Alpha9Alpha10 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors as ...

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Jan 15, 2013 - Abstract: Chronic pain is a widespread healthcare problem affecting not only the ..... greater risk than men for many clinical pain conditions [59].
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Alpha9Alpha10 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors as Target for the Treatment of Chronic Pain Alessandra Del Bufalo1,*, Alfredo Cesario2, Gianluca Salinaro1, Massimo Fini2 and Patrizia Russo1 1 Laboratory of Systems Approaches and Non Communicable Diseases, IRCCS "San Raffaele Pisana" Via di Valcannuta, 247, I-00166 Rome, Italy; 2IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana, Rome, Italy Scientific Direction, Area of Systems Medicine, IRCCS "San Raffaele Pisana" Via di Valcannuta, 247, I-00166 Rome, Italy; 3Catholic University, Largo Agostino Gemelli, 8, I- 00168 Rome, Italy

Abstract: Chronic pain is a widespread healthcare problem affecting not only the patient but in many ways all the society. Chronic pain is a disease itself that endures for a long period of time and it is resistant to the majority of medical treatments that provide modest improvements in pain and minimum improvements in physical and emotional functioning. More co-existing chronic pain conditions may be present in the same individual (patient). The !9!10 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) may be a potential target in the pathophysiology of chronic pain, as well in the development of breast and lung cancers. !-conotoxins (!-CNT) are small peptides used offensively by carnivorous marine snails known as Conus that target nAChR. Among !-CNT there are potent and selective antagonists of !9!10 nAChR such as RgIA and Vc1.1 that produces both acute and long lasting analgesia. Moreover, these peptides accelerate the recovery of nerve function after injury, likely through immune/inflammatory-mediated mechanisms. We review the background, findings, implications and problems in using compounds that act on !9!10 nAChR.

Keywords: Chronic pain, !9!10 nAChR, !-conotoxins, pathophysiology, RgIA, Vc1.1. INTRODUCTION According to “The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)” pain is: “An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage” [1]. There are two basic types of pain that differ profoundly, namely acute and chronic. Acute pain may arise from disease, inflammation, or tissue injury. It is limited to a given period of time and is related to a severity of the disease; exceptionally, it may become chronic. On the contrary, chronic pain is a disease itself that endures for long period of time and it is resistant to the majority of medical treatments. More co-existing chronic pain conditions may be present in the same individual (patient) [1]. Chronic pain may be caused by in"ammatory nociceptive pain or by neuropathic pain. In"ammatory nociceptive pain is related to tissue damage and consequent in"ammatory process. Neuropathic pain is related to neurons damage [2]. Although through different ways, some factors (i.e. pro-inflammatory cytokines, some chemokines, and some neurotrophic factors) released by immune and glial cells may regulate both peripheral and central pain processing [2, 3]. Present medications are inadequate to treat neuropathic pain [4-5]. !-Conotoxins RgIA and Vc1.1 are emerging lead drugs for acute and long lasting analgesia as well as for restoration of nerve function, maybe throughout mechanisms mediated by immune system [6-8]. !-Conotoxins is the most selective !9!10 antagonist naturally isolated [6-8]. nAChR sub-types !9!10 The nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) are nonselective pentameric structures, formed by different ! (!2-10), the agonistic binding site, and " ("2#4) subunits. The subunits, arranged as a rosette-like structure, delineate the ionic channel that opens in response to the binding of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) [9]. nAChR may be assembled by different subunits combinations that make homomeric [i.e. (!7)5 or (!9)5] or heteromeric structures *Address correspondence to this author at the Laboratory of Systems Approaches and Non Communicable Diseases, IRCCS "San Raffaele Pisana", Via di Valcannuta, 247, I-00166 Roma, Italia; Tel:/Fax: ????????????????; E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected] 1381-6128/14 $58.00+.00

having different properties such as: agonist affinity, potency, conductance-rapidity, ions uptake, activation-/desensitization-kinetics that result in different physiological and pharmacological effects [9]. !9-subunits form functional homomeric receptors [!9)5] or heteromeric in combination with !10 subunit with a likely (!9)2(!10)3 stoichiometry. !9 subunit is very peculiar [10]. Indeed, the !9 gene (CHRNA9) shares with all known nAChR subunits a sequence homology less than 39%. On the contrary, the others neuronal nAChR ! subunits share sequence homologies in a range from 48 to 70% [10-11]. !9 receptor is highly permeable to Ca2+ [10]. !9-subunits, expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, aggregate in homomeric forms that can be activated by ACh. However, the amplitude of the ACh-evoked currents is small (rarely over 100 nA) [10-11]. When human !9 and !10 subunits are co-expressed the amplitude of the ACh-evoked currents increased dramatically (about 100-fold) [10-11]. Unique among nAChR, !9 is antagonized by both nicotinic and muscarinic ligands, however, the block of !9 by !-Bungarotoxin is reversible [12]. Thus, !9 shows both nicotinic and muscarinic properties. !9 and !10 are confined in specific and limited areas of the brain such as the pituitary pars tuberalis, the olfactory epithelium and the outer hair cells (OHCs) of the cochlea [13]. The !9!10 nAChR mediates efferent inhibition of hair cell function within the auditory sensory organ [13]. On the other hand, !9 is expressed in epithelial non-neuronal cells [14-18] and it is involved in breast [19], cervical [20] and lung cancer development [18, 21]. In breast cancer cells !9 is upregulated by nicotine [19] while in OHCs nicotine acts as an antagonist [13]. !9 nAChR is critical in the process of wound epithelialization controlling the initiation of lateral migration of epidermal keratinocytes (KCs) through modulation of phosphorylation of the adhesion and cytoskeletal proteins [17]. !9 and !10 are expressed in immune cells such as in purified populations of CD3+, CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells, CD19+ and CD80+ B cells, monocytes, dendritic cells and microglia [14-16]. It has been shown that !9 nAChR co-localizes with CD40 [14-16]. However, !9 nAChR are not coupled to CD40 and are not upregulated following cell activation. Different data suggest that !9!10 nAChR may activate B lymphocytes when !7 nAChR is deleted or downregulated [14-16].

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2 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2014, Vol. 20, No. 00

Del Bufalo et al.

It has been hypothesized that the shift from acute to chronic pain may be mediated by an interaction of immune and glia cells with neurons, that implies the synthesis and the release of inflammatory mediators as well as interactions of neurotransmitters with their receptors [3,22-23]. In this process also T-lymphocyte recruitment is involved. An immune pathogenesis of neuropathic pain is well supported by data obtained in animal models of neuropathic pain. However, clinical evidences are more circumstantial. For a detailed review of the role of immune cells in chronic pain, see references n. 22 and 23. ANALGESIC !9 !10 nAChR PEPTIDE ANTAGONISTS The observation that nAChR agonists nicotine and epibatidine were analgesic [24], as a consequence of nAChR desensitization, induced to hypothesize that nicotinic antagonists would be potential analgesics candidates. Observation that envenomation by cone snail resembles a “curare poisoning" [25] and that victims experience ‘‘a painless death’’ [25-26] induced to study the potential analgesic properties of Conus venom components. Cone snails are invertebrate slow marine predators utilizing venoms to immobilize their prey (snails, worms, fishes) that comprise approximately 700 species that may potentially produce between 25,000 to 100,000 biologically active peptides [27]. Taxonomists assigned cone snails to a single genus (Conus), among Conus a clade, or monophylum, called Stephanoconus, comprises the species producing !conotoxins [27-28]. Conotoxins genes are functioning in the venom ducts of Conus. After translation in large precursor proteins, posttranslational processings produce mature active conotoxins. !conotoxins (!-CNT) are small peptides (12–18 amino acids long) classified on the basis of their cysteine (C) pattern CC-C-C and characterized by a disulfide connectivity of Cys1-Cys3 and Cys2Cys4 and by an amidated C terminus (amide group addition at the end of the polypeptide chain) [28, 29]. The amidated C terminus is present in Vc1.1 but not in RgIA toxins [29]. The C-C connectivity further divides the !-CNT into "ve subfamilies: !3/5, !4/3, !4/4, !4/6 and !4/7 [28"29]. Currently, in all known Conus spp. at least one conotoxin that inhibits nAChR has been found [28]. !CNT RgIA, Vc1.1 (also known as ACV1), and PeIA has been considered the only conotoxins that target !9!10 nAChR [28], however, very recently, a new class of conotoxins, named !B-conotoxin VxXXIVA, targeting !9!10 nAChR, were isolated by Conus Vexillum [30]. PeIA was cloned from the venom of Conus pergrandis, Vc1.1 from the venom of Conus victoriae and RgIA from the venom of Conus regius. Currently these drugs are obtained by synthesis [28]. Figure 1 highlights that PeIA and Vc1.1 belong to the same structural subclass of !-CNT containing four and seven residues, respectively, in their two loops, whereas RgIA contains four and three residues, respectively, in its two loops. Interestingly, Vc1.1 and RgIA, although belonging to di!erent classes of !-CNT, !4/7 and !4/3 respectively, target the same receptor subtype [31]. Moreover, RgIA, Vc1.1, and PeIA inhibit N-type neuronal voltagegated calcium channels (VGCC) currents through a #-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-B G protein coupled receptors (GPCR) mechanism in rat sensory neurons [32]. The Vc1.1 binding site on the !9!10 nAChR was determined using both computational modeling and electrophysiology experiments [33]. Accordingly the preferred binding site of Vc1.1 is the !10!9 pocket and not the !9!10 pocket. Furthermore, it has been observed that a single hydrogen bond between Vc1.1 and position 59 of the !10!9 pocket gives specificity to rat versus human !9!10 [34]. Different animal models of neuropathic pain have been used to assess the efficacy of RgIA or Vc1.1 (Table 1). Both mechanical hyperalgesia reduction and allodynia reversion were observed [6, 35-40]. Currently, the widespread used models of neuropathic pain

