Allah/God the Big Bang, Evolution, Gravitational & Time

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Allah/God/creator is in everything at all i.e. God is omnivorous i.e. at the root of ... from the absolute zero of time or from the big black hole or from the Nature or ...
Allah/God the Big Bang, Evolution, Gravitational & Time Near about 14 billion years ago Allah/God the big bang and started evolution, now 7 divisible gravitational worlds. Allah/God: That means many instances such as; A source, Originating cause, First cause, Omnivorous, Nature, Single dimension, Super power, Dark Energy, Black body, Big black hole, A black hole, absolute time sole dimension, sole dimension of power of the things of the universe, great location of the beginning or ending or the most deepest place, same location of place period or the location the center of the connectors between the great world or the greater, location of the big black hole or primordial black hole or before big bang, huge reserve of the universes, the matter natural force etc, is Allah/the God (Power). As I see it, is there a no conflict between science and religious through that physical nature of the universe. The Allah/God not Exist but we found God partially. Such as- existence of the Allah/God/creator is in everything at all i.e. God is omnivorous i.e. at the root of Allah or God or creator is everything at all in the universe. Everything is the presence of singular dimension, the last position of matter in artificial experiment and we found the result by evolution/variable of her part such as in physics. Again as I see it, energy or ray is the reality of big bang in the law of single dimension of the physical worlds. Again, we found the influence of gravitational force or universal ray; it proves the partial division of dark energy or black body. Again, the last state of physics is power or ray and there have been the concept that the output of moving of unit energy dimension is everything of the world. Again, just at this time we are looking- location of dark energy is near about 14 billion light years- from our location, yet same event or very moment, from the black. body- it is again we are in the dark energy i.e. just at this time it is again we are in her belly. So see- God/creator is at once and always omnipotent, omnipresent, omnivorous or united in all things. ______________________________________________________________________________ . Modern Big Bang Theory: “Beginning of the creation a part of the power of the Allah/God became divisible as a result of the big bang”. At the time of the beginning of the creation or from the absolute zero of time or from the big black hole or from the Nature or From the God, part of the power of the Nature/God/Allah became divisible as a result of the big bang. The part of energy had been divided in the beginning of creation from the large field of energy, which is below 50% of total energy. As I see it- Dark Energy 75% Dark Matter 21% Normal Matter 4%. In the most of natural power reserved in Allah or Nature or Big Black Hole or the God from which, the world of gravitation become influenced. First Big Bang is the universe’s earliest known event i.e. earliest moments of the big bang and location of the big bang is- everywhere or every place in the universe. Again as I see it, energy or ray is the presence of singular dimension, the last position of matter in artificial experiment and test. We found the reality of big bang in the law of single dimension of the physical worlds. Again, we found the influence of gravitational force or universal ray; it proves the partial division of dark energy or black body. Again, the last state of physics is power or ray and there

have been the concept that the output of moving of unit energy dimension is everything of the world. From power or big black hole to big bang, having had the creation, they have been in the middle of their respective present times. The last border of radius of universe is under the big crunch/squeezing, so the big crunch/squeezing has started or shall start. At a certain time of future at the last border of crunch/squeezing or having reached the beginning of the past, everything shall be drowned. ______________________________________________________________________________ Evolution: Evolution is a natural system. Everything is changeable. Everything in the world/universe is movable. Evolution is change; although it is slow, but remains in everything. Change also remains in Galaxy, stars, Planet, satellite along with in animal world. The Earth is not free from this evolution i.e. the present situation by passing the different stages of evolution for 4.5 billion years. Our living existence is too short to the large existence of evolution to fail observe many changes. Science says that it is natural. Changes come in time according to difference of place and “times” but the stages of change is same. No similarity is found between the primary stage and present situation of the Earth, overcoming many stages through changes and evolution we reach at present. Living standard balance came through changes of many billion years. Touches of changes or evolution remain in everything of the universe and the stages of changing or evolution are running in the living world. The first stage living being of earth, after receiving living standard balance was not same like present living being, changes came in evolution of living world in several time. The present human structures came in shape through passing the stairs of changes. Different beings were in different time. The living world begins after passing thousands of years from zero time. Changes of animal world come with the changes of time. Animal of million years is not it of today i.e. difference is found here. The living being of tomorrow will not be same of today. Changing through evolution of time, the different living being will come in the physical world with the departure of present races. Modern Evolution Theory: Everything of the world of matter is the result of evolution from the Allah/God” i.e. everything at all always is changing in the universe. The changing function of the universe is going on always i.e. everything of the real world is always evolving changing and by overcoming the steps of change come various faced physics. In or under the circumstances: The material picture of the present time shall not be detected, that is to say; the present scenery was not similar with past and also will not resemble with the future. There shall be figure of sketch of the universe at its difference from different locations, the exact sketch of which shall not be visible or shall not be possible to be adjusted. As an example it may be said that, for creating such a picture all the techniques, machine of all the processes of drawing or everything including books, pens and ink and computer systems shall be finished, but the drawing of the universe shall not be completed. Evolution is a natural system. Everything is changeable. Everything in the world/universe is movable. Evolution is change; although it is slow, but remains in everything. Change also remains in Galaxy, stars, Planet, satellite along with in animal world. The Earth is not free from this evolution i.e. the present situation by passing the different stages of evolution for 4.5 billion years. Our living existence is too short to the large existence of evolution to fail observe many changes. Science says that it is natural. Changes

