Aloe Vera Leaf Aloe Vera Leaf Juice Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Juice

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Aloe Vera Leaf • 2012. 2. Introduction. The following monographs were developed to establish guidelines for determining the identity, purity, and quality of.
American Herbal Pharmacopoeia Aloe Vera Leaf Aloe Vera Leaf Juice Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Juice Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.

Standards of Identity, Analysis, and Quality Control Editor Roy Upton RH DAyu

Associate Editor Pavel Axentiev MS

Research Associate Diana Swisher MA



Analytical Maltodextrin Assay Elan Sudberg Alchemists Laboratories Costa Mesa, CA High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) Judy Nichols CAMAG USA Wilmington, NC High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Paula N Brown PhD British Columbia Institute of Technology Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry (1H NMR) John Edwards PhD Process NMR Associates Danbury, CT

History Aviva Romm MD CPM Herbalist Tufts School of Medicine Boston, MA Roy Upton RH DAyu American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® Scotts Valley, CA Botanical Identification Sophie Neale PhD Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, UK Macroscopic Identification Lynette Casper BA Planetary Herbals Scotts Valley, CA Microscopic Identification Vaishali Joshi PhD National Center for Natural Products Research University of Mississippi University, MS Prof Dr Reinhard Länger AGES PharmMed Vienna, Austria

International Status Josef Brinckmann Traditional Medicinals Sebastopol, CA

Reviewers Ezra Bejar PhD Herbalife Los Angeles, CA Anna Bozzi Nising Office for Biotechnology, Nutrition & Consumers at scienceindustries Zurich, Switzerland Kim Colson PhD Bruker BioSpin Corp Billerica, MA Stefan Gafner PhD Tom’s of Maine Kennebunk, ME Ferdinant Malan Du Preez BA (SA) Capetown, South Africa John S Haller Jr PhD Department of History Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois

Commercial Sources and Handling Ken Jones Aloecorp Inc. Seattle, WA Roy Upton RH DAyu American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® Scotts Valley, CA Constituents Jianping Zhao PhD National Center for Natural Products Research School of Pharmacy, Thad Cochran Research Center University, MS Qi Jia PhD Unigen Inc. Seattle, WA

ISBN: 1-929425-29-5

Josias Hamman PhD Tshwane University of Technology Pretoria, South Africa James Harnley PhD United States Department of Agriculture Beltsville, MD Ernst van Jaarsveld PhD South African National Biodiversity Institute Pretoria, South Africa Ping Jiao PhD Unigen Inc. Seattle, WA Wenwen Ma PhD Unigen Inc. Seattle, WA Michael McGuffin American Herbal Products Association Silver Spring, MD Devon Powell International Aloe Science Council Silver Spring, MD Santiago Rodriguez PhD Lorand Laboratories Houston, TX

James Neal-Kababick Flora Research Laboratories Grants Pass, OR Len E Newton PhD FLS Kenyatta University Nairobi, Kenya Eike Reich PhD CAMAG Laboratory Muttenz, Switzerland Tom Reynolds BSC MSc ARCS Jodrell Laboratory Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew London, UK

Final Reviewers Kristie M Adams PhD United States Pharmacopeia Rockville, MD David Cutler PhD Jodrell Laboratory Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Richmond, Surrey, UK Harry HS Fong PhD Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, IL Olwen M Grace PhD Jodrell Laboratory Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Richmond, Surrey, UK

ISSN: 1538-0297

© 2012 American Herbal Pharmacopoeia®

Medical Disclaimer

Design & Composition

PO Box 66809, Scotts Valley, CA 95067 USA

The information contained in this monograph represents a synthesis of the authoritative scientific and traditional data. All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information and findings presented. Those seeking to utilize botanicals as part of a health care program should do so under the guidance of a qualified health care professional.

Beau Barnett Santa Cruz, CA

All rights reserved. No part of this monograph may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia®. The American Herbal Pharmacopoeia is a nonprofit corporation 501(c)(3). To purchase monographs or botanical and chemical reference standards, contact the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • PO Box 66809 • Scotts Valley, CA 95067 • USA • (831) 461-6318 or visit the AHP website at ®

American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf • 2012

Statement of Nonendorsement Reporting on the use of proprietary products reflects studies conducted with these and is not meant to be a product endorsement.

Cover Photograph Harvesting Aloe vera in Gonzales, Mexico. Photograph courtesy of Aloecorp Inc.

Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s A l o e Ve r a L e a f

A l o e Ve r a I n n e r L e a f Juice




2 2




Macroscopic Identification Organoleptic Characterization





Botanical Nomenclature Botanical Family Definition Common Names

Commercial Sources and Handling



Botanical Identification Macroscopic Identification Organoleptic Characterization Microscopic Identification


Commercial Sources and Handling

Maltodextrin Assay High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry (1H NMR) Limit Tests

Analytical 11

Sourcing Sustainability Cultivation Harvest Handling and Processing Storage Qualitative Differentiation Adulterants Preparations IASC-Certified Juice Products

Constituents Analytical


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18 22

High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) Limit Tests

International Status


A l o e Ve r a L e a f J u i c e Nomenclature





Macroscopic Identification Organoleptic Characterization

Commercial Sources and Handling Constituents Analytical


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Maltodextrin Assay High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry (1H NMR) Limit Tests

American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf • 2012


Introduction The following monographs were developed to establish guidelines for determining the identity, purity, and quality of the crude leaves of Aloe vera, as well as aloe vera leaf juice (made from entire leaf) and aloe vera inner leaf juice (made from the colorless inner parenchyma) raw materials and products. These standards are in alignment with the criteria of the International Aloe Science Council’s certification program (IASC 2012). The historical and contemporary uses of Aloe vera encompass different articles of commerce derived from the plant. The most widely used medicinal aloe preparation has been a laxative prepared from the strongly bitter exudate contained in the aloitic cells of the vascular bundle sheaths of aloe leaves. The exudate (latex) is typically boiled to a thickened consistency (inspissated) and dried. This is one of the oldest continuous drugs in pharmacopoeial history and is referred to by a variety of names, some of which may cause confusion with other popular aloe leaf products that have been introduced over the past few decades. Names applied to the concentrated and dried aloe exudate include “aloe latex,” “aloe sap,” “aloe exudate,” “aloe gum,” sometimes “aloe juice,” and often simply “aloe” or “aloes.” These preparations are characterized by the presence of phenolic constituents, particularly aloin A and B (also known as barbaloin) and chromone aloesin, which are largely responsible for the laxative effects. Concerns regarding these compounds as potential carcinogens have recently been raised (CIR 2007; NTP 2011), resulting in limits being established by independent organizations (e.g., the International Aloe Science Council) and restrictions placed on aloe vera products in some countries (e.g., Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil). The International Aloe Science Council (IASC) has developed a set of identity, purity, and quality standards for aloe vera juice products (i.e., leaf juice and inner leaf juice) as well as a voluntary certification program. Products certified by IASC are specifically prepared in a manner that limits the total amount of aloin A and B in single-strength raw materials and finished products to 10 ppm or less, ensures the presence of acetylated polysaccharides at or above a minimum level (≥ 5% dry weight), and includes assays to ensure the absence of specific adulterants. Thus, the pharmaceutical preparations derived from the exudate, inherently designed for short-term laxative use, must be clearly distinguished from aloe vera leaf and inner leaf juice preparations, especially those meeting IASC certification criteria. Other species of Aloe (e.g., A. ferox) have also been used in commercial juice products; however, these species and products are not currently addressed by these monographs or the IASC certification program.


American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf • 2012

Aloe Vera Leaf Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. Nomenclature Botanical Nomenclature Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. syn. A. barbadensis Mill.

Botanical Family Xanthorrhoeaceae (alternatively placed in Aloaceae and Asphodelaceae)

Pharmacopoeial Definition Aloe vera leaf consists of the whole fresh leaves of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f., conforming to the methods of identification provided.

Common Names English:

Aloe vera, aloe, Barbados aloe, burn plant, Curaçao aloe, lily of the desert, true aloe, West Indian aloe. Chinese: Lu hui ye (leaf); lu hui (leaf exudate). Europe: Aloe vera. German: Echte Aloe. French: Aloès, aloès vulgaire. Portuguese: Babosa, babosa-medicinal, erva-babosa. Spanish: Acibar, aloe, sávila.

History The plant genus Aloe has a history of economic and medicinal use that spans thousands of years and is the source of some of the oldest known herbal medicines. The name “aloe” comes from the Greek αλοή (aloí), supposedly derived, in its turn, from the Hebrew allal or the similar Arabic word alloeh, both meaning bitter — a tribute to the taste of the leaf exudate (Park and Lee 2006). The name aloe is also commonly applied to various products derived from the plant. The specific epithet vera in the botanical name Aloe vera is Latin for truth (hence the common name “true aloe”) and was first applied to the plant by Linnaeus (1753) as the name of a variety within a species which he named Aloe perfoliata. Fifteen years later, two other botanists independently raised the variety to a full species level: Philip Miller, in his book The Gardeners Dictionary, referred to the plant as Aloe barbadensis — the name which may have been accepted as correct, had not Nicolaas Laurens Burman named it Aloe vera in his Flora Indica published at least ten days earlier (Newton 1979; Stafleu and Cowan 1976, 1981). Publication precedent dictates that the earlier nomenclature of Burman be accepted (McNeill et al. 2012), and thus the

Figure 1 Early woodcut of Aloe vera Source: Krauterbuch (Bock 1565).

current nomenclature is ascribed to him and Linnaeus, as Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. Nevertheless, many continue to use the name A. barbadensis Mill. Early Historical Use In ancient Egypt, aloe was reportedly depicted in engravings on a temple dating from as early as 4000 BCE, recorded as a “sanctuary plant of immortality” (Park and Lee 2006), and used as a funerary gift to the pharaohs (Ulbricht et al. 2007). The earliest known record of medicinal application of aloe dates to a Sumerian clay tablet from approximately 2200 BCE (Park and Lee 2006), indicating the use of the plant in what is now Iraq over 4000 years ago. There are mixed records regarding the occurrence of aloe in the ancient Egyptian medical work Ebers Papyrus (ca. 1534 BCE). A translation of Ebbell (1937) identifies some form of aloe as an ingredient in two formulas for the eyes, while the translation of the same work by Bryan (1930) does not record any such use. Some historical material suggests that aloe had become an important medicinal botanical in Greece by the 4th century BCE, and an apocryphal legend arose that when Alexander the Great conquered the island of Socotra, known as the source of the highest quality aloe, he replaced the original inhabitants with Greeks to ensure a steady supply of the raw material (Flückiger and Hanbury 1879). Regardless of whether the Greek trade in aloe was broadly established in the time of Alexander or at a later date — a suggestion made by Scarborough (1982) — it is certain that products derived from plants of this genus

were widely used by the beginning of the Common Era in many of the countries in and around the eastern part of the Mediterranean Basin. In the first century CE, both the Greek physician Dioscorides and the Roman natural philosopher Pliny the Elder extolled the virtues of aloe. In many cases, there is no possibility to determine the species these early writers were discussing and whether they were referring to aloe latex (historically, the most common article of commerce made from aloe) or other preparations. While many historical descriptions clearly refer to the latex, others could be related to the inner leaf. Dioscorides, in his De Materia Medica written around 65 CE, identified 19 different uses and actions of aloe, including those as a purgative (for constipation), having the “power of binding” and “loosening of ye belly,” assuaging “ye itching of ye eye corners” and “ye headache,” “cleansing of ye stomach” when drunk with water or milk, being useful for skin afflictions, boils, and stopping bleeding hemorrhoids when used internally, for healing of ulcers and wounds when used externally, and noting that “with wine it stays ye hair falling off” (Gunther 1959). Pliny in his Naturalis Historia (ca. 77–79) similarly recorded many internal and topical uses of aloe. In addition to the widespread use of the latex as a purgative, Pliny writes: “All eye troubles, it is agreed, are cured by the aloe, but it is specific for itch and scaliness of the eyelids; it is also good, applied with honey, especially with Pontic honey, for marks and bruises; for diseased tonsils or gums, for all sores in the mouth, and for spitting of blood…” (Rackham et al. 1949). Pliny further cites the use of aloe for wounds, hemorrhages, dysentery, and indigestion. Occasionally, fresh leaf or the juice derived from it are clearly identified. Pliny, for example, informs us of one sort of aloe that “groweth … in Asia” of which “they lay the leaves fresh unto green wounds, for they do … heale wonderfully, like as their juice also.” Moving several centuries forward to Arabia, Al-Kindi recorded the use of “aloe juice” in a formula for abscesses “for which the lancet is not indicated” (Levey 1966). Al-Kindi also described a treatment for excessive perspiration, instructing that aloe “is drunk” for 3 days, while saying that the “sticky substance … from inside the leaf … is rubbed on to arrest the condition.” In this case, the juice is clearly distinguished from the “sticky substance,” which, almost certainly, refers to the leaf exudate, or latex. Some early references to aloe may have been to plants in entirely different genera. For example, “aloe” is mentioned several times in the Old and New Testaments; however, most of these references may, in fact, refer to an unrelated plant — the “tree aloe” (Aquilaria agallocha), from which an aromatic resin can be derived (Lloyd 1921). However, some suggest that the aloe referred to by St. John in the New Testament (John 19: 39-40) as the substance used with myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) to anoint the body of Christ was, in actuality, aloe vera (Burnett 1852; Callcott 1842). Both topical and oral use of Aloe sp. was recorded in China as early as the Tang Dynasty (618–907 CE), and its topical use for dermatitis was known there by the 8th century (Morton 1977). As the plant genus came into common American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf • 2012


Table 1 Historical timeline on the medicinal use of Aloe and Aloe vera 4000 BCE

Recorded in Ancient Egypt as a “sanctuary plant of immortality” and used as a funerary gift to the pharaohs.

2200 BCE

The earliest documented medicinal use of aloe is found on a Sumerian clay tablet.

1550 BCE

The Ebers Papyrus, one of the earliest medical works known, describes the healing benefits of aloe for both internal and external conditions.

356–323 BCE

Alexander the Great reportedly conquers the island of Socotra to secure the trade of Aloe perryi throughout Asia.

Approximately 51 BCE

Referred to as “the plant of Cleopatra” by ancient Egyptians, allegedly regarding its use as a beauty aid.

27 BCE–14 CE

Aloe vera is introduced into Greco-Roman medicine during the reign of Augustus.

1st century CE

“Aloes” are mentioned in the Holy Bible as the substance used with myrrh to anoint the body of Jesus.


Dioscorides, in his De Materia Medica, writes the first in-depth report of the pharmacologic actions of aloe.


Pliny reports on the use of aloe for leprous sores and, when topically applied, to reduce perspiration.


Aloe vera is used medicinally in China, both topically, for dermatitis, and orally.

9 century

Aloe is recorded in Anglo-Saxon “leech books.”


The official materia medica of the Song Dynasty describes the use of whole ground leaf for the treatment of sinusitis, fever, skin conditions, and seizures in children.

14th–16th centuries

In Europe, aloe is considered a purgative and a topical treatment of wounds and various skin conditions.


Christopher Columbus, upon setting sail for the New World, writes in his journal, “All is well, aloe is on board.”, introducing aloe to the Americas.


Aloe vera is first imported to London and included as “Barbados aloe” in the London Pharmacopoeia (1650) and in the London Dispensatory in 1742.


1650–present 1753 1768

Aloe latex (inspissated juice) is included in the majority of pharmacopoeias worldwide. The botanical name Aloe perfoliata var. vera is created by Linnaeus. Nicolaas Laurens Burman establishes Aloe vera as a separate species. About ten days later Philip Miller independently classifies it as A. barbadensis; precedent is given to the earlier publication establishing the nomenclature as Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.


A variety of aloe preparations are entered into the Massachusetts and the United States Pharmacopeias.


Edinburgh chemists Smith and Smith extract a cathartic principle from aloe and name it aloin.


The “juice” of A. barbadensis (syn. A. vera) is included in the British Pharmacopoeia.


The first commercial aloe vera farm in the US is started in Florida.


Collins and Collins report on the use of Aloe vera to treat radiation burns, stimulating modern research into the potential benefits of Aloe vera for a variety of skin conditions.


Aloe is included in the US FDA list of approved food additives.


Aloe “juice” (exudate) is included in the European Pharmacopoeia.


