Alumni Parent Newsletter Fall 2013.pdf - Google Drive

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and go on to thrive in high. school band programs. Here are the former. Trojans that are involved in. their high school
“For the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness to all generations.” Psalm 100:5

The 2013-2014 school year is all about God’s faithfulness to all. God faithfully brought us 44 new students and one new teacher and a head pastor. Our enrollment is at 168 students, preschool-8th grade. We are blessed to continue sharing Christ through education at a wonderful school. Read more about our new second grade teacher in: Welcome Miss Daniel! We also welcome a new head pastor, Prayers Answered. We also welcome our new school secretary in: New Voice, New Face. It’s never too early to plan on attending the Mid-Winter Basketball Tournament…especially when it’s the 50th year! Read more details about MWT 50 in: “God Is Faithful!” God is faithful in many ways here at TLS. Share in our excitement as you read, Exciting News!, and learn about the new day care program started this year. Continuing the excitement are the first two big events of the year. Read more details in, Fundraising Successes. Accreditation Process, is an article that highlights what TLS is doing to renew our accreditation. A Faithful Servant, is a reoccurring article highlighting one of our current teachers/staff. This time we are saying good-bye to one of our faithful servants.

Miss Ellen Daniel, 2nd Grade

Miss Ellen Daniel graduated from Concordia University-Chicago in 2013 with a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. During college, she was involved in the student-led campus ministry team, international mission trips, and Habitat for Humanity. She student-taught at both Concordia International School in Shanghai, China and at St. Peter Lutheran School in Arlington Heights, IL. “My first year at Trinity has been going well so far. I am grateful for the opportunity to begin my teaching career at a Christ-centered school with a supportive and dedicated staff. It is exciting to be a part of the work God is doing at Trinity!” Miss Daniel currently has a classroom of sixteen excited, eager to learn second graders. Miss Daniel is a true blessing to TLS!


Fall/Winter 2013

Pastor David Renfro is an answer to many prayers. In August, Trinity Lutheran Church and School welcomed Pastor Renfro as the new head pastor. God has delivered a servant with a love for ministry and a great passion for Lutheran schools. Pastor Renfro moved to Cedar Rapids from Wyoming with his wife (JoAnne), son, (Jordan), and daughter (Bailey). The students and staff enjoy greeting Pastor Renfro every morning in the hallways!

December 17th –Preschool-3rd grade Christmas Program & Sweets/Treats Shoppe 1:30pm & 6:30pm January 17th-19th—50th Mid-Winter Basketball Tournament 28th –Early Childhood Open House 6:30pm February 14th—Chili Cook-Off and Auction March 3rd-9th –National Lutheran Schools Week Observed Lost and Found in Concert at TLS!

Mrs. Lisa Galvin, Secretary If you have called Trinity since August 1st or stopped in the school’s office you may have met our new secretary, Mrs. Lisa Galvin. Mrs. Galvin is not a stranger to the halls of TLS. She sent her two children to Trinity, and has helped with our girls and/or boys basketball programs for 18 years. She will be the boy’s varsity assistant coach again this year. We are blessed to have a dedicated supporter of TLS in the front office.

Trinity is celebrating 50 years of hosting the Mid-Winter Basketball Tournament on January 17th-19th, 2014. Our theme for the weekend is, “God Is Faithfull!” We will welcome eight boys and eight girls’ teams to our gym from Kansas, Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin. The event not only highlights basketball, but encourages fellowship between many schools in the Lutheran church. To commemorate past years we will host an Alumni gathering place during the tournament, and acknowledge former students/players on Saturday at half-time of the 3:00pm game. Check on our website for more tournament details coming soon:

Meeting the needs of our families is a priority at Trinity. We saw a need for a full-time daycare for our preschool and alternative kindergarten students, so we opened one this Fall! The TLS Daycare currently serves several TLS families by providing care at times and days when the student is not in preschool or alternative kindergarten Mrs. Lisa Engle is our daycare lead teacher. She reports, “Things are going great in our new TLS preschool daycare program. Miss Freese and I are working together with the curriculum to expand on our young childrens education. We are learning our letters, numbers, colors, and shapes and are learning to take turns and be good friends! We also include Jesus in our day and learn about his love and hear stories from the Bible! We are pleased to have a number of children registered and look forward to our daycare growing in the years ahead!”

Golf Champs: Brandon Nordine, Todd Horne, Chad Brakhan, and Justin Widdel

Our fall fundraiser, the Walk-A-Thon, had a theme this year of “Walking Makes A Difference”. Students collected donations to help TLS, donated shoes to help people in Liberia who do not have shoes, and they walked to be healthier. Our goals were exceeded! We raised $10,500.00 for a parttime resource teacher, accelerated reading program, sixth grade outdoor education, and staff development. The students also brought in 186 pairs of shoes! We can’t wait to hear from the volunteers who are delivering the shoes to people in Liberia.

Students during Walk-A-Thon

Daycare children

TLS has hosted two fundraisers so far this year: Our annual golf tournament brought out 65 golfers and raised $4,700.00 to help with the budget gap between costs and tuition.


Trinity is a State and National Lutheran accredited school. The school is currently starting the 2-year process of maintaining the National Lutheran School’s Accreditation (NLSA) award. The NLSA award is recognized by the State of Iowa Board of Education. So, once we obtain the NLSA award we will also be considered State accredited as well.

The process includes a very comprehensive evaluation of the following areas: purpose, school & congregation, school & community, school climate, teaching and learning, leadership—governance & administration, professional personnel, physical facilities, and student services. There is a dedicated steering committee that consists of school staff, current school board members, and Trinity Lutheran Church members. The steering committee will keep us on track with getting each step of the process completed. Those serving on the committee are: Pastor David Renfro, Jon Baumgartel, Lea Hepworth, Pat Heyer, Andy Freymark, Chuck Wilson, and Judy Schroeder. Each area being evaluated has a sub-committee made up of parent volunteers, staff, and church members. These committees will spend time pulling together information on their specified area to be compiled into a larger document/report that will be shared with the visiting NLSA team of experts. This visit will take place in October of 2014. The NLSA team will spend several days reviewing the provided documents/reports and conduct their own research on all areas and aspects of Trinity Lutheran School. The final stage, being awarded accreditation, will happen before the start of the 2015-2016 school year and be valid for 5 years.

This column will be dedicated each printing to highlighting one or more of our excellent staff members and their achievements.

Trinity Lutheran School has been fortunate to have Mrs. Kelly Fischer as the 7th grade homeroom teacher for several years. Before that she taught 4th and 6th grades at Trinity. This is her 10th year of teaching at TLS…and she is saying good-bye due to a move. Besides being the homeroom 7th grade teacher, she is also our lead Science teacher in the junior high, and over the years has taught history, and literature. In the most recent past she has been instrumental in co-sponsoring our Middle School Nights. The junior high students always look forward to the fun games Mrs. Fischer comes up with, and even participates in herself…even when the games get a little messy! Mrs. Fischer came to our area because of her husband Luke’s job as Facilities Manager at Camp IO-DIS-ECA. She is now leaving us because Luke has taken a job to serve Camp Three Trails as their Facilities/Site Manager in Kansas City, Missouri.

Mrs. Fischer with her 7th grade students

We will miss Mrs. Fischer’s many gifts and talents she brought to the classroom. She has a quick wit, and an ability to connect with junior high age kids. She has been a blessing to all of us at Trinity. May God be with you and your family on your new adventure, Mrs. Fischer!


Reagan Evelyn Marie Nimmer

Congratulations Mr. Josh Nimmer (5th grade) and Mrs. Sarah Nimmer (3rd grade) on the birth of your first child! The newest member of our TLS family was born on October 19th at 2:07am. Mr. and Mrs. Nimmer are in their third year of teaching here at Trinity, and we are all excited to be a part of their new adventure in life…parenthood!

Trinity has a long standing tradition of providing an excellent band/music program. Many students start their band careers here at TLS and go on to thrive in high school band programs. Here are the former Trojans that are involved in their high school bands: Color Guard Brianna Carlson—Kennedy Nicole Everhart—Jefferson Band Josh Piering—Prairie Katharine Benya, Drum Major Washington Dannica Hartman—Washington Jacob Donald—Jefferson Jesse Martinson—Jefferson Nicholas Hoffner—Jefferson Hailey Everhart—Jefferon James Fitzgerald—Springville

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Trinity Lutheran Church and School 1361 7th Ave. SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404-1831

Faculty: Amanda Freese Mary Becker Lois Nord Ellen Daniel Sarah Nimmer Connie Powell Josh Nimmer Josie Hester Kelly Fischer Mark Mueller Judy Schroeder Leslie Drees Laura Holt School Staff: Jon Baumgartel Principal Lisa Galvin Secretary Jodi Jonasson Development/PR Rose Heetland Cafeteria Manager Teri Burkett Cafeteria Manager Jim Freese Maintenance Engr. Crystal Krenz Extended Care Dir.

Preschool Kindergarten First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth/AD Life Skills/Art Music/Band PE/English Librarian

PTL Officers: Jennifer Bohlman, Mariann Gilpin, Tammy Golay, Laura Holt, Cindy Wilson


Board of Christian Schools: Andy Freymark Chairperson Jim Meyer Curt Zebuhr Rhonda Martin Kim Cole Kim Ohnesorge Christine Erickson Church Staff: David Renfro Vacancy Vicki Oakley Pat Powell

Senior Pastor Music Director Admin. Assistant Business Director