Americans’ Actions to Conserve Energy, Reduce Waste, and Limit Global Warming June 2010 Interview dates: May 14, 2010 – June 1, 2010 Interviews: 1,024 Adults (18+) Margin of error: +/- 3 percentage points at the 95% confidence level. NOTE: All results show percentages among all respondents, unless otherwise labeled. Totals may occasionally sum to more than 100 percent due to rounding. This study was conducted by the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication, and was funded by the Surdna Foundation, the Eleventh Hour Project, the Pacific Foundation, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Principal Investigators: Anthony Leiserowitz, PhD Yale Project on Climate Change Communication School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University (203) 432-4865
[email protected] Edward Maibach, MPH, PhD Center for Climate Change Communication Department of Communication, George Mason University (703) 993-1587
[email protected] Connie Roser-Renouf, PhD Center for Climate Change Communication Department of Communication, George Mason University (707) 825-0601
[email protected] Nicholas Smith, PhD Yale Project on Climate Change Communication School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University (203) 432-1208
[email protected] Cite as: Leiserowitz, A., Maibach, E., Roser-Renouf, C. & Smith, N. (2010) Americans’ Actions to Conserve Energy, Reduce Waste, and Limit Global Warming: June 2010. Yale University and George Mason University. New Haven, CT: Yale Project on Climate Change Communication.
The Conservation Attitude – Behavior Gap Behaviors ranked from the largest to smallest gap For specific questions and responses, see the tables below this chart. Believe the action is important1 & currently engage in it2. Believe the action is important, but do not currently engage in it. Believe the action is unimportant, but currently engage in it. Believe the action is unimportant & do not currently engage in it.
Percentage of Respondents
1 2
“somewhat” or “very important” “often” or “always”
Yale / George Mason University
Americans’ Conservation Actions: June 2010
Household Behaviors Q1.3 To start, we’d like to ask you some questions about some things you may be doing. How often do you do this now?4 Turn off the lights when they are not needed. Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Not Applicable
June 2010 57 33 8 1 2 1
Jan 2010 51 38 8 1 2 1
Nov 2008 63 31 4 1 1 1
Turn off electronics, like TVs and computers, when they’re not being used. Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Not Applicable
June 2010 44 34 16 4 2 0
Jan 2010 42 34 17 5 2 1
Nov 2008 -------
Unplug electronics or turn off their power strips and surge protectors when they’re not being used. Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Not Applicable
June 2010 12 12 18 26 32 1
Jan 2010 12 10 22 28 26 1
Nov 2008 -------
Items are listed in the order they were asked despite occasional non-sequential item numbers. Items not shown in this report are being released separately. 4 2008 wording: How often do you do the following things? 3
Yale / George Mason University
Americans’ Conservation Actions: June 2010
In the winter, set the thermostat to 68 degrees or cooler. Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Not Applicable
June 2010 34 22 16 10 10 7
Jan 2010 33 19 20 10 11 8
Nov 2008 38 24 16 8 5 9
In the summer, set the thermostat to 76 degrees or warmer, or use less air conditioning. Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Not Applicable
June 2010 29 23 18 11 9 11
Jan 2010 31 22 19 9 8 11
Nov 2008 35 22 13 8 7 16
Jan 2010 5 11 24 25 27 9
Nov 2008 8 11 20 20 31 9
Jan 2010 4 8 14 18 41 16
Nov 2008 9 9 15 19 35 13
Walk or bike, instead of driving. Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Not Applicable
June 2010 7 14 20 30 24 6
Take public transportation or carpool. Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Not Applicable
Yale / George Mason University
June 2010 6 7 14 19 40 14
Americans’ Conservation Actions: June 2010
Recycle everything possible at home. Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Not Applicable
June 2010 34 22 20 12 10 2
Jan 2010 29 24 18 14 14 2
Nov 2008 -------
Carry your own re-usable beverage container. Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Not Applicable
June 2010 20 25 25 12 15 3
Jan 2010 13 22 25 13 24 5
Nov 2008 -------
Use as little water as possible, for example, when you shower, brush your teeth, and wash dishes. Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Not Applicable
June 2010 18 34 32 10 6 0
Jan 2010 18 33 35 11 3 1
Nov 2008 -------
Reduce the amount of trash and garbage you create. Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Not Applicable
Yale / George Mason University
June 2010 19 28 30 14 8 1
Jan 2010 13 30 36 15 5 1
Nov 2008 -------
Americans’ Conservation Actions: June 2010
In the coming year do you intend to do this less often, the same, or more often?5
Turn off the lights when they are not needed. More often The same Less often
June 2010 45 54 1
Jan 2010 42 57 1
Nov 2008 38 61 1
Turn off electronics, like TVs and computers, when they’re not being used. More often The same Less often
June 2010 43 56 1
Jan 2010 42 57 1
Nov 2008 ----
Unplug electronics or turn off their power strips and surge protectors when they’re not being used. More often The same Less often
June 2010 32 66 2
Jan 2010 35 62 3
Nov 2008 ----
In the winter, set the thermostat to 68 degrees or cooler. More often The same Less often
June 2010 24 73 3
Jan 2010 20 76 3
Nov 2008 26 70 4
In the summer, set the thermostat to 76 degrees or warmer, or use less air conditioning. More often The same Less often
June 2010 23 73 4
Jan 2010 24 74 3
Nov 2008 23 72 5
2008 wording: For each of the actions below, over the next 12 months, would you like to do this more frequently than you are now, less frequently than you are now, or about the same as you are now?
Yale / George Mason University
Americans’ Conservation Actions: June 2010
Walk or bike, instead of driving. More often The same Less often
June 2010 26 70 4
Jan 2010 20 73 7
Nov 2008 24 63 13
Jan 2010 9 81 11
Nov 2008 17 68 15
Jan 2010 28 69 4
Nov 2008 ----
Take public transportation or carpool. More often The same Less often
June 2010 14 76 10
Recycle everything possible at home. More often The same Less often
June 2010 33 65 2
Carry your own re-usable beverage container. More often The same Less often
June 2010 33 64 3
Jan 2010 26 69 5
Nov 2008 ----
Use as little water as possible, for example, when you shower, brush your teeth, and wash dishes. More often The same Less often
June 2010 35 63 1
Jan 2010 30 68 3
Nov 2008 ----
Reduce the amount of trash and garbage you create. More often The same Less often
Yale / George Mason University
June 2010 36 63 2
Jan 2010 32 66 2
Nov 2008 ----
Americans’ Conservation Actions: June 2010
How many of the light bulbs in your home are energy-efficiency compact fluorescent lights (CFLs)?6 All Most Some A few None Don’t know
June 2010 14 38 19 16 10 4
Jan 2010 14 33 19 16 15 4
Nov 2008 12 28 22 16 18 5
People who said “some,” “a few,” or “none” on Q39 were asked the following question. Q40A.
Over the next 12 months, how likely are you to change most of the light bulbs in your house to energy-efficiency compact fluorescent lights (CFLs)? 7 June 2010 36 26 17 21 489
Yes, I’d like to and probably will Yes, I’d like to but probably won’t No, I don’t want to I don’t know Number of respondents
Jan 2010 40 26 22 12 527
Nov 2008 44 26 17 13 1,190
Q137 – 153A. How important do you feel it is to take the following actions?8 Turn off the lights when they are not needed. Very important Somewhat important Somewhat unimportant Not at all important
June 2010 67 28 3 2
Jan 2010 62 30 5 3
Nov 2008 -----
Turn off electronics, like TVs and computers, when they’re not being used. Very important Somewhat important Somewhat unimportant Not at all important
June 2010 55 35 7 4
Jan 2010 50 37 10 4
Nov 2008 -----
2008 wording: How many of the light bulbs in your home are high energy-efficiency compact fluorescents (CFLs)? 2008 wording: Which of the following best describes what you are likely to do over the next 12 months? Change most of the light bulbs in your home to high energy-efficiency compact fluorescents (CFLs) 8 The slight differences between data shown in these tables and in the figure on page 2 derive from missing data. Respondents who did not respond to both the behavior and importance questions were excluded from the figure. 7
Yale / George Mason University
Americans’ Conservation Actions: June 2010
Unplug electronics or turn off their power strips and surge protectors when they’re not being used. June 2010 32 43 17 8
Very important Somewhat important Somewhat unimportant Not at all important
Jan 2010 31 43 16 10
Nov 2008 -----
In the winter, set the thermostat to 68 degrees or cooler. June 2010 39 46 10 5
Very important Somewhat important Somewhat unimportant Not at all important
Jan 2010 40 43 13 5
Nov 2008 -----
In the summer, set the thermostat to 76 degrees or warmer, or use less air conditioning. Very important Somewhat important Somewhat unimportant Not at all important
June 2010 39 44 11 5
Jan 2010 41 43 11 5
Nov 2008 -----
June 2010 29 48 14 9
Jan 2010 26 49 17 8
Nov 2008 -----
June 2010 28 44 17 11
Jan 2010 26 47 18 9
Nov 2008 -----
Walk or bike, instead of driving. Very important Somewhat important Somewhat unimportant Not at all important Take public transportation or carpool. Very important Somewhat important Somewhat unimportant Not at all important
Yale / George Mason University
Americans’ Conservation Actions: June 2010
Recycle everything possible at home. Very important Somewhat important Somewhat unimportant Not at all important
June 2010 53 36 7 4
Jan 2010 44 44 8 4
Nov 2008 -----
Jan 2010 31 44 16 9
Nov 2008 -----
Carry your own re-usable beverage container. Very important Somewhat important Somewhat unimportant Not at all important
June 2010 34 42 16 8
Use as little water as possible, for example, when you shower, brush your teeth, and wash dishes. Very important Somewhat important Somewhat unimportant Not at all important
June 2010 46 41 8 4
Jan 2010 42 41 12 5
Nov 2008 -----
Jan 2010 43 45 8 4
Nov 2008 -----
Reduce the amount of trash and garbage you create. Very important Somewhat important Somewhat unimportant Not at all important
June 2010 52 40 6 3
Change most of the light bulbs in your home to energy-efficient compact fluorescent lights (CFLs). Very important Somewhat important Somewhat unimportant Not at all important
Yale / George Mason University
June 2010 46 36 12 7
Jan 2010 -----
Nov 2008 -----
Americans’ Conservation Actions: June 2010
Consumer Behavior Q201. Over the past 12 months, how many times have you rewarded companies that are taking steps to reduce global warming by buying their products? June 2010 5 8 15 5 67
Many times (6+) Several times (4-5) A few times (2-3) Once Never Q202.