Aloe vera products are approved for therapeutic purposes in Australia, Canada, India, and Korea, among other countries.

use throughout the world, various purgative preparations derived from Aloe species were found in Britain (as early as the 10th century) (Flückiger and Hanbury 1879). Later, the topical uses of aloe for wounds and various skin conditions were reported (Park and Lee 2006). Aloe was included in the London Pharmacopoeia at least as early as 1650 in not less than 21 official preparations (Felter and Lloyd 1898). Modern Uses of Aloe Vera Leaf Contemporary use of aloe vera leaf in folk medicine practices is broadly documented. Traditionally, the leaf is “filleted” and the fillet (inner leaf) is used either whole 4

American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf • 2012

or mashed. For internal consumption, it is common in traditional healing practices worldwide to both maintain the slimy yellow exudate and to rinse it off with cold water to reduce the bitterness. This is rarely specified in the ethnobotanical literature. With the exception of the aloe latex, use of aloe vera predominantly implies the use of the inner leaf or its juice, with or without the exudate. Dried latex and traditional inner leaf preparations that include exudate are typically used for a short duration, thus limiting exposure to the laxative and potentially carcinogenic compounds. Conversely, many of the modern aloe vera leaf juice products are consumed more regularly, making

the removal of the phenolic compounds desirable, as for example dictated by IASC. When reviewing the traditional and scientific literature, care must be taken to denote the specific preparations being discussed. Topical Use of Aloe Vera Leaf Traditionally, the inner leaf is prepared for topical use by filleting (removing the rind) and mashing the colorless transparent mass into a liquidy pulp. This is applied to the skin directly (e.g., to boils and infections), with or without a gauze. Alternatively, the inner leaf may be exposed by removing the top leaf rind and spiny edges, while leaving the back rind intact. These preparations may or may not include various amounts of the exudate, with the latter sometimes removed by rinsing in cool water (Upton 2012, personal communication to AHP, unreferenced). Popular topical uses of the inner leaf of aloe species, including aloe vera, today include treatment of abrasions, burns, cancers (as a poultice), inflammation, psoriasis, skin irritations and fungal infections, UV-radiation damage; as an emollient; and as a common cosmetic ingredient (Iwu 1993; WHO 1999). Throughout tropical and subtropical regions where aloe vera is found, the peeled fresh inner leaf pulp is applied to inflamed eyes and used for all kinds of skin inflammations, sores, and burns (Iwu 1993; Morton 1977; Pole 2006). In addition to these, there are numerous other, less common, topical uses of aloe vera throughout its areas of distribution, including treating cuts, contusions, headache, sprains; as a poultice; and as a sunscreen and hair conditioner (Barcroft and Myskja 2003; Honychurch 1986; Thomas 1997). In Ayurveda, a traditional medical system in India, aloe vera is commonly used in sunburn, minor cuts, insect bites, as a wound healing agent, anti-inflammatory, and in the treatment of frostbite and psoriasis (Agarwal and Sharma 2011). Use of fresh aloe vera leaf in India also extends to eye trouble: the fresh pulp, rinsed in cold water and mixed with a small amount of burned alum, is wrapped in muslin fabric and applied to sore eyes (Kirtikar and Basu 2006). In Northwest Mexico, the traditional use of aloe vera leaf includes topical application of the juice for burns, cuts, bruises, and rashes (Yetman and Van Devender 2002). In addition, in Mexico, aloe vera is the most widely used topical application for the treatment of abscesses in intravenous drug users (Pollini et al. 2010). In the US Virgin Islands, apart from the widespread topical use of aloe vera inner leaf for burns, the leaf pulp is applied as a dressing on wounds to draw out infection (Upton 2012, personal communication to AHP, unreferenced). External use of the peeled leaf or juice is recorded in the Bahamas for treatment of bruises, boils, carbuncles, sunburn, and cuts (Eldridge 1975). In the Dominican Republic, in addition to many of the mentioned uses, aloe vera leaves are applied to the fingers of children to prevent sucking, rubbed on breasts to encourage weaning, and rubbed on the body to prevent perspiration, to conceal the human scent during hunting, and as an insect repellant (Honychurch 1986; Morton 1977; Thomas 1997). Clinical interest in the external application of aloe vera began in the 1930s with a publication of a case report of a successful treatment of radiation burns with macerated

fresh inner leaf (Collins and Collins 1935). Subsequent scientific evaluation of the efficacy of the various topical uses of aloe has produced mixed results. A number of studies and reviews support the use of external preparations of aloe vera for the prevention and treatment of radiation burns, dermatitis, genital herpes, psoriasis, skin inflammation, sepsis, and wound healing (Akhtar and Hatwar 1996; Bosley et al. 2003; Chitra et al. 1998a, 1998b; Jia et al. 2008; Maenthaisong et al. 2007; Moghbel et al. 2007; Ulbricht et al. 2007; Vogler and Ernst 1999; Yun et al. 2009). However, some studies report negative effects (e.g., Gallagher and Gray 2003; Marshall 1990; Richardson et al. 2005; Vogler and Ernst 1999). Such contradictory findings may stem from various reasons, from limitations in study designs and outcome measures to variations in composition of the preparations used — partially due to lack of quality control in the manufacturing process (Borrelli and Izzo 2000; Choi and Chung 2003; Maenthaisong et al. 2007; Vogler and Ernst 1999). In a published analysis of commercial products (Bozzi et al. 2007), several products exhibited very low levels of acetylated polysaccharides (also known as acemannan), which are recognized as the major bioactive constituents of aloe vera preparations that do not include the latex. Internal Uses of Aloe Vera Leaf Numerous internal uses of aloe vera leaf juice are reported in India, Pakistan, Africa, the Caribbean, Central and South America, and the South Pacific. Indications for internal use include diabetes, coughs and sore throat, kidney pains, digestive problems, stomach ulcers, and jaundice. The juice is also used as a mild laxative and for relief of difficult childbirth. Mixed in rum, the juice of aloe vera leaf is used as a carminative; with sugar, to relieve asthma and other bronchial afflictions, and with milk for dysentery in children (Katewa et al. 2004; Morton 1961, 1977; Qureshi and Bhatti 2008; Thomas 1997; Yetman and Van Devender 2002). Modern Ayurvedic practitioners use the fresh or powdered inner leaf of aloe as a general tonic for the circulatory, digestive, excretory, and female reproductive systems; and specifically in the treatment of fever, constipation, obesity, inflammatory skin conditions, lymphadenitis, conjunctivitis, joint inflammation, jaundice and hepatitis, menstrual dysregulation, and tumors (Frawley and Lad 1986; Grover et al. 2002). In the Caribbean, peeled leaf and juice of aloe vera are consumed, with or without salt, to treat colds, sore throat, and constipation, and to “keep the blood good” (Eldridge 1975; Upton 2012, personal communication to AHP, unreferenced). Aloe vera was reported as the third most widely used botanical medicine in Jamaica (Picking et al. 2011). Healers from the Dominican Republic report the use of aloe vera for the treatment of uterine fibroids, menstrual dysregulation, as an abortifacient, and for “cleansing the body” (Ososki et al. 2002). Various preparations of aloe vera leaf have been studied for a range of internal uses, including ulcers (Feily and Namazi 2009; Klein and Penneys 1988; Vogler and Ernst 1999; WHO 1999), irritable bowel syndrome (Boudreau and Beland 2006; Störsrud et al. 2009), atherosclerosis (Patel and Mengi 2008), hyperlipidemia (Kim et al. 2009), diabetes American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf • 2012


(Grover et al. 2002; Kim et al. 2009), and HIV infection (Kahlon et al. 1991; McDaniel and McAnalley 1987). Aloe vera “gel” (inner leaf juice) was shown in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to be of benefit in ulcerative colitis (Langmead et al. 2004). In addition, in a small double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial, freeze-dried aloe vera concentrate reduced the symptoms of interstitial cystitis (Czarapata 1995). Studies on internal use of various “gel” (i.e., inner leaf or its juice) products suggest anti-inflammatory (Störsrud et al. 2009), antioxidant (Liu et al. 2007; Yu et al. 2009), hepatoprotective (Chandan et al. 2007), hypoglycemic (Bunyapraphatsara et al. 1996; Kim et al. 2009; Yongchaiyudha et al. 1996), hypolipidemic (Kim et al. 2009), immunomodulatory (Yu et al. 2009), and vulnerary effects (Atiba et al. 2011), as well as promotion of increased fat metabolism (Misawa et al. 2008). Preparations derived from the plant and described as “freeze-dried juice … heated for 15 minutes at 80 degrees” or “liquid Aloe vera extract” have demonstrated in vitro bactericidal activity against a number of pathogenic organisms, including Candida albicans and Streptococcus spp. (Lorenzetti et al. 1964; Robson et al. 1982). In other studies, aloe vera and its constituents have also been shown to possess antibacterial

and antifungal activities (Habeeb et al. 2007; Nidiry et al. 2011; Rosca-Casian et al. 2007). Potential mechanisms associated with the anti-inflammatory effects of aloe vera include inhibition of thromboxane B2 and prostaglandin F2 (Robson et al. 1982), antibradykinin activity (BautistaPérez et al. 2004), and modulation of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase (Das et al. 2011; Vázquez et al. 1996).



Listings in Official Compendia While dried aloe latex has been widely recognized as an official drug throughout the world, other preparations from aloe vera are generally not included in international pharmacopoeias. The World Health Organization developed a monograph on aloe vera “gel” (i.e., inner leaf juice) (WHO 1999), citing numerous references of its use for wound healing and burn treatment, noting, however, that, as of the time of the writing, no uses of the “gel” were supported by clinical data. In a monograph developed under the Canadian regulatory agency Health Canada, external use of the inner leaf was approved for minor abrasions, burns, cuts, and for wound healing (NHPD 2006). The inner leaf of aloe vera is included as a remedy for burns in the Thai Herbal Fundamental Public Health Drug List (Maenthaisong et al. 2007). Preparations of aloe vera, as well as other aloe species

Figure 2 Historical illustrations of Aloe spp. Image sources: (2a) Medicinal Plants (Bentley and Trimen 1880); (2b) Medizinal Pflanzen (Kohler 1890). Note: Aloe vulgaris Lam. is a former synonym of Aloe vera. 6

American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf • 2012

(e.g., A. ferox and A. perryi), have been accepted for topical medical applications for management of pressure and stasis ulcers, post-surgical incisions, and first- and second-degree burns in the United States. Concerns Regarding Toxicity Recently, concerns have been raised regarding the potential toxicity of topical and orally consumed aloe vera preparations, due to the high concentration of phenolic compounds (specifically, aloin A and B) that naturally occur in aloe vera leaf. The US National Toxicology Program (NTP) studied the potential carcinogenicity of internal use of nondecolorized whole leaf extract of aloe vera, with aloin A concentrations averaging 6300 ppm, in two animal models, in a long-term (2 years) toxicity study (NTP 2011). A significant increase in the occurrence of tumors was observed in the colons of rats, but no such increase was evident in mice, even with double the maximum dose. The NTP study did not include leaf preparations made in a manner that minimizes or eliminates aloin A and B content, nor did they test inner leaf juice products, which contain relatively low concentrations of these compounds. These safety concerns lead IASC to establish limitations on concentrations of phenolic compounds in aloe vera juice products for oral consumption. Specifically, IASC certification requires single-strength raw materials and finished aloe vera products intended for oral consumption to contain 10 ppm or less of total aloin. The NTP program also reported that topical application of aloe vera preparations (including decolorized and inner leaf juices) resulted in a weak but enhanced carcinogenic activity of simulated solar light in animals. This resulted in an expert panel of the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR 2007) to establish a limit of no more than 50 ppm of aloin in topical products. However, the CIR (2007) further notes that several clinical studies of preparations derived from Aloe vera plants demonstrated no phototoxicity. Other, short-term, safety studies have been conducted on products with low concentrations of aloins (Williams et al. 2010), as well as on the primary polysaccharide fraction of the aloe vera inner leaf (e.g., Lynch et al. 2011a, 2011b; Yagi et al. 2009), with no serious adverse events reported. The uncertainties about safety and the ambivalent findings of research studies have not dissuaded the general public from using aloe vera products as a primary treatment for sunburn, or manufacturers from including it as a key ingredient in balms, cosmetics, and toiletries, as well as in foods and dietary supplements. Multiple potential benefits of internal use of aloe vera leaf products that have undergone appropriate processing in accordance with the modern knowledge of the chemistry of the plant have also been identified. Aloe vera provides us with rich, ancient, and multicultural history and medical legacy. In the meantime, the plant continues to be used throughout the world in thousands of products today, much as it has been for millennia.

Identification Botanical Identification Herbaceous perennial, succulent, erect, suckering freely to form large colonies. Stem: Short, up to 30 cm, or absent. Leaves: Spirally arranged as a clustered rosette, fleshy, yellowish-green to glaucous (young plants may have white spots), lanceolate, 40–60 x 6–7 cm, with hardened pale teeth, 2 mm long, 10–20 mm apart, along the margin. Inflorescence: Erect, to 1 m, with 1–3 branches; raceme 10–40 cm. Flowers: Yellow to red*, perianth in 2 whorls, the outer whorl fused for less than half of its length, cylindric or slightly swollen below, glabrous, 20–40 mm; pedicels stout, approximately 6 mm long, subtended by bracts; bracts 10 mm; stamens 6; ovary superior, 3-celled, with many ovules in each cell; anthers and styles slightly projecting from the perianth. Fruit: A woody capsule with many black seeds (Carter et al. 2011; Holmes and White 2002; Long and Lakela 1971; Wood 1997). The flower color of Aloe vera is reported as yellow in some botanical literature but wild specimens can have both red and yellow flowers, as do many other aloes (Wood 1997). Different color forms of Aloe vera available commercially may therefore be due to this genetic heritage or the result of hybridization with other species or cultivars.


Distribution: Found growing in stony outcrops and sandy plains, roadsides, and similar places, in full sun; sea level to 1300 m. Flowers in winter and spring, occasionally in other seasons. Aloe vera is cultivated widely in southern Texas and is naturalized in Arizona, Florida, Texas, and many tropical and subtropical countries. The exact origin of the species is unknown but is likely to be southwest of the Arabian peninsula, where the nearest relative, Aloe officinalis Forssk., is still growing wild (Carter et al. 2011; Holmes and White 2002; Long and Lakela 1971; Wood 1997).

Macroscopic Identification The leaf of aloe vera can be described as consisting of two major parts: the outer green rind and the colorless inner leaf. The inner leaf, alternatively referred to as “gel,” “pulp,” “mucilage layer,” “aquiferous tissue,” or “mesophyll,” is a clear, transparent, colorless mass, taking most of the leaf’s diameter, which consists of parenchymatous cells that contain clear liquid constituting what is known as aloe vera inner leaf juice (also see the accompanying Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Juice monograph). Between the rind and the inner leaf, a vascular layer can be distinguished, containing a series of tubules (vascular bundles), which run along the full length of the leaf. Fresh Leaf Surface view: Blade thick, succulent, bayonet-shaped, narrowly-lanceolate, 30–50 cm in length, 10 cm wide at base, long-acuminate; color green to glaucous, with whitish spots in younger plants; margin has pale, white to redddish or light-brown teeth or spines (Bailey and Bailey 1976; Culbreth 1917; WHO 1999). In harsher growing areas with limited water supply, the leaves tend to grow thicker and have more parenchymatous tissue. Transverse section: Adaxial surface slightly concave; abaxial American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf • 2012








Figure 3 Botanical characteristics of Aloe vera 3a. Cultivated A. vera. 3b. Naturalized A. vera growing wild in Brazil. 3c. Aloe vera inflorescences. 3d. Aloe vera flowers. 3e, 3f. Cultivated A. vera. Photographs courtesy of: (3a) Aloecorp, Inc, Lacey, WA; (3b) Len Newton; (3c-f) Steven Foster Photography, Fayetteville, AR.


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Figure 4 Other medicinal species of Aloe 4a. Flowering A. ferox. 4b. Flowering A. arborescens. Photographs courtesy of Ernst van Jaarsveld, the South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, South Africa.

surface markedly convex. The following layers or zones can be distinguished: outer epidermal layer with thick cuticle; green chlorenchyma layer; brown or reddish-brown ring of vascular bundles from the parenchymatous sheath of which the bitter, yellow sap exudes; and central parenchyma tissue appearing as a mucilaginous clear “gel” and occupying much of the leaf’s diameter (Evans 2002; Longo 2002; Panda 2004; Surjushe et al. 2008). The cuticle, the epidermis, and the chlorenchyma constitute the rind. Some sources (e.g., Barcroft and Myskja 2003) further separate the inner parenchyma into “mucilage” and “gel” layers. Species Differentiation Several other species of Aloe are used globally, including for manufacturing of juice products. The distinguishing morphological characteristics of Aloe vera compared to some other common Aloe species are provided in Table 2. Occasionally, other, less common species, mainly occurring in continental Africa and Madagascar, enter the juice market (Grace 2011). Organoleptic Characterization (inner leaf) Taste:

Mild, bland.


Faint, characteristic.


Very slimy, tacky.

Microscopic Identification The leaf of aloe vera consists of the following tissues: epidermis, chlorenchyma, vascular bundles, and colorless inner parenchyma. The microscopic anatomy of Aloe leaves is fairly constant regardless of the species. Some species may be distinguished by microscopic analysis of the leaf surface (Cutler 2004; Li et al. 2003). Epidermis In transverse section, the leaf epidermis on both the adaxial and abaxial surfaces consists of a single, uniform layer of cells, approximately 25–40 µm thick, covered with a waxy thick cuticle, approximately 6–8 µm. The epidermal cells are arranged in parallel with the long axis of the leaves and contain few chloroplasts. Both surfaces of epidermis have sunken stomata, with guard cells surrounded by 4–5 epidermal cells. Chlorenchyma Just below the epidermis, there are usually 8–10 layers (the number of layers can vary) of hexagonal-to-rounded chloroplast-containing chlorenchyma cells, approximately 50–60 µm wide. Some idioblasts, with needle-shaped oxalate crystals, are also present. Chlorenchyma in Aloe species is not differentiated into spongy and palisade layers. (continued page 11)

Table 2 Macroscopic characteristics of Aloe vera leaf compared to leaves of other Aloe species occurring in trade worldwide Aloe vera

A. ferox

A. arborescens

A. perryi

Leaf size and form

40-60 cm long, 10 cm broad at base

Up to 100 cm long, 15 cm broad at base

50-60 cm long, 5-7 cm wide, sickle-shaped, frequently recurved

Up to 35 cm long, approximately 7.5 cm wide

“Teeth” (color, size, and location)

Pale teeth, 2 mm long, 10-20 mm apart

Dark brown, both along the margins and on the upper and/or lower leaf surfaces

3-5 mm long, along the margins, 5-20 mm apart

Pale brown, ~4 mm long, along the margins, 6 mm apart

Based on Carter et al. 2011; van Wyk and Smith 2003. American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf • 2012







Figure 5 Macroscopic characteristics of Aloe vera leaf 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e.

Commercially cultivated Aloe vera leaves. Aloe vera leaf (upper surface). Aloe vera leaf (lower surface). Aloe vera leaf (cut base). Aloe vera inner leaf fillet.


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Figure 6 Macroscopic characteristics of other Aloe species 6a. Aloe ferox leaf. 6b. Leaves of Aloe arborescens.

Sustainability Vascular Layer A single row of vascular bundles occurs between the chlorenchyma and the colorless inner parenchyma, which it encircles. Well-developed parenchymatous cells surround the vascular bundles, forming a bundle sheath. Sieve tubes and companion cells are narrow. The phloem is not very distinct, and the xylem is composed of narrow vessels and tracheids with annular and spiral thickenings. The yellow exudate is secreted by clusters of thin-walled “aloitic” cells forming a cap at the outer (phloem) pole of the vascular bundles, as part of the bundle sheath. Inner Parenchyma Occupying the center of the leaf, the inner parenchyma is composed of large parenchymatous cells, approximately 400-500 µm in diameter, that lack chloroplasts and are filled with polysaccharide-rich juice.

Commercial Sources and Handling There are numerous quality control issues associated with aloe vera products, including differentiating between closely related species, procuring appropriate raw material, processing the leaves to reduce the content of the phenolic compounds, preserving active constituents during processing and storage, and identifying adulterants. Multiple procedures have been developed to address these issues. For a detailed presentation of aloe vera processing see He et al. (2005), Ramachandra and Rao (2008), and Waller et al. (2004).

Sourcing The preponderance of aloe vera is grown in Mexico, followed by southern Texas and Florida in the United States. Other sources include Argentina, Central America, China, the Dominican Republic, India, North Africa, Thailand, and Venezuela.

The international trade of all Aloe species, except for Aloe vera, is governed by the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES 2012), which had Aloe spp. added to its Appendix II in 1975. Aloe vera has been specifically excluded from the CITES-listed species database in February 1995 — likely because the totality of traded materials from this species comes from cultivated sources (Grace et al. 2008).

Cultivation The natural habitats of Aloe vera are almost certainly subtropical, and the plant grows best when supplied with an excess of 50 cm of rain annually, in nitrogen-rich, alkaline soil (Waller et al. 2004). The Rio Grand Valley of Texas has been identified as an ideal growing region for aloe vera. Because of its thick and shallow root system, aloe vera requires well-drained soil and does not tolerate deep tillage (Waller et al. 2004). Good drainage also helps to prevent root rot, to which aloe vera is prone. While most species of Aloe typically grow in sandy soils, aloe vera has also been shown to grow well in tuff or basalt soils, with well-drained substrates allowing for better growth (Saks and Ish-shalomGordon 1995). It can also tolerate saline soils, but the salinity negatively affects biomass (Tawfik et al. 2001). Aloe vera is reproduced asexually or by seed. Numerous shoots (pups), developing around the base of mature plants, may be separated and transplanted when 15–20 cm (6–8 inches) high and will have fully mature leaves in 3 years. The shoots should be removed from mother plants at least twice annually to encourage larger leaf growth in the parent plants. In vitro propagation has been reported to be an effective way of reproduction, sufficient to meet the demands of the growing aloe vera industry (Hashemabadi and Kaviani 2008; Meyer and van Staden 1991). Planting densities reportedly range 4500–6000 plants per acre. Morton (1977) reports that to reach maximum development, with a single mature leaf weighing 1 pound, low content of latex, and plentiful pulp, aloe vera plants should be grown in partial shade, irrigated in dry seasons, American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf • 2012















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Figure 7 Microscopic characteristics of Aloe vera leaf 7a. Transverse section of the leaf under stereo microscope. 7b. Transverse section of the leaf under stereo microscope; note the vascular bundles secreting the exudate, surrounding aquiferous tissue. Exudate was stained red with potassium hydroxide solution. 7c. Outer part of leaf, showing thick cuticle, epidermis, and chlorenchyma bordering the aquiferous tissue (20x). 7d. Transverse section, showing epidermal and chlorenchymatous layers. The blackened matter is the aloe exudate from which aloe latex is derived (20x). 7e. Transverse section, showing epidermis (left), chlorenchyma, vascular bundles with large surrounding cells, aquiferous tissue (right) (10x). 7f. Transverse section of epidermis with a sunken stoma (40x). 7g. Chlorenchymatous and aquiferous layers. 7h. Vascular and aquiferous layers, showing parenchyma, phloem, and xylem (20x). 7i. Aquiferous layer, showing oxalate acid crystals (20x). 7j. Transverse section, showing idioblast containing raphides (40x). 7k. Raphides separated from tissue (polarized light, compensator first order). 7l. Transverse section showing epidermis, chlorenchyma, and vascular bundle (UV 330-380 nm) (10x). Microscopic images courtesy of Vaishali Joshi, National Center for Natural Products Research, University of Mississippi; and Reinhard Länger, AGES PharmMed, Vienna, Austria.

and well fertilized. Diaz and Gonzalez (1986) also observed that aloe vera grown under natural shading developed more biomass than plants grown in full sun. Conversely, one study showed that plants grown under full sunlight produced more numerous and larger axillary shoots, resulting in twice the total dry mass than plants grown under partial shade (Paez et al. 2000). Sunlight appeared to have no effect on aloin content or primary and secondary metabolites (Paez et al. 2000). Mustafa (1995) reported that a high biomass of aloe vera was obtained with short (8-day) intervals of irrigation. In a study on aloe vera cultivated in Chile, Silva et al. (2010) determined that the highest biomass was produced when the plants received via irrigation 15% of the mean evaporative demand of the previous year. The same authors found that excessive watering (20% of the mean evaporative demand) resulted in smaller root growth, root rot, and discoloration of the leaves. Soil nitrogen should ideally be maintained at 0.40%–0.50%. According to recommendations of IASC, approximately 50 kg of nitrogen per hectare should be added to the soil after each quarterly harvest prior to planting and throughout the year. Though aloes are generally drought-tolerant plants, prolonged periods of drought (e.g., 3 years) can decimate young populations. The plants can withstand short periods of frost, but the leaves redden and become damaged with decreasing temperatures. This damage, however, mostly occurs in the upper part of the leaf and usually results in negligible loss of juice, unless it progresses to tip necrosis (see Harvest).

Harvest Aloe vera leaves are generally ready for harvest after 3 years of age. Proper harvesting is a labor-intensive process. Collection must be done with heavy gloves and while

wearing protective clothing, to prevent injury from handling the spiny leaves. Typically, the outermost 3–4 leaves are harvested by pulling each leaf away from the plant stalk and cutting at the white base. The leaves should be handled gently. Care should be taken to prevent damage to the outer rind and to maintain the seal at the base of the leaf in order to prevent introduction of bacteria. Leaves that show signs of tip necrosis should not be harvested, as these provide entry points for microbial contamination. Harvested leaves are carefully stacked and then transferred to a refrigeration or processing facility. According to Wang (2007), at least 15 and, ideally, 18 leaves should be left on the plant to maintain high leaf yields. It is estimated that aloe leaves can be harvested 3-5 times annually, with individual plants yielding approximately 22–24 leaves or 10–12 kg per year.

Handling and Processing Aloe vera leaves are typically subjected to a series of processing techniques. The following paragraphs focus on describing modern production of aloe vera leaf juices, excluding the production of aloe latex. For manufacture of aloe vera leaf juices, processing should take place as soon as possible due to the highly perishable nature of the juice, ideally within 36 hours of harvesting the leaves (Ramachandra and Rao 2008). If immediate processing is not possible, leaves should be stored in a refrigerated facility. Prolonged storage of the leaves after harvest without refrigeration may result in enzymatic and bacterial degradation of the polysaccharides. Due to concerns over potential carcinogenicity of aloins A and B, filtration (“decolorization”), often with activated charcoal and diatomaceous earth, has become a common practice in the manufacturing of aloe vera leaf juices. Decolorization removes a variety of small-molecular-weight organic compounds, including aloins A and B, from aloe vera leaf material. American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf • 2012


Figure 8 Harvesting Aloe vera leaves (Gonzales, Mexico) Photograph courtesy of Aloecorp Inc., Lacey, WA.

Crude Aloe Vera Juice Traditional cultures worldwide utilize aloe vera juice by expressing the juice from the freshly filleted leaves or by mashing the inner leaf and consuming the resulting pulp as is or mixed with water. This crude juice can be prepared with or without the exudate. The exudate can be removed by rinsing the intact gel layer in cool or cold water. These types of preparations have highly variable concentrations of phenolic compounds, such as aloins A and B. Aloe Vera Leaf Juice Aloe vera leaf juice is prepared from the entire leaf. The base and tip of the leaf are first removed and the remaining portion is cut into sections and ground into slurry. In some cases the soupy mass is then treated with the enzyme cellulase, which hydrolyzes polysaccharides, to obtain a more liquid product. However, since cellulase hydrolyzes the same β-(1→4) glycosidic bonds that occur in aloe vera acetylated polysaccharides, excessive enzymatic treatment (overprocessing) may result in a significant loss of these compounds, which are of primary medicinal interest in the juice. For example, Waller et al. (2004) reported 50-90% breakdown of glucomannans in aloe vera leaf juice produced using the enzymatic treatment. Inactivation of endogenous or exogenous cellulase (e.g., by denaturation) is necessary in order to stabilize the polysaccharides in 14

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aqueous formulations. Following enzymatic treatment, the material is subjected to a series of filtration steps to remove any remaining rind particles and the undesired phenolic compounds. Various modifications and proprietary variations of the filtration process exist. The material is then passed through a depulping machine, similar to that used for depulping of citrus fruits. This is immediately followed by sterilization (e.g., pasteurization), which is necessary to prevent degradation of the acetylated polysaccharides by various exogenous and endogenous microorganisms (Waller et al. 2004). Further, to remove aloins A and B and other phenolic compounds, decolorization with activated carbon is employed. The resulting product is a clear fluid, which is similar in organoleptic characteristics to inner leaf juice. Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Juice To obtain this type of product, the outer part of the leaf (“the rind”) is separated from the clear inner leaf and discarded prior to expressing the juice. This process, when properly done, can minimize the presence of phenolic compounds in the finished juice product. In modern production, the leaves are initially subjected to washing with an antimicrobial agent (e.g., hypochlorite) to remove dirt and surface bacteria. Often the exudate is then allowed to drain from the bottom portion of the leaf (He et al. 2005). This is followed by culling, trimming, and

Figure 9 Mechanical filleting and depulping of Aloe vera leaf Photographs courtesy of Aloecorp Inc., Lacey, WA

removing the rind to yield the leaf “fillet” in the process called “filleting.” Filleting can be done either by hand or mechanically. According to some researchers (e.g., Ramachandra and Rao 2008; Waller et al. 2004), hand filleting is the best way to ensure absence of the rind and latex. With hand filleting, the lower inch of the base of the leaf, the leaf tip, spines along the leaf margin, and top and bottom rinds are removed manually. For mechanical filleting, several machine types are used. In one of them, the leaf is placed on a conveyor belt and passes through a set of knives, while rollers firmly press against the rind, expressing the inner leaf. If the tension of the rollers is too high, excessive concentrations of the phenolic compounds, which reside in the vascular layer, can result; if the roller tension is too low, some inner leaf material will be discarded and wasted. In other types of machines, the leaf may be fed through the filleter by hand. To further reduce the chance of contamination of the inner leaf material with the phenolic compounds of the exudate, the inner leaf “fillets” are then rinsed in flowing water (He et al. 2005). After filleting, the inner leaf material is subjected to depulping, usually followed by pasteurization. Subsequent processing may include enzymatic treatment, filtration, dearation, decolorization by activated carbon, and addition of preservatives. During all processing stages, adherence to proper sanitary procedures is critical, as aloe pulp and juice provide a rich medium for the growth of bacteria, which may affect the chemical composition of the material and the characteristics of the finished product. Pasteurization Pasteurization is typically performed in production of both types of aloe vera leaf juices as soon as the liquid material is obtained, in order to reduce bacterial degradation of the key juice constituents (i.e., acetylated polysaccharides), which can happen very rapidly. However, pasteurization, particularly if prolonged, can also have a detrimental effect on the structure of the polysaccharides, which are also prone to thermal degradation. Dry Concentrates Aloe vera leaf juices are frequently marketed as dried concentrates, either as powder or flakes (also see

“Preparations”). Drying aloe vera juices begins with concentrating the juice to a higher level of solids by utilizing evaporators of various kinds, which increase solids content of the juice from as low as 0.46% to a range of 10%–20%. Subsequent drying methods include spray-drying, freezedrying, and belt-drying. The resulting products are typically sized at 10–80 mesh. Drying at a temperature of 60 ºC reportedly resulted in only minor alterations in physiochemical properties of an inner leaf product (Miranda et al. 2009). Drying at higher temperatures resulted in changes in the average molecular weight of acetylated polysaccharides from 45 kDa to 75 and 81 kDa in samples dried at 70 ºC and 80 ºC, respectively (Femenia et al. 2003). However, Chang et al. (2006) reported that drying at 70 ºC resulted in the maximum preservation of polysaccharides, with total concentrations decreasing—at temperatures below 70 ºC due to the activity of the natural enzymes present in aloe vera, and at higher temperatures due to thermal degradation.

Storage and Stability Whole aloe vera leaves can begin degrading within six hours after harvest (Ramachandra and Rao 2008). The juices, if not preserved, degrade over a relatively short period of time due to enzymatic and microbial activity and oxidation. Dried juice concentrates are more stable; however, they are also prone to degradation if exposed to humidity and heat. For these reasons, stabilizing agents and preservatives are typically added to aloe vera leaf juices during the manufacturing process. Sodium sulfite or sodium benzoate are used to prevent microbial growth. Sorbate, citrate, or ascorbate are added to prevent oxidation. Citric acid is commonly used to adjust pH to < 4.6. In one study of aloe vera inner leaf products, the addition of 1% citric acid and 1000 ppm of sodium benzoate was optimal for stabilizing the juice (Hemalatha et al. 2008). Liquid products should be refrigerated after opening and protected from agitation, as aloe vera leaf juices are sensitive to oxidation.

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Qualitative Differentiation When assessing quality of unprocessed aloe vera leaf material, special attention should be paid to the structural integrity of the leaves, as any damaged tissue (e.g., tip necrosis), even in a minor portion of the leaves, can become a site for microbial contamination, which will potentially affect the quality of all later stage material. A distinct characteristic of unprocessed aloe vera leaves is their content of phenolic compounds (e.g., anthrones, chromones, and anthraquinones). These constituents occur exclusively in the vascular layer of the leaves and are absent in the clear inner leaf. With safety concerns regarding these compounds, the aloe vera leaf juice industry began using activated charcoal in the process called “decolorization.” This practice can consistently reduce the concentration of phenolic compounds in finished aloe vera leaf juice products. In the case of manual or mechanical separation of the inner leaf, simply washing the inner leaf fillets prior to further processing removes most of the phenolics. However, due to inadequate techniques used, these compounds may still occur in non-decolorized inner leaf juice products. In IASC-certified products intended for oral consumption, the total content of aloins A and B should be less than 10 ppm (based on single strength of the raw material or finished product). In aloe vera leaf juice products to be utilized topically in cosmetic products, the limit is set as less than 50 ppm (CIR 2007). Qualitative parameters that can be applied to aloe vera leaf products include content of compounds of medicinal interest. In this regard, acetylated polysaccharides have been extensively researched and are considered some of the most biologically active components in aloe vera leaf. Currently, the only validated method for determination of the content of this group of compounds in materials to be used in consumer products is proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry (1H NMR), described in the Analytical section of the Aloe Vera Leaf Juice monograph. Certain processing procedures involved in manufacturing of aloe vera leaf products—particularly, pasteurization and cellulase treatment—directly affect polysaccharide content. A review of a limited number of commercial aloe vera leaf products suggests that polysaccharide concentrations vary widely, with some products containing as low as 1% dry weight of acetylated polysaccharides (Bozzi et al. 2007). The term “overprocessed” typically refers to materials that have undergone prolonged pasteurization and/or uncontrolled enzymatic treatment and demonstrate almost complete lack of polysaccharides. Overprocessed juices can also be distinguished by yellow discoloration due to caramelization of sugars (even in decolorized material), changes in aroma, and increased bitterness (Waller et al. 2004). Changes in color typically occur with aloe juice preparations over time and can be an indicator of relative freshness. As reported by Chang et al. (2006), the juice color changes from whitish, when fresh, to yellow to brown when exposed to high temperatures or oxidation (see Figure 10c-g). Several other small molecules can be used as additional markers of quality of aloe vera leaf products. Acetic acid is 16

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indicative of the degradation of acetylated polysaccharides. Lactic acid levels of more than 10% are indicators of bacterial activity. The presence of succinic and fumaric acids indicates enzymatic degradation of the polysaccharides caused by the enzymes naturally present in aloe vera leaf. If exposed to excessive or prolonged heat, formic acid is produced due to the thermal degradation of glucose. If juice products are not processed or stored properly, ethanol is formed by fermentation processes from wild yeasts. Pyruvic acid is created from the degradation of carbohydrates. Detection of these compounds is achievable with the 1 H-NMR method described in the Analytical section of the Aloe Vera Leaf Juice monograph.

Adulterants A variety of other Aloe species are traded commercially and sometimes are not accurately declared as to proper species. Products misrepresenting the species used are violative of federal labeling laws. A number of Aloe species (e.g., A. ferox, A. arborescens, and A. perryi) are readily differentiated by the shape of the leaves (see “Macroscopic Identification” and Table 2). Maltodextrin is commonly used as a carrier during spray-drying of aloe vera leaf juices in the manufacture of powdered concentrates. For this purpose, the ratio of maltodextrin to juice powder is typically 1:1, corresponding to the concentration of 50% dry weight in the finished product. Maltodextrin may also be added to artificially enhance polysaccharide content and has historically been one of the most common adulterants in aloe vera inner leaf juice products. If not fully disclosed in labeling, maltodextrin is considered an adulterant. For methods of detection and quantitation of maltodextrin, see “Maltodextrin Assay” and “Quantitative Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry (1H NMR),” respectively, in the Analytical section of the Aloe Vera Leaf Juice monograph. Dilution is another issue of concern, as products may contain added water that can decrease the efficacy of the product. If undeclared, such products are out of compliance with labeling regulations. IASC establishes specific standards of product quality and potency. Products labeled “aloe vera inner leaf juice” should consist solely of the liquid from the inner leaf. Isocitrate (isocitric acid) was established by IASC as a negative marker for the inner leaf. According to IASC guidelines, aloe vera leaf juice products that contain more than 5% dry weight of isocitric acid should be labeled as “aloe vera leaf juice,” not “aloe vera inner leaf juice” (see “IASC-Certified Juice Products” below). For estimation of isocitrate content, see the “Quantitative Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry (1H NMR)” in the Analytical section of the Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Juice monograph.

Preparations For the traditional preparation of the inner leaf, the tip, butt, and toothed margins of the leaf are cut off, and the inner leaf fillet is separated from the green rind. The latter is discarded. If the bitter principles of the exudate are

desired, the entire inner leaf can be mashed into a slurry, cut into cubes, scooped with a spoon, or mixed in a food processor, with or without added water or juice. To reduce or eliminate the bitter exudate, the filleted gel layer can be rinsed in cool water. The fillet can then be mashed, cubed, or slurried as described above. The fresh juice should be used immediately.

Commercial preparations from aloe vera leaf include aloe vera leaf juice (sometimes referred to as decolorized, purified, or filtered aloe vera whole leaf or whole leaf extract), aloe vera inner leaf juice (sometimes also referred to as “aloe vera gel”), and drug aloe (aloe latex). Today, among the most popular aloe vera preparations are a variety of liquid and dried aloe vera leaf and inner leaf juice products of different “strengths” (e.g., single-strength, or 1×;










Figure 10 Preparations of Aloe vera


10a. Aloe vera leaf fillet with rind fragment. 10b. Fresh Aloe vera leaf exudate. 10c. 1:1 non-decolorized Aloe vera inner leaf juice (fresh sample on left; oxidized sample on right). 10d. 1:1 IASC-certified decolorized Aloe vera inner leaf juice (fresh sample on left; oxidized sample on right). 10e. 10:1 IASC-certified decolorized Aloe vera inner leaf juice (fresh sample on left; oxidized sample on right). 10f. 10:1 non-decolorized Aloe vera inner leaf juice (fresh sample on left; oxidized sample on right). 10g. 1:1 IASC-certified decolorized Aloe vera leaf juice (fresh sample on left; oxidized sample on right). 10h. Dry Aloe vera inner leaf juice (flakes). 10i. Dry Aloe vera inner leaf juice (powder). 10j. Dry exudate (inspissated juice, or latex) of A. ferox. Photographs courtesy of: (10a, c-g) Aloecorp Inc., Lacey, WA; (10b) © 2010 Steven Foster photography, Fayetteville, AR; (10h-j) American Herbal Pharmacopoeia®, Scotts Valley, CA.