Fig. (1). Cone shell and sequences of selected !-conotoxins targeting !9!10 nAChR relevant in the treatment of chronic pain. The asterisk indicates an amidated C (cysteine) terminus. The C1-C3 and C2 C4 disulfide connectivity is indicated by a connecting line over the sequence. The number of residues between the C defines two backbone “loops” (1 and 2), utilized in the classification of !-conotoxins into subclasses. RgIA, displaying four residues in loop 1 and three residues in loop 2, is a 4/3 loop subclass !-conotoxins, while VC1.1 is a 4/7 loop subclass (Adapted from ref n.73). The pictures of cone shells were adapted from ref. 74.

in the rat are: (1) the chronic constriction injury, (2) the partial sciatic ligation model, and (3) the spinal nerve ligation model [41]. Interestingly, the analgesic effects of Vc1.1 were present also after 24 h post-administration [6], when its serum level is negligible. Moreover, cumulative effects were observed after repeated administrations and prolonged analgesia was reported also when antagonists are no longer administered. Of note Vc1.1 accelerates functional recovery of the injured neurons in the chronic constriction nerve injury (CCI) animal model [38]. One of the most significant outcomes after peripheral nerve repair is the functional recovery that infrequently goes backs to the pre-injury level [41]. As a result of these observations, clinical trials using ACV1 (trade name of Vc1.1) has been started, after that test for safety in healthy volunteers resulted negative [42]. Three different phase II trials were conducted on participants who have suffered sciatic pain for more than three months, in diabetic neuropathic pain and post-herpetic neuralgia (shingles related pain). Regrettably, all the above trials were discontinued [42].The principal reason was the result of a contemporary in vitro studies showing that ACV1 is noticeably lesser able to block the human !9!10 nAChR than the equivalent rat receptors [34]. The producers of ACV1 said: "This lower ability of ACV1 to block the human !9!10 nAChR means that much larger doses of ACV1 than the dose used in the recently completed Phase 2A trial would be necessary to see effects in humans. Doses at the required level are unlikely to be feasible (impractical to inject and cost of goods prohibitive). The Company has therefore concluded that the ACV1 clinical programme is no longer tenable. As a consequence of that decision, the ongoing Phase 2A trial of ACV1 in diabetic neuropathic pain and post-herpetic neuralgia (shingles related pain) will also be stopped. No further ACV1 trials are foreseen." The presence of single point mutation, Thr56 to Ile56, explains this species difference, thus Thr56 in rat confers the higher sensitivity whereas Ile56 in human confers lower sensitivity [34].

Alpha9Alpha10 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors

Table 1.

Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2014, Vol. 20, No. 00


!-conotoxins activity on rodent pain models. Neuropathic pain model


Therapeutic effect


Chronic constriction nerve injury (CCI)

Vc1.1 (s.c.)

Allodynia reversion

[6, 36-37]

Vc1.1 (i.m.)

Mechanical hyperalgesia reduction. Allodynia reversion


RgIA (i.m.)

Mechanical hyperalgesia reduction. Allodynia reversion


Vc1.1 (i.t.)

Allodynia reversion


RgIA (i.t.)

Mechanical hyperalgesia reduction


Vc1.1 (i.m.)

Mechanical hyperalgesia reduction


In"ammatory pain [intraplantar CFA]

Vc1.1 (i.m.)

Hyperalgesia reduction


Diabetic neuropathy [destruction of pancreatic "-cells by STZ]

Vc1.1 (s.c.)

Mechanical hyperalgesia reduction


s.c.: subcutaneous i.m.: intramuscular i.t.: intratvecal CFA: Complete Freund’s adjuvant STZ: streptozotocin

Several structural analogs of Vc1.1 retain activity at !9!10 nAChR, but lose their anti-allodynic effect [43], suggesting that a target other than the !9!10 nAChR contributes to the antinociceptive activity of Vc1.1. Sciatic nerve injury pain models of !9 nAChR-knockout mice develop mechanical allodynia indistinguishable from wild-type, which persist for >3 weeks [44]. Furthermore, antagonism of !9!10 nAChR is neither necessary nor sufficient to reverse allodynia produced by !-conotoxins Vc1.1, AuIB and MII [45]. Recently dicarba bridges have been introduced into Vc1.1 to enhance stability in plasma, producing some interesting changes in target specificity; the 3,16-dicarba Vc1.1 but not the 2,8-dicarba Vc1.1 isomer peptide retained activity at the !9!10 nAChR [46]. Different approaches to synthesize derivatives with enhanced specificity to human receptors has been developed and different new patented drugs were developed (Table 2) [6, 36-40]. Random sequencing of a cDNA library prepared from venom ducts of the worm-hunting Conus vexillum resulted in the discovery of a new conotoxin namely !B-VxXXIVA consisting in the mature form of 40 amino acid residues with a unique Cys framework; CCC-C [30]. Although, the nAChR subunits from Conus have not been cloned, !B-VxXXIVA targets, preferentially, the !9!10 subtype of nAChR. The values of !B-VxXXIVA antagonists reside not only as a tool to study the structure/function analysis of nAChR but to be lead in development of novel therapeutics. Interestingly, in an animal model of nerve injury pain RgIA reduces the number of choline acetyltransferase-positive cells, macrophages, and lymphocytes at the site of injury [6]. It has been suggested that this immune cell reduction may modulate the in"ammatory response at the site of the nerve injury inhibiting or reducing the progress of neuropathic pain [6]. A neural control of in"ammation is, currently, accepted [3, 4748]. In this process the lymphocyte cholinergic system plays a key functional role in regulating in"ammation and immunological homeostasis [3, 47-48]. The integrity of the so-called “in"ammatory re"ex” is critically dependent on the expression of !7 nAChR [4748]. However, new data support the hypothesis that others nAChR subtypes may modulate multiple immunological functions in nAChR !7 subunit knock-out (KO) mice [44 48]. These evidences may implicate !9 nAChR in the natural mechanisms of endogenous

pro-in"ammatory initiation and evolution, likely through endogenous acetylcholine [44 48]. ANALGESIC !9 !10 nAChR NON-PEPTIDE ANTAGONISTS When the nicotine molecule is modified by quaternization of the pyridine-N atom with a lipophilic substituent it is converted from a nAChR agonist to an antagonist. A second generation of compounds are obtained upon a bis-quaternary ammonium scaffold; among these N,N0-dodecane-1,12-diyl-bis-3-picolinium dibromide (bPiDDB) is a highly potent and selective antagonist for nAChR [49-50]. Additional structural elaborations of the bPiDDB molecule resulted in a series of compounds characterized by a central phenyl core that was utilized to attach three linker units ending in azaaromatic quaternary ammonium head groups [46, 50]. Then, an additional quaternary ammonium head group was introduced into the tris-scaffold to obtain a series of tetrakis analogs. Different tetrakisazaaromatic quaternary ammonium salts were examined and synthesized [46, 50]. One of these, ZZ-204G [5,5#,5$,5!-(1,2,4,5benzenetetrayl)tetrakis-[1-(3-phenylpyridinium)-4- is a potent and selective !9!10 nAChR antagonist showing analgesic activity [50]. ZZ-204G blocks !9!10 at subnanomolar concentrations (0.51 nM). At higher concentrations (8.8 nM, 17.3 more folds) ZZ-204G blocks !7 nAChR. The effect of ZZ-204G was evaluated in several rodent models of pain including tonic in"ammatory pain (formalin test), neuropathic pain (chronic constriction nerve injury) and thermal nociception (tail "ick test). ZZ-204G was ineffective in the tail "ick test (acute nociceptive pain), on the contrary its efficacy was evident in the others models of pain. These data tend to sustain ZZ204G as a prototype of small molecule antagonists of !9!10. ZZ204G may be a new molecular scaffold for analgesic drugs potentially useful in treating chronic in"ammatory or neuropathic pain [50-51]. ZZ1-61c, a novel compound !9!10 antagonist, prevents and reverses chemotherapy (Vincristine)-evoked neuropathic pain in rats [52]. DISCUSSION nAChR subunits !9 and !10 that were originally characterized in cochlear hair cells [13] are now emerging as modulators of inflammation/immunity and cell proliferation/adhesion [15-17]. Moreover, recent studies connected !9 nAChR to important human pathophysiological states such as cancer development and chronic

4 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2014, Vol. 20, No. 00

Table 2.

Del Bufalo et al.

New recent patented drugs blocking !9!10-nAChR for treatment of pain.

Number US Patent

Publication Date




US 20120220539 A1

08/30 2012

Conotoxin peptides RgIA analogs

Neuropathic pain, inflammatory pain, inflammatory disorders, (i.e. rheumatic diseases) treatment of breast cancer

M. Ellison, J.M. McIntosh, B.M. Olivera, M.A. Vincler

US 8354372 B2

01/15/ 2013

Cyclised !-conotoxin peptides

Oral or enteral pharmaceutical preparation for the treatment or prevention of pain

R. Clark, D. J. Craik

US 20120149869 A1


Short peptides of 10-30 residues in length

Treatment or prevention of pain

M. Watkins, B.M. Olivera, D.R. Hillyard, J.M. McIntosh, R.M. Jones

US 20050215480 A1


Novel #-conotoxin-like peptides

Treatment or prevention of pain

J. Down, K. Gayler, D. Keays, Z. Khalil, B. Livett, D. Sandall

US 7902153 B2


Short peptides of 10-30 residues in length

Treatment or prevention of pain

M. Watkins, B. M. Olivera, D.R. Hillyard, J. M. McIntosh, R. M. Jones

EP 2051726 A2


Methods for treating pain and screening analgesic compounds

pain [6, 15-16, 18-21]. Inactivation of !9-nAChR by !9 nAChR short interfering RNA [19], by Garcinol [53] or by tea polyphenol (-) - epigallothecin-3-gallate [54] inhibits human breast cancer cells proliferation. !9!10 antagonists are analgesic in rodent neuropathic pain models [6] may be as a result of an immunomodulatory effect [48]. However, the understanding of the molecular pharmacology of the human !9!10 is, so far, unclear. !-conotoxins are natural potent and selective ligands utilized in structural and functional studies of nAChR [28]. Indeed, RgIA and Vc1.1 block, selectively, !9!10 versus other nAChR subtypes. These two peptides show analgesic properties [6] and the ability to accelerate functional recovery from nerve injury [6]. Regrettably, it has been reported a different sensitivity of rat versus human !9!10 nAChR to RgIA [34]. In rat !9!10 RgIA is 300-fold more potent than in human !9!10 nAChR. The presence of a Thr56 on rat !9 subunit and of Ile56 on human !9 subunit primarily accounts for this species difference. A mutation of Thr56 in Ile, in rat subunit, decreases the potency of RgIA, while a replacement of Ile56 to Thr56, in human subunit, increases the potency of RgIA [34]. This observation highlights the difficulty to translate into humans results obtained in animal models despite the robustness of the data. Pain (acute and/or chronic) shall be considered as a public health priority. A 2011 comprehensive epidemiological study reported that in the European Union (EU27) 80,286,000 adults suffer from moderate to severe non-cancer pain [55]. According to Eurostat the total EU27 population on January 2010 was 501,259,800 and among these 422,562,000 (84.3%) are adults [56]. It means that at least 16% of general population or 19% of adults are affected by non-cancer pain. It has been suggested that chronic pain is more frequent during the late middle-aged phase of life than in early and continues into older age [57]. Life expectancy at birth in the EU27 averaged 79.7 years in 2009 (82.6 for women and 76.7 years for men, respectively) [56]. The demographic shift to an older population makes pain a very important public health issue. Moreover, people over the age of 65 may have different degree of frailty and chronic illness, or multiple comorbidities causing pain [57-58]. Additionally, cognitive impairment in older subjects may represent a signi!cant barrier for the diagnosis and the treatment of pain [58] Among the adult population women, that show a life expectancy longer than that of men (> 7.7% in EU27), are at!1.5 times at

