Applications are invited from Indian citizens upto 19-02-2011 on the contact basis under the project ... âDeveloping a
ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH SECTION ANSARI NAGAR, NEW DELHI – 110029 ADVERTISEMENT Applications are invited from Indian citizens upto 19-02-2011 on the contact basis under the project funded by DBT. 1.
PAY SCALE : - Rs. 15600-39100+Academic Grade Pay of Rs. 8000+NPA+Usual Allowances. Sl. No
Name of the Department/ Centre
Name of Speciality
DBT funded Project Glue Pediatrics Grant Scheme entitled “Developing a long-term partnership for translational health research in child healthy” under Dr. V.K. Paul, Project Investigator, Prof & Head Department of Pediatrics, AIIMS.
No. of Posts
Essential Qualifications & Experiences
05 (one) Assistant Professor - I in each 1. MD Pediatrics. From a recognized category university. 2. 3 year’s post MD clinical, teaching and research experience in Pediatrics in a recognized institution. 3. One Year clinical and research experience in Pediatric Nephrology. 4. Desirable: Two publications in indexed journals in the field of Pediatric Nephrology. Assistant Professor – II 1. MD Pediatrics. From a recognized university. 2. 3 year’s post MD clinical, teaching and research experience in Pediatrics in a recognized institution. 3. One Year clinical and research experience in Pediatric Pulmonology. 4. Desirable: Two publications in indexed journals in the field of Pediatric Pulmonology. Assistant Professor – III 1. MD Pediatrics. From a recognized university. 2. 3 year’s post MD clinical, teaching and research experience in Pediatrics in a recognized institution. 3. One Year clinical and research experience in Pediatric Endocrinology. 4. Desirable: Two publications in indexed journals in the field of Pediatric Endocrinology.
Assistant Professor – IV 1. MSc. Zoology/Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology /Genetics/ Immunology/ or any other branch of human biology)/MBBS, with PhD in Molecular Human Biology or related area from a recognized university. 2. Post PhD 3 years’ research experience. 3. One year experience in Cancer Biology. 4. Desirable: Two publication in indexed journals in the field or Cancer Biology. Assistant Professor – V 1. MBBS/MSc. With PhD in biological sciences or MD (Pediatrics). Post PhD 3 years’ research experience. 2. Post PhD/MD, 3 year’s research experience in the field of brain injury. 3. Desirable: Desirable: Experience in animal experimentation and two publication in indexed journals in the field or Brain Injury.
UPPER AGE LIMIT FOR ASSISTANT PROFESSOR:- 50 years, relaxable for Government Servants, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes candidates or otherwise exceptionally qualified candidates. Upper age limit up to 5 years is relaxable for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and 3 years in the case of OBC candidates. Applications to be send to:- Prof. V.K. Paul, Project Investigator, Prof. & Head, Department of Pediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029, INDIA. Note:1.Application envelop should be sealed and marked as:- ‘APPLICATION FOR THE POST ASSISTANT PROFESSOR.’ in DBT Project. 2. Download Application Form from AIIMS website : and
Appointments made in pursuant to this advertisement against the post of Assistant Professors shall be “contractual appointments” the tenure of the post of Assistant Professor for the above projects will be for a period of 1 year from the date of joining without any liabilities on AIIMS. Thereafter, the contract will lapse automatically. The appointment can also be terminated at any time on either side by giving one month’s notice or by paying one month’s salary, without assigning any reason. Renewal of the contract will be at the discretion of AIIMS.
The incumbents will not be eligible for regularization in the Institute on this ground.
The appointee shall not be entitled to any benefit like Official Accommodation, Provident Fund, Pension, Gratuity, Seniority, Promotion etc. or any other benefits available to the Government servants appointed on regular basis.
Attested true copies of the certificates of Educational Qualifications and testimonials showing experience, etc. Should be attached with all the three copies of the applications.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Employees of Government or Semi-Government Department/Organization should apply THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL. If they anticipate delay in routing their applications through proper channel, they may submit advance copies in time.
Applications not received through proper channel will not be considered.
The post(s) is/are whole time and private practice of any kind is prohibited.
Applications received after the deadline for submission of applications, will not be considered.
The candidates appearing for the Interview should bear the cost of traveling and stay under their own arrangement and no refunds will be allowed under any circumstances. The candidates must check their eligibility both in terms of age and experience from the website of the Institute.
Canvassing of any kind will be a disqualification.
Late & incomplete application, i.e. application not in the prescribed proforma will not considered.
Last Date Submission of Application Form 19-02-2011 Download Application Form from AIIMS website : and
Date of Birth (attach attested copy of certificate)
Present Address
Permanent Address
Whether belong to SC/ST/OBC (If yes, attach attested copy of certificate)
: :
Present Employer
Academic Qualification (attested copies of certificates): Sl. No.
Degree (Examinations)
M.Sc. (specify subject)
2. 3 4 5
MBBS Ph.D. (specify subject) MD/MS (specify subject) DM/M.Ch. (specify speciality & duration of course)
Month & Year passing
No. of attempts
Details of experience after post-graduation (attach attested copies of certificates): Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5
Post held
Details of publications ( also attach a list with full details separately ): Sl. No.
Details of publications
Research papers: (a) Indexed journals (b) Non-indexed journals Books: (a) Text books (b) Edited books (c) Educational books Chapter in books
3 4
Published (specify numbers only)
Under publication (specify numbers only)
Abstracts: (a) Indexed journals (b) Non-indexed journals
MCI Registration No. (attach attested copy of certificate)
Paper presented in National & International Conferences :
Awards/Fellowships/Membership of Professional bodies :
Research Projects as Chief investigator
Any other valuable contributions :
I hereby declare that the above information furnished by me are correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signature :
Name Date :