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double-strength; 5×; etc.). Dry powdered concentrates are obtained by belt-drying, spray-drying, or freeze-drying. The convention used in the aloe vera industry is that the typical solids content of aloe vera leaf juice is 1% weight, while that of inner leaf juice is 0.5% weight. This approximation is used to denote the strength of dry powdered concentrates, e.g., “100× aloe vera leaf juice” is applied to labeling pure powdered concentrate of aloe vera leaf juice (i.e., aloe vera whole leaf extract), “200×” is applied to pure powdered concentrate of aloe vera inner leaf juice, while “100× aloe vera inner leaf juice” implies that the content of aloe vera inner leaf material in the product is 50%, with the remaining part being, typically, maltodextrin (used as a carrier in spray-drying process). The powders may be sold as bulk or in capsules. Aloe vera leaf juices are also included as ingredients in a variety of cosmetic products, or mixed with thickening agents (e.g., carrageenan) and sold as “aloe vera gel,” popularly used as a topical application for sunburns and general skin health, as well as in a variety of household products (e.g., hand towels, etc.). Commercial aloe vera leaf products may be standardized to specific markers or comply with certification standards (e.g., those of IASC). Finished products typically contain artificial or natural preservatives (e.g., benzoic acid, sodium sulfite, and potassium sorbate), pH buffering agents (e.g., ascorbic or citric acid), and carriers (e.g., maltodextrin). Such products are often referred to as “stabilized.” Glucose, glycerin, and malic acid have also been reported as additives (Bozzi et al. 2007).

IASC-Certified Juice Products The International Aloe Science Council (IASC) has established several qualitative and quantitative parameters for assessing quality of aloe vera leaf juices (Table 3). The content of acetylated polysaccharides is considered a marker of quality with a minimum standard of 5% dry weight for both IASC-certified aloe vera leaf juice and aloe vera inner leaf juice raw materials. Due to concerns over the cathartic and potentially carcinogenic activity of

Table 3 IASC certification requirements for aloe vera leaf juice and aloe vera inner leaf juice Compound

Certification requirement

Acetylated mannans

≥ 5% by dry weight




≤ 10 ppm in single-strength juice, analysed by HPLC or other fit-forpurpose methodology approved by the IASC


Must be listed on label and analysis must meet label claims.


≥ 1.0% in single-strength leaf juice; ≥ 0.5% in single-strength inner leaf juice


≤ 40%


≤ 5% in aloe vera inner leaf juice

aloins A and B, IASC recommends that aloe vera products and raw materials intended for oral consumption contain not more than 10 ppm of aloins A and B in single-strength preparations. The high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) procedure for quantitation of the aloin content in aloe vera leaf juice and aloe vera inner leaf juice products can be found in the Analytical section of the Aloe Vera Leaf Juice monograph. Further, to prevent misbranding of aloe vera leaf juice as aloe vera inner leaf juice, IASC has identified isocitrate levels of more than 5% dry weight as a unique marker of the outer parts of aloe vera leaf and has included testing for isocitrate content as part of its certification program for aloe vera inner leaf juice raw materials (see “Quantitative Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry” in the Analytical section of the Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Juice monograph).


Figure 11 Certification seal of the International Aloe Science Council 18

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Aloe vera leaves contain a diverse array of compounds, including anthraquinones (e.g., aloe-emodin), anthrones and their glycosides (e.g., 10-(1,5’-anhydroglucosyl)-aloeemodin-9-anthrone, also known as aloin A and B), chromones, carbohydrates, proteins, glycoproteins, amino acids, organic acids, lipids, and minerals (see Table 4). The profile of these constituents varies greatly depending on the part of the leaf and the type of processing the material undergoes. The bitter, yellow-colored exudate, which appears after the leaf is cut, contains approximately 80 phenolic constituents, the most abundant being aloins A and B. The inner parenchyma tissue of aloe vera leaves contains a large amount of water (ca. 98.5%), and the remaining solid material consists of carbohydrates, organic acids, and small amounts of other compounds, such as proteins, vitamins, lipids, and amino acids (primarily arginine, asparagine, serine, aspartic acid,

Table 4 Compounds identified in Aloe vera leaf Polysaccharides

Anthrones and anthraquinones*

Fatty Acids


Amino Acids


Acetylated glucomannan


Capric acid




Acidic galactan

Aloin A and B (barbaloin)

Lauric acid

Vitamin B1

Aspartic acid




Myristic acid

Vitamin B2

Glutamic acid




Pentadecanoic acid

Vitamin B6





Palmitic acid

Vitamin C





Margaric acid






Stearic acid

Vitamin D




Chrysophanol glucoside

Palmitoleic acid

Vitamin E (a-tocopherol)




Aloesaponarin I & II

Hexadecadienoic acid

Folic acid





Oleic acid

Vitamin K




Tetrahydro-anthracene glucoside

Linoleic acid






Linolenic acid






Organic Acids






Malic acid






Succinic acid






Lactic acid






p-Coumaric acid

Alkaline phosphatase





Salicylic acid




Glucuronic acid

Aloeresin A, B, C, & D

Uronic acid






Uric acid




Galacturonic acid


Cinnamic acid






Fumaric acid

Aloctin I & II



* Anthrones, anthraquinones, and chromones comprise most of the contents of the exudate which is obtained from the vascular-bundle sheath’s aloitic cells. These compunds are also present in whole unfiltered leaf juice products.

and glutamic acid) (Boudreau and Beland 2006; Reynolds 2004; Waller et al. 1978). The putative biological activities attributed to the internal and topical use of aloe vera leaf and inner leaf juices include promotion of wound healing, anticancer, antitumor, antidiabetic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hypoglycemic, gastroprotective, liver-protective, immunomodulatory, and kidney-protective effects (Hamman 2008). Many of the health benefits associated with aloe vera leaf juice preparations have been attributed to the polysaccharides contained in the inner leaf. Following is a review of the primary compounds in aloe vera leaf. For a more detailed review of aloe vera leaf chemistry, see Park and Kwon (2006) and Reynolds (2004), among others.

Carbohydrates A significant amount of the solid components of aloe vera leaf juice is made up of carbohydrates, including polysaccharides, simple sugars, and a small amount of oligosaccharides. Waller et al. (2004) estimated carbohydrates to comprise 25% of the solid fraction of aloe vera leaf juice. After complete hydrolysis, which converts all carbohydrates into simple sugars, mannose and glucose accounted for up to 85% of total sugars in the inner leaf juice, with a glucose/ mannose ratio of 1:1.3 (Waller et al. 1978). While glucose occurs mostly in the free form, mannose exists largely in a polymeric form. Monosaccharides D-Glucose is universally reported as the primary soluble sugar in aloe vera leaf, comprising about 95% of the total American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf • 2012


monosaccharides (Femenia et al. 1999; Paez et al. 2000; Waller et al. 2004). Other sugars reported include fructose, galactose (Paez et al. 2000); arabinose, and rhamnose (Bozzi et al. 2007). In different aloe vera leaf juice products, glucose content can range 4.0%–20.2% dry weight (Jiao et al. 2010). The reported levels of monosaccharides in aloe vera inner leaf juice vary between approximately 11% dry weight (Ni et al. 2004) and 27.81% dry weight (Femenia et al. 1999). Polysaccharides Polysaccharides in aloe vera leaf are characteristic components of the plant and thus can be utilized for identification of the authenticity and quality of the products derived from aloe vera leaf (e.g., aloe vera leaf juice and aloe vera inner leaf juice). Since the first isolation of polysaccharides from aloe vera, two distinct structural characteristics of the polysaccharides were revealed. First, the polysaccharides are mostly composed of polymerized mannose, with a small percentage of glucose, connected mainly by β-(1→4)glycosidic linkages (Gowda et al. 1979). Second, mannose residues in the polysaccharides are acetylated at the second (O-2), third (O-3), or sixth (O-6) oxygen atom positions, with an average degree of acetylation being reported as 0.78 per mannose residue (Manna and McAnalley 1993). The polysaccharides are considered the primary constituents of medicinal interest in aloe vera leaf and inner leaf juices. In the aloe industry, the polysaccharides have been commonly referred to as “acemannan.” Aloe vera acetylated polysaccharides have a wide range of molecular weight distribution, exhibiting variations in mannose content, degree of acetylation, and alcohol solubility (Gowda et al. 1979). ‘t Hart et al. (1989) identified the polysaccharides to be composed of mannose (83.7%92.1%), glucose (3.2%-3.9%), galactose (3.8%-3.9%), and arabinose (0.9%-3.6%). The polysaccharides present in the aloe vera inner leaf juice (“gel”) analyzed by Femenia et al. (1999) consisted of 81.6% mannose, 12.9% glucose, and small amounts of several other sugars (rhamnose, fucose, arabinose, xylose, and galactose). Qiu et al. (2000) described polysaccharides containing mannose, galactose, and glucose in the ratio of 40:1.4:1.0. Aloe vera acetylated polysaccharides described by Chow et al. (2005) contained mannose (man), glucose (glc), galactose (gal), galacturonic acid (galA), fucose (fuc), arabinose (ara), and xylose (xyl) with the man:glc:gal:galA:fuc:ara:xyl ratio of 120:9:6:3:2:2:1, with trace amounts of glucuronic acid and rhamnose. The backbone consisted mainly of [→4)-β-Manp-(1→4)-βGlcp-(1→] residues in an approximate man:glc ratio of 15:1, with side-chain substitutions, on average, every 16 mannose residues (Chow et al. 2005). Numerous other ratios of repeating glucose and mannose units have been reported (Hamman 2008). The majority of polysaccharides isolated by alcohol precipitation from fresh aloe vera inner leaf have molecular weights higher than 0.5 million Da. However, as noted, partial breakdown of polysaccharides normally occurs during juice manufacturing due to the activity of either exogenous or endogenous enzymes (Waller et al. 2004). Commercially available aloe vera leaf juice and aloe vera inner leaf 20

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juice products contain polysaccharides with molecular weight distribution from few thousands to millions Da. Qiu et al. (2000) determined average molecular weight of enzymatically modified aloe vera acetylated polysaccharide as 80 kDa. The reported concentrations of polysaccharides in aloe vera leaf juices vary widely. These variations can be due to the different processes used in juice manufacturing, seasonal changes (Mandal and Das 1980a; Rodríguez-González et al. 2011), differences of geographical location (Ni et al. 2004), and variations in extraction and processing methods (Waller et al. 2004). Jiao et al. (2010) reported acetylated polysaccharide values from as low as 1.2% to 10.2%. Femenia et al. (1999) reported approximately 34% polysaccharides in the depulped and extruded aloe vera “gel” (inner leaf juice). According to Waller et al. (2004), the mean polysaccharide concentration in various batches of depulped inner leaf fillet was 9.2 ± 2.5%. The highest value reported by the same authors appears to be 24.1% of the solids in a depulped, nondecolorized whole leaf material that was not treated with cellulase. Decolorization reduced this amount to 23.1%. The usage of exogenous enzymes in juice manufacturing, if not controlled, may lead to significant reduction of total polysaccharide content. Pasteurization, decolorization, and prolonged storage of whole leaves typically also results in reduced amounts of polysaccharides. A variety of other polysaccharides have also been characterized in minor amounts in the inner leaf of aloe vera, including different subtypes of mannans, glucomannans, and galactoglucomannans (Ni et al. 2004), arabinan and arabinogalactan (Ni et al. 2004), galactan (Mandal and Das 1980b), small amounts of acidic poly- or oligosaccharides containing glucuronic acid residues (Chang et al. 2011; Mandal et al. 1983), malic acid-acetylated carbohydrates veracylglucans A, B, and C (Esua and Rauwald 2006), and high-molecular-weight polysaccharide aloeride (Pugh et al. 2001). Other high-molecular-weight bioactive components of aloe vera leaf include maloyl glucans (e.g., veracylglucans) and glycoprotein verectin (Davis et al. 1994; Esua and Rauwald 2006; Yagi et al. 1998; Yagi and Takeo 2003). Some researchers have pointed to pectic substance and galactans as the main components of the polysaccharide fraction in aloe vera leaf (Mandal and Das 1980b; McConaughy et al. 2008; Rodríguez-González et al. 2011). Pectic substance is the collective term for a group of closely related polysaccharides often found associated with pectin, which include pectin, pectic acid, and arabinogalactan. The observation of pectic substance as the main polysaccharide complex in aloe vera leaf appears to be limited to those products that have undergone significant bacterial deterioration prior to or during processing and thus contain no acetylated polysaccharides (Waller et al. 2004).

Proteins, Glycoproteins, and Amino Acids The protein content in aloe vera leaf ranges from 6.33% dry weight in the skin to 8.92% dry weight in the gel (Femenia et al. 1999). Some native enzymes were isolated from aloe vera, including glyoxalase I and II (Norton et al. 1990),










Figure 12 Constituents of Aloe vera leaf 12a. A proposed structure of Aloe vera acetylated polysaccharide 12b. Aloin, the primary compound of Aloe vera latex

glutathione peroxidase (Sabeh et al. 1993), and superoxide dismutase (both in the rind and “inner gel”) (Sabeh et al. 1996). Yagi et al. (1997) reported on the glycoproteins in the “gel” (inner leaf). Aken and Can (1999) gave an account of the presence of lectins aloctin I and II in aloe vera leaf and leaf juice (exudate included). Park and Son (2006) reported on lectins, glycoproteins, and proteinase inhibitors in aloe vera leaves. Das et al. (2011) reported the presence of several novel proteins. At least 17 common amino acids were detected in the inner leaf of aloe vera, of which arginine was the most abundant, followed by asparagine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and serine (Waller et al. 1978).

Lipids The lipid content of aloe vera leaves ranges 2.71%–5.13% dry weight (Femenia et al. 1999). Several steroids were reported, including β-sitosterol, campesterol, cholesterol, stigmasterol, lophenol, 24-methyl-lophenol, 24-ethyllophenol, cycloartanol, 24-methylene-cycloartanol, and lupeol (Tanaka et al. 2006; Waller et al. 1978). Yamaguchi et al. (1993) detected a variety of alkanes and fatty acids in freeze-dried “gel.”

Phenolic Compounds Anthrones, anthraquinones, and chromones are the major types of phenolic compounds in aloe vera leaf exudate (Park and Kwon 2006) and are removed from IASC-certified juices by decolorization. Anthrone C-glycosides aloins A and B (also known as barbaloin) account for 10%–25% dry weight of the exudate (Boudreau and Beland 2006). Aloins A and B are diastereomers that can be easily separated by HPLC. Aloin A has a 10S configuration at C-10 with a β orientation (Figure 12b), while aloin B is the 10R diastereomer with an α orientation. Chromones include aloesin (formerly called aloeresin B) and aloeresin A, which, together with barbaloin, are regarded as the most prominent constituents of aloe latex (Park and Kwon 2006; Reynolds 2004). A number of other anthrones, which are mostly derivatives of barbaloin, are reported in aloe vera leaf exudate (e.g., see Okamura et al.



1997; Reynolds 2004). Among the anthraquinones, the most notable is aloe-emodin. For a more detailed review of other compounds occurring in aloe vera leaf exudate, see Park and Kwon (2006) and Reynolds (2004). An isocoumarin, feralolide, was found in the leaves of aloe vera (Choi et al. 1996).

Organic Acids As much as 75% of the solids in aloe vera leaf and inner leaf juices may consist of organic acids, metal ions, and chloride (Waller et al. 2004). Malic acid is the most abundant organic acid in aloe vera inner leaf juice, with a content of 11.1%– 40.4% weight of the solid fraction (Jiao et al. 2010). Since malic acid is prone to bacterial degradation to lactic acid by Lactobacillus spp., content of malic acid can be used as a marker for “freshness” and quality of aloe vera leaf and inner leaf juices. IASC aloe vera leaf juice products commonly contain lower malic acid levels than aloe vera inner leaf juice products (Waller et al. 2004). Citrate, isocitrate, and isocitrate lactone have been found in higher amounts in the outer portion of aloe vera leaf (Waller et al. 2004). Hence, the presence of high amounts of isocitrate is used as a negative marker for aloe vera inner leaf juice products. Citric acid can also be added to products as an acidulant or preservative. Other organic acids that may be present in the juices include quinic acid (Paez et al. 2000), fumaric, succinic, and acetic acids. Fumaric acid and succinic acid are products of the citric acid cycle in the plant. If this cycle is allowed to continue during storage, enzymatic degradation of the polysaccharides can occur, resulting in the increase of organic acid concentrations. Another important outcome of degradation of aloe vera polysaccharides is their deacetylization, which results in the production of acetic acid (Bozzi et al. 2007). Thus, estimation of the levels of these compounds can be used to assess processing and storage conditions.

Minerals According to Rajasekaran et al. (2005), the following elements occur in the “gel layer” (inner leaf) of aloe vera leaf, in the order of decreasing concentrations: Fe, Mn, K, Zn, V, Na, Mg, Cu, Cr, Ca, and Pb. Conversely, Ca2+ was the most abundant metal ion in aloe vera “gel” (inner leaf American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf • 2012


juice) analyzed by Femenia et al. (1999). Aloe vera leaf juice products commonly have a relatively high mineral content, as compared with aloe vera inner leaf juice products (Waller et al. 2004).

A na ly t i ca l The following methods are provided for the identification and quality assessment of aloe vera leaf and aloe vera leaf juices (liquid and dry). The high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) is predominantly used to confirm the identity of aloe vera leaves used for the manufacturing of juice products, including the detection of the prominent alternate species in trade. The method can also be used to establish the presence of exudate compounds (such as aloins A and B). However, as shown in the chromatograms provided, the HPTLC methodology is not applicable for the identification of processed juice products. The high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method is primarily used for the quantitation of aloins A and B in products and can be used to ensure conformity with the IASC limits for these compounds. For screening of the presence of maltodextrin, (e.g., to confirm its absence if not stated in labeling), a simple and inexpensive Maltodextrin Assay is provided. For detailed detection and quantitation of the primary compounds of interest in aloe leaf and its juices (i.e., acetylated polysaccharides), including for compliance with IASC criteria, see “Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry (1H NMR)” in the Analytical section of the Aloe Vera Leaf Juice monograph.