A.M. Ellison, M. J. Mcintosh, M.B.Olivera, M. Vincler

greater risk than men for many clinical pain conditions [59]. Although, a recent study did not reveal a clear and consistent pattern of sex differences in human pain sensitivity in healthy subjects [60], upon a closer examination of the study, using stringent inclusion criteria, it is possible to conclude that there is greater pain sensitivity in female subjects than in males. Sex differences in the intensity of disease-related pain shows contradictory results. A recent study, that used electronic medical records to conduct large-scale pain studies study involving 72,000 patients, shows that women report higher clinical pain intensities than men for at least some disease entities [61]. The observation that the effects fall in the range of small-to-medium size may account of the con"icting results reported by previous clinical studies. In addition, the drug-treatment efficacy differs between the two genders, since the risk of drug adverse reactions is 1.5-1.7 fold greater in women than in men [62]. However, 79% of pain organismic studies (published on Pain during 1996–2005) investigated only males [63]. A recent study that reviewed sex bias in research on mammals revelead that male bias, evident in 8 disciplines, was most prominent in neuroscience, with single-sex studies of male animals outnumbering those of females 5.5 to 1 [64-65]. The study concluded that the faith that “nonhuman female mammals are intrinsically more variable than males and too troublesome for routine inclusion in research protocols is without foundation” [64]. Currently, it is well accepted that chronic pain arises and spreads via the activation of the immune system and engagement of glial cells [2-3,22]. TLR4, a member of the toll-like receptors family (TLRs), was found on glial cells [66-67]. The observation that mice with dysfunctional TLR4 show reduced allodynia and hyperalgesia after nerve injury suggested that TLR4 is involved in the development of chronic pain [66-67]. In the mouse strain C3H/HeJ, carrying a mutation in the TLR4 gene, only male shows reduced pain sensitivity. Moreover, when TLR4 receptor is manipulated by agonists or antagonists no change in pain sensitivity is observed in female mice supporting the notion that a different pathway may be involved in female chronic pain [68]. Indeed, there is a robust sex difference involving chronic pain in mice mediated by spinal TLR4, such that lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced allodynia was observed only in male mice [68]. This difference it is not related to different sex spinal Tlr4 gene expression at baseline or after LPS [68]. The

Alpha9Alpha10 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors

above data support the existence of a, so far unknown, parallel spinal pain-processing circuitry TLR4-independent in females. The TLR4 mRNA expression is upregulated in streptozotocin-treated rats which have persistent mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity [69]. It has been shown that Vc1.1 produces acute and extended analgesic effects in streptozotocin-treated rats [6]. The both above two studies were performed only on male rats [69-70]. Cultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) obtained by healthy subjects are widely utilized in immune and inflammatory modulation experiments. In vitro culture of phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) stimulated PBMC revealed a higher number of natural killer (NK) cells in males and higher of B cells in females. PHA stimulation signi!cantly increased the percentage of NK and total T cells in males and total activated T cells (CD69+) in females [71]. This sex difference in cultured lymphocyte subsets may affect experimental outcome. In mice it has been shown sex-related differences in Tand B-lymphocyte proliferative ability (in vitro stimulated culture) after in vivo treatment with the endogenous opioid peptide [Met5] enkephalin. A stimulatory effect of T- and B-cells was observed in male, but not in female mice [72]. However, in our knowledge no similar observations are seen in vivo in human subjects. In future experiments it shall be mandatory to take into account sexdifferences. The different subtypes of nAChR are involved in different human diseases that include pain, neurodegeneration and cancer. The role played by !9!10 nAChR in pain, inflammation and disease states is now emerging. Targeting of specific relevant nAChR subtypes may be an attractive pharmaceutical strategy. In this context subtype specific ligands such as conotoxins are profoundly important for effective studying role of nAChR and for developing of promising drug leads. Moreover, the chemical synthesis of "-conotoxins is relatively easy and single point mutation in a specific position determines a change in their potency for inhibiting ACh-evoked currents. The mutational approach may be successful for increasing the specificity and the stability of the new second/third generation of compound that at the same time maintain their biological activity.

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CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors confirm that this article content has no conflicts of interest. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Declared none.

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