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Jack's Cartoon. Page 16. See Pope Francis page 8. U.S. Vice President Biden ... sinful legacy, and gave them a chance to be worthy of eternal life —if they were.
Serving the Bible-believing Christians of the World

Jan /Feb 14


New Pope Speaks for Political Salvation The new Jesuit pope continues his campaign for unity of world religions but now has spoken in favor of the forces driving toward one-world government. In spite of the obvious failure of Marxism in the Soviet Union, China, and many Latin American countries, Pope Francis called for more government control over business and the economy. The 84-page document called “Evangelii Gaudium” (the Joy of the Gospel), is written in typical papalese with a nod to Francis’s down-to-earth style. He has become much admired for his frugal life style and special attention to the under-

U.S. Vice President Biden was only one of the “kings of the earth” who “committed fornication” with the prostitute “church” of Revelation 17 and 18 at the inauguration of See Pope Francis page 8 Pope Francis.

Philippines Has Open Door to the Gospel Because many Chick Publications customers have a heart for missions and support the Missions Fund, we have been able to provide millions of Chick tracts to missionaries and workers worldwide. We find that certain regions tend to be “hot” for a time, with great freedom for the gospel and openness among the people. When we see an area like that, we feed literature to the workers as fast as possible, until that area becomes less receptive and God opens another one. At present, the Philippines is just such an area. Even before the record-breaking typhoon, Yolanda, smashed through the center of the Philippine Islands, a stable network of local churches had been established. Chick Publications has worked for several years with Pastor Rodellio Mallari who, fortunately,


• New Chick tract for Jehovah’s Witnesses. Page 2 • Soul winners... Get busy!!! Page 4 • Humanist: “Protect our schools from the Christians!” Page 4 • Chick Mail Bag. Page 8 • Making Bibles more unreliable. Page 12 • Message from Jack Chick. Page 15 • Jack’s Cartoon. Page 16

See Open Door page 6 “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” Galatians 4:16


BattleCry - Jan/Feb 2014

New Tract a Shot at the Watchtower


Mormons, One of the most tragic deceptions the walking the streets of our neighborhoods is to first stress #1090 - 16 cents today is the one the Watchtower Society elements of their dochas sold to their people. For years Chick trine which avoid controversy. The rest Publications has struggled to find a chink comes later. But they are an “organization” of slaves, in their armor. Finally, a story came together and a new tract was born called working desperately to “earn” eternal life. They seek salvation, not by grace, but by War Games. Often, soul winners will offer to trade a becoming “Kingdom Publishers.” They tract for a copy of the Watchtower maga- don’t have a personal relationship with zine and be refused. War Games attempts Christ (who they say is not God), but rather to overcome this by a surprise intro that they observe a system of law and works. They devote their attention to an allgets the reader so engaged that he has to continue reading. The story dialog then encompassing fascination with prophecy, targets two of the central pillars holding and the “vindication of God’s sovereignup the Watchtower. When these are pulled ty.” They teach that Jehovah God existed down like Samson did to the temple of the from the beginning, His first creations were two angels, Michael Philistines, the flimsy girders of (who later becomes Jesus) and the Watchtower crumble. Lucifer. Jehovah God created Foremost in the Watchtower all else through his firstborn, universe is trust in the Watchtower Jesus (Michael). teachings. War Games quickly Jehovah appointed Lucifer challenges the reader to decide to watch over earth, but the whether they will place their trust angel became jealous of in the inspired Holy Bible or the Jehovah. He seduced Adam uninspired Watchtower teachand Eve, and became Satan. ings. Examples are given where He dared challenge Jehovah’s the two directly contradict. #1267 - $7.50 $7 50 right to rule! Jehovah gave Once it is established that the 107 pages Satan 6,000 years to try to watchtower is inferior to the paperback win over all humanity. When Bible, the more critical pillar of their false doctrine of Jesus is attacked. he fails, Jehovah God will re-establish Comparing Isaiah 45 and Philippians 2, his kingdom and destroy Satan and all the soul winner in War Games proves from his rebellious followers, thus vindicatthe Bible that Jesus is Jehovah and that the ing Jehovah’s name (an obsession with Watchtower teaching is a lie. Other proofs Witnesses). After thousands of years of this strugare presented such as Jesus’ own claim to be divine and the name, Immanuel, (God gle, Jehovah God arranged for Michael to cease to exist and be recreated as Jesus, with us) given to Mary by the angel. For backup training in using a human. He was killed as a ransom War Games, a book by Daniel Rodriguez, on a torture stake (not a cross) for all called Winning the Witnesses, is a detailed mankind. This released men from Adam’s how-to manual for training soul winners sinful legacy, and gave them a chance to in undermining the JW’s trust in the be worthy of eternal life —if they were faithful Witnesses. When the human Jesus Watchtower. The JWs offer a cunning mixture of died, he stayed dead. He was recreated as Scripture verses and “almost” Christian doctrines. Their approach, like that of See Watchtower... page 14