High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) for the Identification of Aloe Vera Leaf This HPTLC method was based on the methods for Barbados and Cape Aloes from the European Pharmacopoeia 6.0 with variations to sample preparations to allow for the analysis of various leaf products. The chromatographic conditions are also consistent with those provided in the pharmacopoeias of China and India. This method can be used for the detection of aloins A and B and aloe-emodin in raw materials and finished products, for identifying Aloe vera leaves, and for distinguishing crude aloe vera preparations and finished aloe vera leaf products from A. arborescens and A. ferox. The characteristic fingerprint of Aloe vera is best visualized at UV 366 nm, however, detection of the band that differentiates Aloe vera from the Cape Aloes (A. ferox) is best visualized in white light. Aloe arborescens is best visualized in UV 366 and is clearly distinguished from A. vera and A. ferox. The various aloe juice preparations show considerable differences from the crude leaf due to the filtration and processing to remove compounds mainly located in the exudate. Sample Preparation Fresh whole leaf: Cut into 2 to 3 mm squares, dry in a 30 °C oven for 36 hours, and powder in an analytical mill. Mix 0.50 g of the powder with 10 mL of methanol, sonicate for 22

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15 min, and centrifuge or filter. Use the supernatant (or filtrate) as the test solution. Fresh inner leaf: Fillet the inner leaf (cut away and discard the rind) and cut the inner gelatinous mass into 2-3 mm squares. Dry the material in a 30 °C oven for 36 hours and powder in an analytical mill. Mix 0.50 g of powder with 10 mL of methanol, sonicate for 15 min, and centrifuge or filter. The supernatant or filtrate is used as the test solution. Processed inner leaf and juices: Dry about 25 mL of the material in a 30 °C oven for 36 hours. Mix 0.50 g of the material with 10 mL of methanol, sonicate for 15 min, and centrifuge or filter. Use the supernatant (or filtrate) as the test solution. Extracts, powders, and tablets: Mix 0.50 g with 10 mL of methanol, sonicate for 15 minutes, and centrifuge or filter. Use the supernatant (or filtrate) as the test solution. Standards Preparation (optional) Aloin A: Dissolve 1 mg of aloin A in 10 mL of methanol. Aloin B: Dissolve 1 mg of aloin B in 10 mL of methanol. Aloe-emodin: Dissolve 1 mg of aloe-emodin in 10 mL of methanol. Reagent Preparation Potassium hydroxide (KOH) reagent: Dissolve 20 g of KOH pellets in 200 mL methanol in an ice bath. Chromatographic Conditions Stationary Phase: HPTLC plates 10 × 10 cm or 20 × 10 cm silica gel 60 F254. Mobile Phase: Ethyl acetate:methanol:water (100:17:13). Sample Application: Apply 5 mL of test solution(s) and 2 mL of each reference standard as an 8 mm band with a minimum of 2 mm distance between bands. Application position should be 8 mm from lower edge of plate. Development: 10 × 10 cm or 20 × 10 cm Twin Trough Chamber (CAMAG or equivalent), lined with filter paper, saturated for 20 minutes with 5 or 10 mL, respectively, of developing solvent in each trough. Developing distance is 70 mm from the lower edge of the plate. Dry the plate in a stream of cold air for 5 minutes. Detection: a) Examine the plate under UV 366 nm. b) Dip the plate in KOH reagent and then heat at 110 °C for 5 min. Examine under UV 366 nm. c) Dip the plate in KOH reagent. Examine under white light. Results: Compare with the chromatograms provided (Figures 13 and 14).

Figure 13a HPTLC chromatogram of Aloe vera leaf and leaves of other Aloe species (UV 366 nm) Discussion of the chromatogram The standards aloin A and aloin B (lanes 1 and 2, respectively) show zones of orange-brown fluorescence (Rf 0.43) and aloe emodin (lane 2) shows a zone of yellow fluorescence (Rf 0.79). The chromatograms obtained with the test solutions show in the lower part (Rf 0.30) a light blue fluorescent zone, in the central part (Rf

0.43) an orange-brown fluorescent zone due to aloin, and a faint, diffuse zone of yellow fluorescence (Rf 0.79) due to aloe emodin. A zone of red fluorescence due to chlorophyll is seen at the solvent front (not detectable in the inner leaf samples on lanes 12 and 13).

Figure 13b HPTLC chromatogram of Aloe vera leaf and leaves of other Aloe species (UV 366 nm, derivatized) Discussion of the chromatogram The standards aloin A and aloin B (lanes 1 and 2, respectively) show zones of yellow fluorescence (Rf 0.43) and aloe emodin (lane 2) shows a zone of dark red fluorescence (Rf 0.79). The chromatograms obtained with the test solutions show in the lower part (Rf 0.30) a light blue fluorescent zone and in the central part (Rf 0.43) a yellow fluorescent zone due to aloin. In some samples a

faint, diffuse zone of red fluorescence (Rf 0.79) due to aloe emodin can be detected (this is detected more clearly in all of the samples in the pre-derivatized UV 366 nm image above, 13a). A zone of red fluorescence due to chlorophyll is seen at the solvent front (not detectable in the inner leaf samples on lanes 12, 13 and 14).

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Figure 13c HPTLC chromatogram of Aloe vera leaf and leaves of other Aloe species (white light, derivatized) Discussion of the chromatogram The standards aloin A and aloin B (lanes 1 and 2, respectively) show brown zones (Rf 0.43) and aloe emodin (lane 2) shows a red-brown zone (Rf 0.79). The chromatograms obtained with the test solutions show in the central part (Rf 0.43) a brown zone due to aloin and a faint, diffuse red-brown zone (Rf 0.79) due to aloe Lane 1: Lane 2: Lane 3: Lane 4: Lane 5: Lane 6: Lane 7: Lane 8: Lane 9: Lane 10: Lane 11: Lane 12: Lane 13: Lane 14: Lane 15:


Aloin A Aloe emodin, aloin B Aloe vera fresh whole leaf Aloe vera fresh outer leaf Aloe vera fresh whole leaf Aloe vera fresh whole leaf Aloe vera fresh whole leaf Aloe ferox fresh whole leaf Aloe arborescens fresh whole leaf Aloe vera fresh inner leaf Aloe vera fresh inner leaf Aloe vera fresh inner leaf Aloe vera fresh inner leaf Aloe ferox fresh inner leaf Aloe arborescens fresh inner leaf

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emodin. The Aloe vera and unknown Aloe test samples show in visible light a violet-brown zone (Rf 0.39) just below the zone due to aloin. The Aloe ferox and Aloe arborescens samples (lanes 8, 9, 14 and 15) are lacking this zone. The presence of this zone can be used to differentiate Aloe vera from the Cape Aloes (Aloe ferox).

Figure 14a HPTLC chromatogram of Aloe vera leaf, leaves of other Aloe species, and Aloe spp. products (UV 366 nm) Discussion of the chromatogram The standards aloin A (lanes 1 and 22) and aloin B (lanes 2 and 23) show zones of orange-brown fluorescence (Rf 0.43) and aloe emodin (lanes 3 and 24) shows a zone of yellow fluorescence (RF 0.79). The chromatograms obtained with most of the test solutions show in the lower part (Rf 0.30) a light blue fluorescent zone. This zone is not detected in the Aloe vera juice, tablets, or flakes (lanes 11, 20, and 21, respectively). In the central part (Rf 0.43) an orange-brown fluorescent zone due to aloin is detected in most samples, except for some of the processed Aloe vera products

(juices, “gel,” tablets, and flakes on lanes 11, 12, 14, 20, and 21, respectively). A faint, diffuse zone of yellow fluorescence (Rf 0.79) due to aloe emodin is seen in most samples, except for some of the processed Aloe vera products (juices, “gel,” tablets, flakes, and powder on lanes 11, 12, 14, 19, 20, and 21, respectively), and the Aloe ferox juice (lane 16). A zone of red fluorescence due to chlorophyll is seen at the solvent front in the unprocessed leaf samples, the Aloe ferox juice (lane 15), and the two Aloe vera leaf extracts (lanes 17 and 18).

Figure 14b HPTLC chromatogram of Aloe vera leaf, leaves of other Aloe species, and Aloe spp. products (UV 366 nm, derivatized) Discussion of the chromatogram The standards aloin A (lanes 1 and 22) and aloin B (lanes 2 and 23) show zones of yellow fluorescence (Rf 0.43) and aloe emodin (lanes 3 and 24) shows a zone of dark red fluorescence (Rf 0.79). The chromatograms obtained with most of the test solutions show in the lower part (Rf 0.30) a light blue fluorescent zone. This zone is not detected in the Aloe vera juice and flakes (lanes 11 and 21, respectively). In the central part (Rf 0.43) a yellow fluorescent zone due to aloin is detected in most samples, except for some of the processed Aloe vera products (juices, tablets, and flakes on lanes 11, 12, 20, and 21, respectively). A faint, diffuse zone of

dark red fluorescence (Rf 0.79) due to aloe emodin is detected in few samples. This zone of aloe emodin is more easily detected in the pre-derivatized UV 366 nm image (Figure 14a). A zone of red fluorescence due to chlorophyll is seen at the solvent front in the unprocessed leaf samples, the Aloe ferox juice (lane 15), and the two Aloe vera leaf extracts (lanes 17 and 18).

American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf • 2012


Figure 14c HPTLC chromatogram of Aloe vera leaf, leaves of other Aloe species, and Aloe spp. products (white light, derivatized) Discussion of the chromatogram The standards aloin A (lanes 1 and 22) and aloin B (lanes 2 and 23) show brown zones (Rf 0.43) and aloe emodin (lanes 3 and 24) show a red-brown zone (Rf 0.79). The chromatograms obtained with the test solutions show in the central part (Rf 0.43) a brown zone due to aloin This zone is non-detectable in some of the processed Aloe vera products (juices on lanes 11 and 12, tablets on lane 20, and flakes on lane 21) or in the Aloe ferox juice (lane 16). Many of the samples also show a faint, diffuse red-brown zone (Rf 0.79) due to aloe emodin. Again, this zone is not detectable in some of the processed Aloe vera products (juices on lanes 11 and 12, “gel” on lane 14, powder on lane 19, tablets on lane 20, and flakes on Lane 1: Lane 2: Lane 3: Lane 4: Lane 5: Lane 6: Lane 7: Lane 8: Lane 9: Lane 10: Lane 11: Lane 12: Lane 13: Lane 14: Lane 15:


Aloin A Aloin B Aloe emodin Aloe vera fresh whole leaf Aloe vera fresh outer leaf Aloe vera fresh whole leaf Aloe vera fresh whole leaf Aloe vera fresh whole leaf Aloe ferox fresh whole leaf Aloe arborescens fresh whole leaf Aloe vera leaf juice Aloe vera inner leaf juice Aloe vera inner leaf juice Aloe vera inner leaf juice Aloe ferox juice

American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf • 2012

lanes 21) or in the Aloe ferox juice (lane 16). The Aloe vera and unknown Aloe fresh whole leaf test samples, Aloe vera gel (lane 13), and Aloe vera whole leaf powder (lane 19) show in visible light a violet-brown zone (Rf 0.39) just below the zone due to aloin. This zone is non-detectable in the other processed Aloe vera products. The Aloe ferox and Aloe arborescens samples (lanes 8, 9, 14 and 15) are lacking this zone. The presence of this zone can be used to differentiate Aloe vera from the Cape aloes (Aloe ferox).

Lane 16: Aloe ferox drink concentrate Lane 17: IASC-certified Aloe vera inner leaf juice concentrate (200x; capsules) Lane 18: IASC-certified Aloe vera leaf juice concentrate Lane 19: IASC-certified Aloe vera whole leaf powder (100x) Lane 20: IASC-certified Aloe vera tablets (whole leaf) Lane 21: IASC-certified Aloe vera inner leaf flakes (200x) Lane 22: Aloin A Lane 23: Aloin B Lane 24: Aloe emodin

International Status United States Cosmetic Product: Aloe vera leaf and inner leaf juice is included in many aloe vera skin care products. Food Additive: Aloe vera (cited as aloe) is approved as a flavoring agent or in conjunction with flavors only. Dietary Supplement Ingredient: Aloe vera products designed for oral consumption can be labeled and marketed as a dietary supplement product (USC 1994), requiring FDA notification and substantiation to support structure/function claim statements. Australia “Gel”: May be used as an active ingredient in ‘Listed’ medicines in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) for supply in Australia. Specific Indications: Aids the relief of sunburn, insect bites, chafing rashes and irritation of other sensitive skin areas. For the first-aid care of minor burns: cool the affected area with cold water or ice first for a suitable period before applying gel. Medical advice should be sought for the care of more serious burns (TGA 2009a). Juice and Juice Concentrate: Some aloe vera juice and juice concentrate beverages are viewed as “non-traditional foods” and not as “novel foods” (FSANZ 2009). There are some listed medicines described as “Aloe vera drinking gel” or as “Aloe vera juice.” Standard Indications: Aids digestion; helps maintain healthy digestive function; aids, assists or helps in the maintenance or improvement of general wellbeing (TGA 2009b). Specific Indications: Acts as a general tonic, helps to maintain healthy digestive function, and has a cleansing effect on the bowel (TGA 2009c). Canada “Leaf Gel” (Inner Leaf Juice): Included as a Natural Health Product (NHP) active ingredient, requiring premarketing authorization and product license for overthe-counter (OTC) human use. Quality: Must comply with the minimum specifications outlined in the current NHPD Compendium of Monographs (NHPD 2007b). Pharmacopoeial standards currently accepted by the NHPD are the British Pharmacopoeia (BP), European Pharmacopoeia (PhEur) and United States Pharmacopeia (USP). If no monograph exists in the currently accepted pharmacopoeia, other internationally recognized standards can be used such as World Health Organization (WHO) (NHPD 2007a). Compendial Indications (Topical): Preparations containing at least 10%–70% leaf gel are (1) traditionally used in herbal medicine to treat minor burns, including sunburns; traditionally used to assist in wound healing; and (2) traditionally used in herbal medicine to assist healing of minor wounds such as cuts and burns, and minor skin irritations (NHPD 2008).

Medicines Agency (EMA 2012). The European Commission database on cosmetic ingredients (CosIng 2012) reports that aloe vera leaf materials are approved for a variety of functions, predominantly for skin conditioning. India Leaf Pulp: The leaf pulp of Aloe barbadensis (syn. A. vera) is used in the Unani Systems of Medicine. Indications: To treat bawaseer (piles), sual-nazla (cough and cold), and wajiul mafasil (rheumatism) (CCRUM 1992). Japan Leaf Gel, Juice, and Various Extractives: Aloe vera juice is regulated as a food beverage product. It may not contain more than 0.60 mg/kg of benzoic acid. Various forms of aloe vera and extracts thereof are used as components of functional food products or in Foods for Specified Health Use (FOSHU) such as in fortified waters and fermented yogurt drinks (Yamaguchi 2004). South Korea Edible Aloe Concentrate and Edible Aloe Gel: Regulated as food products (KFDA 2004). Juice or concentrate from the gel or dried and powdered gel containing not less than 30 mg/g of aloe total polysaccharides are permitted the following health claims at the specified daily intake (dosages expressed as the amount of aloe polysaccharides): for skin health (100–420 mg), for colon health (110–125 mg), for immune enhancement (100–290 mg). Whole Leaf, Concentrated or Pulverized: After removal of the inedible parts, the pulverized whole leaf or pulverized concentrate from the whole leaf, containing 2.0-50 mg/g anthraquinones (as anhydrous barbaloin), is permitted the following health claim at the specified daily intake (dosage expressed as the amount of aloe polysaccharides): “smoothing the evacuation” (20-30 mg). World Health Organization “Gel” (Inner Leaf Juice): A monograph for the topical use of the colorless mucilaginous gel obtained from the parenchymatous cells in the fresh leaves of Aloe vera is published in the WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants. Medicinal Uses Supported by Clinical Data: None. Several health benefits are listed including wound healing, anti-inflammatory, and as a burn treatment (WHO 1999). Posology: Fresh gel or preparations containing 10%70% fresh gel (WHO 1999). Note: This review only addresses the international status of the aloe vera leaf, aloe vera inner leaf, and aloe vera leaf juice products, not the concentrated exudate (latex), included in most international pharmacopoeias, or other aloe species.

European Community “Gel” (Inner Leaf or Inner Leaf Juice): As of June 2012, aloe vera “gel” was listed as a low priority in the inventory of herbal substances for assessment by the European American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf • 2012


Aloe Vera Leaf Juice Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. Introduction Consistent with the terminology of the International Aloe Science Council (IASC), aloe vera leaf juice is produced from the entire leaf, typically involving enzymatic treatment, and processed in a manner that meets IASC criteria for quality, including limits for phenolic compounds (aloins A and B) and acetylated polysaccharide content, among other specific criteria (Table 1). This definition of “aloe vera leaf juice” is used to distinguish this type of products from those prepared from the inner leaf only, predominantly for the purpose of labeling.

Nomenclature Pharmacopoeial Definition Aloe vera leaf juice consists of the liquid derived from the entire leaves of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f., or the dry powdered concentrate of the liquid. The juice contains not less than 5% dry weight of acetylated polysaccharides, determined by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry.

Commercial Sources and Handling

In the production of aloe vera leaf juice, special care must be taken to preserve the content of acetylated polysaccharides, which can readily degrade due to prolonged storage, bacterial fermentation, and elevated temperatures. The quality of commercial aloe vera leaf juice is strongly dependent on processing and storage conditions. Enzymatic and thermal degradation and bacterial fermentation may affect the quality and decrease the value of the final product. For a more thorough discussion of processing involved in the production of aloe vera leaf juice, see the Aloe Vera Leaf monograph. Due to safety concerns in relation to aloins A and B (CIR 2007), the aloe vera industry began using activated charcoal in the manufacturing of aloe vera leaf juice in the process called “decolorization.” This practice can consistently reduce the concentration of phenolic compounds in aloe vera leaf juice products. The total content of aloins A and B must not be more 10 ppm in IASC-compliant single-strength aloe vera leaf juice raw materials and finished products intended for oral consumption. For other parameters of the IASC certification process, see Table 1. Table 1 IASC certification requirements for aloe vera leaf juice Compound

Identification Macroscopic Identification

Acetylated polysaccharides

≥ 5% dry weight



Aloin A & B

≤ 10 ppm in 1.0% aloe vera leaf juice solids solution, analyzed by HPLC or other fit-for-purpose methodology approved by the IASC


Must be listed on label and analysis must meet label claims.


≥ 1.0% in single-strength leaf juice


≤ 40%

Aloe vera leaf juice is a cloudy to transparent liquid. Organoleptic Characterization Charcoal-Filtered Liquid (single strength) Color: Colorless to caramel-colored. Aroma: Odorless to mildly vegetative. Taste:

Tasteless to slightly bitter.

Charcoal-Filtered Dry Concentrate (flakes or powder) Color: Beige. Aroma: Odorless to mildly vegetative. Taste:

Tasteless to slightly bitter.

Note: The organoleptic characteristics of aloe vera leaf juice products can vary considerably, depending on the processing techniques and additives used.


American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf Juice • 2012

Certification Requirement

Constituents The solids content of aloe vera leaf juice varies depending on the processing techniques. The solids fraction contains mainly carbohydrates, organic acids, and mineral salts (Waller et al. 2004), with most of the other components removed during processing. The typical composition of aloe vera leaf juice is provided in Table 2. For a more detailed discussion of aloe vera polysaccharides and other constituents, see the Aloe Vera Leaf monograph.

