7Pediatric Endocrinology, University of Iowa,. Iowa City, IA. 8Jaeb Center for Health Research, Tampa, FL. 9Department of Radiology, Stanford University,.
Diabetes Care Volume 37, February 2014
Alterations in White Matter Structure in Young Children With Type 1 Diabetes
Naama Barnea-Goraly,1 Mira Raman,1 Paul Mazaika,1 Matthew Marzelli,1 Tamara Hershey,2 Stuart A. Weinzimer,3 Tandy Aye,4 Bruce Buckingham,4 Nelly Mauras,5 Neil H. White,6 Larry A. Fox,5 Michael Tansey,7 Roy W. Beck,8 Katrina J. Ruedy,8 Craig Kollman,8 Peiyao Cheng,8 and Allan L. Reiss,1,4,9 for the Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet)*
To investigate whether type 1 diabetes affects white matter (WM) structure in a large sample of young children. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS