All postgraduate students & researchers

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All postgraduate students & researchers


: 18 May 2017 (Thursday)

Time : 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Venue: Kompleks ЄUREKA, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang

FEE Fee is inclusive of GST (registration no: 0012 9141 9648). Fee covers tea breaks, lunches, workshop materials & Certificate of Attendance.

In collaboration with:

Individual: RM 350.00/ participant (wholly-owned by Universiti Sains Malaysia)

Group: RM 300.00/ participant

(Co. No. 473883-H) HRDF : 0159

 GROUP: Minimum of 3 participants from the same institution or organisation.

 Proof of Student I.D. is compulsory.

HRDF CLAIMABLE* *Subject to HRDF Approval

BIOGRAPHY OF THE PRESENTER (PROFESSOR DR. GAN SIEW HUA) Prof. Gan received her BSc (Hons) from Manchester University, England, Masters in Clinical Pharmacy & a PhD in pharmacology from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). She has successfully graduated 11 PhD and 3 MSc students and is supervising several more. Prof Gan trains her students on soft skills. Many of her students have won the Best Oral and Best Poster presentation awards, Young Investigator Awards as well as travelling grants (to overseas). She is also an experienced examiner. Besides theses from USM, she has examined theses from Universiti Malaya, University of Lahore (Pakistan) and Griffith University (Australia). Her experience has been useful guides to many, as evidenced by her graduated students who are currently doing PhD in Oxford University, as postdoctoral fellows in National University Singapore, UITM, working in BiotechCorp, India, Bangladesh and as lecturers in several local universities. She has vast experience in scientific writing, publishing more than 200 international ISI-indexed journals. Her skills spilled to her own students who have also won numerous Quality Publications awards. Currently, she is on the editorial board of many international journals including Plos One, Evidence Based Complementary Medicine (Lead Guest Editor & editorial board member), World Journal of Medical Genetics and Electronic Physician Journal (Regional Editor: South East Asian Region). She has won numerous other awards including the “Top Reviewer of the Year Award” from Elsevier, the most cited paper for Journal of Food Science, Anugerah Sanggar Sanjung (for publication) and Quality Publication Awards (individual category) for many consecutive years in USM. She has also been nominated for Anugerah Akademik Negara (journal publication category). Prof. Gan is a dynamic speaker & connects well with lecturers and students alike. She has been conducting similar workshops for USM Institute of Postgraduate Studies since 2005. To date, she has motivated many in their career paths as evidenced by the repeat participants to her workshop.

OBJECTIVES  To acquire award winning techniques of oral and poster presentations.  To learn proper skills to defend Msc and PhD thesis in the viva voce.  To be able to handle supervisors for best optimum results.  To obtain useful time management techniques (also applicable to life in general).  To acquire general research skills & succeed at postgraduate studies on the whole.

SCHEDULE TIME 8:30 – 9:00 a.m.

TOPICS Registration

9:00 – 11:00 a.m.

Presentations Skills: Oral & Poster: better delivery skills for award winning potentials.

11:00 – 11:30 a.m.


11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

How to sail through your viva defence & 30 common viva questions.

1:00 – 2.00 p.m.

Lunch Break

2:00 – 3:30 p.m.

Supervisor-student relationship: How to improve & other important research skills.

3:30 – 4:00 p.m.


4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Time Management: Success is proper planning & filling in the time when experiment does not work!

5:00 p.m.


Disclaimer The Organizer reserves the right to reschedule or cancel any part of its published programme or venue due to unforeseen circumstances and will not accept liability for costs incurred by participants or their organizations for the cancellation of travel arrangements and/or accommodation reservations as a result of the course being cancelled or postponed. Advance notice will be given if there is such a change or cancellation.

ENQUIRY Registration and others: Khairol Anuar Mohammed USAINS Holding Sdn. Bhd. (DL) +604–653 5714 / (M) +6012–286 9048 (F) +604–643 0490 (E) [email protected], [email protected] Technical: Professor Dr. Gan Siew Hua Human Genome Centre, School of Medical Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan. (T) +609–767 6803 (E) [email protected]


POSTGRADUATE SURVIVAL SKILLS – MAY 2017 Send registration form to: Khairol Anuar, Usains Holding Sdn. Bhd., Level 2, Block C, Sains@USM, No. 10, Persiaran Bukit Jambul, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang. Fax : +604 – 643 0490 / Email : [email protected], [email protected]




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Cheque / Bank Draft / Money Order / LO / PO must be made payable to ‘USAINS HOLDING SDN. BHD.” 1. Bank Transfer [Please fax your Bank-in Slip (Print your name & details on the slip)]. Payee Name : Usains Holding Sdn. Bhd. Details : Postgraduate Survival Skills – May 2017. Name of Bank : AmBank (M) Berhad, Level 21, Menara Dion, Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur. Account Number : 888 – 100 – 985 – 0380 Swift Code : ARBKMYKL 2. A Local Order (LO) or Purchase Order (PO) must be presented before the event. The Organizer reserves the right to refrain a registered participant from taking part in the event if no proof of payment can be presented. This only applies to registered participants who have NOT paid the registration fee PRIOR to the event date. 3. Cancellation / Substitution A full refund less administration cost of 20% from paid fee will be given for cancellation received not later than 10 working days before the event. No refund will be made after this period. However, substitute participants are welcomed at no extra charge provided written notice of at least 5 working days before the event is given to the Organizer. "I hereby agree that the personal data that I have provided to USAINS, whether now or in future, may be used, recorded, stored, disclosed, or otherwise processed by or on behalf of USAINS in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and USAINS' data protection policy (available at USAINS' website -, for the purpose of facilitation and organisation of this event, research and audit, and maintenance of a participant database for the promotion of this event, and such ancillary services as may be relevant."