Table 2 Typical constituent profile of aloe vera leaf juice as determined by 1H-NMR Component

Content (% dry weight)

Acetylated mannan




Malic acid


Lactic acid


Citric acid


Pyruvic acid








Isocitrate lactone


Acetic acid


Succinic acid


Formic acid


Fumaric acid







A na ly t i ca l


Maltodextrin Assay

Figure 1 Maltodextrin test

Maltodextrin is an acceptable carrier used in spray-dried of aloe vera leaf juice products (typical ratio 1:1). Maltodextrin is also reported as one of the most prevalent adulterants of aloe vera leaf juice products used to artificially enhance polysaccharide values. This colorimetric assay can be used as an initial screening tool for identifying potentially adulterated aloe vera juice ingredients. The following assay was modified from a commonly known starch detection method. The assay should be performed with a control that is free of maltodextrin.

1a. Aloe vera leaf juice with and without maltodextrin (left to right: 0%, 10%, 25%, 50% weight of maltodextrin) prior to color reaction with iodine. 1b. Aloe vera leaf juice with and without maltodextrin showing color reaction after the addition of iodine.

Reagents Iodine Solution: In 250-mL volume flask, dissolve 10 g potassium iodide (KI) in 25 mL water. Add 3.175 g iodine (I2) and dilute to 250 mL.

Sample Preparation Liquid Samples: Add 10 mL of the liquid sample being tested to an empty test vial.

Detection Add 1–3 drops of Iodine Solution to the samples being tested. Cap the vials and invert one time, or swirl.

Dry Samples: Reconstitute in an appropriate amount of water to achieve single-strength juice (refer to concentration stated on the material labeling documentation). Add 10 mL of the liquid to an empty test vial.

Results In the presence of maltodextrin, the solution will turn medium- to dark-brown or purple to black, depending on the amount of maltodextrin present (Figure 1).

Standard Preparation (optional) Add 10 mL of aloe vera leaf juice reference material (e.g., AHP-Verified aloe vera leaf juice), reconstituted in appropriate amount of water to achieve single-strength juice, to an empty test vial.

American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf Juice • 2012


High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) for the Quantitation of Aloins A and B in Aloe Vera Leaf Juice

water and methanol, add another 1 mL of 0.1% acetic acid solution in water, and sonicate, vortex, and centrifuge the sample again prior to filtering and aliquoting it to a HPLC vial.

Standards Preparation Aloin A stock solution (0.1 mg/mL): Weigh 10.0 ± 0.1 mg of aloin A into a 100-mL volumetric flask, add approximately 80 mL of methanol, mix thoroughly, and fill to mark with methanol.

The following HPLC procedure can be used to quantify aloins A and B in aloe vera leaf juice products to meet IASC requirements of not more than 10 ppm of total aloins in single-strength raw materials and finished product. The method was subjected to a single-laboratory validation according to guidelines of AOAC International. The following preparations were analyzed: processed and unprocessed aloe vera leaf juice (1×), aloe vera leaf juice powder (100×), aloe vera inner leaf juice powder (200×), and capsules with powdered concentrate. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitation (LOQ) were determined according to the guidelines of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).

Aloin B stock solution (0.1 mg/mL): Weigh 10.0 ± 0.1 mg of aloin B to a 100-mL volumetric flask, add approximately 80 mL of methanol, mix thoroughly, and fill to mark with methanol. Aloin A Calibration Curve Calibration standards are prepared by serial dilution, as in Table 3. A mixed standard of 25 µg/mL aloins A and B can be employed for quality control (QC) purposes. Prepare the QC standard by diluting 1 mL of the 0.1 mg/mL aloin A stock solution and 1 mL of the 0.1 mg/mL aloin B stock solution in 2 mL of 0.2% acetic acid in water.

Sample Preparation Liquid Samples Processed samples (e.g., decolorized aloe vera leaf juice): Directly filter approximately 1 mL of the sample through 0.2 µm PTFE into a HPLC vial for analysis.

Instrumentation The HPLC system must be equipped with a diode-array detector or UV detector capable of monitoring at 357 nm, sample injection system, pump capable of delivering constant flow up to 600 bar, temperature-controlled column compartment, and computing data processor. Equilibrate the HPLC system with the mobile phase prior to analysis.

Unprocessed samples (e.g., non-decolorized aloe vera leaf juice): Dilute (1:1 v/v) with 0.1% acetic acid in methanol. Filter approximately 1 mL of the diluted solution through 0.2 µm PTFE into a HPLC vial for analysis. Powdered Samples Weigh 100.0 ± 1.0 mg of the powdered juice concentrate into a 15-mL conical centrifuge tube. Add 1.0 mL 0.1% acetic acid solution in water and sonicate for 5 min three times; vortex 30 seconds between intervals. The supernatant is then filtered through 0.2 µm PTFE filter into an HPLC vial.

Reagents Acetic acid, glacial: ACS reagent grade or equivalent. Methanol: HPLC grade or equivalent. Acetonitrile: HPLC grade or equivalent. Water: HPLC grade or equivalent. Mobile phase A: 0.1% volume acetic acid in water. Prepare by adding 1 mL of glacial acetic acid to 999 mL of 0.2 µm-filtered Nanopure water. Sonicate for 10 minutes.

Capsules Combine and homogenize the contents of 20 capsules and follow instructions for powders above.

Mobile phase B: 0.1% volume acetic acid in acetonitrile. Prepare by adding 1 mL of glacial acetic acid to 999 mL of acetonitrile. Sonicate for 10 minutes.

Note: For samples that are highly concentrated or viscous, add 1 mL of 0.1% acetic acid solution in water followed by adding 1 mL of 0.1% acetic acid in methanol. Sonicate for 5 min three times, vortexing for 30 seconds in the sonication intervals. Centrifuge at 5000 rpm (4500× g) for 3 min. If samples are still concentrated or viscous after the 1:1 dilution of 0.1% acetic acid in

Table 3 Calibration standards for aloin A calibration curve


Standard label (µg/mL)

Volume of 0.1 mg/ ml stock standard solution (mL)

Volume of 25-µg/ mL standard (mL)

Volume of 5-µg/ mL standard (mL)

Volume of 1-µg/ mL standard (mL)

Volume of 0.2% acetic acid in water (mL)

Volume of methanol (mL)
























American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf Juice • 2012

Stability and Storage of Preparations Refrigeration of test samples at 4 °C will maintain a relative stability of aloins for up to 2 weeks. Chromatographic Conditions Column: Phenomenex Kinetex 2.6 µm C18 100 x 4.6 mm. Column Temperature: 30 ºC. Mobile Phase: Gradient (see Table 4). Flow Rate: 1.850 mL/min. Injection Volume: 15 mL. Detection: 357 nm. Run Time: 18 min. Elution Order: Aloin A: ~6.9-7.1 min. Aloin B: ~5.4-5.6 min. Procedure and System Suitability a) Equilibrate the HPLC system with the mobile phases prior to analysis. b) Perform a blank injection to condition the column. c) Inject 50 ppm aloin A standard to ensure the standard is correctly prepared and system is operational. The aloin A peak should elute at the time stated above and there should be no other peaks present. d) Inject the QC standard (25 µg/mL mixed standard of aloin A and aloin B) five times to ensure the reproducibility and resolution requirements are met. Reproducibility: The relative standard deviation (RSD) of each aloin peak (aloin A and aloin B) areas and retention times must be less than or equal to 2.0%, when using five or fewer (n ≤ 5) replicate injections, or less than or equal to 2.5%, when using six replicate injections. If reproducibility is not met, do not proceed with the analysis. Resolution (Rs): The peaks of aloin A and aloin B should be resolved at greater than 1.5 when calculated based on peak width at tangent from any neighboring peaks using the following formula: Equation 1

Rs = 2(tB – tA) / (WA + WB)

where: tA and tB = the retention times of aloin A and aloin B, respectively; WA and WB = the widths of the peak bases of aloin A and aloin B, respectively.

Table 4 Mobile phase gradient for high-performance liquid chromatography analysis of aloins A and B in aloe vera leaf juice Time, min

Mobile phase A, %

Mobile phase B, %



















Do not proceed with test sample analysis unless reproducibility and resolution requirements are met. Inject a reagent blank followed by the calibration standards of aloin A (n = 6) as listed in Table 3. Inject up to 10 test samples followed by a blank and then the QC standard. Repeat as necessary until all test samples are run. It is recommended that samples be prepared in triplicate. At the end of the run, re-inject the 25 ppm QC standard. The QC standard injections should meet the reproducibility criteria stated above. As part of system suitability requirements, use the following formulas to verify that the capacity factor, tailing factor, and signal-to-noise criteria of aloin A are met. Capacity Factor (k’): The capacity factor for aloin A must be greater than 2.0. The formula to use is as follows: Equation 2

k’ = (tA – t0) / t0

where: tA = the retention time of aloin A; t0 = the retention time of the void volume. Tailing Factor (T): The tailing factor should be less than 1, at 5% of peak height. The formula to use is as follows: Equation 3

T = W0.05 / 2 * a

where: W0.05 = peak width at 5% of the peak height; a = distance from the leading edge of the peak to the midpoint. Signal-to-Noise Ratio (S/N): The signal-to-noise ratio should be monitored for the 0.2 ppm standard. The noise is calculated by multiplying the standard deviation of the linear regression of the drift by 6 (closest range to the aloin A peak is manually selected in the software). The formula to use is as follows: Equation 4

S/N = height of the peak / noise of closest range American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf Juice • 2012


mAU 40

Aloin B

Aloin A


50 ppm QC standard 40




aloin A aloin B





















Figure 2 HPLC chromatogram of aloins A and B standards 40

Calculations Obtain the integrated area (I) values of aloin A in the calibration standards and aloins A and B in the analyzed samples. Construct a plot of concentration (µg/mL) of the aloin A calibration standard (x-axis) against the individual peak area (y-axis). Calculate the slope (m), intercept (b) and correlation coefficient (R2) of the best-fit line. The concentration of aloin A or aloin B in the prepared sample is calculated by the following equation: Equation 5

Cv = (Ialoin A/B – b) / m

where: Cv = concentration of aloin A or B in the sample vial, µg/ mL; Ialoin A/B = integrated area of the aloin A or B peak in the sample; b = intercept of the calibration curve; m = slope of the correlation curve. Determine the concentration of total aloin (Ct, µg/mL) in the sample vial by adding individual aloin concentrations: Equation 6

Ct = Cv of aloin A + Cv of aloin B

For powdered material, the concentration of aloin A and B in the original sample is calculated by the following equation: Equation 7

Cs = Ct * V1 * D / Ms

where: Cs = concentration of total aloin in the original sample, µg/ mg; Ct = concentration of total aloin A and B in the sample vial, µg/mL, determined in the Equation 6 above; V1 = volume of the prepared sample, mL (here 1 mL); D = dilution factor if applicable; Ms = mass of original sample, mg. To determine total aloin concentration in single-strength juice, first obtain the “strength” value of the juice, typically stated on the label or in the documentation accompanying the material, such as certificate of analysis (COA). Pure aloe vera leaf juice powder is usually designated as having 100× strength, based on the standard value of the solids content in 32

American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf Juice • 2012




aloin B

aloin A








Figure 3 Typical HPLC chromatogram of aloe vera leaf juice 3a. Non-decolorized aloe vera leaf juice. 3b. Aloe vera leaf juice after decolorization.

aloe vera leaf juice of 10 mg/mL (1% w/vol). Lower strengths indicate that other agents (e.g., carriers) have been added during the drying process. The following formula can be used to determine the total aloin concentration in singlestrength preparations: Equation 8

C1x = Cs * Ds * S

where: C1x = concentration of total aloin, ppm or µg/mL, in singlestrength aloe vera leaf juice; Cs = total aloin concentration in the sample, determined in the Equation 7 above, µg/mg; Ds = dilution factor, based on the “strength” of the product, estimated by the following equation: Equation 9

Ds = 100 / x

where: x = “strength” of the powdered concentrate stated in the documentation accompanying the material; S = standard concentration of juice solids in single-strength aloe vera leaf juice = 10 mg/mL. Aloe vera leaf juice can also be marketed as liquid concentrates, e.g., 5×, etc. For liquid material, first obtain the “strength” value of the liquid and determine the total content of aloins A and B in single-strength juice by the following equation: Equation 10

C1x = Ct * D * Ds

where: C1x = total concentration of aloins, ppm or µg/mL, in single-

Table 5 Estimation of t critical value Number of replicates



t critical value













strength aloe vera leaf juice;

Ct = total aloin concentration in the sample vial from

Equation 6, µg/mL;

D = dilution factor if applicable; Ds = dilution factor, based on the “strength” of the product,

estimated by the following equation:

Equation 11

Ds = 1 / x

where: x = “strength” of the liquid concentrate stated in the documentation accompanying the material. For replicate samples calculate the mean and standard deviation/error. Report the total concentration of aloin utilizing a 95% confidence interval as per the following formula: Equation 12

where: = mean of replicates of the sample, calculated by the following equation: Equation 13

where: n = number of replicates; = t critical value, taken from Table 5; = standard error of the mean, calculated by the following equation: Equation 14

where: s = standard deviation; n = number of replicates. Representative chromatogram of aloins A and B standards are shown in Figure 2. Representative chromatogram of aloe vera leaf juice is shown in Figure 3.

Quantitative Proton-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry (1H NMR) for the Determination of Acetylated Polysaccharides, Glucose, and Maltodextrin in Aloe Vera Leaf Juice The following 1H quantitative NMR (qNMR) method was developed and validated by Process NMR Associates (Danbury, CT), and a similar 1H-NMR approach has been subjected to independent validation by Spectral Service (Köln, Germany), Unigen Inc. (Seattle, WA), and the Department of Chemistry, Saint Martin’s University (Lacey, WA) (Jiao et al. 2010). The method can be used for the direct detection and quantitation of the primary components of interest in aloe vera leaf juice products and raw materials for compliance with IASC certification requirements, specifically, for determination of the content of acetylated polysaccharides, the presence of glucose and malic acid, and the presence and content of maltodextrin (see Table 1). Additionally, for meeting quality control specifications beyond IASC requirements, the presence and content of the following groups of compounds can be determined: degradation products (e.g., lactic acid, succinic acid, fumaric acid, acetic acid, formic acid, and ethanol), preservatives (e.g., potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, and citric acid/citrate), and other atypical impurities, additives, or adulterants (e.g., methanol, glycine, glycerol, sucrose, maltodextrin, propylene glycol, ethanol). The method provides advantages over separation-based test methods in that it is rapid, allows for specific recognition of molecular chemistry, requires minimal sample preparation, and is quantitative. The method describes a common internal standard qNMR methodology that does not require additional equipment or advanced automation software. There are other quantitative NMR methods that utilize internal, calibrated electronic reference signals, as well as the use of multiple standard calibration solutions, that allow direct calculation of the components present in the sample utilizing specialized software automation and spectral deconvolution algorithms. The method is applicable to a large number of different aloe vera raw materials and products, including liquid and dried juices. In aloe vera finished products the method is only applicable when the observable aloe vera constituents are present at a high enough concentration and are not obscured by additional product ingredients with signals in overlapping areas. Fresh aloe vera leaf juice, produced by processing the entire leaf, contains glucose, malic acid, acetylated polysaccharides, along with citric acid cycle components such as citrate, isocitrate, and isocitrate lactone. Some aloe vera leaf juice products and raw materials may also contain high levels of lactic acid and acetic acid due to malolactic bacterial fermentation, hydrolysis, or thermal degradation of the material during production and/or storage. Finished aloe vera products often contain additives such as preservatives and flavorants. This method can be readily adapted to American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf Juice • 2012


allow analysis of any or all of these constituents. According to IASC standards, all aloe vera leaf juice raw materials should contain not less than 5% dry weight of the acetylated polysaccharides. Freeze-drying procedures may lead to the underestimation (or even non-observation) of some of the compounds. The freeze-drying process can also remove acetic acid, ethanol, methanol, sorbate, benzoate, and formic acid from the sample. If these components are of interest to the manufacturer or marketer of the products being analyzed then the NMR analysis should be performed on the sample without freeze-drying (Figure 6). The NMR processing and final calculations for liquid aloe vera leaf juice samples are identical to those performed on aloe vera leaf juice powders and freeze-dried samples. The calculated concentration values in liquid samples will be much less than the dry weight values suggested by IASC, as the majority component of the sample will be water. Weight values will be 10-200 times less, as the dry matter is typically 0.5%-10% dry weight of the sample, depending on the concentration of the product. 1 H NMR spectroscopy is not suitable for the observation of chemical components that are in the ppm (mg/g) concentration range. In the case of aloe vera chemistry, NMR is not applicable to the analysis of aloins A and B, which are expected to be present at less than 10 ppm in IASC-compliant single-strength aloe vera raw materials and finished products intended for oral consumption. As only proton chemistry is observed, it is also not possible to acquire information on elemental concentrations, such as calcium and magnesium concentrations. Note: The NMR chemical shift scale is a normalization method used to allow direct comparison of NMR spectra obtained at different magnetic field strengths. Thus, NMR spectra are presented with a scale, in ppm, which is derived by dividing the absolute frequencies in the spectrum by the resonance frequency of the observed nucleus (in MHz) on the spectrometer used to obtain it (ppm = Hz/MHz). The ppm scale is not related to the concentration of the components being analyzed. It is also important to remember that a NMR spectrum is not a chromatogram and each peak is not an individual component molecule. Rather, each of the component molecules gives rise to multiple specific peaks (singlets, doublets, triplets) at well defined chemical shifts that correspond to the particular chemical functionality of the protons (hydrogens) in the sample—whether they are CH, CH2, CH3 and what functional group they are adjacent to or a part of (aromatics, alkenes, alcohols, acids, aldehydes, etc.). The area under the NMR peaks is proportional to the number of protons in that functional group, and knowledge of the sample chemistry allows the molar ratios of chemical components to be determined. With knowledge of component molecular weights and the use of appropriate internal or external standards, it is possible to calculate the concentration of each component that is identified and properly integrated.

Sample Preparation Liquid Juice Samples and Aloe Vera-Containing Commercial Products Dissolve 150-200 mg of liquid aloe vera juice sample and 5-10  mg of the internal standard (nicotinamide) in ~0.7 mL deuterium oxide (D2O) and transfer into a 5-mm NMR tube. Freeze-Dried Juice Samples or Commercially Dried Juice Products Dissolve 20-50 mg of dried aloe vera leaf or inner leaf juice powder and 5-10 mg of the internal standard (nicotinamide) 34

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in ~0.7 mL of D2O and transfer into a 5-mm NMR tube.

Note: The exact amount of sample or standard is not important, but weights must be recorded to the nearest 0.1 mg. Volume of solvent is also not critical as the final result will be calculated in terms of % weight and does not require a volume to be used as is required for mg/mL calculations.

Reagents NMR solvents D2O (99.9% D-atom) + 0.01mg/ml 4,4-Dimethyl-4silapentane-1-sulfonic acid (DSS) (0.7 mL) (e.g., Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Andover, MA). DCl (20% in D2O, 99.5% D-atom) (e.g., Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Andover, MA). Note: Equivalent deuterated solvents from other manufacturers can be used.

qNMR internal standard Nicotinamide (> 99.5% purity). Note: Some automated approaches (not described here) require external standards of glucose, malic acid, lactic acid, and acetic acid, as well as a standard acetylated polysaccharide solution (e.g., Immuno-10, Unigen, Seattle, WA). All small molecule components can be obtained from commercial chemical companies at purity of > 98%.

Equipment NMR spectrometer Varian Mercury-300MVX with 1H-19F/15N-31P 5-mm PFG AutoX DB Probe or 5-mm H/F/P/C 4-nucleus probe. Operating with Varian VNMR-6.1C software. Equivalent NMR systems and software include those from the following manufacturers: Agilent/Varian (VNMR or VNMRJ software), Bruker (Topspin software), JEOL (Delta software). The necessary requirements are 1H Resonance Frequency of 300-500 MHz and a functional 1H probe. Examples of third party commercial and non-commercial NMR software capable of processing spectral data acquired on commercial NMR spectrometers (as above) include ACD/NMR Processor (ACD/Labs), MNOVA (Mestrelab Research), SpinWorks (freeware), Chenomx NMR Suite (Chenomx). Weighing equipment Calibrated weighing balance capable of measuring accurately to 0.1 mg. Freeze dryer Virtis BTK Benchtop “K” Manifold (SP Industries) or equivalent. Analytical Conditions The typical NMR instrument parameters are shown in Table 6. There is some variation of these parameters brought about by differences in field strength and the sweep width variations. All experiments must be optimally shimmed and the acceptance criteria for acceptable spectral performance is based on the quality of the nicotinamide standard resonance located at 7.65 ppm which should optimally be a well resolved, symmetric, 4 peak multiplet. The water resonance set to 4.8 ppm is utilized as the chemical shift standard in non-acidified samples. Preferentially internal chemical shift standards readily available in NMR deuterated solvents DSS or 3-(trimethylsilyl)-2,2’,3,3’-tetradeuteropropionic acid (TMSP-d4) can also be utilized as the reference for 0 ppm.

Table 6 Typical NMR instrument parameters Acquisition Time

3-8 seconds

Relaxation (Recycle) Delay

2-6 seconds

Frequency, MHz

300-500 MHz

Nucleus Number of Pulse Accumulations*


Zero-filled Points


Pulse sequence

Single pulse



Sweep width, ppm


Steady State Pulses Pre-Acquisition Delay

Signal-to-Noise ratio (S/N) > 10

LOD, mg/mL

LOQ, mg/mL

Acetylated mannan

< 0.05

< 0.1


< 0.05

< 0.05

Malic acid

< 0.05

< 0.05

Lactic acid

< 0.005

< 0.005

Acetic acid

< 0.001

< 0.005



Line Broadening

Signal-to-Noise ratio (S/N) > 3



Original FID Points


Table 7 1H NMR method limits of detection (LOD) and quantitation (LOQ) for some of the constituents naturally present in aloe vera leaf juice

Ambient (25 ºC) 0.35 Hz 8 60 seconds

* Number of transients depends on the component concentration present in the sample being analyzed. Signal-to-noise (S/N) must be high (>10:1 for the smallest component signal to be quanitified, >3:1 on smallest component to be detected). The analyst must decide the appropriate number of transients to obtain adequate S/N.

The DSS, TMSP, or component line-shapes should also be utilized to validate the lineshape and thermal stability of the acquisition. Other resonances in the sample that can be used for confirmation of line shape are glucose (doublet at 5.2 ppm), lactic acid (if present, 1.35 ppm). The analysis can be performed by an appropriately trained technician under the supervision of a qualified NMR spectroscopist, however, the data processing, quantitative analysis, and decisions on experimental approaches (acidification of sample followed by second NMR analysis) should be performed by a qualified NMR spectroscopist. Limits The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitation (LOQ) values for some of the aloe vera leaf juice components calculated for this method can be seen in Table 7. The LOD/LOQ values can vary based on the spectrometer field strength, NMR probe type and configuration, and post-processing procedures such as apodization. For full description of typical LOD, LOQ, linearity, robustness, accuracy and reproducibility results of the method, see Jiao et al. (2010). Detection 1 H-NMR spectra are collected with analytical parameters equal or close to those shown in Table 6. The spectra are processed with manual or automatic phase correction, baseline correction, and manual integration of resonance signals. Characteristic chemical shift values, molar conversion factors, and peak descriptions, for compounds

naturally present in aloe vera leaf juice are presented in Table 8. Additionally, the chemical shifts, molar conversion factors, and peak descriptions for compounds indicative of degradation of aloe vera acetylated polysaccharides, as well as those for compounds that may be present in aloe vera juice products and raw materials as preservatives and additives, are shown given in Table 9. Detection of Glucose Glucose has two natural anomers resulting in two signals at 4.6 ppm and 5.2 ppm, respectively, for the C-1 (α and β) protons (see Figure 4). Detection of Maltodextrin Maltodextrin may be added to powdered aloe vera leaf juice during spray-drying. If content of maltodextrin is not correctly stated on the documentation accompanying the product, it is considered an adulterant. A single, relatively broad 1H NMR signal at 5.4 ppm indicates the presence of maltodextrin. If the signal at 5.4 ppm is narrow and shows the structure of a doublet then the signal is due to the anomeric proton signal of sucrose rather than maltodextrin. Figure 7 shows an example of aloe vera leaf juice powdered concentrate that contains 75% maltodextrin. For quantitation of maltodextrin, see “Quantitation” below. Quantitation After the component signals have been properly assigned and identified (see Tables 8 and 9), the component signals are carefully integrated and the integral values transferred into spreadsheets or utilized in NMR software macros and automation routines. Some advanced software packages might also allow automatic identification and integration of the signals of interest, or completely deconvolute and quantify the components based on spectral deconvolution using pure component spectra as a basis set. Quantitation of Acetylated Polysaccharides The multiple NMR peaks associated with acetylation groups are found between 2.0 and 2.3 ppm and these have been chosen as the characteristic peaks for acetylated mannose residues in aloe vera polysaccharides. Quantitation of acetylated polysaccharides by 1H NMR, where the repeat American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf Juice • 2012


Table 8 Characteristic chemical shift values, peak multiplicity, protonated carbon type, and molar conversion factors (N-parameter) used for detection and quantitation of the major natural components of aloe vera leaf juice Substance

Signal type and N-parameter*

Chemical shift, ppm

Acetylated mannan

Broad group of CH3 singlets (N=3)


CH, doublet (N=1)


Malic acid

CH, 4-peak multiplet (N=1)



CH, doublet (N=1)



CH, doublet (N=1)


Isocitric lactone

CH, doublet (N=1)


Isocitric acid

* N-parameter value refers to the number of protons in the functional group by which the integrated signal intensity must be divided in order to obtain molar ratios that can then be converted to % weight values.

units of the polymer yield superimposed signals in the NMR spectrum is accomplished by multiplication of the molar integrated signal values in the 2.0-2.3 ppm region by the molar weight of the average monomer unit. In the case of aloe vera acetylated polysaccharides, it has been demonstrated that the acetylation of the mannose monomer units is at 78% (Manna and McAnalley 1993) and that mannose represents 84% of the polysaccharide backbone with the remainder being composed of glucose, galactose, and a few other saccharides (Chow et al. 2005). The acetylation content and the presence of other saccharides must be taken into account so as not to underestimate the acetylated polysaccharides content. The molar weight (MW) of an acetylated mannosyl monomer is calculated by subtracting the molar weight of two water molecules: one removed upon condensation of two mannose monosaccharides, and another upon the condensation of acetate with mannosyl monomer. Thus: Equation 1

MWmannosyl = MWmannose – MWwater = 180.2 g/mol – 18 g/mol = 162.2 g/mol Equation 2

MWacetylmannosyl = MWmannosyl + MWacetate – MWwater = 162.2 g/mol + 60 g/mol – 18 g/mol = 204.2 g/mol

Now, taking into account the 0.78/1 acetyl/mannosyl ratio (Manna and McAnalley 1993) as well as the reported presence of 16% non-mannosyl saccharides (mostly glucose and galactose) in the aloe vera acetylated polysaccharides (Chow et al. 2005), we can calculate the concentration of the acetylated polysaccharides (CAP) by the following equation (Equation 3):


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Equation 3

CAP = ((WNic * IAcMann * NNic * MWAcMann) / (INic * NAcMann * MWNic) + (WNic * IAcMann * NNic * MWMann * (0.22 / 0.78)) / (INic * NAcMann * MWNic) + (WNic * IAcMann * NNic * MWGl * (0.16 / 0.84)) / (INic * NAcMann * MWNic)) * (1 / Wsample) * 100%

where: CAP WNic IAcMann NNic MWAcMann INic NAcMann MWNic MWMann MWGl Wsample

= content of acetylated polysaccharides in the sample, % weight; = weight of added internal standard (nicotinamide), mg; = integration area of acetylation methyls (multiple peaks in 2.0-2.3 ppm region); = molar conversion factor (see Table 8) for nicotinamide = 4; = molar weight of acetylated mannosyl residue = 204.2 g/mol; = sum of integration areas of the 4 aromatic CH peaks of the nicotinamide standard; = molar conversion factor for acetylmannosyl = 3; = molar weight of nicotinamide standard = 122.1 g/mol; = molar weight of non-acetylated mannosyl residue = 162.2 g/mol; = molar weight of glucosyl and galactosyl residues = 162.2 g/mol; = weight of sample, mg.

Substituting the constant parameters with numerical values, the following formula for estimating the concentration of acetylated polysaccharides (CAP, % weight) is obtained: Equation 4

CAP = 3.06 * (WNic * IAcMann) / (INic * Wsample) * 100%

where: CAP = content of acetylated polysaccharides in the sample, % weight; WNic = weight of added internal standard (nicotinamide), mg; IAcMann = integration area of acetylation methyls (multiple peaks in 2.0-2.3 ppm region); INic = sum of integration areas of the 4 aromatic CH peaks of the nicotinamide standard; Wsample = weight of sample, mg. Quantitation of Maltodextrin According to IASC criteria, if maltodextrin is added to aloe vera leaf juice during manufacturing, its content should be accurately declared; otherwise, it is considered an adulterant. Figure 7 shows an example of aloe vera leaf juice powdered concentrate that contains 75% weight of maltodextrin and 25% weight of leaf juice powder. The peak at 5.4 ppm can be used to determine the quantity of maltodextrin present. Care must be taken to distinguish between the broad single resonance of maltodextrin and the doublet that arises at the

Table 9 Chemical shift values, peak descriptions, and molar conversion factors that can be used for detection and quantitation of aloe vera leaf juice preservatives, additives, and degradation products Compound

Type of compound


Chemical shift, ppm


CH3, doublet (N=3)


Degradation product or additive

CH3, triplet (N=3)


Degradation product

CH3, doublet (N=3)



CH3, doublet (N=3)


Acetic acid

Degradation product

CH3, singlet (N=3)


Pyruvic acid

Degradation product

CH3, singlet (N=3)


Naturally present or added as pH regulator and preservative

2 x CH2, multiplet (N=4)


Degradation product

2 x CH2, singlet (N=4)




CH2 and CH, multiplet




CH2, singlet (N=2)




CH, doublet (N=1)


Degradation product

2 x CH, singlet (N=2)



2 x CH, doublet (N=2)


Degradation product

CH, singlet (N=1)


Propylene glycol Ethanol Lactic acid Potassium sorbate

Citric acid Succinic acid

Fumaric acid Sodium benzoate Formic acid

same position from sucrose. The formula for quantitation of maltodextrin is shown in the Equation 5. Equation 5

CMDX = (WNic * IMDX * NNic * MWMDX monomer) / (INic * NMDX * MWNic * Wsample) * 100%


= content of maltodextrin in the sample, % weight; WNic = weight of added internal standard, mg; IMDX = integration area of anomeric proton resonance of maltodextrin (5.4 ppm); NNic = molar conversion factor for nicotinamide = 4; MWMDX monomer = molar weight of maltodextrin monomer = MWglucose – MWwater = 180.2 g/mol – 18 g/mol = 162.2 g/mol; INic = sum of integration areas of the 4 aromatic CH peaks of the nicotinamide standard; NMDX = molar conversion factor for maltodextrin = 1; MWNic = molar weight of nicotinamide = 122.1 g/mol; Wsample = weight of sample, mg. CMDX

After substitution with constant numerical values, the following formula is obtained: Equation 6

CMDX = 5.32 * (WNic * IMDX ) / (INic * Wsample) * 100%

where: CMDX = content of maltodextrin in the sample, % weight; WNic = weight of added internal standard, mg;

IMDX INic Wsample

= integration area of anomeric proton resonance of maltodextrin (5.4 ppm); = sum of integration areas of the 4 aromatic CH peaks of the nicotinamide standard; = weight of sample, mg.

Additional Components (optional analysis) Multiple components are commonly present in aloe vera leaf juices. These include malic acid, glucose, products of degradation of the acetylated polysaccharides and small molecule components, and various additives. Although unnecessary for IASC certification, information about such substances may be useful for assessing the quality of the material. Use of 1H NMR allows detection and, if needed, quantitation of the levels of these compounds without additional runs or standards. 1H NMR will also allow the direct observation and identification of unknown contaminants that might appear in aloe vera raw materials and products. The general formula to calculate the concentration (% weight) of any component is: Equation 7

CX = (WNic * IX * NNic * MWX) / (INic * NX * MWNic * Wsample) * 100%

where: CX = concentration of the component, % weight; WNic = weight of added internal standard (nicotinamide), mg; American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Leaf Juice • 2012



Figure 4 Typical 1H-NMR spectrum of freeze-dried aloe vera leaf juice Discussion The presence of molecular components of interest in aloe vera leaf juice can be established from observing this spectrum. Peaks representing a- and b-glucose are observed at 4.6 ppm and 5.2 ppm, respectively. The group of peaks associated with the acetylated CH3 groups in the aloe vera acetylated polysaccharides is located in the 2.0–2.3 ppm region. The presence of multiple degradation products (pyruvic acid, acetic acid, lactic acid, succinic acid, formic acid, and ethanol) and/or additives (sorbate

= integration area of the unique proton resonance from the component spectrum; NNic = molar conversion factor for nicotinamide = 4 (the number of the aromatic CH groups in the molecule); MWX = molar weight of the component, g/mol; INic = sum of integration areas of 4 aromatic CH peaks of the nicotinamide standard; NX = molar conversion factor for the compound (equal to the number of protons in the resonance group/ groups): CH = 1, CH2 = 2, CH3 = 3; MWNic = molar weight of nicotinamide = 122.1 g/mol; Wsample = weight of sample, mg. IX

The formulas for estimation of several additional constituents of interest in aloe vera leaf juice are provided further. 38

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and citric acid) can be established by the observation of the indicated peaks. The peaks in the 3.2–4.3 ppm area represent polysaccharide and glucose sugar signals. In addition, several peaks associated with isocitrate and isocitrate lactone are observed and quantified, indicating that this is a leaf juice (i.e., not inner leaf juice) product. As mentioned previously, the NMR spectroscopist responsible for acquisition and analysis of the data must make a decision as to whether acidification of the sample is required in order to shift the isocitrate CH resonance (indicated by ‘x’) into a region of the spectrum where it can be quantitatively integrated (see Figure 7).

Malic Acid: The malic acid CH signal at 4.3 ppm is usually present as a multiplet but is often broadened due to chelation effects. In some cases there is considerable complexation of malic acid with other components in the juices. This can lead to broad resonances for malic acid that are more difficult to properly integrate and quantify, particularly in powdered aloe vera leaf juice samples. The addition of a mineral acid (DCl) breaks up the malic acid complexes and allows proper integration of the malic acid CH signals (Figure 7). As stated previously, the pH of the final solution is not important if the analysis is to be performed by an analyst. However, the pH must be known and controlled if automated spectral deconvolution methods are to be used. Provided that the molar weight of malic acid is 134.1 g/mol, and the resonance peak used for estimation is CH (N = 1), the calculation is the following (Equation 8):


Figure 5 1H-NMR spectrum of a freeze-dried 5x aloe vera leaf juice Discussion The nicotinamide standard yields peaks at 7.7 ppm and in the 8.29.0 ppm region. In leaf juice samples, it is often found that there has been thermal or enzymatic degradation of the acetylated Equation 8

CMA = 4.39 * (WNic * IMA) / (INic * Wsample) * 100%


= concentration of malic acid in the sample, % weight; WNic = weight of added internal standard (nicotinamide), mg; IMA = integration area of the CH proton resonance of malic acid (4.3 ppm); INic = sum of integration areas of the 4 aromatic CH peaks of the nicotinamide standard; Wsample = weight of sample, mg. CMA

Glucose: The anomeric proton signals of both the a (doublet at 5.2 ppm) and b (doublet at 4.6 ppm) anomers of glucose are used to quantify the glucose content of aloe vera leaf juice. The molar weight of glucose is 180.2 g/mol, and the resonance groups used for quantitation are CH (N = 1). The calculation is the following (Equation 9): Equation 9

CGlu = 5.90 * (WNic * (Ia + Ib)) / (INic * Wsample) * 100%

where: CGlu = concentration of glucose in the sample, % weight;

polysaccharides with the result of producing a different shape distribution in the three acetylated mannosyl CH3 resonances (2.02.3 ppm).

WNic = weight of added internal standard (nicotinamide), Ia Ib INic Wsample

mg; = integration area of the CH proton resonance of a-glucose (5.2 ppm); = integration area of the CH proton resonance of b-glucose (4.6 ppm); = sum of integration areas of the 4 aromatic CH peaks of the nicotinamide standard; = weight of sample, mg.

Isocitrate: The instructions for isocitrate quantitation are provided in the Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Juice monograph. Isocitrate Lactone: The CH resonance (doublet at 5.05 ppm) of the isocitrate lactone molecule (176.0 g/mol) is utilized for quantitation. The final formula is the following: Equation 10

CICL = 5.77 * (WNic * IICL) / (INic * Wsample) * 100%

where: CICL WNic

= concentration of isocitrate lactone in the sample, % weight; = weight of added internal standard (nicotinamide), mg;

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Figure 6 1H-NMR spectrum of a 5x aloe vera leaf juice analyzed without freeze-drying Discussion This spectrum shows a 5x aloe vera leaf juice with benzoate and sorbate added as preservatives. All signals typically observed in freeze-dried 5x leaf juice are observed, but at a lower intensity. A large H2O resonance is observed at 4.8 ppm. The spectrum shows some degradation products, such as acetic acid (singlet at 1.98 ppm) and lactic acid (doublet at 1.3 ppm), and signs of IICL INic Wsample

= integration area of the CH proton resonance of isocitrate lactone (5.05 ppm); = sum of integration areas of the 4 aromatic CH peaks of the nicotinamide standard; = weight of sample, mg.

