American Society for Nutrition

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The American Society for Nutrition (ASN) Advisory Committee was created to ensure the public trust in academic and profe
ASN BLUE RIBBON ADVISORY COMMITTEE ENSURING TRUST IN NUTRITION SCIENCE The American Society for Nutrition (ASN) Advisory Committee was created to ensure the public trust in academic and professional scientific societies through best practices in scientific rigor and transparency. The Advisory Committee is charged with identifying best practices to allow effective collaborations while ensuring that ASN’s activities are transparent, advance research, and maintain scientific rigor; engendering trust among all nutrition science stakeholders. The Advisory Committee will meet over the next year to develop the best practices. The Committee will be chaired by Dr. Cutberto Garza of Boston College. A complete listing of Advisory Committee members is below.  Cutberto Garza, MD, PhD, University Professor, Boston College, (Chair)  Vinita Bali, Chair, Board of Directors, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition  Catherine Bertini, Professor of Public Administration and International Affairs, Syracuse University  Eric Campbell, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School  Edward Cooney, JD, Former Executive Director, Congressional Hunger Center  Michael McGinnis, MD, Executive Officer, National Academy of Medicine  Sylvia Rowe, President, SR Strategy, LLC  Robert Steinbrook, MD, Professor Adjunct, Internal Medicine, Yale School of Medicine  Carol Tucker-Foreman, Distinguished Fellow, Consumer Federation of America Food Policy Institute  Catherine Woteki, PhD, Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics, US Department of Agriculture  Patrick Stover, PhD, President, American Society for Nutrition (ex-officio member)  John Courtney, PhD, Executive Officer, American Society for Nutrition (ex-officio member)

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