Oct 5, 2017 - featuring Golf and Non Golf. Items. REGISTRATION. $125.00 / Individual $500.00 / Foursome. Please Register
For the last 25 years, The MALCP Golf Classic has been a successful fund raiser for various turf industry interests. Again this year we are happy to have the New England Sports Turf Manager’s Association (NESTMA) as a partner in this event.
Proceeds collected from MALCP members will help continue to educate industry professionals, students and the general public. Past Golf Classic’s have funded: •
IPM Lawn Programs
IPM Turf Facts
Turf Diagnostic Programs
Dr. Joseph Troll Turf Research Facility
Direct Mail Information
UMASS Stockbridge School and other Scholarships
Join us and enjoy a well deserved break from the daily grind . . . Clients, Friends, Associates, Employees…
All are Welcome! Thursday, October 5, 2017
Proudly serving the Massachusetts Lawn Care Industry since 1987
2017 MALCP Golf Classic Committee: Executive Coordinator / NESTMA Liaison: Jim Connelly, Evergreen Associates Chairman Cliff Drezek, Arbor-Turf Services, Inc. Associate Chairpersons
NESTMA proceeds will benefit “ The Terry Mellor Memorial Education Fund ” Terry’s brother, David Mellor, is Director of Grounds at historic Fenway Park
2017 malcp/ NESTMA Golf Classic
Chris Ford, MALCP President, Ford’s Hometown Services Karen Connelly, Executive Director, MALCP
2017 malcp / NESTMA Golf Classic Thursday, October 5, 2017
Schedule of Events 7:30 - 8:45 AM Continental Breakfast
8:45 - 9:00AM
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From Route 495 - Take Exit #32, Boston Road towards Rt. 225/Westford. Proceed towards Route 110 ( 0.3 mile). Cross over Route 110. Follow for 1.2 miles to the end of the road. Take left onto Route 225E for 1.2 miles. The Course entrance will be on the right. From Route 2 - Take Exit #42, Maynard / Acton. Turn on to Route 27 N. Follow for 5.1 miles. Take left onto Carlisle Road, which is Route 225W. The Course entrance will be on the left. From Route 128 - Take Exit # 31B, Route 4 / Route 225. Follow Route 225 W for 2.7 miles. At the fork, bear left (Do Not take Rte. 62, Gulf gas station will be on the right). Follow for 4.2 miles to the Carlisle Center. Go halfway around the rotary, staying on Route 225W. Continue for 2.8 miles. Go straight through the lights. The Course entrance will be on the left.
Player # 2: …….…………………………………………………… Player # 3: ……….…………………………………………………
Butter Brook Golf Club is located near the junction of Route 225 and Route 27 on the Westford, Carlisle and Acton town lines.
$500.00 / Foursome
Player # 1: ….………………………………………………………
Remarks / Tee Off
157 CARLISLE ROAD, WESTFORD, MA 01886 978-692-6560 157 Carlisle Rd.
$125.00 / Individual
Please Register On Or Before Friday, 9 / 29 / 17 Individual Entry
Registration •
Shot Gun Start Florida Style Scramble Contests (Hole in One for Car, other Hole in One Prizes, Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin) 50 / 50 Raffles
Company Name ………………………………………………….. Contact Phone/Email : …………………………………………... Total # of Players …... x $125.00 = $............................ Company / Foursome Entry ($ 500.00 / Foursome) Player # 1 (Captain) …...…………………………………………. Player # 2 .…………………………………………………………. Player # 3 ………………………………………………………….. Player # 4 .…………………………………………………………. Company Name …………………………………………………...
3:00 PM
Contact Phone/Email : ……………………………………………
Lunch, Awards Ceremony & Raffle
Amount Paid $ …………….
• • •
Barbeque Lunch Awarding of Tournament & Contest Prizes Raffle Prize Drawing, featuring Golf and Non Golf Items
Check # ……………………… (Payable to MALCP) Credit Card:
American Express
Card # ………………………………………………………… Code #................. Exp Date ……………………….. Name / Billing Address for Card ………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………….
Questions? Need More Information ? 617-640-4846
[email protected]
Please Mail To:
MALCP PO Box 222 Stow MA 01775