Jan/Feb 2014 - BattleCry


• There are over 7 billion people on the planet. . . . 150,000 die every day. • How many people can you witness to one-on-one? . . . Not very many. • Chick tracts help you give a chance to the rest. Let’s Do Something! . . NEW Chick Tracts . .


Item #1090

For Jehovah’s Witnesses

Coming Back


Item #1086

MEN OF PEACE? Item #1031

“This Was Your Life” Muhammad is with all who reject Jesus. for Muslims




BattleCry - Jan/Feb 2014

Soul Winners, We Have Work to Do As we watch our beloved country deteriorate into godlessness, a review of first President George Washington’s predictions is in order. Like Moses in his departure speech in Deuteronomy, he made similar dire predictions for the nation if it strayed from following God. Washington laid out the basics: “…it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor.” This was spoken in relation to the first declared day of thanksgiving. As we look back on the just-finished holidays, there is little evidence of “humbly” imploring “His protection and favor.” Instead we arrogantly declare that it is our civil rights to God’s blessings we take for granted. We assume it is our own ingenuity that gives us the highest standard of living in the history of the world. But Washington saw it otherwise: “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of

the duties of Men and Citizens. …[R]eason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.” Washington’s language testifies of a man of high education, and deep insight and wisdom. But modern scholars laugh it off as ignorant and obsolete. However, if we stop and ponder his words, he is talking about us —serious Bible believers. Without our “salt and light,” he recognizes that “national morality” cannot be maintained. In other places, he speaks of virtue: “It is substantially true that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government.” Throughout his writings, it is clear that he understands that that virtue, or national morality, can only come through humble obedience to “Almighty God.” It is generally accepted that the only thing that can redeem America from our pervading sin is revival. History also shows that one of the most successful ways to wake the people to the danger of judgment for that sin is saturation with gospel tracts. Some Christian leaders have claimed that we are in a post-Christian era, hostile See Soul Winners... page 12

Humanists Desperate to Protect Government Schools The devil continues to mount multiple attacks on our children. He knows that his success in curtailing our freedom to witness depends on the attitude of the coming generations. Humanist and atheist forces are desperate to eliminate any vestige of Christianity from the government schools. The American Humanist Association is suing a public school teacher in Missouri because she prayed for an injured student and dared to hold a voluntary devotional before class time in

her classroom. The AHA complained that, “Non-participating students can see and hear the teacher praying with students as they walk by her classroom, which is close to the school entrance.” In Ohio, a Middle school teacher was fired for insubordination when he refused to remove posters in his classroom that encouraged the students to think critically about creation and evolution. The Ohio See Humanists Desperate... page 7

Jan/Feb 2014 - BattleCry


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Many ministries recommend the Gospel of John and Romans as the best place for people to start reading the Bible, and like to pass them out in their local communities.

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• Simple, complete plan of salvation after the book of Romans • Sample list of life’s common problems and where to find answers in the Bible. Encourages people to get a complete Bible and READ it


BattleCry - Jan/Feb 2014

Open Door... From page 1 was not in the direct path of the typhoon. n. However, because of the church network k Mallari works with, relief supplies weree k quickly channeled through the network to pastors in the devastated area. Besides the relief supplies, 32,000 Tagalog Chick gospel tracts happened to be on site when the typhoon hit, ready to be included in the relief packages. One pastor reported from Tacloban, att ABOVE: People line up to receive the heart of the devastation, that over 90 relief packages distributed by percent of the buildings were destroyed, members of the church network. electric service was limited to a few which worked poorly because of the generators set up to charge cell phones, damaged cell towers. One of the main sources of employment were the groves of BELOW: Relief packages are coconut farms where the trees were blown being given to people who have down by the thousands. Even centuries cobbled together shelters out of old trees were no match for the wind and the debris. storm surge. It would be months or years before farms and businesses would recover to offer jobs again. Children wandered through the debris looking for their parents, or parents were searching for their children. Police were carrying out the dead in body bags. Prior to the typhoon, Chick Publications has worked for years with Pastor Mallari. He has been able to take the tracts into schools and prisons with great freedom. He writes, “Again, thank you very much ffor the last special grant of 10,000 Tagalog The Bull tracts which will find their way into the prison cells of 38,000 inmate populations at the four national penitentiaries. Since we started ministering there four months ago, the Lord has given us some tremendous breakthroughs. Through our joint efforts with four separate teams of partners, we are now able to hold Bible See Open Door page 10 LEFT: This little girl plans to share the gospel with her family and friends as she records the message on her cell phone.

Jan/Feb 2014 - BattleCry


Humanists Desperate... From page 4 State Supreme Court upheld his firing, but Another almost unnogranted him the right to have a Bible on ticed move toward govhis desk if he wished. ernment control is a Besides the struggle over evolution is the new national “Common homosexual steam roller. “Gay” activists Core” set of curricuhave infiltrated legislatures and enacted lum standards. Where laws banning “discrimination.” Using this local, elected, school #165 - $12.95 as a basis, schools are mandated to teach boards have always had 256 pages favorably about famous homosexuals like basic control of curripaperback Harvey Milk, who now has his own “day” cula selection, states are on the California calendar. Professional banding together to implement a nationtherapists are forbidden to counsel under- wide standard. The more centralized these age youths who request help standards become, the less with gender confusion. influence parents have over New anti-discrimination the content. Already, parents laws allow “transgenders” are objecting to recomto pick which ever bathmended reading material they room they wish and now we consider to be pornographic have cases of men and boys and a change in approach showing up in the girl’s bathto math that leaves parents rooms, showers and dressunable to help with homeing rooms. One college in work. Increasingly, parents’ Colorado lists FIVE gender requests to opt their child out #250 - $3.50 choices on employment of objectionable assemblies 64 pages applications. or classes are denied. A move comic book Schools are not immune to establish pre-kindergarten to the march to one-world government enrollment at age 3 is also a step away control. Two UN “treaties” are currently from parental influence toward governsubmitted to the US Senate for ratification. ment control. One is The Convention on the Rights of the More parents who see the handwriting Child (UNCRC), and the other is the U.N. on the wall are turning to the last vigorous Convention on the Rights of Persons with hold-out against government intrusion — Disabilities (UNCRPD). Opponents point home schooling. So far their legal teams out that both of these remove the author- have fended off all attempts to shut them ity of the parents and down, even going to bat for European place it under govern- home school families who have fled to ment control, either US the U.S. to avoid losing their children to or, ultimately, the UN. custody of the state. Just to show how close Bible believers need to be increasingly we are to the one-world vigilant to help their children sort God’s government, the U.S. truth from the lies of the culture, such is one of only 3 coun- as evolution, homosexuality, and humantries in the world that ism. Parents write to Chick Publications have not ratified these expressing their appreciation for Chick “conventions,” handing tracts, not just for handing to an unbeliev#156- $5.95 ultimate control to er, but as teaching tools of biblical truth for 64 pages the United Nations. their families. paperback


BattleCry - Jan/Feb 2014

Pope Francis...

of the world but again looks to governments and the Catholic Church to fix it. This could be expected, however, with him From page 1 being the first Jesuit pope. A little digging dogs. Early on he washed the feet of some in some obscure corners of history reveals women in a shelter and hugged a particu- that the Jesuit Order has been neck deep larly repulsive disfigured man. in politics all over the globe This is his first official “aposalmost from its beginning. tolic exhortation” and carries less Ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera weight than an “encyclical” but is details in the Alberto Crusader considered to set the tone for his Comic Series how the founder overall plans for his papacy. Like of the Jesuits, Ignatius Loyola, other proponents of socialism, was first commissioned to stop he instructs the wealthy to share the spread of the Bible durwith the poor and urges governing the Reformation. But when ments to take control of the prothat failed, Jesuit missionaries cess. He decried the “idolatry of spread across the globe infilmoney,” and called on politicians #120 - $2.25 trating high levels of govern32 pages to “attack the structural causes of ments to bring the countries comic book inequality,” and provide work, under control of the pope. healthcare and education for everybody. This did not work well in Western In all fairness, he calls out the pervasive- Europe and North America because of the ness of corruption in most of the countries influence of the King James Bible and its exposure of Rome’s pagan idolatry. They 42c


See Pope Francis... page 14

state prisoners. Such a satisfying personal ministry. We hope our 19 month old son will soon get involved! We are humbled My wife and I are involved in ministry that God has called us to be a part of this to the homeless here in Portland, OR. We quiet but mighty work in the Kingdom. bring Chick tracts with us when we go on M. K., Facebook outreach. The ones we meet are enjoying receiving the tracts, and some have I leave them [Chick tracts] commented how they saw them wherever I go and with whoyears ago. ever will accept them. They When we are at the rescue were instrumental in my mission we have them on salvation and my kids read display and the ones coming mine whenever I get a new in take them. Some even pass title. C.S., Facebook them on to others they meet. Thought you would like to hear I LOVE Chick tracts! Great way to how the booklets are ministering among connect to all ages. They are direct and to the thousands of homeless here. the point, and there is nothing like them! L.R. Facebook S.P., Facebook I am a criminal defense attorney and give Chick tracts to my clients, leave them in doctor’s offices, malls, bills.... etc. My husband and I also send them to

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Jan/Feb 2014 - BattleCry

NEW! There are over 2,000 mosques in the United States, with more under construction. In this new book, an American who has lived in a Muslim country shows how you can present Christ, without offense or compromise. This is a mission field coming to your neighborhood. Muslims CAN be reached!

Paperback . . . 125 pages . . . $7.95 . . . Item# 1287



BattleCry - Jan/Feb 2014

Open Door... From page 6 studies, counseling, and tract distribution n inside the Maximum, Medium, and d Minimum Security Compounds off n the National Bilibid Prison (NBP) in Muntinlupa City and just recently the n Correctional Institution for Women (CIW) in Mandaluyong City.” This is just one of many shipments that you helped provide to him. ionary ABOVE: Two children in the Over 50,000 tracts went to Missionary Donnie Whitlock, who carefully feeds them to Philippines reading a Chick tract. churches and ministries who work with him in the Philippines. He writes, “Out of the 38 nations I have preached in through the years, there is still no place like the Philippines for spiritual hunger.” Whitlock and his ministry, Mass Media Outreach Ministries (MMOM), have used Chick tracts for a long time. “Our ministry has found that Chick tracts are loved throughout the Philippines. I can truthfully say, MMOM’s Bible Team has never seen a Chick tract thrown on the ground during distribution, as we have experienced with regular tracts. “There have been hundreds of testimonies of people receiving Christ through the tract ministry —to the glory of God!” He sends us the photo below of supermarket workers where he was invited to preach and pass out Chick tracts to the employees. The Philippines is not the only place where it is possible to get the gospel into the schools. Missionary Bill Eubanks has been able to preach and distribute hundreds of thousands of Chick tracts in the schools of Zimbabwe, Africa. And in Guatemala, Walter Sayers has been able to preach Jesus in the schools, also. A project that has been ongoing for a long time involves distributing Chinese tracts in Beijing, China. Hundreds of thousands of Chick tracts have gone into this communist country from the Chick Mission Fund. Sorry, but for the safety of the workers we cannot give you details on how they get in or how they are distributed, but it works! Pray that someday God will open this nation so that its over one billion people will not have to fear the government if they choose to follow Jesus Christ. At the moment of this writing, the Mission Fund has made commitments of nnearly 400,000 Chick tracts ffor various missions projects, w which include Hungary, the ABOVE: Dr. Donnie Whitlock P Philippines, France, Mexico, with a group of supermarket Tanzania, the multi-nation Asian Games employees he was invited to share coming up next year, and others. See page the gospel with and pass out 11 for more information regarding the Chick tracts to in the Philippines. Chick Mission Fund.

