now assign subsets of the domain not only to propositional variables, but also to the nominals, but with the restriction that every nominal must be assigned a singleton. Thus, nominals act as names for states. The truth definition is accordingly extended with the clause (M, w) j iff V (j) = {w}. A formula ϕ in (any of the sub-languages of) Lnr(τ ) is valid in a model M, denoted M ϕ, if (M, w) ϕ for every w ∈ M; valid in a pointed frame (F, w), denoted (F, w) ϕ, if (M, w) ϕ for every model M based on F; valid on a frame F, denoted F ϕ, if it is valid in every model based on F; valid, if it is valid on every frame; globally satisfiable on a frame F, if there exists a valuation V such that (F, V ) ϕ. Let (F, w) be a pointed frame with domain W , and X1 , . . . , Xn , ⊆ W and w1 , . . . , wm ∈ W . Let v be a partial valuation in F assigning v(p1 ) := X1 , . . . , v(pn ) := Xn , v(i1 ) := w1 , v(im ) := wm . We say that a Lnτr -formula ϕ is v-satisfiable on (F, w) if there exists a valuation V on (F, w) extending v and such that ((F, V ), w) ϕ. Sometimes we will write explicitly ‘[p1 := X1 , . . . , pn := Xn , i1 := w1 , im := wm ]-satisfiable’. Satisfiability with fixed parameters like this will be referred to as parameterized satisfiability. Global parameterized satisfiability, as well as local and global parameterized validity are defined similarly. For a ϕ ∈ Lnr(τ ) and a τ -model M we write [[ϕ]]M = {w ∈ M : (M, w) ϕ} for the extension (or truth-set) of ϕ in M. A formula ϕ ∈ Lnr(τ ) is said to be upward (respectively, downward) monotone in a propositional variable p, if [[ϕ]]M ⊆ [[ϕ]]M0 whenever M = (F, V ) and M0 = (F, V 0 ) such that V (p) ⊆ V 0 (p) (respectively, V 0 (p) ⊆ V (p)) and V (q) = V 0 (q) for all propositional variables and nominals q other than p. A general τ -frame is a structure F = (W, {Rα }α∈MTτ , W) where (W, R) is a τ -frame, and W is a Boolean algebra of subsets of 2W , called the admissible sets in F, also closed under the modal operators hαi, α ∈ M Tτ , defined as follows: hαi(X1 , . . . , Xρ(α) ) = {y ∈ W : Rα (y, x1 , . . . , xρ(α) ) for some x1 ∈ X1 , . . . , xρ(α) ∈ Xρ(α) }. Clearly, W is also closed under the dual operators [α], defined accordingly: [α](X1 , . . . , Xρ(α) ) = {y ∈ W : x1 ∈ X1 or . . . or xρ(α) ∈ Xρ(α) whenever Rα (y, x1 , . . . , xρ(α) )}. General τ r-frames and general τ (r)-frames are defined analogously, and will also be called reversively extended general τ -frames, and reversive general τ -frames, respectively. Thus, the algebra 5

of admissible sets of a reversively extended general τ -frame is closed under all hRα−j i for α ∈ MTτ (equivalently, under all hαi, α ∈ MTτ r ). Similarly, the algebra of admissible sets of a reversive general τ -frame is closed under all hαi, α ∈ MTτ (r) . The underlying Kripke frame of a general τ -frame F = (W, {Rα }α∈MTτ , W) is the frame F] := (W, {Rα }α∈MTτ ). A model over F is a model over F] with the valuation of the variables ranging over W. All notions of local and global truth, validity and satisfiability of formulae are accordingly relativized with respect to general frames and models based on them; all these are defined likewise for reversively extended and reversive general frames. Following [27] we define L0 to be the first-order language with =, a family of predicates {Rα }α∈MTτ 1 of the respective arities, and individual variables VAR = {x0 , x1 , . . .}. Also, let L1 be the extension of L0 with a set of unary predicates {P0 , P1 , . . .} corresponding to the propositional variables {p0 , p1 , . . .}. Lτ -formulae are translated into L1 by means of the following standard translation function ST(·, ·) which takes as arguments an Lτ -formula together with a variable from VAR: • ST(pi , x) := Pi (x) for every pi ∈ PROP; • ST(⊥, x) := x 6= x; • ST(¬ϕ, x) := ¬ST(ϕ, x); • ST(ϕ ∨ ψ, x) := ST(ϕ, x) ∨ ST(ψ, x); Vρ(α) • ST(hαi(ϕ1 , . . . , ϕρ(α) ), x) := ∃z1 , . . . , ∃zρ(α) (Rα (x, z1 , . . . , zρ(α) ) ∧ i=1 ST(ϕi , zi )), where z1 , . . . , zρ(α) are the first ρ(α) variables in VAR not appearing in ST(ϕ, x). We extend ST(·, ·) to reversively extended languages by adding the clause: Vρ(α) ST(hα−j i(ϕ1 , . . . , ϕρ(α) ), x) := ∃z1 , . . . , ∃zρ(α) (R−j (x, z1 , . . . , zρ(α) ) ∧ i=1 ST(ϕi , zi )). The extension to revesive languages is analogous. When dealing with languages containing nominals, we extend the standard translation with the clause ST(j, x) := (x = yj ), where for each nominal j, yj is a reserved variable associated with it. Now, for every model (M, w) and ϕ ∈ Lnr(τ ) , we have (M, w) ϕ iff M |= ST(ϕ, x)[x := w], and also M ϕ iff M |= ∀xST(ϕ, x), if the variables yj corresponding to the nominals are assigned the interpretations of their corresponding nominals. Thus, on Kripke models the modal language Lnr(τ ) is a fragment of L1 . Further, for every pointed frame (F, w) and ϕ ∈ Lnr(τ ) , we have that (F, w) ϕ iff F |= ∀P ∀yST(ϕ, x)[x := w], and F ϕ iff F |= ∀P ∀y∀xST(ϕ, x), where P and y are, respectively, the tuples of all unary predicate symbols and all variables yj corresponding to nominals, occurring in ST(ϕ, x). Thus, Lnr(τ ) -formulae express universal monadic second-order conditions on frames. A Lnr(τ ) -formula ϕ and a first-order formula α(y) ∈ L0 are local frame-correspondents if for every pointed frame (F, w), (F, w) ϕ iff F |= α(y)[y := w]. Likewise, ϕ and a sentence α ∈ L0 are global frame-correspondents if for every frame F, F ϕ iff F |= α. An Lnr(τ ) -formula ϕ is locally first-order definable, if it has a local frame correspondent α(x) ∈ L0 ; (globally) first-order definable, if if it has a global frame correspondent α ∈ L0 . Notice that every 1

Without risk of confusion, we will use the same notation for relations and respective predicate symbols.


pure formula γ is locally first-order definable by the formula ∀yST(γ, x), where y is the tuple of all variables yj corresponding to nominals j occurring in γ. Two Lnr(τ ) -formulae are: semantically equivalent if they are true at the same states in the same models; locally frame-equivalent if they are valid at the same states in the same Kripke frames; frame equivalent if they are valid on the same frames.


Extending SQEMA to Polyadic Languages

In this section we introduce the extended algorithm SQEMA that works on all formulae from Lnr(τ ) , for an arbitrary modal similarity type τ . We will give examples of the execution of these extensions, will prove their correctness with respect to local first-order equivalence, and will also prove that the full extension for Lnr(τ ) is complete with respect to the class of polyadic inductive formulae in reversive hybrid languages, introduced in [16]. We will then impose suitable restrictions on SQEMA to adapt it for the sub-languages of Lnr(τ ) .


The algorithm SQEMA

The algorithm SQEMA transforms sets of formulae, which we will call systems of SQEMA-equations, because, if we think of a formula A in which all propositional variables are implicitly existentially quantified as an algebraic equation A = 1, the procedure somewhat resembles solving systems of linear equations by Gauss’ elimination method. Algorithm SQEMA(ϕ). This is the main body of the algorithm. It takes a Lnr(τ ) -formula as an input and either returns a first-order local equivalent for the input formula, or reports failure. Phase 1: Preprocessing. Call subroutine Preprocess(ϕ), to be introduced below. It returns W a modal formula αk semantically equivalent to ¬ϕ. Phase 2: Elimination of Propositional Variables. W 2.1 For each disjunct αk of the formula αk returned by Preprocess, form the initial system k¬i ∨ αk , where i is a fixed, reserved nominal, not allowed to occur in any input formula. Then call subroutine Transform(k¬i ∨ αk ). 2.2 If Transform(k¬i ∨ αk ) returns FAIL for any αk , return FAIL and terminate, else, proceed to phase 3. Phase 3: Postprocessing and Translation. If this phase it reached, it means that, for every k, the subroutine Transform(k¬i ∨ αk ) has succeeded and has returned a pure system Sysk . Continue as follows: 3.1: Form the set {Sys1 , . . . , Sysn } of all pure systems returned by the subroutine Transform(k¬i ∨ αk ) 3.2: Call Postprocess({Sys1 , . . . , Sysn }) 3.3: The subroutine Postprocess({Sys1 , . . . , Sysn }) produces a first-order formula. Return this formula and terminate. Preprocessing(ϕ) This subroutine preprocesses the formula ϕ by negating it, transforming it into negation normal form, and ‘bubbling up’ the disjunctions. Preprocess.1: Negation and Normal Form Negate ϕ and rewrite ¬ϕ in negation normal form by eliminating the connectives ‘→’ and ‘↔’ (if admitted in the language), 7

and by driving all negation signs inwards until they appear only directly in front of propositional variables and/or nominals. Preprocess.2: Bubbling up Disjunctions Distribute diamonds and conjunctions over disjunctions as much as possible, using the equivalences hαi(γ1 , . . . , ϕ ∨ ψ, . . . , γn ) ≡ (hαi(γ1 , . . . , ϕ, . . . , γn ) ∨ hαi(γ1 , . . . , ψ, W . . . , γn )) and (ϕ ∨ ψ) ∧ θ ≡ (ϕ ∧ θ) ∨ (ψ ∧ θ), in order to obtain a formula of the form αk , where no further distribution of diamonds and conjunctions over disjunctions is possible in any αk . Transform(Sys) The aim of this procedure is to eliminate all occurring propositional variables from the input system of SQEMA-equations Sys, if possible, and to return a pure formula. Transform.1: Eliminate every propositional variable in which the system is positive or negative, by substituting it with > or ⊥, respectively. Transform.2: While the system Sys is not pure (i.e. it contains equations that contain propositional variables), choose a propositional variable, say p, to eliminate, and call Eliminate(Sys, p). Transform.3: If Eliminate(Sys, p) has returned FAIL for each variable p remaining in the Sys, return FAIL else, if Eliminate(Sys, p) returns a system Sys0 (in which p has been eliminated), Transform.3.1: Call Transform(Sys0 ) Transform.3.2: if Transform(Sys0 ) returns FAIL, return FAIL else, if Transform(Sys0 ) returns a pure system, Sys00 , return Sys00 . Eliminate(Sys, p) This procedure takes as an input a system of SQEMA-equations together with a propositional variable. The goal is, by applying the SQEMA-transformation rules (listed below), to rewrite the system of equations, Sys, so that the Ackermann-rule becomes applicable with respect to the chosen variable p in order to eliminate it. Thus, the current goal is to transform the system into one in which every equation is either negative in p, or of the form α ∨ p, with p not occurring in α, i.e. to ‘extract’ p and ‘solve’ for it. If this can be achieved, the Ackermann-rule is applied, eliminating the variable p. If this succeeds, Eliminate returns the transformed system Sys0 from which p has been eliminated; else, Eliminate returns FAIL. Postprocessing({Sys1 , . . . , Sysn }) This procedure receives a set of pure systems from which it computes and returns a first-order formula. Postprocessing.1: For each Sysk ∈ {Sys1 , . . . , Sysn }, form the pure formula purek , by taking the conjunction of all equations in the pure system Sysk Postprocessing.2: Form the formula pure(ϕ) by taking the disjunction of the formulae purek , obtained in step Postprocessing.2 Postprocessing.3: Form the formula ∀y∃xST(¬pure(ϕ), x), where y is the tuple of all occurring variables corresponding to nominals, but with yi (corresponding to the designated current state nominal i) left free, since a local correspondent is being computed. Return this first-order formula. Remark 2.1 Propositional variables are eliminated from systems of SQEMA-equations one at a time. The choice of the next variable to be eliminated (in Transform.2) depends on the strategy being followed. We do not discuss such ordering-strategies in this paper, but assume that the choice is made nondeterministically, exploring every possible order of elimination until either an order that succeeds is found, or all orders have failed. 8


The transformation rules of SQEMA

The transformation rules used by the algorithm SQEMA are listed below. Note that these are rewriting rules, i.e. the equation above the line is replaced in the system by the equations listed below the line. I. Rules for the logical connectives:

C ∨ (A ∧ B)


(Left-shift ∨-rule)

C ∨ A, C ∨ B

C ∨ (A ∨ B) (C ∨ A) ∨ B

(C ∨ A) ∨ B C ∨ (A ∨ B)

A ∨ [γ](B1 , . . . , Bn )



(Right-shift ∨-rule)

[γ −i ](B1 , . . . , Bi−1 , A, Bi+1 , . . . , Bn ) ∨ Bi ¬j ∨ hγi(A1 , . . . , An ) ¬j ∨ hγi(k1 , . . . , kn ), ¬k1 ∨ A1 , . . . , ¬kn ∨ An

Note that, for monadic modalities, the 2 and 3-rules simplify to become:


A ∨ [α]B [α−1 ]A ∨ B

where α is any unary modal term.

¬j ∨ 3A

(Monadic 3-rule)

¬j ∨ 3k, ¬k ∨ A

II. Ackermann-Rule: This rule is based on the equivalence given in Ackermann’s Lemma. It works not on a single equation, but by transforming the whole system of equations as follows:

The system

A1 ∨ p, .. . An ∨ p, B1 (p), .. .

is replaced by

B1 ((A1 ∧ . . . ∧ An )/¬p), .. . Bm ((A1 ∧ . . . ∧ An )/¬p).

Bm (p),

where: 1. p does not occur in A1 , . . . , An ; 2. Each of B1 , . . . , Bm is negative in p, or does not conatin p at all. 9

III. Polarity switching rule: Switch the polarity of every occurrence of a chosen variable p within the current system, i.e. replace ¬p by p and p by ¬p for every occurrence of p not prefixed by ¬. IV. Auxiliary Rules: These rules are intended to provide the algorithm with some propositional reasoning capabilities and to effect the duality between the modal operators. 1. Commutativity and associativity of ∧ and ∨ (tacitly used). 2. Replace γ ∨ ¬γ with >, and γ ∧ ¬γ with ⊥. 3. Replace γ ∨ > with >, and γ ∨ ⊥ with γ. 4. Replace γ ∧ > with γ, and γ ∧ ⊥ with ⊥. Remark 2.2 We note that: 1. Apart from the polarity switching-rule, no transformation rule changes the polarity of any occurrence of a propositional variable. 2. The application of any transformation rule to an equation in negation normal form yields again an equation in this normal form. 3. By the previous comment and the fact that all equations in the initial systems are in negation normal form, if follows that, in the application of the Ackermann-rule, the equations B1 (p), . . . , Bm (p) are still in negation normal form. Hence, the substitution Bi ((A1 ∧ . . . ∧ An )/¬p), prescribed by the rule, will indeed eliminate all occurrences of the variable p from the system.



Here are two examples of executions of SQEMA: Example 2.3 Consider the formula ϕ1 = [3](¬[1]p, ¬[2](¬p, q), h1i[1]q), where 1, 2, 3 are modal terms of arities respectively, 1, 2, and 3. This is an inductive formula (see further), which is not equivalent to a polyadic Sahlqvist formula in terms of [13]. Here is a successful execution of SQEMA on ϕ1 : Step 1 Negating, and driving the negation inwards, we obtain ¬ϕ1 ≡ h3i([1]p, [2](¬p, q), [1]h1i¬q). This completes the pre-processing phase. Step 2 There is only one initial system of SQEMA equations: k¬i ∨ h3i([1]p, [2](¬p, q), [1]h1i¬q) . Step 3 Applying the 3-rule yields:


¬i ∨ h3i(j1 , j2 , j3 ) ¬j1 ∨ [1]p . ¬j2 ∨ [2](¬p, q) ¬j3 ∨ [1]h1i¬q

Step 4 We choose to eliminate p first, and apply the 2-rule to the second equation:

¬i ∨ h3i(j1 , j2 , j3 ) [1−1 ]¬j1 ∨ p . ¬j2 ∨ [2](¬p, q) ¬j3 ∨ [1]h1i¬q

Step 5 The system is now ready for the application of the Ackermann-rule to the second and third equation, to eliminate p:

¬i ∨ h3i(j1 , j2 , j3 )

¬j2 ∨ [2]([1−1 ]¬j1 , q) .

¬j3 ∨ [1]h1i¬q Step 6 Now, we want to eliminate q, too. To that aim, we transform the only equation where q is positive, by applying again the 2-rule:

¬i ∨ h3i(j1 , j2 , j3 )


[2 ]([1−1 ]¬j1 , ¬j2 ) ∨ q .

¬j3 ∨ [1]h1i¬q Step 7 Applying Ackermann-rule again eliminates q:

¬i ∨ h3i(j1 , j2 , j3 )

¬j3 ∨ [1]h1i[2−2 ]([1−1 ]¬j1 , ¬j2 ) . Step 8 We thus obtain: pure(ϕ1 ) = (¬i ∨ h3i(j1 , j2 , j3 )) ∧ (¬j3 ∨ [1]h1i[2−2 ]([1−1 ]¬j1 , ¬j2 )). Step 9 Negating and translating into first-order logic we obtain a local first-order equivalent: F O(ϕ1 )(x) = ∀y1 y2 y3 (R3 xy1 y2 y3 → ∃v(R1 y3 v ∧ ∀w(R1 vw → ∃s(R2 y2 sw ∧ R1 y1 s)))).  Example 2.4 Here is a formula on which SQEMA does not succeed, despite it being locally firstorder definable.2 ϕ2 = [2](¬[1](¬[1]p ∨ p), p ∧ [1]⊥). Here is an attempt to execute SQEMA on it: Step 1 Negating, and driving the negation inwards, we obtain ¬ϕ2 ≡ h2i([1](h1i¬p ∨ p), ¬p ∨ h1i>). 2

Actually, this formula is locally equivalent to the inductive formula (see next section) [2](¬[1]p, p ∧ [1]⊥).


Step 2 The only initial system is: k¬i ∨ h2i([1](h1i¬p ∨ p), ¬p ∨ h1i>) . Step 3 Applying the 3-rule yields:

¬i ∨ h2i(j1 , j2 )

¬j1 ∨ [1](h1i¬p ∨ p) .

¬j2 ∨ ¬p ∨ h1i> Step 4 We now apply the 2-rule to the second equation:

¬i ∨ h2i(j1 , j2 )


[1 ]¬j1 ∨ h1i¬p ∨ p .

¬j2 ∨ ¬p ∨ h1i> We are stuck now — the rules do not enables us to solve for p to prepare the system for the application of the Ackermann-rule in order to eliminate p. 

3 3.1

Correctness and strength of SQEMA Correctness

Here we justify the correctness of the algorithm in terms of local equivalence of the input modal formula to the returned first-order (L0 ) formula. The following is a modal version of Ackermann’s Lemma [1] for the polyadic and hybrid languages, proved for the monadic case in [5] (see also [22]); the general proof is completely analogous. Lemma 3.1 (Ackermann’s Lemma) Let τ be a similarity type and A and B be formulae, both in (any sub-language of ) Lnr(τ ) , such that B is negative in p. Then, for any Kripke model M, M (¬A ∨ p) ∧ B(p) if and only if there exists a modal M0 , differing from M at most in the valuation of p, such that M0 B(A/p). Given a system of SQEMA-equations Sys, we write Form(Sys) for the formula obtained by taking the conjunction of all the equations in Sys. Lemma 3.2 Let Sys be a system of SQEMA-equations, Sys’ be a system obtained from Sys by the application of a SQEMA transformation rule, and let (F, w) be a pointed Kripke frame. Then Form(Sys) is globally [i := w]-satisfiable on (F, w), if and only if Form(Sys’) is globally [i := w]satisfiable on (F, w). Proof: The proof is a routine verification that all transformation rules maintain parameterized satisfiability on Krike frames. The case for the Ackermann-rule is justified by lemma 3.1. a


Theorem 3.3 (Correctness of SQEMA w.r.t. local equivalence) If SQEMA succeeds on an input formula, ϕ, then ϕ is locally frame-correspondent to the returned first-order formula. Proof: Let Sys0 , . . . , Sysr be the sequence of systems of equations produced by SQEMA when executed on ϕ. We define the translation TR(Sysj ) of a system Sysj to be the second-order formula ∃P ∃y∀xST(Form(Sysj ), x), where P is the tuple of all predicate variables and y the tuple of all variables corresponding to nominals other than the reserved nominal i, occurring in Form(Sysj ). Note that yi , corresponding to i, is the only free variable in TR(Sysj ), and that TR(Sysr ) is ∃y∀xST(pure(ϕ), x), where pure(ϕ) is the pure formula Form(Sysr ). Now, for any pointed Kripke frame (F, w) we have: (F, w) ϕ iff F |= ∀P ∀yST(ϕ, x)[x := w] iff F |= ∀P ∀y∃xST(i ∧ ϕ, x)[yi := w] iff F 6|= ∃P ∃y∀xST(¬i ∨ ¬ϕ, x)[yi := w] iff F 6|= TR(Sys1 )[yi := w]. Now, rephrased in second-order logic, lemma 3.2 says that: F 6|= TR(Sysj )[yi := w] if and only if F 6|= TR(Sysj+1 )[yi := w], for all 1 ≤ j < r. Hence (F, w) ϕ iff F 6|= ∃y∀xST(pure(ϕ), x)[yi := w] iff F |= ∀y∃x¬ST(pure(ϕ), x)[yi := w].


Thus, the formula ∀y∃x¬ST(pure(ϕ), x) which SQEMA returns is a local first-order correspondent for the input formula ϕ. Accordingly, ∀yi ∀y∃x¬ST(pure(ϕ), x) is a global first-order correspondent of ϕ.


Completeness of SQEMA for hybrid polyadic inductive formulae

In this section we show that SQEMA succeeds on every polyadic inductive formula, introduced in [16, 17], where it is also proved that such formulae are locally first-order definable and d-persistent. Let us first briefly recall the definition of (hybrid) polyadic inductive formulae, first in Lnr(τ ) ; the definition projects accordingly to all sub-languages. First, we need some preliminary notions. A formula in Lnr(τ ) is variable-negative if all variables in it only have negative occurrences, while nominals can have any occurrences. A formula [β](N1 , . . . , Nm ), where β is an m-ary modal term and N1 , . . . , Nm are variable-negative formulae, will be called a headless box formula (or simply a headless box ). A formula of the form [β](p, N1 , . . . , Nm ), where β is an (m + 1)-ary modal term, p is a propositional variable, and N1 , . . . , Nm are variable-negative formulae, will be called a headed box formula (or headed box ) with head p. The occurrence of a variable as the head of a box formula is called an essential occurrence, while all other variable occurrences in (headed or headless) box formulae are called inessential. A box formula is either a headed or headless box formula. Definition 3.4 A regular formula is a formula of the form [α](¬B1 , . . . , ¬Bn ), where α is an n-ary modal term and B1 , . . . , Bn are box formulae. Definition 3.5 The dependency digraph of a regular formula A = [α](¬B1 , . . . , ¬Bn ) is the digraph GA = hVA , EA i. The vertex set, VA , is the set {p1 , . . . , pm } of all heads of headed boxes among B1 , . . . , Bn . The edge set, EA ⊆ VA × VA , is such that (pi , pj ) ∈ EA iff the pi occurs inessentially in some B1 , . . . , Bn with head pj . A digraph is acyclic when it contains no directed cycles or loops. 13

Definition 3.6 An inductive formula is any regular formula with an acyclic dependency digraph. Definition 3.7 Call a system of SQEMA-equations an inductive system, if it has the form

¬i1 ∨ [β1 ](p1 , N11 , . . . , N1m )



¬in ∨ [βn ](pn , Nn1 , . . . , Nnm )


¬j1 ∨ N eg1



¬jk ∨ N egk where either n or k, but obviously not both, may possibly be 0, each [βi ](pi , Ni1 , . . . , Nim ) is a headed box with head pi such that the dependency digraph of this set of boxes is acyclic, every propositional variable occurring in the system occurs at least once as the head of some [βi ](pi , Ni1 , . . . , Nim ), and each N egi is a variable-negative formula. For technical convenience, we assume that in the system above all heads of boxes occur as first component of the boxes. Lemma 3.8 Any inductive system may be transformed into a pure system by the application of SQEMA-transformation rules. Proof: We proceed by induction on the number n of equations of the form ¬ii ∨ [βi ](pi , Ni1 , . . . , Nim ) occurring in the system. In any inductive system, every occurring variable must have at least one occurrence as the head of a headed box, so, if n = 0, the system must be pure. Assume n > 1. Assume further, w.l.o.g., that the variable q is minimal with respect to some fixed linear extension of the partial order induced by the dependency digraph. We can then apply the 2-rule to every equation ¬ii ∨ [βi ](pi , Ni1 , . . . , Nim ) which has pi = q, replacing it in the system with [βi−1 ](¬ii , Ni1 , . . . , Nim ) ∨ pi , where [βi−1 ](¬ii , Ni1 , . . . , Nim ) is a pure formula, by the minimality of q = pi . The Ackermann-rule now applicable to these equations, i.e. we may V becomes −1 remove them from the system and substitute {[βi ](¬ii , Ni1 , . . . , Nim ) | pi = q} for all remaining occurrences of ¬q. It is not difficult to see that the system obtained in this way is still an inductive system, now containing at most n − 1 equations of the form ¬ij ∨ [βj ](pj , Nj1 , . . . , Njm ). We appeal to the inductive hypothesis to conclude that all remaining variables can be eliminated by the application of SQEMA-transformation rules. a

Theorem 3.9 SQEMA succeeds on all conjunctions of polyadic inductive formulae. Proof: We simply note that, when SQEMA is run on a conjunction of inductive formulae, each initial system of equations (Phase 2.1) is of the type k¬i ∨ hαi(B1 , . . . , Bn ) which, after application of the 3-rule, becomes an inductive system. Now, we appeal to lemma 3.8. a Corollary 3.10 SQEMA succeeds on all polyadic Sahlqvist formulae, as defined in [2]. Proof: As shown in [17], every polyadic Sahlqvist formulae, as defined in [2], is semantically equivalent to a conjunctions of polyadic inductive formulae, and this equivalence is captured by SQEMA. We leave the details to the reader. a



A restriction of SQEMA for non-reversive languages

Note that, regardless of the input language, SQEMA introduces (in a limited way) nominals and inverse modal operators in the course of its execution. More precisely, if the input language does not contain nominals, then the only nominals occurring in SQEMA equations, apart from the special one i, are those introduced by the 3-rule; note that they all occur negatively. Likewise, if inverse modalities do not occur in the input language, they can only be introduced by the 2-rule. For the sake of proving (in section 4.2) d-persistence of the formulae from non-reversive languages on which SQEMA succeeds, we need to restrict the application of the 2-rules as follows:

(Restricted 2-rule)

A ∨ [γ](B1 , . . . , Bn ) [γ −i ](B1 , . . . , Bi−1 , A, Bi+1 , . . . , Bn ) ∨ Bi

where γ ∈ M Lτ , and

(Inverse 2-rule)

A ∨ [γ −i ](B1 , . . . , Bn ) [γ](B1 , . . . , Bi−1 , A, Bi+1 , . . . , Bn ) ∨ Bi

where γ ∈ M Lτ . Thus, the difference is that, where the unrestricted 2-rules allow any γ ∈ M Tr(τ ) , the restricted rules only apply when γ ∈ MTτ . Thus, in this context, the inverse 2-rule only allows undoing the action of the restricted 2-rule, which can only be useful if the Ackermann-rule has been applied meanwhile. The resulting restricted version of SQEMA will be denoted by SQEMA− . By inspecting the proof of lemma 3.8, one can see that this restriction suffices for SQEMA to succeed on all polyadic inductive formulae from Lτ or Lnτ . In fact, we are currently not aware of any formula from Lnτ on which the full SQEMA succeeds, but SQEMA− fails. On the other hand, it is easy to give examples in reversive languages, where the unrestricted version of SQEMA is essentially stronger.


Languages without nominals and d-persistence

In this section we prove that every input formula ϕ from Lτ (respectively, Lr(τ ) ) on which SQEMA− succeeds is locally d-persistent, i.e. locally persistent with respect to the class of descriptive frames (respectively, the class of reversive descriptive frames)3 . Recall (see e.g., [2]) that d-persistence of a formula, usually also referred to as ‘canonicity’, is an important property, because every normal modal logic axiomatized with d-persistent formulae is complete with respect to validity in its Kripke frames. The proof generally follows the steps of the proof of d-persistence for the monadic case, presented in [5], but involves some technical overhead due to the polyadic modalities. Note that the property of d-persistence depends not only on the given formula, but also on the language in which it is considered, for the class of general, and in particular descriptive, frames depends on that language — the algebra of admissible sets is closed under the operators corresponding to the modal terms of the language. We will treat simultaneously arbitrary and reversive languages. While the latter case 3

We will not consider the intermediate case of formulae from Lτ r , as we have introduced these languages only for technical purposes.


does not follow from he former, it is easier because there the inverse modalities, which come into play during the execution of SQEMA anyway, are already part of the input language, and therefore preserve admissibility of sets in reversive general frames.


The topology of descriptive frames

We fix a (polyadic) similarity type τ for the rest of this subsection. All concepts defined here apply likewise to arbitrary and to reversive languages, so when we do not wish to specify which is the case, we will denote the set of modal terms simply by MT. With every general frame F = (W, {Rα }α∈MT , W) we associate a topological space (W, T (F)), where W is taken as a base of clopen sets for the topology T (F). Let C(W) denote the set of sets closed with respect to T (F). A general frame F = (W, {Rα }α∈MT , W) is differentiated if for every x, y ∈ W such that x 6= y, there exists X ∈ W such that x ∈ X and y 6∈ X; equivalently, if T (F) is a Hausdorff space. A relation Rα in F = (W, {Rα }α∈MT , W) is tight in F if the following condition holds: for any x, x1 , . . . , xn ∈ W , Rα x, x1 , . . . , xn iff ∀X1 , . . . , Xn ∈ W(x1 ∈ X1 , . . . , xn ∈ Xn ⇒ x ∈ hαi(X1 , . . . , Xn )). Equivalently, Rα is tight if for every x ∈ W , \ Rα x, x1 , . . . , xn iff x ∈ {hαi(X1 , . . . , Xn ) | X1 , . . . , Xn ∈ W & x1 ∈ X1 , . . . , xn ∈ Xn }. Now, the general frame F is tight if the relation Rα is tight in F for every basic modal term α. A general frame F is compact if every family of admissible sets from W with the finite intersection property (FIP) has a non-empty intersection; equivalently, if T (F) is compact. F is descriptive if it is differentiated, tight, and compact. It has been proved in [17] that in any differentiated general frame, for any α ∈ MT the relation Rα is tight iff for every x ∈ W the set Rα (x) = {(x1 , . . . , xn )|Rα xx1 . . . xn } is closed, i.e. Rα is point-closed. Note, that all singleton subsets are closed in any descriptive frame. A formula ϕ is locally d-persistent, if, for every pointed descriptive frame (F, w) for the respective language, it is the case that (F] , w) ϕ whenever (F, w) ϕ; ϕ is d-persistent if F] ϕ whenever F ϕ. Clearly, local d-persistence implies d-persistence. Given any (general) frame F with domain W , we can regard any Lnr(τ ) -formula ϕ(p1 , . . . , pn , i1 , . . . , im ) as a set-theoretic operator from ℘(W )n × W m into ℘(W ). We can obtain that operator by replacing in ϕ all connectives (Boolean and modal operators) by their respective set-theoretic counterparts. Usually, however, we will simply identify formulae with the operators they define. Definition 4.1 A Lnr(τ ) -formula ϕ = ϕ(p1 , . . . , pn , i1 , . . . , im ) is a closed operator on (reversive) descriptive frames, if for every (reversive) descriptive frame F if P1 , . . . , Pn ∈ C(W), w1 , . . . , wn ∈ W , then ϕ(P1 , . . . , Pn , {w1 }, . . . , {wn }) ∈ C(W). Further ϕ is a closed formula on (reversive) descriptive frames, if for every (reversive) descriptive frame F, if P1 , . . . , Pn , ∈ W, w1 , . . . , wn ∈ W , then ϕ(P1 , . . . , Pn , {w1 }, . . . , {wn }) ∈ C(W). Similarly, a Lnr(τ ) -formula is an open operator on (reversive) descriptive frames if whenever applied to open sets in a (reversive) descriptive frame it produces an open set; it is an open formula on


(reversive) descriptive frames if whenever applied to admissible sets in such a frame it produces an open set. Note that the operators hαi and hα−j i distribute over arbitrary unions, and [α] and [α−j ] distribute over arbitrary intersections. Since every closed set can be obtained as the intersection admissible sets and each open set as the union of admissible sets, we have the following: on descriptive frames hαip is an open operator and [α]p is a closed operator for every α ∈ MTτ . On reversive descriptive frames we also have that every hα−j ip is an open operator and every [α−j ]p is a closed operator, and that for any α ∈ MTr(τ ) .


D-persistence in Lτ and Lr(τ )

We extend ad hoc the notion of satisfiability of Lnr(τ ) -formulae to arbitrary (reversive) general τ -frames as follows: ϕ ∈ Lnr(τ ) is satisfiable on a pointed general frame (F, w) = ((W, {Rα }α∈MT , W), w), if there is a valuation V assigning admissible sets (i.e. members of W) to propositional variables and any singletons to nominals, such that ((F, V ), w) ϕ. The notions of (parameterized) local and global satisfiability and validity are extended accordingly. The monadic version of the next lemma goes back to [10]; the polyadic case is proven in [17]. Lemma 4.2 (Esakia’s Lemma for Diamonds) Let F be a descriptive τ -frame. Then for any downward directed family of nonempty closed sets {C1i × · · · × Cni : i ∈ I} from T (F), and any n-ary α ∈ MTτ , it is the case that \ \ \ hαi(C1i , . . . , Cni ) = hαi( C1i , . . . , Cni ). i∈I



Corollary 4.3 For any n-ary α ∈ MTτ , hαi(p1 , . . . , pn ) is a closed operator on descriptive τ frames. The results above apply likewise to every α ∈ MTr(τ ) in reversive descriptive frames. However, for the case of Lτ we will need analogous results for the inverse diamonds from MTτ r in descriptive but not necessarily reversive general frames. Lemma 4.4 ([17]) For any n-ary modal term α ∈ MTτ and 1 ≤ j ≤ n, hα−j i(p1 , . . . , pn ) is a closed operator on descriptive τ -frames. By the duality of hα−j i and [α−j ], we obtain: Corollary 4.5 For any n-ary modal term α ∈ MTτ and 1 ≤ j ≤ n, [α−j ](p1 , . . . , pn ) is an open operator on descriptive τ -frames. Now, we are ready to prove the version of Esakia’s Lemma for inverses of diamonds from MTτ on any descriptive τ -frame. Lemma 4.6 (Esakia’s Lemma for inverse diamonds from MTτ r ) Let α ∈ MTτ be an n-ary modal term, 1 ≤ j ≤ n, and F any descriptive τ -frame. Then \ \ \ hα−j i( X1i , . . . , Xni ) = hα−j i(X1i , . . . , Xni ) i∈I



whenever {X1i × · · · × Xni }i∈I is a family of downwards directed closed sets. 17

Proof: The inclusion from left to right is immediate by the monotonicity of hα−j i. For the other T T direction, suppose that x0 6∈ hα−j i( i∈I X1i , . . . , i∈I Xni ), i.e. {x0 } ∩ hα−j i(


X 1i , . . . ,



Xni ) = ∅.


Hence \

Xji ∩ hαi(




X1i , . . . , {x0 }, . . . ,


Xni ) = ∅.


Now, since {x0 } is closed in T (F), by lemma 4.3 we have here a family of closed sets with empty intersection. By compactness, there is a finite subfamily with empty intersection, say \ \ Xji1 ∩ · · · ∩ Xjim ∩ hαi( X1i , . . . , {x0 }, . . . , Xni ) = ∅. i∈I


Furthermore, since {X1i × · · · × Xni }i∈I is downward directed, then so is every family {X1i }i∈I , · · · , {Xni }i∈I . Therefore, we can find a Xj ∈ {Xji }i∈I such that Xj ⊆ Xji1 ∩ · · · ∩ Xjim , and hence Xj ∩ hαi(


X1i , . . . , {x0 }, . . . ,


Xni ) = ∅.



Equivalently, it must be the case that \ \ X1i ∩ hα−1 i(Xj , . . . , {x0 }, . . . , Xni ) = ∅. i∈I


In the same way as above, referring to lemma 4.4, we find a X1 ∈ {X1i }i∈I such that \ X1 ∩ hα−1 i(Xj , . . . , {x0 }, . . . , Xni ) = ∅, i∈I

and hence, Xj ∩ hαi(X1 , . . . , {x0 }, . . . ,


Xni ) = ∅,


Proceeding likewise, we find X2 ∈ {X2i }i∈I , . . ., Xn ∈ {Xni }i∈I such that Xj ∩ hαi(X1 , . . . , {x0 }, . . . , Xn ) = ∅. and hence {x0 } ∩ hα−j i(X1 , . . . , Xj , . . . , Xn ) = ∅. Therefore, x0 6∈


hα−j i(X1i1 , . . . , Xnin ).

i1 ,...,in ∈I

The result follows once we note that, by the downward directedness of {X1i × · · · × Xni }i∈I , \ \ hα−j i(X1i1 , . . . , Xnin ) = hα−j i(X1i , . . . , Xni ). i1 ,...,in ∈I




Definition 4.7 1. A Lnr(τ ) -formula is called nominal-negative (respectively, nominal-positive) if all occurrences of nominals in it are negative (respectively, positive), i.e., within the scope of an odd (respectively, even) number of negations. Clearly, negation maps nominal-positive formulae to nominal-negative ones, and vice versa. 2. A formula ϕ ∈ Lnτr is syntactically closed if all occurrences of nominals and inverse diamonds in ϕ are positive, and all occurrences of inverse boxes in ϕ are negative; if the formula is in negation normal form, the latter simply means that it contains no inverse boxes. Likewise, ϕ is syntactically open if all occurrences of nominals and inverse diamonds in ϕ are negative, and all occurrences of inverse boxes in ϕ are positive. Clearly, ¬ maps syntactically open formulae to syntactically closed formulae, and vice versa. Lemma 4.8 1. On any reversive descriptive τ -frame every nominal-negative Lnr(τ ) -formula is an open formula and every nominal-positive Lnr(τ ) -formula is a closed formula. 2. On any descriptive τ -frame every syntactically closed Lnτr -formula is a closed formula and every syntactically open formula is an open formula. Proof: In both cases, by straightforward structural induction on the respective type of formulae, written in negation normal form, using the facts that singletons are closed sets, hαi and [α] are both open and closed operators, due to corollary 4.3, while, in the case of formulae from Lnτr , hα−j i and [α−j ] are respectively closed and open operators on descriptive frames, by lemma 4.4 and corollary 4.5. a A notational convention: whenever we write a formula ϕ(q1 , . . . , qn , i1 , . . . im ) we assume that PROP(ϕ) ⊆ {q1 , . . . , qn } and NOM(ϕ) ⊆ {i1 , . . . im }. Lemma 4.9 Let ϕ(q1 , . . . , qn , p, i1 , . . . im ) ∈ Lnr(τ ) be positive in p and F = (W, {Rα }α∈MT , W) be a descriptive τ -frame, such that one of the following holds: 1. ϕ is syntactically closed, or 2. ϕ is nominal-positive and F is reversive. Then ϕ is a closed operator with respect to p, i.e., for all Q1 , . . . , Qn ∈ W, x1 , . . . , xm ∈ W , if C ∈ C(W), then ϕ(Q1 , . . . , Qn , C, {x1 }, . . . , {xm }) ∈ C(W). Proof: By structural induction on ϕ written in negation normal form. Consider the first case. Then no subformula of ϕ can be of the form [α−j ](γ1 , . . . , γn ). The inductive steps for hαi and hα−j i, α ∈ MTτ , follow from corollary 4.3 and lemma 4.4, respectively. The inductive step for [α] is immediate from the fact that [α] is a closed operator, as was noted earlier. The proof for the second case is essentially the same, as the inductive step for [α−j ] is now the same as for [α]. a

