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Alnwick Playhouse Youth Theatre Summer 2014
The Alnwick Playhouse Youth Theatre is for children aged between 7 and 19 years old who want to sing dance and act. No previous experience is necessary – just bags of enthusiasm, commitment and a sense of humour. MINIS (7-10 years): The Minis have now finished for this term following their successful production of The Little Piper in April. They will resume rehearsals for their next show in September 2014. JUNIORS (10-13 years): Over The Edge: This term the Juniors will be working on a dramatic adaptation of a novel. The group will also work with professional writers, directors and facilitators to stage their own work and to develop as performers. They will have a chance to explore such skills as improvisation, mask work and physical theatre. Meet and Greet: Sat 22 nd March 10:30-12:30 Rehearsal Start Dates: Sun 23 rd March 8:30-10:30 SENIORS (13-19 years): Sweeney Todd: Following on from their successful participation in the National Theatre Connections Festival, our Seniors will be back treading the boards in Stephen Sondheim’s dark and gruesome Tony Award winning musical. Based on a play by Christopher Bond, Sweeney Todd tells the tale of Benjamin Barker, who returns to London and teams up with pie maker Mrs Lovett to exact his revenge following the death of his wife. Rehearsal Start Dates: Sun 27th April 12:00-2:00 ** PERFORMANCE DATES Juniors – Sun 22nd June 6pm Seniors – Wed 9th, Thurs 10th & Fri 11th July 7:30pm
APPLICATIONS To apply, please submit a completed application/consent form (attached) together with the appropriate cheque payment and return to the Playhouse Box Office. Applications must be received on or before the first rehearsal date, otherwise your child may not be permitted to attend. Places are limited, and if oversubscribed will be allocated by way of a draw. Applicants who have been unsuccessful will be notified within 24 hours thereafter and any cheques will be returned to unsuccessful applicants. Applicants are to consider themselves having been granted a place if they have not heard otherwise to the contrary within 24 hours of close of application date and therefore simply report to the Stage Door on the first rehearsal date at the appointed time - see above. Refunds cannot be given once a place on the group has been granted. Payment Please ensure that you return an application/consent form to The Alnwick Playhouse, Bondgate W ithout, Alnwick NE66 1PQ together with your cheque for the correct amount (Mini Group £30; Junior Group £40; Senior Group £30) payable to Alnwick Playhouse. Please use one form per child, and ensure that all details are correct.
ALNWICK PLAYHOUSE YOUTH THEATRE Health & Safety/Media Release Form I give permission for ………………………………………………….. (print name) Date of Birth …………..…. to participate in Alnwick Playhouse Youth Theatre. Mini
(please tick)
Parent/Guardian’s Name ……………………………………………………………………….. Address ……………………………………….………………………………………………….. ……………..………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………. Postcode ……………………………………… Tel No ……………………………………….... E-Mail ……………………………………………
In case of an emergency during workshop times please contact:Name ………………………………………… Tel No …………………………………
Does the participant have any medical conditions that we should know about? Yes/No (allergies, asthma, epilepsy etc.) If Yes please give details:………………………………………………………………................................................ ………………………………………………………………................................................ ………………………………………………………………................................................ ......................................................................................................................................
Media/Photograph/Recording Consent (please circle) I do/do not give consent to the above named child appearing in photographs or recordings which may be used in publicity for Alnwick Playhouse to promote future events or distributed to the participants.
Signed …………………………………….. Parent/Guardian Date ………………………