implemented using the lili (see section 3) and feasible tested on ALTAvision resource. Since the ALTAvision is a mobile system, the implemented applications ...
ALTAvision: a Mobile System of Image Acquisition and Processing for Supervision Applications THIAGO FIGUEIRO, NIVEA SCHUCH, ANDRÉ SOARES, LETICIA GUIMARÃES, ALTAMIRO SUSIN UFRGS – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Osvaldo Aranha, 103, 90035-190 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil {figueiro,schuka}
1. Introduction The ALTAvision is composed of by IBM-PC SBC PC 104 microcomputer with a 4-channel frame grabber (PXC200 Imagenation [1]) video camera and link network. The system process, stores images while communicating by standard interfaces (serial, parallel and VGA). Furthermore, the ALTAvision also has a LCD monitor for local user communication. The ALTAvision was packaged inside a metal box with dimensions: 48cm x 38cm x 15,5cm. Fig. 1 shows the ALTAvision with the box open. This system is used for image processing learning and development applications. The software was implemented using the lili (see section 3) and feasible tested on ALTAvision resource. Since the ALTAvision is a mobile system, the implemented applications can be tested in remote places.
Figure 1 The ALTAvision in the LaPSI. 2. Background The ALTAvision was build up based on a traffic detection project named Guardião developed in the LaPSI. The Guardião is able to search for the vehicle plate, then recognize the characters on a digitized traffic image. The vehicle is detected by a sensor on the street. To recognize a vehicle there was two cameras connected to a frame grabber installed on the computer. After the image acquisition the Guardião software localized the plate, segmented the characters, and then recognized them
applying neural networks. The Guardião construction allow it to be placed out on the street. 3. Projects in Development 3.1. LaPSI Image Library (lili) The LaPSI Image Library (lili) is a image processing library developed in C. There are functions that allow students to handle image files, image arrays and implement software. The ALTAvision is used to test the programs built using lili and to evaluate the new implemented functions to decide either if it is going to be added to lili or if it needs further improvements. 3.2. Motion Detection and Tracking The motion detection and tracking using image processing is an early research area in LaPSI. This research uses ALTAvision in order to test the algorithms developed by the students. The ALTAvision provides one camera (C3186A) to detect the movement, in fig. 2(a). Then, controls the angle position of another camera (Sony FCB-IX470), according to the position of the moving object (target) detected by the first camera, in fig 2(b). The ALTAvision also controls focus, brightness,
zoom and exposure mode of the second camera. (a) (b) Figure 2 Enviroment global image (a), zoomed image (b) References [1] Imagination Corporation, Color Frame Grabber User's Guide Version 2, P.O. Box 276, Beaverton, OR, USA. (1997) [2] LaPSI (Laboratorio de Processamento de Sinais e Imagens) Image processing Library,