Always Be Sharp- March 2013 -

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Spring Concert/Disney Student-Parent Meeting 7:00 p.m., PAC ... Clarinet Solo ( Catherine Costantino), Viola Duet (Anna Gruber, Duncan Ragland), Viola Solo ...
Gr o s s e Po in te N o r th B a n d / O r c h e s tr a B o o s te r C lu b New s

Always Be

March 2013


The official Band and Orchestra Website is

Calendar of Upcoming Events March 14

Sports Awards (Pep Band)

6:30 p.m. performance, PAC

March 23

State Solo and Ensemble Festival

Farmington Harrison HS

March 26

Disney Chaperone Meeting

7:30 p.m., C-101

(Bring original birth certificate to this meeting.)

March 27

Spring Concert/Disney Student-Parent Meeting

7:00 p.m., PAC

April 9

Booster Meeting (changed due to spring break)

7:00 p.m., North C-101

April 11-14

Disney Festival Trip

Orlando, FL

May 23

North/South Outdoor Concert

7:00 p.m., in front of North PAC

May 25

Jazz Band Festival (jazz band only)

Sandusky, OH

May 28

Instrumental Awards Banquet

6:15 p.m., War Memorial

June 6

Music on the Plaza (jazz band only)

7:00 p.m. Village of GP

Spring Concert and Disney Trip Meeting The Spring Concert and Disney Trip meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 27th at 7:00 p.m. in the North PAC. The mandatory trip meeting will immediately follow the concert. Students must attend this meeting with at least one parent. A “Class of 2013” senior picture will also be taken at this concert. Disney Chaperone Meeting There will be a required chaperone meeting on March 26th at 7:30 p.m. in room C-101.

Extra Rehearsals for Disney Due to the interruption of spring break and the timing of our Disney trip, there will be a few extra rehearsals added to our normal schedule between March 25-April 10th. Details will be given to the students in class. Disney Trip Payments The entire Disney trip cost should be paid in full by now. You can check your fundraising credit by logging onto Any overpayments will be refunded to you after the trip. Kroger cards may continue to be used for future trips.

Pep Band The pep band has officially ended their season. Our talented instrumentalists entertained thousands of people at many of the home basketball and football games. Awards will be given out at the Sports Awards on Thursday, March 14th. Pep Band will begin again in August, so please plan your summer accordingly (e.g. schedule long vacations for June or July).

Summer Music Scholarships Scholarships for summer music lessons/camps are available through the GPN B&O Boosters. Applications are available on the website,, or from Mr. Cleveland. The deadline for applications is May 1st. Scholarships will be awarded at the instrumental banquet.

Concert Attire The following concert attire is worn by students at all of our main concerts, except the outdoor concert in May: Gentlemen: Black/very dark suit, white shirt, dark tie, black shoes and socks. Ladies: Black dress, black hose, black shoes. No jewelry except for plain stud earrings. **Please Note: Hair must be groomed and should not cover the face or eyes!

Jazz Band

Booster Meetings—A Call for Help! We have an excellent group of booster patrons, but we are in need of more parents to show up to our monthly booster meetings. These meetings are only about an hour long, and they are a great way to get to know other parents in the music program at North. Please consider showing up to our next meeting on April 9th at 7 p.m. to help support our awesome instrumental program!

“Brigadoon” Congratulations to the 25-member pit orchestra, along with everyone else in the show for outstanding performances in this year’s musical!!! North is fortunate to have such a superb pit orchestra comprised of student musicians, performing professionallevel music.

Jazz Band will continue rehearsing on Thursday evenings beginning March 14th (right after pep band performs at Sports Awards).

Boston Market Our monthly fundraiser continues to run the 3rd Wednesday of each month.

District Solo and Ensemble Festival

Congratulations to the following medal recipients in the MSBOA District Solo and Ensemble Festival on January 26th at Rochester HS: The following students received 2nd division medals for an excellent performance: Flute Solo (Karyn Schwartz), Flute Duet (Makenna Holman, Samantha Hicks), Cello Solo (Kelsey Lanahan), Cello Duet (Kelsey Lanahan, Andrea Jovanoski), Bass Clarinet Solo (Catherine Costantino), Viola Duet (Anna Gruber, Duncan Ragland), Viola Solo (Duncan Ragland), Trumpet Solo (Max Yoshida), French Horn Duet (Zachary Backer, Kallin Morris), Cello Duet (Margo Martinez, Gabrielle Feeny), Bb Clarinet Duet (Makenna Holman, Ashley McLarty), Bb Clarinet Solo (Silvia Donahue), Cello Duet (Melina Glusac, Tess Kolp), String Duet (Taylor White, Ali Scoggin), Violin Duet (Vincent Provenzano, Jacob Rees), Woodwind Quartet (Amber Gieseking, Jenna Van Marter, Annie Thoits, Emily Truss), Bb Clarinet Duet (Chloe Bigwood, Sarah Cherry), Violin Solo (Mark Koester), Violin Solo (Sarah McGovern), Piano Solo (Julia Rustmann), Bb Clarinet Solo (Katherine MacDonald), French Horn Duet (Harriet Sauget, Nate Kane), Violin Duet (Emma Monroe, Katie Wilk), String Duet (Matt Stander, Will Dykstra), Flute Trio (Shelby Bolden, Makenna Holman, Samantha Hicks), Violin Solo (Malene Smith), and String Bass Solo (Audrey Kam). The following students received a 1st division medal for a superior performance and qualified to participate with the finest instrumental musicians in the state at the MSBOA State Solo & Ensemble Festival on March 23rd: Flute Solo (Lauren-Elise Brush), Trumpet Solo (Bobby McGovern), Violin Duet (Emily Hoshaw, Isabella Cubillejo), Violin Duet (Sarah Schade, Brian Almeria), Violin Solo (Michael Sacchetti), Piano Solo (Catherine Costantino), Bb Clarinet Quintet (Christian Burke, Olivia Angott, Dora Juhasz, Maria Nguyen, Ashley McLarty), Woodwind Quartet (Liz Grumeretz, Josh Lupo, Marisa Atkinson, Chloe Bigwood), Percussion Duet (Nick Koester, Andrew Sharon), Woodwind Duet (Kristina Kamm, Analisa Guido),Viola Duet (Kayla Luteran, Sara Luteran), Violin Duet (Leah Fishwick, Allison Francis), Harp Solo (Francesca Florance), Bassoon Trio (Logan Hart, Michael Marchiori, Josh Lupo), Euphonium Quartet (Pearce Reickert, Donovan Orr, Bobby Simone, William Schaber), Bb Clarinet Duet (Connor LaPratt-Perrault, Analisa Guido), French Horn Solo (Nathan Doss), Flute Octet (Kristina Kamm, Meghan Van Cleve, Lauren-Elise Brush, Gabby Tatum, Brigitte Smith, Kameryn Mathewson, Danielle Mays, Karyn Schwartz), Piano Solo (Jordan Radke), Piano Solo (Katelyn Kohler), Violin Solo (Sarah Schade), Viola Solo (Kayla Luteran), Trumpet Quartet (Nathan Doss, Maxwell Yoshida, Bobby McGovern, Michael Bylski), Cello Solo (Melina Glusac), Violin Solo (Brian Almeria), Cello Solo (Tess Kolp), Bb Clarinet Duet (Katherine MacDonald, Christian Burke), Violin Duet (Michael Sacchetti, Matt Stander), Violin Solo (Emily Hoshaw), and Brass Quintet (Nathan Doss, Steven Licari, Maxwell Yoshida, Joey Lawnicki, Bobby McGovern).