Citrate: Citrate (192.0 g/mol) CH2 resonances appear in the 2.5-3.0 ppm region and are overlapped by the CH2 resonances of malic acid, isocitrate, and isocitrate lactone. These latter components can be quantified from their CH resonances found in the 4.25-5.05 ppm region. Thus, once the integrated values for the CH protons of malic acid (IMA), isocitric acid (IICA), and isocitrate lactone (IICL) have been obtained, it is possible to obtain the molar integration value of citric acid (ICA / NCA) by subtracting the intensity of these CH carbons (multiplied by 2 to adjust for the CH2 signal intensities being subtracted for these molecules) from the CH2 region, and then dividing by the four citric acid protons (NCA) that are present in that region. The final calculation is shown in Equation 11. 40

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fermentation (ethanol CH3 triplet at 1.15 ppm). The two doublet signatures observed between 2.8 and 3.0 ppm are indicative of the presence of isocitrate. Isocitrate is quantified only if the material is labeled as “inner leaf juice” (see the Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Juice monograph).

Equation 11

CCA = 1.57 * (WNic * ICA) / (INic * Wsample) * 100%

where: CCA = concentration of citric acid in the sample, % weight; WNic = weight of added internal standard (nicotinamide), mg; ICA

= I2.5-3.0 – 2 * (IICL + IICA + IMA)

where: I2.5-3.0 = total integration area of the 2.5-3.0 ppm region; INic = sum of integration areas of the 4 aromatic CH peaks of the nicotinamide standard; Wsample = weight of sample, mg. Degradation Products: The presence of degradation products can be used to assess the quality of the material and give indications of sample processing and storage conditions. Chemical shift values, peak descriptions, and molar conversion factors for typical degradation products of aloe vera acetylated polysaccharides can be found in Table 9.


Figure 7 1H-NMR spectra of a commercial aloe vera leaf juice powder containing 75% dry weight maltodextrin, before and after acidification with 1 drop of 20% DCl in D2O Discussion The region around 2.8-3.0 shows the presence of isocitrate in the non-acidified sample (lower spectrum). Acidification with 1 drop

of 20% DCl in D2O allows the proper quantitation of the isocitrate by shifting the pH sensitive resonance to 4.55 ppm where it can be properly integrated without overlapping signals from other component molecules.

Preservatives and Additives: Chemical shift, peak descriptions and molar conversion factors for common preservatives, flavorants, and formulation additives used in aloe vera leaf juice products are provided in Table 9. Unexpected Components: The 1H-NMR method can also identify and quantify the presence of unexpected compounds which might prove harmful if present at high concentration. One example of this is the observation of methanol (CH3, singlet, at 3.3 ppm) in some aloe vera leaf juice materials.

Limit Tests Solids Content: Not less than 1.0% in single-strength (1×) juice, determined by drying a 10-gram sample of the liquid at 105 ºC for 24 hours (Wang and Strong 1995).

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Figure 8 1H-NMR spectrum of a commercial, freeze-dried 100x aloe vera leaf juice powder Discussion

This spectrum of a commercial powder produced by freeze-drying aloe vera leaf juice shows the typical CH3 peak distribution of the acetylated polysaccharides. It also shows the presence of acetic acid (1.98 ppm), lactic acid (1.33 ppm), and formic acid (8.4 ppm)


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degradation products as well as the presence of isocitrate. In order to obtain quantitative isocitrate results, this sample would have to be acidified to shift the isocitrate CH resonance into an area of the spectrum where it is not overlapped. be properly integrated without overlapping signals from other component molecules.

Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Juice Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. Nomenclature Pharmacopoeial Definition Aloe vera inner leaf juice consists of the liquid expressed from the clear inner layer of the leaves of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. or the dry powdered concentrate of such liquid. Inner leaf juice contains not less than 5% dry weight of acetylated polysaccharides and not more than 5% dry weight of isocitric acid, determined by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry (1H NMR).

Identification Macroscopic Identification Aloe vera inner leaf juice is a viscous, cloudy to transparent liquid.


The solid fraction of the juice produced from aloe vera inner leaf consists predominantly of carbohydrates (acetylated polysaccharides, free glucose), organic acids (predominantly malic acid) and mineral ions (Femenia et al. 1999; Waller et al. 2004). A review of a limited number of commercial aloe vera “gel” products suggests that polysaccharide concentration varies widely, with a large percentage of products containing lower than 10% acetylated polysaccharides and some containing as low as 1% (Bozzi et al. 2007). “Filleting” the leaves prior to making the juice removes most of the phenolic compounds from the final product. To further reduce the phenolic content, if needed, decolorization can be used. The characteristic constituent profile of aloe vera inner leaf juice is shown in Table 2.

Organoleptic Characterization

A na ly t i ca l

Liquid (single-strength) Color: Clear to caramel-colored. Aroma: Odorless to mildly vegetative. Taste: Tasteless to slightly bitter.

Maltodextrin Assay

Flakes and powder Color: Beige. Aroma: Odorless to mildly vegetative. Taste: Tasteless to slightly bitter.

Commercial Sources and Handling

Aloe vera inner leaf juice is produced from the clear inner leaf, separated from the rind in the process called “filleting.” During filleting, whether manual or mechanical, care must be taken not to introduce excessive amounts of phenolic constituents located in the vascular layer of the leaf. If contamination with these compounds does occur, decolorization may be employed to reduce the levels to the 10 ppm limit in the single-strength raw material or finished product (Table 1). Aloe vera inner leaf juice is prone to enzymatic, thermal, and bacterial degradation. For a more thorough discussion of production of aloe vera inner leaf juice, see the Aloe Vera Leaf monograph.

Proceed as directed in the Aloe Vera Leaf Juice monograph.

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) for the Quantification of Aloins A and B in Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Juice The International Aloe Science Council requires not more than 10 ppm of total aloins in single-strength (1×) aloe vera inner leaf juice raw materials and finished products. For the determination of quantity of aloins A and B in aloe vera inner leaf juice products, the same HPLC procedure as described in the Aloe Vera Leaf Juice monograph should be used. Sample Preparation, Standards Preparation, Instrumentation, Reagents, Procedure and System Suitability Proceed as directed in the Aloe Vera Leaf Juice monograph. Calculations Obtain the integrated area (I) values of aloin A in the calibration standards and aloins A and B in the analyzed samples. Construct a plot of concentration (µg/mL) of the aloin A calibration standard (x-axis) against the individual peak area (y-axis). Calculate the slope (m), intercept (b) and correlation coefficient (R2) of the best-fit line. American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Juice • 2012


Table 1 IASC certification requirements for aloe vera inner leaf juice Compound

Table 2 Typical constituent profile of aloe vera inner leaf juice as determined by 1H-NMR

Certification Requirement


Content*(% dry weight)

Acetylated mannan





Malic acid


≤ 10 ppm in single-strength inner leaf juice, analyzed by HPLC or other fitfor-purpose methodology approved by the IASC

Lactic acid


Citric acid


Pyruvic acid



Must be listed on label and analysis must meet label claims.






≥ 0.5% in single-strength inner leaf juice




≤ 40%

Isocitrate lactone


Acetic acid



≤ 5% dry weight

Succinic acid


Formic acid


Fumaric acid






Acetylated polysaccharides

≥ 5% dry weight



The concentration of aloin A or aloin B in the prepared sample is calculated by the following equation: Equation 1

Cv = (Ialoin A/B – b) / m

where: Cv = concentration of aloin A or B in the sample vial, µg/ mL; Ialoin A/B = integrated area of the aloin A or B peak in the sample; b = intercept of the calibration curve; m = slope of the correlation curve. Determine the concentration of total aloin (Ct, µg/mL) in the sample vial by adding individual aloin concentrations: Equation 2

Ct = Cv of aloin A + Cv of aloin B

For powdered material, the concentration of aloin A and B in the original sample is calculated by the following equation: Equation 3

Cs = Ct * V1 * D / Ms


Content determined in a freeze-dried sample.

accompanying the material, such as certificate of analysis (COA). Pure aloe vera inner leaf juice powder is usually designated as having 200× strength, based on the standard value of the solids content in aloe vera inner leaf juice of 5 mg/mL (0.5% w/vol). Lower strengths indicate that other agents (e.g., carriers) have been added during the drying process. The following formula can be used to determine the total aloin concentration in single-strength preparations: Equation 4

C1x = Cs * Ds * S

where: C1x = concentration of total aloin, ppm or µg/mL, in singlestrength aloe vera inner leaf juice; Cs = total aloin concentration in the sample, determined in the Equation 3 above, µg/mg; Ds = dilution factor, based on the “strength” of the product, estimated by the following equation:

where: Cs = concentration of total aloin in the original sample, µg/ mg; Ct = concentration of total aloin A and B in the sample vial, µg/mL, determined in the Equation 2 above; V1 = volume of the prepared sample, mL (here 1 mL); D = dilution factor if applicable; Ms = mass of original sample, mg.

Equation 5

To determine total aloin concentration in single-strength inner leaf juice, first obtain the “strength” value of the juice, typically stated on the label or in the documentation

Aloe vera inner leaf juice can also be marketed as liquid concentrates, e.g., 5×, etc. For liquid material, first obtain the “strength” value of the liquid and determine the total


American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Juice • 2012

Ds = 200 / x

where: x = “strength” of the powdered concentrate stated in the documentation accompanying the material; S = standard concentration of juice solids in single-strength aloe vera leaf juice = 5 mg/mL.

Table 3 Estimation of t critical value Number of replicates



t critical value













content of aloins A and B in single-strength juice by the following equation: Equation 6

C1x = Ct * D * Ds

where: C1x = total concentration of aloins, ppm or µg/mL, in singlestrength aloe vera inner leaf juice; Ct = total aloin concentration in the sample vial from Equation 2, µg/mL; D = dilution factor if applicable; Ds = dilution factor, based on the “strength” of the product, estimated by the following equation: Equation 7

Ds = 1 / x

where: x = “strength” of the liquid concentrate stated in the documentation accompanying the material. For replicate samples calculate the mean and standard deviation/error. Report the total concentration of aloin utilizing a 95% confidence interval as per the following formula: Equation 8

where: = mean of replicates of the sample, calculated by the following equation: Equation 9

where: n = number of replicates; = t critical value, taken from Table 3; = standard error of the mean, calculated by the following equation: Equation 10

where: s = standard deviation; n = number of replicates.

Quantitative Proton-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry (1H NMR) for the Identification of Acetylated Polysaccharides, Glucose, Maltodextrin, and Isocitrate in Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Juice The 1H-NMR method can be used for the direct detection and quantitation of the primary components of interest in aloe vera inner leaf juice products for compliance with IASC certification requirements, specifically, for determination of the content of acetylated polysaccharides, the presence of glucose and malic acid, the presence and content of maltodextrin, and the content of isocitrate (see Table 1). Additionally, the presence and content of the following compounds can be determined: degradation products (e.g., lactic acid, succinic acid, fumaric acid, acetic acid, formic acid, and ethanol), preservatives (e.g., potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, and citric acid/citrate), and other atypical impurities, additives, or adulterants (e.g., methanol, glycine, glycerol, sucrose, maltodextrin, propylene glycol, ethanol). There are three main constituents present in fresh aloe vera inner leaf juice produced by processing the inner gel of the aloe leaf. These are acetylated polysaccharides, glucose, and malic acid. According to IASC standards, all aloe vera inner leaf juice raw material should contain not less than 5% dry weight of the acetylated polysaccharides. In addition, IASC-certified raw materials and products labeled as aloe vera inner leaf juice must contain not more than 5% dry weight of isocitrate. IASC-certified raw materials and products with isocitrate levels of more than 5% dry weight are defined as “aloe vera leaf juice,” in accordance with IASC nomenclature. Sample Preparation, Reagents, Equipment, Analytical Conditions, Limits, Detection of Glucose and Maltodextrin Proceed as directed in the Aloe Vera Leaf Juice monograph. Quantitation For quantitation of acetylated polysaccharides, maltodextrin, and additional optional components, proceed as directed in the Aloe Vera Leaf Juice monograph. Quantitation of Isocitrate In aloe vera leaf juice that contains large amounts of material from the outer rind, the 2.5–3.0 ppm region of the spectrum is further complicated by the presence of compounds that occur in the green outer part of the aloe leaf. Their presence leads to overlapping of the signals of the CH2 protons of malic acid and citric acid with those of isocitrate and isocitrate lactone. This means that the 2.5–3.0 ppm region cannot be used directly for the quantitation of these components. Instead, quantitation is performed in the region of the spectrum where the CH resonances for isocitrate are found: a doublet at 4.25 ppm. The lactic acid CH quartet and isocitrate CH doublet signals may overlap in the 4.1–4.2 ppm region. This will not be determined until after the initial 1H-NMR analysis has been performed and the concentration of lactic acid ascertained. If it is found that there is an overlap, the isocitrate American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Juice • 2012



Figure 1 Example spectra of freeze-dried inner leaf juices (a) with and (b) without preservatives Discussion The spectra show the predominance of glucose, malic acid, and acetylated polysaccharides. In both samples it can be seen that the acetylated polysaccharide is intact and has undergone little thermal or enzymatic degradation. However, the presence of lactic acid shows that some malolactic fermentation has

concentration must be calculated from an observation of the 1 H-NMR spectrum after pH adjustment with a single drop of concentrated DCl (or any other deuterated mineral acid). The addition of the mineral acid shifts the isocitrate CH signal into an area of the spectrum where it is free from interference (~ 4.45 ppm) and can be properly integrated. The pH of the final solution is not important if the analysis is to be performed by an analyst. However, the pH must be known and controlled if automated spectral deconvolution methods are to be used. Thus, the formula for quantitation of isocitrate is the following: Equation 1

CICA = (WNic * IICA * NNic * MWICA) / (INic * NICA * MWNic * Wsample) * 100%

where: CICA = content of isocitrate in the sample, % weight; 46

American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Juice • 2012

occurred. The presence of sorbate and benzoate preservatives can be readily identified, and the compounds can be quantified if wanted. The nicotinamide standard yields peaks at 7.7 ppm and in the 8.2–9.0 ppm region. No isocitrate or isocitrate lactone are observed in the 2.9-3.1 and 5.05 ppm region. When integrals are obtained on the glucose CH and malic acid CH resonances, it is important to remove the signal intensity from broad underlying resonances. This can be done by deconvolution techniques or by dc-corrections after expanding tightly into the peak. WNic IICA

NNic MWICA INic NICA MWNic Wsample

= weight of added nicotinamide internal standard, mg; = integration area of CH proton resonance of isocitrate (doublet at 4.45 ppm (dissolved in D2O and acidified with DCl), or 4.2 ppm (dissolved in D2O)); = molar conversion factor for nicotinamide = 4; = molar weight of isocitrate = 192.1 g/mol; = sum of integration areas of the 4 aromatic CH peaks of the nicotinamide standard; = molar conversion factor for isocitrate = 1; = molar weight of nicotinamide standard = 122.1 g/ mol; = weight of sample, mg.

Or, after substitution with constant numerical values:


Figure 2 1H-NMR spectrum of a 10x aloe vera inner leaf juice analyzed without freeze-drying Discussion The spectrum shows an example of a 10x inner leaf juice analyzed without freeze-drying. Sorbate, acetic acid, and ethanol are partially lyophilized from samples during the freeze-drying process.

Equation 2


= 6.29 *(WNic * IICA) / (INic * Wsample) * 100%

where: CICA = content of isocitrate in the sample, % weight; WNic = weight of added nicotinamide internal standard, mg; IICA = integration area of CH proton resonance of isocitrate (doublet at 4.45 ppm (dissolved in D2O and acidified with DCl), or 4.2 ppm (dissolved in D2O)); INic = sum of integration areas of the 4 aromatic CH peaks of the nicotinamide standard; Wsample = weight of sample, mg.

If these components are important in the analysis they must be calculated from the 1H-NMR spectrum of the juice sample that has not been freeze-dried. All signals typically observed in freeze-dried 10x inner leaf juice are observed, but at a lower intensity. A large H2O resonance is observed at 4.8 ppm.

Limit Tests Solids Content: Not less than 0.5% in single-strength (1×) juice, determined by drying a 10-gram sample of the liquid at 105 ºC for 24 hours (Wang and Strong 1995).

American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Juice • 2012



Figure 3 Examples of a commercial 200x inner leaf juice powder and a 100x inner leaf juice powder containing 50% maltodextrin Discussion Maltodextrin can be readily observed by the presence of a broad intense resonance at 5.4 ppm along with accompanying broad resonances at 3.9, 3.8, and 3.6 ppm. If the resonance at 5.4 ppm is a well-resolved doublet then the analysis must be performed assigning that type of resonance to sucrose. The


American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Juice • 2012

acetylated polysaccharides have a broad “three-peak” multiplet appearance. The integral utilized in the calculations of acetylated polysaccharide content encompasses all three of the broad resonances. The small peak observed in the 100x powder at 2.0 ppm is assigned to acetic acid. In thermally degraded samples, deacetylation of the mannosyl residues leads to a change in the observed distribution of the three peaks in the acetylated polysaccharide CH3 resonances, which is accompanied by the increase in the intensity of the acetic acid CH3 resonance.


Figure 4 1H-NMR spectrum of a commercial 200x aloe vera inner leaf juice powder showing the effect of acidification of the sample on the 1H-NMR spectrum Discussion In cases when the material or product is labeled as inner leaf juice, the contents of isocitrate must be quantified. In many samples the isocitrate CH resonance utilized in the analysis to quantify the concentration is severely overlapped by sugar and other small molecules signals (especially the lactic acid CH resonance). Acidification of the sample with mineral acid (DCl), by adding

a single drop of 20% DCl in D2O, shifts the malic acid, citrate, isocitrate, and isocitrate lactone signals (as well as formic acid, acetic acid, succinic acid, and the nicotinamide standard signals), increasing the resolution of the malic acid/citrate/isocitrate CH2 region (2.4-3.0 ppm). Acidification can also cause the malic acid CH resonance to overlap with the b-glucose resonance. The isocitrate CH resonance, which is of main interest in this part of the analysis, is typically found as a discrete doublet not overlapped with any other signals, as indicated at 4.5 ppm. All other components are calculated from the spectrum before acidification.

American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® • Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Juice • 2012


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Source: Medicinal Plants (Bentley & Trimen 1880). Note: Aloe vulgaris Lam. is a former synonym of Aloe vera.

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