29 Apr 2013 ... 29. 'CNC Machining Handbook' by J. Madison, 'CNC Programming. Handbook'
by Peter Smid, 'Electrical. Discharge Machining' by Elman.
AMENDMENT IN TENDER NOTICE In continuation to our Tender Notice publicized in the Daily National Newspapers on 05-04-2013 the dates of receiving and opening of the tenders has been changed from 22-04-2013 to 29-04-2013 due to some un-avoidable reasons, as given in the table below. Other terms and conditions will remain unchanged. Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority (TEVTA) is a special institution under the Govt. of the Punjab. The Light Engineering Service Centre, Gujranwala is supporting the industry through its services in the fields of Metal & Light Engineering Component development and manufacturing. To address the needs of the Industry for the provision of skilled manpower having modern and hi-tech skills, the LESC is going to launch state of the art CNC and product modeling & designing courses. To start these courses LESC-Gujranwala needs the following items/stores/equipment. Sealed offers are required from Sales Tax and Income Tax Registered firms/suppliers for the supply of following equipment & machinery in accordance with Govt. of the Punjab PPRA Rules 2009, Single Stage Two Envelop procedure with Technical Bid and Financial Bid to be submitted in separate sealed envelopes and both sealed in another envelop: Previous Amended Previous Amended Tender Submission Submission Tender Opening Opening Name of Item Qty # Fee Date & Date & Date & Date & Time Time Time Time
TENDER # 27 (Computers & Ancillaries) 27
Entry Level Server, Work Station /Desktop Computers, Network Equipment (wireless), Light Duty Color LASERJET Printer, UPS 15 KVA, UPS 10 KVA.
As per Tender Document
Rs. 500/-
22-04-2013 At 12:30 PM
29-04-2013 At 01:00 PM
22-04-2013 At 01:00 PM
29-04-2013 At 01:00 PM
TENDER # 28 (Machinery, Equipment & Stores)
Pedestal Drilling Machine Ø1-13mm, Portable Electric Drilling machine Ø 1-13mm, Power Machine Vise 8”, Universal Clamping Vise 6”, Turning & Milling Holder for CNC Lathe for CNC Milling Machines for use with Indexable Inserts, Tungsten Carbide Indexable Inserts, Different Models of items for modeling exercises.
‘CNC Machining Handbook’ by James Madison, ‘CNC Programming Handbook’ by Peter Smid, ‘Electrical Discharge Machining’ by Elman Jamsen,
As per Tender Document
Rs. 500/-
22-04-2013 At 12:30 PM
29-04-2013 At 01:00 PM
22-04-2013 At 01:00 PM
29-04-2013 At 01:00 PM
Rs. 500/-
22-04-2013 At 12:30 PM
29-04-2013 At 01:00 PM
22-04-2013 At 01:00 PM
29-04-2013 At 01:00 PM
TENDER # 29 (Books) As per Tender Document
Note: Detailed Specifications and quantities of above items and Terms & Conditions are given in the respective Tender Documents, which can be obtained from the office of Project Director, TEVTA-LESC-Gujranwala by submitting a written request on firm/supplier’s letterhead and payment of non-refundable Tender Fee as mentioned against each Tender, on any working day/ hours upto 12:30 PM 29-04-2013. TERMS & CONDITIONS 12345-
Copies of GST and NTN must be attached with the Tender. Affidavit regarding no black listing must be provided with the Tender on Rs. 100/- Government Stamp Paper. Tenders will be received in TEVTA-LESC-Gujranwala on or before the dates mentioned against each tender and will be opened on the date and time mentioned against each in the presence of the participants/representatives. The conditional, incomplete or without 02% earnest money in the name of “Project Director, TEVTA-LESC-Gujranwala” from a scheduled bank and tenders not complying with the PPRA Rules 2009 will not be entertained. The Technical Bid will be opened first and evaluated for specifications. Financial bids will be opened only for the offers complying with the specifications tendered. Other financial bids not complying with the tendered specifications will be returned un-opened to the tenderers. Purchase Committee has the right to accept or reject one or all tenders or part of any tender without assigning any reason thereof. The decision of the Purchase Committee will be final and cannot be challenged in any court of law. Further information may e obtained from the undersigned office during working hours.
TEVTA-Light Engineering Service Centre Small Industries Estate # 1, G. T. Road, Gujranwala, ℡055-9200661, 9200793, 9200800, FAX: 055-9200818
[email protected] /
[email protected] Web: www.tevta.gop.pk