Jan/Feb 2014 - BattleCry


Many Christians want to provide Chick tracts to missionaries.

We can help! We maintain an account called:

The Chick Mission Fund Although we are not legally structured to give e et tax-deductible receipts, we definitely know how to get literature into missionaries’ hands. They often write to us asking if anyone can help them get Chick tracts.

“We have arrived here in Madagascar and we have met with great success in handing out the Chick tracts. We cannot “keep them on the shelf.” We all enjoy handing them out whenever and wherever we can. It is a blessing to see people stop where they are standing and just read the tracts. I saw one woman read her tract twice! Thank you so much for your prayers and giving!” S.R., Madagascar Praise the Lord for the fast work on the tracts...the Filipinos are always happy to receive Chick tracts for distribution. I have never seen them more excited over receiving Gospel materials of any kind k than when they receive the tracts. Thank you again. D.W. Philippines

100% of the funds you send to the Chick Mission Fund are used to ship literature to missionaries. We receive requests frequently from missionaries who need your help. Just during recent months, shipments have been provided for:


Philippines India Cuba


Paraguay Pakistan




Sri Lanka



Will you help?

China Uganda Italy


BattleCry - Jan/Feb 2014

They Just Couldn’t Leave ‘Bad Enough’ Alone By David W. Daniels The NIV is proof that some people can’t leave bad enough alone. Zondervan came out with the newest NIV. And you won’t believe what I just found that they changed. I was updating my book, Look What’s Missing, to include the 2011 NIV. I checked each of the 257 sample Bible verses to see if anything more had been taken out, or if anything had been put back into the text. And I was surprised. The old NIVs had actually gotten something right —so I guess they had to “fix” that! My first video four years ago was entitled, “Did Jesus Lie?” It showed how, in John 7:8, the ESV and 19 other Bibles took out a crucial word that Jesus clearly said.

Soul Winners... From page 4 to God, church and the Bible. They suggest that we are in the same position that the Christians were in the Book of Acts — speaking Truth to power in a hostile culture. We read of decadent Israel’s reaction to the prophets Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Jonah and wonder if we can hope to escape the same fate. Persecution has already begun with judges demanding that Christian business people violate their “deeply held religious beliefs” to pay for abortions and serve wedding cakes at same-sex weddings. We are not yet in danger of being thrown into a dungeon like Jeremiah, but the situation is moving that direction without a nationwide repentance. Unfortunately, persecution may have to escalate before the sports and entertainmentsaturated church members get beyond just playing “ain’t if awful” and start working to turn back the tide of evil in this country. Please hold Chick Publications up in prayer for wisdom to produce the most effective ammunition possible for this war for men’s souls and freedom to witness.