June 2010 9 6 11 4 71
Jan 2010 5 7 13 3 72
Nov 2008 7 8 14 3 69
Over the next 12 months, would you like to punish companies that are opposing steps to reduce global warming by NOT buying their products… More frequently than you are now? About the same as you are now? Less frequently than you are now?
Nov 2008 5 11 22 4 58
Over the past 12 months, how many times have you punished companies that are opposing steps to reduce global warming by NOT buying their products? Many times (6+) Several times (4-5) A few times (2-3) Once Never
Jan 2010 4 7 17 5 68
June 2010 35 55 10
Jan 2010 32 58 10
Nov 2008 40 53 7
Over the next 12 months do you intend to buy the products of companies that are taking steps to reduce global warming… More frequently than you are now? About the same as you are now? Less frequently than you are now?
June 2010 36 55 10
Jan 2010 34 58 8
Nov 2008 40 56 4
Proportion who intend to engage in consumer activism over the coming year.9 June 2010 51
Jan 2010 51
Nov 2008 58
Includes all those who have rewarded and/or punished companies in the past year and plan to continue to do so about the same or more frequently, and all those who have never engaged in these actions, but intend to do so more frequently in the coming year.
Yale / George Mason University
Americans’ Conservation Actions: June 2010
Citizen Behavior Q206.
Over the past 12 months, how many times have you volunteered with or donated money to an organization working to reduce global warming? Many times (6+) Several times (4-5) A few times (2-3) Once Never
June 2010 1 3 5 8 84
Jan 2010 1 1 5 7 87
Nov 2008 1 1 4 7 87
Q207. Over the past 12 months, how many times have you posted a comment online in response to a news stories or blog about global warming? Many times (6+) Several times (4-5) A few times (2-3) Once Never
June 2010 1 2 5 4 89
Jan 2010 1 1 4 5 89
Nov 2008 ------
Q208. Over the past 12 months, how many times have you written letters, emailed, or phoned government officials about global warming?10 Many times (6+) Several times (4-5) A few times (2-3) Once Never
June 2010 1 2 4 4 89
Jan 2010 1 1 5 4 88
Nov 2008 1 1 3 4 92
Respondents in 2010 who had contacted government officials were asked the following question. Q209.
When you contacted a government official did you…
Urge them to take action to reduce global warming? Urge them to not take action to reduce global warming? Other Number of respondents
June 2010 71 18 11 107
Jan 2010 72 22 7 104
Nov 2008 -----
2008 wording: Over the past 12 months, how many times have you written letters, emailed, or phoned government officials to urge them to take action to reduce global warming?
Yale / George Mason University
Americans’ Conservation Actions: June 2010
Over the next 12 months, would you like to volunteer with or donate money to an organization working to reduce global warming …? More often About the same Less often
Jan 2010 12 64 24
Nov 2008 16 68 16
Over the next 12 months, would you like to post a comment online in response to a news stories or blog about global warming…? More often About the same Less often
June 2010 13 69 18
June 2010 8 72 19
Jan 2010 10 67 24
Nov 2008 ----
Over the next 12 months, would you like to write letters, email, or phone government officials about global warming …?11 More often About the same Less often
June 2010 11 71 19
Jan 2010 13 64 23
Nov 2008 13 71 17
Respondents who said they would like to contact their government officials the same or more often were asked the following question. If you were to contact government officials about global warming, would you: Urge them to take action to reduce global warming? Urge them to not take action to reduce global warming? Other Number of respondents
June 2010 71 14 15 783
Jan 2010 69 19 12 711
Nov 2008 -----
2008 wording: Over the next 12 months, would you like to write letters, email, or phone government officials to urge them to take action to reduce global warming…?
Yale / George Mason University
Americans’ Conservation Actions: June 2010
Methodology These results come from nationally representative surveys of American adults, aged 18 and older. The samples were weighted to correspond with US Census Bureau parameters for the United States. The surveys were designed by Anthony Leiserowitz and Nicholas Smith of Yale University and Edward Maibach and Connie Roser-Renouf of George Mason University and conducted by Knowledge Networks, using an online research panel of American adults. • • •
June 2010: Fielded May 14 through June 1 with 1,024 American adults. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 3 percent, with 95 percent confidence. January 2010: Fielded December 24, 2009 through January 3, 2010 with 1,001 American adults. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 3 percent, with 95 percent confidence. November 2008: Fielded October 7 through November 12 with 2,164 American adults. Data was collected in two waves: wave 1 from October 7 through October 20 and wave 2 from October 24 through November 12. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 2 percent, with 95 percent confidence.
Yale / George Mason University
Americans’ Conservation Actions: June 2010