Ambitious Brew Cautious Giant Clever Royal ... - Santa Anita Park

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Oct 12, 2015 - 16May15 7 Pim ft. 1B :46½^ 1:10 ... 14 May 16 Pim 4F gd :52.2b 4/5. 15 Apr 16 SA 6F ft ...... rights res


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             ! "   #$ ! %  &'( )*+ ,)-). 28May16 12Oct15 12Sep15 26Jul15 02Jul15 12Jun15 21Feb15 01Nov14 26Sep14 22Feb14 #  $%&!

1 SA fm y *6K :22¾¾ :45¾¸ 4 SA fm y¸º *6K :21¿^ :43¸¿ 8 Lrc ft 1m :46¼» 1:10½¿ 8 Dmr fm p¼ 1B :47¸¼ 1:11º½ 7 Lrc ft 1m :45^¼ 1:09º¼ 7 SA fm p¹^ 1m :49¾¶ 1:14¿¶ 8 SA fm y¾ *6K :22¶¾ :44^^ 7 SA gd y *6K :21¼¿ :43¼½ 9 SA fm y¶» *6K :21º¶ :43ºº 8 SA fm y¾ *6K :22 :44¸¸ " ,  % -. / 0) :48.3* %1

1:13½¾ 4g l Stk - LnyfrmlbuB - 100k 90 1:11¿º 3g l Stk - CalFlagHB - 100k 100 1:34¸¿ 3g l Stk - EBJohnstnB - 75k 80 1:41¶º 3g l Stk - CalDreamnB - 150k101 1:35»^ 3g l Stk - BertrndoB - 100k 111 1:37¿¾ 3g Aoc 80000nw3$/x-N 76 1:12¼» 4g l Stk - SensatStrB - 100k 87 Stk - BCTrfSptG1 - 1000k73 1:12½¹ 3g Stk - EddieDG3 - 100k 90 1:11¿º 3g 1:12^^ 4g l Stk - SensatStrB - 100k 89 a## + % -. 2 0) :58.3* 1"

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&'   ( )* + )  ,  - - ) ) 0 )+))) "/ -- 1 2 ) 0,3,+41) ,)- /

- , ) 05)+1 ) 6""  / - ) ) ) 0) ,)-3/ - ) 025*+2*)   / - ) - ) 02*+))) 7 "/ 5 1 , ) 0,2 +21) !/ ) ) ) ) 0) 8'/ 122 L 2.20 Ambitious Brew122¸¢Forest Chtter122¶¡Old Mn Lke120£ drifted out late,clear 5 113 3 2 1«¬ 1¶ 1º 1¸¢ Prat F 87 1 6 5¶¢ 5¹¡ 4» 6¶^ Stevens G L 124 L 1.70 Forst Chttr122«¬Somthngs Unsul114¶¡K Thrty Eght117º¡ 3wd str,bled,vanned 7 124 L *1.50 Ambitious Brew124¶£Soi Phet124¸¡Avanti Bello115¹£ dueled,led,drift in 8 111 4 2«¬ 2«¬ 1«¬ 1¶¡ 1¶£ Smith M E 119 L 7.80 Weewinnin116¨µRock Me Baby120¨©Poshsky116¡ pulled early,outkicked 10 105 2 2«¬ 3¸ 3¶ 3¶¡ 5¶ Gonzalez S 119 L 7.80 Magic Mark119¶¢Ambitious Brew119¸¢Old Man Lake119¡ stalked,bid,2nd best 9 104 5 3¶ 4¸¡ 4¶¡ 2«¬ 2¶¢ Smith M E 124 L 2.70 Kulik Lodge122¨©Twentytwentyvision122£Globl View122¨© pulled,inside,no bid 7 105 5 3¶ 4¶£ 5¸ 6¸£ 6¶£ Bejarano R 118 L *2.50 Bttys Bmbino123¶Ambitious Brw118¶¡nSpirit Rules123¡ 5wd into str,held 2nd 8 111 6 6 6¹¡ 6¸£ 2¶ 2¶ Blanc B 126 L 5.80 Bobby's Kitten124¡No Nay Never124¨©Undrafted126¨µ 3wd into str,no bid 14 111 5 10 12¶^ 10¾ 9º 7¹ Smith M E 118 L *2.30 Hom Run Kitten115¨©Ambitious Brew118¶¡Lil Bit O'Fun118£4wd into str,caught 11 105 8 9 6º¡ 6¸£ 1«¬ 2¨© Smith M E 120 L 3.00 Ambitious Brew120¶¡Lakerville123¡Summer Hit123º¡ bid 3wd,clear,held 6 108 6 3 3¸¡ 3¸ 1¡ 1¶¡ Blanc B % + % -. % 0) 1:15.1* 1  + % -. % 0) 1:10.3* 1# 3*3  )    *) 43  -- 5 ) + * 3 - ) , 0-,,+))) "/ 2 ) ) 04+4)) ,)- / -) , ) , 053+)*) 6""  / , - ) ) 025+2)) ,)-3/ ,) 1 ) 0,

+5))   / 1 , ) ) 0**+)*) 7 "/ -1 1 ) 3 0,2,+ 3) !/ 1 , ) ) 0**+)*) 8'/ 14.20 Wild Dude122¶Subtle Indian120¡Cautious Giant120¨µ 3wd into str,willingly 8 3.60 Subtle Indian120¹£Alsvid118¸¢Cinco Charlie118£ moved out,late intrest 9 10.30 Kobe's Back124¶¢Coastline119¡Calculator119¨µ 3wd into str,lost 3rd 8 6.00 Kobe's Back119¡Salutos Amigos119¶¡Cautious Giant119¹£ bid,led,outkicked 5 3.40 Cautious Giant121¨©Kafister119¶Pay the Fine123¡ rail bid,led late,game 12 5.10 Cautious Giant120¶¡Alex Rossi124¨©Kafister120¸¢ lacked room 1/4-3/16 7 9.20 Ground Rules119¡Got Even121¸¡Skip Tony121¹¢ off bit slow,4wd,wkend 9

 3 9 : !   ;  ( <        9$ $ &'( )*+ ,)--. 21May16 10Apr16 12Mar16 07Feb16 01Jan16 11Oct15 06Sep15 15Aug15 19Jul15 14Jun15 #  $%&!



Stk - KonaGoldG2 - 200k76 102 3 7 3» 2¶ 2¶ 3¶¡ Gonzalez S 120 bL ft 6K :21»¾ :44¹½ 1:15¶^ 4g Stk - CtFltSpHG3 - 400k 62 98 6 8 9½¡ 8º¡ 6»£ 4¼£ Court J K 116 bL ft 6f :21º¸ :44¹¾ 1:08¾^ 4g ft 7f :22½¿ :45¶¼ 1:22¸^ 4g Stk - SnCrlosG2 - 300k 86 112 5 5 4¸¡ 4¶£ 1«¬ 4¸ Gonzalez S 119 bL Stk - PlsVrdsG2 - 200k 94 111 5 1 2¶ 2«¬ 1¶ 3¸ Gonzalez S 119 bL ft 6f :21¾¾ :44º» 1:08½^ 4g Aoc 62500nw2$/x-N 89 110 5 4 5¸¢ 3¶¡ 4£ 1¨© Gonzalez S 121 bL ft 6f :21¼¶ :44^¼ 1:08¼¹ 4g Aoc 62500nw2$/x 83 101 2 4 4¶¢ 5¸ 2«¬ 1¶¡ Gonzalez S 120 bL ft 7f :22¿¿ :45»¼ 1:23¶¾ 3g Aoc 40000nw1$/x-c 51 86 7 8¸¡ 8¹ 7¹¡ 6» 6½£ Baze T 121 L ft 1B :48»¿ 1:12¾¹ 1:43º¾ 3g Claimed by Tachycardia Stables and Twilight Racing LLC from Irvin, Betty and Robert G. for $40,000, Gaines Carla - Trainer 6 Dmr fm p¶¸ 1m :47¶¾ 1:11¹½ 1:34»¾ 3g Aoc 62500nw2$/x-N 85 97 2 5¸¢ 5¸ 5¸¢ 7¹¢ 8¹¡ Baze T 120 L 25.90 Toowindytohaulrox121«¬Baccelo120¡Aotearoa120£ stalked btwn,no bid 10 3wd 1/4,angled in str 6 7 Dmr sys 6K :22¸¼ :45¶¶ 1:16»¿ 3g Aoc 62500nw2$/x-N 94 104 3 5 6¹£ 6¸£ 4¹ 4½¢ Baze T 121 L 5.00 Indexical121¼¢Cherubim121¨©Turnover121¶ Aoc 62500nw2$/x-N 79 102 4 2 5¹ 5¹¡ 4º¢ 3¹¡ Baze T 122 L 4.70 Head South124¹¢Toledo Eddie124¨µCautious Giant122¡ angled in,up 3rd 7 7 SA fm y¸º *6K :22¸¹ :44º^ 1:13¹^ 3g a ,  % . 2 0) :59* 1%" / ,  % . 2 0) 1:00* /1! # + % . % 0) 1:15.1* "1 2 + % . 2 0) 1:00.4* 12" 9 SA 9 OP 9 SA 6 SA 8 SA 7 SA 8 Dmr

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3*3  )    *) 43  -- 5 ) + *

3 , - ) 043+353 "/ -2 , , 053+3-3 ,)- / * - - 03 +,*) 6""  / 2 ) ) ) 0,+),1 ,)-3/ ,, 2 - 0-51+1*3   / ) ) ) ) 0) 7 "/ 5 2 , ) 0-,,+-,3 !/ ) ) ) ) 0) 8'/ 11Jun16 7 SA ft 6f :21º¸ :43¿¼ 1:08¹» 3g Aoc 62500nw2$/x-N 43 106 2 7 6¿¢ 4» 2¶¡ 1¶¢ Bejarano R 123 L *1.60 Clever Royal123¶¢Guy Code125£Story to Tell123¶¡ off slow,rail bid str 7 14May16 9 SA ft 6K :21»» :43¿¾ 1:14»½ 3g Aoc 62500nw2$/x 74 104 8 2 5» 6¹¢ 4¹¢ 2¸¢ Pedroza M A 123 L 3.70 Glacken Too123¸¢Clever Royal123«¬Rocko's Wheel125¶¢ 5wd into str,up 2nd 8 Wcl 50000 (50-40) 58 94 6 1 4» 4¶¡ 3¨µ 1¸¢ Pedroza M A 122 L 3.10 Clever Royal122¸¢City of Vengeance118¶¢Basmati115¹£ rail bid str,cleared 6 07Apr16 4 SA ft u 6K :22^½ :45¸¸ 1:16^¿ 4g Aoc 40000nw1$/x 95 103 4 6º¡ 7º¡ 7»£ 7»¡ 6º£ Desormeaux K J 120 L 12.00 Ohio120¸£Royal Albert Hall124¨µItsinthepost124«¬ 4wd into str,no rally 10 05Mar16 7 SA fm p¶^ 1m :47^¿ 1:11½¾ 1:35»¸ 4g Aoc 62500nw2$/x 75 103 7 4 6¼£ 6½¢ 6¼¡ 6¹£ Lopez D C 114» L 29.80 McHeat121¡Stormy Liberal121£Chips All In123¶£ came out str,outkicked 10 14Jan16 5 SA gd y¹^ *6K :21¾º :44^^ 1:13»¸ 4g Aoc 62500nw2$/x 66 89 3 8 8¾£ 9¶¶ 8¶¶ 8½ Gonzalez S 119 L 12.00 Rocket Heat117¶¢Serbian Syclone117«¬Chips All In121¹ came out str,no rally 9 21Nov15 4 Dmr fm p¶¾ 5f :21¿º :44»¶ :56º¿ 3g Clm 50000 (50-40)-c 95 104 1 6 5¸£ 5¸£ 3¶¡ 2«¬ Bejarano R 122 L 5.00 Fueled by Bourbon120«¬Clever Royal122£Zuri Chop122¶¢ came out 1/8,rallied 7 15Oct15 3 SA fm y¸º *6K :22¶¼ :44¹^ 1:13º½ 3g Claimed by Tachycardia Stables and Twilight Racing LLC from Featherston, Roger and Miller, Lynne and Tom for $50,000, Truman Eddie Trainer Aoc 62500nw2$/x-N 74 96 3 10¾¢10¶^ 10¾¢ 8¹£ 6»£ Nakatani C S 120 L 16.90 Texas Ryano119¹¢Atomic Rule119£Patentar119£ saved ground, no rally 10 05Sep1510 Dmr fm p¶¸ 1N :47»¾ 1:11¼» 1:47º» 3g 15Aug15 6 Dmr fm p¶¸ 1m :47¶¾ 1:11¹½ 1:34»¾ 3g Aoc 62500nw2$/x-N 74 99 9 8»£ 8»¢ 8¹£ 9º£ 6¸¡ Prat F 120 L 26.50 Toowindytohaulrox121«¬Baccelo120¡Aotearoa120£ off bit slow,outkicked 10 29Jul15 3 Dmr fm p¹^ 5f :22¶º :44½½ :56¹º 3g Aoc 62500nw2$/x-N 46 99 4 6 7¶^ 7¶^ 7¼£ 3¹ Desormeaux K J 122 L 8.50 Jimmy Bouncer120£Tizcano115¸¢Clever Royal122¨© came out 1/8,late 3rd 7 #  $%&! a ,  % . 2 0) :58.2* 1#% a#2 + % . / 0) :46.3* 1/" 2 + % . 2 0) 1:00.2* !12" a# .6 % . 2 0) :58* 1/%  3 7   #  9     $$         =$ > ? ; =$ &= ,4+ ,)--.

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.  43 )  ,' 43  73 &* 6 89.') 2 - - ) 0--*+*)) "/ 4 - - 0*-+*)2 ,)- / 5 , , - 0--)+* ) 6""  / 1 , ) ) 05)+5)) ,)-3/ ,- 3 1 2 01)*+*)   / 1 , - ) 0-,1+)34 7 "/ 1 - , ) 0-2*+*)) !/ - ) - ) 0 )+))) 8'/ 4.50 Wild Dude122¶Subtle Indian120¡Cautious Giant120¨µ 4wd into str,outkicked 8 bid rail,led,caught 8 13.60 Kobe's Back124¶¢Coastline119¡Calculator119¨µ 5.10 Coastline119¶¢Rocket Heat119¡Cape Wolfe119¶¢ rail rally lane,gamely 10 52.20 Toowindytohulrox119¨µCostline119¨µRocket Heat119«¬6wd into str,btwn wire 12 4.90 Flling Sky120¡Doubledown Agin120¡Ntes Mineshft120£ bumped around stretch 6 *2.10 Costline122¶¢W. B. Smudge120¶¢Totally Drenched118¨µ wheeled out, surging 8

93 8( !   @ '$      ' $+ 77! & --+ ,)--. 21May16 12Mar16 24Jan16 26Dec15 29Oct15 03Oct15 28Aug15 08Aug15 02May15 15Apr15 #  $%&!

Stk - KonaGoldG2 - 200k77 102 4 4 2» 3¸ 4¶¡ 4¶£ Baze T 120 L 9 SA ft 6K :21»¾ :44¹½ 1:15¶^ 4g Stk - SnCrlosG2 - 300k 70 113 2 4 5» 5¹¢ 2«¬ 2¶¢ Baze T 119 L 9 SA ft 7f :22½¿ :45¶¼ 1:22¸^ 4g 119 L 7 SA gd y¹^ *6K :20¿¾ :42¾¸ 1:12¼¾ 4g j Stk - ClockrCnrB - 75k 106 110 7 5 3»¡ 3¼¡ 3¹ 1¶¢ Baze T 4 SA fm y *6K :21¿¿ :44¶¾ 1:14¸¼ 3g Stk - DaytonaG3 - 100k 94 112 12 10 8¼£ 8½¡ 7»£ 2¨µ Baze T 119 L Stk - LafayetteB - 100k 74 88 3 2 3¨µ 2¸ 4¸¡ 6»¢ Bridgmohan S 120 L 8 Kee ft 7f :23¹» :45»º 1:22»¹ 3g 3 Kee mys 6f :22¶¹ :45¹¶ 1:09¿¾ 3g Aoc 62500nw2/x-c 79 101 8 6 6º¡ 4¹ 2¡ 1¶¢ Lezcano J 122 L Claimed by Agave Racing Stable from Oxley John C. for $62,500, Casse Mark E. - Trainer Boulanger G Aoc 80000 (80-75)cnd-N64 86 6 4¸ 4¸¡ 5¹ 7¾ 7¶^¡ 121 L 10.40 Money Talker121¡Za Approval121¡Excaper121¶£ 3w,fltnd out deep str 8 WO fm p¼^ 1B :47¾¼ 1:10¿¿ 1:39¿^ 3g bid upper str,drv clr 9 WO ft o 7f :23½¿ :46¼¾ 1:22¾º 3g Aoc 62500 (62.5-60)nw2/x-N 52 94 3 6 4¸¡ 4¶¢ 1¶ 1£ Husbands P 121 L *1.50 Coastline121£Constantino121¸£Sniper121¸¢ tipped out, willingly Aoc 62500nw2/x-N 111 100 4 4º¡ 4» 3º¡ 2¼ 2º£ Leparoux J R 122 L 4.70 Paganol122º£Coastline122¨µIndycott122¡ 1 CD ft 1B :46¸^ 1:10¼¹ 1:42º¶ 3g bid 5w, flattened 3 Kee sf p¶» 1B :49¸¿ 1:14½¸ 1:43º¿ 4g Alw 62000nw2/x 74 96 9 2¶ 3¶ 3¡ 3¸¡ 4º¡ Bridgmohan S 118 L 4.60 Sycamore Lane118¡Ironicus118¸Highball118¸  ,  % . % 0) 1:13.4* #1! / ,  % . tr / 0) :48.2* /1 2 + % . 2 0) :59.4* %1%#  + % . % 0) 1:13.4* #1

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    2    !    8    8 (      A $ &'( ) + ,)-2. 07May1612 CD ft 1L :45½¸ 1:35¼¶ 09Apr16 8 SA sys 1N :45¸º 1:10¶¸ 12Mar16 7 SA ft 1B :46¶¶ 1:11^º 04Feb16 7 SA ft 1m :46¼^ 1:11¶^ 26Dec15 5 SA ft 7f :22½½ :45¼^ 29Nov15 9 Dmr ft 6K :22^¸ :45^¾ #  $%&! a! ,  % . / 0) :46.2* 1/"

Stk - KyDerbyG1 - 2000k128 2:01¹¶ 3 1:49¼¼ 3 Stk - SADerbyG1 - 1000k147 1:43^º 3 Stk - SnFelipeG2 - 400k126 Aoc 80000nw1$/x-N 101 1:36½¹ 3 Msw 56000 97 1:22¾º 2 1:16¸¾ 2 Msw 52000 75 #! + % . / 0) :47.3* /1

7 6 10 9

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;  ;00 ) 1 , ) ) 02,1+*)) "/ ) ) ) ) 0) ,)- / , - ) ) 022+*3) 6""  / - ) ) ) 03)+))) ,)-3/

2 ) ) 023*+ 3)   / - - ) ) 022+ )) 7 "/ 1 2 ) ) 023*+1)) !/ - - ) ) 022+ )) 8'/ 126 L 25.70 Nyquist126¶¢Exaggerator126¹¢Gun Runner126«¬ wide-clear, rail,tired 20 81 20 1º 1¶ 3» 6¶¸ 15¸^ Smith M E 124 L 1.70 Exaggerator124¼¢Mor Spirit124¸¢Uncle Lino124º£ dueled 2nd turn,wkened 8 83 3 1¸¡ 1¹ 1¶¡ 3¼ 4¶¹¢ Smith M E 120 L 5.50 Danzing Candy120¸Mor Spirit124£Exaggerator122½¢ speed,inside,gmely 6 110 2 1¶¡ 1¸ 1¶¡ 1¶¡ 1¸ Smith M E 120 L *1.10 Dnzing Cndy120»£Frnch Getwy120«¬Semper Fortis122¹¢ riddn out,in hand late 9 106 6 1¡ 1¶ 1¸¡ 1» 1»£ Smith M E 122 L *1.40 Dnzing Cndy122¹¢Mr. Coker122¶^£Prince of Arbia122¶¡ inside,steady handling 12 102 3 10 1¡ 1¸ 1º 1¹¢ Smith M E 83 1 12 7º¢ 5¸¡ 5»¡ 8¼£ Maldonado E A 122 L 15.90 Uncle Lino122¸£Wild About Deb122¡Miner's Light122¡ broke in,slow,pulled 12 " .6 %  2 0) :59.4 #1! a# .6 %  % 0) 1:12* 1#

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4' 43  -- 8  8  C$ &