God’s preserved words in English record that Jesus, the Son of God and God the Son, who never lied —the Way, the Truth and the Life, told His half-brothers these words: John 7:8 Go ye up unto this feast: I go not up yet unto this feast; for my time is not yet full come. Count them —that’s 2 “not yets.” The first one is crucial —because either Jesus WAS NOT going or He was not YET going. It’s one or the other. It’s doubly important because two verses later — He did go! If he was going but He said He wasn’t, He would be a liar and a sinner and could not pay for our sins as the sinless sacrifice. We would be lost in our sins and going to a burning, fiery hell with our only chance for redemption ruined by a single, stupid lie. The only Way to your eternal salvation, ruined by one single missing word! When I did the video, I used the ESV because it and 19 other Bibles removed that first crucial “yet.” But at the time the NIV actually had it right! Even though it was the worst of 40 Bibles, at least it had one thing right. But they just couldn’t leave bad enough alone. Here’s the new-new-new-new NIV. No, I’m not stuttering. The “NIV’ was copyrighted four times: in 1973, ’78, ‘84 and now, again, in 2011, indicating significant change. That’s just the “NIV” NIVs. That doesn’t include the kids’ NIrV or the disastrous TNIV. Three NIV editions, 37 years, and now, in the 4th edition of the NIV, they decided to make it look like Jesus lied, which means He could not pay for sins, and you are therefore not saved. What in the world are these guys doing? This is no joke. These are scriptures that toy with the whole idea of your salvation. They make up an inconsistent god —a god that cannot save. Is this the Bible you’re going to give to See Bible Versions... page 14

Jan/Feb 2014 - BattleCry

Catholicism is NOT Christian!


Chiniquy describes his training as a priest, his conversion, and how he led his entire parish to trust in Jesus Christ alone. He so enraged his Catholic superiors, that a young lawyer named Abraham Lincoln had to defend him against trumped up charges designed to destroy him.

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Written like a graphic novel, this book tells the story of how an ancient Babylonian goddess became the Virgin Mary of Catholicism. #187 - $11.95 224 pages paperback

They’ve been thrown out of many countries . . . and for good reason. Here is the history of the Jesuits. See how they plotted to control governments, and start wars. They are just as dangerous today.

#191 - $10.95 208 pages paperback

This is a comparison of 37 key Catholic doctrines with the Bible. It shows Catholics that Roman doctrine is completely unbiblical. Based completely on a recent official catechism, it is unanswerable!

#160 - $11.95 224 pages paperback


Pope Francis... From page 8 also failed to get traction in Asia where they were expelled from Japan, China and India when their cunning became obvious. In fact, history records several dozen countries have temporarily expelled the Jesuit missionaries. THE POOR REVOLUTIONIST It is interesting that Pope Francis comes from the one #65 - 16 cents area where Roman Catholicism has thrived, much to the detriment of the people —Latin America. The mixture of politics and religion that surfaces in his “apostolic exhortation” is commonly THE LAST known as “libGENERATION eration theology.” For decades, Latin #94 - 16 cents American Catholic leaders have promoted this socialist agen-

Bible Versions... From page 12 your friends? No? So no new-new-newnew NIV for you! What about the 20 others that also call Jesus a liar? Are you willing to pass them off as scripture? If the unsaved are thinking people, and study verses like the ones I document in my book, Look What’s Missing, they will see through the lies and inconsistency of these modern Bibles. And they may conclude you believe a lie. I don’t blame them. It sure looks like it. When my son is out witnessing and confronted by Muslims who say “The Bible has been changed,” he replies something like, “You’re right —it has. And I refuse to use those. That’s why I use a King James Bible. It hasn’t been changed.” Brothers and sisters, it’s time to get serious. Get what God really said. In English it’s the King James Bible, nothing added, nothing taken away, nothing changed. Get it, read it, trust it, act on it.

BattleCry - Jan/Feb 2014 da. Today, most of the countries there are in turmoil because of this political THE philosophy. BEAST Missionaries tell us that it is increas#7 - 16 cents ingly difficult to establish true gospel work in countries like Venezuela because of government domination. This global move to look to the government instead of Jesus for salvation is further evidence that the time of the Beast of Revelation 13 is near. World leaders are becoming SOMEBODY increasingly arroANGRY? gant in their refusal to humble them#1055 - 16 cents selves before our Creator. They refuse to recognize the truth that, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” (See Proverbs 14:34.) Chick Publications has tried to produce gospel tracts that will speak to the coming turmoil described in Matthew 24. Jesus said that the gospel would be preached to all nations, and then the end would come. Tracts like The Beast, The Poor Revolutionist, Somebody Angry? and Last Generation speak truth in the middle of today’s confusion and the coming chaos. We need to generously plant these gospel seed so that the Spirit can water them and God can give the increase.

Watchtower... From page 2 a spirit (no bodily resurrection) and lives in heaven. They look forward to Jesus’ involvement in a final Armageddon battle between Jehovah and Satan and the ushering in of a “New World.” When Daniel Rodriguez used the witnessing techniques in Winning the Witnesses on a town in Oregon, construction on a Kingdom Hall stopped. Many of the members lost interest and a few came to Christ.

Jan/Feb 2014 - BattleCry





Dear ones in Christ, hout the world. t we win lost souls throug God’s concern for us is tha s before him are as h the nations? “All nation Isn’t God concerned wit g, and vanity.” d to him less than nothin nte cou are y the and g; nothin . That nation is y one that matters to Him (Isaiah 40:17) There’s onl reign in Jerusalem Jesus Christ returns He’ll Israel. Remember, when as the King of the Jews. the world? Be atest nation and people in gre the us, ut abo at wh t Bu ghty spirit before a ore destruction, and an hau careful, “Pride goeth bef e, and China? Let’s what about England, Europ fall” (Prov. 16:18). Well, at Isaiah 40:17, then them. Take another look see what God says about decide for yourself. were kind to a like He has? Because we Why did God bless Americ eric d Am a to bring living here. In fact, God use the Jews. They were safe Truman to pull it off. ! And He used President in a new nation in one day Islam went ballistic. Israel became a nation, and r attitude toward cloud over our nation. Ou But now, there’s a dark w Israel the care and nation is reluctant to sho Israel has changed. Our says about Israel, d doesn’t like it one bit. He protection it should and Go t curseth thee...,” ss thee, and curse him tha ble t tha m the ss ble l wil “I ick Publications we d, at our devotions at Ch (Genesis 12:3). Rest assure ce of Jerusalem. pray for Israel and the pea the Lord will hold can get out the gospel, I believe as long as we Lord by passing out erica. So, let’s please the Am of ent gm jud His k bac is coming, beloved. ts to the lost. The night gospel, soul-winning trac nations. “And when a mighty judgment on the The Lord is coming with lift up your heads; e to pass, then look up, and these things begin to com th nigh” (Luke 21:28). for your redemption drawe Your brother in Christ,


BattleCry - Jan/Feb 2014



Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam, Nov. 18, 1302, ex cathedra: “Furthermore, we declare, say, define, and proclaim to every human creature that they by absolute necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff.”


Custom Printed Back Cover


Lockhart Road

Baptist Church

Your back cover will be in two colors, black plus the second color of the tract you choose.

BATTLE CRY Published by:

Chick Publications P.O. Box 3500 Ontario, Calif. 91761-1019 Editor - George A. Collins Published six times yearly.

If you order 10,000 copies of one Chick tract title, we will print your message on the back cover for FREE. Enjoy the professional look of customized Chick tracts, and get all 10,000 for HALF PRICE, only $800.00 USD* Just e-mail us what you’d like on your back cover. We’ll create a layout to show you how your back cover will look. Once you approve it, you will receive your tracts in about 3 weeks (orders to USA addresses). * Plus shipping $120.00 per 10,000 tracts, to any USA address. * California residents add sales tax. * No C.O.D.s on custom orders.

Battle Cry is published by Chick Publications, producer of Chick cartoon gospel tracts. Join the tens of thousands of Christians worldwide who have found a fulfilling personal ministry using Chick tracts. For free catalog and sample, call 909-987-0771. Editorial and publication headquarters at 8780 Archibald Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. © Copyright 2014, Chick Publications, Inc.

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