come in time according to difference of place and “times” but the stages of change is same. No similarity is found between the primary stage and present situation of the Earth, overcoming many stages through changes and evolution we reach at present. Living standard balance came through changes of many billion years. Touches of changes or evolution remain in everything of the universe and the stages of changing or evolution are running in the living world. The first stage living being of earth, after receiving living standard balance was not same like present living being, changes came in evolution of living world in several time. The present human structures came in shape through passing the stairs of changes. Different beings were in different time. The living world begins after passing thousands of years from zero time. Changes of animal world come with the changes of time. Animal of million years is not it of today i.e. difference is found here. The living being of tomorrow will not be same of today. Changing through evolution of time, the different living being will come in the physical world with the departure of present races. ______________________________________________________________________________ Modern Gravitational Theory: “Gravitational worlds, they are moving or changing the orbit with their all family members depending on the nuclear of each other”. In this way- There has been incidence of full view of the universe at the very exact copy/invitation of the visible diagram solar system in the gravitation world. The universe has seven divisible, the first one of which is unit and the rest six are collective. The collective six gravitation are three invisible and the rest three are visible. The visible gravitation worlds are stars, planets and minor planets. The invisible gravitation worlds are black holes of various energy levels, the first one of which is the primordial black hole or Allah/God of the nuclear fusion of the universe. There have been collective six gravitational divisible of the big bang in future from the big black hole or Allah/God. At the first phase or level of the divisible is the black hole of the nuclear fusion of the clusters of galaxies or black hole named quasar or super massive black hole. The second phase gravitation world of the quasars in future are of the black hole named pulsar or nuclear fusion of the cluster of galaxies. The third gravitation world of the pulsars in future is of the last black holes or nucleus of galaxy or the nuclear fusion of the constellations. According to the law of gravitation formula; from the primordial black hole, the some parts of energy had been divided through big bang, so, there is large field of energy from where the big crunch will be or had become. Therefore, in the formula of unity in the space, time and place of growth and finalization, it is realized the big crunch of the universe. From the big black hole of nuclear fusion of the universe, the gravitational worlds will be settled in the same place of past of big bang through big crunch. The gravitational worlds of the universe in the eternal radius of the circle, in the large distance around from the nuclear of the circle, there are six collective worlds; they are closely related with each other by their gravitation through the nuclear fusion formula. Out of collective six gravitational worlds, three collective worlds are invisible and another collective three are visible. The collective invisible worlds are three kinds of black hole and rested three are visible solar system, the visible worlds are in the deepest place of future from the place of nuclear fusion of the circle. The gravitational worlds of the nuclear circle of the gravitational worlds, they are expandable with other in the orbits around nucleus, resulting this it seems that the universe is expanding. Really, from the nuclear of the circle of the gravitational force, the gravitational worlds are expanding from each other being moves around the radius of nuclear inside the circle or in the difference of movement their distance boundary are always increasing in the eternal radius. Galaxies or planets are not going away from one another. But

this scenery appears to be different by sitting in the real world which was not received by going to the last location of the boundary of the depth of imagination of our brain. So, Expended velocity of the universe is going forward towards the critical radius. So, the universe is not expanding, being the nuclear of the circle of the gravitational force, the visible worlds are going in distance from each other in the difference of movement on the critical radius. According to modern Gravitational theory, Inside the view/sketch of the universe, other than the first one with nuclear fusion of the gravitation world from the depth of the past, there have been six divisible of the gravitation spheres/world and the first one is a unit and the rest six are collective viz. (1) Primordial black hole of nuclear fusion of universe (before big bang) (2) black hole named super massive or quasar with nuclear fusion of clusters of galaxies (origin of tremendous radiation dimension) (3) black hole named super nova or pulsar with nuclear fusion of cluster of galaxies (the rest of super nova bang) (4) Normal black hole with nucleus of galaxy or nuclear fusion of constellation. (5) The star or the sun with nuclear fusion of planets. (6) The planet or nuclear fusion of minor planet. (7) The minor planet or moons. From the Past to Present Structure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Dark Energy Super Massive Black Holes Super Nova Black Holes Normal Black Holes The Stars The Planets The Minor Planets

Modern time dimension theory: “An individual respective very location is the present and the rest all the locations are of the deep of the past” That is to say; Location of oneself is the present and all other remaining places have dived inside the deeper parts of the past of all. That is to say; inside the universe, the environment situation of today’s our home planet is present before us but the same moment outside the home planet is the past of all. That is to say; place of each in the space is the present of oneself and everybody is at the location of the past of all. In or under the circumstances: See into- Amazing Facts of the Universe: (1) Big bang, evolution, gravitational world’s, time dimension or history of the universe or case or series of events or the structure of sketch of universe is the result from one site only such as own or from your location. (2) The material picture of the present time shall not be detected i.e. drawing of the universe shall not be completed. (3) Our universe is very early i.e. at this events or moment, we are looking everything has creation yet same event or very moment, from the borders on the spiritual is nothing creation in the universe through that early or unopened or contracted. (4) There has been no incidence of present and future at all at any site of space, all are submerged into their respective depths of the past. (5) Own place is middle or center point, position of our home planet is center in the

universe. (6) From your location; you are a middle point in the universe and from my location; my brain is centre of the universe. (7) No body shall be able to find out trace of present or future of any body and all shall take the idea about the matters of the past of all such as; Creator doesn’t know our present movement if her goal is another place of space. (8) All the visible things of the real world are comparable to the imaginative of inventor of absolute space in absolute dimension i.e. in everything of the nature’s plan is the imagination. (9) Happening of lifeless position is in reality viz. the realism is that really- Nature’s plane is another universe from another imagination through that 3D Universe. (10) God/creator is at once and always omnipotent, omnipresent, omnivorous or united in all things. (11) Both places are same i.e. dark energy or big bang is omnivorous. (12) Space-time and physics is the result in your life-time i.e. lifeless position is in the dark energy. (13) Just at this moment we are in belly of God/dark energy. (14) Our very brain is the only specimen of the Universe. (15) Universe case is such like- Digital CD i.e. early Universe or Digital Universe. (16) Reflected power of very brain is the result of 2D Universe. (17) Huge universe yet that the case is between minimal. (18) Our universe is possible to feel or assess it through the depth of our brain and nothing else. (19) Our very brain is the only specimen or key of the Universe. (20) All the visible things of the real world are comparable to the imaginative of inventor of absolute space in absolute dimension i.e. in everything of the nature plan is the imagination. That means at this event or very moment whatever shall be received through imagination for any borders on the spiritual of the universe shall be vanished at this very moment i.e. nothing creation through that early and amazing Universe. (21) Our universe age is 14 billion years yet that the case

in our lifetime and from our location. (22) By the Big Bang and Evolution, Big/huge universe for our lifetime. (23) Brain’s dark energy or reflected power of very brain is the result of yours universe. (24) Space Time Physics for lifetime and lifeless position is in the dark energy or event horizon. (25) In the evolution- Near about 14 billion years ago Allah/God the big bang and started evolution, now Earth from Evolution near about 4.5 billion years. & so on. Idea of time is limited within the respective location of every one, idea of time from the outside of the location of oneself is valueless and the locations of oneself are the present. All other remaining places have dived inside the deeper parts of the past of all. According to this theory, no body shall be able to find out the trace of present or future of any body and all shall take the idea about the matters of the past of all. So, reality of anything shall not be received for anything except the respective places of each in the universe. Therefore, all the visible things of the real world is comparable to the imagination of nature of absolute space in absolute dimension. It you understand the above facts, you will get the shape of present picture of the universe. In this circumstance, a question may be arisen that the field of single energy dimension how occurred? What were in the past of Allah/God? In that case there is no answer because it is not possible to take back our imagination power before it. So, it is only one answer of this question that the power himself is standing behind it. See my blogs: See my DEMO: New Discovery of the Universe: can be found at

Shahidur Rahman Sikder (author) Phone: 8801915788163 Digital Universe, 42/2 Baitul Flah Mosque Road, East Shah Ali Bag, Mirpur-1, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh Home Page: Twitter: Face book: