Mar 1, 2011 ... Judiciary Committee, March 15, 2011);introductory speaker, Third Annual Capitol
City .... Speaker, Impact of BIT Arbitration on Latin American Commercial
Arbitration: Good or Bad News? ... Resistance (University Washington, Seattle,
WA, Feb. ... 26, 2011); Ad Hoc Judge, Salvador Chiriboga v. Ecuador,.
March 2011
American University Washington College of Law Faculty Scholarship, Presentations, Appointments/Awards, and Media Appearances
Faculty Activities & Media Report
March 2011
Faculty Activities & Media Report Publications, Presentations, Appointments and Awards, Media Appearances David Aaronson Publications rd 2010 Supplement to Maryland Criminal Jury Instructions and Commentary (LexisNexis, 3 ed.). Presentations Testimony in support of HB 1075 to Repeal the Maryland Death Penalty (Maryland House of Delegates, Judiciary Committee, March 15, 2011);introductory speaker, Third Annual Capitol City Challenge (AUWCL, Washington, DC, March 18, 2011). Media Appearances Radio interview with P. Kenneth Burns on the repeal of the Maryland Death Penalty (WNAV, Baltimore, MD, March 15, 2011). Daniel Bradlow Appointments and Awards Appointed Member, Executive Council of the American Society of International Law (March 2011); Appointed Member, Board of Directors of the New Rules for Global Finance (March 2011). Susan Carle Publications A New Look at the History of Title VII Disparate Impact Doctrine, 63 Florida L. Rev. 251 (2011); How Myth-Busting about the Historical Goals of Civil Rights Activism Can Illuminate Paths for the Future, Stanford J. Civil Rights & Civil Liberties (2011). Presentations Plenary speaker, How Myth-Busting about the Historical Goals of Civil Rights Activism Can Illuminate Paths for the Future (Beyond Bias, Beyond Courts: New Strategies for Racial Justice, Stanford Law School, Palo Alto, VA, Feb. 2011); presenter, Forerunners of the NAACP: The Story of the Civil Rights Activists Who Pioneered the American Movement for Racial Justice, 1880-1910 (Faculty Workshop, AUWCL, Washington, DC, March 2011); moderator, Structural Racism (The New Racism, AUWCL, Washington, DC, March 2011). Appointments and Awards Chair, Planning Committee for the 2011 Association of American Law Schools‟ Annual Meeting Workshop (2011). Robert Dinerstein Presentations Moderator, Moving Forward: The Goals of Personalized Medicine and Consumer Participation (Drugs, st DNA and You: Personalized Medicine and Genomics in the 21 Century, AUWCL, Washington, DC Feb. 15, 2011); presenter, Rights of persons with intellectual disabilities in the criminal justice system (The Legal Rights of Persons with Mental Illness, AUWCL, Washington, DC, Feb. 17, 2011); panelist, Identifying & Empowering Clients: Models of Representation, Interdisciplinary Collaboration & ClientCentered Lawyering in Special Education Cases (Keeping the Needs of Students with Disabilities on the Agenda: Current Issues in Special Education Advocacy, AUWCL, Washington, DC, Feb. 25, 2011); presenter, Sexual Expression for Adults with Disabilities: The Role of Guardianship (Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities DD Brown Bag Lunch Series,Panel on The Intersection of Sexuality and Intellectual Disability, DC Superior Court, Washington, DC, March 9, 2011); Lia Epperson Presentations Moderator and panelist, Race and Higher Education Policy (National People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference, Seton Hall School of Law, Newark, NJ, Sept. 2010); panelist, Educational Advancement and Fair Opportunities in Higher Education (The Unfinished Work: Advancing New Strategies for Civil Rights, University of North Carolina School of Law, Chapel Hill, NC, Nov. 2010); keynote speaker, Defining st th Patriotism in the 21 Century: Lessons From Our Leaders (12 Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday
Faculty Activities & Media Report
March 2011
Celebration, AUWCL, Washington, DC, Jan. 2011); presenter, Legislating Inclusion (Beyond Bias, Beyond Courts: New Strategies for Racial Justice, Stanford Law School, Palo Alto, CA, Feb. 2011); keynote speaker, Challenges and Choices: Advocating for Equal Education in Our 21st Century Democracy (Beyond Bias, Beyond Courts: New Strategies for Racial Justice, Stanford Law School, Palo Alto, CA, Feb. 2011); panelist, Minority Majority: The Social and Legal Implications of a Post-White America (The Modern American Symposium, AUWCL, Washington, DC, March 2011); discussant, Urban Policy and the New Civil Rights Agenda (Wake Forest University School of Law Roundtable, WinstonSalem, NC, March 2011); presenter, Legislating Inclusion (Wake Forest University School of Law Faculty Workshop, Winston-Salem, NC, March 2011); presenter, The American Constitutional Landscape and Avenues for Diversity in Higher Education (Monash University School of Law Faculty Workshop, Melbourne, Australia, March 2011); panelist, New Legal Perspectives: Implications for Diversity in the Post-Grutter Era (Inciting the Social Imagination: Education Research for the Public Good, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 201!). Christine Farley Presentations Presenter, Trademark Bullying (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, March 10, 2011). Paul Figley Presentations Presenter, Ethical Issues under the Federal Tort Claims Act (University of St. Thomas Law Journal Symposium on Official Wrongdoing and the Civil Liability of the Federal Government and Officers, Minneapolis, MN, March 18, 2011). Sean Flynn Presentations Presenter, New Directions in Public Interest Intellectual Property (International Intellectual Property Forum, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, March 25, 2011). Horacio Grigera Naón Presentations Speaker, Impact of BIT Arbitration on Latin American Commercial Arbitration: Good or Bad News? (conference co-organized with the Inter-American Bar Association, AUWCL, Washington, DC, March 22, 2011); speaker, Questioning of Fact Witnesses in International Arbitration (Foundation for International Arbitration Advocacy Workshop, Sao Paulo Brazil, March 23-25, 2011). Claudio Grossman Presentations Introductory speaker, The Role of the Legal Community in Addressing Latino Issues (14th Annual Hispanic Law Conference, AUWCL, Washington, DC, March 1, 2011); introductory speaker, Judiciary Day: The Road to the Bench (AUWCL, Washington, DC, March 17, 2011); moderator, Promoting Safeguards through Detention Visits (Enhancing Visits to Places of Detention: Promoting Collaboration, cosponsored by the Association for the Prevention of Torture, AUWCL, Washington, DC, March 18, 2011); moderator, Harmony & Dissonance in International Law (13th Annual Grotius Lecture, cosponsored by the American Society of International Law, Washington, DC, March 23, 2011); introductory speaker, 19th Annual Equal Justice Foundation Public Interest Auction (AUWCL, Washington, DC, March 24, 2011). Appointments and Awards Selected to receive the decoration of Orden de la Justicia from the government of Colombia in recognition of his career (March 2011); elected as a new member to the American Law Institute (March 21, 2011); served as judge for the White & Case International Championship Round of the 52nd Annual Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition (March 26, 2011); editorial advisor, Derecho y Humanidades: Revista de los Estudiantes de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Chile (2011).
Faculty Activities & Media Report
March 2011
Cynthia Jones Presentations Presenter, Federal Rules of Evidence (Workshop for Judges of the Fourth Circuit, Charleston, SC, March 2011). Appointments and Awards Awarded the 2011 University Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching by American University (March 2011); recognized by LexisNexis as one of the 2011 “Technology Leaders in the Classroom” for her creative use of film and other media to teach the law (March 2011). Jeff Lubbers Publications The Merits of ‘Merits’ Review: A Comparative Look at the Australian Administrative Appeals Tribunal, SSRN (with Michael Asimow, March 19, 2011). Presentations Panel presenter, Agency ‘Good Guidance’ Practices (ABA Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, Washington, DC, March 18, 2011); panel presenter, President Obama’s Op-Ed and Executive Order on Regulatory Review (The Federalist Society, National Press Club, Washington, DC, March 21, 2011). Fernanda Nicola Publications Book chapter, ‘Creatures of the State’: Regulatory Federalism, Local Immuniities, and EU Waste Regulation in Comparative Perspective, in Comparative Administrative Law (Susan Rose-Ackerman and Peter Lindseth eds., 2011). Presentations Commentator, Global Law and its Exceptions: Globalization, Legal Transplants, Local Reception and Resistance (University Washington, Seattle, WA, Feb. 25, 2011); paper presenter, What’s the Matter with the EU going Local? Contextualizing Third Level Europe (The European Union 20 Years After Maastricht – Transatlantic Perspectives, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, March 25, 2011). Teresa Phelps Presentations Paper presenter, Prophetic Litigation: The Symbolic and Communicative Function of International Criminal Tribunals (Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Law, Culture & the Humanities, March 12, 2011); keynote speaker, The Ethics of Narrative (Rocky Mountain Legal Writing Conference, March 26, 2011). Nancy Polikoff Presentations Speaker, What hath the North Carolina Supreme Court wrought? (audio conference sponsored by National LGBT Bar Association, Feb. 3, 2011); speaker, Debating the Future of Marriage („Ideas Matter‟ program series, Boston Review and MIT Political Science Department, Cambridge, MA, March 30, 2011). Jenny Roberts Presentations Presenter, Why Misdemeanors Matter (Faculty Colloquium, William & Mary School of Law, Williamsburg, VA, Feb. 17, 2011); commentator on Professor Fuchino paper presentation, The Japanese Pretrial Conference: Does it Infringe on the Presumption of Innocence? (Faculty Colloquium Exchange, University of Ritsumeikan School of Law, AUWCL, Washington, DC, Feb. 24, 2011); invited participant, Promoting Rule of Law and Judicial Reform, A Regional Project for the Near East (roundtable with judges, lawyers, and public officials from Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other middle-eastern countries, Washington, DC, March 15, 2011).
Faculty Activities & Media Report
March 2011
Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón Presentations Lecturer, Characteristics and Scope of the Supervisory Role of the Commission and the Court (Specialized Course for Public Officials of the Inter-American Institute on Human Rights (IIHR), San José, Costa Rica, March 4, 2011); presenter, The Supervisory Work of the Inter-American Human Rights System (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, March 7, 2011). Appointments and Awards Invited judge, Final Panel of the Colombian national round of the Phillip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition in Bogota, Colombia (Feb. 26, 2011); Ad Hoc Judge, Salvador Chiriboga v. Ecuador, Inter-American Court on Human Rights in San Jose, Costa Rica (March 3, 2011). Ezra Rosser Publications Displacing the Judiciary: Customary Law and the Threat of a Defensive Tribal Council, 34 Am. Indian L. Rev. 379 (2011). Presentations Presenter, Worker Exploitation and the Possibility of Poverty Offsetting (Theology of Work and the Dignity of Workers, St. John‟s University School of Law, March 2011); presenter, The Limits of (Progressive) Property (Association for Law, Property and Society Annual Meeting, Georgetown Law Center, Washington, DC, March 2011). Susana SaCouto Publications Victim Participation at the International Criminal Court and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia: A Feminist Project?, 18 Mich. J. Gender & L. (2011). Presentations Speaker, The International Criminal Court and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (International Law & Organizations Program of the American University Washington Semester Program, Washington, DC, Feb. 2011); moderator, From Investigations to Sentencing: State Cooperation with the ICC in Enforcing International Criminal Law (International Law Bares Its Teeth: How States and International Organizations Enforce Customary Norms and Treaty Obligations, AUWCL, Washington, DC, Feb. 2011); invited presenter, Justice? – Whose Justice? Punishment, Mediation or Reconciliation? (Second Biennial War Crimes Conference, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies London, University of London, London, England, March 2011); invited panelist, The International Criminal Tribunal in Rwanda, (Peace & Conflict Resolution Program, American University Washington Semester Program, Washington, DC, March 2011); invited panelist, International Humanitarian Law: Emerging Issues in the Law of Armed Conflict (Experts Roundtable, Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, AUWCL, Washington, DC, March 2011). Macarena Saez Publications Karen Atala v. Chile in the inter-American human rights system, FOCALPoint (March 2011). Presentations Panel participant, LGBT and Human Rights Overarching State of Affairs in the Region (LGBT Rights in the Western Hemisphere: Challenges and Opportunities for U.S. Policy, organized by the U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC, March 2, 2011); lecturer, International Law from a Gender Perspective (training for law professors, UNAM University, Mexico, March 8-9, 2011); lecturer, Reconceptualization of Family Law and the Regulation of Same Sex Couples (CIDE Law School, Mexico st City, Mexico, March 9, 2011); lecturer, Regulation of Same Sex Couples in the 21 Century: Comparative Perspectives (University of Virginia Law School, Charlottesville, VA, March 21, 2011); lecturer, Women’s Rights and Experiences in Latin America: Legal insight into the Region’s Regulations and Practices of Gender Discrimination (University of Virginia Women‟s Center, Charlottesville, VA, March 21, 2011). Ann Shalleck Appointments and Awards Elected as a new member to the American Law Institute (March 21, 2011).
Faculty Activities & Media Report
March 2011
William Snape Presentations Speaker, Climate Change Litigation and Strategies (Yale Law School, New Haven, CT, March 23, 2011). Media Appearances Featured in several articles about the settlement between conservation groups and the Department of the Interior regarding grey wolf protection (including Reuters, New West, OBP News, Westlaw, E and E, Wyoming Public Radio, Idaho Public Radio, March 2011); quoted in an article on deepwater drilling permits being granted by the Department of the Interior in the Gulf of Mexico (Houston Chronicle, March 21, 2011). Steve Wermiel Presentations Guest lecturer, Justice Brennan (constitutional law class, Widener Law School, Wilmington, DE, March 3, 2011); lecturer, Justice Brennan (University of Missouri Law School, Columbia, MO, March 21, 2011); lecturer, Justice Brennan (Town-Gown Lunch Series, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA, March 24, 2011); speaker, Justice Brennan (AUWCL Moot Court Board National High School Moot Court Banquet, Washington, DC, March 26, 2011); lecturer, Justice Brennan (St. Louis University Law School, St. Louis, MO, March 29, 2011). Media Appearances Interviewed by Adam Liptak for an article about Supreme Court oral arguments (New York Times, March 28, 2011).
Faculty Activities & Media Report
March 2011