Lemma 4.10 (Esakia’s Lemma for syntactically closed and nominal positive-formulae) Let ϕ(q1 , . . . , qn , p, i1 , . . . im ) ∈ Lnr(τ ) be positive in p and let F = (W, {Rα }α∈MT , W) be a descriptive τ -frame, such that one of the following holds: 19

1. ϕ is syntactically closed, or 2. ϕ is nominal-positive and F is reversive. Then for all Q1 , . . . , Qn ∈ W, x1 , . . . , xm ∈ W and a downwards directed family of closed sets {Ci : i ∈ I} it is the case that \ \ ϕ(Q1 , . . . , Qn , Ci , {x1 }, . . . , {xm }) = ϕ(Q1 , . . . , Qn , Ci , {x1 }, . . . , {xm }). i∈I


Proof: For brevity we will omit the parameters Q1 , . . . , Qn , x1 , . . . , xm when writing (sub)formulae. Consider the first case. The proof is by induction on ϕ, written in negation normal form. The base cases when ϕ is ⊥, a propositional variable or a nominal are trivial, and the inductive steps for the boolean connectives are the same as in the monadic case, treated in [5]. Suppose ϕ of the form hα−j i(γ1 , . . . , γn ), for α ∈ MTτ , where γ1 , . . . , γn are syntactically closed and positive in p. We have to show that \ \ \ hα−j i(γ1 ( Ci ), . . . , γn ( Ci )) = hα−j i(γ1 (Ci ), . . . , γn (Ci )). i∈I



By the inductive hypothesis we have \ \ \ \ hα−j i(γ1 ( Ci ), . . . , γn ( Ci )) = hα−j i( γ1 (Ci ), . . . , γn (Ci )) i∈I




If γk (Ci ) = ∅ for some i ∈ I and 1 ≤ k ≤ n, then \ \ \ \ hα−j i(γ1 ( Ci ), . . . , γn ( Ci )) = ∅ = hα−j i( γ1 (Ci ), . . . , γn (Ci )), i∈I




so we may assume that γk (Ci ) 6= ∅ for all i ∈ I and 1 ≤ k ≤ n. Then, by lemma 4.9, for each 1 ≤ k ≤ n, {γk (Ci ) : i ∈ I} is a family of non-empty closed sets. Moreover, for each 1 ≤ k ≤ n, {γk (Ci ) : i ∈ I} is downwards directed. For, consider any finite number γk (C T1n), . . . , γk (Cn ) of members of {γk (Ci ) : i ∈ I}. Then there is a C ∈ {C : i ∈ I} such that C ⊆ i i=1 Ci . But then T γk (C) ∈ {γk (Ci ) : i ∈ I} and γk (C) ⊆ ni=1 γk (Ci ) by the upwards monotonicity of γ in p. Now we may apply lemma 4.6 and conclude that \ \ \ hα−j i(γ1 ( Ci ), . . . , γn ( Ci )) = hα−j i(γ1 (Ci ), . . . , γn (Ci )). i∈I



The inductive step when ϕ is of the form hαi(γ1 , . . . , γn ) is verbatim the same as the previous case, except that we appeal to lemma 4.2 rather than lemma 4.6 in the last step. Lastly, the inductive step for ϕ = [α](γ1 , . . . , γn ), for α ∈ MTτ follows by the inductive hypothesis and the fact that [α] distributes over arbitrary intersections of subsets of W . The proof for the second case, when the formula is nominal-positive and F is reversive, is almost the same, but the inductive steps for hα−j i and [α−j ] are now the same as for hαi and [α]. a

Lemma 4.11 (Restricted version of Ackermann’s Lemma for descriptive frames) Let F = (W, {Rα }α∈MT , W) be a descriptive τ -frame and A(q1 , . . . , qn , i1 , . . . , im ), B(q1 , . . . , qn , p, i1 , . . . , im ) ∈ Lnr(τ ) , be such that B is negative in p and one of the following holds: 20

1. A is syntactically closed and B is syntactically open, or 2. A is nominal-positive, B is nominal-negative, and F is reversive. Then for all Q1 , . . . , Qn ∈ W and x1 , . . . , xm ∈ W : B(Q1 , . . . , Qn , A(Q1 , . . . , Qn , {x1 }, . . . , {xm }), {x1 }, . . . , {xm }) = W if and only if there is a P ∈ W such that A(Q1 , . . . , Qn , {x1 }, . . . , {xm }) ⊆ P and B(Q1 , . . . , Qn , P, {x1 }, . . . , {xm }) = W. Proof: For the sake of brevity we will suppress the parameters Q1 , . . . , Qn , {x1 }, . . . , {xm } in what follows, and will simply write A, B(P ) etc. The proofs of both cases are completely analogous. The implication from bottom to top follows by the downwards monotonicity of B in p. Now, suppose B(A) = W . Let B 0 (p) be the negation of B(p) written in negation normal form. Then B 0 (p) is a syntactically closed formula, and B 0 (A) = ∅. We need to find an admissible set P ∈ W such that A ⊆ P and B 0 (P ) = ∅. Since A is a syntactically closed T formula, it follows by lemma 4.8 that A is aTclosed subset of W and {C ∈ W : A ⊆ C}. Hence T hence that A = ∅ = B 0 (A) = B 0 ( {C ∈ W : A ⊆ C}) = {B 0 (C) : C ∈ W and A ⊆ C}, by lemma 4.10. Again by Lemma 4.8, {B 0 (C) : C ∈ W, A ⊆ C} is a family of closed sets with empty Hence, by Tn intersection. 0 compactness, there must be a finite subfamily C1 , . . . , Cn , such that i=1 B (Ci ) = ∅. But then T C = ni=1 Ci is an admissible set containing A, and B 0 (C) = ∅, i.e B(C) = W . Hence we can choose P = C. a Hereafter, we will refer to SQEMA-equations which are pure formulae (i.e. do not contain propositional variables) as pure equations, and to the rest, as non-pure equations. A straightforward inductive argument establishes the following facts. For the first case it is essential that all equations produced during the execution of SQEMA− in an input formula from Lτ are in Lτ r . Lemma 4.12 1. During the entire (successful or unsuccessful) execution of SQEMA− on any input formula from Lτ , all non-pure SQEMA− equations are syntactically open formulae. 2. During the entire (successful or unsuccessful) execution of SQEMA on any input formula from Lr(τ ) , all non-pure SQEMA equations are nominal-negative formulae. Lemma 4.13 Let Sys0 , . . . , Sysr be the sequence of systems of equations produced on one disjunctive branch by SQEMA− (respectively, SQEMA) when executed on a certain input formula ϕ(q1 , . . . , qn ) from Lτ (respectively, Lr(τ ) ), and let i, i1 , . . . , im be the nominals introduced during the execution. Then for any descriptive (respectively, reversive descriptive) τ -frame F = (W, {Rα }α∈MT , W) and a current state w ∈ W , there are Q1 , . . . , Qn ∈ W and x1 , . . . , xm ∈ W such that Form(Sysi )(Q1 , . . . , Qn , {w}, {x1 }, . . . , {xm }) = W if and only of there are Q1 , . . . , Qn ∈ W and x1 , . . . , xm ∈ W such that Form(Sysi+1 )(Q1 , . . . , Qn , {w}, {x1 }, . . . , {xm }) = W, for 0 ≤ i < r. 21

Proof: The proofs of both cases are analogous and will be done simultaneously. Note that Form(Sys0 ) = ¬i ∨ ¬ϕ. For each i, the system Sysi+1 is obtained from the system Sysi by the application of some transformation rule. We need to verify that, whichever transformation rule was applied, Form(Sysi ) is globally [i := w]-satisfiable on F if and only if Form(Sysi+1 ) is. This is immediate to see for all the transformation rules except the Ackermann-rule. So suppose Sysi+1 V V that V is obtained from Sysi by application of this rule. Then Form(Sysi ) = j (Aj ∨ p) ∧ j Bj ∧ j Cj , where no Aj contains p, each Bj is negative in p, and no Cj contains any occurrence of W p. Note that all pure equations in the system Sysi will be among the C . By lemma 4.12, j j ¬Aj is V syntactically closed (respectively, nominal-positive) and j Bj is syntactically open (respectively, nominal-negative). V V V Then Form(Sysi+1 ) = j (Bj0 ) ∧ j Cj , where each Bj0 is obtained from BW j by substituting j Aj for all occurrences of ¬p, which is semantically equivalent to substituting j ¬Aj for all occurrences of p. The proof is complete once we appeal to lemma 4.11. a

Theorem 4.14 1. If SQEMA− succeeds on a Lτ -formula ϕ, then ϕ is locally persistent with respect to the class of all descriptive τ -frames. 2. If SQEMA succeeds on a Lr(τ ) -formula ϕ, then ϕ is locally persistent with respect to the class of all reversive descriptive τ -frames. Proof: Again, the proofs of both cases are completely analogous. First, we make the simplifying assumption that the execution does not branch into different systems because of the bubbled-up disjunctions in the negated input formula. This assumption is safe, since conjunctions of d-persistent formulae are d-persistent. Let F = (W, {Rα }α∈MT , W) be a (reversive) descriptive τ -frame and w ∈ W . Then, (F, w) 6 ϕ iff ¬i ∨ ¬ϕ is globally [i := w]-satisfiable on F. Note that k¬i ∨ ¬ϕ is exactly the initial system of SQEMA-equations obtained when the algorithm is run on ϕ. Recall that pure(ϕ) is the conjunction of the equations in the final, pure system in the execution. So pure(ϕ) = Form(Sys) for some system obtained from k¬i ∨ ¬ϕ by the application of transformation rules. Hence, by lemma 4.13, ¬i ∨ ¬ϕ is globally [i := w]-satisfiable in F iff pure(ϕ) is so satisfiable. Now, since we allow nominals to range over all singletons in general frames, pure(ϕ) is globally [i := w]-satisfiable in F, iff it is [i := w]-satisfiable in the underlying Kripke frame F] of F. By lemma 3.2, this is the case iff ¬i ∨ ¬ϕ is [i := w]-satisfiable on F] iff (F] , w) 6 ϕ. Thus, we have proved that (F, w) ϕ iff (F] , w) ϕ, whence the (reversive) d-persistence of ϕ. a


Languages with nominals and di-persistence

To achieve completeness, hybrid modal logics usually need special additional rules of inference (see [14, 2]) which, in a modified canonical model construction guarantee that every world in the canonical model contains a nominal, and therefore every singleton is an admissible set. Thus, the so constructed canonical general frame for a hybrid logic is discrete, and that is why we are now interested in hybrid modal formulae which are di-persistent, i.e., persistent with respect to discrete, rather than descriptive frames. 22


SQEMAn and di-persistence

Again, we have to distinguish two cases: arbitrary and reversive hybrid languages. The case of Lnr(τ ) is quite easy, as it does not require any modification of SQEMA because it preserves that input language, and hence the valuations referred to in Ackermann’s lemma are admissible in every discrete reversive τ -frame. Thus, we have the following. Theorem 5.1 All formulae from Lnr(τ ) on which SQEMA succeeds are locally persistent with respect to all discrete reversive τ -frames. For the non-reversive case, here we will show how SQEMA can be modified by means of a simple restriction on the application of the Ackermann-rule, to guarantee that, when it succeeds on an Lnτ formula, that formula is locally persistent with respect to the class of all (not necessarily reversive) discrete frames. Lemma 5.2 (Ackermann’s Lemma for discrete τ -frames) Let F = (W, {Rα }α∈MTτ , W) be a discrete τ -frame and let A ∈ Lnτ and B(p) ∈ Lnτr be such that A does not contains p and B(p) is negative in p. Then, for any model M based on F, M B(A/p) if and only if there exists a model, M0 , based on F and differing form M0 at most in the valuation of p, such that M0 (A → p) ∧ B(p). Proof: The bottom-to-top direction follows immediately from the downward monotonicity of B(p) in p and the fact that p does not occur in B(A/p). For the top-to-bottom direction we note that [[A]]M ∈ W, since A ∈ Lnτ , hence we can construct M0 from M simply by letting the valuation of p be equal to [[A]]M . a We now modify SQEMA− to obtain SQEMAn by restricting the scope of applications of the Ackermann-rule as follows: Ackermann-Rule on Discrete Frames: This rule is mann’s lemma for discrete frames.

A1 ∨ p,



An ∨ p, The system is replaced by

B1 (p),



Bm (p),

based on the equivalence given in Acker-

B1 [(A1 ∧ . . . ∧ An )/¬p], .. . Bm [(A1 ∧ . . . ∧ An )/¬p].

where: 1. p does not occur in A1 , . . . , An ; 2. A1 , . . . , An ∈ Lnτ , i.e., these formulae contain no inverse modalities; and 3. each of B1 , . . . , Bm is negative in p.


Lemma 5.3 Let Sys be a system of SQEMA equations, Sys0 be a system obtained from Sys by the application of a transformation rule of SQEMAn , and (F, w) be a pointed discrete frame. Then Form(Sys) is globally [i := w]-satisfiable on (F, w), if and only if Form(Sys0 ) is globally [i := w]satisfiable on (F, w). Proof: It suffices to note that all transformation rules of SQEMAn maintain parameterized satisfiability on discrete frames, the case for the Ackermann-rule for discrete frames being justified by lemma 5.2. a Let PureSQEMAn (ϕ) be the formula ¬pure(ϕ) where pure(ϕ) is the pure formula obtained in step Postprocessing.2 of the algorithm when successful on input ϕ. The proof of the next theorem is directly analogous to that of theorem 3.3, appealing to lemma 5.3 where the latter appeals to lemma 3.2. Theorem 5.4 (Correctness of SQEMAn on discrete frames) If SQEMAn succeeds on an input formula ϕ ∈ Lnτ , then PureSQEMAn (ϕ) is locally equivalent to ϕ over the class of all discrete frames. Corollary 5.5 Every input formula ϕ ∈ Lnτ on which SQEMAn succeeds is (locally) di-persistent. Hence, if SQEMAn succeeds on a given formula ϕ ∈ Lnτ then the logics Knτ ⊕ ϕ, Kn,@ ⊕ ϕ and τ n,u Kτ ⊕ ϕ are strongly complete. We will demonstrate the strength of SQEMAn , by establishing some completeness results. Definition 5.6 A formula ϕ ∈ Lnτ is diamond-uniform if for every propositional variable p occurring in ϕ, the occurrences of p in ϕ which are in the scope of a positive diamond or negative box are either all positive, or all these occurrences are negative. Respectively, a formula ϕ ∈ Lnτ is box-uniform if, for every propositional variable p occurring in ϕ, either all occurrences of p in ϕ in the scope of a negative diamond or positive box are positive, or they are all negative. Equivalently, a formula ϕ ∈ Lnτ is diamond-uniform if, after transforming ϕ in negation normal form, for every propositional variable p occurring in ϕ, either all occurrences of p in ϕ in the scope of a diamond are positive, or they are all negative. Likewise, the definition of a box-uniform formula in a negation normal form can be simplified. Clearly, negating a diamond-uniform formula yields a box-uniform formula, and vice versa. Example 5.7 • Some diamond-uniform formulae: 3p → 3p, 3p → 3p, 3p → 33p, [2](p, p) → p, h2i (p, q) → [2](h2i (p, ¬q), h2i (¬q, p)). • Some formulae which are not diamond-uniform: p → 3p, p → 3p, p → 3p, [2](p, ¬p) → p, h2i (p, q) → [2](h2i (p, q), h2i (q, ¬p)).  Remark 5.8 Recall from [2] that a very simple Sahlqvist antecedent is any formula constructed from >, ⊥, and propositional variables by applying ∧ and diamonds; a very simple Sahlqvist formula is a Sahlqvist implication whose antecedent is a very simple Sahlqvist antecedent (while, 24

the consequent is a positive formula). The very simple Sahlqvist formulae are probably the best known class of non-pure di-persistent formulae. Note that every very simple Sahlqvist formula is diamond-uniform, since every negative occurrence of a variable comes from the antecedent, and is hence not in the scope of any positive diamond. Proposition 5.9 Every diamond-uniform formula in the basic modal language is locally equivalent (i.e., over the class of all pointed general frames) to a formula built up from very simple Sahlqvist formulae, by applying, ∧, ∨ and boxes. Proof: Let ϕ ∈ Lτ be a diamond-uniform formula. We will prove the claim by showing how ϕ can be constructed, up to local equivalence, from very simple Sahlqvist formulae by using only conjunctions, disjunctions and boxes. First, substitute ⊥ for all variables in which ϕ is positive and > for all those in which it is negative. Then, rewrite in negation normal form, and let us call the resulting formula ϕ0 . Change the polarity of each propositional variable p (i.e., uniformly substitute ¬p for p, and get the formula back in negation normal form by eliminating any double negations) which has a negative occurrence in ϕ0 which is in the scope of a diamond, and call the resulting formula ϕ1 . Thus, in ϕ1 , no negative occurrence of a variable is in the scope of a diamond. Hence, ϕ1 is built up from positive formulas in negation normal form and negative formulas in negation normal form in which no diamonds occur, using conjunctions, disjunctions and boxes. The claim now follows when we note that: (1) rewriting a positive formula P os as > → P os turns it into a very simple Sahlqvist formula, and (2) if ψ is a negative formula in which no diamonds occur and γ is obtained by rewriting ¬ψ in negation normal form, then γ → ⊥ is a very simple Sahlqvist formula, tautologically equivalent to ψ. a

Remark 5.10 Note that the class of formulae built up from very simple Sahlqvist formulae, by applying, ∧, ∨ and boxes, introduced in lemma 5.9, is exactly the class of formulae obtained by replacing ‘Sahlqvist implications’ with ‘very simple Sahlqvist formulae’ in the definition of Sahlqvist formulae given in [2], after relaxing the unnecessary (see [5]) requirement that disjunctions are only applied to formulae not sharing variables. Theorem 5.11 SQEMAn succeeds on all diamond-uniform formulae. Proof: We will refer to a system of SQEMA equations as box-uniform system, if it has the form

¬i1 ∨ ψ1

.. ,


¬in ∨ ψn where ψ1 ∧. . .∧ψn is a box-uniform formula, in which, moreover, every occurring disjunction occurs in the scope of a box. Claim: Any propositional variable occurring in a box-uniform system of SQEMA-equations, Sys, can be eliminated from the system by application of transformation rules of SQEMAn , yielding a system Sys0 which is again box-uniform. Proof of Claim: If Sys is box-uniform, then either no positive or no negative occurrence of p in Sys is in the scope of any box. Let us consider the first case: It follows that each positive occurrence of p is at most in the scope of diamonds and conjunctions, and hence that the system may be solved for p by the application of the 3 and ∧-rules. Observe that applications of the latter rules to box-uniform systems again yield box-uniform systems. When the system is solved for p, all equations containing p positively will be of the form ¬ii ∨ p. Applying the Ackermann-rule for 25

discrete frames will result in a pure formula being substituted for each negative occurrence of p, thus again yielding a box-uniform system. In the second case, when no negative occurrence of p in Sys is in the scope of any box, we use the polarity switching rule to change the polarity of p and proceed as in the first case. a Note that, when SQEMAn is run on a diamond-uniform formula ϕ, the initial system of equation on each disjunctive branch of the execution is a box-uniform system. For, the negation of a diamond-uniform formulae is box-uniform, and, in such a formula, distribution of conjunctions and diamonds over disjunctions ensures that, within the main disjuncts, each disjunction occurs in the scope of a box. A simple inductive argument, appealing to the above claim, now proves the theorem. a Corollary 5.12 SQEMAn succeeds on all very simple Sahlqvist formulae. Corollary 5.13 All diamond-uniform formulae are di-persistent. Example 5.14 Consider the Sahlqvist formulae ϕ1 = 3p → 32p, ϕ2 = 3p → 23p, ψ1 = 2p → 32p, ψ2 = 2p → 23p. 1. SQEMAn succeeds on ϕ1 and ϕ2 (which are very simple Sahlqvist formulae), but neither on ψ1 nor on ψ2 . 2. Therefore, both ϕ1 and ϕ2 are di-persistent. On the other hand, neither ψ1 nor ψ2 is dipersistent. That can be seen by checking that both ψ1 and ψ2 are valid on the general frame of finite and co-finite subsets of the countably branching tree (where every node has a countably many successors)4 , while both fail on the tree itself, taken as a Kripke frame. These examples show that the condition of diamond-uniformity, and respectively the restriction imposed on SQEMAn are indeed essential. On the other hand, SQEMAn fails on the formula D = 2p → 3p for no good reasons since it is di-persistent, and actually locally equivalent to the variable-free formula 3>. That failure can be prevented by adding suitable additional rules to SQEMAn , to strengthen its propositional reasoning engine, e.g.: A ∨ C, A ∨ ¬C A Enhanced with this rule, SQEMAn will succeed on (the negation of) D, because after the application of the ∧-rule and the 2-rule we obtain


2 ¬i ∨ p

2−1 ¬i ∨ ¬p ,

and then, by applying the new rule above, we can eliminate p and obtain 2−1 ¬i , which, after negation and simplification, produces the seriality formula: ∃yRxy.  4

This general frame was used in [24] to show the incompleteness of a certain hybrid logic involving the ChurchRosser formula 32p → 23p.



Adding the universal modality and the satisfaction operator

Hybrid languages usually use either the universal modality or the satisfaction operator to empower the nominals. Of course, the universal modality can be treated like any other modality, and the algorithm will remain correct, but it could be naturally strengthened if special additional transformation rules are added to capture the axioms of the universal modality, i.e. S5 plus the inclusion axiom [U]p → 2p (in the monadic case). We however will not present this extension here, but will defer it to a sequel paper where SQEMA will be customized to work on special classes of frames, e.g., on all transitive frames. As for the satisfaction operator, it is well known that it can be expressed in two different ways by means of the universal modality: @c p ≡ hUi(c ∧ p) ≡ [U](c → p). Using these equivalences, the transformation rules for [U] can be converted into transformation rules for @.


Conclusion and further work

In this paper we have extended the core algorithm SQEMA introduced in [5] to arbitrary and reversive hybrid polyadic modal languages, in order to compute first-order equivalents and to establish d-persistence and di-persistence of the input modal formulae. Some questions arising from this work include: • Can the restriction imposed in SQEMA− be lifted or weakened while still preserving dpersistence in non-reversive languages? • Can the restriction imposed in SQEMAn be lifted or weakened while still preserving dipersistence in non-reversive hybrid languages? • Alternatively, can the completeness of SQEMAn with respect to diamond-uniform formulae be extended to a larger class? As evident from the results in this paper, the algorithm SQEMA is quite powerful, but it is still amenable to various further strengthenings, which will be treated in sequel papers. Besides the one mentioned in section 5.2 here are the main directions for extension of SQEMA: • The Ackermann-rule can be strengthened to test for monotonicity, rather than polarity, of the equations in the variable which is to be eliminated. The variants of SQEMA employing semantic versions of the Ackermann-rule are introduced and studied in [6]. • The scope of application of SQEMA can also be extended by generalizing the Ackermannrule as in [26] to deal with the complex formulae introduced in [25]. Another extension of Ackermann-rule is its recursive version which allows computing equivalents of modal formulae in FO + least fixed points. These extensions are introduced and studied in [7]. See also [22] for a recursive version of Ackermann’s lemma.

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